After Long Silence


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Book Details

Book Quality:
Book Size:
346 Pages
Bantam Books
Date of Addition:
Copyrighted By:
Sheri S. Tepper
Adult content:
Has Image Descriptions:
Literature and Fiction, Science Fiction and Fantasy
Submitted By:
Liz Halperin
Proofread By:
Liz Halperin
Usage Restrictions:
This is a copyrighted book.


5 out of 5

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I wrote the summaries for "After Long Silence," so I'm not going to recap the plot here, but tell you that reading this book (I've read it maybe 10 times) always satisfies my need for science fiction/fantasy: human foibles and honors, plots within plots, alien beings which might or might not be sentient, speculative concepts, a wee bit of romance thrown in for good measure, violence and war, and so on. "After Long Silence" is early Sheri S. Tepper in her more traditional sci fi/fantasy mode. I submitted this book on volunteer basis as it's in my top 3 favorites of hers. (The other two are "Grass"--which is in my Top Ten Books, period--and "The Gate to Women's Country.") Tepper started writing after she retired from a full career with Planned Parenthood in Denver. She also produced two completely separate mystery series under two pseudonyms: P. J. Oliphant and A. J. Orde (most of which I scanned early in Bookshare's history). If you like traditional science fiction, "After Long Silence" is a must-read.