Hounding the Moon (Tess Noncoire Adventures #1)


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Book Details

Book Quality:
Book Size:
370 Pages
Date of Addition:
Copyrighted By:
Phyllis Irene Radford
Adult content:
Has Image Descriptions:
Literature and Fiction, Mystery and Thrillers, Science Fiction and Fantasy
Submitted By:
Roger Drewicke
Proofread By:
Tracy Carcione
Usage Restrictions:
This is a copyrighted book.


2 out of 5

By on

I was very intrigued when I read summary for this book. The ideas are fresh and new, but I felt this book wasn't written well at all. First off, Frost uses two points of view: Tess, and then her Imp, Scrap. Instead of making it a more exciting read and giving incite to the Tess Noncoire world, it jumbles and slows down the story. Second, I didn't feel any connection with either Tess or Scrap; they read flat and boring. Third, the book left so many questions at the beginning and then didn't answer them fast enough to keep the reader's interest; it just left me confused. I'm thinking maybe the author should have done a couple of more revisions to get the story line in order. On a good note, the world she built was unique and the author does show promise. I loved the idea that the heroine was a fantasy fiction writer.

2 out of 5

By on

I was very intrigued when I read summary for this book. The ideas are fresh and new, but I felt this book wasn't written well at all. First off, Frost uses two points of view: Tess, and then her Imp, Scrap. Instead of making it a more exciting read and giving incite to the Tess Noncoire world, it jumbles and slows down the story. Second, I didn't feel any connection with either Tess or Scrap; they read flat and boring. Third, the book left so many questions at the beginning and then didn't answer them fast enough to keep the reader's interest; it just left me confused. I'm thinking maybe the author should have done a couple of more revisions to get the story line in order. On a good note, the world she built was unique and the author does show promise. I loved the idea that the heroine was a fantasy fiction writer.