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Luis Miguel: La verdad sobre la vida del cantante mexicano más exitoso de todos los tiempos

by Javier León Herrera

Amado en Argentina, Colombia, Estados Unidos, Chile, España, Italia... Luis Miguel es el artista más admirado y al mismo tiempo más desconocido en cuanto a su vida privada se refiere. En este libro impactante y revelador, el notable periodista y escritor bestseller, Javier León Herrera, recorre un caminode dolor, amargura y esperanza para ofrecer la verdad sobre la vida del cantante. Cuenta sucesos intensos de su durísima infancia , pasajes conmovedores de su adolescencia marcada por los secretos y los ultrajes familiares, además de los con­flictos terribles que rodean al cantante, al ser humano detrás de los escenarios: - ¿Qué sabemos de su niñez? - ¿Quiénes fueron realmente sus padres, abuelos y tíos? - ¿Qué misterio rodea la desaparición de su madre? - ¿Cómo fue su relación con su padre?Esta biografía, que el autor actualiza en este nuevo libro, recoge opiniones de parientes que se valieron de la cercanía con el cantante para vivir de su éxito, de personas alejadas del medio artístico que mantuvieron un trato cercano con el inigualable artista en momentos turbu­lentos de su vida y,además, se profundiza en estas páginas en el misterio de Marcela Basteri, madre de Luis Miguel y cuya ausencia en su vida marcó profundamente su carácter.

El Tigre de Dios

by Javier León Herrera

La vida de Falcao Para muchos, Radamel Falcao García es el mejor jugador colombiano detodos los tiempos. Desde muy temprana edad demostró que portaba losgenes del talento. precocidad nunca dejó de sorprender, y la ilustrantanto su debut en el profesionalismo, a la increíble edad de 13 años,como su partidad para partida para River Plate al que llegó cuandoentraba apenas a la adolescencia.Pero como todas las jóvenes promesas, tuvo que sorter la fragilidad dela ruta hacia el éxito. Enfrentó soledades, lesiones, dificultadesfinancieras, un sinfín de amarguras personales y deportivas que a lapostre, pudo superar gracias a la columna de su vida: su fé en Dios.A partir de una jugosa documentación, este libro se sumerge en labiografía del futbolista, del hijo, del esposo, del cristiano, delhombre, una vida ejemplar cargada de metas y sueños que Falcao, el Tigrede Dios, no dejará de acechar. La vida de Falcao Para muchos, Radamel Falcao García es el mejor jugador colombiano detodos los tiempos. Desde muy temprana edad demostró que portaba losgenes del talento. precocidad nunca dejó de sorprender, y la ilustrantanto su debut en el profesionalismo, a la increíble edad de 13 años,como su partidad para partida para River Plate al que llegó cuandoentraba apenas a la adolescencia.Pero como todas las jóvenes promesas, tuvo que sorter la fragilidad dela ruta hacia el éxito. Enfrentó soledades, lesiones, dificultadesfinancieras, un sinfín de amarguras personales y deportivas que a lapostre, pudo superar gracias a la columna de su vida: su fé en Dios.A partir de una jugosa documentación, este libro se sumerge en labiografía del futbolista, del hijo, del esposo, del cristiano, delhombre, una vida ejemplar cargada de metas y sueños que Falcao, el Tigrede Dios, no dejará de acechar.

Una intensa vida: Mi historia íntima como nunca antes la conté

by Paloma Herrera

Estas memorias hablan de la verdadera vocación y de la importancia de seguir los sueños. Quienes las lean se encontrarán con anécdotas y vivencias íntimas pero también con reflexiones de una persona que llegó al máximo lugar al que podía aspirar en su carrera. «Para ser bailarín hay que tener fortaleza física pero, sobre todo, fortaleza mental. Los que no son fuertes, aunque sean muy talentosos, van quedando en el camino.» Es imposible abordar la vida de Paloma Herrera sin hablar de intensidad y de pasión. Su carrera fue una montaña rusa. Entre Buenos Aires y Nueva York, el Teatro Colón y el American Ballet Theatre, vivió cada minuto como si fuera el último. Su nombre la marcó para siempre. Nació sin ataduras. Comenzó a bailar a los 7 años por decisión propia, a los 9 ya empezaba a ganar los primeros premios en concursos internacionales. A los 15 años se fue a vivir sola a Nueva York, contratada por una de las compañías más importantes del mundo. Su exigencia no tenía límites. Nunca estaba conforme consigo misma. En este libro, por primera vez, Paloma Herrera cuenta todo: la compleja relación que tuvo con su maestra Olga Ferri, la intensidad que caracterizó su vínculo con los hombres, las maravillosas personas que se cruzó en el camino y las desventajas de estar en un medio tan competitivo. Esta autobiografía describe la trastienda de los ensayos, las luchas personales, las marcas de un cuerpo con horas y horas de entrenamiento, el apoyo incondicional de la familia en todo momento. Paloma Herrera es un hito en la danza, no solo en la Argentina sino en el mundo. Su presencia como latina abrió una nueva etapa en lugares como Estados Unidos, donde fue la primera figura del American Ballet Theatre con tan solo 19 años. Tras retirarse de los escenarios, a los 40, con una carrera impecable, se convirtió en un ejemplo de la excelencia, la entrega, el sacrificio y la disciplina que se necesitan para llegar a la cima. Estas memorias hablan de la verdadera vocación y de la importancia de seguir los sueños. Quienes las lean se encontrarán con anécdotas y vivencias íntimas pero también con reflexiones de una persona que llegó al máximo lugar al que podía aspirar.

Mango Elephants in the Sun: How Life in an African Village Let Me Be in My Skin

by Susana Herrera

When the Peace Corps sends Susana Herrera to teach English in northern Cameroon, she yearns to embrace her adopted village and its people, to drink deep from the spirit of Mother Africa--and to forget a bitter childhood and painful past. To the villagers, however, she's a rich American tourist, a nasara (white person) who has never known pain or want. They stare at her in silence. The children giggle and run away. At first her only confidant is a miraculously communicative lizard. Susana fights back with every ounce of heart and humor she possesses, and slowly begins to make a difference. She ventures out to the village well and learns to carry water on her head. In a classroom crowded to suffocation she finds a way to discipline her students without resorting to the beatings they are used to. She makes ice cream in the scorching heat, and learns how to plant millet and kill chickens. She laughs with the villagers, cries with them, works and prays with them, heals and is helped by them. Village life is hard but magical. Poverty is rampant--yet people sing and share what little they have. The termites that chew up her bed like morning cereal are fried and eaten in their turn ("bite-sized and crunchy like Doritos"). Nobody knows what tomorrow may bring, but even the morning greetings impart a purer sense of being in the moment. Gradually, Susana and the village become part of each other. They will never be the same again.

La Baronesa. Una vida de novela

by Nieves Herrero

La esperada novela sobre la vida de Tita Cervera. Esta aventura literaria comenzó a finales de 2019, cuando Carmen Thyssen me llamó por teléfono y me pidió que escribiera un libro sobre su vida. Mi única condición fue narrar las cosas tal como habían sido, con sus luces y sus sombras. Poco a poco me fui introduciendo en su mundo y, durante tres años, mantuve encuentros y largas conversaciones con ella en su casa de La Moraleja.Descubrí a una mujer de novela: una infancia con padres separados,una juventud romántica y un concurso de belleza, el de Miss España, que puso su vida del revés. Su romance con Lex Barker y las sombras que llegaron tras su muerte. Su relación con Espartaco Santoni, con su sórdido final. El nacimiento de Borja y la aparición de Heini, que la convertiría en baronesa y coleccionista. Su mala relación con Blanca Cuesta y la llegada de las mellizas, Carmen y Sabina...La historia de su vida iba avanzando ante mis ojos hasta que un día Tita comentó en una entrevista de televisión que ella misma iba a ser la autora de su biografía. Cancelaba, pues, nuestro trabajo conjunto de tres años. Nos enterábamos todos a la vez: los espectadores, la editorial y yo. Tita deseaba hacer memoria, pero creo que los abogados han tenido y tienen un lugar demasiado preferente en su vida.Hoy os presento este libro, diferente al que tenía pensado escribir, pero tal vez por ello aún más interesante. Una novela biográfica con hechos y personajes reales. Una historia con una protagonista a la que he llegado a admirar, pero a quien nunca he conseguido comprender realmente. Sin duda, el personaje más fascinante de las últimas décadas. Reseñas:«Tita Cervera: la baronesa filántropa que lo niega todo, pero no se priva de nada».AYANTA BARILLI «De no haber existido en la vida real, Tita Cervera habría sido un maravilloso personaje de novela».MARÍA DUEÑAS «Tita y Borja no se entienden porque en el fondo fondo, aunque parezca mentira, pertenecen a clases sociales diferentes. Es lo que pasa cuando te sale un hijo rico».JUAN JOSÉ MILLÁS, El País «Hay personas a quienes nos apetece conocer de la misma manera que nos acercamos a un cuadro: con ganas de saber más y de hacerlo con detalle; siempre encuentras cosas que no ves a simple vista».REYES MONFORTE «Muchos, procelosos y hasta miserables, han sido los caminos para obtener un título nobiliario; y aunque el de Tita, en el reino de España, sea un poco de latón, no ha sido ni inusual ni el peor. Y si París bien valió una misa, el Museo Thyssen bien vale una bula, una indulgencia plenaria y una absolución».ANTONIO PÉREZ HENARES «La baronesa Thyssen tiene una cara oculta que la hace fascinante. Su pasión por el esoterismo y lo invisible, desconocida para el gran público, la convierte en una dama de otra época. Nieves Herrero ha sabido captar esa faceta como nadie».JAVIER SIERRA

El joyero de la reina

by Nieves Herrero

EL AMOR PASA, LAS JOYAS PERMANECEN Una gran novela sobre las joyas de las reinas de España que marcaron la dramática vida de Victoria Eugenia y, un siglo después, luce doña Letizia. Las joyas son fieles guardianas no solo del paso del tiempo, sino de los grandes secretos de amor y desamor de quienes las han llevado. Las reinas las han lucido como amuletos y también como signos de poder. En estas páginas se da una visión diferente y original de Victoria Eugenia de Battemberg, la última reina española antes de la Segunda República. Llegó de Inglaterra a España en 1906 para contraer matrimonio con Alfonso XIII, trayendo consigo un aire nuevo a la Corte y suscitando muchas críticas por lo que se consideraban transgresiones. Entre conspiraciones políticas, atentados, desengaños y el exilio, transcurrió su existencia. Mientras su vida se iba desmoronando debido a la enfermedad de la sangre que heredaron algunos de sus hijos y a las constantes infidelidades del rey, su joyero, Ramiro García-Ansorena, le fue enseñando la historia y la vida de las reinas de España a través de sus joyas. También le hizo comprender que los diamantes, las perlas y las piedras preciosas serían su fuerza y su seguridad: «Una joya es lo único que dura para siempre». Su extraordinario collar de brillantes fue creciendo a la par que el desamor del rey hacia ella, ya que él le regalaba joyas para comprar su perdón. Victoria Eugenia, Ena, dejó en su testamento las «joyas de pasar» que hoy están en manos de la reina Letizia. Todas ellas albergan secretos, algunos terribles. Como dice la protagonista: «¿Es cierto que ser reina no da la felicidad».

Después de vivir un siglo: Una biografía de Violeta Parra

by Victor Herrero

La primera biografía completa de la cantante y poeta chilena en el centenario de su nacimiento <P><P>Mucho se ha dicho y escrito acerca de Violeta Parra. Pero,¿fue realmente esa campesina pobre del sur de Chile que llegó al estrellato universal contra viento y marea? ¿Por qué recién a los 35 años comienza a existir la Violeta que todos conocemos? ¿Cómo surgieron sus canciones de protesta que se adelantaron a su tiempo hasta volverse himnos globales? ¿En qué circunstancias compuso «El Gavilán»? ¿Por qué y cómo se suicidó en febrero de 1967?. <P><P>Estas y muchas otras interrogantes se contestan en esta biografía escrita por Víctor Herrero, quien investigó exhaustivamente los archivos legales y la prensa de la época y recogió durante dos años testimonios desconocidos # incluidas las memorias inéditas del gran compañero de Violeta, Gilbert Favre#, al tiempo que recorrió los mismos senderos que caminó Violeta en Chile en los años 50, siguiendo también su senda en Buenos Aires, París y Ginebra. Herrero logra reconstruir a la mujer detrás del mito, a la mujer que logró convertirse en mito.

Legendary Locals of McLean

by Carole L. Herrick

McLean, Virginia, a whistle stop along the Great Falls & Old Dominion Railroad, came about in 1910. It was named after John R. McLean, publisher of the Washington Post newspaper and an owner of the railroad. This was a farming community that never incorporated. A few of the families instrumental in the formation of the village that followed were Mackall, Laughlin, Storm, Carper, and Smoot. Because of its proximity to the nation's capital, McLean attracted people from all walks of life. But it was the arrival of the Kennedy families in the late 1950s that put McLean on the map. The thread that holds the community together is spirited volunteerism. This volume contains images of a few of the personalities who give McLean a sense of place. The majority of the photographs have been donated by individuals to ensure that history does not lose these significant personalities, past or present, who left an imprint on their community.

Zen in the Art of Archery

by Eugen Herrigel

Since its original publication in 1953, Zen in the Art of Archery has become one of the classic works on Eastern philosophy, the first book to delve deeply into the role of Zen in philosophy, development, and practice of Eastern martial arts. Wise, deeply personal, and frequently charming, it is the story of one man's penetration of the theory and practice of Zen Buddhism. Eugen Herrigel, a German professor who taught philosophy in Tokyo, took up the study of archery as a step toward the understanding of Zen. Zen in the Art of Archery is the account of the six years he spent as the student of one of Japan's great Zen masters, and the process by which he overcame his initial inhibitions and began to look toward new ways of seeing and understanding. As one of the first Westerners to delve deeply into Zen Buddhism, Herrigel was a key figure in the popularization of Eastern thought in the West, as well as being a captivating and illuminating writer.

Romancing Spain

by Lamar Herrin

Does a man fall in love with a country first or the woman he finds there?And which love is finally the greatest?In this elegant account of his falling for the Spanish woman he married 30 years ago, Lamar Herrin opens his heart, his natural skepticism, and an American's awe of history to a complex nation that is both rich in tradition and astoundingly foreign.Portraying himself as a Quixote in love with Romance, Herrin allows us to watch as he struggles to win the woman who will finally open her arms to him in a world where the Church and Bureaucracy are unwilling to.By turns comic and moving - and always lyrical - there are beauty and good heart enough in this eloquent book for travelers and lovers alike.

Romancing Spain

by Lamar Herrin

Does a man fall in love with a country first or the woman he finds there?And which love is finally the greatest?In this elegant account of his falling for the Spanish woman he married 30 years ago, Lamar Herrin opens his heart, his natural skepticism, and an American's awe of history to a complex nation that is both rich in tradition and astoundingly foreign.Portraying himself as a Quixote in love with Romance, Herrin allows us to watch as he struggles to win the woman who will finally open her arms to him in a world where the Church and Bureaucracy are unwilling to.By turns comic and moving - and always lyrical - there are beauty and good heart enough in this eloquent book for travelers and lovers alike.

LBJ and Vietnam: A Different Kind of War (An Administrative History of the Johnson Presidency)

by Herring George C.

Decades later, the Vietnam War remains a divisive memory for American society. Partisans on all sides still debate why the war was fought, how it could have been better fought, and whether it could have been won at all. <P><P> In this major study, a noted expert on the war brings a needed objectivity to these debates by examining dispassionately how and why President Lyndon Johnson and his administration conducted the war as they did. Drawing on a wealth of newly released documents from the LBJ Library, including the Tom Johnson notes from the influential Tuesday Lunch Group, George Herring discusses the concept of limited war and how it affected President Johnson's decision making, Johnson's relations with his military commanders, the administration's pacification program of 1965-1967, the management of public opinion, and the "fighting while negotiating" strategy pursued after the Tet Offensive in 1968.

Blood in the Garden: The Flagrant History of the 1990s New York Knicks

by Chris Herring

The definitive history of the 1990s New York Knicks, illustrating how Pat Riley, Patrick Ewing, John Starks, Charles Oakley, and Anthony Mason resurrected the iconic franchise through oppressive physicality and unmatched grit. <p><p> For nearly an entire generation, the New York Knicks have been a laughingstock franchise. Since 2001, they’ve spent more money, lost more games, and won fewer playoff series than any other NBA team. But during the preceding era, the Big Apple had a club it was madly in love with—one that earned respect not only by winning, but through brute force. The Knicks were always looking for fights, often at the encouragement of Pat Riley. They fought opposing players. They fought each other. Hell, they even occasionally fought their own coaches. <p><p> The NBA didn’t take kindly to their fighting spirit. Within two years, league officials moved to alter several rules to stop New York from turning its basketball games into bloody mudwrestling matches. Nevertheless, as the 1990s progressed, the Knicks endeared themselves to millions of fans; not for how much they won, but for their colorful cast of characters and their hardworking mentality. Now, through his original reporting and interviews with more than two hundred people, author Chris Herring delves into the origin, evolution, and eventual demise of the iconic club. He takes us inside the locker room, executive boardrooms, and onto the court for the key moments that lifted the club to new heights, and the ones that threatened to send everything crashing down in spectacular fashion. <p><p> Blood in the Garden is a portrait filled with eye-opening details that have never been shared before, revealing the full story of the franchise in the midst of the NBA’s golden era. And rest assured, no punches will be pulled. Which is just how those rough-and-tumble Knicks would like it.

Diplomacy and Diamonds: My Wars from the Ballroom to the Battlefield

by Joanne King Herring Nancy Dorman-Hickson

She's been dirt poor; she's been filthy rich. Rich was more fun. She married three times, divorced twice, found her true love, and lost him to cancer. At twenty-one, she was told she would soon die. She lived. Doctors said she'd never be able to have children. She had 'em. She's bargained with God, dictators, and Democrats. She's partied with princes, presidents, premiers, Barbara Walters, Anwar Sadat, Margaret Thatcher, Tom Hanks, and Francisco Franco . . . though not all at the same time. She captivated powerful men with her feminine charm, and then persuaded them toward unlikely political alliances through her formidable intelligence. She waltzed with Prince Philip in Buckingham Palace, dressed in men's clothes and smuggled herself in a barrel across the Pakistani border, threw a Roman-themed party so extravagant it was featured in Life magazine, and survived a Soviet gunship attack in the mountains of Afghanistan. Joanne Herring, the Houston socialite portrayed by Julia Roberts in the film Charlie Wilson's War, is far more colorful, funny, and likable than any screenwriter could have guessed. The former Texas television anchor is known for her improbable fight with the mujahideen against the former Soviet Union. But her full story-with all its God, guns, and Gucci glory-has never been told. Born in the man's world of Texas in a time when women had limited choices, Joanne Herring blazed a trail with allies as unlikely as Charlie Wilson, Pierre Cardin, and President Ronald Reagan . . . and in so doing forged new paths for women in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and America.

No Fear Allowed: A Story of Guts, Perseverance & Making An Impact

by Laura Herring Laurie Ann Goldman

In her new business biography, “NO FEAR ALLOWED” Laura Herring traces her story from psychologist to entrepreneur and then business leader, sharing her experience as the Founder and Chairwoman of IMPACT Group, a GLOBAL company she grew to almost $50 Million dollars. The biggest takeaways from the book are Laura’s infamous “Lessons Learned” straight talk from the frontlines of corporate America that can benefit ANYONE in business, no matter what level. And of course, the one thing that Laura wants all readers to take from this book---whether you’re an entrepreneur, an intrapreneur in corporate America, or simply a lover of great business biographies---is that “NO FEAR ALLOWED” is not just a phrase. It is a battle cry!

Can I Have My Ball Back?: A memoir of masculinity, mortality and my right testicle

by Richard Herring

'Very funny, moving and heartwarming' BOB MORTIMERIf we are cowardly, we are told to grow someIf we're brave, we're said to have huge onesIf it's cold, they are liable to fall off - even if you're a brass monkeyIf we're in trouble, someone will threaten to break themIf we have to work hard, we might very well bust themIf we're in somebody's thrall, then they've got us by themAbout fifteen years ago, Richard Herring first took part in a campaign to encourage men to have a little (non-sexual) feel of their balls every now and again. But it was embarrassing and weird, and if there was something wrong, he didn't want to know about it.Anyway, that kind of stuff only happens to other people, doesn't it?At the start of 2021 Richard Herring was diagnosed with testicular cancer. For a man whose output includes a stand-up tour titled Talking Cock and who regularly interrogates our attitudes towards masculinity, it was a diagnosis that came with additional layers of complexity.Telling Rich's personal story alongside an exploration of what defines masculinity and 'maleness' in society, Can I Have My Ball Back? is not your typical cancer memoir. Whether they're nuts, bollocks, gonads or family jewels; from the phrase 'grow some balls' to infamous WWII songs about Hitler; Rich unpicks the tangle of emotions around his own testing times.

Can I Have My Ball Back?: A memoir of masculinity, mortality and my right testicle

by Richard Herring

'Very funny, moving and heartwarming' BOB MORTIMERIf we are cowardly, we are told to grow someIf we're brave, we're said to have huge onesIf it's cold, they are liable to fall off - even if you're a brass monkeyIf we're in trouble, someone will threaten to break themIf we have to work hard, we might very well bust themIf we're in somebody's thrall, then they've got us by themAbout fifteen years ago, Richard Herring first took part in a campaign to encourage men to have a little (non-sexual) feel of their balls every now and again. But it was embarrassing and weird, and if there was something wrong, he didn't want to know about it.Anyway, that kind of stuff only happens to other people, doesn't it?At the start of 2021 Richard Herring was diagnosed with testicular cancer. For a man whose output includes a stand-up tour titled Talking Cock and who regularly interrogates our attitudes towards masculinity, it was a diagnosis that came with additional layers of complexity.Telling Rich's personal story alongside an exploration of what defines masculinity and 'maleness' in society, Can I Have My Ball Back? is not your typical cancer memoir. Whether they're nuts, bollocks, gonads or family jewels; from the phrase 'grow some balls' to infamous WWII songs about Hitler; Rich unpicks the tangle of emotions around his own testing times.

Can I Have My Ball Back?: A memoir of masculinity, mortality and my right testicle

by Richard Herring

This exclusive recording includes 4 audio extras that are unique to the audiobook, including interviews with Richard's wife Catie and oncologist Dr Sharma.'Very funny, moving and heartwarming' BOB MORTIMER'A bollockbuster!' ADAM BUXTONIf we are cowardly, we are told to grow someIf we're brave, we're said to have huge onesIf it's cold, they are liable to fall off - even if you're a brass monkeyIf we're in trouble, someone will threaten to break themIf we have to work hard, we might very well bust themIf we're in somebody's thrall, then they've got us by themAbout fifteen years ago, Richard Herring first took part in a campaign to encourage men to have a little (non-sexual) feel of their balls every now and again. But it was embarrassing and weird, and if there was something wrong, he didn't want to know about it. Anyway, that kind of stuff only happens to other people, doesn't it?At the start of 2021 Richard Herring was diagnosed with testicular cancer. For a man whose output includes a stand-up tour titled Talking Cock and who regularly interrogates our attitudes towards masculinity, it was a diagnosis that came with additional layers of complexity.Telling Rich's personal story alongside an exploration of what defines masculinity and 'maleness' in society, Can I Have My Ball Back? is not your typical cancer memoir. Whether they're nuts, bollocks, gonads or family jewels; from the phrase 'grow some balls' to infamous WWII songs about Hitler; Rich unpicks the tangle of emotions around his own testing times.

How Not to Grow Up: A Coming of Age Memoir. Sort of.

by Richard Herring

Comedian Richard Herring has a major problem. He's about to turn 40 and hasn't seen it coming. He's not married, doesn't have a proper job or 2.4 children. But now, finally, it looks as if the world expects him to be a grown up - and he's completely unprepared for it.As the momentous and terrifying event approaches (his birthday), Richard notices a steep decline in his own behaviour. Inexplicably he begins to behave more childishly - hanging out with 22-year-olds, developing an unhealthy addiction to Flumps and even getting into a ludicrous fight.How Not to Grow Up is the funny story of how a self-confessed perpetual Big Kid deals with his greatest fear - getting older - and is the perfect book for everyone who, deep down, still thinks that they're 18.

Stalking the Vietcong

by Stuart Herrington

In a gripping memoir that reads like a spy novel, one man recounts his personal experience with Operation Phoenix, the program created to destroy the Vietcong's shadow government, which thrived in the rural communities of South Vietnam.Stuart A. Herrington was an American intelligence advisor assigned to root out the enemy in the Hau Nghia province. His two-year mission to capture or kill Communist agents operating there was made all the more difficult by local officials who were reluctant to cooperate, villagers who were too scared to talk, and VC who would not go down without a fight. Herrington developed an unexpected but intense identification with the villagers in his jurisdiction-and learned the hard way that experiencing war was profoundly different from philosophizing about it in a seminar room.

Adventures of a Cold War Fast-Jet Navigator: The Buccaneer Years

by David Herriot

David Herriot served almost 40 years in the Royal Air Force as a navigator, first on the Buccaneer S2 and subsequently on the Tornado GR1. This volume recounts his early career operating the Buccaneer on three operational flying tours plus a tour as an instructor on the Operational Conversion Unit. With almost 2500 hours on an aircraft that was operated at high-speed, in all weathers and at ultra low-level, his task in the rear seat was a demanding one. But Herriot was more than just the guy in the back of a Buccaneer; he was, quite routinely, and often to the exasperation of his seniors, the life and soul of any party that was taking place either at home base or when overseas defending the flanks of NATO.This is an epic adventure for the aviation enthusiast, particularly those with affection for the Blackburn Buccaneer, and is one that provides a great deal more than the usual introduction to a specific aircraft type and the people who flew it. Here the reader will find an absolute insight into life on a fast jet squadron, at work and mischievous play during the Cold War and they will be introduced to some of the modern Royal Air Forces greatest characters.

The Tornado Years: More Adventures of a Cold War Fast-Jet Navigator

by David Herriot

“Brings us into the back seat of these remarkable British aircraft and provides insights unavailable until now . . . a true gem.” —The AviationistFollowing the success of The Adventures of a Cold War Fast-Jet Navigator: The Buccaneer Years, which won the Aviation Enthusiasts’ Book Club’s coveted “Book of the Year” award in 2018, Wing Commander David Herriot now explores that part of his RAF service which was intimately linked to the Panavia Tornado.Qualified as a weapons instructor, and acknowledged as a skilled tactician and weapons expert, Herriot soon rose to the top on his first tour on Tornado. Subsequent promotions in rank found him with responsibility for all aspects of weapon delivery, and the formulation of tactics, for the four Tornado squadrons based at RAF Brüggen in Germany.Later, in Whitehall, his career changed to that of a Ministry of Defence staff officer, assigned with the development of the weapons requirements for all air-to-surface delivery platforms in the RAF, but particularly Tornado. There followed a wartime deployment as the “Boss” of an RAF support unit in Italy, for a squadron of Jaguars deployed on NATO operations in Kosovo, before his next appointment took him to the RAF College where he was, as the commanding officer of Cadet Wing, responsible for the training and guidance of the future officer corps of the RAF.This is another epic adventure for the military aviation enthusiast, particularly those with affection for the Panavia Tornado. Herriot’s open and easy style has been commended highly previously. He does not let his readers down with this one. This is a story well worth reading.

All Creatures Great and Small: The Warm And Joyful Memoirs Of The World's Most Beloved Animal Doctor (All Creatures Great and Small #1)

by James Herriot

From a Yorkshire veterinarian and a &“wise and wonderful writer&”: The New York Times bestseller and basis for the beloved BBC series of the same name (The Boston Globe). In the rolling dales of Yorkshire, a simple, rural region of northern England, a young veterinarian from Sunderland joins a new practice. A stranger in a strange land, he must quickly learn the odd dialect and humorous ways of the locals, master outdated equipment, and do his best to mend, treat, and heal pets and livestock alike. This witty and heartwarming collection, based on the author&’s own experiences, became an international success, spawning sequels and winning over animal lovers everywhere. Perhaps better than any other writer, James Herriot reveals the ties that bind us to the creatures in our lives.

All Creatures Great and Small: The Warm And Joyful Memoirs Of The World's Most Beloved Animal Doctor (All Creatures Great and Small #1)

by James Herriot

From a Yorkshire veterinarian and a &“wise and wonderful writer&”: The New York Times bestseller and basis for the beloved BBC series of the same name (The Boston Globe). In the rolling dales of Yorkshire, a simple, rural region of northern England, a young veterinarian from Sunderland joins a new practice. A stranger in a strange land, he must quickly learn the odd dialect and humorous ways of the locals, master outdated equipment, and do his best to mend, treat, and heal pets and livestock alike. This witty and heartwarming collection, based on the author&’s own experiences, became an international success, spawning sequels and winning over animal lovers everywhere. Perhaps better than any other writer, James Herriot reveals the ties that bind us to the creatures in our lives.

All Creatures Great and Small & All Things Bright and Beautiful: The Warm And Joyful Memoirs Of The World's Most Beloved Animal Doctor (All Creatures Great and Small #2)

by James Herriot

The first two memoirs in the New York Times–bestselling series from an English veterinarian—and the basis for the Masterpiece series on PBS. All Creatures Great and Small: In the rolling dales of Yorkshire—a simple, rural region of Northern England—a young veterinarian from Sunderland joins a new practice. A stranger in an unfamiliar land, James Herriot must quickly learn the odd dialect and humorous ways of the locals, master outdated equipment, and do his best to mend, treat, and heal pets and livestock alike. All Things Bright and Beautiful: After his first day on the job, Herriot&’s mentor warns him that the life of a country veterinarian is full of small triumphs and big disasters, but that he&’d never be bored. From night visits to drafty barns during freezing Northern England winters to the beautiful vitality of rural life in the summertime to the colorful menagerie of animals—and their owners—that pass through his office, Herriot experiences new challenges and joys every day. In these pages, Herriot trains under his eccentric boss in a rustic English village, courts the woman that becomes his wife, and meets the people he would come to write about for a lifetime. This witty and heartwarming collection, based on the author&’s own experiences, became an international success, winning over animal lovers everywhere. Perhaps better than any other writer, Herriot reveals the ties that bind us to the creatures in our lives. Praise for All Creatures Great and Small: &“One of the funniest and most likeable books around.&” —The Atlantic &“Refreshingly original . . . Hilarious, touching, athletic and warming . . . Dr. Herriot&’s characters . . . rival any from British fiction.&” ―Los Angeles Times

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