Pattern Recognition and Data Analysis with Applications (1st ed. 2022) (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #888)
By: and and and and
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- Synopsis
- This book covers latest advancements in the areas of machine learning, computer vision, pattern recognition, computational learning theory, big data analytics, network intelligence, signal processing and their applications in real world. The topics covered in machine learning involves feature extraction, variants of support vector machine (SVM), extreme learning machine (ELM), artificial neural network (ANN) and other areas in machine learning. The mathematical analysis of computer vision and pattern recognition involves the use of geometric techniques, scene understanding and modelling from video, 3D object recognition, localization and tracking, medical image analysis and so on. Computational learning theory involves different kinds of learning like incremental, online, reinforcement, manifold, multi-task, semi-supervised, etc. Further, it covers the real-time challenges involved while processing big data analytics and stream processing with the integration of smart data computing services and interconnectivity. Additionally, it covers the recent developments to network intelligence for analyzing the network information and thereby adapting the algorithms dynamically to improve the efficiency. In the last, it includes the progress in signal processing to process the normal and abnormal categories of real-world signals, for instance signals generated from IoT devices, smart systems, speech, videos, etc., and involves biomedical signal processing: electrocardiogram (ECG), electroencephalogram (EEG), magnetoencephalography (MEG) and electromyogram (EMG).
- Copyright:
- 2022
Book Details
- Book Quality:
- Publisher Quality
- ISBN-13:
- 9789811915208
- Related ISBNs:
- 9789811915192
- Publisher:
- Springer Nature Singapore
- Date of Addition:
- 10/28/22
- Copyrighted By:
- The Editor
- Adult content:
- No
- Language:
- English
- Has Image Descriptions:
- No
- Categories:
- Nonfiction, Computers and Internet, Technology, Mathematics and Statistics
- Submitted By:
- Bookshare Staff
- Usage Restrictions:
- This is a copyrighted book.
- Edited by:
- Deepak Gupta
- Edited by:
- Rajat Subhra Goswami
- Edited by:
- Subhasish Banerjee
- Edited by:
- M. Tanveer
- Edited by:
- Ram Bilas Pachori
Other Books
- by Deepak Gupta
- by Rajat Subhra Goswami
- by Subhasish Banerjee
- by M. Tanveer
- by Ram Bilas Pachori
- in Nonfiction
- in Computers and Internet
- in Technology
- in Mathematics and Statistics