Erich von Manstein: Leadership, Strategy, Conflict
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- Synopsis
- Erich von Manstein was one of the most successful German commanders of World War II. An apostle of the German concept of Bewegungskrieg -- manoeuvre warfare -- he was responsible for the operational plan for the German breakthrough in the Ardennes Forest that led to the rapid defeat of France in 1940. He led a panzer corps in the drive to Leningrad in 1941 and an army in the Crimea, culminating in the capture of Sevastopol in 1942. As commander of Heeresgruppe Don, he oversaw the doomed attempt to rescue the German position at Stalingrad, before inflicting a major reverse on Soviet forces in the third battle of Kharkov in March 1943, probably his finest victory. This is a military account of von Manstein's greatest battles, providing an analytical account of his tactics, decisions and character traits that helped him succeed in battle and made him one of the most respected German commanders.
- Copyright:
- 2010
Book Details
- Book Quality:
- Excellent
- Book Size:
- 64 Pages
- ISBN-13:
- 9781846034657
- Publisher:
- Osprey Publishing, Limited
- Date of Addition:
- 12/15/10
- Copyrighted By:
- Osprey Publishing Ltd
- Adult content:
- No
- Language:
- English
- Has Image Descriptions:
- No
- Categories:
- History, Military, Nonfiction, Biographies and Memoirs
- Submitted By:
- Daproim Africa
- Proofread By:
- Daproim Africa
- Usage Restrictions:
- This is a copyrighted book.
Other Books
- by Robert Forczyk
- in History
- in Military
- in Nonfiction
- in Biographies and Memoirs