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The Great Houdini: World Famous Magician & Escape Artist (Step into Reading)

by Monica Kulling Anne Reas

Harry Houdini was a great escape artist, but perhaps his greatest trick was becoming the famous magician that we have come to know. As a child, Houdini worked hard--and even quit school--to help support his family. But his dream always was to become a great magician and performer. He practiced day and night, thinking up new tricks and more and more dangerous stunts. His intense ambition paid off, and soon Harry Houdini became known worldwide! This kid-appealing Step 3 traces Houdini's life from his poor beginnings to his eventual success as the most famous mystical magician and escape artist of all time.

Locked In Locked Out: Surviving a Brainstem Stroke

by Shawn Jennings

Can there be life after a brainstem stroke? After Dr. Shawn Jennings, a busy family physician, suffered a brainstem stroke on May 13, 1999, he woke from a coma locked inside his body, aware and alert but unable to communicate or move. Once he regained limited movement in his left arm, he began typing his story, using one hand and a lot of patience. With unexpected humour and tender honesty, Shawn shares his experiences in his struggle for recovery and acceptance of his life after the stroke. He affirms that even without achieving a full recovery life is still worth it.

Hound of the Sea

by Leonard Wibberley

Eager to compete in Transpac, an ocean race for sailing yachts from California to Hawaii, Leonard Wibberly bought a beautiful new fiberglass Morgan 34 and prepared to enter the 1965 event. But the boat was technically too small for Transpac so he decided to follow the others as a non-competitor. Of course, he would keep his time just to see how Cu Na Mara (Hound of the Sea) showed up with others in its class. It was an exciting trip, and a splendid introduction to ocean racing. Determined to compete in such a race, Mr. Wibberley put Cu Na Mara into a boatyard to get rid of some of its bugs, entered her in a race from Vancouver to Hawaii for which she qualified, rounded up an able crew of young men, and set off again toward Hawaii. Such a 2,000-mile ocean race offers challenging weather and varied adventures. It calls for stamina, ingenuity , and consummate sailing skill. All of these elements operated on Cu Na Mara's two voyages, as did also Murphy’s Law: Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong. Landlubber or sailing enthusiast will be fascinated by the chance to sail with this skipper as he offers sailing lore and tips, plus high adventure.

If You Love Me: A Mother's Journey Through Her Daughter's Opioid Addiction

by Maureen Cavanagh

Maureen Cavanagh’s gripping memoir If You Love Me is the story of a mother who suddenly finds herself on the frontlines of the opioid epidemic as her daughter battles—and ultimately reckons with—substance use disorder.Fast-paced and heartwarming, devastating and redemptive, Maureen’s incredible odyssey into the opioid crisis—first as a parent, then as an advocate—is ultimately a deeply moving mother-daughter story. When Maureen and her ex-husband Mike see their daughter Katie’s needle track marks for the first time, it is a complete shock. But, slowly, the drug use explains everything—Katie’s constant exhaustion, erratic moods, and all those spoons that have gone missing from the house. Once Mike and Maureen get Katie into detox, Maureen goes to sleep that night hoping that in 48 hours she’ll have her daughter back. It’s not that simple.Like the millions of parents and relatives all over the country—some of whom she has helped through her nonprofit organization—Maureen learns that recovery is neither straightforward nor brief. She fights to save Katie’s life, breaking down doors on the seedy side of town with Mike, kidnapping Katie outside a convenience store, and battling the taboo around substance use disorder in her picturesque New England town. Maureen is launched into the shadowy world of overcrowded, for-profit rehabilitation centers that often prey on worried parents. As Katie runs away from one program after another, never outrunning her pain, Maureen realizes that even while she becomes an expert on getting countless men and women into detox and treatment centers, she remains powerless to save her own daughter. Maureen's unforgettable story brings the opioid crisis out of the shadows and into the house next door.


by Tricia Morrison

Prefacio En diciembre de 2017, me quedé oficialmente desempleado, así que decidí que haría enseñanza de inglés independiente a tiempo parcial. Esto significaba automáticamente que dependería del Sistema de Asistencia Social del Gobierno alemán para sobrevivir, ya que no ganaría suficiente dinero para vivir. Esta situación causó que muchas emociones me envolvieran, pero la más dominante de estas emociones fue un sentimiento de atrapamiento, ya que me había declarado independiente del sistema de ayuda social dos años antes. Por lo tanto, sentí que mi vida retrocedía en lugar de progresar. Esta situación me obligó a cuestionar el núcleo de mi existencia. ¿Por qué me fui de Jamaica? ¿Por qué he estudiado durante tantos años? ¿Por qué creo en Dios? ¿Cuál es el propósito de mi vida? La verdad es que me sentí frustrado, enojado y enojado. Siempre he sido un "buen deporte", un ciudadano modelo en Jamaica, un buen inmigrante en Berlín, un gran trabajador, libre de drogas, libre de enfermedades, útil, esperanzado, además de un miembro activo y colaborador de mi comunidad y sociedad. Para colmo, he hecho todo lo que el sistema alemán requiere para que una persona se convierta en un miembro integrado de la sociedad. Entonces, ¿qué estaba pasando y por qué me sentí atrapado? Una cosa era segura; No podía permanecer en un estado de frustración e ira. Esto eventualmente habría llevado a un montón de otras emociones negativas y quejas, que definitivamente no traerían ayuda ni me impulsarían. Así que tuve que sacarme de ese estado.

Malcolm X: La biografía

by Jalen Thomas

El hombre que luchó por una causa. Si eres afroamericano, si participaste en el movimiento por los derechos civiles o si solo deseas conocer más sobre esta figura histórica, carismática a la vez que enigmática, siente la nostalgia de recordar a Malcolm X. La razón es simple: este es un libro informativo, comprensivo y entretenido sobre la vida de un hombre que vivió sin miedo, un líder del movimiento por los derechos civiles que lucho por la libertad de los afroamericanos desde que nació hasta que murió. Una lucha que solo terminó por culpa de las balas de sus asesinos. Muestra en detalle su infancia, sus infortunios, la pobreza y actividades criminales que acabaron convirtiéndole en el gran hombre que fue, así como los cambios en sus ideales y los sucesos que condujeron a su trágica muerte. También contiene datos de su vida como padre de familia, como personaje público y como miembro de la Nación del Islam y, posteriormente, de otras organizaciones. Así que no dudes en hacerte con este libro si quieres conocer lo que hace falta para cambiar el mundo solo con perseverancia y una gran fuerza de voluntad.

Ambigu@: Een gids van ontrouwe ervaringen

by Alberto Aranda de la Gala

Een gids van echte ervaringen (over ontrouw) die de auteur altijd in de vorm van een dagboek in de eerste persoon vertelt. Echte situaties, humor, seks, dubbelzinnigheid...en veel zelfhulp bedenkingen.

Rosa Luxemburg, Women's Liberation, and Marx's Philosophy of Revolution

by Raya Dunayevskaya

Dunayevskaya was articulating a Marxist humanism that searched for a doctrine of liberation in the Marxist tradition. She found that only Marx himself offered one, and that he had been, in Rich's phrase, diminished, distorted, and betrayed by post-Marx Marxists and the emerging 'Communist' states.

El Espíritu de Jezabel

by Bill Vincent

Hace ya un tiempo que Dios puso en mi corazón escribir este libro. Creo que tanto hombres como mujeres pueden lidiar con un espíritu llamado Jezabel, y hablo de algo más que de algún espíritu que habita en la iglesia, hablo de haberme casado con este espíritu. Esta es mi historia, una historia real, porque realmente me casé con una mujer con el espíritu de Jezabel, mientras la cuente, omitiré algunos nombres. Debemos tener en cuenta que no luchamos contra carne y sangre, sino contra principados y huestes en las regiones celestes. Comenzaré este libro con un capítulo que le proveerá de algunas bases bíblicas del espíritu de Jezabel y sus características, luego escribiré esta historia refiriéndome a varias, por no decir todas, las características de este espíritu. Conozco a algunas personas que se enojarán conmigo y me criticarán, pero hasta que usted no camine en mis zapatos, ¿quién es para juzgarme? Este libro será controversial, y si me conoce, realmente sabrá que mi controversia ha crecido. Han pasado 18 meses desde que dejé a Jezabel, y cabe aclarar que no escribo esto para menospreciar a nadie; este libro es para ayudar, si tiene a alguien cercano que esté consumido por este espíritu, quizá necesite cortar la relación para sobrevivir.

Sua Eminência Escarlate, Armand-Jean du Plessis de Richelieu

by Laurel A. Rockefeller

Sacerdote. Amante. Político. Da autora da série de biografias best-seller "Mulheres Lendárias da História do Mundo" ... O cardeal Armand-Jean du Plessis, duque de Richelieu, é um dos políticos mais famosos - ou infames de todos os tempos. Tornado um vilão no popular romance de Dumas, "Os Três Mosqueteiros", o homem de verdade era um servidor público dedicado, leal ao rei e ao país. Um homem de lógica e razão, ele transformou a maneira como pensamos sobre nações e nacionalidade. Ele secularizou as guerras entre países, patrocinou as artes em prol do bem público, fundou o primeiro jornal na França e criou a França como o país moderno que conhecemos hoje. Cheio de música de época, dança e muito romance, "Sua Eminência Escarlate" transporta você de volta à corte do rei Luís XIII em todas as suas cores vibrantes e vivas.

De Traidor a Herói: O falsificador de Vermeer que enganou a Holanda e os nazis

by Lázaro Droznes

A incrível história de Han van Meegeren, o pintor holandês que criou falsos Vermeers, enganou os seus pares holandeses, vendeu um quadro a Herman Goering e, finalmente, acabou por confessar as suas falsificações para escapar à pena de morte, quando foi acusado de alta traição. Após o julgamento, tornou-se um herói nacional por ter defraudado os nazis. Han van Meegeren era um ointor holandês que, durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial, pintou Vermeers melhores que os originais, enganando toda a comunidade das artes e até Herman Goering, acabando, no final, por confessar ser um falsificador para se livrar da acusação de alta traição, por ter tido negócios com o inimigo da nação.                                                                                                                                  Esta ficção dramatizada baseia-se na história impresssionante de Han van Meegeren, durante os anos 1930s e a Segunda Guerra Mundial, quando conseguiu criar e vender seis falsos quadros de Vermeer e dois de Franz Hals por cerca de 100 milhões de dólares em valores atualizados. Um dos Vermeers foi comprado por Herman Goering, a nsegunda pesssoa mais importante na hierarquia do Terceiro Reich. No final da Segunda Guerra Mundial, van Meegeren foi acusado de traição ao seu país e viu-se obrigado a confessar as falsificações para salvar a sua própria vida. Esta confissão abalou a comunidade da pintura holandesa e mundial como um terramoto, já que os quadros falsificados tinham sido aceites unanimemente. Um deles, "Cristo em Emaús", era até considerado a melhor obra pintada por Vermeer. Esta ficção, baseada em eventos reais, conduz-nos a uma reflexão sobre o conceito da autenticidade na arte e a validade dos conceitos tradicionais de verdade e de beleza: um quadro deixa de ser belo qua

El Castillo de San Miguel

by Laura Caputo

Una periodista, un conocido boss de la camorra que está en la cárcel desde hace años, pero que sigue siendo poderoso y temido. La periodista se desplaza a su pueblo natal, haciendo preguntas y tratando de entender. Conoce a la esposa, a la familia, a los amigos y a los enemigos. Naturalmente, se encuentra con la camorra, y, mientras el boss sugiere la posibilidad de colaborar, ella vive una experiencia real, entre amenazas e intimidaciones de todo tipo.

Elon Musk - Biographie d'un génie et d'un titan des affaires moderne

by Nate Whitman

Elon Musk est indéniablement un titan des affaires. Il contrôle des entreprises gigantesques telles que Tesla et SpaceX et a cimenté sa place dans l'histoire de l'humanité - mais combien connaissez-vous vraiment l'homme qui se trouve derrière tout cela ? Dans ce livre détaillé de la vie et de la carrière d’Elon Musk, vous découvrirez son enfance et ses études en Afrique du Sud, ses modestes débuts sur le continent américain et ses premiers pas dans le monde des affaires. Des débuts de Zip2 et qui ont marqué les débuts de la carrière de Musk à SpaceX et Tesla que nous connaissons aujourd'hui, vous découvrirez comment une idée inconnue et modeste a conduit à la fondation de SpaceX, à la révolution que Tesla a apporté aux voitures électriques, et comment ces entreprises (et Musk lui-même) continuent de résister malgré tout. Mais au-delà du commerce, vous aurez également la chance d’avoir un aperçu de l'homme lui-même - l'image publique polarisante de Musk, ses innombrables bizarreries et des sensations célèbres telles que Not-A-Flamethrower et le site d'évaluation des médias Pravduh. Depuis les opinions politiques et religieuses de Musk jusqu'à son apparition dans des sous-cultures Internet clés, Elon Musk : Biographie d'un génie et d'un titan des affaires moderne donne un aperçu unique et puissant de l'un des hommes les plus célèbres du monde.

La Dénazification de Leni: L'incroyable histoire de Leni Riefenstahl dans l'Allemagne nazie

by Lázaro Droznes

Cette fiction dramatique recrée le procès de Leni Riefenstahl, mené par le comité de la dénazification alliée, afin de déterminer leur degré de responsabilité dans les crimes nazis dans le cadre de la campagne de dénazification menée dans l'Allemagne de l'après-guerre. Différentes scènes de ses documentaires sont utilisées comme preuve contre lui, affirmant qu'ils avaient été utilisés comme des outils de propagande du régime. Leni défend son indépendance et son autonomie en tant qu'artiste. Au cours du procès, la relation entre les artistes et le pouvoir, la nécessité de développer une carrière dans l’art qui ne dépend pas du pouvoir politique et la possibilité de créer un art de l’art lui-même apparaissent comme un thème. Un art qui se justifie.

The Billionaire Murders: The Mysterious Deaths of Barry and Honey Sherman

by Kevin Donovan

A top journalist crosses the yellow tape to investigate a shocking high-society crime.Billionaires, philanthropists, socialites . . . victims. Barry and Honey Sherman appeared to lead charmed lives. But the world was shocked in late 2017 when their bodies were found in a bizarre tableau in their elegant Toronto home. First described as murder-suicide — belts looped around their necks, they were found seated beside their basement swimming pool — police later ruled it a staged, targeted double murder. Nothing about the case made sense to friends of the founder of one of the world’s largest generic pharmaceutical firms and his wife, a powerhouse in Canada’s charity world. Together, their wealth has been estimated at well over $4.7 billion. There was another side to the story. A strategic genius who built a large generic drug company — Apotex Inc. — Barry Sherman was a self-described workaholic, renowned risk-taker, and disruptor during his fifty-year career. Regarded as a generous friend by many, Sherman was also feared by others. He was criticized for stifling academic freedom and using the courts to win at all costs. Upset with building issues at his mansion, he sued and recouped millions from tradespeople. At the time of his death, Sherman had just won a decades-old legal case involving four cousins who wanted 20 percent of his fortune. Toronto Star investigative journalist Kevin Donovan chronicles the unsettling story from the beginning, interviewing family members, friends, and colleagues, and sheds new light on the Shermans’ lives and the disturbing double murder. Deeply researched and authoritative, The Billionaire Murders is a compulsively readable tale of a strange and perplexing crime.

Crime in Progress: Inside the Steele Dossier and the Fusion GPS Investigation of Donald Trump

by Peter Fritsch Glenn Simpson

Before Ukraine, before impeachment: This is the never-before-told inside story of the high-stakes, four-year-long investigation into Donald Trump’s Russia ties—culminating in the Steele dossier, and sparking the Mueller report—from the founders of political opposition research company Fusion GPS. <P><P>“Crime in Progress untangles one of the great mysteries of the Trump era—the full story of the Steele dossier—and provides a fascinating insight into the investigatory mind at work.”—Jeffrey ToobinFusion GPS was founded in 2010 by Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch, two former reporters at The Wall Street Journal who decided to abandon the struggling news business and use their reporting skills to conduct open-source investigations for businesses and law firms—and opposition research for political candidates. In the fall of 2015, they were hired to look into the finances of Donald Trump. <P><P>What began as a march through a mind-boggling trove of lawsuits, bankruptcies, and sketchy overseas projects soon took a darker turn: The deeper Fusion dug, the more it began to notice names that Simpson and Fritsch had come across during their days covering Russian corruption—and the clearer it became that the focus of Fusion&’s research going forward would be Trump’s entanglements with Russia.To help them make sense of what they were seeing, Simpson and Fritsch engaged the services of a former British intelligence agent and Russia expert named Christopher Steele. <P><P>He would produce a series of memos—which collectively became known as the Steele dossier—that raised deeply alarming questions about the nature of Trump&’s ties to a hostile foreign power. Those memos made their way to U.S. intelligence agencies, and then to President Barack Obama and President-elect Trump. <P><P>On January 10, 2017, the Steele dossier broke into public view, and the Trump-Russia story reached escape velocity. At the time, Fusion GPS was just a ten-person consulting firm tucked away above a Starbucks near Dupont Circle, but it would soon be thrust into the center of the biggest news story on the planet—a story that would lead to accusations of witch hunts, a relentless campaign of persecution by congressional Republicans, bizarre conspiracy theories, lawsuits by Russian oligarchs, and the Mueller report.In Crime in Progress, Simpson and Fritsch tell their story for the first time—a tale of the high-stakes pursuit of one of the biggest, most important stories of our time—no matter the costs. <P><P><b> A New York Times Bestseller </b>

The Dirty Life: On Farming, Food, and Love

by Kristin Kimball

"This book is the story of the two love affairs that interrupted the trajectory of my life: one with farming--that dirty, concupiscent art--and the other with a complicated and exasperating farmer."Single, thirtysomething, working as a writer in New York City, Kristin Kimball was living life as an adventure. But she was beginning to feel a sense of longing for a family and for home. When she interviewed a dynamic young farmer, her world changed. Kristin knew nothing about growing vegetables, let alone raising pigs and cattle and driving horses. But on an impulse, smitten, if not yet in love, she shed her city self and moved to five hundred acres near Lake Champlain to start a new farm with him. The Dirty Life is the captivating chronicle of their first year on Essex Farm, from the cold North Country winter through the following harvest season--complete with their wedding in the loft of the barn. Kimball and her husband had a plan: to grow everything needed to feed a community. It was an ambitious idea, a bit romantic, and it worked. Every Friday evening, all year round, a hundred people travel to Essex Farm to pick up their weekly share of the "whole diet"--beef, pork, chicken, milk, eggs, maple syrup, grains, flours, dried beans, herbs, fruits, and forty different vegetables--produced by the farm. The work is done by draft horses instead of tractors, and the fertility comes from compost. Kimball's vivid descriptions of landscape, food, cooking--and marriage--are irresistible. "As much as you transform the land by farming," she writes, "farming transforms you." In her old life, Kimball would stay out until four a.m., wear heels, and carry a handbag. Now she wakes up at four, wears Carhartts, and carries a pocket knife. At Essex Farm, she discovers the wrenching pleasures of physical work, learns that good food is at the center of a good life, falls deeply in love, and finally finds the engagement and commitment she craved in the form of a man, a small town, and a beautiful piece of land

On Being 40(ish)

by Lindsey Mead

In the vein of The Bitch in the House, fifteen powerful women offer captivating, intimate, and candid explorations about what it’s really like turning forty—and life beyond. The big 4-0. Like eighteen and twenty-one, this is a major and meaningful milestone our lives—especially for women. Turning forty is a poignant doorway between youth and…what comes after; a crossroads to reflect on the roads taken and not and the paths yet before you. And the decade that follows is one that is especially ripe for nostalgia, inspiration, wisdom, and personal growth. In this dazzling collection, fifteen writers explore this rich phase in essays that are profound and moving and above all, brimming with joie de vivre. This diverse array of voices—including Veronica Chambers, Meghan Daum, Kate Bolick, Taffy Brodesser-Akner, Sloane Crosley, KJ Dell’Antonia, Julie Klam, Jessica Lahey, Catherine Newman, Sujean Rim, Jena Schwartz, Sophfronia Scott, Allison Winn Scotch, Lee Woodruff, and Jill Kargman—offer exciting, deeply personal, and poignant perspectives across a range of universal themes—friendship, independence, sex, beauty, aging, wisdom, and the passage of time. Beautifully designed to make the perfect gift, and to be a treasure to turn to time and time again, On Being 40(ish) reflects the hopes, fears, challenges and opportunities of a generation. It will leave you inspired, entertained, and comforted that the best is truly yet to come.

Carta abierta a Stephen King y otros ensayos.

by Jenny Twist

Una colección de ensayos populares, artículos de revistas y blogs sobre la vida, el universo y mucho más.

Brave. Black. First.: 50+ African American Women Who Changed the World

by Cheryl Hudson

Published in collaboration with the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, discover over fifty remarkable African American women whose unique skills and contributions paved the way for the next generation of young people. Perfect for fans of Rad Women Worldwide, Women in Science, and Girls Think of Everything. <P><P>Harriet Tubman guided the way. <P><P>Rosa Parks sat for equality. <P><P>Aretha Franklin sang from the soul. <P><P>Serena Williams bested the competition. <P><P>Michelle Obama transformed the White House. <P><P>Black women everywhere have changed the world! <P><P>Published in partnership with curators from the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, this illustrated biography compilation captures the iconic moments of fifty African American women whose heroism and bravery rewrote the American story for the better. They were fearless. They were bold. They were game changers.

Better Days Will Come Again: The Life of Arthur Briggs, Jazz Genius of Harlem, Paris, and a Nazi Prison Camp

by Travis Atria

Arthur Briggs's life was Homeric in scope. Born on the the tiny island of Grenada, he set sail for Harlem during the Renaissance, then to Europe in the aftermath of WWI, where he was among the first pioneers to introduce jazz music to the world. During the legendary Jazz Age in Paris, Briggs's trumpet provided the soundtrack while Hemingway, Fitzgerald, and the rest of the Lost Generation got drunk. By the 1930s, Briggs was considered "the Louis Armstrong of Paris," and was the peer of the greatest names of his time, from Josephine Baker to Django Reinhardt. Even during the Great Depression, he was secure as "the greatest trumpeter in Europe." He did not, however, heed warnings to leave Paris before it fell to the Nazis, and in 1940, he was arrested and sent to the prison camp at Saint Denis. What happened at that camp, and the role Briggs played in it, is truly unforgettable. Better Days Will Come Again, based on groundbreaking research and including unprecedented access to Briggs's oral memoir, is a crucial document of jazz history, a fast-paced epic, and an entirely original tale of survival.

Tonight We Bombed the U.S. Capitol: The Explosive Story of M19, America's First Female Terrorist Group

by William Rosenau

In a shocking, never-before-told story from the vaults of American history, Tonight We Bombed the US Capitol takes a close look at the explosive hidden history of M19—the first and only domestic terrorist group founded and led by women—and their violent fight against racism, sexism, and what they viewed as Ronald Reagan&’s imperialistic vision for America.In 1981, President Ronald Reagan announced that it was &“morning in America.&” He declared that the American dream wasn&’t over, but the United States needed to lower taxes, shrink government control, and flex its military muscles abroad to herald what some called &“the Reagan Revolution.&” At the same time, a tiny band of American-born, well-educated extremists were working for a very different kind of revolution. By the end of the 1970s, many radicals had called it quits, but six veteran women extremists came together to finish the fight. These women had spent their entire adult lives embroiled in political struggles: protesting the Vietnam War, fighting for black and Native American liberation, and confronting US imperialism. They created a new organization to wage their war: The May 19th Communist Organization, or &“M19,&” a name derived from the birthday shared by Malcolm X and Ho Chi Minh, two of their revolutionary idols. Together, these six women carried out some of the most daring operations in the history of domestic terrorism—from prison breakouts and murderous armed robberies, to a bombing campaign that wreaked havoc on the nation&’s capital. Three decades later, M19&’s actions and shocking tactics still reverberate for many reasons, but one truly sets them apart: unlike any other American terrorist group before or since, M19 was created and led by women. Tonight We Bombed the US Capitol tells the full story of M19 for the first time, alongside original photos and declassified FBI documents. Through the group&’s history, intelligence and counterterrorism expert William Rosenau helps us understand how homegrown extremism—a threat that still looms over us today—is born.

The Warrior, the Voyager, and the Artist: Three Lives in an Age of Empire (The Lewis Walpole Series in Eighteenth-Century Culture and History)

by Kate Fullagar

A portrait of empire through the biographies of a Native American, a Pacific Islander, and the British artist who painted them both Three interconnected eighteenth-century lives offer a fresh account of the British Empire and its intrusion into Indigenous societies. This engaging history brings together the stories of Joshua Reynolds and two Indigenous men, the Cherokee Ostenaco and the Raiatean Mai. Fullagar uncovers the life of Ostenaco, tracing his emergence as a warrior, his engagement with colonists through war and peace, and his eventual rejection of imperial politics during the American Revolution. She delves into the story of Mai, his confrontation with conquest and displacement, his voyage to London on Cook’s imperial expedition, and his return home with a burning ambition to right past wrongs. Woven throughout is a new history of Reynolds, growing up in Devon near a key port in England, becoming a portraitist of empire, rising to the top of Britain’s art world and yet remaining ambivalent about his nation’s expansionist trajectory.

We Are the Luckiest: The Surprising Magic of a Sober Life

by Laura McKowen

&“We Are the Luckiest is a masterpiece. It&’s the truest, most generous, honest, and helpful sobriety memoir I&’ve read. It&’s going to save lives.&” — Glennon Doyle, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Love Warrior: A Memoir What could possibly be &“lucky&” about addiction? Absolutely nothing, thought Laura McKowen when drinking brought her to her knees. As she puts it, she &“kicked and screamed . . . wishing for something — anything — else&” to be her issue. The people who got to drink normally, she thought, were so damn lucky. But in the midst of early sobriety, when no longer able to anesthetize her pain and anxiety, she realized that she was actually the lucky one. Lucky to feel her feelings, live honestly, really be with her daughter, change her legacy. She recognized that &“those of us who answer the invitation to wake up, whatever our invitation, are really the luckiest of all.&” Here, in straight-talking chapters filled with personal stories, McKowen addresses issues such as facing facts, the question of AA, and other people&’s drinking. Without sugarcoating the struggles of sobriety, she relentlessly emphasizes the many blessings of an honest life, one without secrets and debilitating shame.

The Kids Are in Bed: Finding Time for Yourself in the Chaos of Parenting

by Rachel Bertsche

"All new moms should shove a copy of The Kids Are in Bed in the diaper bag between the asswipes and Aquaphor! A perfect guide on how-to not morph solely into someone&’s mom and retain your badassery in a world of Disneyfication and baby sharks.&”—Jill Kargman, author of Sprinkle Glitter on My Grave and creator of Odd Mom Out Picture it—it's 8:30 p.m. You close the door to your child's room just as you hear your partner closing the dishwasher, and now it's time for an hour or two of glorious freedom. What do you do? Read the book you've been waiting to crack open all day? Chat on the phone with a friend, glass of wine in hand, or go out with pals and share a whole bottle? Or, like many modern parents, do you get caught up in chores, busywork, and social media black holes?In an original survey conducted for this book, 71 percent of parents said their free time didn't feel free at all, because they were still thinking about all the things they should be doing for their kids, their jobs, and their households. Rachel Bertsche found herself in exactly that bind. After dozens of interviews with scientists and parenting experts, input from moms and dads across the country, and her own experiments with her personal time, Rachel figured out how to transform her patterns and reconnect to her pre-kids life. In The Kids Are in Bed, other parents can learn to do the same, and learn to truly enjoy the time after lights-out.

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