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Young Mandela: The Revolutionary Years

by David James Smith

Nelson Mandela is well-known throughout the world as a heroic leader who symbolizes freedom and moral authority. He is fixed in the public mind as the world's elder statesman--the gray-haired man with a kindly smile who spent 27 years in prison before becoming the first black president in South Africa. But Nelson Mandela was not always elderly or benign. And, in YOUNG MANDELA, award-winning journalist and author David James Smith takes us deep into the heart of racist South Africa to paint a portrait of the Mandela that many have forgotten: the committed revolutionary who left his family behind to live on the run, adopting false names and disguises and organizing the first strikes to overthrow the apartheid state. YOUNG MANDELA lifts the curtain on an icon's first steps to greatness.

Young Michelangelo: The Path to the Sistine—A Biography

by John T. Spike

Truly in a class of its own, Young Michelangelo is the most definitive and eye-opening study of the artist’s early life to come along in a generation. In this compelling account, renowned art historian John Spike paints a vivid portrait of one of the world’s greatest artists and the places and people—Lorenzo de’ Medici, Leonardo, Machiavelli—that inspired and defined his early life and career. Spike’s masterful text probes the thinking, evolution, and desires of a young man whose awareness of his exceptional talent never wavered. Michelangelo’s complex personality is revealed through lively examinations of the Pietà, the David, and all other major works. Drawing on a rich background of Italian Renaissance politics and culture, Spike deftly navigates the fiery Florentine master’s struggle to surpass da Vinci’s artistic mastery, and his troubled relationships with Julius II and other key figures of the era.

Young Romantics: The Shelleys, Byron, and Other Tangled Lives

by Daisy Hay

Young Romantics tells the story of the interlinked lives of the young English Romantic poets from an entirely fresh perspective—celebrating their extreme youth and outsize yearning for friendship as well as their individuality and political radicalism. The book focuses on the network of writers and readers who gathered around Percy Bysshe Shelley and the campaigning journalist Leigh Hunt. They included Lord Byron, John Keats, and Mary Shelley, as well as a host of fascinating lesser-known figures: Mary Shelley's stepsister and Byron's mistress, Claire Clairmont; Hunt's botanist sister-in-law, Elizabeth Kent; the musician Vincent Novello; the painters Benjamin Haydon and Joseph Severn; and writers such as Charles and Mary Lamb, Thomas Love Peacock, and William Hazlitt. They were characterized by talent, idealism, and youthful ardor, and these qualities shaped and informed their politically oppositional stances—as did their chaotic family arrangements, which often left the young women, despite their talents, facing the consequences of the men's philosophies.In Young Romantics, Daisy Hay follows the group's exploits, from its inception in Hunt's prison cell in 1813 to its disintegration after Shelley's premature death in 1822. It is an enthralling tale of love, betrayal, sacrifice, and friendship, all of which were played out against a background of political turbulence and intense literary creativity.

Zero Decibels

by George M Foy

Have our noise-soaked lives driven us mad? And is absolute silence an impossible goal--or the one thing that can save us? A lively tale of one man's quest to find the grail of total quiet.---" I don't know at what point noise became intolerable for me," George Michelsen Foy writes as he recalls standing on a subway platform in Manhattan, hands clamped firmly over his ears, face contorted in pain. But only then does Foy realize how overwhelmed he is by the city's noise and vow to seek out absolute silence, if such an absence of sound can be discovered.Foy begins his quest by carrying a pocket-sized decibel meter to measure sound levels in the areas he frequents most--the subway, the local café, different rooms of his apartment--as well as the places he visits that inform his search, including the Parisian catacombs, Joseph Pulitzer's "silent vault," the snowy expanses of the Berkshires, and a giant nickel mine in Canada, where he travels more than a mile underground to escape all human-made sound. Along the way, Foy experiments with noise-canceling headphones, floatation tanks, and silent meditation before he finally tackles a Minnesota laboratory's anechoic chamber that the Guinness Book of World Records calls "the quietest place on earth," and where no one has ever endured even forty-five minutes alone in its pitch-black interior before finding the silence intolerable.Drawing on history, science, journalistic reportage, philosophy, religion, and personal memory, as well as conversations with experts in various fields whom he meets during his odyssey, Foy finds answers to his questions: How does one define silence? Did human beings ever experience silence in their early history? What is the relationship between noise and space? What are the implications of silence and our need for it--physically, mentally, emotionally, politically? Does absolute silenceactually exist? If so, do we really want to hear it? And if we do hear it, what does it mean to us?According to the Environmental Protection Agency, 30 million Americans suffer from environment-related deafness in today's digital age of pervasive sound and sensory overload. Roughly the same number suffer from tinnitus, a condition, also environmentally related, that makes silence impossible in even the quietest places. In this respect, Foy's quest for silence represents more than a simple psychological inquiry; both his queries and his findings help to answer the question "How can we live saner, healthier lives today?"Innovative, perceptive, and delightfully written, Zero Decibels will surely change how we perceive and appreciate the soundscape of our lives.

Zero Regrets

by Apolo Ohno

"Zero regrets. It's a philosophy not just about sport but about life. School, business, academics, love--anything and everything. It's complicated and yet not. You have to figure out who it is you want to be. Not what you want to be--who. There has to be a vision, a dream, a plan. Then you chase that with everything you've got." Over three consecutive Olympic games, Apolo Ohno has come to symbolize the very best of the competitive spirit--remaining equally gracious in victory and defeat, always striving to improve his performance, and appreciating the value of the hard work of training as much as any reward it might bring. In Zero Regrets, Apolo shares the inspiring personal story behind his remarkable success, as well as the hard-won truths and strategies he has discovered in good times and bad. Raised by his single father, an immigrant from Japan who often worked twelve-hour days, the young Apolo found it difficult to balance his enormous natural gifts as an athlete with an admittedly wild, rebellious streak. After making a name for himself as a promising young speed skater, his career was almost over before it began when his lack of preparation caused him to finish last at the U.S. Olympic trials in 1998. A life-changing week of solitary soul-searching at the age of fifteen led him to recommit himself to his training, and at the 1999 world junior championships he won first place overall--one of the most remarkable turnarounds in sports history. From that moment on, the world of speed skating had a new champion and Apolo was on his way to legendary status. Much more than an account of races won and lost, Zero Regrets is a compelling portrait of a father-and-son relationship that deepened over time and was based on respect, love, and unshakable faith in each other. For the first time, Apolo reveals what he knows about his long-absent mother; he makes us feel what it is like to face the best competitors on the planet with the eyes of millions of fans upon you; and he shares his secrets for achieving total focus and mental toughness, secrets that can be applied in situations well beyond sports. We learn the details of the unbelievably intense workout and diet that he endured while training for the 2010 Winter Olympics, a regime that literally reshaped his body and led to some of his most thrilling victories. In this deeply personal and entertaining book, Apolo shows how we can all come closer to living with zero regrets. While Apolo's own journey may be unique, the insights he has gleaned along the way have the power to help us all feel like champions every day. *** Nine days after dropping me off, Dad came to pick me up. In that call from the pay phone, I hadn't said anything to him about what decision I had made. On the car ride back home, I told him. "I want to try this," I said. "Are you willing," he asked, "to really put forth a true effort? From the bone?" I told my father: "I want to skate." With clarity of purpose, everything suddenly seemed different. I didn't just want to skate--I loved it. I realized, too, that while I had to want to buy into the training, the discipline, the self-sacrifice, I needed direction and guidance, too. You truly can't get there by yourself. I needed not only to truly and profoundly depend upon Dad for help but also to welcome those--coaches, trainers, others--who could help me along the way. . . . I was also making promises to myself and writing them in my journal: I'm not going to mess it up this time. When I go home, I really am going to be the different person I decided in Iron Springs I would be. I know what I want to do. I want to be the best in the world. I didn't know quite yet how I would get there. But I was clear, and I had no doubt-- that's what I was after. --From Zero Regrets

Zero Regrets: Be Greater Than Yesterday

by Apolo Anton Ohno

Gold medal-winning Olympic speed-skater Apolo Ohno, the most decorated American Winter Olympic athlete of all time, shares his inspiring personal story and life lessons learned through training and competition.

Wife, Interrupted

by Amy Molloy

My story begins where most women hope theirs will end – with a big, white wedding. After all, isn’t that how every good fairy tale finishes? I thought so. And at 23 it seemed my ‘happy ever after’ was secure.I’d met the man of my dreams whilst on a gap year in Australia. Less than a month later he proposed and I accepted. But within twelve months he was diagnosed with terminal cancer and though we were able to marry he died just three weeks later. You’d never guess I was a widow at 23. I’ve learnt to hide it well. Because what choice do you have when you’ve lost the love of your life almost as soon as you found him? The way I saw it, there were only two options...A) Dress in black, become a recluse and watch your wedding video on a loopORB) Decide falling in love again is out of the question and choose an easy, uncomplicated alternative – sex...Funny, powerful, and painfully honest, WIFE, INTERRUPTED examines the complicated process of grieving - and proves that sometimes the most unthinkable things can be the most comforting

تالا والأصدقاء

by همسة املطبقاني

عندما كان الأصدقاء يغادرون الحفلة إلتفتت ياسمين إلى ماريا وسألتها «هل رأيت تالا في الحفلة ». ماريا : لا لم تأت أيضا هذه المرة. يوسف : أنا متأكد أن لديها عذرا منعها من الحضور. يوسف : ياسمين ياسمين ياسميييييييييييييييين فيما تفكرين ياسمين : سأخبركما غدا تصبحان على خير.

راقصات الباليه

by أميلي بين

نجمة الموهبة: تستطيع أن ت ضحك النجوم بفضل رقصها الجميل. تحب: رقص الباليه سباق الطيران مع الدود المضيء. تكره: الجن ي الشرير نوكس المزاج السيئ. الطعام المفضل: لبن ضوء النجوم. النبات المفضل: وردة النجم الأزرق. الحيوان المفضل: الغراب شمشون.

رحلتي مع غاندي

by أحمد الشقيري

لماذا هذه الرحلة بسم الله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله محمد بن عبد الله عليه وأفضل الصلاة وأتم التسليم. بحكم تواجدي في الاعلام يسألني الكثير خاصة من الشباب عن نصيحة تفيدهم في حياتهم فأقول لهم أنصحكم بالاستمرار في تطوير أنفسكم بدون كلل ولا ملل. كلنا فينا عيوب فالكمال لله ولكن الفرق بين الناس هو مدى حرصهم على تقليص تلك العيوب على مدى رحلة حياتهم على هذه الأرض. ودائما أقول: ليس الهدف هو الوصول الى الكمال فالكمال لله ولكن الهدف هو السعي المستمر نحو الكمال لكي تصل لأقرب درجة منه

10 True Tales: 9/11 Heroes (Ten True Tales)

by Allan Zullo

Ten true stories of real-life heroes during the attacks on 9/11! When Captain Jay Jonas of the Fire Department of New York hears an emergency radio message about the World Trade Center, he has no idea of the terrible conditions he and his team will face. Arriving at the burning building, the firefighters must summon all their courage. On the same morning, just outside Washington, D.C., a jetliner piloted by terrorists slams into the Pentagon. Can Colonel Philip McNair save lives inside the flaming building? From the World Trade Center and the Pentagon to a hijacked plane above Pennsylvania, these ten stories of true American heroes on the day that changed America -- September 11, 2001.

100 More Canadian Heroines: Famous and Forgotten Faces

by Merna Forster Julie Payette

Following the bestselling 100 Canadian Heroines, Merna Forster presents 100 more stories of amazing women who changed our country. In this second installment of the bestselling Canadian Heroines series, author Merna Forster brings together 100 more incredible stories of great characters and wonderful images. Meet famous and forgotten women in fields such as science, sport, politics, war and peace, and arts and entertainment, including the original Degrassi kids, Captain Kool, hockey star Hilda Ranscombe, and the woman dubbed "the atomic mosquito." This book is full of amazing facts and trivia about extraordinary women. You’ll learn about Second World War heroine Joan Fletcher Bamford, who rescued 2,000 Dutch captives from a prison camp in a Sumatran jungle while commanding 70 Japanese soldiers. Hilwie Hamdon was the woman behind the building of Canada’s first mosque, and Frances Gertrude McGill was the crime fighter named the "Sherlock Holmes of Saskatchewan." Read on and discover 100 more Canadian heroines and how they’ve changed our country.

The 100 Thing Challenge: How I Got Rid of Almost Everything, Remade My Life, and Regained My Soul

by Dave Bruno

An ordinary man's inspiring journey toward a simpler, more meaningful life. In 2008, average American family man Dave Bruno decided to unhook himself from the intravenous drip of consumerism that fueled his life by winnowing all his personal possessions down to just 100 things. Little did he realize that he would be igniting a grassroots movement-soon after Dave embarked on his journey, media around the world took notice and others started to follow his lead. A cause for pause, The 100 Thing Challenge is a response to the culture of materialism in America, one that has filled our lives with the constant and unsatisfactory desire for "more." Dave Bruno offers compelling anecdotes and practical advice to help readers live more meaningfully, simply by casting off the unnecessary "stuff" that clutters their lives. The 100 Thing Challenge is a golden opportunity to experience the positive changes that occur as you defiantly hop off the treadmill of consumerism.

1001 Australian Nights

by Dave Graney

Legendary rock showman Dave Graney takes us on a journey about self-discovery. As a young man fired up by punk rock he sets off on a road-trip from small-town Australia, outside of life and looking for a way in. When he loses the map Graney discovers his groove, then twists and turns through three decades as a working artist. When Graney takes the wheel, you don't know where you'll end up - or if you'll get there safe. This ain't no standard rock'n'roll trip; it's an education. This is Graney up close, out there and on his game. Turn it up loud.

14 de abril. La República

by Ángel Bahamonde

Una entretenida lección de historia de la mano de los protagonistas de la nueva serie de TVE. Primavera de 1931. El pueblo de Madrid se ha levantado en masa para celebrar la proclamación de la II República. La capital bulle ante los cambios y vive una nueva época de libertades sin precedentes. Pero, mientras unos celebran el cambio de Gobierno, otros se preparan para la lucha. El 14 de abril de 1931 se abre uno de los períodos más intensos de la historia reciente de España. Primaveral e inesperada, la II República conquistó, pese a su brevedad, libertades apenas imaginadas hasta entonces por los españoles: el voto femenino, la educación laica en aulas mixtas o la legalización del divorcio, modificaron sustancialmente los usos y las costumbres de la sociedad. Nuevos aires empezaron a soplar por todo el país, y junto a ellos viajaron el arte, el cine y la literatura. Se celebró la primera edición de la vuelta ciclista e,incluso la selección española disputó su primera final en un mundial de fútbol. Una reconstrucción rigurosa y amena de toda una época a cargo de Ángel Bahamonde, catedrático de historia y asesor de las series 14 de abril. La República y La Señora, quien a través de sus protagonistas nos presenta una nueva forma de acercarnos a unos años que cambiaron la historia, en los que el sueño de un futuro moderno e igualitario, que llenó de euforia las calles en una ola de entusiasmo popular desconocida hasta entonces, tuvo que enfrentarse a otra realidad inestable y violenta, que politizó a la Iglesia y a los estudiantes, y que puso en pie de guerra a militares y terratenientes. Un libro de historia lleno de historias, que nos enseñará las claves para entender lo sucedido en un país que se acostó monárquico y despertó, una mañana de abril, republicano.


by Adam Goodheart

As the United States marks the 150th anniversary of our defining national drama, 1861 presents a gripping and original account of how the Civil War began.1861 is an epic of courage and heroism beyond the battlefields. Early in that fateful year, a second American revolution unfolded, inspiring a new generation to reject their parents' faith in compromise and appeasement, to do the unthinkable in the name of an ideal. It set Abraham Lincoln on the path to greatness and millions of slaves on the road to freedom.The book introduces us to a heretofore little-known cast of Civil War heroes--among them an acrobatic militia colonel, an explorer's wife, an idealistic band of German immigrants, a regiment of New York City firemen, a community of Virginia slaves, and a young college professor who would one day become president. Adam Goodheart takes us from the corridors of the White House to the slums of Manhattan, from the mouth of the Chesapeake to the deserts of Nevada, from Boston Common to Alcatraz Island, vividly evoking the Union at this moment of ultimate crisis and decision.From the Hardcover edition.

1948: Harry Truman's Improbable Victory and the Year that Transformed America

by David Pietrusza

The behind-the-headline true story of Harry Truman's stunning upset! Everyone knows the iconic news photo of jubilant underdog Harry Truman brandishing a copy of the Chicago Tribune proclaiming "DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN. " David Pietrusza goes backstage to explain how it happened, placing the brutal political battle in the context of an erupting Cold War and America's exploding storms over civil rights and domestic communism. Pietrusza achieves for 1948's presidential race what he previously did in his acclaimed 1960--LBJ vs. JFK vs. Nixon: bringing history to life and intrigue readers with tales of high drama while simultaneously presenting the issues, personalities, and controversies of this pivotal era with laser-like clarity.

1968. Quisimos ser

by Eliseo Alvarez

El periodista Eliseo Alvarez se propuso reunir a sus ex compañeros de laescuela que los vio crecer, la Número 11 de Villa Ballester. La vida decada unosintetiza la historia de los hijos de inmigrantes, de laescuela pública, de la transformación de los barrios y, en definitiva,de la Argentina. «El libro es un conmovedor y peligroso ejercicio de nostalgia. No creoque muchos se atrevan a remover de este modo su memoria. Se parece a unade esas mudanzas que hacemos al cambiar de residencia. Se abren cajones,armarios, maletas y cajas amontonadas en el desván y aparece eltumultuoso pasado y sus encabritadas criaturas olvidadas, impacientes yansiosas por encontrar de nuevo en tu cabeza un lugar en donde existir.Esta multitud habla de un mundo perdido pero impetuoso. Los personajeshablan, sonríen, se entristecen o celebran sus viejas ensoñaciones. Lahistoria es un gratificante fresco sobre la tormenta del tiempo: lo quefuimos, lo que somos, lo que recordamos, lo que perdimos... El relatonos invita a mirar atrás sin que Teseo ni la mujer de Lot cumplan suprofecía: mira atrás, vale, de acuerdo, pero sigue tu camino». BasilioBaltasar

25 to Life

by J. A. Federice

Biography of Terri, a young woman with a rare neurological condition that caused her to lose muscle control over time. The book is written by Terri's mother and follows Terri through childhood and on into her twenties.

27: Amy Winehouse

by Chris Salewicz

In 27: Amy Winehouse, the first in a series of exclusive ebooks, acclaimed music writer Chris Salewicz celebrates the life of one of the most talented performers of recent times. In an intimate mini-biography, he explores Amy's artistic influences and inspirations, her ability to capture the imagination and her appetite for self-destruction. Salewicz provides a startling portrayal of the perils of genius and the true cost of fame. Must the ferociously good die young?

27: Amy Winehouse

by Chris Salewicz

In 27: Amy Winehouse, the first in a series of exclusive ebooks, acclaimed music writer Chris Salewicz celebrates the life of one of the most talented performers of recent times. In an intimate mini-biography, he explores Amy's artistic influences and inspirations, her ability to capture the imagination and her appetite for self-destruction. Salewicz provides a startling portrayal of the perils of genius and the true cost of fame. Must the ferociously good die young?

27: Amy Winehouse (The 27 Club Series)

by Chris Salewicz

In 27: Amy Winehouse, the first in a series of exclusive ebooks, acclaimed music writer Chris Salewicz celebrates the life of one of the most talented performers of recent times. In an intimate mini-biography, he explores Amy's artistic influences and inspirations, her ability to capture the imagination and her appetite for self-destruction. Salewicz provides a startling portrayal of the perils of genius and the true cost of fame. Must the ferociously good die young?

30 Years With Master Nuno Oliveira: Correspondence, Photographs, and Notes

by Michel Henriquet

This classical text, which knowledgeable horsemen have been anxiously awaiting for years, is finally available in English. Henriquet's personal record of correspondence provides a unique window into the private problem-solving dialogue between master and student. Now a master écuyer in his own right, Henriquet embellishes this new edition with 50 photographs from his personal collection. This first and only English edition includes many more photographs of Nuno Oliveira and his teacher than earlier editions. It has also been embellished with a glossary and a descriptive table of contents for the 71 chapters.

31 Dates in 31 Days

by Tamara Johnson

On the eve of her 31st birthday, after yet another painful breakup, Tamara Duricka Johnson decides it’s time to overhaul her dating habits. When a friend jokingly suggests that she embark on a "dating project,” inspiration strikes: in honor of turning 31, she'll go on 31 dates in 31 days - and resist the urge to turn each date into her next relationship. Instead, she’ll have to wait until the 31st date to pick one of the 30 men to go out with a second time. Some dates are awful, while others are amazing-but all of them help change her attitude about dating and men in general. She opens up to the world around her and develops a handful of crushes, making it difficult to decide who will be the lucky final date. In the end, though, she realizes there’s only one man of the entire thirty that she can see herself marrying - and one year later, she does. Chatty, fun, and confessional,31 Dates in 31 Daysis an entertaining journey that offers astute insights into the modern dating scene.

313: Life in the Motor City

by John Carlisle

Since 2007, John Carlisle has fascinated readers with his untold stories of Detroit in his "Detroitblogger John" column for the Metro Times. His words and photographs shed light on the overlooked and forgotten while bringing life to neglected, far-flung neighborhoods. The Detroit chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists named Carlisle the 2011 Journalist of the Year for his work on the city. This collection features dozens of his previously unpublished photographs and forty-two of his most unforgettable stories, including a man who has a strip club in his living room, a bar in a ghost town, a coffee shop for the city's homeless, an art gallery in a mattress store and an old-fashioned debutante ball in the unlikeliest of places.

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