Information Security Breaches: Avoidance and Treatment Based on ISO27001
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- Synopsis
- Widen the horizon of your Information Security Knowledge!Although breaches of information security are not a new phenomenon, the methods used to perpetrate such breaches have changed considerably over the years. Leaking information to non-authorised people has always been an issue but, in the computer age, the speed and effectiveness with which breaches of information security can occur, and the amount of harm potentially caused are disturbing. Typically, also, they favour the perpetrator, not the victim. The process outlinedThis pocket guide outlines a process and its elements for the treatment of severe breaches, and places them in the context of the associated ISO27001 controls. It provides input for decision making and breach classification, and case studies where the reader can check out how other companies were affected and what they did, or did not do, upon becoming the victim of a breach. Intended to serve two purposes. . . Firstly, this title provides a general discussion of what information security breaches are, how they can be treated, and what ISO27001 offers in that respect, illustrated with details of real-life information security incidents. It aims to serve as a facilitator to widen the horizon of the reader seeking knowledge, or as an introduction for those who arejust starting to think about information security. Secondly, it will form a first line of defence for the reader who is the victim of an incident and is looking for guidance and direction. Here, it will help the reader by identifying, discussing and evaluating treatment options and, through the case studies, it will reduce the tension of the situation readers may find themselves in once abreach occurs. The audienceThis guide is aimed at CSOs, CISOs, IT Security Managers, CIOs and, last but not least, CEOs. It particularly addresses personnel in non-IT roles, in an effort to make this unwieldy subject more comprehensible to those who, in a worst-case scenario, will be on the receiving end of requests for six- or seven-figure excess budgets to copewith severe incidents.
- Copyright:
- 2009
Book Details
- Book Quality:
- Publisher Quality
- ISBN-13:
- 9781849281157
- Publisher:
- IT Governance Publishing
- Date of Addition:
- 08/05/13
- Copyrighted By:
- Michael Krausz
- Adult content:
- No
- Language:
- English
- Has Image Descriptions:
- No
- Categories:
- Nonfiction, Computers and Internet
- Submitted By:
- Bookshare Staff
- Usage Restrictions:
- This is a copyrighted book.