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The Boy Grows Up: The inspirational story of his journey from broken boy to family man

by Richard McCann

Richard McCann's account of his childhood became a massive UK bestseller. In it he told the harrowing story of how he and his sisters were left motherless when the Yorkshire Ripper killed his first victim, Richard's mother Wilma McCann. Just A Boy was praised for its unflinching and unself-pitying account of a neglected childhood at the hands of an abusive father and uncaring authorities. The Boy Grows Up is an account of how Richard used the success of Just A Boy to try and save his sister, and of his attempts to make sense of his past whilst learning more about the effects of traumatic childhoods and loss.

Just A Boy: The True Story Of A Stolen Childhood

by Richard McCann

One October night in 1975 Richard, aged five, was alone in the house with his three sisters. It was 3am and their mother hadn't come home yet. Next morning, the police arrived to take the children away. Their mother had become the first victim of a serial killer soon to become known as the 'Yorkshire Ripper'. Passed from one violent home to another, the children were forgotten by all except the press. As the salacious headlines multiplied, Richard and his sisters were never able to recover from their mother's murder. Whilst Richard tried to handle the terror of his violent upbringing, his sister struggled to deal with memories of sexual abuse. Without love or support they spiralled away from help or happiness. Then one day Richard McCann, having reached suicidal rock bottom, decided no one was going to rescue their lives but him. It was the beginning of an inspirational transformation. Now he is able to tell the story of how the forgotten children of violence suffer, and how they can heal. A heartbreaking, uplifting story of survival and hope.

The Believer: How an Introvert with a Passion for Religion and Soccer Became Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, Leader of the Islamic State (The Brookings Essay)

by William Mccants

In The Believer, Will McCants tells the story of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State (a. k. a. ISIS), a group so brutal and hardline that even al-Qaida deemed them too extreme. Baghdadi, an introverted religious scholar, with a passion for soccer, now controls large swaths of land in Iraq and Syria. McCants shows how Baghdadi became radicalized in the Saddam Hussein era and found his path to power after connecting with other radicals in an American prison during the Iraq War, culminating in his declaration of a reborn Islamic empire bent on world conquest.

Cardboard Ocean

by Mike Mccardell

Bestselling author and TV personality Mike McCardell, known for his humorous and touching portraits of ordinary BC lives, turns a new page and crafts a bittersweet memoir of his own hardscrabble childhood in New York City.Written with all the warmth and ironic humour his fans have come to know and love, Cardboard Ocean is an affectionate evocation of a childhood in a rough setting, but with the thrills, chills and loves that will be familiar to anyone who was ever young. McCardell was raised by a working mother in the borough of Queens where even the grade schoolers ran in gangs, fiercely protecting their turf from intrusion by the tykes a few blocks away. The prized possession of "Mickey" McCardell's kiddie gang was an ice cream factory disposal yard piled high with waste cardboard. This was their "ocean" into which they would dive and "swim" in search of cast-off ice-cream sandwich wafers. None of them had ever swum in real water or seen the real ocean although it was only a subway ride away.All conversation, radio broadcasts and even attempts to sing the "Star Spangled Banner" were drowned out every few minutes by the thunder of a passing El train, Jackie Robinson was everyone's hero and even sworn enemies joined forces to cheer the Brooklyn Dodgers in their futile battle with the hated Yankees. Full of stickball, street fights, truancy and trouble, Cardboard Ocean captures a way of life where fun and danger were real rather than digitized.McCardell's unmistakable voice, unflagging humour and knack for finding magic in everyday life will thoroughly satisfy his devoted fans and charm those discovering him for the first time. In terms of sustained storytelling, Cardboard Ocean may be his best book yet.

Unlikely Love Stories

by Mike Mccardell

These are stories of the defender of a handicapped parking spot, a woman who has delivered homemade Valentine cards to neighbours for twenty years, and love between a widower and a woman who had never been on a date before. They are the stories that never make front page headlines, but that Mike, with his keen eye for observation, reveals to be just as meaningful and important.With a rare gift for bringing out the magic in everyday situations, Mike turns the spotlight on all the little, seemingly insignificant things that make life fascinating. His touching stories resonate with simple truths about people and the world that we live in. Readers will laugh and cry as Mike's infectiously positive outlook exposes how life is good, no matter what you have. As much as his good-news TV reports have become a BC institution, his annual collections have become a Christmas tradition. With close to 70,000 copies sold, the books have contributed over $80,000 to Variety-The Children's Charity.

Dear Malala, We Stand with You

by Rosemary Mccarney

An inspiring letter to Malala Yousafzai, winner of the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize, that is both a show of support and a call to action for girls around the world. Malala became the youngest person to win the Nobel Peace Prize after she survived being shot in the head by the Taliban for speaking out in favor of a girl's right to an education. She survived this brutal attack and has emerged as a very powerful voice for social justice in the world. Dear Malala, We Stand with You captures the impact Malala has had on girls from all walks of life. In powerfully simple language and stunning photographs, the struggles from poverty and violence faced by girls everywhere become a catalyst for change. The book includes an excerpt from Malala's UN speech and provides readers with ways they can help and participate. Malala's bravery has shown that one person and one voice is enough to change the world. As UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said, the terrorists are most afraid of "the girl with a book." Author Rosemary McCarney has over 20 years of international development work and runs the Canadian operations of Plan International as President and CEO.From the Hardcover edition.

Out of Control: How My Addiction Almost Killed Me

by Cathal Mccarron Christy O'Connor

Cathal McCarron is a Tyrone footballer, talented enough to be nominated for an All-Star twice in the last three years. However, he hid a dark secret for years, a gambling addiction which almost destroyed him. While effectively on the run in London in 2013, his life had spiralled so viciously out of control that he ended up having sex with a man for a gay porn website. After getting paid, he walked across the road and gambled half his earnings in a betting shop. When footage subsequently leaked, McCarron could no longer hide his terrible secret, and keep running from his troubled past. He slowly began the long road back to rehabilitation. After a year out of the inter-county game with Tyrone in 2014, McCarron made a remarkable recovery in 2015, ending the season with an All-Star nomination. His story is a remarkable tale of the hidden demons that often visit and terrorise inter-county players. It also underlines the pressures and expectations so often taken for granted with amateur players. McCarron recalls his journey with searing honesty, from the depths of depression and to the edge of suicide to path taken back to recovery and rehabilitation. He is now studying to be a counsellor, aiming to help people rid themselves of the demons that once almost destroyed his life. The edge to the book is added with McCarron still an active inter-county player. His journey will also take you inside the dressing room of a team with serious ambitions of winning another All-Ireland title. McCarron's story is unlike any other written by a GAA player before.

Room to Grow: An Appetite for Life

by Julie McCarron Tracey Gold

Tracey Gold was well known to television audiences in the 1980s and ‘ 90s as the wholesome teenage sister on the long-running series Growing Pains. She co-starred for eight years alongside Kirk Cameron as brainy sister Carol Seaver in a picture-perfect American family. A working actress since the age of 4, she was a pretty and professional young star with a limitless future. But behind the smiles, Tracey was fighting the battle of her life. Photos of the shockingly thin Tracey faced readers from the cover of People magazine, revealing her struggle with an eating disorder that had plagued her for years. In this candid memoir, the actress recounts her offscreen troubles that viewers were unaware of at the time. Room to Grow is a moving account of a trip to hell and back. It is a journey of self-discovery and a chronicle of the very difficult lessons Tracey learned about coping in a society where emaciation is the ultimate ideal.

Dois Papas

by Anthony McCarten

A 28 de Fevereiro de 2013, um acontecimento deixou o mundo em suspenso. Uma narrativa apaixonante sobre dois dos homens mais influentes do mundo, a verdadeira história na origem do filme O Papa, protagonizado por Anthony Hopkins e Jonathan Pryce, em breve nos cinemas. A 28 de Fevereiro de 2013, quebrou-se uma tradição com mais de setecentos anos na Igreja católica: o conservador papa Bento XVI anunciou que ia abdicar. O colégio dos cardeais reuniu-se de imediato na Capela Sistina para eleger um sucessor, e daí saiu uma escolha improvável: ao ultraconservador Joseph Ratzinger sucedia o moderado Francisco, o primeiro papa não europeu em mil e duzentos anos de História. Antigo segurança num clube de tango e um apaixonado por futebol, Jorge Mario Bergoglio era um homem comum, do povo. Porque terá o papa mais tradicional da era moderna promovido a maior das rupturas? Comopôde Joseph Ratzinger, ultraconservador, protector da fé e guardião da doutrina, abandonar o seu legado às mãos do radical Jorge Mario Bergoglio, um homem de personalidade e convicções tão completamente diversas das suas? Pela primeira vez na história recente da Igreja, esta debate-se com a existência de dois papas vivos, que partilham o mesmo tecto, ambos senhores de uma tremenda e inalienável autoridade. Anthony McCarten, argumentista premiado de A Teoria de Tudo e A Hora Mais Negra, traz-nos a biografia de dois homens profundamente diferentes, protagonistas de uma das maiores transferências de poder de sempre. Das experiências de guerra nos anos de juventude - quando eram ainda, apenas, Joseph e Jorge - aos escândalos de abusos sexuais que continuam a abalar as fundações da Igreja, passando pelos episódios mais mundanos do dia-a-dia no Vaticano, este livro lança luz sobre os pormenores mais obscuros da vida no interior de uma das instituições mais poderosas, e também mais opacas, do mundo.

The Pope: Francis, Benedict, and the Decision That Shook the World

by Anthony McCarten

From the Academy Award-nominated screenwriter of The Theory of Everything and Darkest Hour comes the fascinating and revealing tale of an unprecedented transfer of power, and of two very different men - who both happen to live in the Vatican. SOON TO BE A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE STARRING ANTHONY HOPKINS AND JONATHAN PRYCE. In February 2013, the arch-conservative Pope Benedict XVI made a startling announcement: he would resign, making him the first pope to willingly vacate his office in over 700 years. Reeling from the news, the College of Cardinals rushed to Rome to congregate in the Sistine Chapel to pick his successor. Their unlikely choice? Francis, the first non-European pope in 1,200 years, a one time tango club bouncer, a passionate soccer fan, a man with the common touch.Why did Benedict walk away at the height of power, knowing his successor might be someone whose views might undo his legacy? How did Francis - who used to ride the bus to work back in his native Buenos Aires - adjust to life as leader to a billion followers? If, as the Church teaches, the pope is infallible, how can two living popes who disagree on almost everything both be right? Having immersed himself in these men's lives to write the screenplay for the upcoming motion picture The Pope, Anthony McCarten masterfully weaves their stories into one gripping narrative. From Benedict and Francis's formative experiences in war-torn Germany and Argentina to the sexual abuse scandal that continues to rock the Church to its foundations to the intrigue and the occasional comedy of life in the Vatican, The Pope glitters with the darker and the lighter details of one of the world's most opaque but significant institutions.

Warren and Bill: Gates, Buffett, and the Friendship That Changed the World

by Anthony McCarten

From the Academy Award-nominated screenwriter of The Theory of Everything, Darkest Hour, and The Two Popes comes the fascinating account of Bill Gates and Warren Buffett’s friendship—one of the most impactful relationships in history, and the basis of an upcoming play and film.Few friendships have had such far-reaching implications for the world—from finance to technology to philanthropy—than that between Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. After meeting at a party in 1991, the two played cards and golf, shared jokes, swapped trade secrets, ate junk food, talked and listened. Their growing friendship would impact each man and lead to change on a grander scale, culminating in the development of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which holds nearly $50 billion in assets.How did such an unusual union blossom? In what ways specifically did each man begin to influence the other? How did these two avid wealth accumulators jointly decide to address some of the world’s most critical problems—poverty, disease, inequality—by giving their wealth away? And what, finally, does their giga-wealthy partnership mean for the rest of us in an age of great wealth—and great inequality? This book gives the fullest account yet of this extraordinary relationship and explores how it has transformed these two men—and is changing the world for the better for all of us.

Young Radicals: In the War for American Ideals

by Jeremy Mccarter

From the co-author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Hamilton: The Revolution, the stunning story of five American radicals fighting for their ideals as the country goes mad around them. Where do we find our ideals? What does it mean to live for them—and to risk dying for them? For Americans during World War I, these weren’t abstract questions. Young Radicals tells the story of five activists, intellectuals and troublemakers who agitated for freedom and equality in the hopeful years before the war, then fought to defend those values in a country pitching into violence and chaos. Based on six years of extensive archival research, Jeremy McCarter’s dramatic narrative brings to life the exploits of Randolph Bourne, the bold social critic who strove for a dream of America that was decades ahead of its time; Max Eastman, the charismatic poet-propagandist of Greenwich Village, whose magazine The Masses fought the government for the right to oppose the war; Walter Lippmann, a boy wonder of socialism who forged a new path to seize new opportunities; Alice Paul, a suffragist leader who risked everything to win women the right to vote; and John Reed, the swashbuckling journalist and impresario who was an eyewitness to—and a key player in—the Russian Revolution. Each of these figures sensed a moment of unprecedented promise for American life—politically, socially, culturally—and struggled to bring it about, only to see a cataclysmic war and reactionary fervor sweep it away. A century later, we are still fighting for the ideals these five championed: peace, women’s rights, economic equality, freedom of speech—all aspects of a vibrant American democracy. The story of their struggles brings new light and fresh inspiration to our own.

BRAT: An '80s Story

by Andrew McCarthy

Fans of Patti Smith's Just Kids and Rob Lowe's Stories I Only Tell My Friends will love this beautifully written, entertaining and bracingly honest memoir by an actor, director and author who found his start as a 1980s Hollywood Brat pack member. Most people know Andrew McCarthy from his roles in movies like Pretty in Pink and St Elmo's Fire, and as a charter member of Hollywood's Brat Pack. That iconic group of ingenues and heart throbs, including Rob Lowe, Molly Ringwald, Emilio Estevez and Demi Moore, has come to represent both a genre of film and an era of pop culture. In Brat, McCarthy focuses his gaze on that singular moment in time and the most defining moments of his youth. The result is a revealing look at coming of age in a maelstrom, reckoning with conflicted ambition, innocence, addiction and expectations of masculinity. New York City of the 1980s is brought to vivid life, from scoring joints in Washington Square Park to skipping school in favour of the dark revival houses of the Village where he fell in love with the movies that would change his life. Brat is at once an exclusive window into a defining period of pop-culture history and a surprising, intimate story of an outsider caught up in a most unwitting success. &‘Wit, wisdom, and a depth of honesty that resonates to your core&’ Demi Moore &‘Explores masculinity, success, the dangers of fame, ambition and cigarettes in an elegant and humorous coming of age story&’ Candace Bushnell &‘Absorbing, thoughtful, and sometimes painfully honest … a fascinating read&’ Jay McInerney &‘A riveting portrait of the artist as a young man&’ Publishers Weekly

Brat: An '80s Story

by Andrew McCarthy

Fans of Patti Smith's Just Kids and Rob Lowe's Stories I Only Tell My Friends will love this beautifully written, entertaining, and emotionally honest memoir by an actor, director, and author who found his start as an 80s Brat pack member -- the inspiration for the Hulu documentary Brats, written and directed by Andrew McCarthy. Most people know Andrew McCarthy from his movie roles in Pretty in Pink, St. Elmo's Fire, Weekend at Bernie's, and Less than Zero, and as a charter member of Hollywood's Brat Pack. That iconic group of ingenues and heartthrobs included Rob Lowe, Molly Ringwald, Emilio Estevez, and Demi Moore, and has come to represent both a genre of film and an era of pop culture. In his memoir Brat: An '80s Story, McCarthy focuses his gaze on that singular moment in time. The result is a revealing look at coming of age in a maelstrom, reckoning with conflicted ambition, innocence, addiction, and masculinity. New York City of the 1980s is brought to vivid life in these pages, from scoring loose joints in Washington Square Park to skipping school in favor of the dark revival houses of the Village where he fell in love with the movies that would change his life. Filled with personal revelations of innocence lost to heady days in Hollywood with John Hughes and an iconic cast of characters, Brat is a surprising and intimate story of an outsider caught up in a most unwitting success.

The Longest Way Home: One Man's Quest for the Courage to Settle Down

by Andrew Mccarthy

WITH AN IRREPRESSIBLE TASTE for adventure, candor, and a vivid sense of place, award-winning travel writer and actor Andrew McCarthy takes us on a deeply personal journey played out amid some of the world's most evocative locales. Unable to commit to his fiancÉe of nearly four years--and with no clear understanding of what's holding him back--Andrew McCarthy finds himself at a crossroads, plagued by doubts that have clung to him for a lifetime. Something in his character has kept him always at a distance, preventing him from giving himself wholeheartedly to the woman he loves and from becoming the father that he knows his children deserve. So before he loses everything he cares about, Andrew sets out to look for answers. Hobbling up the treacherous slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro, dodging gregarious passengers aboard an Amazonian riverboat, and trudging through dense Costa Rican rain forests--Andrew takes us on exotic trips to some of the world's most beautiful places, but his real journey is one of the spirit. On his soul-searching voyages, Andrew traces the path from his New Jersey roots, where acting saved his life--and early fame almost took it away--to his transformation into a leading travel writer. He faces the real costs of his early success and lays bare the evolving nature of his relationships with women. He explores a strained bond with his father, and how this complex dynamic shapes his own identity as a parent. Andrew charts his journey from ambivalence to confidence, from infidelity and recklessness to acceptance and a deeper understanding of the internal conflicts of his life. A gifted writer with an unsparing eye, Andrew relishes bizarre encounters with the characters whom he encounters, allowing them to challenge him in unexpected ways. He gets into peculiar, even dangerous situations that put him to the test--with mixed results. Disarmingly likable, Andrew is open, honest, and authentic on every page, and what emerges is an intimate memoir of self-discovery and an unforgettable love song to the woman who would be his wife.

Walking with Sam: A Father, a Son, and Five Hundred Miles Across Spain

by Andrew McCarthy

AN INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER A BARNES & NOBLE BEST BOOK OF 2023 A TOWN & COUNTRY BEST CELEBRITY MEMOIR OF 2023 An intimate, funny, and poignant travel memoir following New York Times bestselling author and actor Andrew McCarthy as he walks the Camino de Santiago with his son Sam. When Andrew McCarthy's eldest son began to take his first steps into adulthood, McCarthy found himself wishing time would slow down. Looking to create a more meaningful connection with Sam before he fled the nest, as well as recreate his own life-altering journey decades before, McCarthy decided the two of them should set out on a trek like few others: 500 miles across Spain's Camino de Santiago. Over the course of the journey, the pair traversed an unforgiving landscape, having more honest conversations in five weeks than they'd had in the preceding two decades. Discussions of divorce, the trauma of school, McCarthy's difficult relationship with his own father, fame, and Flaming Hot Cheetos threatened to either derail their relationship or cement it. Walking With Sam captures this intimate, candid and hopeful expedition as the father son duo travel across the country and towards one another.

Journeys Home

by Andrew Mccarthy National Geographic Travl Team

Addressing the explosive growth in ancestral travel, this compelling narrative combines intriguing tales of discovery with tips on how to begin your own explorations. Actor and award-winning travel writer Andrew McCarthy's featured story recounts his recent quest to uncover his family's Irish history, while twenty-five other prominent writers tell their own heartfelt stories of connection. Spanning the globe, these stories offer personal takes on journeying home, whether the authors are actively seeking long-lost relatives, meeting up with seldom-seen family members, or perhaps just visiting the old country to get a feel for their roots. Sidebars and a hefty resource section provide tips and recommendations on how to go about your own research, and a foreword by the Genographic Project's Spencer Wells sets the scene. Stunning images, along with family heirlooms, old photos, recipes, and more, round out this unique take on the genealogical research craze.From the Hardcover edition.

Blueprint for Going Green: How a Small Foundation Changed the Model for Environmental Conservation

by Gerald P. McCarthy

How one organization took on industrial pollution—and the lessons for our new century In 1977, one forward-thinking judge took an ecological disaster—the poisoning of the James River by Allied Chemical—and turned it into a great environmental-protection legacy. The $8 million payment made by Allied would go on to fund the game-changing Virginia Environmental Endowment.Blueprint for Going Green provides an insider&’s account of the remarkable results of this landmark ruling and the foundation it spawned. Over the following decades, the VEE helped to grow the fledgling environmental movement in Virginia into a powerful force for protecting the state&’s water quality and conserving its landscape. This inspiring story reveals how a small group can make a profound difference by engaging in public policy work, funding science to advance public policy, and helping to build a lasting and effective citizen-led environmental movement.

Bad Habits: A Book of Confessions about Confession

by Jenny Mccarthy

Jenny McCarthy--actress, comedian, activist, and New York Times bestselling author--candidly recounts her humorous Catholic upbringing, from her childhood dream of becoming a nun to her Playmate of the Year centerfold, and all of the Hail Mary's in between.In keeping with the theme of her comedic New York Times bestsellers, from Belly Laughs to Love, Lust & Faking It, McCarthy brings her trademark honesty, humility, and humor to bear as she chronicles her often embarrassing, occasionally outlandish, and always entertaining life as a born-and-raised Catholic girl.Jenny attended one of the most prestigious all-girl Catholic schools in Chicago. While most young girls in Jenny's neighborhood were playing with Cabbage Patch dolls for fun, Jenny was playing with Jesus, Mary, and Joseph dolls. She had every intention of growing up and becoming a nun, but a few hilarious speed bumps and blinking red lights along the way changed her mind. Jenny never did accept Sister Mary's reasoning that she could avoid purgatory if she just bought a string necklace for $10. The fact that two of her aunts are simultaneously nuns and cops-yes, they carry guns and shoot people while wearing a habit-never made complete sense to her. And neither does her mother's insistence that Jenny bury certain religious statues in the front lawns of her houses before she sells them. But then again, Jenny does have four of them buried across Southern California.This book tells the story of what went wrong during Jenny's Catholic upbringing, or, as Jenny puts it now, what went right. Chapters include: "I Knew I Should Have Worn Underwear to Church", "Jesus' Baby Mama", "Can Someone Kill Our Dog, Please?", and "Oh No, My Mom is Going to Hell."BAD HABITS is a brutally honest, hilarious memoir that will delight the legions of Jenny McCarthy fans.

Louder than Words

by Jenny Mccarthy

On the morning Jenny McCarthy discovered her two-year-old son Evan having a seizure, her life turned upside down. From being the mother of an average toddler she was suddenly thrown into a world of turmoil. As doctor after doctor misdiagnosed his symptoms, Evan suffered many harrowing, life-threatening episodes. Then, one amazing doctor recognized the truth. Evan was autistic. Desperate, but relieved to finally have a diagnosis, Jenny didn't know what to do or where to go for guidance. Alone, and without any resources - except for her unshakeable determination to help her son - Jenny soon realized that she'd have to become a detective if she was ever going to be able to help her son. She embarked on a frantic search for guidance and information, and spoke with many doctors, nurses, parents, government agencies and private foundations. Essentially, she earned a Ph. D. in 'Google research'. Eventually, she discovered the groundbreaking programme that became the key to helping Evan. Deeply moving, and at times heartbreaking, in Louder Than Words Jenny McCarthy reveals more than the winning formula that worked for her son. Here she tells of the remarkable, sometimes harrowing, journey of discovery they took together. She shares the frustrations and joys of raising an autistic child and creates a road map for concerned parents. She also shows how, with love and determination, parents may be able to shape their child's destiny and their future happiness.

Love, Lust & Faking It: The Naked Truth About Sex, Lies, and True Romance

by Jenny McCarthy

"Even though this book is not as funny as mine, you should still buy it." —Chelsea HandlerNew York Times bestselling author Jenny McCarthy turns on the lights for a bawdy and hilarious look at women and sex. Returning to her comic roots and the tell-all tone that readers loved in Baby Laughs and Belly Laughs, this exposé from the former Playboy Bunny, MTV star, and prime-time TV sensation is perfect for fans of Sarah Silverman's Bedwetter and Chelsea Handler's Are You There Vodka? It's Me, Chelsea. Delivering the perfect mix of poignant insights, laugh-out-loud confessions, and spicy secrets, Love, Lust & Faking It will be an instant favorite…but it may find its way to your nightstand instead of your bookcase.

Mother Warriors: A Nation of Parents Healing Autism Against All Odds

by Jenny Mccarthy

Mother Warriors shares the heartfelt and deeply personal stories of families navigating through the many autism therapies to heal their children, as well as Jenny's own journey as an autism advocate and a mother.

Stirring the Pot

by Jenny Mccarthy

The View host and New York Times bestselling author Jenny McCarthy is like your favorite friend: honest, open, and oh-so-funny. She also speaks her mind and says what the rest of us are thinking, a characteristic that has won her millions of fans no matter how much she "stirs the pot." Combining the secrets of her hard-won wisdom, witty observations, revealing notes to herself (including ridiculously wishful wish lists), and tales of both her best and most embarrassing moments, Stirring the Pot is McCarthy's recipe for getting what you want out of life. From her wacky experiences in show business to her screwball forays into healing "therapies," from her frontline reporting of single motherhood in midlife to a goofy attempt to reclaim her last name from Joe McCarthy, here are outrageous musings from the roller coaster life of everyone's favorite professional blonde. With a winning mix of storytelling, sisterly advice, sex appeal, and self-deprecation, Stirring the Pot shows us how a pinch of conviction (aka hardheadedness), a dollop of flexibility (being okay with Plan B or even C), and endless faith (in yourself, in your wildest fantasies, and in the general goodness of others) can mix to create the life of your dreams.

All I Can Handle: I'm No Mother Teresa

by Jenny Mccarthy Kim Stagliano

"Dr. Spock? Check. Penelope Ann Leach (remember her?)? Check. What to Expect When You're Expecting? Check. I had a seven hundred dollar Bellini crib for God's sake! I was perfect. And so was Mia when she was born . . ." ...and so begins Kim Stagliano's electrifying and hilarious memoir of her family's journey raising three daughters with autism. In these stories, Stagliano has joined the ranks of David Sedaris and Augusten Burroughs with her amazing ability to lay everything on the table--from family, friends, and enemies to basement floods to birthdays to (possible) heroin addictions--eviscerating and celebrating the absurd. From her love of Howard Stern to her increasing activism in the autism community and exhaustive search for treatments that will help her daughters, she covers it all. Always outspoken, often touching, and sometimes heartbreaking, Kim Stagliano is a powerful new voice in comedic writing--her "Kimoir" (as she calls it) will be a must-read within the autism community and the literary world at large.

All I Can Handle: I'm No Mother Teresa

by Jenny Mccarthy Kim Stagliano

"Dr. Spock? Check. Penelope Ann Leach (remember her?)? Check. What to Expect When You're Expecting? Check. I had a seven hundred dollar Bellini crib for God's sake! I was perfect. And so was Mia when she was born . . ." ...and so begins Kim Stagliano's electrifying and hilarious memoir of her family's journey raising three daughters with autism. In these stories, Stagliano has joined the ranks of David Sedaris and Augusten Burroughs with her amazing ability to lay everything on the table--from family, friends, and enemies to basement floods to birthdays to (possible) heroin addictions--eviscerating and celebrating the absurd. From her love of Howard Stern to her increasing activism in the autism community and exhaustive search for treatments that will help her daughters, she covers it all. Always outspoken, often touching, and sometimes heartbreaking, Kim Stagliano is a powerful new voice in comedic writing--her "Kimoir" (as she calls it) will be a must-read within the autism community and the literary world at large.

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