Gane su guerra / Win Your War: Luche en el reino invisible para alcanzar la libertad en el que sí puede ver
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- Synopsis
- USTED YA ESTA ENFRASCADO EN UNA GUERRA. ES HORA DE LUCHAR. Dios tiene un reino donde su pueblo es gobernado por el Espíritu. Satanás tiene un mundo donde su gente es gobernada por la carne. ¿Por cuál está luchando? Mark y Grace Driscoll se remontan a la historia de Adán y Eva para redefinir la naturaleza de la guerra espiritual.Gane su guerra es un libro práctico que abarca el matrimonio, la paternidad, las relaciones y la vida cristiana fundamentándose en la Palabra de Dios con más de setecientas referencias a las Escrituras. Sin embargo, no se equivoque, aunque haya dos reinos, solo existe una realidad. Dios está en el trono. Mark y Grace Driscoll lo ayudan a reconocer el poder que Jesús le ofrece para vencer las tácticas del enemigo. Aprenda cómo proteger los cuantro frentes de batalla espiritual enla vida de cada cristiano. Su relación con DIOS. Su relación consigo MISMO. Sus relaciones con los DEMÁS. Su relación con la IGLESIA. You&’re already in a war. It&’s time to fight. This book will equip you with tools to protect the five fronts of spiritual battle: your relationship with God, your identity, your family and friends, your church, and the world.Win Your War is a practical marriage, parenting, and relationship book that is grounded in the Word of God and focused on recognizing Satan&’s role in your life. Mark and Grace Driscoll help you understand the power Jesus gives you to overcome the enemy&’s attacks. Mark and Grace Driscoll look at the nature of spiritual warfare in response to Adam and Eve. God has a kingdom where His people are governed by the Spirit. Satan has the world, where his people are governed by the flesh. Spiritual warfare is the battle between these two realities in everything, including our identity, temptation, gender, marriage, and emotional well-being. Some years ago Mark Driscoll preached on the Book of Genesis and discovered an unexpected theme about spiritual warfare that works itself out in all of human history: the storyline of the Bible is that there is first a wedding and then a war. Satan did not show up until a man and woman were married and had a ministry call on their lives. The first thing he did was attack marriage and separate men and women. After reading this book, you will uncover the five fronts of spiritual battle: your relationship with God, your identity, your family and friends, your church, and the world.
- Copyright:
- 2019
Book Details
- Book Quality:
- Publisher Quality
- ISBN-13:
- 9781629992600
- Related ISBNs:
- 9781629992594
- Publisher:
- Casa Creación
- Date of Addition:
- 11/11/24
- Copyrighted By:
- Mark Driscoll, Grace Driscoll
- Adult content:
- No
- Language:
- Spanish
- Has Image Descriptions:
- No
- Categories:
- Nonfiction, Self-Help, Religion and Spirituality
- Submitted By:
- Bookshare Staff
- Usage Restrictions:
- This is a copyrighted book.
Other Books
- by Mark Driscoll
- by Grace Driscoll
- in Nonfiction
- in Self-Help
- in Religion and Spirituality