An Advertising Classic from One of Advertising's Greats. On the way to his ranch in New Mexico in the spring of 1942, James Webb Young (1886-1973) stopped in Chicago and over Lunch told George Crain about a book he wanted to write--a history of American business from an advertising man's point of view. Mr. Crain was encouraging and urged Young to begin writing as soon as possible. Advertising Age would publish his account in weekly installments. Beginning the routine of daily notes for such a book, Young found himself handicapped by the lack of historical reference material. As a result, the daily notes began to take on a current flavor; and this led eventually to the Diary as a way to appease Crain's importunities for the promised material. The Diary ran in Advertising Age anonymously because Young felt that would give him more freedom of expression, and involve him in less labor over controversial subjects. It was first printed in book form in 1944. During his lifetime, James Webb Young, senior consultant and a director of the J. Walter Thompson Company, was universally recognized as the dean of American advertising. His concepts, ideas, and experiences continue to shape the profession. Two of his works, How to Become an Advertising Man and A Technique for Producing Ideas, have been especially influential. Mr. Young has an incisive view of human nature, is especially observant and open-minded. Witty, like Mark Twain. Each day in the diary is just one paragrphy of pithy observations.