Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries
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- Synopsis
- Written for entry-level survey courses in queer or LGBTQ+ Studies for students from all majors, this engaging text covers a wide range of topics. Early chapters consider the meaning of “queer” and examine identities such as trans, bi, and intersex. Intersections between sexuality/gender expression and other identities such as race, ethnicity, and class are also examined. The book then reviews life experiences such as families, friendship, religion and spirituality, health, and politics through the lens of queerness.Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries:-Engages undergraduates with a narrative that applies key ideas to their own lives and experiences-Questions various binaries (“either/or” pairings) to help students examine their own sexual identity and gender expression-Reviews foundational concepts from queer theory and queer history to create a deeper understanding of the concepts-Emphasizes an intersectionality approach that demonstrates how one’s identity is the product of multiple characteristics such as sexuality, gender, race, class, and dis/ability-Uses a multidisciplinary approach drawing from the social and natural sciences, humanities, and arts to provide a broad overview of perspectives-Details an individual or an event in Spotlight on sections to highlight the experiences of queer people. -Provides questions for class discussion or field activities in Issues for Investigation sections that apply the ideas covered in the chapter-Allows instructors to shape the class with different foci using the stand-alone chapters in Part III-Features an Instructor’s resource manual available to adopters with 20+ PowerPoint slides for each chapter, sample syllabi for a variety of courses, teaching tips for using the Spotlight On and Issues for Investigation sections and the suggested readings, a test bank with objective and essay questions, and student aids such as keywords, chapter outlines and summaries, and learning objectivesDesigned for undergraduate courses in queer or LGBT+ Studies requiring no prerequisites, Queer Studies: Beyond Binaries also serves as an excellent supplement in courses on queer theory or history, or on sexuality, gender, and women’s studies.
- Copyright:
- 2019
Book Details
- Book Quality:
- Publisher Quality
- Book Size:
- 544 Pages
- ISBN-13:
- 9781939594341
- Publisher:
- Harrington Park Press, LLC
- Date of Addition:
- 12/03/20
- Copyrighted By:
- Harrington Park Press, LLC
- Adult content:
- No
- Language:
- English
- Has Image Descriptions:
- No
- Categories:
- Nonfiction, Social Studies
- Grade Levels:
- College Junior, College Senior
- Submitted By:
- Bookshare Staff
- Usage Restrictions:
- This is a copyrighted book.