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Showing 24,951 through 24,975 of 64,701 results

Queen Pin

by David Ritz Jemeker Thompson-Hairston

Jemeker Thompson-Hairston paid a heavy price for her involvement in the drug game. Learning from her sources of a federal investigation, Jemeker went on the run. It was love for her young son that brought her back to Los Angeles, even though she knew she would be arrested. A subsequent 15-year sentence would cost her not only her legitimate business and the fortune she'd amassed through the drug trade, but the most precious thing of all: time with her child. But not all was lost. Fortunately, while Thompson-Hairston was serving out the fifteen-year sentence, one pivotal moment helped her turn her life around, setting her on a path to help and inspire others like her. Now, in QUEEN PIN, written with New York Times bestselling author David Ritz, she reveals in gripping detail her journey of redemption that readers won't soon forget.

Queens Consort: England's Medieval Queens from Eleanor of Aquitaine to Elizabeth of York

by Lisa Hilton

Meet the subjects of history's greatest dramas: the first queens of EnglandThough their royal husbands occupy the lion's share of history books, the queens of early England are fascinating subjects in their own right. Lisa Hilton's Queens Consort vividly evokes the lives and times of England's first queens, from Matilda of Flanders and the Norman conquest of England to Elizabeth of York and the beginning of the Tudor dynasty. By profiling twenty different queens, Hilton provides an intricate and dramatic composite of the English monarch: from the ruthless Isabella of France, who violently gained control of England by dispatching Edward II, to the beloved Matilda of Scotland, known for her intelligence and devotion despite her philandering husband, Henry I; and from a girl who was crowned at the age of nine to a commoner who climbed the social ladder at the most opportune moment. Queens Consort dispels many of the myths that have surrounded these women for centuries, while simultaneously illuminating lesser-known facts about their lives.

Queens Consort

by Lisa Hilton

A Simon & Schuster eBook. Simon & Schuster has a great book for every reader.

Queenship and Voice in Medieval Northern Europe

by William Layher

"Queenship and Voice in Medieval Northern Europe" offers a unique perspective on aspects of female rulership in the Scandinavian Middle Ages. Working with historical as well as literary evidence from the thirteenth to fifteenth centuries, this book shows how three queens - Agnes of Denmark, Eufemia of Norway, and Margareta, the union queen of the Scandinavian kingdoms - marshaled the power of the royal voice in order to effect political change. In conceptualizing the political landscape of late-medieval Scandinavia as an acoustic landscape, Layher charts a new path of historical and cultural analysis into the reach and resonance of royal power in the Middle Ages.

Quemar la noche: Mi viaje desde la indigencia hasta la Universidad de Harvard

by Liz Murray

Una memoir acerca del perdón, la supervivencia...El viaje de una chica desde la indigencia hasta la Universidad de Harvard. Quemar la noche es una memoir bestseller en The New York Times y The London Sunday Times. El día en que Liz Murray nació su padre se encontraba en la cárcel y su madre intentaba desengancharse de las drogas. Cuando su padre salió de prisión Liz y su hermana se acostumbraron a ver a sus padres consumir en casa. A duras penas iba al colegio y en clase sus compañeros se reían de ella por llevar la ropa y el pelo sucios. Esa situación provocó que hiciera novillos a diario y que al final acabase en un reformatorio. Después de varios problemas su madre la echó de casa. Liz sobrevivió comiendo basura y durmiendo en el metro. Un día conoció a Carlos, que la protegió durante un tiempo. Cuando su madre murió decidió retomar las riendas de su vida y volvió a estudiar. Se graduó y fue aceptada en Harvard. Quemar la noche es la reconstrucción de un viaje a los infiernos, el periplo de una joven por el escenario de hambre, drogas y mendicidad que le tocó vivir y al que podría haberse visto abocada sin remedio. Su fuerza y su determinación por cambiar el curso de un destino en apariencia escrito hicieron que Liz Murray lograse sobreponerse a la calle y a la desesperación, y seguir adelante porque tenía algo valioso por lo que luchar: su vida. Una historia real conmovedora que nos enseña a confiar en nuestro instinto y en el poder del ser humano de cambiar frente a la adversidad y conseguir sus objetivos. Reseñas:«Haciendo uso de una prosa aterciopelada y grácil Murray nos ofrece la fiereza y la crueldad de una familia olvidada por la sociedad y de una infancia devastada. Y nos deja con los recuerdos de una niña que lo arriesgó todo con tal de no renunciar a la dignidad de su alma».Andrew Bridge, autor de Hope's Boy «Liz Murray nos muestra que el ser humano posee una capacidad infinita para sobreponerse ante cualquier circunstancia, para sobrepasar sus límites. Quemar la noche es un memoir bella en su escritura que atraviesa el corazón y que cambiará tu perspectiva sobre el mundo. Una obra inspiracional de lectura obligada».Robert Redford «No es sólo que la historia de Liz Murray es increíble y desgarradora en ocasiones. No es sólo que su gracia natural impregna cada una de las páginas. Es que por encima de todo escribe su historia y por eso sus palabras están llenas de verdad. La historia de compasión y amor al otro que ella misma experimentó. Ésta es la verdadera razón del libro de Murray».Kerry Cohen, autor de Loose Girl: A Memoir of Promiscuity

The Quest for Community: A Study In The Ethics Of Order And Freedom (Ics Series In Self-governance Ser.)

by Robert Nisbet

One of the leading thinkers to emerge in the postwar conservative intellectual revival was the sociologist Robert Nisbet. His book The Quest for Community, published in 1953, stands as one of the most persuasive accounts of the dilemmas confronting modern society.Nearly a half century before Robert Putnam documented the atomization of society in Bowling Alone, Nisbet argued that the rise of the powerful modern state had eroded the sources of community--the family, the neighborhood, the church, the guild. Alienation and loneliness inevitably resulted. But as the traditional ties that bind fell away, the human impulse toward community led people to turn even more to the government itself, allowing statism--even totalitarianism--to flourish.ISI Books is proud to present this new edition of Nisbet's magnum opus, featuring a brilliant introduction by New York Times columnist Ross Douthat and three critical essays. Published at a time when our communal life has only grown weaker and when many Americans display cultish enthusiasm for a charismatic president, this new edition of The Quest for Community shows that Nisbet's insights are as relevant today as ever.

A Question of Freedom

by Dwayne Betts

A unique prison narrative that testifies to the power of books to transform a young man's life At the age of sixteen, R. Dwayne Betts-a good student from a lower- middle-class family-carjacked a man with a friend. He had never held a gun before, but within a matter of minutes he had committed six felonies. In Virginia, carjacking is a "certifiable" offense, meaning that Betts would be treated as an adult under state law. A bright young kid, he served his nine-year sentence as part of the adult population in some of the worst prisons in the state. A Question of Freedom chronicles Betts's years in prison, reflecting back on his crime and looking ahead to how his experiences and the books he discovered while incarcerated would define him. Utterly alone, Betts confronts profound questions about violence, freedom, crime, race, and the justice system. Confined by cinder-block walls and barbed wire, he discovers the power of language through books, poetry, and his own pen. Above all, A Question of Freedom is about a quest for identity-one that guarantees Betts's survival in a hostile environment and that incorporates an understanding of how his own past led to the moment of his crime.

Quiet Hero

by Rita Cosby

When a father reveals his haunting past, a daughter takes an incredible journey of self-discovery . . . Emmy® award-winning journalist, TV host, and New York Times bestselling author Rita Cosby has always asked the tough questions in her interviews with the world's top newsmakers. Now, in a compelling and powerful memoir, she reveals how she uncovered an amazing personal story of heroism and courage, the untold secrets of a man she has known all her life: her father. Years after her mother's tragic death, Rita finally nerved herself to sort through her mother's stored belongings, never dreaming what a dramatic story was waiting for her. Opening a battered tan suitcase, she discovered it belonged to her father--the enigmatic man who had divorced her mother and left when Rita was still a teenager. Rita knew little of her father's past: just that he had left Poland after World War II, and that his many scars, visible and not, bore mute witness to some past tragedy. He had always refused to answer questions. Now, however, she held in her hand stark mementos from the youth of the man she knew only as Richard Cosby, proud American: a worn Polish Resistance armband; rusted tags bearing a prisoner number and the words Stalag IVB; and an identity card for an ex-POW bearing the name Ryszard Kossobudzki. Gazing at these profoundly telling relics, the well-known journalist realized that her father's story was one she could not allow him to keep secret any longer. When she finally did persuade him to break his silence, she heard of a harrowing past that filled her with immense pride . . . and chilled her to the bone. At the age of thirteen, barely even adolescent, her father had seen his hometown decimated by bombs. By the time he was fifteen, he was covertly distributing anti-Nazi propaganda a few blocks from the Warsaw Ghetto. Before the Warsaw Uprising, he lied about his age to join the Resistance and actively fight the enemy to the last bullet. After being nearly fatally wounded, he was taken into captivity and sent to a German POW camp near Dresden, finally escaping in a daring plan and ultimately rescued by American forces. All this before he had left his teens. This is Richard Cosby's story, but it is also Rita's. It is the story of a daughter coming to understand a father whose past was too painful to share with those he loved the most, too terrible to share with a child . . . but one that he eventually revealed to the journalist. In turn, Rita convinced her father to join her in a dramatic return to his battered homeland for the first time in sixty-five years. As Rita drew these stories from her father and uncovered secrets and emotions long kept hidden, father and daughter forged a new and precious bond, deeper than either could have ever imagined.

Quiet Heroes: British Merchant Seamen at War, 1939–1945

by Bernard Edwards

The men of Britain's Merchant Navy, although unarmed civilians going about their lawful business were the first to be involved with the enemy in the Second World War. Less than nine hours after the declaration of war on 3 September 1939, the Donaldson liner Athenia was sunk without warning by a German U-boat off the west coast of Ireland. From that moment onwards, British merchant seamen were constantly in the front line in all quarters of the globe. For almost six years they faced, without flinching, their own private hell of torpedoes, bombs, shells and mines, all the while fending off their old arch-enemy, the sea. Sorely pressed, and often tired near to death, they kept open Britain's tenuous lifelines, bringing millions of tons of raw materials, food, oil, arms and ammunition, without which the country could not have survived. As always, their spirit was indomitable, their professionalism unchallenged. The price they paid for their bravery and dedication was horrendous: 2,246 ships lost, 29,180 men killed, and countless hundreds maimed and wounded. This book tells the story of just a few of these quiet heroes.

Racing While Black: How an African-American Stock Car Team Made Its Mark on NASCAR

by Andrew Simon Leonard T. Miller Kenneth L. Shropshire

Starting a NASCAR team is hard work. Starting a NASCAR team as an African American is even harder. These are just a few of the lessons learned by Leonard T. Miller during his decade and a half of running an auto racing program. Fueled by more than the desire to win, Miller made it his goal to create opportunities for black drivers in the vastly white, Southern world of NASCAR. Racing While Black chronicles the travails of selling marketing plans to skeptics and scraping by on the thinnest of budgets, as well as the triumphs of speeding to victory and changing the way racing fans view skin color. With his father--former drag racer and longtime team owner Leonard W. Miller--along for the ride, Miller journeys from the short tracks of the Carolinas to the boardrooms of the "Big Three" automakers to find out that his toughest race may be winning over the human race.

Radical: A Portrait of Saul Alinsky

by Nicholas Von Hoffman

From Left to Right, one man has influenced them all: Saul Alinsky. Radicalis a personal portrait of this controversial mastermind of popular movements, a man who is often called the American Machiavelli. The tactics and strategy of Alinsky, who died in 1972, have been studied by people as diverse as Barack Obama, Cesar Chavez, Hillary Clinton, Dick Armey, the Tea Partiers, and activists and organizers of every persuasion. Thousands of organizations around the country owe their inspiration and origins to Alinsky-who is to community organizing what Freud is to psychoanalysis. As told by his friend and prot g Nicholas von Hoffman, whom Alinsky dubbed “in all the world my favorite, drinking, talking, and thinking companion,”Radicalis an intimate look at the man who made a career of arming the powerless and enraging the powerful. From Alinsky’s smuggling guinea pigs into the Joliet state penitentiary to the famous Buffalo fart-in. von Hoffman’s book reveals the humor as well as the ideals and anger that drove Alinsky to become a major figure in a democratic tradition dating back to Tom Paine. Many of the stories about politicians, bishops, gangsters, millionaires, and labor leaders, which Alinsky did not want made public in his lifetime, are told here for the first time inRadical. Von Hoffman captures Alinsky’s brilliant critique of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ’s organizational tactics and where and why they succeeded or failed. It was a career that began in the politics and violence of the Great Depression and worked its way through the Communist threat, the racial struggles, and the Vietnam War protests of the second half of the twentieth century. The first book to explain why so many have co-opted Alinsky’s ideas, and the first to explain why so many contemporary politicians misunderstand his message,Radicalwill become essential reading for anyone interested in American politics, past and present.

Radical Disciple: Father Pfleger, St. Sabina Church, and the Fight for Social Justice

by Robert McClory

During the past twenty-six years, Reverend Michael Pfleger, a white Catholic priest who pastors a black Chicago parish, has never been far from the spotlight. His aggressive, innovative leadership has empowered thousands, making St. Sabina church one of the largest and most active black Catholic congregations in the country. At the same time, Pfleger has been continually criticized as a trouble-making maverick, a renegade cleric, and a publicity hound. This biography concentrates on Father Pfleger's work at St. Sabina from his earliest days there and covers his efforts to build up the parish, his activism, his work to rejuvenate the community, his battles with church leaders, and his strong relationship with his parishioners. It provides a fascinating look at the inner workings of the Catholic Church, the traditions of the black pulpit, and what it takes to change the laws in a major American city. Radical Disciple will be essential reading for anyone interested in social change and how a dynamic preacher and an involved church community can transform a city.

Radical-in-Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of American Socialism

by Stanley Kurtz

An in-depth examination of President Barack Obama and his policies by journalist and political commentator Stanley Kurtz.

Radical-in-Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of American Socialism

by Stanley Kurtz

President Barack Obama surprised many voters during a pre-election interview when he approvingly noted that Ronald Reagan had "changed the trajectory of America" in a way that other presidents had not. In effect, Obama was saying that he, too, aimed to transform America in some fundamental way. Yet while Americans in 1982 may have been divided over Reagan's politics, at least they knew what he stood for. Do we really understand Obama's vision for our country? In his controversial new book, veteran journalist Stanley Kurtz culls together two years of investigations from archives and never-before-tapped sources to present an exhaustively-researched exposÉ of President Obama's biggest secret--the socialist convictions and tactical ruthlessness he has long swept under the rug. A personable figure, a thoughtful politician, and an inspiring orator, Obama has hidden his core political beliefs from the American people--sometimes by directly misrepresenting his past and sometimes by omitting or parceling out damaging information to disguise its real importance. The president presents himself as a post-ideological pragmatist, yet his current policies grow directly from the nexus of socialist associates and theories that has shaped him throughout his adult life. Kurtz makes an in-depth exploration of the president's connections to radical groups such as ACORN, UNO of Chicago, the Midwest Academy, and the Socialist Scholars Conferences. He explains what modern "stealth" socialism is, how it has changed, and how it continues to influence the Democratic Party. He sheds light on what the New York Times called a "lost chapter" of the president's life--his years at Columbia--and proves that Obama's youthful infatuation with socialism was not just a phase. Those ideas have shaped his political views and set the groundwork for the long-term strategy of his administration. It could be argued that Obama's past no longer matters, but, in a sense, it matters more than the present. Obama has adopted the gradualist socialist strategy of his mentors, seeking to combine comprehensive government regulation of private businesses with a steadily enlarging public sector. Eventually, in his hands, capitalist America could resemble a socialist-inspired Scandinavian welfare state. The gap between inner conviction and public relations in Obama's case is vastly wider than for most American politicians. If Americans understood in 2008 the facts Kurtz reveals in this shocking political biography, Obama would not be president today. The fears of his harshest critics are justified: our Commander-in- Chief is a Radical-in-Chief.

Radio Shangri-La: What I Discovered on my Accidental Journey to the Happiest Kingdom on Earth

by Lisa Napoli

Lisa Napoli was in the grip of a crisis, dissatisfied with her life and her work as a radio journalist. When a chance encounter with a handsome stranger presented her with an opportunity to move halfway around the world, Lisa left behind cosmopolitan Los Angeles for a new adventure in the ancient Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan--said to be one of the happiest places on earth. Long isolated from industrialization and just beginning to open its doors to the modern world, Bhutan is a deeply spiritual place, devoted to environmental conservation and committed to the happiness of its people--in fact, Bhutan measures its success in Gross National Happiness rather than in GNP. In a country without a single traffic light, its citizens are believed to be among the most content in the world. To Lisa, it seemed to be a place that offered the opposite of her fast-paced life in the United States, where the noisy din of sound-bite news and cell phones dominate our days, and meaningful conversation is a rare commodity; where everyone is plugged in digitally, yet rarely connects with the people around them. Thousands of miles away from everything and everyone she knows, Lisa creates a new community for herself. As she helps to start Bhutan's first youth-oriented radio station, Kuzoo FM, she must come to terms with her conflicting feelings about the impact of the medium on a country that had been shielded from its effects. Immersing herself in Bhutan's rapidly changing culture, Lisa realizes that her own perspective on life is changing as well--and that she is discovering the sense of purpose and joy that she has been yearning for. In this smart, heartfelt, and beautifully written book, sure to please fans of transporting travel narratives and personal memoirs alike, Lisa Napoli discovers that the world is a beautiful and complicated place--and comes to appreciate her life for the adventure it is.From the Hardcover edition.

Radioactive: Marie And Pierre Curie - A Tale Of Love And Fallout

by Lauren Redniss

In 1891, 24-year-old Marie Sklodowska moved from Warsaw to Paris, where she found work in the laboratory of Pierre Curie, a scientist engaged in research on heat and magnetism. They fell in love. They took their honeymoon on bicycles. They expanded the periodic table, discovering two new elements with startling properties, radium and polonium. They recognized radioactivity as an atomic property, heralding the dawn of a new scientific era. They won the Nobel Prize. Newspapers mythologized the couple's romance, beginning articles on the Curies with "Once upon a time... " Then, in 1906, Pierre was killed in a freak accident. Marie continued their work alone. She won a second Nobel Prize in 1911, and fell in love again, this time with the married physicist Paul Langevin. Scandal ensued. Duels were fought.<P><P> In the century since the Curies began their work, we've struggled with nuclear weapons proliferation, debated the role of radiation in medical treatment, and pondered nuclear energy as a solution to climate change. In Radioactive, Lauren Redniss links these contentious questions to a love story in 19th Century Paris.<P> Radioactive draws on Redniss's original reporting in Asia, Europe and the United States, her interviews with scientists, engineers, weapons specialists, atomic bomb survivors, and Marie and Pierre Curie's own granddaughter.<P> Whether young or old, scientific novice or expert, no one will fail to be moved by Lauren Redniss's eerie and wondrous evocation of one of history's most intriguing figures.

Radioactive: Marie & Pierre Curie: A Tale of Love and Fallout

by Lauren Redniss

A visual journey into the life of Marie Curie, as told through the dazzling collage style of acclaimed author and artist Lauren Redniss “Lauren Redniss creates an entirely new genre of biography.” —Nylon“Visually dazzling…a startlingly original graphic style.” —SlateThe name Marie Curie is enshrined in every schoolchild’s mind as one of the earliest and most inspirational female pioneers in the history of science. Yet the rich, vivid, and romantic story of Marya Salome Sklodwska—the young Polish national who discovered radioactivity—has been lost to time . . . until now, in the pages of this stunning, wildly creative, and uniquely moving visual biography by one of the most creative artistic talents working today. Lauren Redniss, a celebrated New York Times illustrator and storyteller, has thrown herself deeply and passionately into researching the story of the real Marie Curie; of her passionate and tragic romantic life; and of the century of scientific innovation and controversy that sprang from her discovery of radium and went on to change the course of world history. Drawing on her original archival research in Europe and the United States—and a host of new interviews with Curie family members and scientists who carry on the Curie tradition—Redniss has created a fascinating and deeply moving book. A visually stunning work of illustrative art, Radioactive walks the reader through the story of Curie’s own life, which was marked by both extraordinary scientific discovery and dramatic personal trauma—from her romantic partnership with Pierre, through his tragic decline from radium poisoning and death in a traffic accident, to the scandalous affair with another fellow scientist that almost cost her her second Nobel Prize. But it also casts an eye forward, to survey the changes wrought by Curie’s discovery of radioactivity—illuminating the path from the Curie laboratory past the bright red mushroom clouds in the Nevada desert through Three Mile Island and the advance in radiation therapy and nuclear power today. Whether young or old, scientific novice or expert, no one will fail to be moved by Lauren Redniss’s eerie and wondrous evocation of one of history’s most intriguing figures.

Raglan: From the Peninsula to the Crimea

by John Sweetman

All too many historians have dismissed FitzRoy James Henry Somerset, first Baron Raglan, as at best, an indifferent and, at worst, an incompetent on the basis of his association with the infamous Charge of the Light Brigade.Yet as this long overdue biography of a pivotal military figure of the 19th Century reveals Raglans achievements over fifty years should not be judged on so narrow a basis. True, as Commander of the Expeditionary Force to the Crimea, he must take his share of responsibility for the hardship suffered by the men under him particularly during the winter of 1854-55 but the fact remains that Raglan never lost a battle for which he was fully responsible.Commissioned in 1804 he served under Sir Arthur Paget and the Duke of Wellington, throughout the Peninsular War losing an arm at Waterloo. He held key posts, including Military Secretary for an astonishing 25 years and Master General of the Ordnance and his influence was far reaching.Raglan is revealed in this objective study as a brave, thoughtful, caring and capable man, who found himself an easy target for critics of an outdated and inadequate military administrative system. Very personal attacks, some from official quarters, mortally wounded him and he died in June 1855, a mere seven months after being appointed a field marshal amid public acclaim.In this first full biography of Raglan, John Sweetman examines not just the man himself but the workings of an Army that was straggling to keep up with social and technological change. Readers will find this a fine expos of a man who was placed in a no-win situation through little fault of his own.John Sweetman graduated from Brasenose College Oxford (Modern History) before taking a PhD at Kings College, London. He later became Head of Defence and International Affairs at RMA Sandhurst. He is the author of numerous military works. Now retired he lives at Camberley.

Raised by the Mistress

by Jamilah B. Creekmur

When Wayne Lampkin, a state correctional officer and former Marine, came into Valli Barnes life in the fall of 1982, he was a 33-year-old man with a step-\son, three children from a previous marriage, and a new wife and infant son. By all accounts, it was a messy situation, particularly considering that Valli, with her two children, Jamilah and Kenny, had recently gone through her own divorce. Despite all of the hurt and pain that their relationship would cause their loved ones, and themselves, Valli and Wayne fell deeply in love for 20 long, tumultuous years, all while Wayne lived a double life as a married man. In RAISED BY THE MISTRESS the hot-button topic of infidelity is explored in a way that forces the reader to understand just how multi-layered and extensive the perils of cheating can truly be for the entire family. In what is sure to be one of the most talked about memoirs of the year, RAISED BY THE MISTRESS offers a uniquely personal, deeply intimate look into the complicated past of a family torn apart by two people who fell in love under the wrong circumstances. For perhaps the first time ever, RAISED BY THE MISTRESS features, alongside the viewpoints of Valli and Wayne, the poignant voice of Valli's daughter, Jamilah, whose perspective on her mother's relationship is laced with disapproval, perplexity and pure frustration, particularly as she helplessly watched her mother simultaneously battle with alcoholism. The discussion around infidelity is a long-standing hot topic which frequently generates headlines around the world: Tiger and Elin; Sandra and Jesse; John and Elizabeth. Yet, the painful process of deciding what to do about a broken marriage continues for the couple long after the media has moved on, almost certainly impacting the larger family unit beyond the husband and wife. Infidelity is often shrouded in secrecy and shame. However, the authors of RAISED BY THE MISTRESS aspire to finally start an honest dialogue about infidelity and what it means for everyone involved. Not only is their story destined to be an unputdownable read, but perhaps once the conversation starts, the healing can also begin for the countless families who experience the pain of infidelity. Each chapter of this memoir, whether the voice of Valli, Wayne or Jamilah, carries the reader from decade to decade, from tragedy to triumph, as this family grows together and apart, and ultimately reunites for an ending that one could never expect.

Raising the Dead: A Doctor Encounters the Miraculous

by Chauncey W. Crandall

On October 20, 2006, a middle-aged auto mechanic, Jeff Markin, walked into the emergency room at the Palm Beach Gardens Hospital and collapsed from a massive heart attack. Forty minutes later he was declared dead. After filling out his final report, the supervising cardiologist, Dr. Chauncey Crandall, started out of the room. "Before I crossed its threshold, however, I sensed God was telling me to turn around and pray for the patient," Crandall explained. With that prayer and Dr. Crandall's instruction to give the man what seemed one more useless shock from the defibrillator, Jeff Markin came back to life--and remains alive and well today. But how did a Yale-educated cardiologist whose Palm Beach practice includes some of the most powerful people in American society, including several billionaires, come to believe in supernatural healing? The answers to these questions compose a story and a spiritual journey that transformed Chauncey Crandall. Dr. Crandall wrote that ". . . the Lord said clearly to me, 'I've called you to be a physician. . . . I've given you a platform as a physician to win the lost for Christ. You will take this platform and have influence over people, wherever you go, based on your testimony.' I finally understood that many people would find my testimony credible precisely because I was a physician rather than a professional minister." Because of Dr. Crandall's encounters with the miraculous, he presently wants to heal both people's bodies and souls instead of just trying to advance himself in the medical world and earn more money like he did in the past before his remarkable metamorphosis.

Rammohun Roy and the Making of Victorian Britain

by Lynn Zastoupil

This book investigates Rammohun Roy as a transnational celebrity. It examines the role of religious heterodoxy - particularly Christian Unitarianism - in transforming a colonial outsider into an imagined member of the emerging Victorian social order It uses his fame to shed fresh light on nineteenth-century British reformers, including advocates of liberty of the press, early feminists, free trade imperialists, and constitutional reformers such as Jeremy Bentham. Rammohun Roy's intellectual agendas are also interrogated, particularly how he employed Unitarianism and the British satiric tradition to undermine colonial rule in Bengal and provincialize England as a laggard nation in the progress towards rational religion and political liberty.


by Raquel Welch

Part autobiography, part personal philosophy, and full of practical advice for women of all ages, "Raquel: Beyond the Cleavage" is a book that skimps neither on entertainment nor on good plain advice.


by Raquel Welch

She didn’t hatch out of an eagle’s nest, circaOne Million Years B. C. , clad in a skimpy fur bikini. She didn’t aspire to fame as a sex symbol. Yet, for many years after making her Hollywood entrance as every man’s fantasy, Raquel Welch was best known for her beauty and sex appeal. A private person, she allowed people to draw their own conclusions from her public image. Now, Raquel Welch is ready to speak her mind. And, with the luxury of hindsight and the benefit of experience, she has plenty to share about the art of being a woman—even men will find it enlightening to read about what makes her tick. InBeyond the Cleavage, Raquel Welch talks, woman to woman, about her views on all that comes with being a member of the female sex—love, sex, style, health, body image, career, family, forgiveness, aging, and coming of age. Looking back on her life, she lets women in on her childhood, dominated by a volatile father; her first love, marriage, and divorce; her early struggles as a single working mother in Hollywood; her battles for roles and respect as an actress; and her daring decision never to lie about her age. Looking forward, she offers women a compass to guide them at every crossroad of life, from menopause through the empty nest years, to dating younger men and beyond. Along with bringing baby boomers into her confidence—she offers essential tips for staying motivated and positive past fifty, as well as divulging her secrets for fabulous hair and makeup—she even talks to today’s younger generation of women about the importance of carrying themselves with dignity and self-respect. With warmth, humor, conviction, and honesty, Raquel reveals her approach to preventative aging, her life-changing commitment to yoga, her recipe for eating right, her skincare regimen, her flair for fashion, and much more. Deeply personal (Welch wrote every word herself—no ghostwriter),Beyond the Cleavageis Raquel Welch’s gift to every woman who longs to look and feel her best, and be at peace with herself.

Raquel: Beyond the Cleavage

by Raquel Welch

She didn't hatch out of an eagle's nest, circa One Million Years B.C., clad in a skimpy fur bikini. She didn't aspire to fame as a sex symbol. Yet, for many years after making her Hollywood entrance as every man's fantasy, Raquel Welch was best known for her beauty and sex appeal. A private person, she allowed people to draw their own conclusions from her public image. Now, Raquel Welch is ready to speak her mind. And, with the luxury of hindsight and the benefit of experience, she has plenty to share about the art of being a woman--even men will find it enlightening to read about what makes her tick. In Beyond the Cleavage, Raquel Welch talks, woman to woman, about her views on all that comes with being a member of the female sex--love, sex, style, health, body image, career, family, forgiveness, aging, and coming of age. Looking back on her life, she lets women in on her childhood, dominated by a volatile father; her first love, marriage, and divorce; her early struggles as a single working mother in Hollywood; her battles for roles and respect as an actress; and her daring decision never to lie about her age. Looking forward, she offers women a compass to guide them at every crossroad of life, from menopause through the empty nest years, to dating younger men and beyond. Along with bringing baby boomers into her confidence--she offers essential tips for staying motivated and positive past fifty, as well as divulging her secrets for fabulous hair and makeup--she even talks to today's younger generation of women about the importance of carrying themselves with dignity and self-respect. With warmth, humor, conviction, and honesty, Raquel reveals her approach to preventative aging, her life-changing commitment to yoga, her recipe for eating right, her skincare regimen, her flair for fashion, and much more. Deeply personal (Welch wrote every word herself--no ghostwriter), Beyond the Cleavage is Raquel Welch's gift to every woman who longs to look and feel her best, and be at peace with herself.

Rat Girl

by Kristin Hersh

The founder of a cult rock band shares her outrageous tale of growing up much faster than planned. In 1985, Kristin Hersh was just starting to find her place in the world. After leaving home at the age of fifteen, the precocious child of unconventional hippies had enrolled in college while her band, Throwing Muses, was getting off the ground amid rumors of a major label deal. Then everything changed: she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and found herself in an emotional tailspin; she started medication, but then discovered she was pregnant. An intensely personal and moving account of that pivotal year, Rat Girl is sure to be greeted eagerly by Hersh's many fans.

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