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Book Details

Book Quality:
Book Size:
153 Pages
Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group
Date of Addition:
Copyrighted By:
John Hersey
Adult content:
Has Image Descriptions:
History, Military, Nonfiction
Submitted By:
Carrie Karnos
Proofread By:
Claire O'Brien
Usage Restrictions:
This is a copyrighted book.


4 out of 5

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This book is one of the best books I've ever read. I haven't read that many but when I was told I had to read a book for a report and my topics were only two books, Hiroshima of course being one of them, I knew I had to have that book. At first I only wanted that book because it was the shortest one, but after I started reading it, I got even more interested in not only the book, but the war as well. After I got reading this book, I realized how a bomb could impact other peoples lives. The one doctor that was in the book, and was carrying a container with blood in it at a hospital, got thrown acrross the room but instead of going "OW!", he got up and started helping people. This book tells us alot about what went on in the lives of the people America hit in Hiroshima with that atomic bomb. After reading this book, you should be able to see how lives can be ruined in a split second for one thing. I learned alot from this. I hope others will too.