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Southeast Asian Independent Cinema

by Tilman Baumgartel

The rise of independent cin­ema in Southeast Asia, and the emergence of a new gen­eration of filmmakers there, is among the most significant recent developments in global cinema. The advent of afford­able and easy access to digital technology has empowered new voices from a part of the world rarely heard or seen in international film circles. This book documents these devel­opments as a genuine outcome of the democratization and lib­eralization of film production of films. Interviewees include Lav Diaz, Amir Muhammad, Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Eric Khoo, Garin Nugroho, Nia Dinata and others.

Porque Andamos Tão Exaustos?

by Vânia Castanheira

Quantas vezes, depois de um dia de trabalho, foi para casa trabalhar? Quantas vezes acordou cansado? Este livro vai ajudá-lo a viver melhor e a evitar o Burnout,síndrome resultante de stress crónico no trabalho, numa linguagem acessível, com casos reais e exercícios práticos. O burnout foi finalmente reconhecido pela Organização Mundial de Saúde como uma síndrome resultante de stress crónico no trabalho, que não foi bem gerido. Fadiga, tristeza acentuada, irritabilidade, aborrecimento, perda de motivação, sobrecarga de trabalho, rigidez e inflexibilidade. Todos são comportamentos que podem significar um esgotamento profissional. Neste livro da Medical Coach Vânia Castanheira, vai encontrar uma explicação detalhada do que é o Burnout, vai aprender a identificar os sintomas e de como evitá-lo. E como sair dele, caso já lá esteja, com muitas dicas práticas e fáceis de seguir.

1000 anos de alegrias e tristezas: Memórias

by Ai Weiwei

AS MEMÓRIAS DE AI WEIWEI, UM DOS MAIS IMPORTANTES ARTISTAS E ATIVISTAS DA ACTUALIDADE Ambicioso e intimista, 1000 ANOS DE ALEGRIAS E TRISTEZAS oferece-nos um conhecimento profundo das várias forças que fizeram da China o que ela é hoje e é, ao mesmo tempo, um alerta para a necessidade urgente de proteger a liberdade de expressão. Em 1000 ANOS DE ALEGRIAS E TRISTEZAS, Ai Weiwei oferece-nos uma descrição impressionante da China dos últimos 1000 anos ao mesmo tempo que reflecte sobre o seu processo artístico. Além de explorar as origens da sua criatividade fora de série e das suas apaixonadas convicções políticas, Weiwei revela ainda a história do seu pai, Ai Qing, outrora o poeta mais influente da China e companheiro próximo e íntimo de Mao Tsé-Tung. Durante a Revolução Cultural Chinesa, Ai Qing foi considerado de direita e condenado a trabalhos forçados. Toda a sua família, incluindo o filho, foi desterrada para uma parte remota e desolada do país a que chamavam «Pequena Sibéria». Nas suas memórias, Weiwei descreve uma infância no exílio e conta-nos a difícil decisão de abandonar a família para ir estudar Arte nos Estados Unidos, onde se tornou amigo de Allen Ginsberg e encontrou em Marcel Duchamp e Andy Warhol uma inspiração. Com honestidade e sageza, descreve o seu regresso à China e a sua ascensão de artista desconhecido a estrela da cena artística internacional e activista pelos direitos humanos - sem esquecer a forma como o seu trabalho tem sido moldado pela vivência sob um regime totalitário. As esculturas e instalações de Ai Weiwei já foram vistas por milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo e um dos seus feitos arquitectónicos inclui a sua contribuição no desenho do Estádio Olímpico "Ninho de Pássaro", em Pequim. O seu activismo político pô-lo desde cedo na mira das autoridades chineses, o que culminou numa detenção secreta em 2011 e que viria a terminar, ao fim de alguns meses, numa libertação sem qualquer queixa formal apresentada. Ambicioso e intimista, 1000 ANOS DE ALEGRIAS E TRISTEZAS oferece-nos um conhecimento profundo das várias forças que fizeram da China o que ela é hoje e é, ao mesmo tempo, um alerta para a necessidade urgente de proteger a liberdade de expressão.

Horacio Quiroga y Alfonsina Storni: Amor, locura y muerte

by Fernando Klein

Una investigación histórica con el pulso de novela que revela un amor –hasta ahora poco conocido– entre Horacio Quiroga y Alfonsina Storni. Con rigor histórico y pluma de novelista Fernando Klein nos pinta Montevideo, Buenos Aires, la selva misionera, personajes, y un amor en un tiempo fermental en ambas orillas del Plata. Alfonsina Storni una mujer de apariencia frágil de carácter fuerte y resuelto, inteligencia y fuerza de mujer viva, enamorada de la vida y de la muerte, y sobre todo de la libertad, con una pluma que enfrentó a una sociedad hipócrita y Horacio Quiroga un hombre marcado por la genialidad y la tragedia con mil vidas: dandy, naturalista, motor intelectual de una generación, excelso escritor, apasionado de la vida, coinciden en un camino marcado por la pasión carnal e intelectual. En 1916 –bajo la sombra de la Gran Guerra que atormentaba el mundo, en un Buenos Aires y Montevideo con el encendido de sus primeras luces que brillarán en las siguientes décadas– Horacio y Alfonsina construirán una historia de amor que será un remanso para los fantasmas de la locura y la depresión que sobrevuela esos corazones y mentes. Horacio Quiroga y Alfonsina Storni. Amor, locura y muerte es una reconstrucción histórica y documentada, pero también una novela donde Fernando Klein suelta la pluma y nos dibuja un paisaje bucólico lleno amor, locura y muerte. A través de estas páginas el lector podrá adentrarse en una época, un tiempo, la literatura y una sociedad a través de los ojos y corazones de dos referentes de la cultura rioplatense.

Kenya: A View Through My Lens

by Hamid Obaid Al Ali

Dive into the heart of Africa’s majestic landscapes and encounter the untamed beauty of Kenya’s wildlife through the lens of Hamid’s captivating photography. From the sweeping savannahs of the Maasai Mara to Amboseli National Park, this stunning collection transports you to the vibrant world of Kenya’s diverse ecosystems. Get up close and personal with iconic species such as elephants, lions, giraffes, and rhinos, as well as lesser-known treasures like the gray-crowned crane and the African fish eagle. With each breathtaking image, immerse yourself in the raw power, grace, and intricate beauty of Kenya’s natural wonders. A visual masterpiece that celebrates the spirit of the African wilderness, this book is a must-have for wildlife enthusiasts, photography aficionados, and armchair travelers alike. Prepare to be spellbound by the splendor of Kenya’s wildlife in this unforgettable journey through the lens.

The Man Who Moved the World: The Life and Work of Mohamed Amin

by Bob Smith Salim Amin Michael Buerk

Mohamed Amin was the most famous photo journalist in the world, making the news as often as he covered it. His coverage of the 1984 Ethiopian famine proved so compelling that it inspired a collective global conscience and became the catalyst for the greatest-ever act of giving--the "We Are the World" campaign. Unquestionably, it also saved the lives of millions of men, women and children. In a career spanning more than 30 years, Mo covered every major event in Africa and beyond, braving torture, surviving bombs and bullets to emerge as the most decorated news cameraman of all time. But his frenetic life was cut tragically short when, in November, 1996, hijackers took over an Ethiopian airliner forcing it to ditch in the Indian Ocean killing 123 passengers and crew. Mo died on his feet still negotiating with the terrorists.

El sentir de las violetas: El noviazgo eterno de Julio Herrera y Elvira Reyes

by Diego Fischer

Diego Fischer vuelve a componer un vívido fresco de la sociedad montevideana en una época fundacional de su historia. El sentir de las violetas es un libro apasionante, una investigación periodística que se lee con la fluidez de las mejores novelas. ¿Qué lleva a una mujer a cultivar el amor y la fidelidad a un hombre durante más de cincuenta años? La noche de verano de 1862, cuando Elvira Reyes se presentaba en sociedad, tenía ante sí la promesa de un futuro lleno de felicidad. Pertenecía a una familia acomodada, era joven y hermosa. Poco después se comprometería con una de las personalidades más importantes de la política y la sociedad montevideana: Julio Herrera y Obes. El ansiado casamiento, sin embargo, nunca llegó a concretarse. Elvira confeccionó y bordó tres ajuares, tantos como fechas de matrimonio fijó y aplazó con su novio. Mientras Julio Herrera vivía con intensidad los agitados años de conflictos políticos y sociales que afectaban al Río de la Plata, que varias veces lo llevaron al destierro, Elvira veía pasar los años languideciendo en una espera interminable. ¿Cuál fue el destino de este amor? ¿Por qué Julio Herrera evitó formar una familia? ¿Qué secretos se esconden detrás de esta figura que fue presidente constitucional de la República y que pasó a la historia como el hombre que reinstauró, en el siglo XIX, los gobiernos civiles luego de quince años de dictaduras militares? ¿Cómo era verdaderamente Elvira, esa mujer paciente que dedicó su vida a amar y acompañar a un hombre que anteponía la política a su vida personal? Hay quienes afirman que la de Elvira y Julio fue la historia romántica por excelencia en el Uruguay del siglo XIX.

Historias del Palacio Salvo

by Daniel Elissalde Mariela García

En este libro, a través de sus investigaciones y de su pasión, los autores nos invitan a recorrerlo para descubrir su historia y las historias que, en sus entrañas, se tejieron a lo largo del tiempo. El Palacio Salvo es una silueta que identifica a Montevideo, un símbolo de hormigón y hueso. Es Historia y presente. En él hay memorias y misterios, pasillos silenciados, pinturas escondidas en sus entrepisos, acordes de La cumparsita, ecos de grandes bailes en sus soberbios salones, historias latentes en sus recovecos, arquitectura simbólica, arte y, también, vida cotidiana de los habitantes pasados y presentes. Lo vemos a diario, pero no hay mirada que pueda abarcar todo lo que muestra o sugiere.

Art and Design - Let’s Make Art class 9 - MIE

by Mauritius Institute of Education

Discover the vibrant world of visual arts with 'Creating in 2D: Exploring Media, Composition, Perspective, Color, Painting Techniques, and Figure Drawing.' This comprehensive textbook delves into diverse artistic realms, from mastering color schemes and three-point perspective to honing figure drawing skills. Students will embark on a journey through RecycloEnviro Arts, learning sustainable techniques like tie and dye and batik, while also delving into graphic design fundamentals, encompassing decorative writing, logo design, and landscape patterns through simple ICT software. With a special focus on street art in Mauritius, the textbook highlights local initiatives and murals, fostering an appreciation for art's role in cultural expression and community engagement. Whether aspiring artists or seasoned creatives, learners will find inspiration and practical guidance to unleash their creativity in the dynamic world of 2D art.

Creating Infographics with Adobe Illustrator: Learn the Basics and Design Your First Infographic

by Jennifer Harder

This full-color book will teach you how to use Adobe Illustrator's various tools to create infographics, as well as basic page layouts for them. This is the first of three volumes which will cover all the fundamentals of Illustrator, an industry standard application used by graphic designers and marketing and communication teams. How is an infographic different from a logo or any other illustration? What additional thought processes, skills, or software tools should be utilized to create an infographic? In this first volume of Illustrator Basics, you will learn the answers to all these questions. Author Jennifer Harder will walk you through creating basic infographics in Illustrator using Basic Shape tools, Pen Tools, Type Tools, and Symbols. Upon completing this volume, you will have an appreciation for how easy it is to design an infographic and discover how rudimentary shapes and colors can affect readability while conveying meaning to your audience. You will be able to use this knowledge to create your own infographics using Illustrator’s wide array of tools. Who This Book Is For Discover the tools within Illustrator that are ideal for creating basic infographicsDevelop a logo based upon a scanned sketchGain an understanding of different infographic layouts and the process of reviewing them with your client Who This Book Is For Beginner-level designers and others who are interested in learning the process of creating infographics for their company, the classroom, for a visual resume, an article in a magazine, or a webpage.

Creating Infographics with Adobe Illustrator: Interactive Infographics and the Creative Cloud

by Jennifer Harder

This full-color book, the third of three volumes, focuses on Adobe Illustrator’s SVG interactivity tools. How can an infographic be made more interactive for an audience? What additional Illustrator tools and Adobe applications can be used to enhance your infographic layout? In this final volume of Creating Infographics with Adobe Illustrator, you will learn the answers to all these questions. Author Jennifer Harder will walk you through creating basic infographics in Illustrator using Illustrator tools for creating SVG files, known as Scalable Vector Graphics, for basic Interactivity on a web page. Then you will review layouts in other Adobe Applications in relation to their connectivity with Illustrator. Upon completing this volume, you will have a thorough understanding of how to design an infographic with basic interactivity for a web page, and how this can improve visualization and convey meaning to your audience. Moreover, you will be able to use this knowledge to create your own infographics using Illustrator’s wide array of tools. What You Will Learn Discover how to apply interactivity to an infographicGain insight into different infographic layouts and how to finalize your project with your clientExplore other Adobe Creative Cloud applications that may assist you in the future as you create your infographics Who This Book Is For Beginner-level designers and others who are interested in learning the process of creating infographics for their company, the classroom, for, an article in a magazine, or adding interactivity to webpage.

Creating Infographics with Adobe Illustrator: 2D and 3D Graphics

by Jennifer Harder

This full-color book will teach you how to use Adobe Illustrator's various tools to create infographics, as well as basic page layouts for them. It focuses on Illustrator’s powerful graphing tools and 2D and 3D effects. How can an infographic or graph be altered and adapted to appear more engaging and still display your data accurately? What additional effects can be used on your infographic to produce the results you envision? In this second volume of Creating Infographics with Adobe Illustrator, you will learn the answers to all these questions. Author Jennifer Harder will walk you through creating basic infographics in Illustrator using Illustrator tools such as Graphing Tools as well as how to create 2D effects and 3D shapes with their related materials, including Symbols. Upon completing this volume, you will have an appreciation for how easy it is to design an infographic or graph to display your data and discover how rudimentary shapes and colors can be altered using patterns, as well as 2D and 3D effects, to enhance readability while conveying meaning to your audience. You will be able to use this knowledge to create your own infographics using Illustrator’s wide array of tools. What You Will Learn Use Illustrator’s Graphing Tools to create and modify basic charts or graphsWork with popular 2D effects to enhance your design in IllustratorCreate 3D Shapes using Materials and Symbols and modify your 3D GraphsExplore basic Image Trace and Perspective options in Illustrator Who This Book Is For Beginner-level designers and others who are interested in learning the process of creating infographics for their company, the classroom, for data visualization, an article in a magazine, or a webpage.

Interfaceless: Conscious Design for Spatial Computing with Generative AI (Design Thinking)

by Diana Olynick

Explore the possibilities spatial computing and its integration with AI can provide beyond the confines of a traditional user interface. Spatial computing brings together physical and virtual worlds and systems. This book offers an insightful journey into harmonizing user-centered design with the vast potential of AI in spatial computing. You'll start by exploring key concepts and processes in relation to conscious design and traditional computer interfaces. You'll then be introduced to the Mindful Spatial Design Framework (MSDF) and the rapidly evolving world of generative AI and its potential to transform design processes.Once the key concepts are mastered, you'll start to put them into practice and see how to design, prototype, and test interfaceless systems and environments that are seamless and user-friendly. In doing so you'll consider topics such as functionality and aesthetics, as well as how AI can improve automation and testing. The book concludes by looking at ethical AI considerations and best practices as well as looking at next steps and future developments of spatial computing and interfaceless design. As these invisible interfaces become more prevalent, understanding the key principles of conscious design is pivotal. Interfaceless will expand your knowledge base in these areas. What You'll LearnIncorporate conscious design principles in spatial computing projects.Leverage AI to enhance UX in spatial contexts.Develop strategies to address design challenges as we move beyond physical interfaces.See how VR/XR apps, devices, and generative AI are rapidly changing how we perceive and interact with the digital realm.Who This Book Is ForUX/UI designers, developers, and tech enthusiasts eager to grasp the future of HCI.

Generative Art with JavaScript and SVG: Utilizing Scalable Vector Graphics and Algorithms for Creative Coding and Design (Design Thinking)

by David Matthew

This book introduces you to the exciting world of generative art and creative coding through the medium of JavaScript and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). Using tried and trusted techniques, you’ll tackle core topics such as randomness and regularity, noise and naturalistic variance, shape and path creation, filter effects, animation, and interactivity. In the process you’ll learn SvJs, a JavaScript library that closely mirrors the SVG spec and makes scripting SVG intuitive and enjoyable. You’ll also study the craft of generative art and its creative process, along with JavaScript fundamentals, using modern ES6+ syntax. Each chapter will build upon the previous one, and those completely new to programming will be given a primer to help them find their feet. Generative Art with JavaScript and SVG will take you on a fun journey, peppered with plenty of sketches throughout, designed not only to explain, but to inspire. You Will: • Structure and randomise compositions. • Understand the different types of randomness and their probability distributions. • Create organic variance with the SvJs Noise module. • Apply SVG filter effects in a generative fashion. • Explore different approaches to animating with SVG. • Make your compositions dynamic and interactive. WHO IS IT FOR: Web developers and designers and creative coders with an interest in digital and generative art as well as artists who are interested in learning to code with JavaScript.

Mindful Design: A Survival Guide for Responsible Product Designers (Design Thinking)

by Scott Riley

Learn to create seamless designs backed by a responsible understanding of the human mind. This new edition is fully updated and reworked to employ a realistic, challenging, and practical approach to interface design, presenting state of the art scientific studies in behavioral sciences, interface design and the psychology of design. All with modern, up-to-date examples and screenshots. The practical portion of this edition has been completely reworked, giving you the chance to follow along with a real, proven design process that has produced several successful products imbued with the principles of mindful, responsible design.You'll examine how human behavior can be used to integrate your product design into lifestyle, rather than interrupt it, and make decisions for the good of those that are using your product. You will also learn about the neurological aspects and limitations of human vision and perception; about our attachment to harmony and dissonance; and about our brain’s propensity towards pattern recognition and how we perceive the world around us. In the second half of the book, you’ll follow along with the key phases of a design project, implementing what you have learned in an end-to-end, practical setting. Design is a responsibility, but not enough designers understand the human mind or the process of thought. Mindful Design, Second Edition introduces the areas of brain science that matter to designers, and passionately explains how those areas affect each human’s day-to-day experiences with products and interfaces, providing a battle-tested toolkit to help you make responsible design decisions. What You'll Learn Review how attention and distraction work and the cost of attentional switchingUse Gestalt principles to communicate visual groupingEnsure your underlying models make sense to your audienceUse time, progression, and transition to create a compositionCarefully examine controlling behavior through reductionist and behaviorist motivation concepts Apply the theoretical knowledge to practical, mindful interface design Who This Book Is For The primary audience for this book is professional designers who wish to learn more about the human mind and how to apply that to their work. The book is also useful for design-focused product owners and startup founders who wish to apply ethical thinking to a team, or when bootstrapping their products. The secondary audience is design students who are either studying a ‘traditional’ visual design course, or a UX/interaction design course who have a desire to learn how they might be able to apply mindful design to their early careers. Finally, a tertiary audience for this book would be tutors involved in teaching design, or peripheral, courses who may wish to incorporate its teachings into their lectures, workshops or seminars.

World of Warcraft: (A Definitive Guide to the Dragons of Azeroth) (WORLD OF WARCRAFT)

by Insight Editions Doug Walsh Sandra Rosner

Uncover the rich history of the legendary dragons of Azeroth with this official, lavishly illustrated guide from the iconic game World of Warcraft. With over 100 never-before-seen illustrations, World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Codex (A Definitive Guide to the Dragons of Azeroth) is the ultimate WoW fan&’s guide to everything dragons.Journey across Azeroth and beyond with this comprehensive guide, highlighting the magnificent dragons of the video game World of Warcraft. With this immersive in-world field guide written by Archmage Khadgar of the Kirin Tor, get an in-depth look at draconic species and the newly awakened dracthyr, along with the magical abilities of World of Warcraft&’s dragonflights, proto-dragons, and more! After enduring years of hardship, the dragons of Azeroth must reclaim their legacy, and it is more important than ever to learn about their vast history and incredible abilities. Though the Dragon Isles stood dormant for 10,000 years, now the Watcher has reawakened, the beacon has been lit, and the dragons have come home—called to be Azeroth&’s protectors once more. The New Age of Dragons has begun in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. From the untamed northlands of Azeroth, fans of World of Warcraft will be able to follow the history of the dragons from their origins as elemental drakes to the present day dragonflights in this new, all-inclusive dragon codex. This fully illustrated, comprehensive guide will highlight the creatures&’ magical abilities, outline a chronological evolution of the dragons, and map out enchanting new zones. World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Codex (A Definitive Guide to the Dragons of Azeroth) is a must-have companion piece to the latest expansion, World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. 100+ ALL-NEW ILLUSTRATIONS: This in-depth bestiary features breathtaking all-new art from the latest expansion, World of Warcraft: Dragonflight IN-GAME CONCEIT: This guide to everything on the dragons of Azeroth is written by the wise wizard Khadgar, who fills the book with his insightful annotations COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE: World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Codex (A Definitive Guide to the Dragons of Azeroth) is packed with lore about the powerful creatures who hail from the northlands? LEARN ABOUT THE DRAGON ISLES: Discover new corners of Azeroth in full-color illustrations of the zones from latest expansion, World of Warcraft: Dragonflight OFFICIALLY LICENSED: Created in collaboration with Blizzard Entertainment COMPLETE YOUR COLLECTION: A is for Azeroth: ABC&’s of Warcraft, World of Warcraft: New Flavors of Azeroth: The Official Cookbook, and World of Warcraft: The Official Cookbook are also available from Insight Editions

Unleashing Oppenheimer: Inside Christopher Nolan's Explosive Atomic-Age Thriller

by Jada Yuan

Discover the secrets of Christopher Nolan&’s Oppenheimer with this exclusive behind-the-scenes look at 2023&’s most anticipated film.Written and directed by Christopher Nolan, Oppenheimer is an IMAX®-shot epic thriller that thrusts audiences into the pulse-pounding paradox of the enigmatic man who must risk destroying the world in order to save it. The film is produced by Emma Thomas, Charles Roven, and Nolan. The film stars Cillian Murphy as J. Robert Oppenheimer and Emily Blunt as Katherine &“Kitty&” Oppenheimer. Oscar® winner Matt Damon portrays General Leslie Groves Jr. and Robert Downey Jr. plays Lewis Strauss. Unleashing Oppenheimer traces the creation of Nolan&’s latest film from script to screen through exclusive interviews with the director and his cast and crew, plus electrifying visuals from the film including on-set photos, concept art, research materials, and storyboards. CHRISTOPHER NOLAN: Dive into the creative process of the award-winning director and get an insider&’s view of his latest film. STAR-STUDDED CAST: The highly anticipated Oppenheimer features a stunning cast, including Cillian Murphy, Emily Blunt, Matt Damon, Robert Downey Jr., Florence Pugh, Benny Safdie, Josh Hartnett, and Kenneth Branagh. EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEWS: This book includes an all-access account of the creation of the film with interviews with key players, including Christopher Nolan himself.

The Art of The Creator: Designs of Futures Past

by James Mottram

Discover the secrets behind the creation of director Gareth Edwards&’s remarkable science-fiction adventure, The Creator.Dive into the making of The Creator, an original science fiction adventure from director Gareth Edwards (Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Godzilla), with this deluxe behind-the-scenes book. Amid a war between humankind and rampant artificial intelligence in the not-too-distant future, Joshua (John David Washington) is recruited to hunt down and kill the Creator, the elusive architect of the advanced AI. In his efforts to defeat the AI, Joshua discovers that the world-ending weapon he&’s been instructed to destroy is an AI in the form of a young child. Featuring commentary from Gareth Edwards and his crew, including production designer James Clyne, plus the extraordinary cast including John David Washington, Gemma Chan, Allison Janney, and Ken Watanabe, this exclusive volume tells the full story of the film&’s creation. Illustrated with stunning visuals from the production of the movie, including remarkable concept art that charts the film&’s evolution, this book is the ultimate companion to one of the most original and innovative films of 2023. NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN IMAGERY: Go behind the scenes of The Creator with candid photos from the shoot and exclusive production art. INTERVIEWS WITH CREATORS AND CAST: Dive into the creation of the film through exclusive interviews with director Gareth Edwards, his crew, and the film&’s cast. EXPERIENCE THE CREATIVE JOURNEY: Follow The Creator through its entire creative process, from script to screen, told from the point of view of the film&’s director, his crew and the producers at New Regency.

Elvis at 21: New York to Memphis

by Insight Editions

In 1956, photographer Alfred Wertheimer was asked to photograph the then twenty-one-year-old Elvis Presley just as his career was about to explode. This book features the collection of photos taken by Wertheimer, offering a snapshot of the young Elvis Presley&’s remarkable rise to fame and his permanent status as the &“King of Rock &’n&’ Roll.&” In 1956, Alfred Wertheimer was asked by Presley&’s new label, RCA Victor, to photograph Elvis Presley&’s budding career just as it was about to take off in a way the world had never seen. With unimpeded access to the young performer, Wertheimer captured unguarded and everyday moments in Elvis&’s life during that crucial year. It was a year that took him from Tupelo, Mississippi, to the silver screen, the verge of international stardom, and his crowning as the &“King of Rock 'n' Roll.&” As Wertheimer photographed Elvis during 1956, and again in 1958, he created classic images that are spontaneous, unrehearsed, and without artifice. A PIVOTAL YEAR: Dubbed the &“King of Rock &’n&’ Roll&” in 1956, 21-year-old Elvis, placed 17 songs on Billboard&’s Top 100 singles chart, including 3 singles that reached #1, appeared multiple prime-time TV variety shows, performed 143 times in 79 different cities, and released his first film, Love Me Tender EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS: Dive into the complete collection of Alfred Wertheimer&’s photos of the young Elvis Presley as he tours from New York to Memphis, Tennessee PERFECT FOR ALL ELVIS FANS: Fans of all ages will enjoy this exclusive deep dive into Elvis&’s early life as he builds his career and shakes up the world of music GO BEHIND THE STAGE: Explore intimate and candid images captured after Elvis has left the building—backstage, writing, or reading fan mail from his admirers RENOWNED PHOTOGRAPHER AND AUTHOR: Experience the King of Rock &’n&’ Roll through the lens of famed Alfred Wertheimer, the photographer who captured every moment of the young star&’s early career

Jerry Garcia: The Collected Artwork

by Insight Editions

More than a musician, the Grateful Dead&’s founder Jerry Garcia was also a prolific artist who created hundreds of paintings, drawings, and prints. Get to know another side of this creative legend through his paintings and drawings, and through interviews with those who knew him best.Jerry Garcia: The Collected Artwork is an intimate, playful exploration of Jerry Garcia&’s artistic legacy and creative life. The book opens with a foreword by Grateful Dead percussionist Mickey Hart and features more than 100 full-color reproductions of Jerry's paintings, drawings, and prints—from pen-and-ink drawings to acrylics, watercolors, and digital media. With archival interviews and quotes from the likes of Bob Dylan, Patti Smith, Grace Slick, and Carlos Santana, and stunning photography of Jerry and his lifelong collaborators, this is at once a beautifully crafted art book and a celebration of Jerry Garcia as an artist and human being. 100+ IMAGES: Features more than 100 full-color reproductions of Jerry's paintings, drawings, and prints—from pen-and-ink drawings to acrylics, watercolors, and digital media EXCLUSIVE ESSAYS: Edited by April Higashi, art curator and archivist of the Jerry Garcia Estate, each chapter opens with a commentary on the art presented in the context of Jerry's life and times GO BEHIND THE STAGE: Explore candid photographs, interviews, anecdotes, and remembrances by key cultural figures and those closest to Jerry COMMENTARY FROM MUSIC&’S BIGGEST NAMES: Hear from Bob Dylan, Patti Smith, Herbert Gold, Baron Wolman, Jon Carroll, Paul Pena, Victor Moscoso, Carlos Santana, and Grace Slick as they recount their memories of Jerry Garcia PERFECT FOR ALL DEADHEADS: Fans of the Grateful Dead and Jerry Garcia can enjoy this deep exploration of Jerry&’s life as an artist

The Nightmare Before Christmas: The Official Baking Cookbook

by Sandy K Snugly

What&’s this? What&’s this? With more than 55 recipes for baked goods and desserts inspired by Jack Skellington, Sally, Oogie Boogie, and more, this is the ultimate baking cookbook for fans of Tim Burton&’s iconic film.With over 55 recipes in Disney Tim Burton&’s The Nightmare Before Christmas: The Official Baking Cookbook for bars, breads, cakes, muffins and more inspired by Tim Burton&’s iconic film, fans can celebrate Christmas, Halloween, and more alongside Sandy Claws, Dr. Finkelstein, and other nightmarish residents from Halloween Town and Christmas Town!Featuring recipes inspired by fan-favorite characters and bursting with beautiful photography of delicious dishes, this baking cookbook is a must-have for any Disney Tim Burton&’s The Nightmare Before Christmas fan!55 DEVILISHLY GOOD RECIPES: More than 55 baked goods and desserts inspired by Disney Tim Burton&’s The Nightmare Before ChristmasINSPIRING PHOTOS: Vibrant, stunning photos of finished recipes help ensure successRECIPES FOR ALL SKILL LEVELS: With accessible step-by-step instructions and helpful baking tips, Disney Tim Burton&’s The Nightmare Before Christmas: The Official Baking Cookbook is a great guide for fans of any skill level, from kitchen novices to seasoned bakersOFFICIALLY LICENSED: Created in collaboration with DisneyCOMPLETE YOUR COLLECTION: Disney Tim Burton&’s The Nightmare Before Christmas Tarot Deck and Guidebook, Disney Tim Burton&’s The Nightmare Before Christmas 13 Frights of Halloween Countdown Calendar, and Disney Tim Burton&’s The Nightmare Before Christmas: The Official Cookbook & Entertaining Guide are also available

Vandals: The Photography of The Bikeriders

by Insight Editions

Embark on a remarkable visual journey into the creation of Jeff Nichols&’s The Bikeriders with this unforgettable collection of exclusive photography from the film&’s set.Inspired by Danny Lyon&’s seminal 1968 book, The Bikeriders, this powerful drama from director Jeff Nichols (Midnight Special, Mud) follows the rise and fall of a midwestern motorcycle club. Featuring an all-star cast that includes Jodie Comer, Tom Hardy, Austin Butler, Michael Shannon, and Boyd Holbrook, Nichols&’s film is an evocative snapshot of a renegade era. This book features exclusive photography from the set, plus commentary from the director and his cast and crew. NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN IMAGERY: Go behind the scenes of The Bikeriders with exclusive photography. ACCLAIMED CAST: The book features imagery of the film&’s stellar cast, which includes Jodie Comer (Killing Eve), Austin Butler (Elvis), and Tom Hardy (Venom). INTERVIEWS WITH CREATORS AND CAST: Dive into the creation of the film through exclusive interviews with Jeff Nichols, his crew, and the film&’s cast.

Jurassic Park: Complete with Annotations and Illustrations

by James Mottram

Discover the thrills of Steven Spielberg&’s Jurassic Park in a whole new way with this officially licensed, deluxe edition of the screenplay, complete with in-depth annotations and film stills.Jurassic Park gave moviegoers an unforgettable thrill ride. Now, on the film&’s 30th anniversary, fans can experience Jurassic Park in an all-new way with this deluxe, annotated edition of Michael Crichton and David Koepp&’s script. This script book is annotated by franchise expert James Mottram (Jurassic Park: The Ultimate Visual History, Jurassic World: The Ultimate Visual History), offering commentary and insight into the behind-the-scenes story of the film. Fully illustrated with film stills, concept art, and other key visuals, this is a must-have collectible for Jurassic Park fans and a fitting tribute to a landmark film. RELIVE TIMELESS THRILLS: A must-have collectible for Jurassic Park fans, this script book is a fitting tribute to a landmark film and a great way to return to Isla Nublar. FILLED WITH INSIGHTFUL COMMENTARY: This script book is annotated by franchise expert James Mottram (Jurassic Park: The Ultimate Visual History, Jurassic World: The Ultimate Visual History), offering commentary and insight into the behind-the-scenes story of the film. COMPLETE WITH ICONIC VISUALS: As a celebration of the landmark film, this book is fully illustrated with film stills, concept art, and other key visuals. OWN A PIECE OF MOVIE HISTORY: This script book presents the final draft of Jurassic Park, written by Michael Crichton and David Koepp. COMPLETE YOUR JURASSIC PARK COLLECTION: This script book joins other fan-favorite titles from Insight Editions, including Jurassic Park: The Ultimate Visual History, Jurassic World: The Ultimate Visual History, Jurassic World: The Ultimate Pop-Up Book, and Jurassic World: The Official Cookbook.

Magic: Cuisines of the Multiverse

by Jenna Helland Victoria Rosenthal

Planeswalkers! Feast your way through Magic: The Gathering with this first-ever official cookbook inspired by the beloved game.Featuring more than 70 recipes inspired by Magic: The Gathering, this cookbook takes readers on a journey through the beloved game with easy-to-follow recipes.With beautiful full-color photography as well as art from the game, Magic: The Gathering: The Official Cookbook is a must-have for foodies and fans alike.OVER 70 RECIPES: Includes over 70 recipes from snacks to desserts inspired by game lore and utilizing real-world ingredients.MAKE YOUR GATHERING MAGIC: Make delicious dishes inspired by the game to serve at game nights or any gathering.INSPIRING PHOTOS: Beautiful full-color recipe photos help ensure success.LEVEL UP: Recipes range from simple to sophisticated for home chefs of every skill level.OFFICIALLY LICENSED COOKBOOK: Created in collaboration with Wizards of the Coast, this is the only officially licensed Magic: The Gathering cookbook.

Mental Floss: The Curious Viewer Ultimate TV Trivia & Quiz Book

by Mental Floss Jennifer M. Wood

Impress your friends, family, and coworkers with fascinating facts about favorite TV shows and test your own TV trivia knowledge with dozens of challenging and entertaining quizzes. Did you know... Succession relies on &“wealth consultants&” to ensure authenticity on how the richest of the rich live? A fan of The Office, after recalling the episode where Steve Carell&’s character arranges a (disastrous) CPR training session, successfully performed CPR on an unconscious stranger? Fraggle Rock was the first American TV series broadcast in Russia? Learn the stories behind these obscure TV tidbits and much more! With fun trivia, challenging quizzes, and log pages for your own lists, Mental Floss: The Curious Viewer Ultimate Quiz and Trivia Book will become as indispensable for your next binge-watch as your remote control. DOZENS OF FUN AND CHALLENGING QUIZZES: Test your TV knowledge with quizzes like "Two Degrees Of" your favorite celebrities, and "Match the Quote to the Simpsons Character" TRIVIA ABOUT MORE THAN 100 TV SHOWS: Get the inside scoop, fascinating facts, and mind-boggling trivia on the greatest shows from the past 20 years, from serious dramas such as Law and Order to seriously funny comedies like Ted Lasso MAKE IT YOUR OWN: Dozens of pages with fill-in lists, such as "Shows I Want to Binge" and "My Favorite TV Quotes" to "Shows I Started but Never Finished" and "My Favorite Shows of All Time."

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