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Walt Disney (I Am #11)

by Ms. Grace Norwich

I am the creator of Mickey Mouse. I am Walt Disney.As a child, I had a wild imagination and a great curiosity. As I grew up, I used those qualities to become a cartoonist. Eventually, I turned these drawings into films and began my own animation business. One of my characters, Mickey Mouse, became so popular that movie theaters sold out and I won an Academy Award. After pursuing a career as a film producer, director, screenwriter, voice actor, entrepreneur and entertainer, I added developer to my resume when I created Disneyland amusement park. I became tremendously successful and beloved by children of all ages because of my belief that even the impossible is possible. I am Walt Disney.To this day, Walt Disney's characters remain some of the most recognizable images in the world. With books, TV shows, films, and amusement parks devoted to his creations, the Walt Disney name lives on. Learn all about this remarkable man's fascinating life in Scholastic's biography series, I AM.

A Volunteer Nurse on the Western Front: Memoirs from a WWI camp hospital

by Olive Dent

Starring Oona Chaplin as a V.A.D. (Voluntary Aid Detachment), and Suranne Jones and Hermione Norris as trained nurses, The Crimson Field is a gripping drama set in a tented hospital on the coast of France, where plucky real-life V.A.D. Olive Dent served two years of the Great War, and kept this extraordinarily vivid diary of day-to-day life – ever cheerful through the bitter cold, the chilblains, hunger and exhaustion. Resilient, courageous and resourceful, nurses, doctors and patients alike do their best to support each other. A Christmas fancy-dress ball, a concert performed by a stoic orchestra covered in bandages, church services held in a marquee and letters from Blighty all keep spirits up in camp, as wounded soldiers suffer terribly with quiet dignity on the makeshift wards, and nurses rush round tirelessly to make them as comfortable as possible.With original illustrations throughout by fellow V.A.D.s, Olive’s memoir is a fascinating period piece, a rare first-hand account of this little-known story, which will resonate very strongly with viewers of The Crimson Field.

The Fly Trap

by Fredrik Sjöberg

Fredrik Sjöberg's Swedish bestseller about summer, islands, freedom and boundaries.'The light, the warmth, the smells, the mist, the birdsong - the moths. Who can sleep? Who wants to?'Fredrik Sjöberg finds happiness in the little things. Millions of them, in fact. This beguiling bestseller is his unique meditation on collecting hoverflies. It is also about living on a remote Swedish island, blissful long summer nights, lost loves, unexpected treasures, art, nature, slowness, and how freedom can come from the things we least expect.'Full of charm, a book about how to find meaning in life' Melissa Harrison, The Times, Books of the Year'I often return to The Fly Trap, it remains close to my heart. The minute observations from nature that reveal sudden insights into one's life. Sometimes I almost think that he wrote it for me' Tomas Tranströmer, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature'Charming, witty and original' Patrick Barkham, Guardian 'Nature writing that can laugh at itself, a real tonic' Gregory Day, Sydney Morning Herald'Delightful, at once informative and often humorously digressive . . . a humane man of wide-ranging curiosity, Sjöberg writes with infectious passion' Paul Binding IndependentFredrik Sjöberg collects hoverflies on the island Runmarö, in the archipelago east of Stockholm. He is also a literary critic, translator, cultural columnist and the author of several books including The Art of Flight and The Raisin King, which form a trilogy with The Fly Trap.

The Pythons' Autobiography By The Pythons

by Graham Chapman (Estate) John Cleese Terry Gilliam Eric Idle Terry Jones Michael Palin Bob McCabe

This is the definitive, the official, the most lavish, the completely-different-to-anything-done-before Pythons' autobiography, reissued to coincide with the eagerly-anticipated live shows.Over forty years ago, a group of five Englishmen - and one wayward American - rewrote the rules of comedy. MONTY PYTHON'S FLYING CIRCUS, an unheralded, previously unseen half-hour show of sketches, hilarities, inanities and animations, first appeared on the BBC late one night in 1969. Its impact has been felt on the world ever since. From its humble beginnings, it blossomed into the most influential movement in modern comedy. THE PYTHONS' AUTOBIOGRAPHY BY THE PYTHONS is a unique look at arguably the most important comic team of the modern age, with 64 pages of photographs, many culled from the team's own personal collections, many more seen for the first time. This is the definitive word on all things Pythonesque.

The Forgotten Man Graphic Edition: A New History of the Great Depression

by Amity Shlaes

An illustrated edition of Amity Shlaes's bestseller The Forgotten Man, featuring vivid black-and-white illustrations that capture this dark period in American history and the men and women, from all walks of life, whose character and ideas helped them persevereIt's difficult today to imagine how America survived the Great Depression. Only through the stories of the common people who struggled during that era—the ones with rock-solid values that helped them through the toughest of times—can we really understand how the nation endured.These are the people at the heart of The Forgotten Man. This imaginative illustrated edition highlights one of the most devastating periods in our nation's history through the lives of American people, from politicians and workers to businessmen, farmers, and ordinary citizens. Smart and stylish black-and-white art from acclaimed illustrator Paul Rivoche provides an utterly original vision of the coexistence of despair and hope that characterized Depression-era America. Shlaes's narrative and Rivoche's art illuminate key economic concepts, showing how government intervention helped to make the Depression great by overlooking the men and women who were trying to help themselves.The Forgotten Man Graphic Edition captures the spirit of this crucial moment in American history and the steadfast character and ingenuity of those who lived it.

Lebron James (I Am #12)

by Ms. Grace Norwich

I am basketball's biggest superstar--I am LeBron James.LeBron James was the MVP of the 2013 basketball season and he is one of the best basketball players of all time. His accomplishments on and off the court will appeal to a wide audience-especially boys. He's the perfect person to lead with as the I AM series expands to include more current subjects.The updated I AM series features full-color illustrated covers, and a mix of photos and illustrations throughout the interiors. A timeline, an introduction to the people you'll meet in the book, maps, sidebars, and a top ten list of important things to know help young readers understand the text and align the series with Common Core State Standards.

Gunboat Command: The Biography of Lieutenant Commander Robert Hichens DSO* DSC** RNVR

by Antony Hichens

This biography draws heavily on the personal diaries of the subject, Robert Hichens (or Hitch as he was universally known).After a brief description of his early life, time at Oxford, his motor racing achievements (including trophies at Le Mans in his Aston Martin) and RN training, the book focuses on his exceptional wartime experiences. Hitch was the most highly decorated RNVR officer of the war with two DSOs, three DSCs and three Mentions in Despatches. He was recommended for a posthumous VC. We read of his early days in vulnerable minesweepers and the Dunkirk Dynamo operation, (his first DSC).In late 1940 he joined Coastal Forces serving in the very fast MGBs, soon earning his own command and shortly after command of his Flotilla. He was the first to capture an E-Boat. His successful leadership led to many more successes and his reputation as a fearless and dynamic leader remains a legend today.The book contains detailed and graphic accounts of running battles against the more heavily armed E-boats. Tragically he was killed in action in April 1943, having refused promotion and a job ashore.

Късче от рая

by Кръстина Стоенчева Cristiano Parafioriti

Галати Мамертино е малко планинско селце, сгушено сред полите на планината Неброди, от чиито стени блика история: и това е само една малка част от тази история, която "Късче от рая" ни кара да съпреживеем. Посредством двадесеттте разказа, изпъстрени с действителнигерои, опияняващи аромати и антични вкусове авторът обрисува една фреска от своята младост, като влага разумна доза фантазия и реалност. Докато четем страниците, можем да усетим слабия глас на Юга, приглушен от вцепенението, породено от примирението и тъгата, но и задъхващ се от любовта по едно отминало време, към една бедна и окървавана земя, изнемощяла и ранена от бича на бедността, неправдата и емиграцията, но винаги жива в спомените на хората, които са я напуснали. Именно този спомен засяда в душата и сякаш иска да образува емоционален свръхбагаж, който кипи и се разлива под формата на думи, мисли и образи за едно време, за един ден или за един миг, които са били изживени и които все още успяват да предизвикат вълнение.

الشافية في علم التصريف

by جمال الدين أبي عمرو عثمان بن عمر الدويني

كتاب "الشافية" لجمال الدين أبي عمرو عثمان الدويني في علم التصريف هو احد كتب علوم اللغة العربية

اعتراض الشرط على الشرط

by ابن هشام الأنصاري

يناقش ابن هشام في كتابه "اعتراض الشرط على الشرط" بعض المسائل اللغوية الهامة المتعلقة بمسألة اعتراض الشرط على الشرط

ديوان أبي الهدى الصيادي

by أبي الهدى الصيادي

محمد بن حسن وادي بن علي بن خزام الصيادي الرفاعي الحسيني، من علماء الدين البارزين في أواخر عهد الدولة العثمانية، حيث تولّى فيها منصب "شيخ مشايخ الدولة العثمانية له مؤلفات في العلوم الاسلامية و اخرى ادبية ومجال الشعر بشكل خاص

خزانة الأدب وغاية الأرب

by تقي الدين أبي بكر علي بن عبد الله الحموي الأزراري

الكتاب يتناول تاريخ الأدب في عصر المماليك ويعد لذلك من الكتب التي لا غنى عنها للباحثين في الأدب إذ ضمنه كثيراً من نماذج شعراء عصره وقدم تصويراً دقيقاً للحياة الأدبية آنذاك ولعل هذا الكتاب يعد من أبرز ما ألف .

100 Inventions That Changed the World (Popular Science)

by The Editors of Popular Science

From safety pins to steam engines to cell phones, the stories behind innovations that have transformed everyday lives. We take thousands of inventions for granted, using them daily and enjoying their benefits. But how much do we really know about their origins and development? This absorbing new book tells the stories behind the inventions that have changed the world, with details about: Convenience items, such as safety pins, toothbrushes, and bifocals Weapons of war, including explosives, gunpowder, and shrapnel shells Industrial advances, such as the steam engine and the power loom for weaving Transportation advances, including the airplane, the diesel engine, the automobile, and the air-inflated rubber tire Electronic marvels, including color television, the microprocessor, the personal computer, the compact disc, and the cell phone Medical advances, from antiseptic surgery to the electron microscope...and much more You&’ll also learn more about many inventors and pioneers of science and technology—including Eli Whitney, James Watt, Benjamin Franklin, Henry Bessemer, Thomas Edison, J.B. Dunlop, the Wright Brothers, Werner von Braun, Jonas Salk, J. Robert Oppenheimer, and others.

100 Pablo Picassos

by Duopress Labs Violet Lemay

Pablo Picasso is one of the most celebrated artists in the world, and this amusing book shows his life in a remarkably original way. By featuring 100 Pablo Picassos throughout the book, young readers will explore the artist life from his childhood, to his major contributions to modern art, and from his love for pets to his endless curiosity about life. The book also invites readers to count the Picassos all the way to a 100, adding an entertaining element to discover the life and work of the great Pablo Picasso.Guided Reading Level: N3


by Jay Winik

New York Times bestselling author Jay Winik brings to life in gripping detail the year 1944, which determined the outcome of World War II and put more pressure than any other on an ailing yet determined President Roosevelt.It was not inevitable that World War II would end as it did, or that it would even end well. 1944 was a year that could have stymied the Allies and cemented Hitler's waning power. Instead, it saved those democracies--but with a fateful cost. Now, in a superbly told story, Jay Winik, the acclaimed author of April 1865 and The Great Upheaval, captures the epic images and extraordinary history as never before. 1944 witnessed a series of titanic events: FDR at the pinnacle of his wartime leadership as well as his reelection, the planning of Operation Overlord with Churchill and Stalin, the unprecedented D-Day invasion, the liberation of Paris and the horrific Battle of the Bulge, and the tumultuous conferences that finally shaped the coming peace. But on the way, millions of more lives were still at stake as President Roosevelt was exposed to mounting evidence of the most grotesque crime in history, the Final Solution. Just as the Allies were landing in Normandy, the Nazis were accelerating the killing of millions of European Jews. Winik shows how escalating pressures fell on an all but dying Roosevelt, whose rapidly deteriorating health was a closely guarded secret. Here then, as with D-Day, was a momentous decision for the president. Was winning the war the best way to rescue the Jews? Was a rescue even possible? Or would it get in the way of defeating Hitler? In a year when even the most audacious undertakings were within the world's reach, including the liberation of Europe, one challenge--saving Europe's Jews--seemed to remain beyond Roosevelt's grasp. As he did so brilliantly in April 1865, Winik provides a stunningly fresh look at the twentieth century's most pivotal year. Magisterial, bold, and exquisitely rendered, 1944: FDR and the Year that Changed History is the first book to tell these events with such moral clarity and unprecedented sweep, and a moving appreciation of the extraordinary struggles of the era's outsized figures. 1944 is destined to take its place as one of the great works of World War II.

1960s Austin Gangsters: Organized Crime that Rocked the Capital (True Crime)

by Jesse Sublett

Timmy Overton of Austin and Jerry Ray James of Odessa were football stars who traded athletics for lives of crime. The original rebels without causes, nihilists with Cadillacs and Elvis hair, the Overton gang and their associates formed a ragtag white trash mafia that bedazzled Austin law enforcement for most of the 1960s. Tied into a loose network of crooked lawyers, pimps and used car dealers who became known as the "traveling criminals," they burglarized banks and ran smuggling and prostitution rings all over Texas. Author Jesse Sublett presents a detailed account of these Austin miscreants, who rose to folk hero status despite their violent criminal acts.

2/ Auckland, 1918;: Being A Partial Record Of The War Service In France Of The 2/ Auckland Regiment During The Great War [Illustrated Edition]

by Colonel Sir Stephen Shepherd Allen KBE CMG DSO

Includes the First World War Illustrations Pack - 73 battle plans and diagrams and 198 photosColonel Sir Stephen Allen recounts, with justified pride the history of the 2nd Battalion of the Auckland Regiment, 2/Auckland for short, during the last year of the war. The 2nd Battalion formed part of the New Zealand Division and had seen much action since arriving in France in 1916; at the Battles of the Somme, Fleubaix, Messines and at Third Ypres. However the signal services of the 2/Auckland in 1918 are fully deserving of this separate tome; during the German Spring Offensives they were thrown into the line to stem the enemy advance and were the first troops to make a morale raising counterattack at La Signy Farm. As the German Army started to crack in the summer of 1918, 2/Auckland where among the foremost pursuers; at Welsh Ridge, Le Quesnoy.

28 Days: Moments in Black History that Changed the World

by Shane W. Evans Charles R. Smith Jr.

Each day features a different influential figure in African-American history, from Crispus Attucks, the first man shot in the Boston Massacre, sparking the Revolutionary War, to Madame C. J. Walker, who after years of adversity became the wealthiest black woman in the country, as well as one of the wealthiest black Americans, to Barack Obama, the country's first African-American president. With powerful illustrations by Shane Evans, this is a completely unique look at the importance and influence of African Americans on the history of this country.

30 Lessons for Loving

by Karl Pillemer

From the author of the beloved 30 Lessons for Living Karl Pillemer's 30 Lessons for Living first became a hit and then became a classic. Readers loved the sage advice and great stories from extraordinary older Americans who shared what they wish they had known when they were starting out. Now, Pillemer returns with lessons on one of the mosttalked- about parts of that book--love, relationships, and marriage. Based on the most detailed survey of longmarried people ever conducted, 30 Lessons for Loving shows the way to lifelong, fulfilling relationships. The author, an internationally renowned gerontologist at Cornell University, offers sage advice from the oldest and wisest Americans on everything from finding a partner, to deciding to commit, to growing old together. Along the way, the book answers questions like these: How do you know if the person you love is the right one? What are the secrets for improving communication and reducing conflict? What gets you through the major stresses of marriage, such as child-rearing, work, money issues, and inlaws? From interviews with 700 elders, 30 Lessons for Loving offers unique wisdom that will enrich anyone's relationship life, from people searching for the right partner to those working to keep the spark alive after decades together. Filled with great stories, wise observations, and useful advice, 30 Lessons for Loving is destined to become another classic.

300 Sandwiches

by Stephanie Smith

"Honey, you are 300 sandwiches away from an engagement ring." When New York Post writer Stephanie Smith made a turkey and Swiss on white bread for her boyfriend, Eric (aka E), he took one bite and uttered those now-famous words. While her beau's declaration initially seemed unusual, even antiquated, Stephanie accepted the challenge and got to work. Little did she know she was about to cook up the sexiest and most controversial love story of her generation. 300 Sandwiches is the story of Stephanie and E's epic journey of bread and betrothal, with a whole loaf of recipes to boot. For Stephanie, a novice in the kitchen, making a sandwich--or even 300--for E wasn't just about getting a ring; it was her way of saying "I love you" while gaining confidence as a chef. It was about how many breakfast sandwiches they could eat together on future Sunday mornings, how many s'mores might follow family snowboarding trips, how many silly fights would end in makeup sandwiches. Suddenly, she saw a lifetime of happiness between those two slices of bread. Not everyone agreed. The media dubbed E "the Internet's Worst Boyfriend"; bloggers attacked the loving couple for setting back the cause of women's rights; opinions about their romance echoed from as far away as Japan. Soon, Stephanie found her cooking and her relationship under the harsh glare of the spotlight. From culinary twists on peanut butter and jelly to "Not Your Mother's Roast Beef" spicy French Dip to Chicken and Waffle BLTs, Stephanie shares the creations--including wraps, burritos, paninis, and burgers--that ultimately sated E's palate and won his heart. Part recipe book, part girl-meets-boy memoir, 300 Sandwiches teaches us that true love always wins out--one delicious bite at a time.


by Claudia Casanova George W. Bush

Nunca desde los tiempos de John Quincy Adams y John Adams en la Casa Blanca hace 190 años han sido padre e hijo presidentes de los Estados Unidos. En 41: un retrato de mi padre, George W. Bush el presidente número 43, nos guía a lo largo de la vida y el liderazgo de su padre, George H.W. Bush, el presidente número 41. Íntimo y conmovedor, 41 es un libro que solo un hijo --y también presidente-- podía escribir. La vida de George H.W. Bush es una gran historia americana. A raíz del ataque a Pearl Harbor y contra los deseos de su padre, pospuso sus estudios para pilotar en las fuerzas armadas durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Tras varias misiones en el Pacífico, regreso a Estados Unidos donde se casó con Barbara Pierce, la mujer que tanta influencia tendría sobre padre e hijo. Tras una exitosa carrera en Wall Street, su espíritu aventurero hizo que la joven familia se trasladara a Texas. Recordando su niñez en Midland, Texas, George W. Bush explora como su padre desarrolló su instinto, su capacidad para las relaciones personales, y su habilidad para arriesgar al tiempo que triunfaba en el mundo del petróleo primero y en política después. George W. Bush describe las extraordinarias tres décadas de su padre en la política --en el Congreso primero, más tarde como embajador, director de la CIA, vicepresidente bajo Ronald Reagan y finalmente presidente de los Estados Unidos en 1988. Pero más que una biografía, 41 nos ofrece las lecciones que un hijo aprendió del hombre al que admira y adora. George W. Bush reflexiona sobre la influencia que su padre tuvo en su vida tanto personal como política, y revela como el apoyo constante y silencioso de su padre lo ayudó en los momentos más difíciles. George H.W. Bush fue uno de los políticos más influyentes norteamericano del siglo XX, y uno de los hombres de estado más queridos del siglo XXI. 41 es un emotivo tributo a un inspirador padre y a un gran estadounidense.


by George W. Bush

Nunca desde los tiempos de John Quincy Adams y John Adams en la Casa Blanca hace 190 años han sido padre e hijo presidentes de los Estados Unidos. En 41: un retrato de mi padre, George W. Bush el presidente número 43, nos guía a lo largo de la vida y el liderazgo de su padre, George H.W. Bush, el presidente número 41. Íntimo y conmovedor, 41 es un libro que solo un hijo y también presidente podía escribir. La vida de George H.W. Bush es una gran historia americana. A raíz del ataque a Pearl Harbor y contra los deseos de su padre, pospuso sus estudios para pilotar en las fuerzas armadas durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Tras varias misiones en el Pacífico, regreso a Estados Unidos donde se casó con Barbara Pierce, la mujer que tanta influencia tendría sobre padre e hijo. Tras una exitosa carrera en Wall Street, su espíritu aventurero hizo que la joven familia se trasladara a Texas. Recordando su niñez en Midland, Texas, George W. Bush explora como su padre desarrolló su instinto, su capacidad para las relaciones personales, y su habilidad para arriesgar al tiempo que triunfaba en el mundo del petróleo primero y en política después. George W. Bush describe las extraordinarias tres décadas de su padre en la política en el Congreso primero, más tarde como embajador, director de la CIA, vicepresidente bajo Ronald Reagan y finalmente presidente de los Estados Unidos en 1988. Pero más que una biografía, 41 nos ofrece las lecciones que un hijo aprendió del hombre al que admira y adora. George W. Bush reflexiona sobre la influencia que su padre tuvo en su vida tanto personal como política, y revela como el apoyo constante y silencioso de su padre lo ayudó en los momentos más difíciles. George H.W. Bush fue uno de los políticos más influyentes norteamericano del siglo XX, y uno de los hombres de estado más queridos del siglo XXI. 41 es un emotivo tributo a un inspirador padre y a un gran estadounidense.

438 Days: An Extraordinary True Story of Survival at Sea

by Jonathan Franklin

"The best survival book in a decade" (Outside magazine), 438 Days is the true story of the fisherman who survived fourteen months in a small boat drifting seven thousand miles across the Pacific Ocean.On November 17, 2012, a pair of fishermen left the coast of Mexico for a weekend fishing trip in the open Pacific. That night, a violent storm ambushed them as they were fishing eighty miles offshore. As gale force winds and ten-foot waves pummeled their small, open boat from all sides and nearly capsized them, captain Salvador Alvarenga and his crewmate cut away a two-mile-long fishing line and began a desperate dash through crashing waves as they sought the safety of port. Fourteen months later, on January 30, 2014, Alvarenga, now a hairy, wild-bearded and half-mad castaway, washed ashore on a nearly deserted island on the far side of the Pacific. He could barely speak and was unable to walk. He claimed to have drifted from Mexico, a journey of some seven thousand miles. 438 Days is the first-ever account of one of the most amazing survival stories in modern times. Based on dozens of hours of exclusive interviews with Alvarenga, his colleagues, search-and-rescue officials, the remote islanders who found him, and the medical team that saved his life, 438 Days is an unforgettable study of the resilience, will, ingenuity and determination required for one man to survive more than a year lost and adrift at sea.

44 Chapters About 4 Men

by BB Easton

One woman's secret journal completely changes her marriage in this hilarious and biting memoir -- soon to be a Netflix Original Series.School psychologists aren't supposed to write books about sex. Doing so would be considered "unethical" and "a fireable offense." Lucky for you, ethics was never my strong suit.44 Chapters About 4 Men is a laugh-out-loud funny and brutally honest look at female sexuality, as told through the razor-sharp lens of domesticated bad girl BB Easton. No one and nothing is off limits as BB revisits the ex-boyfriends -- a sadistic tattoo artist, a punk rock parolee, and a heavy metal bass player -- that led her to finally find true love with a straight-laced, settling down and starting a family with her perfectly vanilla "husbot," Ken, BB finds herself longing for the reckless passion she had in her youth. She begins to write about these escapades in a secret journal, just for fun, but when Ken starts to act out the words on the pages, BB realizes that she might have stumbled upon the holy grail of behavior modification techniques. The psychological dance that ensues is nothing short of hilarious as BB wields her journal like a blowtorch, trying to light a fire under her cold, distant partner. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but in the end, BB learns that the man she was trying so hard to change was perfect for her all along.

5 Seconds of Summer Book of Stuff

by 5 Seconds of Summer

To the very raucous 5SOSfam--wanna find out what the band's been up to over the last year? <P><P>Jam-packed with their own photos, anecdotes of life on and off the road, and much more, the only official 5 Seconds of Summer book out this year means now you can . . .Luke, Michael, Calum, and Ash are having a mad year: a world tour, writing their new album, signing up their first band on their own record label, breaking the internet--it's been eventful to say the least. The good news is they want to share it all with you!This book is a special thanks for (officially) being the best fan army around!

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