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32 Programmes

by Dave Roberts

When Dave Roberts relocates to the USA, his wife informs him that they can only take what is 'absolutely essential'. Packing his collection of football programmes (1,134 of them - football fans are sticklers for statistics), Dave is aghast to be informed that the programmes do not fall into that category. He must whittle down his treasured archive to only what will fit inside a Tupperware container the size of a Dan Brown hardback.32 Programmes tells the story of how Dave made the selection of his most important programmes, and how the process brought back a flood of nostalgia for simpler times. As the sights, sounds and smells of those 1,134 football matches return, the choices Dave makes reflect the twists and turns that life takes. Finally, with just hours to go before the flight, the container is full to the brim. One more programme will be added to the collection - one that Dave never thought he would see and which means more to him than any other.32 Programmes is the story of youthful football obsession, crushes on disinterested girls, rubbish jobs and trying to impress skinheads. But most of all, it is the story of a man's life and loves, of family, friends and football.

Los 33: El rescate que unió al mundo

by Franklin, Jonathan

Los 33 es más que una gran crónica, es un libro escrito de manera vibrante y comprometida, que trasciende la mera anécdota y nos descubre a los seres humanos que hay detrás de las grandes epopeyas. Una serie de casualidades, los caprichos del destino y algunas decisiones de última hora hicieron que 33 hombres entrasen en la minade San José (Chile) el 5 de agosto de 2010. Ni ellos ni sus familias imaginaron los acontecimientos que se sucederían más tarde.La historia de los 33 es un testimonio de fuerza y de supervivencia en condiciones extremas que pone de relieve la lucha desesperada de un grupo de hombres contra la humedad, el calor, el hambre, el fantasma del canibalismo, la oscuridad, las alucinaciones. De cómo se desarrollaron cada uno de los 70 días que estuvieron sepultados bajo tierra -el sentimiento de comunidad y unión, Jesucristo como el minero 34, el papel del líder, la asignación de tareas, el racionamiento delos recursos, la fe- o de cómo actuó el Gobierno de Chile para organizar el rescate, de la resistencia de las familias y del poder de esta historia seguida por cientos de ojos a nivel mundial da cuenta este libro. El periodista Jonathan Franklin, corresponsal en Chile para los periódicos The Guardian, The Washington Post y The Sydney Morning Herald, obtuvo el permiso de las autoridades para contar de primera mano todo lo que estaba sucediendo dentro y fuera de la mina. Los 33 nos acerca la realidad de un fenómeno sociológico que aunó los corazones de la ciudadanía global y que supuso un desafío tecnológico como no se recordaba desde que el hombre pisó la Luna. Una obra necesaria para conocer el trasfondo de los acontecimientos vividos del que sin duda fue el rescate que unió al mundo.

33 Men: Inside the Miraculous Survival and Dramatic Rescue of the Chilean Miners

by Jonathan Franklin

<p>Having had unparalleled access to the Chilean mine disaster, award-winning journalist Jonathan Franklin takes readers to the heart of a remarkable story of human endurance, survival, and historic heroism. <p><i>33 Men</i> is the groundbreaking, authoritative account of the Chilean mine disaster, one of the longest human entrapments in history. Rushing to the scene when the miners were discovered, Franklin obtained a coveted "Rescue Team" pass and reported directly from the front lines of the rescue operation, beyond police controls, for six weeks. Based on more than 110 intimate interviews with the miners, their families, and the rescue team, Franklin's narrative captures the remarkable story of these men and women, in details shocking, beautiful, comedic, and heroic. <p>Gripping and raw with never-before-revealed details, <i>33</i> Men is a true story that reads like a thriller.</p>

33 Men

by Jonathan Franklin

Award-winning journalist Jonathan Franklin chronicles the harrowing account of the 33 Chilean miners who were trapped underground for fourteen weeks in the fall of 2010. Franklin, with his renowned eye for detail and dialogue, captures the remarkable story of these men to reveal to the world how they used their native talents to survive against all odds in a savage environment.

46 Days: Keeping Up With Jennifer Pharr Davis on the Appalachian Trail

by Jennifer Pharr Davis Brew Davis

46 Days chronicles the trials, successes, joys, and frustrations of Jennifer Pharr Davis's record-winning Appalachian Trail thru-hike through the eyes of her husband, Brew Davis. Brew lead her pit crew, the group of generous, loving hikers who supported Jen along the way, providing company along the epic trail and as much food as Jen could stomach. Experience the trek with Jen and Brew as they battle shin splints and a stomach scare that threatens to end the attempt early, encounter wildlife at every turn, and meet the colorful cast of characters that help Jen complete her journey. 46 Days also includes an introduction and afterword by Jennifer with first-hand reflections on her life-changing voyage.

50 Jobs in 50 States

by Daniel Seddiqui

Like lots of college grads, Daniel Seddiqui was having a hard time finding a job. But despite more than forty rejections, he knew opportunities had to exist. So he set out on an extraordinary quest: fifty jobs in fifty states in fifty weeks. And not just any jobs--he chose professions that reflected the culture and economy of each state. Working as everything from a cheesemaker in Wisconsin, a border patrol agent in Arizona, and a meatpacker in Kansas to a lobsterman in Maine, a surfing instructor in Hawaii, and a football coach in Alabama, Daniel chronicles how he adapted to the wildly differing people, cultures, and environments. From one week to the next he had no idea exactly what his duties would be, where he'd be sleeping, what he'd be eating, or how he'd be received. He became a roving news item, appearing on CNN, Fox News, World News Tonight, MSNBC, and the Today show--which was good preparation for his stint as a television weatherman. Tackling challenge after challenge--overcoming anxiety about working four miles underground in a West Virginia coal mine, learning to walk on six-foot stilts (in a full Egyptian king costume) at a Florida amusement park, racing the clock as a pit-crew member at an Indiana racetrack--Daniel completed his journey a changed man. In this book he shares stories about the people he met, reveals the lessons he learned, and explains the five principles that kept him going.

500 Acres and No Place to Hide

by Susan Mccorkindale

The hilarious follow-up to the memoir, Confessions of a Counterfeit Farm Girl. It's been four years since Susan's husband dragged her kicking and screaming from their comfortable, big city East Coast life to a farm in Virginia cattle country. Susan's adjusting as best she can, which isn't easy considering she's been known to wear Manolos in manure. She'll never be a real farm girl, but as readers will see from her side- splitting confessions, she's faking it just fine. .

Las 52 seducciones: Una pareja. Un año

by Betty Herbert

Divertida, emotiva y ocasionalmente gimnástica, esta es la histórica de cómo una pareja de casados de treinta y tantos pierde sus inhibiciones, reavivar su deseo y consigue cerrar sus grietas. ¿Recuerdas los días en los que no podías separar tus manos de las suyas? ¿Cuando eras incapaz de contener la urgencia de besuquearte en público? Bien, pues Betty y Herbert también recuerdan esos días; es solo que, después de diez años de matrimonio, esa memoria se está haciendo cada vez más difusa. Las 52 seducciones narra la búsqueda de Betty y Herbert de la pasión perdida en su relación. Ellos hacen un pacto para seducirse el uno al otro una vez a la semana durante un año, y descubrir así hasta qué punto han perdido la práctica. ¿Ha cambiado el sexo desde que no están al día? Nosotros seguimos su progresión a través de una increíble, esclarecedora y exhaustiva aventura en la que abordan lo ordinario y lo extraordinario con magnífica naturalidad. Reseñas:«Ver el sexo tan completamente desmitificado es... toda una novedad.»Evening Standard «Para todos aquellos atrapados en la rutina sexual.»Psychologies «Divertido, absorbente y cálido.»The Spectator «Gloriosamente divertido.»Herald «Uno de los libros sobre sexo, amor y relaciones más conmovedores, honestos, ingeniosos y elegantes que he leído en muchísimo tiempo. ¡Bravo!»Barbara Carrellas «Un himno en honor a algo decididamente pasado de moda: trabajarse una relación, dar a las cosas una segunda oportunidad, no tratar simplemente de buscar una alternativa cuando la pasión comienza a enfriarse.»The Erotic Review «Deliciosamente honesto. Esta divertida memoir repasa los intentos de dar a la zozobrante vida sexual el empuje que necesita.»Herald Scotland «Divertida, tierna, pícara, romántica, real. Es un testamento a la vida matrimonial y hace reír a carcajadas cientos de veces.»Tales from the Village «Lo leí compulsivamente en un par de días, totalmente enganchado a la historia de redescubrimiento del sexo, de uno mismo y del marido. No se puede soltar.»Muddling Along Mummy

The 52 Seductions

by Betty Herbert

If you loved Fifty Shades of Grey and Bared to You, you'll adore The 52 Seductions... When Betty and Herbert first fell in love, they were caught in a whirlwind of mutual lust and sexual chemistry - they couldn't keep their hands off one another. Ten years of marriage later, they're still deeply in love... but the memory of all that frenzied passion is growing increasingly hazy. The 52 Seductions charts Betty and Herbert's quest to invite the lust back into their relationship and rediscover their desire for one another. Drastic action is needed, and so Betty sets a challenge: they must spend a whole year seducing each other, taking it in turns to create a steamy new scenario every week. We follow their progress as they explore their erotic fantasies (with varying degrees of success); embark on saucy role play and attempt some sexual gymnastics. Racy, funny and ultimately moving, this is the story of how one couple lost their inhibitions and reignited their desire.

The 52 Seductions

by Betty Herbert

If you loved Fifty Shades of Grey and Bared to You, you'll adore The 52 Seductions... When Betty and Herbert first fell in love, they were caught in a whirlwind of mutual lust and sexual chemistry - they couldn't keep their hands off one another. Ten years of marriage later, they're still deeply in love... but the memory of all that frenzied passion is growing increasingly hazy. The 52 Seductions charts Betty and Herbert's quest to invite the lust back into their relationship and rediscover their desire for one another. Drastic action is needed, and so Betty sets a challenge: they must spend a whole year seducing each other, taking it in turns to create a steamy new scenario every week. We follow their progress as they explore their erotic fantasies (with varying degrees of success); embark on saucy role play and attempt some sexual gymnastics. Racy, funny and ultimately moving, this is the story of how one couple lost their inhibitions and reignited their desire.

The 7

by Keith Ablow Glenn Beck

Radio and television host Glenn Beck has experienced the rollercoaster of life like few others. From the suicide of his mother when he was just thirteen, to his eventual alcoholism, depression, divorce, unemployment, and health scares--Glenn has weathered life's darkest storms.Any one of those struggles could've ruined him, yet Glenn was able to keep moving forward. He saw past the darkness into the light; past his grief and addictions and into what his life could be.YOU CAN DO IT TOOThe process of finding happiness through personal redemption was not easy, but it left Glenn with a blueprint for how to confront future adversity. Glenn is living proof that these steps--he calls them wonders--don't just work on paper. They helped transform his life and can they can help to transform yours as well. THE 7 WONDERSGlenn Beck and Dr. Keith Ablow--two of the most popular and influential personalities in American media today--have joined forces to present a powerful guide to personal transformation and fulfillment that is as unique as their own unlikely partnership. They are called the "7 Wonders" and they can be used by anyone who has made the decision that they are ready to change their life.After the television talk show host and the bestselling psychiatrist struck up a fast friendship they realized that their experiences with life's struggles were complementary. What Keith had studied, Glenn had lived. What Keith had counseled patients on for years, Glenn had suffered through for decades.The deeply personal insights they shared brought them to realize that their life stories had seven key principles in common; seven wonders that seemed to be essential ingredients for anyone attempting to transform their life. Where does the courage to persevere come from when everything seems hopeless? Why is it nearly impossible to succeed without faith? How much do family and friendships matter in our journey? How do we break down our walls and reveal our inner truths? What does having compassion really mean? How do you tell real friends apart from those who are holding you back? If there's no one to blame for my past, what do you do with your anger and resentment? These kinds of questions are the starting point toward fundamentally changing how you view past damaging relationships, toward breaking the debilitating grip of addiction and depression, toward injecting life with new meaning and purpose and toward helping you embark on a new journey based on hope, strength, and personal empowerment.As you unwrap each of the seven wonders for yourself, you'll discover exactly what Glenn Beck found as he transformed his own life from darkness to light, from dead ends to endless possibilities, from addiction to freedom: it doesn't take a superhero to find the strength to change--it just takes the courage to take the first step. This book, which was only possible by combining together decades of personal struggle with world-class professional experience, can be that first step for you.The 7 Wonders grows out of a unique friendship that we've developed over the last five-years. It is unique because it brought together a psychiatrist who naturally burrows toward the truth, and a recovering addict who spent decades running from it.As we spent more time together we began to let our guards down. Over time we reached a level of honesty with each other that is rare. As a result, we learned that the principles that have guided the well-honed healing techniques of one of us are precisely the same principles that instinctively guided the other to replace nearly unbearable pain with genuine happiness.We believe that it was God's plan for us to meet; that it was God's plan for us to speak so openly with one another; and it was God's plan that we share with you the seven wonders we discovered together.We also firmly believe that it was God's plan that this book now finds you at this exact moment in your life. --Glenn Beck & Dr. Keith Ablow

A brillar, mi amor: Mitología no autorizada de Patricio Rey y sus Redonditos de Ricota

by Jorge Boimvaser

La historia de la banda y de los músicos de Patricio Rey y susredonditos de ricota contada por un especialista y fanático en unaedición ampliada. «El sueño del hombre es un mito individual. El mito es un sueñocolectivo». Joseph CampbellSin publicidad, solo con el recurso del boca a boca, las nuevas camadasde seguidores ya comienzan desde niños a escuchar a los Redondos y aadoptar las frases de los temas como dogmas. Chicos que escucharon desdeel vientre materno a Los Redondos hoy piden ir con sus padres a lasmisas paganas del Indio Solari y Skay. «A brillar, mi amor» se hatransformado en un libro de culto. Boimvaser es uno de los más antiguosseguidores del grupo, conoce el fenómeno ricotero porque es parte de él.Esta es una nueva edición ampliada, donde el autor rescata lareligiosidad del fuego sagrado (el que nunca se apaga) y tamiza elrelato jugando con una suerte de psicoanálisis mitológico aplicado areflejar la historia de la banda y de sus solistas.

A.M. Klein

by A. M. Klein Elizabeth A. Popham

In the final volume of the Collected Works of A.M. Klein, Elizabeth Popham completes the process of restoring the public voice of one of Canada's most respected authors. A.M. Klein: The Letters is the first compilation of a significant body of Klein's correspondence. Using his communications to construct a compelling narrative, Popham traces Klein's career from his apprenticeship to great critical success and his tragically premature silence.The content of Klein's letters gives new resonance to his works, most notably to his critically acclaimed novel The Second Scroll (1951) and his Governor General Award-winning The Rocking Chair and Other Poems (1948). In his exchanges with publishers and scholars, Klein glosses his own writing and argues for the integrity of his poetic vision. Samplings of his correspondence with Seagram's Distilleries clarify Klein's controversial role as ghost-writer and PR consultant for Sam Bronfman. A valuable resource for understanding Canadian literary modernism, diasporic Judaism, and the culture of Montreal, A.M. Klein: The Letters is a remarkable portrait of an important Canadian literary figure of the twentieth century.

A que no te animás a leer esto

by Fernando Peña

Una síntesis perfecta de Fernando Peña. Lo vimos en teatro, lodisfrutamos en radio, y nos faltaba algo más, mucho más. Estas páginasson un legado visceral y sincero. Fernando Peña era un observador agudo, una mente privilegiada con untalento tan cautivante como irrepetible. Sus virtudes eran muchas."Ezquizopeña", como llamó a algunas de sus obras, es un término quedefine su brutal genialidad.A Peña nada le era indiferente ni le pasaba inadvertido. Era permeablecomo pocos. Apenas ingresaba a un lugar podía percibirlo todo: la mássutil fragancia, el estado de las cosas...Había temas que lo obsesionaban. Odiaba que deformáramos el lenguajepara hablar. Podía corregirte frente al mínimo error. Detestaba la faltade pasión. Le fascinaba la vida de hotel cinco estrellas. Cuando BuenosAires ya no tiraba buenos aires, lo aliviaba sentirse extranjero en supropia ciudad. Lo reconfortaba sentir esos olores a otros países quetienen los hoteles. Cuando se cansaba volvía al caos, a su caos.«A que no te animás a leer esto» es un recorrido por todos los temas quelo conmovían. La pasión, el odio, los oficios, las miserias, lo quehacemos cuando nadie está mirando, la muerte, la familia, la locura, elorden, la política, el tiempo que se nos va, las fiestas. Un librodivertido, desopilante y único, como su autor.

Abel Carlevaro. Un nuevo mundo en la guitarra

by Alfredo Escande

La biografía de Abel Carlevaro, elmúsico uruguayo de mayor trascendencia mundial e histórica en eluniverso de la guitarra llamada clásica. La biografía de Abel Carlevaro, elmúsico uruguayo de mayor trascendencia mundial e histórica en eluniverso de la guitarra llamada clásica.Abel Carlevaromarcó en forma indeleble la segunda mitad del siglo XX en el universo dela guitarra llamada clásica, como ningún otro instrumentista de suépoca.Según el autor de este libro (discípulo y asistentepedagógico del gran maestro compatriota durante casi treinta años), esteuruguayo cosmopolita pero volvedor, que nunca aceptó vivir fuera deMontevideo, austero y esquivo a cualquier forma de protagonismomediático, no dejó de hacer contribuciones sustanciales que alteraronpara siempre lo que había sido hasta entonces la tradición guitarrísticaque provenía de Europa, y luego de haber prácticamente revolucionadodesde sus propias bases la técnica, las pautas estéticas y la pedagogíadel instrumento, abrió para la guitarra todo un mundo nuevo marcado poraquella visión universalista y constructiva legataria de la influenciatorresgarciana y que se convirtió en piedra angular del desarrollofuturo de esta rama del arte.En las páginas de su libro, AlfredoEscande recorre los más de ochenta años de la vida de este guitarrista(interprete excelso y singular), y estudia en profundidad el conjunto depersonajes y hechos culturales cuya influencia Carlevaro asimiló en elmarco de su Montevideo natal, y que luego volcó a su creación musical ypedagógica, para vestirla con la especial impronta que lo distinguiónítidamente como el músico uruguayo de mayor trascendencia mundial ehistórica en referencia a su propio ámbito de acción. Andrés Segovia ylos guitarreros populares de Uruguay, Heitor Villa-Lobos y AgustínBarrios, Maurice Ohana y los pintores del Taller Torres García, lospoetas españoles y ?Bachicha? Gallotti, partituras de Bach y discos deGardel, un especial entorno familiar y las tradiciones culturalesheredadas del pasado europeo son ingredientes que Carlevaro va fundiendoen el crisol efervescente del ambiente montevideano de los años treintay cuarenta para luego (en una brillante carrera artística y docente deseis décadas) dar la vuelta, desde el sur, el mapa de la guitarra de susiglo.

Abraham Kuyper: A Short and Personal Introduction

by Richard J. Mouw

Richard Mouw was first drawn to Abraham Kuyper’s writings about public life in the turbulent 1960s. As he struggled to find the right Christian stance toward big social issues such as the civil rights movement and the Vietnam War, Mouw discovered Kuyper’s Lectures on Calvinism — and, with it, a robust vision of active Christian involvement in public life that has guided him ever since. In this “short and personal introduction” Mouw sets forth Kuyper’s main ideas on Christian cultural discipleship, including his views on sphere sovereignty, the antithesis, common grace, and more. Mouw looks at ways to update — and, in some places, even correct — Kuyper’s thought as he applies it to such twenty-first-century issues as religious and cultural pluralism, technology, and the challenge of Islam.

Abraham Lincoln: A Nonfiction Companion to Magic Tree House Merlin Mission #19: Abe Lincoln at Last (Magic Tree House Fact Tracker #25)

by Mary Pope Osborne Sal Murdocca Natalie Pope Boyce

When Jack and Annie got back from their adventure in Magic Tree House #47: Abe Lincoln at Last!, they had lots of questions. What was it like to grow up in a log cabin? How did Lincoln become president? What was his family like? Why did the US fight the Civil War? Find out the answers to these questions and more as Jack and Annie track the facts. Filled with up-to-date information, photos, illustrations, and fun tidbits from Jack and Annie, the Magic Tree House Fact Trackers are the perfect way for kids to find out more about the topics they discovered in their favorite Magic Tree House adventures.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Abraham Lincoln, Slavery, and the Civil War: Selected Writing And Speeches (Bedford Cultural Editions Series)

by Michael P. Johnson

This collection, skillfully edited by Michael P. Johnson, offers students the essential Lincoln in a brief and accessible format that makes this a must-assign edition for courses covering the antebellum period, slavery, and the Civil War. <P><P>From famous documents like the Lincoln-Douglas debates and the second inaugural address to crucial memoranda and letters, it reveals the development of Lincoln's views on all the critical issues of the day, including free labor, antebellum politics and the Republican party, slavery, secession, the Civil War, and emancipation. <P><P>Significantly streamlined for the second edition to a more student-friendly length, the volume retains its successful format: documents are organized thematically and chronologically, with editorial headnotes that provide just enough context for students to understand the significance of each selection. <P><P>In addition to Johnson's widely praised biographical introduction, a chronology, maps and pictures, questions for consideration, selected bibliography, and a comprehensive index all enhance students' understanding of this crucial period -- and this crucial figure -- in U.S. history.

The Abrahamic Revolution: God’s Mission in Motion

by Todd Ahrend

God set His mission into motion when He invited Abraham to lay down his plans for a greater plan a global plan. Abraham's life was revolutionized! He became the first in a historic line who stepped out to follow God in reaching the nations. Todd Ahrend helps us understand the missional theme of God's Word, the task remaining in God's world, and our calling to God's work. God's purpose is one, continuous and all-encompassing movement to redeem people from every tribe, tongue and nation. You are invited to join the legacy that began with Abraham and will end in God s global glory. Join the Abrahamic Revolution!

Absolutely: A Memoir

by Joanna Lumley

Illustrated memoir by the absolutely fabulous Joanna LumleyJoanna Lumley is one of Britain's undisputed national treasures, an English actress, voiceover artist and author, best known for her roles in the British television series ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS portraying Edina Monsoon's best friend, Patsy Stone, as well as parts in THE NEW AVENGERS and SAPPHIRE & STEEL. A former model and Bond girl, her distinctive voice has been supplied for animated characters, film narration and AOL's "You've got mail" notification in the UK. She has spoken out as a human rights activist for Survival International and the recent Gurkha Justice Campaign, and is now considered a 'national treasure' of Nepal as well as the UK because of her support. She is an advocate for a huge number of charities. She has won two BAFTA awards, but it is the sheer diversity of her life that has made her so compelling a personality - early years in Kashmir and Malaya, growing up in Kent, then a photographic model before becoming an actress, appearing in a huge range of roles, whether it is the Nimble bread TV ad, movies like ON HER MAJESTY'S SECRET SERVICE, dramas like SENSITIVE SKIN and documentaries on the Northern Lights, Bhutan and the Nile, and of course as the unforgettable Patsy in ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS or as Purdy in THE NEW AVENGERS, where her plummy vowels and upper-class demeanour has made her one of our most recognisable actors.

Absolutely: The Bestselling Memoir

by Joanna Lumley

'Mischievous and measured, Joanna Lumley gives us a remarkable portrait of a groovy life...a life astonishingly rich in experience' THE TIMES'Captures perfectly the mixture of poshness and larkiness that has captivated Joanna Lumley's audiences...Joanna writes beautifully, managing to be both thoughtful and amusing' DAILY MAIL'An actress with an extraordinarily varied life that has taken her from Kashmir to Kent, from Bond girl to Ab Fab. It's all here in this gloriously illustrated, entertaining memoir, that's packed with personal photos and reminiscences' WOMAN & HOMEJoanna Lumley is one of Britain's undisputed national treasures. A single mum, iconic actress, voiceover artist and author, best known for her roles in ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS and THE NEW AVENGERS, she is a former model and Bond girl, a human rights activist for Survival International and the Gurkha Justice Campaign, and is now considered a 'national treasure' of Nepal as well as the UK. She has won two BAFTA awards, but it is the sheer diversity of her life that has made her so compelling a personality - early years in Kashmir and Malaya, growing up in Kent, then a photographic model before becoming an actress, appearing in a huge range of roles, and many documentaries including those on on the Northern Lights, Bhutan and the Nile.'Lumley has done it all, from sex kitten and TV star to activist for the Gurkhas. Read about it here.' - No.2 of The Independent's 'Ten Best New Memoirs' INDEPENDENT

An Accidental Athlete: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Middle Age

by Bingham John

Known by fans as "The Penguin" for his back-of-the-pack speed, John Bingham is the unlikely hero of the modern running boom. In his new book, the best-selling author and magazine columnist recalls his childhood dreams of athletic glory, sedentary years of unhealthy excess, and a life-changing transformation from couch potato to "adult-onset athlete." Overweight, uninspired, and saddled with a pack-and-a-half-a-day smoking habit, Bingham found himself firmly wedged into a middle-age slump. Then two frightening trips to the emergency room and a conversation with a happy piano tuner led him to discover running--and changed his life for the better. Inspiring, poignant, hilarious, and heartbreaking, An Accidental Athlete is a warm and engaging book for the everyday athlete. Bingham tells stories of the joys of running--the pride of the finisher's medal, a bureau-busting t-shirt collection, intense back-of-the-pack strategizing. An Accidental Athlete is about one man's discovery that middle age was not the finish line after all, but only the beginning.

An Accidental Mother

by Katherine Anne Kindred

After her divorce, Kate Kindred decided that she would live her life without children. But then she fell in love with Jim, a handsome, caring man who had custody of his two-year-old son, Michael. And she fell in love with the boy, too. During the six years they all lived together, Kate learned the deep joys of motherhood-that was the gift that Michael gave her. But when her relationship with Jim ended, he denied her any contact with Michael.And her heart was broken.An Accidental Mother beautifully describes the joys of mothering a young boy through complicated times. With sweet simple anecdotes and complex emotions, Kate Kindred marks every page with tears, including those that the most loving laughter can bring to any parent.

An Accidental Mother

by Katherine Anne Kindred

After her divorce, Kate Kindred decided that she would live her life without children. But then she fell in love with Jim, a handsome, caring man who had custody of his two-year-old son, Michael. And she fell in love with the boy, too. During the six years they all lived together, Kate learned the deep joys of motherhood-that was the gift that Michael gave her. But when her relationship with Jim ended, he denied her any contact with Michael.And her heart was broken.An Accidental Mother beautifully describes the joys of mothering a young boy through complicated times. With sweet simple anecdotes and complex emotions, Kate Kindred marks every page with tears, including those that the most loving laughter can bring to any parent.

The Accidental Office Lady

by Laura Kriska

A young woman with a new degree in Japanese studies and plenty of youthful idealism and can-do spirit accepts a job as the first American trainee at Honda's headquarters in Tokyo. Her image of Japanese corporate life is dramatically challenged on her first day at work when she is issued a blue polyester uniform--a uniform worn only by women!From menial beginnings serving tea to executives and cleaning the boss's desk, to a stint in public relations, to developing training classes for Japanese associates going to America, Laura Kriska recounts her struggle to adapt to--and ultimately thrive in--the culture of a traditional Japanese company. Shortly before her departure, she travels full circle by introducing a successful campaign to make women's uniforms optional.Now with a new foreword by the author, The Accidental Office Lady is a vivid and valuable firsthand account not only of corporate Japan and the gender inequality that persists within it, but of an outsider's successful attempt to work within cultural boundaries to affect organizational change.

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