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Showing 25,451 through 25,475 of 64,964 results

The Turquoise Ledge

by Leslie Marmon Silko

The Turquoise Ledge

Twain's Feast

by Andrew Beahrs

One young food writer's search for America's lost wild foods, from New Orleans croakers to Illinois Prairie hen, with Mark Twain as his guide. In the winter of 1879, Mark Twain paused during a tour of Europe to compose a fantasy menu of the American dishes he missed the most. He was desperately sick of European hotel cooking, and his menu, made up of some eighty regional specialties, was a true love letter to American food: Lake Trout, from Tahoe. Hot biscuits, Southern style. Canvasback-duck, from Baltimore. Black-bass, from the Mississippi. When food writer Andrew Beahrs first read Twain's menu in the classic work A Tramp Abroad, he noticed the dishes were regional in the truest sense of the word-drawn fresh from grasslands, woods, and waters in a time before railroads had dissolved the culinary lines between Hannibal, Missouri, and San Francisco. These dishes were all local, all wild, and all, Beahrs feared, had been lost in the shift to industrialized food. In Twain's Feast, Beahrs sets out to discover whether eight of these forgotten regional specialties can still be found on American tables, tracing Twain's footsteps as he goes. Twain's menu, it turns out, was also a memoir and a map. The dishes he yearned for were all connected to cherished moments in his life-from the New Orleans croakers he loved as a young man on the Mississippi to the maple syrup he savored in Connecticut, with his family, during his final, lonely years. Tracking Twain's foods leads Beahrs from the dwindling prairie of rural Illinois to a six-hundred-pound coon supper in Arkansas to the biggest native oyster reef in San Francisco Bay. He finds pockets of the country where Twain's favorite foods still exist or where intrepid farmers, fishermen, and conservationists are trying to bring them back. In Twain's Feast, he reminds us what we've lost as these wild foods have disappeared from our tables, and what we stand to gain from their return. Weaving together passages from Twain's famous works and Beahrs's own adventures, Twain's Feasttakes us on a journey into America's past, to a time when foods taken fresh from grasslands, woods, and waters were at the heart of American cooking.

Twilight at the World of Tomorrow: Genius, Madness, Murder, and the 1939 World's Fair on the Brink of War

by James Mauro

The summer of 1939 was an epic turning point for America a brief window between the Great Depression and World War II. It was the last season of unbridled hope for peace and prosperity; by Labor Day, the Nazis were in Poland. And nothing would come to symbolize this transformation from acute optimism to fear and dread more than the 1939 New York World's Fair. A glorious vision of the future, the Fair introduced television, the fax machine, nylon, and fluorescent lights. The World of Tomorrow, as it was called, was a dream city built upon a notorious garbage dump The Great Gatsby's infamous ash heaps. Yet these lofty dreams would come crashing down to earth in just two years. From the fair's opening on a stormy spring day, everything that could go wrong did: not just freakish weather but power failures and bomb threats. Amid the drama of the World's Fair, four men would struggle against the coming global violence. Albert Einstein, a lifelong pacifist, would come to question his beliefs as never before. From his summer home on Long Island, he signed a series of letters to President Roosevelt urging the development of an atomic bomb an act he would later recall as the one great mistake in my life. Grover Whalen, the Fair's president, struggled in vain to win over dictators Benito Mussolini and Joseph Stalin, believing that his utopian vision had the power to stop their madness. And two New York City police detectives, Joe Lynch and Freddy Socha, who had been assigned to investigate a series of bomb threats and explosions that had terrorized the city for months, would have a rendezvous with destiny at the Fair: During the summer of 1940, in a chilling preview of things to come, terrorism would arrive on American shores and the grounds of the World's Fair. Yet behind this tragic tableau is a story as incredible as it is inspiring. With a colorful cast of supporting characters including Mayor Fiorello La Guardia, Robert Moses, and FDR Twilight at the World of Tomorrow is narrative nonfiction at its finest, a gripping true-life drama that not only illuminates a forgotten episode of the nation's past but shines a probing light upon its present and its future.

Twilight of Impunity: The War Crimes Trial of Slobodan Milosevic

by Judith Armatta

An eyewitness account of the first major international war-crimes tribunal since the Nuremberg trials, Twilight of Impunity is a gripping guide to the prosecution of Slobodan Milosevic for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide. The historic trial of the "Butcher of the Balkans" began in 2002 and ended abruptly with Milosevic's death in 2006. Judith Armatta, a lawyer who spent three years in the former Yugoslavia during Milosevic's reign, had a front-row seat at the trial. In Twilight of Impunity she brings the dramatic proceedings to life, explains complex legal issues, and assesses the trial's implications for victims of the conflicts in the Balkans during the 1990s and international justice more broadly. Armatta acknowledges the trial's flaws, particularly Milosevic's grandstanding and attacks on the institutional legitimacy of the International Criminal Tribunal. Yet she argues that the trial provided an indispensable legal and historical narrative of events in the former Yugoslavia and a valuable forum where victims could tell their stories and seek justice. It addressed crucial legal issues, such as the responsibility of commanders for crimes committed by subordinates, and helped to create a framework for conceptualizing and organizing other large-scale international criminal tribunals. The prosecution of Slobodan Milosevic in The Hague was an important step toward ending impunity for leaders who perpetrate egregious crimes against humanity.

Two Generals

by Scott Chantler

A beautifully illustrated and poignant graphic memoir that tells the story of World War II from an Everyman's perspective. In March of 1943, Scott Chantler's grandfather, Law Chantler, shipped out across the Atlantic for active service with the Highland Light Infantry of Canada, along with his best friend, Jack, a fellow officer. Not long afterward, they would find themselves making a rocky crossing of the English Channel, about to take part in one of the most pivotal and treacherous military operations of World War II: the Allied invasion of Normandy. Two Generalstells the story of what happened there through the eyes of these two young men -- not the celebrated military commanders or politicians we often hear about, but everyday heroes who risked their lives for the Allied cause. Meticulously researched and gorgeously illustrated,Two Generalsis a harrowing story of battle and a touching story of friendship -- and a vital and vibrant record of unsung heroism.

The Typewriter Is Holy

by Bill Morgan

Anyone who cares to understand the literary and cultural ferment of America in the later twentieth century must be familiar with the writings and lives of those scruffy bohemians known as the Beat Generation.In this highly entertaining work, Bill Morgan, the country's leading authority on the movement and a man who personally knew most of the Beats, narrates the history of these writers as primarily a social group of friends, tracing their origins together during the World War II years to the full blossoming of their notoriety in the late 1950s to their profound influence on the social upheaval of the 1960s. Indeed, it is impossible to comprehend the sixties without first grasping the importance of the social ripples set in motion by the Beats a decade earlier.Although their prose and poetry varied in style and for the most part did not represent a genuine literary movement, the Beats, through their words and nonconformist lives, collectively posed a challenge to the staid and complacent America of the postwar years. They believed in free expression, opposing all censorship; they dabbled in free love; they practiced Eastern philosophy, leading to an embrace in America of alternative forms of spirituality; sooner than others, they watched with dismay the increasingly heavy hand of military and corporate culture in our national life; they embraced the aspirations, as well as the lingo, of urbanized black Americans. They believed in the liberating influence of hallucinogenic drugs.In short, the Beats were thoroughly American in their love of individual freedom. Perhaps it should come as no surprise that J. Edgar Hoover described them in 1960 as one of the three greatest threats to American security (after communism and intellectual "eggheads").The story that Bill Morgan tells has less to do with sociology than with social mingling. He traces the closely knit friendships of the Beat luminaries Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac, William S. Burroughs, and the small army of other names. Although Kerouac, author of the much loved novel On the Road, was the most famous of the Beat writers, it was Ginsberg, Morgan contends, who resided at the center of the group and for more than two decades provided it with cohesion and a sense of direction.The Beats were not saints. They were sexually irresponsible, undependable in marriage (the movement could in fact fairly be described as misogynistic); they did too many drugs and consumed too much booze; the very quality that characterized their lives and writings--a fervent belief in spontaneity--destroyed some friendships. Indeed, Morgan's story begins with a murder in New York's Riverside Park in 1944.Bill Morgan has provided a sweeping, indispensable story about these discontented free spirits. We watch their peripatetic lives, their sexual misadventures, their ambivalent response to fame. We are reminded above all that while their personal lives may have not have been holy, their typewriters and their lasting words very much were.

El último brindis de Don Porfirio

by Rafael Tovar y de Teresa

Del autor de la novela Paraíso es tu memoria, Rafael Tovar y de Teresa.El último brindis de Don Porfirio, ilustrado con más de 150 imágenes, muchas de ellas inéditas, es la crónica del último año de un gobernante que no supo despedirse a tiempo.Hace cien años, Porfirio Díaz se fijó objetivos claros para celebrar el Centenario de la Independencia. Recordar el movimiento libertario no sería lo único sino también mostrar al mundo que sus treinta años en el gobierno -bajo el credo #orden, paz y progreso#- habían transformado al país en una nación estable y respetada con crédito internacional, en pujante progreso y marcada por los aires modernizadores que soplaban en el mundo al iniciar el siglo XX.Más allá de las elegantes fiestas, la celebración dejó huella en más de mil quinientas poblaciones que se beneficiaron de cuando menos una muestra material y tangible de infraestructura con significado cívico e histórico. Se logró que los diversos sectores de la sociedad fueran parte de la conmemoración a la que se sumaron delegaciones extranjeras que dejaron testimonio de su aprecio y respeto por México. Sin embargo, este festejo digno de un gran país no pudo contener lo evidente, pronto estallaría una violenta revolución que mostraría los dos rostros de México: el del inicio del progreso y el de la profunda desigualdad social.

El último cuaderno

by José Saramago

Un bloguero llamado Saramago. Este último cuaderno, con prólogo de Umberto Eco, recoge los textos que el Premio Nobel de Literatura escribió en su blog desde marzo de 2009 hasta junio de 2010, fecha de su última entrada. ES TIEMPO DE VOLVERAL COMPROMISO:EL ESCRITOR TIENE QUE DECIRQUIÉN ES Y QUÉ PIENSA «No es este un libro triste, no es un libro tronante, es, simplemente, una despedida. Por eso, José Saramago, pese a estar atento a la anécdota del día o al suceso terrible, pese a usar el humor y la ironía y emplearse a fondo en la compasión, rescata textos dormidos que son actuales y nos los deja como regalos inesperados, no como un testamento, simplemente ofrendas íntimas que desvelan pasiones y sueños. Nos acerca al mundo de Kafka, o a la inevitable tristeza de Charlot, o nos describe la soberbia aventura de coronar la cima de la Montaña Blanca, en Lanzarote. Este es un libro de vida, un tesoro, un Saramago que nos habla al oído para decirnos que el problema no es la justicia, sino los jueces que la administran en el mundo. No habrá más cuadernos, esa mirada oblicua para ver el revés de las cosas, la frontal, sin bajar nunca la cabeza ante el poder, sí para besar, la ironía, la curiosidad, la sabiduría de quien no habiendo nacido para contar sigue contando, y con qué actualidad ahora que ya no está y tanta falta nos sigue haciendo. Así son las despedidas de los hombres que saben que han nacido de la tierra y que a la tierra vuelven, pero abrazados a ella, con esa especie de inmortalidad que ofrece el suelo del que nos levantamos cada día, con nuevas experiencias incorporadas. Las de quienes son suelo y tierra, nuestro sustento, tal vez nuestra alma.»Pilar del Río

Umm Kulthum: Artistic Agency and the Shaping of an Arab Legend, 1967-2007 (Music Culture)

by Laura Lohman

In 1967 Egypt and the Arab world suffered a devastating defeat by Israel in the Six-Day War. Though long past the age at which most singers would have retired, the sexagenarian Egyptian singer Umm Kulthum launched a multifaceted response to the defeat that not only sustained her career, but also expanded her international fame and shaped her legacy. By examining biographies, dramas, monuments, radio programming practices, and recent recordings, Laura Lohman delves into Umm Kulthum's role in fashioning her image and the conflicting ways that her image and music have been interpreted since her death in 1975.

Un Amico Italiano

by Luca Spaghetti

'My grandmother always said this last name will bring you luck . . . 'In September 2003, Luca Spaghetti got an email from an American friend that would change his life: 'A friend from university is about to move to Rome for three months. She'll contact you. She's a writer and her name is Elizabeth Gilbert. 'Luca did not have high hopes for this bookish tourist but he needn't have worried. Here was someone who wanted to discover the true Rome, the Rome of Romans. And who better to show her than a born and bred Romano. This is Luca's unconventional guide to his city as he knows and lives it. From the hotspots and hidden corners to the most amazing art, food and traditions, this is a very personal, zesty, inspiring insight into the Eternal City. 'Luca writes with as much charm and warmth as he speaks – so now everyone can join the conversation at the table. I'm delighted to share my friend through this marvellous book, which I cannot recommend highly enough . . . 'ELIZABETH GILBERT

Unbearable Lightness: A Story of Loss and Gain

by Portia De Rossi

I didn't decide to become anorexic. It snuck up on me disguised as a healthy diet, a professional attitude. Being as thin as possible was a way to make the job of being an actress easier . . . Portia de Rossi weighed only 82 pounds when she collapsed on the set of the Hollywood film in which she was playing her first leading role. This should have been the culmination of all her years of hard work first as a child model in Australia, then as a cast member of one of the hottest shows on American television. On the outside she was thin and blond, glamorous and successful. On the inside, she was literally dying. In this searing, unflinchingly honest book, Portia de Rossi captures the complex emotional truth of what it is like when food, weight, and body image take priority over every other human impulse or action. She recounts the elaborate rituals around eating that came to dominate hours of every day, from keeping her daily calorie intake below 300 to eating precisely measured amounts of food out of specific bowls and only with certain utensils. When this wasn't enough, she resorted to purging and compulsive physical exercise, driving her body and spirit to the breaking point. Even as she rose to fame as a cast member of the hit television shows Ally McBeal and Arrested Development, Portia alternately starved herself and binged, all the while terrified that the truth of her sexuality would be exposed in the tabloids. She reveals the heartache and fear that accompany a life lived in the closet, a sense of isolation that was only magnified by her unrelenting desire to be ever thinner. With the storytelling skills of a great novelist and the eye for detail of a poet, Portia makes transparent as never before the behaviors and emotions of someone living with an eating disorder. From her lowest point, Portia began the painful climb back to a life of health and honesty, falling in love with and eventually marrying Ellen DeGeneres, and emerging as an outspoken and articulate advocate for gay rights and women's health issues. In this remarkable and beautifully written work, Portia shines a bright light on a dark subject. A crucial book for all those who might sometimes feel at war with themselves or their bodies, Unbearable Lightness is a story that inspires hope and nourishes the spirit.

Unbearable Lightness: A Story of Loss and Gain

by Portia De Rossi

"I didn't decide to become anorexic. It snuck up on me disguised as a healthy diet, a professional attitude. Being as thin as possible was a way to make the job of being an actress easier . . ." Portia de Rossi weighed only 82 pounds when she collapsed on the set of the Hollywood film in which she was playing her first leading role. This should have been the culmination of all her years of hard work--first as a child model in Australia, then as a cast member of one of the hottest shows on American television. On the outside she was thin and blond, glamorous and successful. On the inside, she was literally dying. In this searing, unflinchingly honest book, Portia de Rossi captures the complex emotional truth of what it is like when food, weight, and body image take priority over every other human impulse or action. She recounts the elaborate rituals around eating that came to dominate hours of every day, from keeping her daily calorie intake below 300 to eating precisely measured amounts of food out of specific bowls and only with certain utensils. When this wasn't enough, she resorted to purging and compulsive physical exercise, driving her body and spirit to the breaking point. Even as she rose to fame as a cast member of the hit television shows Ally McBeal and Arrested Development, Portia alternately starved herself and binged, all the while terrified that the truth of her sexuality would be exposed in the tabloids. She reveals the heartache and fear that accompany a life lived in the closet, a sense of isolation that was only magnified by her unrelenting desire to be ever thinner. With the storytelling skills of a great novelist and the eye for detail of a poet, Portia makes transparent as never before the behaviors and emotions of someone living with an eating disorder. From her lowest point, Portia began the painful climb back to a life of health and honesty, falling in love with and eventually marrying Ellen DeGeneres, and emerging as an outspoken and articulate advocate for gay rights and women's health issues. In this remarkable and beautifully written work, Portia shines a bright light on a dark subject. A crucial book for all those who might sometimes feel at war with themselves or their bodies, Unbearable Lightness is a story that inspires hope and nourishes the spirit.

Unbearable Lightness: A Story of Loss and Gain

by Portia De Rossi

"I didn't decide to become anorexic. It snuck up on me disguised as a healthy diet, a professional attitude. Although there was a certain glamour to anorexics, I didn't want to be one. I just wanted to excel in dieting. And weighing in at 80 pounds on 300 calories a day, I was the best little dieter there ever was. " In scalding prose, Portia de Rossi reveals the pain and illness that haunted her for decades. She alternately starved herself and binged, putting her life in danger and lying to herself and everyone around her about the depth of her illness. From her lowest point, Portia began the painful climb back to health and happiness, ultimately falling head over heels in love with Ellen DeGeneres. In this remarkable and landmark book, she tells a story that inspires hope and nourishes the spirit.

The Unbreakable Child

by William F. Mcmurry David Clohessy Kim Michele Richardson Father Thomas Doyle, J.C.D., C.A.D.C.

Kim Richardson's story of surviving abuse at the hands of the Catholic nuns of Kentucky's St. Thomas/St. Vincent Orphanage, and later joining the class action suit brought by forty-four survivors, including her two sisters, which ended in victory. This book is about hope, justice, and ultimate forgiveness.


by Laura Hillenbrand

On a May afternoon in 1943, an Army Air Forces bomber crashed into the Pacific Ocean and disappeared, leaving only a spray of debris and a slick of oil, gasoline, and blood. <P><P>Then, on the ocean surface, a face appeared. It was that of a young lieutenant, the plane's bombardier, who was struggling to a life raft and pulling himself aboard. So began one of the most extraordinary odysseys of the Second World War.The lieutenant's name was Louis Zamperini. In boyhood, he'd been a cunning and incorrigible delinquent, breaking into houses, brawling, and fleeing his home to ride the rails. As a teenager, he had channeled his defiance into running, discovering a prodigious talent that had carried him to the Berlin Olympics and within sight of the four-minute mile. <P>But when war had come, the athlete had become an airman, embarking on a journey that led to his doomed flight, a tiny raft, and a drift into the unknown. <P>Ahead of Zamperini lay thousands of miles of open ocean, leaping sharks, a foundering raft, thirst and starvation, enemy aircraft, and, beyond, a trial even greater. Driven to the limits of endurance, Zamperini would answer desperation with ingenuity; suffering with hope, resolve, and humor; brutality with rebellion. His fate, whether triumph or tragedy, would be suspended on the fraying wire of his will. <P>In her long-awaited new book, Laura Hillenbrand writes with the same rich and vivid narrative voice she displayed in Seabiscuit. Telling an unforgettable story of a man's journey into extremity, Unbroken is a testament to the resilience of the human mind, body, and spirit. <P>BONUS: This edition contains an excerpt from Laura Hillenbrand's Seabiscuit.

Unbroken: My Story Of Survival

by Beverley Callard

Beverley Callard has been loved by millions of viewers for the last twenty years in her role as feisty Rovers Return landlady Liz McDonald on Coronation Street. But behind the scenes her rollercoaster life has been even more colourful than her character?s. She has suffered from crippling depression, been divorced three times, and has had to start from scratch following infidelity and bankruptcy. But every time she?s been knocked down, Beverley has struggled through and steadfastly rebuilt her life. And it is that determination to cope with whatever life throws at her that has made Beverley?s story one of inspiration to women everywhere. She?s now ready to tell it for the first time. From growing up in Leeds, coping with family tragedy, and marrying for the first time just after her seventeenth birthday, Beverley?s childhood was at times tough. But she was always surrounded by the love and laughter of her family. Beverley talks candidly about the devastating impact of her three broken marriages and describes the happiness she has now found with her wonderful partner Jon. In this intimate and moving autobiography Beverley reveals a life of extraordinary highs ? the wonderful times she?s had wearing the shortest skirts on the Street! - and devastating lows - including the she suffered last year. Heartfelt, funny and shockingly honest, Unbroken is the gripping story of a truly remarkable woman.

Unbroken: My story of survival

by Beverley Callard

Beverley Callard has been loved by millions of viewers for the last twenty years in her role as feisty Rovers Return landlady Liz McDonald on Coronation Street. But behind the scenes her rollercoaster life has been even more colourful than her character’s.She has suffered from crippling depression, been divorced three times, and has had to start from scratch following infidelity and bankruptcy. But every time she’s been knocked down, Beverley has struggled through and steadfastly rebuilt her life. And it is that determination to cope with whatever life throws at her that has made Beverley’s story one of inspiration to women everywhere. She’s now ready to tell it for the first time.From growing up in Leeds, coping with family tragedy, and marrying for the first time just after her seventeenth birthday, Beverley’s childhood was at times tough. But she was always surrounded by the love and laughter of her family. Beverley talks candidly about the devastating impact of her three broken marriages and describes the happiness she has now found with her wonderful partner Jon.In this intimate and moving autobiography Beverley reveals a life of extraordinary highs – the wonderful times she’s had wearing the shortest skirts on the Street! - and devastating lows - including the she suffered last year.Heartfelt, funny and shockingly honest, Unbroken is the gripping story of a truly remarkable woman.

Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption

by Laura Hillenbrand

On a May afternoon in 1943, an Army Air Forces bomber crashed into the Pacific Ocean and disappeared, leaving only a spray of debris and a slick of oil, gasoline, and blood. Then, on the ocean surface, a face appeared. It was that of a young lieutenant, the plane's bombardier, who was struggling to a life raft and pulling himself aboard. So began one of the most extraordinary odysseys of the Second World War.The lieutenant's name was Louis Zamperini. In boyhood, he'd been a cunning and incorrigible delinquent, breaking into houses, brawling, and fleeing his home to ride the rails. As a teenager, he had channeled his defiance into running, discovering a prodigious talent that had carried him to the Berlin Olympics and within sight of the four-minute mile. But when war had come, the athlete had become an airman, embarking on a journey that led to his doomed flight, a tiny raft, and a drift into the unknown.Ahead of Zamperini lay thousands of miles of open ocean, leaping sharks, a foundering raft, thirst and starvation, enemy aircraft, and, beyond, a trial even greater. Driven to the limits of endurance, Zamperini would answer desperation with ingenuity; suffering with hope, resolve, and humor; brutality with rebellion. His fate, whether triumph or tragedy, would be suspended on the fraying wire of his will.In her long-awaited new book, Laura Hillenbrand writes with the same rich and vivid narrative voice she displayed in Seabiscuit. Telling an unforgettable story of a man's journey into extremity, Unbroken is a testament to the resilience of the human mind, body, and spirit.BONUS: This edition contains an excerpt from Laura Hillenbrand's Seabiscuit.

uncharted terriTORI

by Tori Spelling

Welcome to Los Angeles, birthplace and residence of Tori Spelling. It's not every Hollywood starlet whose name greets you on a Virgin Airways flight into la-la land. But Tori Spelling has come to accept that her life is a spectacle. Her name is her brand, and business is booming. Too bad when your job is to be yourself, you can't exactly take a break. Tori finally has everything she thought she wanted--a loving family and a successful career--but trying to live a normal life in Hollywood is a little weird. With the irresistible wit, attitude, and humor that fans have come to love, the New York Times bestselling author of sTORI telling and Mommywood is back with more hilarious, heartwarming, and candid stories of juggling work, marriage, motherhood, and reality television cameras. Tori comes clean about doing her time on jury duty, stalking herself on Twitter, discovering her former 90210 castmates' "I Hate Tori" club, contracting swine flu, and contacting Farrah Fawcett from the dead. Like many mothers, she struggles to find balance (Stars, they're just like us!)--only most women don't have to battle it out with paparazzi at the grocery store. She talks openly about the darker side of life in the spotlight: media scrutiny over her weight and her marriage to Dean McDermott, her controversial relationship with Dean's ex-wife, and her unfolding reconciliation with her mother. Having it all isn't always easy--especially when you're a perfectionist--but with the help of her unconventional family and friends, an underwear-clad spiritual cleansing or two, and faith in herself, she's learning to find her happy ending. Because when you're Tori Spelling, every day brings uncharted terriTORI.***Just when you thought sTORI time was over, the beloved Hollywood starlet has so much more to say. ***"My life has changed dramatically in the past several years. I married Dean; we moved several times; we had two children; we created a show that has gone into its fifth season on the air. I have love. I have a family. I have a home. I have work. It's all I ever wished for. But trying to be a perfect wife, mother, and mini-mogul has its challenges, especially if, like me, you want to be perfect at all of them at the same time." --from uncharted terriTORI

Undaunted: My Struggle for Freedom and Survival in Burma

by Zoya Phan

Once a royal kingdom and then part of the British Empire, Burma long held sway in the Western imagination as a mythic place of great beauty. In recent times, Burma has been torn apart and isolated by one of the most brutal dictatorships in the world. Now, Zoya, a young member of the Karen tribe in Burma, bravely comes forward with her astonishingly vivid story of growing up in the idyllic green mansions of the jungle, and her violent displacement by the military junta that has controlled the country for almost a half century. This same cadre has also relentlessly hunted Zoya and her family across borders and continents. Undaunted tells of Zoya's riveting adventures, from her unusual childhood in a fascinating remote culture, to her years on the run, to her emergence as an activist icon. Named for a courageous Russian freedom fighter of World War II, Zoya was fourteen when Burmese aircraft bombed her peaceful village, forcing her and her family to flee through the jungles to a refugee camp just over the border in Thailand. After being trapped in refugee camps for years in poverty and despair, her family scattered; as her father became more deeply involved in the struggle for freedom, Zoya and her sister left their mother in the camp to go to a college in Bangkok to which they had won scholarships. But even as she attended classes, Zoya, the girl from the jungle, had to dodge police and assume an urban disguise, as she was technically an illegal immigrant and subject to deportation. Although, following graduation, she obtained a comfortable job with a major communications company in Bangkok, Zoya felt called back to Burma to help her mother and her people, millions of whom still have to live on the run today in order to survive--in fact, more villages have been destroyed in eastern Burma than in Darfur, Sudan. After a plot to kill her was uncovered, in 2004 Zoya escaped to the United Kingdom, where she began speaking at political conferences and demonstrations--a mission made all the more vital by her father's assassination in 2008 by agents of the Burmese regime. Like Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Zoya has become a powerful spokesperson against oppressors, undaunted by dangers posed to her life.

Under a Red Sky: Memoir of a Childhood in Communist Romania

by Haya Leah Molnar

Eva Zimmermann is eight years old, and she has just discovered she is Jewish. Such is the life of an only child living in postwar Bucharest, a city that is changing in ever more frightening ways. Eva's family, full of eccentric and opinionated adults, will do absolutely anything to keep her safe—even if it means hiding her identity from her. With razor-sharp depictions of her animated relatives, Haya Leah Molnar's memoir of her childhood captures with touching precocity the very adult realities of living behind the iron curtain.Under a Red Sky is a 2011 Bank Street - Best Children's Book of the Year.

Under a Starless Sky: A family's escape from Iran

by Banafsheh Serov

One family's journey through the turmoil of the 1978 revolution, when the Ayatollah Khomeini came to power in Iran, and their escape over the mountains to Turkey, and ultimately to Australia. Banafsheh is eight when the revolution begins in Iran. At first her family are jubilant about the collapse of the Shah's rule and the return of Ayatollah Khomeini, but they quickly realise that Iran has traded one dictator for another, more ruthless, ruler. Banafsheh's parents, Kamal and Nina, struggle with the harsh laws of the new revolutionary Iran. Khomeini's revolutionary guard, the Komiteh, patrol the streets, enforcing Islamic codes of dress and behaviour, and dispatching harsh justice to perceived enemies of the revolution. They drag Nina's father in for questioning, interrogate Nina and put Kamal on a stop-list, so he is unable to leave the country. Fearing for the safety of their two children, Kamal and Nina decide the family must flee their beloved country, leaving behind their extended family and friends. But the only way of escape is to take the dangerous route across the Turkish mountains.

Under Surge, Under Siege: The Odyssey of Bay St. Louis and Katrina

by Ellis Anderson

Winner of the 2010 Eudora Welty Book Prize and the Mississippi Library Association’s Nonfiction Author’s Award for 2011Under Surge, Under Siege shows how Hurricane Katrina tore into Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, raking away lives, buildings, and livelihoods in a place known for its picturesque, coastal views; its laid-back, artsy downtown; and its deep-dyed southern cordiality. The tragedy also revealed the inner workings of a community with an indomitable heart and profound neighborly bonds. Those connections often brought out the best in people under the worst of circumstances. In Under Surge, Under Siege, Ellis Anderson, who rode out the storm in her Bay St. Louis home and sheltered many neighbors afterwards, offers stories of generosity, heroism, and laughter in the midst of terror and desperate uncertainty. Divided into two parts, this book invites readers into the intimate enclave before, during, and after the storm. “Under Surge” focuses on connections between residents, and then it demonstrates how those bonds sustained them through the worst hurricane in US history. “Under Siege” documents the first three years of the grinding aftermath, detailing the unforeseen burdens of stress and depression, insurance scandals, and opportunists that threatened to complete the annihilation of the plucky town. A blend of memoir, personal diary, and firsthand reportage, Under Surge, Under Siege creates a compelling American testament to the strength of the human spirit.

Under the Ivy: The Life and Music of Kate Bush

by Graeme Thompson

The first ever in-depth study of Kate Bush's life and career, Under The Ivy features over 70 unique and revealing new interviews with those who have viewed from up close both the public artist and the private woman: old school friends, early band members, long-term studio collaborators, former managers, producers, musicians, video directors, dance instructors and record company executives.

Under the Sun

by Bruce Chatwin

'I am most certainly in the mood for writing letters'Bruce Chatwin is one of the most significant British novelists and travel writers of our time. His books have become modern-day classics which defy categorisation, assimilating elements of fiction, essay, reportage, history and gossip, inspired by and reflecting his incredible journeys. Tragically, Chatwin's compelling narrative voice was cut off just as he had found it. One month before his death he lamented, 'There are so many things I want to do. ' 'Bruce had just begun' said his friend, Salman Rushdie, 'we saw only the first act'. While we shall never know the surprise of his unwritten works, Chatwin left behind a body of writing that is striking for its freshness; an authentic conduit which allows us to return to him and to be rewarded: a wealth of letters and postcards that he wrote, from his first week at school until shortly before his death at the age of forty-eight. Whether typed on Sotheby's notepaper or hastily scribbled, Chatwin's correspondence reveals more about himself than he was prepared to expose in his books; his health and finances, his literary ambitions and tastes, his uneasiness about his sexual orientation; above all, his lifelong quest for where to live. Written with the verve and sharpness of expression that first marked him out as a writer, Chatwin's letters gives a vivid synopsis of his changing interests and concerns throughout his life. Careful and considered in drafting his published work, the letters are Chatwin's only unedited writing, and a paean to a disappearing mode of communication: tangible proof of a life as it was lived, and possibly one of the last great collections of a writer's letters. Comprising material collected over two decades from hundreds of contacts across five continents, Under the Sun is a valuable and illuminating record of one of the greatest and most enigmatic writers of the twentieth century.

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