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War Dog: The no-man's-land puppy who took to the skies

by Damien Lewis

In the winter of 1939 in the cold snow of no-man's-land, two loners met and began an extraordinary journey together, one that would bind them for the rest of their lives. One was an orphaned puppy, abandoned by his owners as they fled the approaching Nazi forces. The other, a lost soul of a different sort - a Czech airman, flying for the French Air Force but soon to be bound for the RAF and the country that he would call home. Airman Robert Bozdech stumbled across the tiny German Shepherd after being shot down during a daring mission over enemy lines. Unable to desert his charge, he hid the dog inside his flying jacket as he made his escape. In the months that followed the pair would save each other's lives countless times as they fled France and flew together with Bomber Command; the puppy - which Robert named Ant - becoming the Squadron mascot along the way. Wounded repeatedly in action, shot, facing crash-landings and parachute bailouts, Ant was eventually grounded due to injury. Even then he refused to abandon his duty, waiting patiently beside the runway for his master's return from every sortie.By the end of the war Robert and Ant had become very British war heroes, and Ant was justly awarded the Dickin Medal, the 'Animal VC'. Thrilling and deeply moving, their story will touch the heart of anyone who understands the bond that exists between one man and his dog.

War Dog: The no-man's-land puppy who took to the skies

by Damien Lewis

'Damien Lewis is both a meticulous historian and a born storyteller' Lee ChildIn the winter of 1939 in the cold snow of no-man's-land, two loners met and began an extraordinary journey together, one that would bind them for the rest of their lives. One was an orphaned puppy, abandoned by his owners as they fled the approaching Nazi forces. The other, a lost soul of a different sort - a Czech airman, flying for the French Air Force but soon to be bound for the RAF and the country that he would call home.Airman Robert Bozdech stumbled across the tiny German Shepherd after being shot down during a daring mission over enemy lines. Unable to desert his charge, he hid the dog inside his flying jacket as he made his escape. In the months that followed the pair would save each other's lives countless times as they fled France and flew together with Bomber Command; the puppy - which Robert named Ant - becoming the Squadron mascot along the way. Wounded repeatedly in action, shot, facing crash-landings and parachute bailouts, Ant was eventually grounded due to injury. Even then he refused to abandon his duty, waiting patiently beside the runway for his master's return from every sortie.By the end of the war Robert and Ant had become very British war heroes, and Ant was justly awarded the Dickin Medal, the 'Animal VC'. Their story will touch the heart of anyone who understands the bond that exists between one man and his dog.

War Dog: The no-man's-land puppy who took to the skies

by Damien Lewis

In the winter of 1939 in the cold snow of no-man's-land, two loners met and began an extraordinary journey together, one that would bind them for the rest of their lives. One was an orphaned puppy, abandoned by his owners as they fled the approaching Nazi forces. The other, a lost soul of a different sort - a Czech airman, flying for the French Air Force but soon to be bound for the RAF and the country that he would call home.Airman Robert Bozdech stumbled across the tiny German Shepherd after being shot down during a daring mission over enemy lines. Unable to desert his charge, he hid the dog inside his flying jacket as he made his escape. In the months that followed the pair would save each other's lives countless times as they fled France and flew together with Bomber Command; the puppy - which Robert named Ant - becoming the Squadron mascot along the way. Wounded repeatedly in action, shot, facing crash-landings and parachute bailouts, Ant was eventually grounded due to injury. Even then he refused to abandon his duty, waiting patiently beside the runway for his master's return from every sortie.By the end of the war Robert and Ant had become very British war heroes, and Ant was justly awarded the Dickin Medal, the 'Animal VC'. Thrilling and deeply moving, their story will touch the heart of anyone who understands the bond that exists between one man and his dog.

War Letters Of Edmond Genet: The First American Aviator Killed Flying The Stars And Stripes

by Grace Ellery Channing Edmond Charles Clinton Genet

"Edmond Genet from Ossining, New York, was the first American flier to die in the First World War after the United States declared war against Germany, shot down by anti-aircraft artillery on April 17, 1917. Genet was the great great grandson of Edmond-Charles Genêt, also known as Citizen Genêt, the French Ambassador to the United States shortly before the French Revolution who is mostly remembered for being the cause of an international incident known as the Citizen Genêt Affair.Edmond Genet sailed for France at the end of January, 1915, to join the French Foreign Legion while still technically on leave from the US Navy. He never arranged to be formally relieved of his responsibility to the Navy before joining the Lafayette Escadrille on January 22, 1917. This decision weighed heavily on him as time wore on since he could be classified as a deserter because the US was not yet formally in the war and his involvement in the Escadrille was therefore not an official assignment by the US military...He was particularly celebrated since it was known that he was the descendant of Citizen Genet. As the prospect of American Involvement in the war grew he became both increasingly worried and hopeful that his participation in the Escadrille would not be affected by the American entry into the war and sought the help of prominent Americans in France to help him straighten out his status. Ironically he died shortly after the formal entry of the US into the war before the issue of his status could be dealt with. Although other Americans had died as part of the Escadrille, he was the first one to do so after the US formally declared war on the Central powers. This made him the first official American casualty of the war despite the fact that the US had not yet had time to organize or send any actual troops to Europe...He was 20 years old at the time of his death."--Wiki

A War Nurse’s Diary; Sketches From A Belgian Field Hospital [Illustrated Edition]

by Anon.

Illustrated with 33 photos of the author's comrades, adventures and hospitals.When war broke out in 1914, it was imagined in Britain that the war with Germany would be short and the need for nursing staff over in France would be low as there should be very few casualties. The author, a trained nurse from the Northern Midlands in England, decided that she would volunteer her services immediately, but was rebuffed by the Red Cross and St John's Ambulance on the basis that they had almost one nurse for every soldier in the field. Not to be deterred, she responded to an advert which read: "Ten nurses wanted at once for Antwerp; must be voluntary." And off to Belgium she went in August 1914.It was to be in Belgium that so many of these rosy presumptions that were held by many were shattered early in the autumn of 1914, as the German steamroller thumped into the Allied forces. In its wake the huge numbers of wounded flooded into the hospitals in Belgium where our author was inundated with work. As the Germans moved forward, she and her fellow hospital staff were moved backward from Antwerp, where she was briefly caught up in the siege, escaping to Ghent, Bruges, Ostend and thence to France. She tended to the wounded amidst the carnage of war almost unceasingly until a year later when she left France for England in October 1915.

The War of the Motor Gun Boats: One Man's Personal War at Sea with the Coastal Forces, 1943–1945

by A. J. Chapman

Tony Chapman was born in Southampton in 1924. Aged 16 he watched with horror as the historic High Street of Southampton burnt to the ground in a firestorm caused by a heavy German bombing raid on the night of 30 November 1940. He vowed to join up and fight back. Tony joined the Navy.Within hours of being posted to his first Motor Gun Boat, Telegraphist Tony Chapman was involved in an epic Coastal Forces engagement when his flotilla took on a force of thirty E-boats. Although their unit of two MGBs sank three E-Boats, it was at a high cost. Half of Tony's shipmates were killed or injured.This was the start of an eventful and dramatic wartime service with these little warships. Tony's flotilla operated in the Mediterranean and Aegean where the Motor Gun Boats played a key role in this important but often neglected theatre.rnDaily life on these small ships is vividly described. The flotilla had a busy time showing the flag in the Levant and on combined operations in the Aegean with the Greek Sacred Regiment of Commandos. The culmination of their efforts was when Tony's boat, ML838, took the surrender of the Island of Kos in 1945.rnrnWritten from the perspective of one of the other ranks, War of the Motor Gun Boats fills an important gap in the literature of the Second World War.As featured in the North Devon Journal and Exmoor Magazine.

The War Story Of Dillwyn Parrish Starr

by Louis Starr Dillwyn Parrish Starr

Dillwyn Parrish Starr led a short life but he lived it at a tremendous speed, when the First World War broke out he was a star American Football Player and scholar at Harvard. However spurred on by his convictions he sailed to the U.K. in a rush and signed up for service as soon as possible; thereafter he saw a great deal of fighting with the Royal Navy Armored car detachment. However as the war stagnated to the static bloody fighting in the trenches he felt compelled to transfer to the prestigious Grenadier Guards in the British Army. Always heavily engaged Dillwyn fought with great courage in both Flanders and on the Gallipoli campaign, before falling to the overwhelming fire of the Germans at Ginchy during the infernal Somme battle in 1916. His letters are a vivid memento to a man who was universally respected even in a regiment with such high standards as the Grenadiers Guards, cheerful and upbeat snuffed out too soon in the hell of World War One.

Warrior: A Memoir

by Theresa Larson Alan Eisenstock

In this inspiring memoir, a former female Marine platoon leader recalls the wars she has fought--on the playing field, the battlefield, and inside her own soul--revealing how overcoming the harrowing circumstances in her life helped her ultimately redefine what it means to be strong and what "perfect" really is.Theresa Larson has lived multiple lives. At ten she was a caregiver to her dying mother. As an adolescent, an All-Star high school, college, and professional softball player. As a young adult, a fitness competition winner, beauty pageant contestant, and model. And as a grown woman, a high-achieving Lieutenant in the Marines, in charge of an entire platoon while deployed in Iraq.Meanwhile, Theresa was battling bulimia nervosa, an internal struggle which ultimately cut short her military service when she was voluntarily evacuated from combat. Theresa's journey to wellness required the bravery to ask for help, to take care of herself first, and abandon the idea of "perfect." In Warrior, she lays bare all of these lives in intimate and vivid detail, examining extremely personal and sometime painful moments and how, by finally accepting the help of others, she learned to make herself whole. From growing up in a log cabin outside Seattle to facing down the enemy in Iraq, Theresa's journey demonstrates that good health and happiness is a daily, intentional act that requires persistence and commitment.Theresa hopes that through sharing her story, she will help inspire others to empower themselves, embrace their inner warrior and re-define strength. Startling and funny, terrifying and triumphant, heartbreaking and inspirational, Warrior is at heart a story of perseverance and success--of a determined woman who is model for everyone struggling to conquer their own demons. Theresa shows that asking for help can be an act of courage, and that we are stronger than we think when faced with seemingly impossible odds.

Warrior Pose: How Yoga (Literally) Saved My Life

by Brad Willis Bhava Ram

From covering the front lines of the Gulf War to investigating Colombian drug lords to living with freedom fighters in the mountains of Afghanistan, war correspondent Brad Willis was accustomed to risk. But when mortal danger came, it was from an unexpected direction.At the pinnacle of his career, a broken back and failed surgery left Willis permanently disabled and condemned to life in a body brace. Then came a diagnosis of terminal, stage IV throat cancer.At his 50th birthday party, friends gathered around Willis, who was crippled, almost mute, depressed, strung out on narcotic medications, and dying. Halfway through the celebration Willis realized the party's true purpose-his friends were there to say goodbye.Everyone knew Willis was on his way out...everyone except his 2-year-old son, who urged, "Get up, Daddy!"His son's words ringing in his ears, Willis chose to abandon Western medicine and embrace the most esoteric practices of Yoga to heal his body, mind, and soul-ridding himself of cancer and fully restoring his back. As a symbol of his journey, he took the spiritual name Bhava Ram, which stands for "Living from the Heart."Warrior Pose is an adventure chronicling some of the most momentous events of our time through a journalist's eyes, an unforgettable story about the power of love between father and son, and a transformational journey of self-healing, inner peace, and wholeness.

Was Hitler a Darwinian?: Disputed Questions in the History of Evolutionary Theory

by Robert J. Richards

In tracing the history of Darwin's accomplishment and the trajectory of evolutionary theory during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, most scholars agree that Darwin introduced blind mechanism into biology, thus banishing moral values from the understanding of nature. According to the standard interpretation, the principle of survival of the fittest has rendered human behavior, including moral behavior, ultimately selfish. Few doubt that Darwinian theory, especially as construed by the master's German disciple, Ernst Haeckel, inspired Hitler and led to Nazi atrocities. In this collection of essays, Robert J. Richards argues that this orthodox view is wrongheaded. A close historical examination reveals that Darwin, in more traditional fashion, constructed nature with a moral spine and provided it with a goal: man as a moral creature. The book takes up many other topics--including the character of Darwin's chief principles of natural selection and divergence, his dispute with Alfred Russel Wallace over man's big brain, the role of language in human development, his relationship to Herbert Spencer, how much his views had in common with Haeckel's, and the general problem of progress in evolution. Moreover, Richards takes a forceful stand on the timely issue of whether Darwin is to blame for Hitler's atrocities. Was Hitler a Darwinian? is intellectual history at its boldest.

Watching War Films With My Dad

by Al Murray

Al Murray's (AKA The Pub Landlord) musing on his childhood where his fascination with history and all things war began.Have you ever watched a film with someone who, at the most dramatic scene, argues that the plane on screen hasn't been invented yet? Or that the tank rumbling towards the hero at the end of the film is the wrong tank altogether? Al Murray is that someone. Try as he might, he can’t help himself. Growing up in the 1970s, Al, with the help of his dad, became fascinated with the history of World War Two. They didn’t go to football; they went to battlefields. Because like so many of his generation whose childhood was all about Airfix, Action Man and Where Eagles Dare, he grew up in the cultural wake of the Second World War. Part memoir, part life obsession, this is Al Murray musing on what he knows best. And he’s sure to tell you things about history that you were never taught at school.


by Sonali Deraniyagala

On the morning of December 26, 2004, on the southern coast of Sri Lanka, Sonali Deraniyagala lost her parents, her husband, and her two young sons in the tsunami she miraculously survived. In this brave and searingly frank memoir, she describes those first horrifying moments and her long journey since. She has written an engrossing, unsentimental, beautifully poised account: as she struggles through the first months following the tragedy, furiously clenched against a reality that she cannot face and cannot deny; and then, over the ensuing years, as she emerges reluctantly, slowly allowing her memory to take her back through the rich and joyous life she's mourning, from her family's home in London, to the birth of her children, to the year she met her English husband at Cambridge, to her childhood in Colombo; all the while learning the difficult balance between the almost unbearable reminders of her loss and the need to keep her family, somehow, still alive within her.

Wave: A Memoir of Life After the Tsunami

by Sonali Deraniyagala

The book opens and we are inside the wave: thirty feet high, moving at twenty-five mph, racing two miles inland. And from there into the depths of the author's despair: how to live now that her life has been undone? Sonali Deraniyagala tells her story - the loss of her two boys, her husband, and her parents - without artifice or sentimentality. In the stark language of unfathomable sorrow, anger, and guilt: she struggles through the first months following the tragedy -- someone always at her side to prevent her from harming herself, her whole being furiously clenched against the reality she can't face; and then reluctantly emerging and, over the ensuing years, slowly allowing her memory to function again. Then she goes back through the rich and joyous life she's mourning, from her family's home in London, to the birth of her children, to the year she met her English husband at Cambridge, to her childhood in Colombo while learning the balance between the almost unbearable reminders of her loss and her fundamental need to keep her family, somehow, still with her.

The Way I Was

by Marvin Hamlisch Gerald Gardner

Marvin Hamlisch got his start as a rehearsal pianist for Funny Girl with Barbra Streisand, and went on to co-create A Chorus Line, write the Oscar-winning musical score for The Way We Were, and win many other awards for the music he wrote for the stage and screen. Hamlisch is one of only a handful of people to win a Grammy, a Tony, an Oscar, and an Emmy. In this revealing autobiography, written in partnership with noted freelance writer Gerald C. Gardner, Hamlisch tells the story of his childhood, his marriage, and his friendships with stars including Liza Minnelli, Barbra Streisand, and Groucho Marx. The autobiography paints a nostalgic and intimate picture of Broadway and Hollywood. After his death in 2012, Barbra Streisand made a tribute to him in her appearance on the 2013 Oscar broadcast. This book includes moving words from Hamlisch's many celebrity friends during the memorial service held shortly after his death. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Marvin Hamlisch (1944-2012) was an award-winning American composer and conductor. Born in Manhattan to Viennese Jewish parents, Hamlisch was a child prodigy, and was admitted into the Juilliard School at the age of seven. He wrote his first Billboard Hot 100 song at the age of 21. Hamlisch wrote music for several early Woody Allen films, The Spy Who Loved Me, The Way We Were, and the original theme music for Good Morning America--among many other compositions. He also served as Principal Pops Conductor for the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, the San Diego Symphony, the Seattle Symphony, and several others. He is one of only a handful of people in the world to win an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony. He also won two Golden Globes and a Pulitzer Prize. Hamlisch was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award at the World Soundtrack Awards in 2009. Gerald C. Gardner is an author, scriptwriter, producer, and screenwriter. He is the author of 22 episodes of The Monkees and 11 episodes of Get Smart, several of which were nominated for Primetime Emmy Awards. He was also a senior writer for the series of live news satire broadcasts That Was the Week That Was. He is also the author of over 30 books.

The Way of All Flesh

by Samuel Butler

A semi-autobiographical novel that attacks Victorian era hypocrisy as it traces four generations of the Pontifex family. Butler dared not publish it during his lifetime, but when it was published, it was accepted as part of the general revulsion against Victorianism.

The Way of the Fight

by Georges St-Pierre

A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERFrom the world’s most popular UFC fighter, Georges “Rush” St. Pierre, comes a startlingly honest portrait of a fighter’s journey, highlighting the lessons that propelled his rise from bullying victim to internationally celebrated athlete and champion.There’s more to winning battles than fists and feetFor world-renowned professional fighter Georges St-Pierre, the greatest asset is not physical strength or athleticism—it’s a sense of purpose. From his beginnings as a small, mercilessly bullied child first discovering karate to his years as a struggling garbage collector who spent all his free time in the gym, his hard-fought rise in the sport of mixed martial arts, and his long, painful recovery from a career-threatening injury, Georges never lost sight of his ambition to become the greatest martial artist of all time. In The Way of the Fight, Georges for the first time reveals what propelled him not only to become a champion but to embrace obstacles as opportunities to build character.The Way of the Fight is an inspirational look into the mindset of a master. To Georges, all life is competition, and there’s no more perfect metaphor for competition than the life of a fighter. He explains the value of discipline, risk and even fear, with the wisdom of one who knows that nothing is assured—his next fight could always be his last. Drawing inspiration from fighting legends, Eastern philosophy and a trusted inner circle, The Way of the Fight is a powerful, life-changing guide to living with purpose and finding the way to accomplish your loftiest goals.

Wayne Barker: The Extraordinary Story of a Bare-Knuckle Boxer

by Bernard O'Mahoney

From Salford to St Louis, former professional boxer Wayne Barker fought every man who ever challenged him. In this brutally honest account of his eventful life, Wayne recounts how his parents left him in the care of the travelling community, where he learned to fight and journeyed throughout Britain and Ireland to take on opponents for cash.After being charged with attempting to murder a child killer, Wayne fled to America, where he found work in the gymnasiums of New York sparring with the likes of world champion Wilfred Benítez. His ability in the ring was noticed by promoter Bobby Gleason, whose gym had been graced by legendary boxers such as Jake LaMotta. Gleason set up a fight in Caracas between Wayne and former super middleweight world champion Fulgencio Obelmejias ('Fully Obel').Wayne’s past eventually caught up with him and he was deported to Britain, where he served time in prison. He returned to the streets to earn a living from bare-knuckle fighting, before becoming a trainer and running a gym. Cancer claimed his life in 2012.

We Were There: Revelations from the Dallas Doctors Who Attended to JFK on November 22, 1963

by Allen Childs

There are few days in American history so immortalized in public memory as November 22, 1963, the date of President John F. Kennedy's assassination. Adding to the wealth of information about this tragic day is We Were There, a truly unique collection of firsthand accounts from the doctors and staff on scene at the hospital where JFK was immediately taken after he was shot.With the help of his former fellow staff members at Parkland Memorial Hospital, Dr. Allen Childs recreates the horrific day, from the president's arrival in Dallas to the public announcement of his death. Childs presents a multifaceted and sentimental reflection on the day and its aftermath.In addition to detailing the sequence of events that transpired around JFK's death, We Were There offers memories of the First Lady, insights on conspiracy theories revolving around the president's assassination, and recollections of the death of Lee Harvey Oswald, who succumbed two days later in the same hospital where his own victim was pronounced dead.A compelling, emotional read, We Were There pays tribute to a critical event in American modern history--and to a man whose death was mourned like no other.

The Wealth of My Mother's Wisdom: The Lessons That Made My Life Rich

by Terrence J.

"It's amazing how much my mom did on my behalf. As a seventeen-year-old single mom with relatively little support and all the chips stacked against her, she was able to provide an incredible amount of support for me. Her lessons enriched my spirit, my emotions, and my relationship with God."When Lisa, a seventeen-year-old from Queens, New York, found out she was pregnant, she knew she only had one choice—to keep the child and give him the best life she could. That baby was Terrence Jenkins, better known to the world as Terrence J. From hosting gigs on BET's 106 and Park and E! News to roles in some of Hollywood's biggest movies, Terrence J is living a life he could have only imagined when he was a young boy. But it was the lessons he learned from his mother that helped make him a man—lessons about sacrifice, courage, loyalty, dreams, and perseverance. Through her words and her actions, Lisa showed Terrence the right path.From an early age Terrence's mother pushed him to succeed and led by example. Most important, she put her son first—even if it meant leaving behind the only life she had ever known in New York City in search of a safer environment for her son, having the drive to go back to school to learn a new skill, or having the courage to start her own business and build it from the ground up. Her drive eventually became Terrence's drive.Inspirational, funny, current, and down-to-earth, The Wealth of My Mother's Wisdom offers advice for a new generation. With stories, lessons, and advice from one of the top young names in Hollywood, along with input from some of his famous friends like Kevin Hart, Ludacris, T.I., Trey Songz, and Laz Alonso, Terrence J offers a positive, powerful message: with a strong family bond, the possibilities are endless.

Wear Your Dreams: My Life in Tattoos

by Ed Hardy Joel Selvin

The memoir of iconic tattoo artist Ed Hardy from his beginnings in 1960s California, to leading the tattoo renaissance and building his name into a hugely lucrative international brand"Ed Hardy" is emblazoned on everything from t-shirts and hats to perfumes and energy drinks. From LA to Japan, his colorful cross-and-bones designs and ribbon-banners have become internationally ubiquitous. But long before the fashion world discovered his iconic designs, the man behind the eponymous brand spearheaded nothing less than a cultural revolution.In Wear Your Dreams, Ed Hardy recounts his genesis as a tattoo artist and leader in the movement to recognize tattooing as a valid and rich art form, through to the ultimate transformation of his career into a multi-billion dollar branding empire. From giving colored pencil tattoos to neighborhood kids at age ten to working with legendary artists like Sailor Jerry to learning at the feet of the masters in Japan, the book explains how this Godfather of Tattoos fomented the explosion of tattoo art and how his influence can be witnessed on everyone, from countless celebs to ink-adorned rockers to butterfly-branded, stroller-pushing moms. With over fifty different product categories, the Ed Hardy brand generates over $700 million in retail sales annually. Vividly packaged with original Ed Hardy artwork and ideal for ink devotees and Ed Hardy aficionados alike, Wear Your Dreams is a never-before-seen look at the tattoo artist who rocked the art world and has left a permanent mark on fashion history.


by Jay Ponteri

Married writer Jay Ponteri finds himself infatuated with a woman other than his wife and writes a manuscript to explore his feelings. Discovery of this manuscript understandably strains his marriage. Wedlocked offers readers an intimate, idiosyncratic view of a human institution that can so often fail, leaving its inhabitants lonely and adrift. The narrator struggles with living deep inside his thoughts and dreams while yearning to be known and loved by either woman in his life. For many marrieds, attraction to people other than their spouses has long been a classic refrain, and even President Jimmy Carter famously admitted to Playboy, "I've looked on a lot of women with lust. I've committed adultery in my heart many times...The guy who's loyal to his wife ought not to be condescending or proud because of the relative degree of sinfulness." Ponteri lays bare his inner life and in doing so provides all of us in monogamous relationships rich material to consider.

Weeds: A Farm Daughter's Lament (American Lives)

by Evelyn I. Funda

In Thomas Jefferson&’s day, 90 percent of the population worked on family farms. Today, in a world dominated by agribusiness, less than 1 percent of Americans claim farm-related occupations. What was lost along the way is something that Evelyn I. Funda experienced firsthand when, in 2001, her parents sold the last parcel of the farm they had worked since they married in 1957. Against that landscape of loss, Funda explores her family&’s three-generation farming experience in southern Idaho, where her Czech immigrant family spent their lives turning a patch of sagebrush into crop land.The story of Funda&’s family unfolds within the larger context of our country&’s rich immigrant history, western culture, and farming as a science and an art. Situated at the crossroads of American farming, Weeds: A Farm Daughter&’s Lament offers a clear view of the nature, the cost, and the transformation of the American West. Part cultural history, part memoir, and part elegy, the book reminds us that in losing our attachment to the land we also lose some of our humanity and something at the very heart of our identity as a nation.

Weekends with Daisy: How a Very Special Puppy Changed My Life

by Sharron Kahn Luttrell

I'm half crazy, all for the love of you . . .Daisy is a mischievous ball of yellow fluff who enjoys chasing her tail and wrestling with her favourite toys. But life is not all treats and cuddles for the adorable Labrador puppy; Daisy is training to become a service dog and will one day become an invaluable companion to an adult or child with a disability.Little Daisy spends the weekdays with Keith, a prison inmate who is able to dedicate himself fully to her training. At the weekend she goes home with Sharron Luttrell, who introduces the happy-go-lucky pup to the chaos of family life. As Sharron begins to fall in love with Daisy, handing her back to Keith becomes increasingly painful. And as the end of Daisy's training programme approaches, Sharron wonders if she will ever be able let her go . . .

Weekends with Daisy

by Sharron Kahn Luttrell

Currently in development with CBS Films, this is the emotional and uplifting memoir of a woman who became a volunteer trainer for Daisy, a sweet yellow Lab puppy, and her unique relationship with the inmate who is Daisy's partner in the Prison PUP program.When Sharron Luttrell, a journalist still deeply mourning the loss of her family dog, found out about a weekend puppy raiser program for a service dog organization, she knew it was just she needed to help her move on. It seemed ideal; pick up a puppy on Friday, return it on Sunday night, get a new puppy each year. No strings attached. Well, it turns out that there were strings - and they tugged at her every Sunday evening when she had to return "her dog" to prison. This memoir chronicles Sharron's year co-parenting Daisy, a sweet lab puppy, with Keith, a convicted felon serving a decades-long sentence. As Sharron and Keith develop a rapport based on their brief weekend handovers (an exchange she describes as "divorced parents handing over the kids"), she begins to speculate about what the quiet, gentle Keith could have done to wind up in medium-security prison. When, through an accident of fate, Sharron finally discovers the crime Keith actually committed, she is shaken to her foundation. How can she continue to work with him, knowing what she does? But can she dismiss her personal experience with him, which has been nothing but kind? Ultimately, she looks to Daisy to pull her through--she must "think like a dog" and react in the present, not the past. Mindful of how much Daisy has taught her in a short time, Sharron can also see how much this special dog has helped Keith learn empathy, remorse, and to face the consequences of his actions. As the two of them work tirelessly to ensure that Daisy passes her final test and fulfills her destiny by becoming a service dog, Sharron tests the limits of her own strength, compassion, and capacity for love.

Welcome Home Mama and Boris

by Carey Neesley

Growing up in the well-heeled Detroit suburb of Grosse Pointe, Michigan, Carey Neesley always thought she and her younger brother, Peter, would never be separated. The children of divorced parents and outcasts in their neighborhood, Carey and Peter supported, loved, and encouraged each other when it seemed no one else cared. It was a bond that grew through the years, and one that made Peter's eventual decision to enlist in the Army all the more difficult for Carey. With Peter having stepped up to help her raise her young son, Carey was closer than ever to her brother, and the thought of him serving far from home was painful. While stationed in Iraq, Peter befriended a stray dog and her four puppies, only to watch three of the young pups die in the warzone. With only two surviving dogs--Mama and Boris--Peter became determined to save the strays. Carey helped her brother with his mission, but everything changed on Christmas Day in 2007 when word arrived at the Neesley household that Peter had been killed. Amidst the grief of coming to terms with her brother's death and the turmoil of trying to plan his funeral, Carey devoted herself to bringing Peter's dogs home to the U.S. It was the final honor she could pay to her brother and a way of keeping a piece of him with her. With the help of an unlikely network of heroes, including an animal rescue organization in Utah, a civilian airline, an Iraqi family, and a private security contractor with military connections, Mama and Boris mad the journey form the streets of Baghdad to Carey's suburban house.Carey's mission garnered widespread attention and requests from other soldiers for help in bringing home dogs they had become attached to on deployment, and she conti

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