You could be claiming the life of your dreams and having the fulfilling relationships you desire while others are worrying. Unlocking success, prosperity and freedom is vastly different now than it ever has been before and that is why we wrote this book. We all sense it. Something big is happening. Things are changing faster than we can keep up with it. Every day it seems as if we are bombarded with more technological disruption. Most people aren't sure what to do, how to grow that small business, or plan and protect their future. This is the reason this book is so important, because instead of trying to show you how to do only one thing, this book will give you all the tools you will require to build the life of your dreams, which is a much better solution. In this groundbreaking work, Vickie Helm and Mia Bolte mine their more than 30 years of consulting experience to share with you the tools and secrets to unlocking a life of passion, purpose and prosperity. You will discover the tools you need now, to move you through your future with more certainty and personal ability. The authors show you how to protect yourself and thrive during these uncertain times. Within its pages are, the six most important freedoms you must protect or they will be seized out from under you without your knowing it, but with your permission. Vickie and Mia also share the potency of knowing when and how to slow down, reflect, and evaluate in order to discern and grow the life of your dreams. Unlock your inner genius and discover how to rethink, reimagine, and rediscover a life of passion, purpose, and prosperity.