Exploring the Security Landscape: Non-Traditional Security Challenges
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- Synopsis
- This bookprovides international perspective for those studying or working in thesecurity domain, from enforcement to policy. It focuses on non-traditionalthreats in a landscape that has been described as transnational in nature andincorporates natural disasters, gang violence, extremism and terrorism, amongstother issues. Chapters provide innovative thinking on themes includingcyber security, maritime security, transnational crime, human security,globalization and economic security. Relevanttheoretical frameworks are presented and readers are expertly guided throughcomplex threats, from matters pertaining to health security which pose threats notonly to humans but also have significant national security implications, toissues regarding critical infrastructure vulnerability and the complexity ofunderstanding terrorist operations. Authors reveal how emerging uncertaintiesregarding global critical infrastructure and supply chain security, foodsecurity, and health security are linked to the notion of human security. Securityprofessionals, policy makers and academics will all gain from the insights,strategies and perspectives in this book. It builds understanding of thedeepening and broadening domain of security studies and provides a valuablereference text for courses on security studies and international relations.
- Copyright:
- 2016
Book Details
- Book Quality:
- Publisher Quality
- ISBN-13:
- 9783319279145
- Publisher:
- Springer International Publishing, Cham
- Date of Addition:
- 09/30/16
- Copyrighted By:
- Springer
- Adult content:
- No
- Language:
- English
- Has Image Descriptions:
- No
- Categories:
- Nonfiction, Computers and Internet, Technology, Politics and Government
- Submitted By:
- Bookshare Staff
- Usage Restrictions:
- This is a copyrighted book.
Other Books
- by Anthony J. Masys
- in Nonfiction
- in Computers and Internet
- in Technology
- in Politics and Government