Before Huxley. Before Orwell. There was Zamyatin. When society has programmed you to sleep . . . How do you wake yourself up? The One State is a world where people are merely numbers, and free will itself is a disease. Most are happy in their role as cogs in a huge machine, controlled by the ever-watchful Benefactor. However, on the eve of the launch of the Integral—the spacecraft that will impose the One State&’s way of life everywhere—starship architect D-503 meets I-330, a female number as irreverent as she is beautiful. The Benefactor has quantified human experience, circumscribed edit, reduced it to nothing but a series of mathematical equations—that is, until one man tries to factor in the ultimate unknown: love. We is the groundbreaking novel that inspired 1984 and Brave New World, the two towering dystopian works of the twentieth century. Discover it for yourself today. Bonus: includes Zamyatin&’s famous &“Death Sentence Appeal&” letter to Stalin, and &“Love Is the Function of Death&” a bold new essay by noted science fiction author, reviewer, and scholar Paul Di Filippo.