By Slanderous Tongues (Doubled Edge #3)

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Book Details

Book Quality:
Book Size:
533 Pages
Baen Publishing Enterprises
Date of Addition:
Copyrighted By:
Mercedes Lackey & Roberta Gellis
Adult content:
Has Image Descriptions:
History, Biographies and Memoirs, Literature and Fiction, Science Fiction and Fantasy
Submitted By:
Carrie Karnos
Proofread By:
Shanna Stichler
Usage Restrictions:
This is a copyrighted book.


5 out of 5

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By Slanderous Tongues by Mercedes Lackey: Another thrilling adventure involving young Elizabeth, Lord Denno and all the other characters in this wonderful series written masterfully by Lackey. I think this book has been my favorite in the series yet. The intriguing predicaments that everyone has to go through make this book very intense reading. Personally I think Lackey got a little carried away. She leaves a very good opening for another book in this series. I was captivated with Rhoslyn's and Pasgen's predicament. I am wondering what will happen next in their allegiance questions of whether they will serve the light or the dark. We also learn more of the histories of the twins and their mother. Now I can't wait for the Underhill problems to resolve themselves. I know if one has been reading the series, they must read this book. I don't usually like reading books out of sequence, but I'm sure that if you start with this book you won't get lost. I can't wait until the next book!