Michelle Remembers

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Book Details

Book Quality:
Book Size:
329 Pages
Date of Addition:
Copyrighted By:
Michelle Smith, Lawrence Pazder
Adult content:
Has Image Descriptions:
Nonfiction, Biographies and Memoirs, Religion and Spirituality
Submitted By:
Bookshare.org Volunteer
Proofread By:
Jesse Fahnestock
Usage Restrictions:
This is a copyrighted book.


5 out of 5

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I first read this eye-opening book in 1982, and again several times over the past 22 years. The story is riveting and ranks up there with Schindler's List for bringing out emotion and tears to the eyes. Nowadays the WWW is filled with detractors, accusing Dr. Pazder and (especially) Michelle of everything from outright fabrication to scandalous behavior; which, even if true has nothing to do with the credibility of the book. The fact is, this book speaks more to the compassion of the soul than the wisdom of the mind. While the mind may doubt, the soul does not. In 1986 while listening to a 19 yr old woman who had "escaped" from a Satanic coven, which her mother had joined and enrolled her in 7 years before when she was 11 -- she told this reviewer that "Michelle Remembers" was banned reading to every Satanist, and she herself had not read it. Yet, her priest had disappeared for an extended period a few years before (supposedly to Phoenix, AZ) and when he returned he told his coven (grotto)that he had met Satan. He also returned missing part of a finger. As for the detractors on the WWW: If your main gripe is the lack of evidence, Satan is very good at obscuring his back trail, always has been, always will. Case In Point: Where is the hard evidence for UFOs and Abductee Cases after more than a half century of investigation? The very lack of evidence in occultic matters is evidence in itself of Satan's involvement. Read the book -- and have a good cry. God save the innocence of our children, Amen.