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Hillary Rodham Clinton: Some Girls Are Born To Lead

by Michelle Markel LeUyen Pham

In the spirit of Barack Obama: Son of Promise, Child of Hope and Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride comes an inspiring portrait of Hillary Rodham Clinton, the first female presidential nominee in United States history: a girl who fought to make a difference—and paved the way for women everywhere—from Michelle Markel and LeUyen Pham. <P><P> In the 1950s, it was a man’s world. Girls weren’t supposed to act smart, tough, or ambitious. Even though, deep inside, they may have felt that way. And then along came Hillary. Brave, brilliant, and unstoppable, she was out to change the world. <P><P> They said a woman couldn’t be a mother and a lawyer. Hillary was both. They said a woman shouldn’t be too strong or too smart. Hillary was fearlessly herself. <P><P> It didn’t matter what people said—she was born to lead. <P><P> With illustrations packed full of historical figures and details, this gorgeous and informative picture book biography is perfect for every budding leader. Includes a timeline, artist’s note, and bibliography.

Helen's Eyes: A Photobiography Of Annie Sullivan, Helen Keller's Teacher

by Marfe Ferguson Delano

The epic story of Annie Sullivan’s perseverance and triumph in the face of hardship will enthrall readers of every age. This pioneering teacher overcame disability and misfortune before achieving her success as one of the most famous educators of all time. <P><P> This is the inspiring photobiography of Anne Mansfield Sullivan, a woman born into a life of daunting disadvantage and social obstacle. She grew up poor, with little education, the child of struggling Irish immigrants. By the age of eight, Annie was almost blind because of untreated trachoma. Following her mother’s death, the young girl entered an almshouse, where she spent four years among the most wretched of society’s outcasts. Her inquiring intellect and determination helped her escape this bleak detention, and she was sent to the Perkins School for the Blind. <P><P> There, at the age of 14, her education began, and her lively mind soon blossomed. After graduation, she was hired as a teacher for Helen Keller, a six-year-old girl who was blind and deaf due to illness. With patience and compassion, Annie reached into the dark, silent world of the little girl, opening her mind and soul to life’s beauty. She became "Helen’s eyes." Because of her inspired breakthroughs and accomplishments with Helen, Annie was soon known as the "Miracle Worker." Annie and Helen spent the rest of their lives together--two complex women with feisty personalities who achieved international acclaim. <P><P> Marfé Ferguson Delano’s evocative account of teacher and student breaking down barriers to enjoy the wonders of intellectual discovery is a profoundly moving story.

A Bird or Two: A Story about Henri Matisse

by Bijou Le Tord

Simple text and bright illustrations describe the work of French painter, Henri Matisse, particularly his joyful use of color.

Marie Curie (Little People, BIG DREAMS #6)

by Isabel Sanchez Vegara Frau Isa

<p>In this international bestseller from the critically acclaimed Little People, BIG DREAMS series, discover the life of Marie Curie, the Nobel Prize–winning scientist. <p>When Marie was young, she was unable to go to college because she was a woman. But when she was older, her scientific work was respected around the world. Her discoveries of radium and polonium dramatically helped in the fight against cancer, and she went on to win the Nobel Prize for Physics! This moving book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the scientist's life. <p>Little People, BIG DREAMS is a best-selling series of books and educational games that explore the lives of outstanding people, from designers and artists to scientists and activists. All of them achieved incredible things, yet each began life as a child with a dream.</p>

Edgar Degas: Paintings That Dance (Smart About Art)

by Maryann Cocca-Leffler

Edgar Degas is famous for his paintings of ballerinas, and that's what first attracts Kristin to his artwork. But as she studies him for her report, she discovers that his art ranged far beyond the ballet and she gradually learns exactly what makes Degas's work so unique.

A Is For Abigail: An Almanac Of Amazing American Women

by Lynne Cheney Robin Preiss Glasser

Lynne Cheney and Robin Preiss Glasser collaborated on America: A Patriotic Primer, which captured the imagination of American children and became a national best-seller. Now they turn their hands to A is for Abigail: An Almanac of Amazing American Women and bring the great women of American history to life. Filled to the brim with words and pictures that celebrate the remarkable (although often unmarked) achievements of American women, this is a book to relish and to read again and again. <p><p> Mothers, daughters, schoolchildren, generations of families -- everyone -- will take Abigail Adams's words to heart and "remember the ladies" once they read the stories of these astonishing, astounding, amazing American women.

Who Was Amelia Earhart? (Who was?)

by Kate Boehm Jerome Nancy Harrison David Cain

Amelia Earhart was a woman of many "firsts." In 1932, she became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. In 1935, she also became the first woman to fly across the Pacific. From her early years to her mysterious 1937 disappearance while attempting a flight around the world, readers will find Amelia Earhart's life a fascinating story.

Infiltrado: Operación Julie - el interior de la historia

by Stephen Bentley

Contado de forma magistral por el oficial disfrazado Stephen Bentley, éste ya no es un libro sensacionalista sobre un crimen verdadero. Sumérjase más allá de las partes visibles del agua y llegue a las profundidades sombrías, a medida que usted será conducido no sólo por la operación, sino por las consecuencias, tanto personales como públicas. Una lectura obligatoria para los verdaderos amantes del crimen e historiadores. No soy capaz de recomendar este libro lo suficiente. Fue una lectura muy agradable. - Resumen La Operación Julie sigue siendo hoy el punto de referencia para todas las operaciones de agentes infiltrados británicos y en los más diversos entrenamientos. En 2011, la BBC afirmó que esa operación policial sólida y única fue el inicio de la guerra contra las drogas. Stephen Bentley fue uno de los cuatro detectives infiltrados involucrados en la Operación Julie, una de las mayores aprehensiones de drogas del mundo. Junto con su socio disfrazado, tuvieron acceso a una banda que producía cerca del 90% del LSD del mundo y descubrió un plan para importar enormes cantidades de cocaína boliviana al Reino Unido. El submundo conoció al autor como Steve Jackson. ¿Cómo logró infiltrarse en las dos pandillas? ¿Cómo convertirse en un usuario de drogas y "vivir una mentira" le afectó? Descubre las respuestas entrando en la mente de Steve Jackson, detective disfrazado. "La perspectiva de un insider sobre el tráfico de drogas, contada con encanto, inteligencia y, a veces, humor, por un hombre talentoso, calificado de forma única para contar la verdadera historia." - Resumen de la Crítica "Este no es un drama criminal de televisión donde los chicos y los bandidos son fácilmente identificables y donde el crimen se resuelve durante una hora en que el programa está en el aire. En la historia de la vida real de la Operación Julie, las líneas definidoras no son tan claras y me quedé bastante intrigado

Confiando em Deus com Sta. Teresa

by Connie Rossini

Seus sentimentos relacionados ao medo, à fraqueza, à dúvida e à raiva estarão, por ventura, distanciando-o da intimidade com Cristo? Você enfrenta batalhas devido à falta de esperança? Permita que Sta. Teresa o ensine a aperfeiçoar sua confiança. Aprenda como Teresinha de Lisieux confiou em Deus por meio de tragédia, escrúpulos, escuridão espiritual e sofrimento físico. Connie Rossini faz um paralelo entre os episódios da vida da santa e as próprias memórias no que se refere ao questionamento acerca da confiança. Com base nas Sagradas Escrituras e na Catequese da Igreja Católica, além de insights de psicologia, Rossini conduz seus leitores a entregarem-se plenamente a Jesus. Com um conteúdo prático e acessível, Confiando em Deus com Sta. Teresa inclui questões para reflexão que fazem dele um livro perfeito para clubes de leitura e grupos de orações.

Ready to Come About

by Sue Williams

Three hundred nautical miles from shore, I‘m cold and sick and afraid. I pray for reprieve. I long for solid ground. And I can‘t help but ask myself, What the hell was I thinking? When Sue Williams set sail for the North Atlantic, it wasn’t a mid-life crisis. She had no affinity for the sea. And she didn’t have an adventure-seeking bone in her body. In the wake of a perfect storm of personal events, it suddenly became clear: her sons were adults now; they needed freedom to figure things out for themselves; she had to get out of their way. And it was now or never for her husband, David, to realize his dream to cross an ocean. So she’d go too. Ready to Come About is the story of a mother’s improbable adventure on the high seas and her profound journey within, through which she grew to believe that there is no gift more precious than the liberty to chart one’s own course, and that risk is a good thing … sometimes, at least.

La musica di Vyacheslav Ovchinnikov

by Elena Chernikova

Saggio sul grande compositore Russo del XX secolo Il saggio narra del compositore che scrisse la musica per i film di Tarkovskij,Bondarchuk, Konchalovkij,- "Andrej Rublev", "Guerra e Pace" (premio Oscar ),"Un nido di nobili " e molti altri.

Qual é o seu veneno?: A origem dos nomes dos coquetéis

by Jerry Bader

Qual é o seu veneno? A origem dos nomes dos coquetéis Publicado por MRPwebmedia Por que chamamos os mixes alcoólicos de "coquetel”? Como elas receberam nomes tão exóticos, como Singapura Sling, Screwdriver, Alamagoozlum, Angel's Kiss, Hanky Panky, Harvey Wallbanger, Sex On The Beach, Monkey Gland, Brass Monkey, Margarita, Japalac, Lion’s Tail e tantos outros? Quem deu esses nomes? Onde foram inventados? Como são preparados, e por quê? Essas perguntas são respondidas em “Qual é o seu veneno?”, que explora os incidentes, as pessoas e os lugares que levaram à criação dessas exóticas misturas.

Michael Jackson ¿Blanco o Negro?: Michael Jackson ¿Blanco o Negro?

by Daniel Ichbiah

Descripción De todas las estrellas que aparecieron después de muchas décadas, Michael Jackson era la más fascinante, esa que nos lleva casi que a hacerle un análisis inmediato. Con un increible talento, capaz de poner en escena espectáculos de una extraña naturaleza, de componer éxitos memorables, de transformar su cuerpo de una manera horrorosa, Michael Jackson ha cautivado el público por sus cualidades artísticas. En contraste, ese mismo público ha debido aceptar las excentricidades de un personaje inigualable, un tipo de héroe salido de un cuento de hadas, ese quien se ha descarrilado en el camino. Esta historia contendrá lo esencial: ¨ Billy Jean ¨, ¨ Thriller ¨, ¨ Don’t stop till you get enough ¨ y otras canciones que se convirtieron en clásicos los cuales se niegan a desaparecer con el transcurrir del tiempo… Como ha dicho otro maestro del arte, Steven Spielberg: ¨Como él no habrá jamás; un Fred Astaire u otros como Chuck Berry o Elvis Presley, no existirá una persona que se pueda comparar con Michael Jackson.¨ ¨Su talento, su vivacidad y su lado misterioso hacen de él una leyenda...¨

Nel Regno dei Devoti

by Peter Boehm

"In altri Paesi le donne si vestono così per spaventare i bambini piccoli." Per tredici mesi, il giornalista tedesco Peter Boehm ha insegnato nelle università saudite. Questo è il suo reportage. Racconta di bambini a cui è permesso guidare, ma donne a cui non è permesso, di disoccupati di lusso, donne in costume di Darth Vader, di cameriere e delle loro storie dell'orrore, il vero significato della preghiera, le compagnie di amici che scorrazzano in auto per le città e il pazzo boom edilizio. Ma soprattutto, Peter Boehm disegna il ritratto dettagliato di una società fondamentalista islamica che non ha eguali nel mondo. Descrizione del libro: Descrizione del libro: "In altri Paesi le donne si vestono così per spaventare i bambini piccoli." Per tredici mesi, il giornalista tedesco Peter Boehm ha insegnato nelle università saudite. Questo è il suo reportage. Racconta di bambini a cui è permesso guidare, ma donne a cui non è permesso, di disoccupati di lusso, di donne in costume di Darth Vader, di cameriere e delle loro storie dell'orrore, del vero significato della preghiera, delle compagnie di amici che scorrazzano in auto per le città e del pazzo boom edilizio. Ma soprattutto, Peter Boehm disegna il ritratto dettagliato di una società fondamentalista islamica che non ha eguali nel mondo.

Der letzte Krieger der Apachen: Geronimo und die Indianerkriege

by Borja Loma Barrie

Roman. Historischer Roman. Biografie. Das Leben des Apachenkriegers Geronimo. Die Geschichte der Indianer Nordamerikas. Apachen und Spanier. Rassistischer Krieg der US-Amerikaner gegen die nordamerikanischen Ureinwohner. Der Geronimo-Feldzug in Arizona.

Joseph: A Man Of Integrity And Forgiveness (Great Lives From God's Word Ser. #Vol. 3)

by Charles R. Swindoll

No family today is more dysfunctional than Joseph's. No one faces greated temptation than Potiphar's wife offered Joseph. No faith is challenged more severely than was Joseph's on death row. Yet Joseph stood firm, exemplifying what is possible when ordinary people maintain their connections with God. Like an epic novel filled with intrigue, tension, and torrential emotions, Joseph's triumphiant story touches us all. This third volume in Charles Swindoll's"Great Lives" series presents a fresh look at one of the most intriguing characters in the Old Testament and focuses on the virtue of forgiveness in the face of deceit and betrayal.

Keizerin Wu Zetian

by Laurel A Rockefeller

De meest gehate vrouw in de Chinese geschiedenis! Reis meer dan duizend jaar terug in de tijd en ontmoet de eerste en enige keizerin van China. Ze werd geboren als Wu Zhao, de ongewenste dochter van Kanselier Wu Shihuo – te intelligent, te opgevoed, en teveel gezet op politiek om een goede echtgenote te zijn volgens de heersende opvattingen van van Bloemlezingen van Confucius. Slechts enkele weken voor haar dood in 705 GJ ontving ze de heersers tiltel “Zetian”. Is het een wonder dat ze tot op de dag van vandaag de meest gehate vrouw blijft in de hele Chinese geschiedenis en één van de meest controversiële? Verken het leven van Keizerin Wu en ontdek waarom de wereld een complete andere plek is omdat zij iets aandurfde waarvan geen enkele vrouw in China voorheen of nadien ooit had gedroomd.

Remembering Jonathan Frid

by Helen Samaras Nancy Kersey

[from the back cover:] Jonathan Frid was thought to be something of a mysterious figure: He disliked the celebrity spotlight, he never aspired to stardom and seldom spoke about his private life. What made him tick? What kind of a man was he? From his early days on the stage to his time as vampire Barnabas Collins on the cult television classic Dark Shadows, Remembering Jonathan Frid gathers friends, family and colleagues to share their insights and memories of this complex and talented actor, illustrated throughout with over 130 rare and unseen photographs."

Anne Frank, Beyond The Diary: A Photographic Remembrance

by Ruud Van der Rol Rian Verhoeven Anna Quindlen Tony Langham Plym Peters

Anne Frank lived a life filled with the enthusiasms and hopes shared by many young women coming into adulthood. But the times Anne lived in and wrote of in her diary made her simple life extraordinary. <P><P> In over one hundred photographs, many which have never been published, this poignant memoir brings to life the harrowing story of one young Jewish woman's struggle to survive during a period of history which must never be forgotten. <P><P> "All libraries will want this: for classroom units studying the Holocaust, for kids reading the diary, for everyone who remembers it." - Booklist

America's Champion Swimmer: Gertrude Ederle

by David A. Adler Terry Widener

Trudy Ederle loved to swim, and she was determined to be the best. At seventeen Trudy won three medals at the 1924 Olympics in Paris. But what she planned to do next had never been done by a woman: She would swim across the English Channel in fourteen hours and set a world record.

Breathing in the Fullness of Time

by William Kloefkorn

The “tell-all” memoir takes on new meaning in the work of poet William Kloefkorn, whose accounts of the moments and movements of life touch on everything that matters, the prosaic and the profound, the extraordinary in the everyday, and the familiar in the new and strange. The fourth and final installment in Kloefkorn’s reflections, Breathing in the Fullness of Time, departs from the elements ruling the other volumes—water, fire, and earth—and floats its insights and observations, its memories and anecdotes on the now wild, now whispering element of air. “Kloefkorn is a consummate storyteller,” Publishers Weekly has said, noting his “keen eye and a gift for language that is beautiful in its simplicity.” In this final volume, the poet uses those skills and his characteristically droll sense of humor to recapture time that, once experienced, is never really lost. His remembrances include a foray into college football, a stint in the Marines, a drift in a twelve-foot johnboat on the Loup River, learning to get a hog’s attention, marriage at last to a childhood sweetheart, a sojourn in California, and a return to Nebraska to teach. The moments, large and small, sad and funny and fine, multiply to become a moving picture of life caught in the act of passing by.

Napoleon and his Marshals - Vol I (Napoleon and his Marshals #1)

by Pickle Partners Publishing Joel Tyler Headley

This ebook is purpose built and is proof-read and re-type set from the original to provide an outstanding experience of reflowing text for an ebook reader. J. T. Headley was born at the very end of the convulsive period of the French revolution and Napoleonic Wars that followed, and wrote a number of volumes on the French army and its leadership of the period. An admirer of the equality and liberty that Napoleon and the Napoleonic Myth expounded, Headley takes an interesting and entertaining view of Napoleon and his Marshals. The glittering array of military talent available to Napoleon, was formed by the upsurge in manpower revolutionary levée en masse and the egalitarian principals. Whilst not an absolute meritocracy, a great number of Generals and indeed Marshals came from humble backgrounds. In this volume, the author charts the careers of Napoleon, Marshals Murat, Lefebvre, Massena, Marmont, Victor, Brune, Oudinot, Bessières, Jourdan, Bernadotte, Suchet, Poniatowski, Grouchy and Ney Text taken, whole and complete, from the 1846 edition published in New York by Baker and Scribner. Original 316 pages.

The Recollections Of Rifleman Harris

by Pickle Partners Publishing Captain Henry Curling Benjamin Randell Harris

This ebook is purpose built and is proof-read and re-type set from the original to provide an outstanding experience of reflowing text for an ebook reader. In an era devoid of modern communication methods, letters and diaries from the literate officer classes of the Napoleonic wars abound ,in all of the languages of the combatant nations. Much less often heard is the voice of the enlisted man, particularly in the British armed forces, an invaluable insight is provided by the recollections of Rifleman Harris late of the 95th Rifles. The often brutal realities of the era were collated by an officer whom he knew, Captain Curling, and published in 1848, and although not well known at the time has become one of the most famous recorded by any rank. One of Harris' first memoires of his time in the army is the devastating spectacle of a firing squad for a court-martial of one of the rank and file and of the court-martial of the bungling General Whitelock whose mishandled expedition to Buenos Ayres. The man from the rank and file was shot, but General Whitelock was merely cashiered, a difference of class and the times unintentionally brought to light. Whitelock's court-martial provides the first appearance of General (at the time Colonel) Craufurd, who went on the expedition with Whitelock and want to have his former commander shot for his ineptitude!, and under whom Harris would spend a great deal of his soldiering career. Harris takes a small part in another expedition to Denmark, but the only sort of action he is involved in is defending a Danish family from the depredations of fellow soldiers. It is however with his entrance into Portugal in 1808, that his adventures really begin to take shape; as his fellow soldiers fall around him at the battles of Roliça and Vimiero he describes the horrific injuries sustained, the plundering of the dead that took place (which he was not above joining in) and the task of the surgeons to try and stitch up the wounded. A large part of the narrative is taken by the retreat of Sir John Moore's army to Coruña, and the Light Brigade's to Vigo. His tales of the retreat are vividly described; from the capture of the French general Lefebvre-Desnouettes at Benavente, the privation, the wifes of the soldiers and their struggle to stay with the column, to the iron resolve of General Craufurd to keep going. Eventually and in a pitiable state Harris reaches Vigo and embarks for England. It was not enemy action that ended Harris' career in the army but diseases contracted during the pestilent 1809 Walcheren campaign, the lingering sickness forced Harris to leave the army and take up trade as a cobbler. A valuable and excellent read. Text taken, whole and complete, from the 1848 edition, published in London by H Hurst. Original - 298 pages. Author- Benjamin Harris (1781-????) Editor - Captain Henry Curling (????-????) Linked TOC.

Rebuilding Sergeant Peck: How I Put Body and Soul Back Together After Afghanistan

by John Peck Dava Guerin Terry Bivens

"Marine Sgt. John Peck is a survivor, but he is also a thriver. His story still makes me smile. I am so grateful that he entered our lives.”—Jennifer Griffin, FOX News Marine Sgt. John Peck survived an IED during the War on Terror that left him with a traumatic brain injury, amnesia, and cost him his marriage. He survived another three years later, one that left him with three and a half limbs missing. He’s one of only two living people to survive the flesh-eating fungus he contracted in recovery at Walter Reed, one that left him as a quadruple amputee. And that’s only the beginning of his story. What followed was a recovery nothing short of miraculous. With resilience and the help of advocates like actor and philanthropist Gary Sinise, FOX’s Jennifer Griffin, and Bill O’Reilly, John would use a specialized “Action Trackchair” wheelchair and a newly-built SmartHome to get a third lease on life. In 2016, Peck underwent a groundbreaking bilateral arm transplant, receiving two new arms. To date, the surgery has been successful. Today, Peck is a motivational speaker, a philanthropist for veteran and wounded warrior causes, and is pursuing his lifelong dream of becoming a chef with the help of Chef Robert Irvine. From the lessons learned in a difficult childhood and as a homeless teenager, to dealing with depression in recovery, to learning how to chop with another man’s arms, Rebuilding Sergeant Peck is Peck’s account of an honest, visceral, and inspirational story that is truly unique.

Sisters and Rebels: A Struggle For The Soul Of America

by Jacquelyn Dowd Hall

Three sisters from the South wrestle with orthodoxies of race, sexuality, and privilege. Descendants of a prominent slaveholding family, Elizabeth, Grace, and Katharine Lumpkin grew up in a culture of white supremacy. But while Elizabeth remained a lifelong believer, her younger sisters chose vastly different lives. Seeking their fortunes in the North, Grace and Katharine reinvented themselves as radical thinkers whose literary works and organizing efforts brought the nation’s attention to issues of region, race, and labor. In Sisters and Rebels, National Humanities Award–winning historian Jacquelyn Dowd Hall follows the divergent paths of the Lumpkin sisters, who were “estranged and yet forever entangled” by their mutual obsession with the South. Tracing the wounds and unsung victories of the past through to the contemporary moment, Hall revives a buried tradition of Southern expatriation and progressivism; explores the lost, revolutionary zeal of the early twentieth century; and muses on the fraught ties of sisterhood. Grounded in decades of research, the family’s private papers, and interviews with Katharine and Grace, Sisters and Rebels unfolds an epic narrative of American history through the lives and works of three Southern women.

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