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Turn the Ship Around!

by David Marquet

"Leadership should mean giving control rather than taking control and creating leaders rather than forging followers." David Marquet, an experienced Navy officer, was used to giving orders. As newly appointed captain of the USS Santa Fe, a nuclear-powered submarine, he was responsible for more than a hundred sailors, deep in the sea. In this high-stress environment, where there is no margin for error, it was crucial his men did their job and did it well. But the ship was dogged by poor morale, poor performance, and the worst retention in the fleet. Marquet acted like any other captain until, one day, he unknowingly gave an impossible order, and his crew tried to follow it anyway. When he asked why the order wasn't challenged, the answer was "Because you told me to." Marquet realized he was leading in a culture of followers, and they were all in danger unless they fundamentally changed the way they did things. That's when Marquet took matters into his own hands and pushed for leadership at every level. Turn the Ship Around! is the true story of how the Santa Fe skyrocketed from worst to first in the fleet by challenging the U.S. Navy's traditional leader-follower approach. Struggling against his own instincts to take control, he instead achieved the vastly more powerful model of giving control. Before long, each member of Marquet's crew became a leader and assumed responsibility for everything he did, from clerical tasks to crucial combat decisions. The crew became fully engaged, contributing their full intellectual capacity every day, and the Santa Fe started winning awards and promoting a highly disproportionate number of officers to submarine command. No matter your business or position, you can apply Marquet's radical guidelines to turn your own ship around. The payoff: a workplace where everyone around you is taking responsibility for their actions, where people are healthier and happier, where everyone is a leader.

Turn the Ship Around!: A True Story of Turning Followers into Leaders

by L. David Marquet Stephen R. Covey

Since Turn the Ship Around! was published in 2012, hundreds of thousands of readers have been inspired by former Navy captain David Marquet’s true story. Many have applied his insights to their own organizations, creating workplaces where everyone takes responsibility for his or her actions, where followers grow to become leaders, and where happier teams drive dramatically better results. Marquet was a Naval Academy graduate and an experienced officer when selected for submarine command. Trained to give orders in the traditional model of leadership, he faced a new wrinkle when he was shifted to the Santa Fe, a nuclear powered submarine, at the last minute. Facing the high-stress environment of a sub where there’s little margin for error, he was determined to reverse the trends he found: poor morale, poor performance, and the worst retention rate in the fleet, on board a submarine he didn't know. Almost immediately, Marquet ran into trouble when he unknowingly gave an impossible order, and his crew tried to follow it anyway. When he asked why the order wasn’t challenged, the answer was “Because you told me to.” Marquet realized that while he was trained for a different submarine, his crew had been trained to do what they were told -- a deadly combination.That’s when Marquet flipped the leadership model and pushed for leadership at every level. Turn the Ship Around! reveals how the Santa Fe skyrocketed from worst to first in the fleet by challenging the U.S. Navy’s traditional leader-follower approach. Struggling against his own instincts to take control, he instead achieved the vastly more powerful model of giving control to his subordinates. Before long, each member of Marquet’s crew became a leader and assumed responsibility for everything he did, from clerical tasks to crucial combat decisions. The crew became fully engaged, contributing their full intellectual capacity every day. The Santa Fe set records for performance, morale, and retention. Over the next decade, the officers of the Santa Fe were selected to become submarine commanders in highly disproportionate numbers. Whether you need a major change of course or just a tweak of the rudder, you can apply Marquet’s methods to turn your own ship around.

Olímpicos: Historias asombrosas y divertidas anécdotas sobre medallistas olímpicos

by Ramón Márquez C.

Historias asombrosas y divertidas anécdotas de héroes de carne y hueso sobre medallistas olímpicos Hace cerca de tres mil años una antorcha se encendió en Grecia para celebrar los juegos olímpicos en honor a Zeus, pero no fue hasta finales del siglo XIX que flameó en Atenas la llama de los primeros juegos de la era moderna. Desde entonces, atletas de todo el mundo han luchado por ganar el podio y muchos lo han conseguido. Son los medallistas olímpicos, protagonistas de historias asombrosas como Richard Norris y Cosmo Duff, dos supervivientes de la tragedia del Titanic, o Johnny Weissmuller, Herman Brix, Glenn Morris y Buster Crabbe, los cuatro tarzanes de Hollywood, un rey nórdico, un asesino y hasta un premio Nobel de la Paz.

El escándalo del siglo

by Gabriel García Márquez

Dejó muy claro Gabriel García Márquez que el periodismo siempre fue su principal pasión, la más perdurable y por la que quiso ser recordado: “No quiero que se me recuerde por Cien años de soledad, ni por el premio Nobel, sino por el periódico. [...] Nací periodista y hoy me siento más reportero que nunca. Lo llevo en la sangre, me tira”. Esta antología pretende ser la muestra más representativa de la tensión narrativa entre periodismo y literatura que recorrió toda su trayectoria como reportero. Cubriendo cuatro décadas, este delicioso viaje a través de medio centenar de textos muestra como “el mejor oficio del mundo” está en el corazón de la obra del premio Nobel colombiano. Con edición a cargo de Cristóbal Pera y prólogo de Jon Lee Anderson, este volumen contiene piezas tan indispensables como los reportajes escritos desde Roma sobre la muerte de una joven italiana, suceso que permitió al autor pintar un fresco incomparable de las élites políticas y artísticas del país en un marco de novela policiaca, crónicas sobre la vida tras el “telón de acero”, sobre la trata de blancas desde París hasta América Latina o apuntes sobre Fidel Castro o Pío XII. Encontramos también fragmentos tempranos en los que aparecen por primera vez las familias Buendía y Aracataca, junto con artículos que contemplan la política, la sociedad y la cultura bajo la luz sólida, profunda y experimentada de ese gran contador de historias que siempre será maestro de periodistas.

Noticia de un secuestro

by Gabriel García Márquez

¡Disponible por primera vez en eBook!La crónica de un secuestro real magistralmente retratado por Gabriel García Márquez. En 1990, temiendo la extradición a Estados Unidos, Pablo Escobar --cabecilla del cartel de Medellín-- secuestroì a diez conocidos colombianos para usarlos como moneda de cambio. Con el ojo de un poeta, Gabriel García Márquez describe la peligrosa prueba de los secuestrados y el increíble drama de las negociaciones para su liberación. También muestra el dolor de Colombia después de casi cuarenta años de revolución guerrillera, sicarios, crisis económica y narcodemocracia. Con intensidad cinematográfica, lenguaje impresionante y rigor periodístico, García Márquez evoca la enfermedad que afecta a su amado país y muestra coìmo penetra cada estrato social, desde el más humilde campesino hasta el mismo presidente.

Relato de un náufrago

by Gabriel García Márquez

¡Disponible por primera vez en eBook!El 28 de febrero de 1955 el destructor Caldas, que viajaba de Estados Unidos a Colombia, sufrió un accidente. Con la finalidad de rescatar a los náufragos, las fuerzas norteamericanas del canal de Panamá peinaron la zona cercana al siniestro. Después de cuatro días de búsqueda no encontraron ningún sobreviviente y se desistió de la búsqueda. Una semana más tarde apareció Luis Alejandro Velasco, quien después de pasar en las aguas del Caribe diez días a la deriva, logró llegar a tierra. Con este libro, Gabriel García Márquez se descubrió a sí mismo como un narrador. Sin embargo, la intención primera era la de escribir un reportaje sobre un hombre que estuvo diez días a la deriva en una balsa mecida por el mar Caribe. El futuro premio Nobel de literatura y entonces joven reportero que era García Márquez escuchó el relato de los hechos de boca de su protagonista, y lo transformó, tal vez sin pretenderlo, en un prodigioso ejercicio literario, una narración escueta y vigorosa donde late el pulso de un gran escritor. La publicación por entregas del reportaje en El espectador de Bogotá supuso un alboroto político considerable --se revelaba la existencia de contrabando ilegal en un buque de la Armada colombiana, lo que costó la vida de siete marineros y el naufragio, más afortunado, de Velasco-- y el exilio para su autor, que se vio abocado a una nueva vida.

Vivir para contarla

by Gabriel García Márquez

¡Disponible por primera vez en eBook!Pocos libros han despertado tanta expectación en todo el mundo como la autobiografía de Gabriel García Márquez, autor de Cien años de soledad y ganador del Premio Nobel de Literatura. En sus memorias, García Márquez nos habla de su infancia y primera juventud en Colombia, ofreciéndonos una crónica de los años que modelaron su imaginación y que, andando el tiempo, cristalizarían en algunos de los relatos y novelas más importantes del siglo XX. En sus páginas el lector se encontrará con episodios como el conmovedor retrato de sus abuelos, con quienes se crió en su aldea natal de Aracataca, o la descripción del asesinato de un candidato presidencial en Bogotá, del que fue testigo ocular. García Márquez da cuenta de las gentes, los lugares y los sucesos que le sirvieron de acicate como periodista y como narrador. Desbordante de humor y sabiduría, el autor se adentra por igual en los misterios de la escritura y de la vida, brindándonos un relato apasionante de la búsqueda de sus orígenes que despierta ecos de los mejores momentos de la prosa de su ficción. Además de un escrito de extraordinario mérito literario, Vivir para contarla constituye una guía indispensable para entender el resto de su obra.

Vivir para contarla

by Gabriel García Márquez

Las memorias de Gabriel García Márquez: un recorrido por los días de su infancia y juventud en los que se fundó el imaginario que se reflejaría después en sus obras. Vivir para contarla es, probablemente, el libro más esperado de la primera década del siglo, compendio y recreación de un tiempo crucial en la vida de Gabriel García Márquez. En este apasionante relato, el Nobel colombiano ofrece la memoria de sus años de infancia y juventud, aquellos en los que se fundaría el imaginario que, con el tiempo, daría lugar a algunos de los relatos y novelas fundamentales en la literatura en lengua española del siglo XX. Estamos ante la novela de una vida, a través de cuyas páginas García Márquez va descubriendo ecos de personajes e historias que han poblado obras como Cien años de soledad, El amor en los tiempos del cólera, El coronel no tiene quien le escriba o Crónica de una muerte anunciada y que convierten Vivir para contarla en una guía de lectura para toda su obra, en acompañante imprescindible para iluminar pasajes inolvidables que, tras la lectura de estas memorias, adquieren una nueva perspectiva. «Mi madre me pidió que la acompañara a vender la casa. Había llegado a Barranquilla esa mañana desde el pueblo distante donde vivía la familia y no tenía la menor idea de cómo encontrarme. Preguntando por aquí y por allá entre los conocidos, le indicaron que me buscara en la librería Mundo o en los cafés vecinos, donde iba dos veces al día a conversar con mis amigos escritores. El que se lo dijo le advirtió: "Vaya con cuidado porque son locos de remate". Llegó a las doce en punto. Se abrió paso con su andar ligero por entre las mesas de libros en exhibición, se me plantó enfrente, mirándome a los ojos con la sonrisa pícara de sus días mejores, y antes que yo pudiera reaccionar, me dijo: "Soy tu madre".» Carlos Fuentes dijo... «A los que un día le dirán: "Esto fuiste", "esto hiciste" o "esto imaginaste", Gabo se les adelanta y dice simplemente: soy, seré, imaginé. Esto recuerdo. Gracias por la memoria.»

The General in His Labyrinth

by Gabriel García Márquez Edith Grossman

Tale about Simon Bolivar, the general who dreamed of freeing South America from Spain.

News of a Kidnapping

by Gabriel García Márquez Edith Grossman

AVAILABLE FOR THE FIRST TIME IN eBOOK!In 1990, fearing extradition to the United States, Pablo Escobar - head of the Medellín drug cartel - kidnapped ten notable Colombians to use as bargaining chips. With the eye of a poet, García Márquez describes the survivors' perilous ordeal and the bizarre drama of the negotiations for their release. He also depicts the keening ache of Colombia after nearly forty years of rebel uprisings, right-wing death squads, currency collapse and narco-democracy. With cinematic intensity, breathtaking language and journalistic rigor, García Márquez evokes the sickness that inflicts his beloved country and how it penetrates every strata of society, from the lowliest peasant to the President himself.

The Story of a Shipwrecked Sailor

by Gabriel García Márquez Randolph Hogan

Translated by Randolf Hogan. In 1955, Garcia Marquez was working for El Espectador, a newspaper in Bogota, when in February of that year eight crew members of the Caldas, a Colombian destroyer, were washed overboard and disappeared. Ten days later one of them turned up, barely alive, on a deserted beach in northern Colombia. This book, which originally appeared as a series of newspaper articles, is Garcia Marquez's account of that sailor's ordeal.

El Rey Lucho cantaba boleros

by Pablo Márquez

Si existe un cantante que ha brillado con luces propias en la música popular chilena, sin duda es Lucho Gatica, dueño de un talento privilegiado y uno de los exponentes más aplaudidos del bolero a nivel mundial. Si existe un cantante que ha brillado con luces propias en la música popular chilena, sin duda es Lucho Gatica, dueño de un talento privilegiado y uno de los exponentes más aplaudidos del bolero a nivel mundial. Esta exhaustiva investigación del periodista Pablo Márquez abre las puertas de un sinfín de anécdotas y datos que permiten conocer la vida y obra de este rancagüino. Amigo, o por lo menos cómplice cercano de diversas personalidades como el comediante Mario Moreno «Cantinflas», Mario Vargas Llosa, Nat King Cole, Antonio Prieto (con quien siempre mantuvo una sabrosa rivalidad) y del mismísimo rey del rock, Elvis Presley, Gatica ha sido uno de los grandes embajadores de la música chilena en todo el mundo. Gran ídolo en México, América Latina y parte de Europa, este trabajo deja con signos de interrogación el porqué en Chile nunca tuvo el reconocimiento popular que merece. El rey Lucho cantaba boleros, suerte de ensayo y biografía, logra poner algo de justicia para quien ha sido, por lejos, el cantante más importante en la historia de nuestro país.

Wild by Nature: From Siberia to Australia, Three Years Alone in the Wilderness on Foot

by Sarah Marquis Stephanie Hellert

One woman 10,000 miles on foot 6 countries 8 pairs of hiking boots 3,000 cups of tea 1,000 days and nights "The only way to survive three years of walking was to embrace the moment of now."--from Wild by Nature Not since Cheryl Strayed gifted us with her adventure on the Pacific Crest Trail in her memoir, Wild, has there been such a powerful epic adventure by a woman alone. In Wild by Nature, National Geographic Explorer Sarah Marquis takes you on the trail of her ten-thousand-mile solo hike across the remote Gobi desert from Siberia to Thailand, at which point she was transported by boat to complete the hike at her favorite tree in Australia. Against nearly insurmountable odds and relying on hunting and her own wits, Sarah Marquis survived the Mafia, drug dealers, thieves on horseback who harassed her tent every night for weeks, temperatures from subzero to scorching, life-threatening wildlife, a dengue fever delirium in the Laos jungle, tropic ringworm in northern Thailand, dehydration, and a life-threatening abscess. This is an incredible story of adventure, human ingenuity, persistence, and resilience that shows firsthand what it is to adventure as a woman in the most dangerous of circumstance, what it is to be truly alone in the wild, and why someone would challenge themselves with an expedition others would call crazy. For Marquis, her story is about freedom, being alive and wild by nature.

Transient Apostle

by Timothy Luckritz Marquis

In a significant reevaluation of Paulâ TMs place in the early Christian story, Timothy Luckritz Marquis explores the theme of travel in the apostleâ TMs correspondence. He casts Paulâ TMs rhetorical strategies against the background of Augustusâ TMs age, when Romeâ TMs wealth depended on conquests abroad, the international commerce they facilitated, and the incursion of foreign customs and peoples they brought about. In so doing, Luckritz Marquis provides an explanation for how Paul created, maintained, and expanded his local communities in the larger, international Jesus movement and shows how Paul was a product of the material forces of his day.â œThis is the single most sophisticated book on Paul to be written within the paradigms of contemporary critical thought. By integrating its extensive, erudite, and compelling citations of the Greco-Roman world in which Paul was writing with post-colonial and post-Marxist thinking, it makes real progress in understanding Paulâ TMs letters.â ?â "Daniel Boyarin

If I Am Not For Myself: Journey of an Anti-Zionist Jew

by Mike Marqusee

If I Am Not For Myself is a passionate, thought-provoking exploration of what it means to be Jewish in the twenty-first century. It traces the author's upbringing in 1960s Jewish-American suburbia, his anti-war and pro-Palestinian activism on the British left, and life as a Jew among Muslims in Pakistan, Morocco, and Britain. Interwoven with this are the experiences of his grandfather's life in Jewish New York of the 1930s and 40s, his struggles with anti-Semitism and the twists and turns that led him from anti-fascism to militant Zionism. In the course of this deeply personal story, Marqusee refutes the claims of Israel and Zionism on Jewish loyalty and laments their impact on the Jewish diaspora. Rather, he argues for a richer, more multi-dimensional understanding of Jewish history and identity, and reclaims vital political and personal space for those castigated as "self-haters" by the Jewish establishment.

Redemption Song: Muhammad Ali and the Spirit of the Sixties

by Mike Marqusee

Shortlisted for the 1999 William Hill Sports Book of the Year Award and voted one of twenty-five "Books to Remember 2000" by the New York Public Library Is there a more characteristic figure of the sixties than Muhammad Ali--playful and political, popular and non-conformist, defiant and triumphant? In a unique new book, Mike Marqusee puts the great boxer back in his true historical context to explore a crucial moment at the cross-roads of popular culture and mass resistance. He traces Ali's interaction with the evolving black liberation and anti-war movements, including his brief but fascinating liaison with Malcolm X, as well as his encounters with Martin Luther King. Marqusee's elegant and forceful narrative explores the origins and impact of Ali's dramatic public stands on race and the draft, and reinterprets the "Rumble in the Jungle," shedding new light on its triumph and tragedy. Above all, he imbues Ali's story with a long-neglected international dimension, revealing why he was embraced with such warmth by diverse peoples across the globe. This timely antidote to the apolitical celebration of Ali as "a great American" revisits the man and the period with a fresh eye, casting new light on both his courage and his confusions. And, in a new afterword for this second edition, Marqusee reflects on Ali's legacy in the era of the "war on terror."From the Trade Paperback edition.

Wicked Messenger: Bob Dylan and the 1960s

by Mike Marqusee

Bob Dylan's abrupt abandonment of overtly political songwriting in the mid-1960s caused an uproar among critics and fans. In Wicked Messenger, acclaimed cultural-political commentator Mike Marqusee advances the new thesis that Dylan did not drop politics from his songs but changed the manner of his critique to address the changing political and cultural climate and, more importantly, his own evolving aesthetic. Wicked Messenger is also a riveting political history of the United States in the 1960s. Tracing the development of the decade's political and cultural dissent movements, Marqusee shows how their twists and turns were anticipated in the poetic aesthetic--anarchic, unaccountable, contradictory, punk-- of Dylan's mid-sixties albums, as well as in his recent artistic ventures in Chronicles, Vol. I and Masked and Anonymous. Dylan's anguished, self-obsessed, prickly artistic evolution, Marqusee asserts, was a deeply creative response to a deeply disturbing situation. "He can no longer tell the story straight," Marqusee concludes, "because any story told straight is a false one."

Tales from the Blast Factory: A Brain Injured Special Forces Green Beret's Journey Back From the Brink

by Andrew Marr Adam Marr

A veteran tells his story of suffering from traumatic brain injury—and finally finding relief. Former Green Beret Andrew Marr served multiple tours of duty in Afghanistan—incurring dozens of traumatic brain injuries. It just about destroyed him and his family, and almost cost him his life. After the military medical establishment repeatedly failed him, Marr called upon the initiative and determination that had served him as a warrior—and eventually triumphed with the help of an innovative doctor. As thousands of veterans, athletes, accident victims, and other TBI sufferers wallow in the wake of inadequate treatment—and in many tragic cases, turn to suicide—this book offers new hope and explains the science behind this very specific kind of healing, and why conventional protocols fail. “Takes us from the battlefields of Afghanistan to Andrew’s unrelenting battle to be whole again . . . a raw reminder that even in a brain injured state, the mind can clearly triumph.” —Joe Rogan

Aunt Epp's Guide for Life

by Elspeth Marr Christopher Rush

Engaging, frank and utterly delightful--the irresistible compilation of one forthright Victorian lady's opinions and sage advice on every conceivable subject.Adultery, bunions, evolution and garlic: these are just a few of the topics that Christopher Rush's great-great aunt Elspeth Marr expounded upon in a series of lifelong musings that were shockingly frank and progressive for her time. Born in 1871, Elspeth Marr was married but childless (perhaps by choice) and lived in the Kingdom of Fife, Scotland. Throughout her lifetime, she wrote copious letters and notes to an unnamed "young girl" about the nuts and bolts of life, as well as her views on more worldly matters. Never meant for publication, these notes languished in obscurity until Christopher Rush's mother discovered them in a small brown suitcase long after his great-great aunt Epp passed away. Sassy and opinionated, Aunt Epp was not afraid to voice her views and give her advice on topics ranging from adultery to wrinkles, God to genitals. In a time when mentioning such things would have been deemed unladylike and improper, Aunt Epp left nothing unsaid. Full of wit and erudition, not to mention homespun herbal remedies and witty verse, now Aunt Epp's timeless wisdom can be shared and enjoyed by everyone. Aches and Pains Make a marinade out of half a dozen big heads of garlic and a pint of brandy, and keep it to hand. Drink a teaspoon of this as soon as you wake and immediately after your quick cold bath. This is a good way to oil yourself into the day and is a great remedy for ancient or aching bones. Once you have gone the way of all the earth, your brandied and be-garlicked bones will do the earth a power of good, and you will be at peace together. Diaries Maintain a diary all your days. A diary is a doorway to a second life, running parallel to the one you live, and produces even a third life, for by recording the day's events, you preserve the days like berries. Golfers Never marry one. The golfer is extinct from his waist downwards and from his neck upwards, the main portion of him being concerned with placing his shot in the hole as fast as possible. Precision, not passion, characterises the golfer. A most uninteresting specimen, with a colossal lack of soul. Respect This is what you owe to the living: to the dead you owe only truth.

Set the Boy Free: The Autobiography

by Johnny Marr

The long-awaited memoir from the legendary guitarist and cofounder of the seminal British band The Smiths.An artist who helped define a period in popular culture, Johnny Marr tells his story in a memoir as vivid and arresting as his music. The Smiths, the band with the signature sound he cofounded, remains one of the most beloved bands ever, and have a profound influence on a number of acts that followed—from the Stone Roses, Suede, Blur, and Radiohead to Oasis, The Libertines, and Arctic Monkeys.Marr recalls his childhood growing up in the northern working-class city of Manchester, in a house filled with music. He takes us back to the summer of 1982 when, at eighteen, he sought out one Stephen Morrissey to form a new band they called The Smiths. Marr invites fans on stage, on the road, and in the studio for the five years The Smiths were together and how after a rapid ascent, the working-class teenage rock star enjoyed and battled with the perks of success until ideological differences, combined with his much publicized strained relationships with fellow band mates, caused him to leave in 1987. Marr’s “escape” as he calls it, ensured the beginning of the end for one of the most influential groups of a generation. But The Smiths’ end was only the beginning for Marr. The bona-fide guitar hero continues to experiment and evolve in his solo career to this day, playing with Paul McCartney, Pretenders, Modest Mouse, Oasis and collaborating today’s most creative and renowned artists. Rising above and beyond the personal struggles and bitter feuds, Marr delivers the story of his music and his band, sharing the real insights of a man who has made music his life, and finally giving fans what they’ve truly been waiting for.

Three Jumpers

by Michael Marr

The irreverent and mostly-true story of a would-be writer who became a stay-home father instead, and subsequently lost his mind when his wife deployed to the Desert one summer.

From Landfill to Hallowed Ground: The Largest Crime Scene in America

by Frank Marra Maria Bellia Abbate

An NYPD sergeant shares his experiences in the tragic aftermath of 9/11 and the tireless search for remains among the debris of the Twin Towers.The morning of September 11, 2001, began like any other Tuesday for police Sergeant Frank Marra. He woke up early, brewed his coffee, and got his son Anthony ready for kindergarten. Then a shocking image interrupted televised broadcasts nationwide: the South Tower of the World Trade Center was engulfed in flames and smoke. Sergeant Marra stared in shock at what would become the largest crime scene he would ever investigate.Marra spent months at the Staten Island Landfill, where the 1.6 million tons of debris was searched for any form of evidence that could help identify the victims, including the remains of those buried beneath. Officers and volunteers worked tirelessly, often at great cost to themselves, to bring closure for so many grieving families. This heartrending story gives readers a rare and intimate glimpse into the days and months following the attack on September 11, and the stories that echo from &“The Hill&”—the hallowed ground of those who perished on that fateful day.

El vacío no se llena

by Dani Marrero

¿Qué significa «El vacío no se llena»? Es la frase que pronunció Dani Marrero en redes tras regresar de su repentina ausencia. ¿Es un grito de socorro, o tal vez uno de victoria? Es la razón de su desaparición, del viaje de autoconocimiento que hace consigo mismo en estas mismas páginas. Con este libro, Dani nos abre su corazón y nos invita a conocer su historia, su infancia, su adolescencia. Con esta frase, Dani nos confiesa que lleva años luchando por su salud mental y tiende la mano a sus seguidores: no estáis solos, nos dice. Y esto es lo que ocurre cuando el vacío no se llena.

Cheating Death: Combat Rescues in Vietnam and Laos

by George J. Marrett

A gripping account of the US Air Force pilots who risked their lives rescuing thousands of downed pilots during covert missions in the Vietnam War. The colorful characters and daring rescues of downed pilots engaged in the Secret War in North Vietnam and Laos are vividly captured by one who was there, in some of the most exciting stories ever written about aerial combat. Sandy Marrett and his squadron colleagues flew some of the most dangerous air missions of the war as on-scene commanders, in charge of rescuing the scores of US Navy and Air Force pilots shot down over North Vietnam and Laos.A Main Selection of the Military Book Club &“A great read for everyone and a must book for all aviation enthusiasts.&” —C. E. &“Bud&” Anderson, World War II triple ace and author of To Fly and Fight &“&‘That others may live&’ was their motto and each of us who flew in that war knew should our luck run out they would be there. I cannot recount the times pilots were plucked out of enemy territory, or out of the jungle trees of Laos by those brave men whose call signs were Sandy and Jolly Green. Often they gave their own lives to save another. Greater love hath no man than that. To each of them I give my everlasting respect, admiration, and deep affection. Reach into your hearts as you read this book and understand the lengths to which men can love and support one another in the times of stress. It will make you just a bit prouder to be an American.&” —Robin Olds, retired general and triple ace

Commander in Chief: Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War

by Albert Marrin

Brings Lincoln to life by placing him in the context of his own personal background and the larger circumstances of the country's greatest conflict.

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