This module, meticulously crafted by Benetech Bookshare, delves into the intricacies of creating digitally accessible documents, emphasizing inclusivity for readers with print disabilities. In today's digital age, where documents span a myriad of formats - from Word to PDF to images - the need for universally readable content is paramount. This guide demystifies the art of making documents compatible with screen readers and magnifiers, elucidating the pivotal role of elements like headings, tables, and image descriptions. Readers are introduced to tools like MS Word's Accessibility Checker, ensuring their creations align with global accessibility standards. The guide also touches upon the importance of avoiding clutter, the right way to incorporate images, and the nuances of using tables effectively. Moreover, the module highlights the indispensable nature of screen readers and magnifiers in this journey towards digital inclusion. With a robust blend of theory, practical examples, and insights, this guide is a beacon for anyone aiming to make their digital content universally accessible.
This book is freely available to all subject to the Creative Commons license listed inside the book.
Special Notes:
This document is accompanied by video tutorials that provide visual demonstrations of the sessions detailed in the module. These tutorials are designed to enhance understanding and offer a practical perspective on the topics covered. We encourage readers to watch these videos for a comprehensive learning experience.