Little House in the Big Woods (Little House #1)


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Book Details

Book Quality:
Book Size:
12 Pages
Harper and Row
Date of Addition:
Copyrighted By:
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Adult content:
Has Image Descriptions:
History, Children's Books, Literature and Fiction
Grade Levels:
Kindergarten, First grade, Second grade
Submitted By:
Linnie Calland
Proofread By:
book lover
Usage Restrictions:
This is a copyrighted book.


5 out of 5

By on

This book was required reading in fourth grade, and I loved it even then. So when I was browsing bookshare recently and saw that this book was available, I wanted to read it again just for fun, and I am so glad I did. In the midst of all the stress that comes with life as a college student, this book is a wonderful reminder that my stress is nothing compared to the hard work and uncertainty pioneer families endured. Yet despite this hardship and uncertainty, they found joy in simple things like roasting a pig's tail and singing along to Pa's fiddle. This book gave me a sense of nostalgia even though of course, I didn't live in that era. Unfortunately, I grew up in a generation where people cope with stress by collapsing in front of the television and have a fit when the electricity goes out. Therefore, this book should be read by people of all ages, as it is an excellent example of what it means to make the best of hard times, and appreciate the simple things in life.