A Signal Theoretic Introduction to Random Processes
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- Synopsis
- A fresh introduction to random processes utilizing signal theory By incorporating a signal theory basis, A Signal Theoretic Introduction to Random Processes presents a unique introduction to random processes with an emphasis on the important random phenomena encountered in the electronic and communications engineering field. The strong mathematical and signal theory basis provides clarity and precision in the statement of results. The book also features: A coherent account of the mathematical fundamentals and signal theory that underpin the presented material Unique, in-depth coverage of material not typically found in introductory books Emphasis on modeling and notation that facilitates development of random process theory Coverage of the prototypical random phenomena encountered in electrical engineering Detailed proofs of results A related website with solutions to the problems found at the end of each chapter A Signal Theoretic Introduction to Random Processes is a useful textbook for upper-undergraduate and graduate-level courses in applied mathematics as well as electrical and communications engineering departments. The book is also an excellent reference for research engineers and scientists who need to characterize random phenomena in their research. provides details the prototypical random processes that are fundamental to electrical, electronic, and communication engineering. Consequently, chapter 7-10 coverage includes details of the characterization of random phenomena from an engineering perspective: probability mass function/probability density function evolution, autocorrelation function, and power spectral density. Chapter 11 features an introduction to order statistics, which provides the background for a discussion of the Poisson point random process in Chapter 12. Chapter 13 introduces birth-death random processes and then Chapter 14 provides an introduction to first passage time theory.
- Copyright:
- 2016
Book Details
- Book Quality:
- Publisher Quality
- ISBN-13:
- 9781119046790
- Related ISBNs:
- 9781119046776
- Publisher:
- Wiley
- Date of Addition:
- 08/19/15
- Copyrighted By:
- Wiley
- Adult content:
- No
- Language:
- English
- Has Image Descriptions:
- No
- Categories:
- Nonfiction, Mathematics and Statistics
- Submitted By:
- N/A
- Usage Restrictions:
- This is a copyrighted book.