A rollicking ride through the true crime history of the American Southwest from the USA Today–bestselling author of The Darkest Night. The line between history and mythology is razor thin—and the American Southwest often erases the line altogether. We might never disentangle crime-fact from fiction, but this book will transport you to Billy the Kid&’s real-life stomping grounds, legendary Tombstone, the childhood home of one of the worst al Qaeda terrorists, and the scenes of dozens of crimes throughout Arizona and New Mexico&’s history. Dozens of fascinating stories in Outlaw Southwest are told in the same fast-paced, enthralling voice that&’s made Ron Franscell one of America&’s most beloved crime writers…and the Crime Buff&’s Guides a three-time winner of the TrueCrimeZine.com Book of the Year! Includes GPS COORDINATES, PHOTOS AND MORE!&“Well researched … Armchair detectives will enjoy the tales, but the book&’s purpose is to take the reader to the scene of the crime.&”—Albuquerque Journal &“The ultimate guilty pleasure book.&”—San Antonio (TX)Express-News &“Perfect for summer vacations because you can put it down and pick it up without losing your place (but you won&’t want to put it down). For those of who week true-crime stories, it&’s a fascinating look at the dark side.&”—Tucson (AZ) Sentinel