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Showing 26,076 through 26,100 of 64,651 results

Figures in a Landscape: People and Places

by Paul Theroux

A delectable collection of Theroux’s recent writing on great places, people, and prose In the spirit of his much-loved Sunrise with Seamonsters and Fresh Air Fiend, Paul Theroux’s latest collection of essays leads the reader through a dazzling array of sights, characters, and experiences, as Theroux applies his signature searching curiosity to a life lived as much in reading as on the road. This writerly tour-de-force features a satisfyingly varied selection of topics that showcase Theroux’s sheer versatility as a writer. Travel essays take us to Ecuador, Zimbabwe, and Hawaii, to name a few. Gems of literary criticism reveal fascinating depth in the work of Henry David Thoreau, Graham Greene, Joseph Conrad, and Hunter Thompson. And in a series of breathtakingly personal profiles, we take a helicopter ride with Elizabeth Taylor, go surfing with Oliver Sacks, eavesdrop on the day-to-day life of a Manhattan dominatrix, and explore New York with Robin Williams. An extended mediation on the craft of writing binds together this wide-ranging collection, along with Theroux’s constant quest for the authentic in a person or in a place.

Mecano: El grupo español más importante de la historia

by Javier Adrados

La biografía definitiva y autorizada de Mecano. Hace cuarenta años que un adolescente llamado José María Cano le pidió a su hermano, Nacho, y a su novia, Ana, que le acompañaran en sus conciertos como cantautor por colegios mayores y bares de Madrid. En ese ambiente conocieron al productor musical Miguel Ángel Arenas, el "Capi", quien les recomendó que la voz principal fuera la de Ana y les consiguió un contrato con CBS. Así nació Mecano, sin imaginar que se convertiría en el fenómeno pop más importante de nuestra historia. Pero aún hay muchas preguntas sin responder sobre el grupo que ha vendido más de veinticinco millones de discos en todo el mundo. ¿Cómo se construyó Mecano? ¿Por qué provocaron esa feroz animadversión en los grupos de la movida madrileña? ¿Qué causó las tensiones entre los miembros de la banda que les llevaron a disolverse? Esta biografía es la respuesta a todos los interrogantes, un recorrido por la historia del grupo que aun a pesar de su desaparición, no ha dejado de sonar en ninguna de las emisoras de radio. La música de Mecano es presente

Historias de un agente inmobiliario

by Jacobo Armero

UNA NOVELA PARA ENTRAR A VIVIR «Un estilo de la felicidad probablemente innato.»Enrique Vila-Matas Jacobo Armero bien podía haber sido notario, siguiendo la tradición familiar. Pero se dedicó a la arquitectura, y acabó convirtiéndose en experto y premiado agente inmobiliario, además de miembro de un club de mujeres lectoras. Vender casas es un oficio difícil, un arte que requiere grandes dotes de psicología y empatía, y que ofrece una oportunidad única para adentrarse en las vidas, mentes y almas de las personas. Armero cuenta con ese talento, una incondicional adoración por el género femenino, una buena red de contactos y un afán por dominar el posicionamiento geográfico que le permite no solo alcanzar el éxito comercial, sino también descubrir los secretos de los mejores edificios, calles, bares y restaurantes de la ciudad. Autoficción, guía secreta de Madrid y manual de instrucciones para vender o comprar una vivienda, Historias de un agente inmobiliario es un libro tan original como apasionante: la crónica de la salida de la crisis de un hombre que ha hecho de la imprevisibilidad un modo de vida, afrontando los desafíos cotidianos gracias a un inagotable sentido del humor, algunos libros iluminadores y el sabio ejemplo de quienes lo rodean. La crítica ha dicho...«Una novela sobre la burbuja inmobiliaria, sobre las hipotecas, sobre los pisos, sobre los sueños, contada con humor y con mucha vida.»Manuel Vilas «Un estilo de la felicidad probablemente innato. O las alegrías del agente Armero, con su drama de fondo. Comedia y tragedia. O de cómo "la crisis" desarboló nuestras industrias culturales, pero el narrador sobrevivió gracias a su inteligencia para saber beneficiar a los otros y de paso a sí mismo.»Enrique Vila-Matas «Una gran novela sobre la crisis. Sin dramatismo ni amargura, con mucho humor y una mezcla de cercanía y ternura, Jacobo Armero realiza una radiografía de la sociedad española de los últimos años a través de su propia historia personal: un arquitecto que se ve obligado a reconvertirse en agente inmobiliario. Desde un cierto neorrealismo lleno de color, Armero ha construido un libro que difícilmente se olvidará.»Guillermo Altares «Después de leer este libro no volverá a mirar a un agente inmobiliario de la misma manera. Una luminosa declaración de amor a Madrid y sus gentes.»Nuria Barrios

Napoleón: Fragments (classic Reprint) (El\libro Aguilar Ser.)

by Stendhal

Conmemoramos los 250 años del nacimiento de Napoleón con esta biografía escrita de la mano de un testimonio excepcional, Stendhal. «Se trata, en efecto, del hombre más grande aparecido en el mundo desde César.» Este volumen reúne los dos intentos de Stendhal de escribir la biografía de Napoleón. Durante años se dedicó a reunir el material necesario para llevar a cabo este gran proyecto pero no llegó a terminarlo. Empezó a escribir Vida de Napoleón en 1817 cuando, a pesar de que Bonaparte ya se encontraba en el exilio, Stendhal todavía creía en su empresa. En esta primera biografía se centra en sus hazañas militares y en su experiencia como combatiente en las guerras napoleónicas. En Memorias de Napoleón, escritas en 1832, desengañado por una Francia que parecía haber olvidado el canto a la libertad, se centra en el símbolo que supuso el personaje y no duda en afirmar que aborrece al tirano pero adora poéticamente su grandeza. La presente edición incluye una magnífica introducción de Ignacio Echevarría que nos acerca a la intimidad histórica con la que Stendhal dibuja el retrato de Napoleón. El texto ha sido vertido al español por Consuelo Bergés, reconocida experta en Stendhal y traductora de la obra completa.

Hildegard of Bingen (Women Composers)

by Honey Meconi

A Renaissance woman long before the Renaissance, the visionary Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179) corresponded with Europe's elite, founded and led a noted women's religious community, and wrote on topics ranging from theology to natural history. Yet we know her best as Western music's most accomplished early composer, responsible for a wealth of musical creations for her fellow monastics. Honey Meconi draws on her own experience as a scholar and performer of Hildegard's music to explore the life and work of this foundational figure. Combining historical detail with musical analysis, Meconi delves into Hildegard's mastery of plainchant, her innovative musical drama, and her voluminous writings. Hildegard's distinctive musical style still excites modern listeners through wide-ranging, sinuous melodies set to her own evocative poetry. Together with her passionate religious texts, her music reveals a holistic understanding of the medieval world still relevant to today's readers.

A Good Wife: Escaping the Life I Never Chose

by Samra Zafar

She faced years of abuse after arriving in Canada as a teenage bride in a hastily arranged marriage, but nothing could stop Samra Zafar from pursuing her dreams At 15, Samra Zafar had big dreams for herself. She was going to go to university, and forge her own path. Then with almost no warning, those dreams were pulled away from her when she was suddenly married to a stranger at 17 and had to leave behind her family in Pakistan to move to Canada. Her new husband and his family promised that the marriage and the move would be a fulfillment of her dream, not a betrayal of it. But as the walls of their home slowly became a prison, Samra realized the promises were empty ones. In the years that followed she suffered her husband’s emotional and physical abuse that left her feeling isolated, humiliated and assaulted. Desperate to get out, and refusing to give up, she hatched an escape plan for herself and her two daughters. Somehow she found the strength to not only build a new future, but to walk away from her past, ignoring the pleas of her family and risking cultural isolation by divorcing her husband. But that end was only the beginning for Samra. Through her academic and career achievements, she has gone on to become a mentor and public speaker, connecting with people around the world from isolated women in situations similar to her own, to young schoolgirls in Kenya who never allowed themselves to dream to men making the decisions to save for their daughters’ educations instead of their dowries. A Good Wife tell her harrowing and inspiring story, following her from a young girl with big dreams, through finding strength in the face of oppression and then finally battling through to empowerment.

Who Is Wayne Gretzky? (Who was?)

by Nancy Harrison Ted Hammond Gail Herman

After breaking or tying more than sixty records in hockey, it's no wonder that Wayne Gretzky is known as "The Great One." Born in Brantford, Ontario, on January 26, 1961, in a nation obsessed with the sport, he threw himself into the game practically from the time he first laced up a pair of skates. When he retired from the NHL in 1999, he had led several teams to Stanley Cup victories, competed in the Olympics, and changed the way hockey was played forever. Known for his love for family and as a truly decent human being, Wayne Gretzky is revealed as more than a sports legend in this easy-to-read biography.

Who Was Ronald Reagan? (Who was?)

by Joyce Milton Nancy Harrison Elizabeth Wolf

From his childhood in rural Illinois to moviemaking days in Hollywood and on to a career in politics that took him all the way to the Oval Office, Ronald Reagan kept an abiding faith in America and in what our country stood for. The oldest president ever, he survived a near-fatal assassination attempt and lived to be 93. Who Was Ronald Reagan? covers his life and times in a balanced, entertaining way for children. More than 100 black-and-white illustrations fill out the portrait of our fortieth president.

Love & Courage: My Story of Family, Resilience, and Overcoming the Unexpected

by Jagmeet Singh

From the leader of Canada’s New Democratic Party—Jagmeet Singh—comes a personal and heartfelt story about family and overcoming adversity.In October 2017, Jagmeet Singh was elected as the first visible minority to lead a major federal political party in Canada. The historic milestone was celebrated across the nation. About a month earlier, in the lead up to his election, Jagmeet held community meet-and-greets across Canada. At one such event, a disruptive heckler in the crowd hurled accusations at him. Jagmeet responded by calmly calling for all Canadians to act with “love and courage” in the face of hate. That response immediately went viral, and people across the country began asking, “Who is Jagmeet Singh? And why ‘love and courage’?” This personal and heartfelt memoir is Jagmeet’s answer to that question. In it, we are invited to walk with him through childhood to adulthood as he learns powerful, moving, and sometimes traumatic lessons about hardship, addiction, and the impact of not belonging. We meet his strong family, including his mother, who teaches him that “we are all one; we are all connected,” a valuable lesson that has shaped who he is today. This story is not a political memoir. This is a story of family, love, and courage, and how strengthening the connection between us all is the way to building a better world.

Revival: Autobiography of Friedrich Froebel (Routledge Revivals)

by Friedrich Froebel

Originally published in 1915, the Autobiography of Fredrich Froebel provides a detailed overview of the life of the eminent German educator Fredrich Froebel, it charts his life and looks at his significant contribution to the field of education, including his Idealist philosophy of early childhood education, and his establishment of the kindergarten, a school for four-and five-year-old children that is found worldwide. The book also looks at the community surrounding Froebel and includes a chapter by Madame Louise Froebel’s providing a reminiscence of her husband’s life.

Les Litanies de l'émigré

by Helene Coursault Mois Benarroch

Le poete et romancier Benarroch a été traduit dans des dizaines de langues, dont l'urdu et le chinois. Julia Uceda considère que la poésie de Benarroch renferme la mémoire du monde alors que Jose Luis Garcia Martin pense qu'il s'agit de plus que de poèmes, il s'agit d'une référence. Témoin de son temps, Benarroch a commencé à écrire des poèmes en anglais à l'âge de 15 ans et a toujours écrit dans sa langue maternelle, l'espagnol. Il s'agit d'une nouvelle édition de « Les Litanies de l'émigré », elle inclut le poème le plus célèbre de Benarroch, qui donne son nom à cette collection. Dans ce livre, Mois Benarroch (né en 1959 au Maroc) évoque son émigration et l'art de vivre entre deux mondes, sans jamais s'intégrer.

Lamentações do imigrante

by Jean Pierre Barakat Mois Benarroch

O livro contém poemas autobiográficos do autor que relatam suas várias vivências e sua experiência de se sentir como um imigrante em seu próprio país. O livro original foi publicado em novembro de 2011.

Cachecol Blues

by Getúlio Maia Mois Benarroch

Um escritor judeu-espanhol chega a Madri para um encotnro de hispano-judeus, logo depois da norte do melhor amigo e da irmã. Em Sevilha, acha um cachecol, que permanece em seu pescoço por 13 dias e, assim como chega, some e se perde em Madri. O cachecol se transforma em uma obsessiva reflexão sobre a perda e a despedida das coisas e das pessoas. O escritor se despede dos mortos, mas também de todas as pessoas de quem não pode se despedir e que nunca poderá. Depede-se dos sonhos. Enquanto isso, vêm a seu encontro judeus-espanhóis que ficaram perdidos por 150 na Amazônia, sobre os quais tinha escrito dez anos antes em um de seus romances. Terá inventado essa realidade? A realidade é fruto do que imaginamos? O romance viaja por vários países, Marrocos, Brasil, Nova York, Israel. E línguas: hebraico, francês, espanhol, português e, principalmente, o jaquetía, o judeu-espanhol do norte do Marrocos, que persevera em continuar uma morta-viva de uma cultura que não existe mais, de palavras e expressões que deixam para trás um mundo perdeu.Um escritor judeu-espanhol chega a Madri para um encotnro de hispano-judeus, logo depois da norte do melhor amigo e da irmã. Em Sevilha, acha um cachecol, que permanece em seu pescoço por 13 dias e, assim como chega, some e se perde em Madri. O cachecol se transforma em uma obsessiva reflexão sobre a perda e a despedida das coisas e das pessoas. O escritor se despede dos mortos, mas também de todas as pessoas de quem não pode se despedir e que nunca poderá. Depede-se dos sonhos. Enquanto vêm a seu encontro judeus-espanhóis que ficaram perdidos por 150 na Amazônia, sobre os quais tinha escrito dez anos antes em um de seus romances. Terá inventado essa realidade? A realidade é fruto do que imaginamos? O romance viaja por vários países, Marrocos, Brasil, Nova York, Israel. E línguas: hebraico, francês, espanhol, português e, principalmente, o jaquetía, o judeu-espanhol do norte do Marrocos, que persevera e

My Lynda: Loving and losing my beloved wife, Lynda Bellingham

by Michael Pattemore

Lynda Bellingham died in her husband Michael's arms on 19th October 2014. Lynda touched many lives in her memoir, There's Something I've Been Dying to Tell You, and in My Lynda, Michael tells his side of the story. He talks movingly about their ten years together and describes how, in the past year, he has struggled to cope. He shares candidly his experience of grief, offering hope and support to others who have lost partners and loved ones. His is a book to comfort those who loved Lynda, to tell the missing pieces of their life together, to write about how they both confronted the news of her illness, and how he managed to continue since that moment of hearing that she had a teminal illness.

A Grander Vision: My Life in the Labour Movement

by Sid Ryan

A stirring, heartfelt manifesto written by a man who fervently believes in what workers with their civil society allies can achieve for the good of all. Sid Ryan, one of Canada’s most courageous and progressive union leaders, draws on the experience of his varied and colourful life to show what is right with the labour movement, what is wrong, and what has to change if it is to avoid becoming irrelevant. In A Grander Vision, Ryan calls for the adoption of social movement unionism, in which labour forges an alliance with other progressive elements in civil society, taking up the cause of young people, precarious workers, and immigrants. Ryan asserts that a renewed commitment to the NDP — the party that was built by unions — is necessary and that the Leap Manifesto should become the pillar of the movement in Canada.

Kasztner's Crime (Jewish Studies)

by Paul Bogdanor

This book re-examines one of the most intense controversies of the Holocaust: the role of Rezs Kasztner in facilitating the murder of most of Nazi-occupied Hungary's Jews in 1944. Because he was acting head of the Jewish rescue operation in Hungary, some have hailed him as a saviour. Others have charged that he collaborated with the Nazis in the deportations to Auschwitz. What is indisputable is that Adolf Eichmann agreed to spare a special group of 1,684 Jews, who included some of Kasztner's relatives and friends, while nearly 500,000 Hungarian Jews were sent to their deaths. Why were so many lives lost?After World War II, many Holocaust survivors condemned Kasztner for complicity in the deportation of Hungarian Jews. It was alleged that, as a condition of saving a small number of Jewish leaders and select others, he deceived ordinary Jews into boarding the trains to Auschwitz. The ultimate question is whether Kastztner was a Nazi collaborator, as branded by Ben Hecht in his 1961 book Perfidy, or a hero, as Anna Porter argued in her 2009 book Kasztner's Train. Opinion remains divided.Paul Bogdanor makes an original, compelling case that Kasztner helped the Nazis keep order in Hungary's ghettos before the Jews were sent to Auschwitz, and sent Nazi disinformation to his Jewish contacts in the free world. Drawing on unpublished documents, and making extensive use of the transcripts of the Kasztner and Eichmann trials in Israel, Kasztner's Crime is a chilling account of one man's descent into evil during the genocide of his own people.

Hrant Dink: An Armenian Voice of the Voiceless in Turkey

by Tuba Candar

This is the biography of Hrant Dink, a Turkish-Armenian journalist and political activist. He worked for the democratic rights of all Turkish citizens, including the right to speak freely about the genocide of Anatolia's Armenians in 1915. As a result of his activism, Dink was assassinated by Turkish nationalists in 2007.As founder and editor-in-chief of the bilingual Turkish-Armenian newspaper, Agos, in 1996, Dink was the first secular voice of Turkey's silenced Christian-Armenian minority. He fought for the democratization of the Turkish political system. This was a risky undertaking, in a country where Armenians live as closed communities; it was also unprecedented in Turkey. Dink was prosecuted three times for "insulting and denigrating Turkishness" and ultimately convicted.The biography is written as an oral history, and assembles a mosaic of memories as told by Dink's family, friends, and comrades. Dink's own "voice," in the form of his writings, is also included. Originally published in Turkey, it is now available for an English-speaking audience on the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide.

John Leighton Stuart’s Political Career in China (China Perspectives)

by Hao Ping

In China, John Leighton Stuart (1876-1962) is a controversial figure occupying an important position in the history of modern China and Sino-U.S. relations. As a scholar and educator, Stuart loved Chinese culture and contributed much to the development of Chinese education. While as a missionary, he was inherently prejudiced against Marxism. As the U.S. ambassador to China, Stuart executed U.S. government's policy, and was finally stereotyped as a symbol of "American imperialism". This book gives a detailed account of Stuart's complicated and deep political involvement in modern China. Stuart had close relationships with Chiang Kai-shek and other high-ranking officials of Kuomingtang (KMT), while he was also an honored guest of Mao Tse-tung and Chinese Communist Party (CCP). During his tenure as the U.S. Ambassador to China, Stuart did implement U.S. government's policy of supporting KMT. But when the CCP's gaining power became inevitable, he took a pragmatic attitude and urged the U.S. government to normalize its diplomatic relations with the Communist Government. These seemingly contradictory behaviors reveal Stuart's complex features and the changeable era. By collecting substantial relevant materials both at home and abroad, both published and unpublished, this book reveals Stuart's multidimensional characters, getting rid of the stereotype. Academic and general readers interested in Stuart, modern Chinese history and Sino-U.S. relations will be attracted by this book.

Michigan's Civil War Citizen-General: Alpheus S. Williams (Civil War Series)

by Jack Dempsey

Detroit's Alpheus Starkey Williams never tired in service to his city or his country. A veteran of the Mexican-American War, he was a preeminent military figure in Michigan before the Civil War. He was key to the Lost Order, the Battle of Gettysburg, the March to the Sea and the Carolinas Campaign. His generalship at Antietam made possible the Emancipation Proclamation, and Meade and Sherman relied on his unshakable leadership. A steady hand in wartime and in peacetime, Williams was a Yale graduate, lawyer, judge, editor, municipal official, militia officer, diplomat and congressman who stood on principle over party. With vivid battlefield accounts based on extensive primary research, award-winning author Jack Dempsey's masterful biography tells the amazing story of this unsung hero.


by Alonso Sánchez Baute

En esta biografía novelada, Alonso Sánchez Baute reconstruye la vida de uno de los personajes más legendarios y entrañables de la escena del vallenato en Colombia: el maestro Leandro Díaz. A partir de hechos reales y de un profundo conocimiento de la región del Valle de Upar, el autor ha conseguido el emotivo retrato de un hombre que nace ciego en un pueblo alejado donde la incapacidad es considerada un castigo; y que a pesar del abandono en el que crece, llega a componer algunos de los más hermosos y conocidos vallenatos de Colombia. Los testimonios de sus familiares y amigos, así como las ricas descripciones del paisaje, la flora y la fauna de la región, llevarán al lector a un viaje por entre los pueblos y amores que inspiraron a Leandro. «Por eso quiero que cuentes mi historia y que cuentes, de paso, esa otra pena que me atormenta, tan arraigada y dolorosa como la ceguera».

Court Justice: The Inside Story of My Battle Against the NCAA

by Edward C. O'Bannon Michael A. McCann

In 2009, Ed O’Bannon, once a star for the 1995 NCAA Champion UCLA Bruins and a first-round NBA draft pick, thought he’d made peace with the NCAA’s exploitive system of “amateurism.” College athletes generated huge profits, yet―training nearly full-time, forced to tailor coursework around sports, often pawns in corrupt investigations―they saw little from those riches other than revocable scholarships and miniscule chances of going pro. Still, that was all in O’Bannon’s past…until he saw the video game NCAA Basketball 09. As avatars of their college selves­―their likenesses, achievements, and playing styles―O’Bannon and his teammates were still making money for the NCAA. So, when asked to fight the system for players past, present, and future―and seeking no personal financial reward, but rather the chance to make college sports more fair―he agreed to be the face of what became a landmark class-action lawsuit. <p><p> Court Justice brings readers to the front lines of a critical battle in the long fight for players’ rights while also offering O’Bannon’s unique perspective on today’s NCAA recruiting scandals. From the basketball court to the court of law facing NCAA executives, athletic directors, and “expert” witnesses; and finally to his innovative ideas for reform, O’Bannon breaks down history’s most important victory yet against the inequitable model of multi-billion-dollar “amateur” sports.

Neil Armstrong: One Giant Leap for Mankind (Sterling Biographies)

by Mike Jackson Tara Dixon Engel

Even at an age when other boys were just learning to drive, Neil was training to reach the skies. He went on to study aeronautical engineering, win medals as a fighter pilot, try out the X-15 experimental rocket plane, and become one of the elite few chosen to be a NASA astronaut…where he took the test pilot’s credo of “higher, faster and farther” to thrilling heights.

Ask Me Why I Hurt: The Kids Nobody Wants and the Doctor Who Heals Them

by Randy Christensen

The unforgettable inspiring memoir of one extraordinary doctor who is saving lives in a most unconventional way. Ask Me Why I Hurt is the touching and revealing first-person account of the remarkable work of Dr. Randy Christensen. Trained as a pediatrician, he works not in a typical hospital setting but, rather, in a 38-foot Winnebago that has been refitted as a doctor's office on wheels. His patients are the city's homeless adolescents and children. In the shadow of one affluent American city, Dr. Christensen has dedicated his life to caring for society's throwaway kids--the often-abused, unloved children who live on the streets without access to proper health care, all the while fending off constant threats from thugs, gangs, pimps, and other predators. With the Winnebago as his movable medical center, Christensen and his team travel around the outskirts of Phoenix, attending to the children and teens who need him most. With tenderness and humor, Dr. Christensen chronicles everything from the struggles of the van's early beginnings, to the support system it became for the kids, and the ultimate recognition it has achieved over the years. Along with his immense professional challenges, he also describes the trials and joys he faces while raising a growing family with his wife Amy. By turns poignant, heartbreaking, and charming, Dr. Christensen's story is a gripping and rich memoir of his work and family, one of those rare books that stays with you long after you've turned the last page.

DisneyWar: The Battle for the Magic Kingdom

by James B. Stewart

"When You Wish Upon a Star," "Whistle While You Work," "The Happiest Place on Earth" -- these are lyrics indelibly linked to Disney, one of the most admired and best-known companies in the world. So when Roy Disney, chairman of Walt Disney Animation and nephew of founder Walt Disney, abruptly resigned in November 2003 and declared war on chairman and chief executive Michael Eisner, he sent shock waves through the entertainment industry, corporate boardrooms, theme parks, and living rooms around the world -- everywhere Disney does business and its products are cherished. DisneyWar is the breathtaking, dramatic inside story of what drove America's best-known entertainment company to civil war, told by one of our most acclaimed writers and reporters. Drawing on unprecedented access to both Eisner and Roy Disney, current and former Disney executives and board members, as well as thousands of pages of never-before-seen letters, memos, transcripts, and other documents, James B. Stewart gets to the bottom of mysteries that have enveloped Disney for years: What really caused the rupture with studio chairman Jeffrey Katzenberg, a man who once regarded Eisner as a father but who became his fiercest rival? How could Eisner have so misjudged Michael Ovitz, a man who was not only "the most powerful man in Hollywood" but also his friend, whom he appointed as Disney president and immediately wanted to fire? What caused the break between Eisner and Pixar chairman Steve Jobs, and why did Pixar abruptly abandon its partnership with Disney? Why did Eisner so mistrust Roy Disney that he assigned Disney company executives to spy on him? How did Eisner control the Disney board for so long, and what really happened in the fateful board meeting in September 2004, when Eisner played his last cards? Here, too, is the creative process that lies at the heart of Disney -- from the making of The Lion King to Pirates of the Caribbean. Even as the executive suite has been engulfed in turmoil, Disney has worked -- and sometimes clashed -- with a glittering array of stars, directors, designers, artists, and producers, many of whom tell their stories here for the first time. Stewart describes how Eisner lost his chairmanship and why he felt obliged to resign as CEO, effective 2006. No other book so thoroughly penetrates the secretive world of the corporate boardroom. DisneyWar is an enthralling tale of one of America's most powerful media and entertainment companies, the people who control it, and those trying to overthrow them. DisneyWar is an epic achievement. It tells a story that -- in its sudden twists, vivid, larger-than-life characters, and thrilling climax -- might itself have been the subject of a Disney animated classic -- except that it's all true.

Living for Today: From Incest and Molestation to Fearlessness and Forgiveness

by Erin Merryn

Silence Broken and Stigmas Shattered -- Help for Incest Survivors Is HereFans of Erin Merryn's heart-wrenching debut memoir Stolen Innocence were left wondering at the end what would become of an emotionally fragile Erin after her confrontation with the reality of being a child of incest and molestation. In Living for Today, readers find that Erin cultivated the strength to face her abuser and eventually facilitated and experienced relief from years of emotional restlessness, while also igniting the beginnings of a new fearless journey. Living for Today chronicles that journey, which began with the unearthing of private shame and releasing of ugly memories and letting go of guilt and becoming the mouthpiece of millions of her generation. Through her compelling narrative, readers will learn how they, too, can: Learn to look forward, in spite of an abusive past Block off any impending guilt from outing an abuser Deal with interfamily strife as a result of incest and molestation Shake off the "victim" tag and replace it with one that reads "survivor" Living for Today is Merryn's contribution to an audience that has felt victimized, ashamed, isolated, and silenced by its abusers and offers a roadmap for self-discovery, forgiveness, and empowerment to help readers rid the stigma they have attached to their trauma and live fully and fearlessly for today.

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