The Girl Who Cried Monster (Goosebumps #8)


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Book Details

Book Quality:
Book Size:
138 Pages
Date of Addition:
Copyrighted By:
Scholastic Inc.
Adult content:
Has Image Descriptions:
Children's Books, Horror, Literature and Fiction, Science Fiction and Fantasy
Submitted By:
Worth Trust
Proofread By:
Worth Trust
Usage Restrictions:
This is a copyrighted book.


5 out of 5

By on

When I began to read this book, I thought that this would be the usual story of somebody crying wolf too frequently. And, when the actual wolf would come, no one would pay attention. This is indeed how things seem to develop in the story. The story starts with the heroine Lucy trying to scare her brother by telling him monster stories. She seems to be very good at this. Naturally, the parents aren't pleased. Lucy is enrolled for a reading program in the local library. While at the library, she discovers that the librarian is a real monster. Things speed up from that point. Her parents don't believe her and then she tries to persuade her friend Aaron to come and see for himself. After a number of false starts, Eryn sees the monster. The conclusion is truly unexpected and begins very strangely from Lucy's prospective where the monster librarian is called for dinner. This is indeed another twist on the cry Wolf story. The author has been able to build an atmosphere of suspense with the level of detail he has given. I will certainly look out for more books by this author. Written by Pranav Lal

1 out of 5

By on

This book is terrible. The writing is weak. The plot is very lame. I definitely wouldn't recommend this book to any of my friends.