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Showing 18,601 through 18,625 of 32,164 results

Bluegrass Champion (Famous Horse Stories)

by Dorothy Lyons

After their parents' deaths, two sisters are determined to fulfill their father's dream of turning their farm into a well-known name in the Saddlebred world. Gail Carter's lovely chestnut filly looks like a world beater, yet when she enters the ring never places. Judy's gelding, Harlequin Hullabaloo, is perfect in Judy's eyes, yet no judge can see past his colorful pinto markings. With their two horses, one whose chances are unpromising and the other an obvious winner, they set out to be champions. Unfortunately, the winner isn't as obvious as she seems, and an unpromising horse becomes an astounding winner when Judy Carter breaks the prejudice against pinto Saddlebreds and has a chance to win the World Five-gaited Championships with her wildly colored Hullabaloo.

Bright Wampum

by Dorothy Lyons

The Big Sur region along the California coast was still untamed country when Meredith Moore and her family arrived one stormy night. Merry had always ridden and trained horses, and when--next morning--she discovered to her joyous excitement a band of Appaloosa horses running wild in the mountain meadows, she determined to gentle one of them. The beauty of the rugged coastal country, the warm friendships Merry made with their widely scattered neighbors, the fascination of learning about the Indians who had lived there in the distant past, stock riding and rodeo competitions--all these made Merry's adventure-filled first year in California a memorable one. And always in the background was the mystery surrounding the real owner of the Appaloosas--and Merry's secret yearning that one day Bright Wampum might be her own. Dorothy Lyons, a horsewoman of many years' experience, knows the Big Sur region intimately and has written a swiftly moving and compelling story that young readers will welcome eagerly.

Copper Khan (Connie McGuire #4)

by Dorothy Lyons

Connemara McGuire, well known readers of Golden Sovereign, Midnight Moon, and Silver Birch, is happily contemplating a long summer vacation her first day home from college, when a horse trailer is forced off the road near Shamrock Stables. Connie rushes out to help, and when one of the young thoroughbreds is about to be shot because of a broken leg, Connie pleads for a chance to save him and is given the horse by an owner whose only interest is in racing. This impulsive act leads Connie herself to the race tracks eventually. Copper Khan gives every indication of being a winner-with plenty of stamina, an unusually long stride and a fighting spirit. Slowly Copper Khan builds a fine reputation until his former owner, jealous of Connie's success, tries by fair means and foul to bar Copper Khan from the tracks. Just before the most important race of the season the Khan, who has been injured in a bad fight with Golden Sovereign, develops a painful swelling on his withers. Then it is that Connie calls upon the gypsies who had promised to help her whenever she was in need because she once had saved the lives of some gypsy children. All the excitement, anxiety, and thrill of horseracing and the gallantry of spirited horses are captured in a story which sweeps the reader along to the grand finale.

Dark Sunshine

by Dorothy Lyons

Two years before, horse-loving Blythe Hyland would have been thrilled with the news that the family was moving back to an Arizona ranch, but now--what difference did it make to her? What could a thin, listless girl, crippled by polio, do on a ranch? Then the haunting vision of Blind Man's Pocket, a deep spring-fed valley tucked away in a range of mountains, tempted her to try riding a horse again. And when she had conquered her initial panic, Blythe felt that it might be hers once more. It was in Blind Man's Pocket Blythe found Dark Sunshine, a magnificent wild mare that had been trapped by a landslide. From the moment she learned it was possible to rescue the buckskin, Blythe determined that, crutches or no, she would train and ride her. It was slow, often painful work for the crippled girl, but when an endurance ride offered Blythe her only chance to win athletic honors toward a scholarship, both horse and rider were ready for the grueling test. Dorothy Lyons' earlier books have established her as a favorite writer of horse stories for older girls. In this moving story of a girl whose courage overcame the handicap of a useless leg, she has created an inspiring book that young readers will remember.

Golden Sovereign (Connie McGuire #3)

by Dorothy Lyons

Connie McGuire, glowing with pride in her two mares, Silver Birch and Midnight Moon, is equally happy with Silver Birch's first colt Sliver, soon named Golden Sovereign, for his beautiful palomino coat. Connie hasn't given up rescuing horses however, as when she goes into town to buy a dress for a Valentine's Day party she comes home with a battered, worn down neglected mare, which she bought at an auction to save from further abuse. Connie knows that this horse, though not pretty now, has beautiful breeding and must have at one time been quite a beauty, but how could she and Pete find out about Lady Luck's past? Her dreams and hopes of her new stable, Shamrock Stables, hinge on finding out about Lady Luck's past and on having Golden Sovereign as a gentle and majestic horse. But Sliver has developed bouts where he is anything but gentle, and at times is so dangerous even Connie fears he is turning into a killer. What is turning Golden Sovereign into a mean horse? Connie and Peter must work against a frightening deadline to solve the problem ... and to save their future! Can she pull off her dreams?

Java Jive

by Dorothy Lyons

Even though her family kept telling her they couldn't afford to buy a horse, it didn't prevent Ginny Atkins from dreaming about owning one, especially since there was an old corral that came with their new home in California. And the miracle did happen when a Morgan that had strayed out of its own pasture came into the corral. Ginny was allowed to keep Sugar on loan, because Sugar's original owner was grown up and the mare was kept for sentimental reasons only, but Ginny had to prove to her father that she could be thoughtful and reliable, not just a scatterbrain. Then came the wonderful day when Sugar foaled-- and there was Java Jive, a perfect colt, for Ginny to raise and train as her very own! Trail-riding, Gymkhana shows, and hard work to earn money to keep Java gave Ginny a busy time, but eventually her patience was rewarded when Java proved his worth during the terrors of a California earthquake. Dorothy Lyons' previous books, such as Blue Smoke, Golden Sovereign, and Midnight Moon, have won for her a special place among writers of horse stories. Young readers everywhere will welcome Ginny Atkins and her colt, Java Jive.

Midnight Moon (Connie McGuire #2)

by Dorothy Lyons

Connie McGuire, born and brought up on a farm, had a wonderful way with horses. She had her proved her ability with Silver Birch, an ownerless white mare who had run free for a year. Now she had a different problem with Midnight Moon whose so-called meanness had been caused by cruel treatment. If Connie can school her in the paces and behavior of a good riding horse, and prove her success by showing her before judges in an accredited horse show, she'll win her bet and keep her own mare, Silver Birch, safe. This is a story complete in itself, but readers of Silver Birch will be glad to meet the beautiful white mare again.

Red Embers

by Dorothy Lyons

This swiftly moving story of a girl who trains polo ponies, and plays an excellent game as well, will delight all horse lovers. Phil Blake--lucky enough to live on a California ranch--had raised and trained her favorite pony, Red Embers, from the time she was a tiny colt. Informal polo games at the ranch with Jon and Dave, the Randall twins, under the expert supervision of Phil's father and Mr. Randall, lead to Phil's acceptance by a Western women's team after stiff competition. At the end of a whirlwind season, Phil is finally chosen to play in an East-West tournament on Long Island. Riding Red Embers, she comes through with flying colors, and gains a coveted position on the All-American women's team. Good sportsmanship, keen rivalry, the breathless excitement of hard-played chukkers, and a real knowledge of horses make this an outstanding horse story for girls. Illustrated by Wesley Dennis

Silver Birch (Connie McGuire #1)

by Dorothy Lyons

This story of a girl and a horse is by an author experienced in riding and training horses. It takes place in a small Michigan town and the surrounding farm country. There are other girls who have horses too, and they all take part in good times and adventures, including starting a Girl Scout troop during a time when local troops are still a novelty across the country. But the story belongs to Connie and Silver Birch, the wild white mare who has roamed the countryside unmastered until Connie takes her in hand. There is a real quality of suspense in the struggle of wills between girl and horse before Connie's patient efforts are rewarded. "A sound knowledge of horsemanship displayed against a thoroughly American background."-New York Times.

Smoke Rings (Ginny Atkins #2)

by Dorothy Lyons

When Ginny Atkins, by quick thinking, saved an impulsive stranger and the handsome gray horse he could not control from a near fatal accident, she had no idea that this would change the next three years of her life. After the incident, Ginny suddenly found herself the new owner of Smoke Rings, Mr. Pollard's Thoroughbred hunter. And the improbable dream she had admitted only to herself-of trying for the U. S. Equestrian Olympic Team-came a step closer to reality. Coached by a former Olympic rider, Ginny devoted all her energies to achieving perfection of performance with Smoke Rings. But the road to the Olympics was demanding, grueling, and expensive. The relentless training required dedication to withstand its monotony, and the frustrations and sacrifices were not easy for a fun-loving high school senior. Dorothy Lyons, an expert horsewoman herself and the accomplished author of many horse stories for girls, has written an absorbing book, which reaches a dramatic climax at the 1960 Olympics in Rome. There, amid the colorful international hubbub, Ginny's long-treasured dream is realized against the impressive pageantry of the Seventeenth Olympiad.

100% Wolf

by Jayne Lyons

Freddy Lupin is the youngest of a noble line of werewolves. <P><P>His father, Flasheart Lupin, was the bravest werewolf since their great ancestor Sir Rathbone. His uncle, Lord Hotspur, is the Grand Growler of the Hidden Moonlight Gathering of Werefolk. And tonight, on the evening of his one-hundred-and-twenty-first month (ten years and one month to humans), Freddy will undergo his first transwolftation. It's a rite of passage for every great werewolf. For Freddy, however, it's going to be the most embarrassing night of his life. Because Freddy is not going to turn into a werewolf at the sight of the full moon. <P><P>He's going to turn into a poodle. <P><P>Thus begins a funny and fast-paced adventure, wherein Freddy is thrown out of his pack, finds himself in the clutches of the Coldfax Fort dog pound, uncovers the truth about his father's mysterious death, and discovers that the great werewolf hunter, Dr. Foxwell Cripp, is planning to destroy all of his family and friends, and Freddy is the only one who can stop him. He might be small, pink, and groomed, but Freddy Lupin is one hundred percent wolf.

Freedom Frog: How Freddie Got a New Name.

by Jennifer Lyons

Freedom Frog is an uplifting, cheerful story written to help shed some light in the darkness of a child’s world that is filled with obstacles, difficult trials, and of course bullies.Sharing this story with your child will not only help your child grow in the understanding of bullying but will also help them to gain some valuable insight on how to handle difficult situations in life through the power of prayer and standing on the Word of God.It is my hope that reading this book will encourage children everywhere to stand on God’s promises and stand strong in the face of bullies.This story takes place in a remote setting, in a small community of creatures where Freddie Fro Fearful Frog lives. Along with all his friends, Freddie is oppressed by a slippery, slithering, sinister snake named Sergio Sir Slippery Snake.I hope you enjoy reading how Freddie gets his new name.

Lyons on Horses: John Lyons' Proven Conditioned-Response Training Program

by John Lyons Sinclair Browning

With almost three decades of experience as a horse trainer-instructor, John Lyons has become known as "America's Most Trusted Horseman. " With a special dedication to horses and horse owners, his concepts have influenced every level of performance, riding style, and breed of horse throughout the world. Each year, thousands of horse handlers flock to his clinics to learn from a man whose training philosophies virtually guarantee success.

Fishing Stories: A Lifetime of Adventures and Misadventures on Rivers, Lakes, and Seas (Classic Ser.)

by Mari Lyons Nick Lyons

All fishermen who have fished for a lifetime have baskets of great stories and reminiscences about the sport they love. Nick Lyons's new collection is chock-full of them. From fishing a small Catskill creek and catching a huge brook trout when he was barely out of infancy to long opening day treks during his teens, and then on to fishing in France, Iceland, Key West, Montana, and widely elsewhere, Nick has spent a lifetime on the water.Fishing Stories features tales about bass, bluefish, tarpon, stripers, bluegill, and many other species as well as portraits of many of the unusual people with whom he has fished. Lyons describes a long, hilarious day with a character named Hawkes in one story, and then the next features a father and son on a Western lake.Through these memories, Lyons shows the comfortable pleasure of fishing waters close to home that one knows just about as well as his or her closest friends. Stories describe days of discovery and adventure on new waters; fishing with famous fishing writers, and new friends, and a granddaughter; and fishing in a little pond he built during the years he refers to as his Indian summer. An unforgettable fight with a gigantic fish in a Western river and simpler days fishing for bluegill and pickerel are also documented.No fisherman of any stripe will fail to find stories that echo his or her own experiences, and all will come closer to understanding the passion that drives all serious fishermen.

Fisherman's Spring

by Nick Lyons Roderick L. Haig-Brown

One of the most prolific fly-fishing writers of the twentieth century, Roderick L. Haig-Brown continues his "seasons" cycle with Fisherman's Spring, a book that is as much about the deep philosophical aspects of fly fishing as it is about fly fishing itself. Readers will learn about the abundance of spring life in the streams of British Columbia while also being treated to Haig-Brown's thoughtful musings and ideas about the rewards of fly fishing streams. Chapters readers will encounter include:Spring DefinedEarly Cutthroat LakesFly TypesThe Secret LifeFishing and the Common ManOn WadingFishermen and ForestryFishing and MilkmaidsThe ForecastRecognizing BirdsPutting Fish BackA Boy and a Fish PoleAnd many moreDiscover within these pages how fly fishing can enrich life and bring joy to every fisher. Both novices and experts alike will find a wealth of knowledge in Fisherman's Spring.

Fisherman's Winter

by Nick Lyons Roderick L. Haig-Brown

Originally published in 1954, Fisherman's Winter is Roderick Haig-Brown's final installment in his well-known "seasons" cycle. With a unique blend of experience and observation, Haig-Brown brings readers through the exotic

Little Bunny's Bible

by P J Lyons

A soft, cuddly Bible that children age 2–5 can call their very own!The Little Bunny&’s Bible is perfect for little ones. Throughout this sweet book, little ones learn that they&’re loved and cared for by God as they hear about God&’s faithfulness in stories from the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. With sweet, rhyming text and colorful illustrations, this soft and cuddly character storybook Bible is sure to become a classic with preschoolers.Little Bunny&’s Bible:Perfect for little hearts and handsPerfect for parent-child lap time and bedtime readingIncludes both Old and New Testament Stories

Thank You, Lord, For Everything

by P J Lyons

Love surrounds you, beauty, too.Notice how God blesses you!Clap your hands, shout and sing:Thank you, Lord, for everything.A comfortable and relaxing rhyme tells the story of God&’s great blessings in this sweet book. P.J. Lyons&’ engaging text and Tim Warnes&’ playful illustrations remind readers how much they have to be thankful for.

Microbial Endocrinology

by Mark Lyte Primrose P.E. Freestone

Microbial endocrinology represents a newly emerging interdisciplinary field that is formed by the intersection of the fields of neurobiology and microbiology. This book will introduce a new perspective to the current understanding not only of the factors that mediate the ability of microbes to cause disease, but also to the mechanisms that maintain normal homeostasis. The discovery that microbes can directly respond to neuroendocrine hormones, as evidenced by increased growth and production of virulence-associated factors, provides for a new framework with which to investigate how microorganisms interface not only with vertebrates, but also with invertebrates and even plants. The reader will learn that the neuroendocrine hormones that one most commonly associates with mammals are actually found throughout the plant, insect and microbial communities to an extent that will undoubtedly surprise many, and most importantly, how interactions between microbes and neuroendocrine hormones can influence the pathophysiology of infectious disease.

Zooplankton Ecology

by M. Alexandra Teodósio and Ana B. Barbosa

This book aims at providing students and researchers an advanced integrative overview on zooplankton ecology, covering marine and freshwater organisms, from microscopic phagotrophic protists, to macro-jellyfishes and active fish larvae. The first book section addresses zooplanktonic organisms and processes, the second section is devoted to zooplankton spatial and temporal distribution patterns and trophic dynamics, and the final section is dedicated to emergent methodological approaches (e.g., omics). Book chapters include comprehensive synthesis, observational and manipulative studies, and sediment-based analysis, a vibrant imprint of benthic-pelagic coupling and ecosystem connectivity. Most chapters also address the impacts of anticipated environmental changes (e.g., warming, acidification).


by M. Crappon de Caprona

An ancient desert sighthound from northern Africa, the Sloughi remains as mysterious and exotic to the Westerners as do its homelands of Morocco, Algeria, Libya and Tunisia. World authority and leading Sloughi breeder Dr. Marie-Dominique Crapon de Caprona has provided an astoundingly complete portrait of her beloved breed, including an insightful look at the breed's lands of origin, the breed's importation to Europe, the US and Canada, a comparative look at the Sloughi and its close relative the Saluki, Greyhound and Azawakh, and the breeders and famous dogs who have established the breed in the modern-day world of pure-bred dogs.

The Complete Dinosaur: The Most Complete, Up-to-date Encyclopedia For Dinosaur Lovers Of All Ages (Life of the Past)

by M. K. Brett-Surman, Thomas R. Holtz, Jr. James O. Farlow Bob Walters, Art Consultant

A new edition of the illustrated compendium that is &“a gift to serious dinosaur enthusiasts&” (Science). What do we know about dinosaurs, and how do we know it? How did they grow, move, eat, and reproduce? Were they warm-blooded or cold-blooded? How intelligent were they? How are the various groups of dinosaurs related to each other, and to other kinds of living and extinct vertebrates? What can the study of dinosaurs tell us about the process of evolution? And why did typical dinosaurs become extinct? These questions and more are addressed in this new, expanded edition of The Complete Dinosaur. Written by leading experts on the &“fearfully great&” reptiles, the book covers what we have learned about dinosaurs, from the earliest discoveries to the most recent controversies. Where scientific contention exists, the editors have let the experts agree to disagree. The Complete Dinosaur is a feast for serious dinosaur lovers, from the enthusiastic amateur to the professional paleontologist. Praise for the first edition: &“An excellent encyclopedia that serves as a nice bridge between popular and scholarly dinosaur literature.&” —Library Journal (starred review) &“Stimulating armchair company for cold winter evenings. . . . Best of all, the book treats dinosaurs as intellectual fun.&” —New Scientist &“Useful both as a reference and as a browse-and-enjoy compendium.&” —Natural History &“Copiously illustrated and scrupulously up-to-date.&” —Publishers Weekly &“The amount of information in [these] pages is amazing. This book should be on the shelves of dinosaur freaks as well as those who need to know more about the paleobiology of extinct animals. It will be an invaluable library reference.&” —American Reference Books Annual

Ontogenetic development of pompano Trachinotus ovatus

by Zhenhua Ma Gang Yu Jian Guang Qin

This book highlights the ontogenetic development of larval T. ovatus, provides a comprehensive overview of larval rearing of this species. It focuses on the physiological and molecular changes during the early ontogeny of T. ovatus and hatchery and nursery practices. The first seven chapters update the recent development in the hatchery technology in T. ovatus, including feed and feeding, environmental manipulation, hatchery management, and fingerlings in transportation. Chapter eight and onwards decode the possible molecular mechanisms underlying fish development and response to environmental changes and discuss the transcription and expressions of growth and development-related genes in T. ovatus. The last chapters discuss the functional feed additives to the diet and antibiotic usage of T. ovatus juveniles. This book is a valuable resource for researchers, practitioners and students in the aquaculture industry and related fields.

Flea Seeks Dog

by Will Mabbitt

Flea's got itchy feet! It's time to find a new dog to call home. But, try as he might, none of the dogs he meets are quite right. From the too loud and too cheeky to the too-frequently-leaky, Flea soon realises that finding the perfect companion can be tricky.Will Flea ever find the perfect match?A hilarious rhyming romp from the creator of I Can Only Draw Worms, brilliantly illustrated by Nathan Reed.

I Am A Sensible Gibbon

by Will Mabbitt

A very sensible story with ABSOLUTELY NO SILLINESS! From the author of I Can Only Draw Worms!Gibbon would like to make it very clear that this is a sensible book for sensible people. Anything that looks like it might be FUN or SILLY is absolutely forbidden.A hilarious, rhyming animal party, with colourful illustrations by Claudia Boldt.

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