Music and Its Secret Influence: Throughout the Ages
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- Synopsis
- The role of music in the evolution of humanity • Reveals how a hierarchy of initiates, evolved spiritual intelligences, and devas actively influenced the musical compositions of geniuses to transmit great truths through music • Explores the influence of the classical composers Bach, Handel, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Chopin, Schumann, Wagner, and Strauss--from Beethoven’s influence on the creation of psychoanalysis to Chopin’s musical influence on the emancipation of women Composer and author Cyril Scott explores the role of music in the evolution of humanity and shows how it has pushed human evolution forward. He explains that music has a profound effect on history, morals, and culture and is a more potent force in the molding of character than religious creeds or moral philosophies. Whereas mediocre musicians reflect only their own times, inspired ones help determine the character of the future. Exploring the works of classical composers such as Bach, Handel, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Schumann, Chopin, Wagner, and Strauss, Scott reveals how their compositions were actively influenced by a hierarchy of initiates, evolved spiritual intelligences, and devas to make the way fertile for human spiritual evolution. Scott explains how humans are composed not only of a physical body, emotional body, and a mental body but also a sensation body that acts as the bridge between the physical realm and the hierarchy of initiates. Scott shows how the music of great composers affects not only those listening but also society as a whole--from Beethoven’s influence on the creation of psychoanalysis to Chopin’s musical influence on the emancipation of women.
- Copyright:
- 2013
Book Details
- Book Quality:
- Publisher Quality
- ISBN-13:
- 9781594774980
- Publisher:
- Inner Traditions/Bear & Company
- Date of Addition:
- 06/16/17
- Copyrighted By:
- Cyril Scott, Desmond Scott
- Adult content:
- No
- Language:
- English
- Has Image Descriptions:
- No
- Categories:
- Nonfiction, Health, Mind and Body, Music
- Submitted By:
- Bookshare Staff
- Usage Restrictions:
- This is a copyrighted book.
Other Books
- by Cyril Scott
- by Desmond Scott
- in Nonfiction
- in Health, Mind and Body
- in Music