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Round 12

by Diego Moraes

Round 12 es la autopsia literaria de una hazaña fenomenal. El 16 de mayo de 1977, en Estados Unidos, Alfredo, un anónimo boxeador de veintidós años oriundo del barrio Villa Española, de Montevideo, hizo realidad su sueño dorado: combatir, por el título mundial de los pesos pesados, contra el legendario Muhammad Alí. Diecisiete años después, el destino lo encuentra caído en desgracia, acusado de un crimen ominoso, preso y a la espera de un juicio en la terrible cárcel madrileña de Carabanchel. ¿Qué oscuros pensamientos atormentan al exboxeador que, enfrentado al espejo del pasado, debe someterse a un veredicto más despiadado que el de la ley: el examen de su propia conciencia? Una ficción histórica o una biografía novelada en la que Diego Moraes, utilizando las armas de la imaginación, aunque apoyado, a la vez, en una rigurosa, paciente y documentada investigación, arroja luz sobre los entretelones de una de las anécdotas más espectaculares de la vida y la trayectoria deportiva de un gran ídolo del boxeo de Uruguay y España. Jesús Quintero, Sylvester Stallone, Oscar Ringo Bonavena, Víctor Galíndez, José Manuel Urtain, Kid Tunero y Don King, entre otros, son también personajes de esta aventura maravillosa, que invita a los lectores a reflexionar sobre la fuerza de voluntad, el coraje, la dignidad, el amor y la esperanza.

Gone Away: A John Murray Journey

by Dom Moraes

Introduced by Jeet Thayli, author of Booker Prize shortlisted novel Narcopolis.At the age of 20, Dom Moraes - already a celebrated poet who would go on to be regarded as one of India's finest writers - returned to his native India after finishing education in England. After spending time in Delhi, meeting Jawaharlal Nehru and the young Dalai Lama, he embarked on a meandering journey through northern India, Nepal and Sikkim at a time of political tension and the threat of invasion by China.Brilliant, curious and precocious, seldom without a drink in his hand, he chanced his way into some extraordinary situations - including staying in a Nepalese palace with a resident bear and being shot at and chased by Chinese soldiers. Gone Away details these adventures with a poet's eye for detail, and the luminosity and humour for which Moraes was known.

Gone Away: A John Murray Journey

by Dom Moraes

Introduced by Jeet Thayli, author of Booker Prize shortlisted novel Narcopolis.At the age of 20, Dom Moraes - already a celebrated poet who would go on to be regarded as one of India's finest writers - returned to his native India after finishing education in England. After spending time in Delhi, meeting Jawaharlal Nehru and the young Dalai Lama, he embarked on a meandering journey through northern India, Nepal and Sikkim at a time of political tension and the threat of invasion by China.Brilliant, curious and precocious, seldom without a drink in his hand, he chanced his way into some extraordinary situations - including staying in a Nepalese palace with a resident bear and being shot at and chased by Chinese soldiers. Gone Away details these adventures with a poet's eye for detail, and the luminosity and humour for which Moraes was known.

Native Country of the Heart: A Memoir

by Cherríe Moraga

"This memoir's beauty is in its fierce intimacy." --Roy Hoffman, The New York Times Book ReviewOne of Literary Hub's Most Anticipated Books of 2019From the celebrated editor of This Bridge Called My Back, Cherríe Moraga charts her own coming-of-age alongside her mother’s decline, and also tells the larger story of the Mexican American diaspora.Native Country of the Heart: AMemoir is, at its core, a mother-daughter story. The mother, Elvira, was hired out as a child, along with her siblings, by their own father to pick cotton in California’s Imperial Valley. The daughter, Cherríe Moraga, is a brilliant, pioneering, queer Latina feminist. The story of these two women, and of their people, is woven together in an intimate memoir of critical reflection and deep personal revelation. As a young woman, Elvira left California to work as a cigarette girl in glamorous late-1920s Tijuana, where an ambiguous relationship with a wealthy white man taught her life lessons about power, sex, and opportunity. As Moraga charts her mother’s journey—from impressionable young girl to battle-tested matriarch to, later on, an old woman suffering under the yoke of Alzheimer’s—she traces her own self-discovery of her gender-queer body and Lesbian identity, as well as her passion for activism and the history of her pueblo. As her mother’s memory fails, Moraga is driven to unearth forgotten remnants of a U.S. Mexican diaspora, its indigenous origins, and an American story of cultural loss.Poetically wrought and filled with insight into intergenerational trauma, Native Country of the Heart is a reckoning with white American history and a piercing love letter from a fearless daughter to the mother she will never lose.

Waiting In The Wings: Portrait Of A Queer Motherhood

by Cherríe Moraga

Cherrie Moraga, the celebrated Chicana lesbian writer, has crafted a jewel of a book in Waiting In The Wings: Portrait of a Queer Motherhood. This is the story of "one small human being's struggle for survival", the author's two-and-one-half pound premature baby boy.

Kamala's Way: An American Life

by Dan Morain

A revelatory biography of the first Black woman to be elected Vice President of the United States. In Kamala&’s Way, longtime Los Angeles Times reporter Dan Morain charts how the daughter of two immigrants born in segregated California became one of this country&’s most effective power players. He takes readers through Harris&’s years in the San Francisco District Attorney&’s Office, explores her audacious embrace of the little-known Barack Obama, and shows the sharp elbows she deployed to make it to the US Senate. He analyses her failure as a presidential candidate and the behind-the-scenes campaign she waged to land the Vice President spot. And along the way, Morain paints a vivid picture of her family, values and priorities, as well as the missteps, risks and bold moves she&’s made on her way to the top.Kamala&’s Way is a comprehensive account of the Vice President-Elect and her history-making career.

Kamala's Way: An American Life

by Dan Morain

A revelatory biography of the first Black woman to stand for Vice President, charting how the daughter of two immigrants in segregated California became one of this country&’s most effective power players.There&’s very little that&’s conventional about Kamala Harris, and yet her personal story also represents the best of America. She grew up the eldest daughter of a single mother, a no-nonsense cancer researcher who emigrated from India at the age of nineteen in search of a better education. She and her husband, an accomplished economist from Jamaica, split up when Kamala was only five. The Kamala Harris the public knows today is tough, smart, quick-witted, and demanding. She&’s a prosecutor—her one-liners are legendary—but she&’s more reticent when it comes to sharing much about herself, even in her memoirs. Fortunately, longtime Los Angeles Times reporter Dan Morain has been there from the start. In Kamala&’s Way, he charts her career from its beginnings handling child molestation cases and homicides for the Alameda County District Attorney&’s office and her relationship as a twenty-nine-year-old with the most powerful man in the state: married Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, a relationship that would prove life-changing. Morain takes readers through Harris&’s years in the San Francisco District Attorney&’s Office, explores her audacious embrace of the little-known Barack Obama, and shows the sharp elbows she deployed to make it to the US Senate. He analyzes her failure as a presidential candidate and the behind-the-scenes campaign she waged to land the Vice President spot. Along the way, he paints a vivid picture of her values and priorities, the kind of people she brings into her orbit, the sorts of problems she&’s good at solving, and the missteps, risks, and bold moves she&’s made on her way to the top. Kamala&’s Way is essential reading for all Americans curious about the woman standing by Joe Biden&’s side.

Traffic in the Sky: The Story of Yossi Leshem (Fountas & Pinnell LLI Purple #Level P)

by Carmen Morais

Traffic in the Sky: The Story of Yossi Leshem by Carmen Morais

LULA, biografia. Volume 1

by Fernando Morais

A história improvável de um homem que se tornou, simultaneamente, símbolo e agente de mudança de um dos maiores países do mundo. Além de juízos ou paixões, Lula da Silva está entre as maiores figuras políticas da história do Brasil. Oriundo da classe operária, opositor ativo e convicto de uma ditadura militar que sufocou a sociedade e a economia brasileiras entre 1964 e 1985, a sua história e as suas lutas confundem-se com as de um povo que, por duas vezes, o elegeu presidente da nação. A partir de dezenas de horas de depoimentos e com acesso direto e constante a Lula, Fernando Morais, exímio biógrafo, conduz o leitor de forma hábil pela história magnética e carismática de um homem que marcou um país. De uma infância e juventude de privações ao início da vida como operário e à aproximação ao movimento sindical, passando pelas greves históricas do ABC, pela fundação do Partido dos Trabalhadores e seu pelo ingresso, semretorno, no mundo da política, o primeiro volume de Lula relata os momentos charneira de um homem que se tornou, simultaneamente, símbolo e agente de mudança de um dos maiores países do mundo.

Decoding Cultural Heritage: A Critical Dissection and Taxonomy of Human Creativity through Digital Tools

by Fernando Moral-Andrés Elena Merino-Gómez Pedro Reviriego

This book provides readers with an overview of the use of digital techniques for cultural heritage preservation. Those include image processing, advanced sensing, geomatics or virtual and augmented reality. The use of newer tools such as generative artificial intelligence for images and 3D or advanced natural language processing systems is also considered. The ultimate goal is to provide readers with a global perspective of the state of the art on the use of digital tools for cultural heritage applications, both for researchers and professionals involved in cultural heritage and for computer scientists and engineers that design and develop technologies that can be used for cultural heritage preservation.

Corazón revuelto: Una biografía de Carmen Laforet

by Gema Moraleda

Una biografía única sobre Carmen Laforet, con ilustraciones de Celeste Ciafarone. Decía Carmen Laforet que la vida le interesaba en todos sus momentos, tanto en los malos como en los buenos. Por eso leía, viajaba, escribía y observaba los acontecimientos con el corazón revuelto, lleno de emociones que no dejaban de latir. En el centenario de su nacimiento, esta biografía ilustrada recupera la voz de quien nunca quiso hacer lo que se esperaba de ella. Aquí se conjugan su certero retrato del ambiente de posguerra, sus análisis sobre la religión y la fe, y su alma, siempre errante, que, sin pertenecer a ningún sitio, encontró hogar en sí misma y en sus seres queridos. Un homenaje ilustrado a Carmen Laforet, una escritora de trayectoria personalísima cuyo legado está hoy más vivo que nunca.

Areli Es Una Dreamer (Areli Is a Dreamer Spanish Edition): Una Historia Real por Areli Morales, Beneficiaria de DACA

by Areli Morales

En esta edición en español del primer álbum ilustrado escrito por una beneficiaria de DACA -una "dreamer"- Areli Morales narra su poderosa historia como inmigrante.En la casa de la abuela -en las montañas de México- los sábados estaban llenos de familiares y de mucho sol. Areli era buena jugando al escondite y aún mejor persiguiendo gallinas. Cuando Areli era sólo una bebé, su mamá y su papá se mudaron a Nueva York con su hermano -Alex- en busca de una mejor vida para su familia. Cuando Areli entró a preescolar, enviaron a alguien por ella también.Todo en Nueva York era diferente: grande, rápido y ruidoso. Areli casi no hablaba inglés y sus compañeros la acusaban de ser ilegal. Pero con el paso del tiempo y lentamente, Areli se convirtió en una neoyorquina . . . aún sin ser ciudadana estadounidense. -Aquí podría hacer lo que quisiera -Areli le dijo un día al cielo citadino-. Algún día lo lograré.Ésta es una conmovedora historia -que evoca la de millones de inmigrantes que son parte íntegra de nuestro país- acerca de una niña que vive en dos mundos, una niña cuya solicitud de DACA fue eventualmente aprobada y que ahora vive el sueño americano.In the first picture book written by a DACA dreamer Areli Morales tells her own powerful and vibrant immigration story in this Spanish translation companion book.When Areli was just a baby, her mama and papa moved from Mexico to New York with her brother, Alex, to make a better life for the family--and when she was in kindergarten, they sent for her, too. Everything in New York was different. Gone were the Saturdays at Abuela's house, filled with cousins and sunshine. Instead, things were busy and fast and noisy. Areli's limited English came out wrong, and schoolmates accused her of being illegal. But time passed, and Areli slowly became a New Yorker--although not an American citizen. "I could do anything here," Areli says one day to the city sky. "Someday, I will." This is a moving story--one that resonates with millions of immigrants who make up the fabric of our country--about one girl living in two worlds, a girl whose DACA application was eventually approved and who is now living her American dream.

Areli Is a Dreamer: A True Story by Areli Morales, a DACA Recipient

by Areli Morales

In the first picture book written by a DACA Dreamer, Areli Morales tells her own powerful and vibrant immigration story.When Areli was just a baby, her mama and papa moved from Mexico to New York with her brother, Alex, to make a better life for the family--and when she was in kindergarten, they sent for her, too. Everything in New York was different. Gone were the Saturdays at Abuela&’s house, filled with cousins and sunshine. Instead, things were busy and fast and noisy. Areli&’s limited English came out wrong, and schoolmates accused her of being illegal. But with time, America became her home. And she saw it as a land of opportunity, where millions of immigrants who came before her paved their own paths. She knew she would, too. This is a moving story--one that resonates with millions of immigrants who make up the fabric of our country--about one girl living in two worlds, a girl whose DACA application was eventually approved and who is now living her American dream. The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is an immigration policy that has provided relief to thousands of undocumented children, referred to as &“Dreamers,&” who came to the United States as children and call this country home.

Pilgrimage to Dollywood: A Country Music Road Trip Through Tennessee

by Helen Morales

A star par excellence, Dolly Parton is one of country music’s most likable personalities. Even a hard-rocking punk or orchestral aesthete can’t help cracking a smile or singing along with songs like "Jolene” and "9 to 5. ” More than a mere singer or actress, Parton is a true cultural phenomenon, immediately recognizable and beloved for her talent, tinkling laugh, and steel magnolia spirit. She is also the only female star to have her own themed amusement park: Dollywood in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. Every year thousands of fans flock to Dollywood to celebrate the icon, and Helen Morales is one of those fans. In Pilgrimage to Dollywood, Morales sets out to discover Parton’s Tennessee. Her travels begin at the top celebrity pilgrimage site of Elvis Presley’s Graceland, then take her to Loretta Lynn’s ranch in Hurricane Mills; the Country Music Hall of Fame and the Grand Ole Opry in Nashvil≤ to Sevierville, Gatlinburg, and the Great Smoky Mountains National Park; and finally to Pigeon Forge, home of the "Dolly Homecoming Parade,” featuring the star herself as grand marshall. Morales’s adventure allows her to compare the imaginary Tennessee of Parton’s lyrics with the real Tennessee where the singer grew up, looking at essential connections between country music, the land, and a way of life. It’s also a personal pilgrimage for Morales. Accompanied by her partner, Tony, and their nine-year-old daughter, Athena (who respectively prefer Mozart and Miley Cyrus), Morales, a recent transplant from England, seeks to understand America and American values through the celebrity sites and attractions of Tennessee. This celebration of Dolly and Americana is for anyone with an old country soul who relies on music to help understand the world, and it is guaranteed to make a Dolly Parton fan of anyone who has not yet fallen for her music or charisma.


by Yuyi Morales

We are resilience. We are hope. We are dreamers. Yuyi Morales brought her hopes, her passion, her strength, and her stories with her, when she came to the United States in 1994 with her infant son. She left behind nearly everything she owned, but she didn't come empty-handed. From the author-illustrator of Bright Star, Dreamers is a celebration of making your home with the things you always carry: your resilience, your dreams, your hopes and history. It's the story of finding your way in a new place, of navigating an unfamiliar world and finding the best parts of it. In dark times, it's a promise that you can make better tomorrows. This lovingly-illustrated picture book memoir looks at the myriad gifts migrantes bring with them when they leave their homes. It's a story about family. And it's a story to remind us that we are all dreamers, bringing our own strengths wherever we roam. Beautiful and powerful at any time but given particular urgency as the status of our own Dreamers becomes uncertain, this is a story that is both topical and timeless. The lyrical text is complemented by sumptuously detailed illustrations, rich in symbolism. Also included are a brief autobiographical essay about Yuyi's own experience, a list of books that inspired her (and still do), and a description of the beautiful images, textures, and mementos she used to create this book. A parallel Spanish-language edition, Soñadores, is also available. Winner of the Pura Belpré Illustrator Award! A New York Times / New York Public Library Best Illustrated BookA New York Times BestsellerRecipient of the Flora Stieglitz Strauss AwardA 2019 Boston Globe - Horn Book Honor RecipientAn Anna Dewdney Read Together Honor BookNamed a Best Book of 2018 by Kirkus Reviews, Publishers Weekly, School Library Journal, Shelf Awareness, NPR, the Boston Globe, the Chicago Tribune, and many more!A Junior Library Guild selectionA Eureka! Nonfiction HonoreeA Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books Blue Ribbon titleA Bank Street Best Children's Book of the YearA CLA Notable Children's Book in Language ArtsSelected for the CBC Champions of Change Showcase


by Yuyi Morales

Yuyi Morales, artista galardonada con la Mención de Honor Caldecott y cinco veces ganadora del Premio Pura Belpré, cuenta su historia como inmigrante en este libro ilustrado tributo al poder transformador de la esperanza... y de la lectura. En 1994, Yuyi Morales dejó su hogar en Xalapa, México, para emigrar a Estados Unidos con su hijo pequeño. Aunque dejó atrás casi todas sus pertenencias, no llegó con las manos vacías.Trajo consigo su fortaleza, su trabajo, su pasión, sus esperanzas y sueños... y sus historias. El nuevo y magnífico libro de Yuyi Morales, Soñadores, se centra en la búsqueda por encontrar un hogar en un nuevo lugar. El trayecto de Yuyi y su hijo Kelly no fue fácil, ya que ella no hablaba inglés en esa época. Pero, juntos, descubrieron un lugar desconocido e increíble: la biblioteca pública. Allí, libro a libro, descifraron la lengua de esta nueva tierra y formaron en ella su hogar.Soñadores es un homenaje a los migrantes y a todo lo que traen con ellos, y aportan, cuando dejan sus países. Es una historia de familia. Una historia que nos recuerda que todos somos soñadores que llevamos nuestros propios regalos donde quiera que vayamos. Bella y poderosa en todo momento, pero especialmente de una urgente premura hoy en día en que el futuro de los dreamers es incierto, esta es una historia actual y eterna.El poético texto se complementa con unas espléndidas ilustraciones llenas de detalle y simbolismo. Incluye un ensayo autobiográfico sobre la experiencia de Yuyi, una bibliografía de los libros que la han inspirado (y la siguen inspirando) y una descripción de las bellas imágenes, texturas y recuerdos que utilizó para la creación de este libro.También disponible la edición en inglés, Dreamers.

Hello, Stranger: My Life on the Autism Spectrum

by Barbara Moran Karl Williams

“…Insights from a time when a young person with autism grew up in a world where nobody understood them!” – Temple Grandin, author, Thinking in PicturesBarbara Moran has never known how to be good.As a child, she made strange noises, fidgeted constantly, and licked her lips until they cracked. She had “upsets” that embarrassed and frustrated her family. Worse still, she developed friendships with inanimate objects—everything from roller skates to tables to an antique refrigerator—and became obsessed with images of cathedrals.She was institutionalized, analyzed, and marginalized, cast aside as not trying hard enough to fit in.But after almost forty years, Barbara was given an answer for her inability to be like, and to connect with, other people: autism.Hello, Stranger is the story of a misunderstood life that serves as an eye-opening call for compassion. Bracingly honest, Barbara describes the profound loneliness of being abandoned and judged while also expressing her deep yearning simply to be loved and to give love.Hello, Stranger is a challenge to every reader to see the beauty and the humanity present in every individual.“An extraordinary look at autism from the inside – by turns heartbreaking, uplifting, illuminating, witty, and wise.” – Steve Silberman, author, NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity

How to Be a Woman

by Caitlin Moran

<P>Caitlin Moran puts a new face on feminism, cutting to the heart of women's issues today with her irreverent, transcendent, and hilarious How to Be a Woman.


by Caitlin Moran

From the New York Times bestselling author of How to Be a Woman and Moranthology comes a collection of Caitlin Moran's award-winning London Times columns that takes a clever, hilarious look at celebrities, society, and the wacky world we live in today--including three major new pieces exclusive to this book.When Caitlin Moran sat down to choose her favorite pieces for her new book, she realized that they all shared a common theme--the same old problems and the same old ass-hats. Then she thought of the word 'Moranifesto', and she knew what she had to do...Introducing every piece and weaving her writing together into a brilliant, seamless narrative--just as she did in Moranthology--Caitlin combines the best of her recent columns with lots of new writing unique to this book as she offers a characteristically fun and witty look at the news, celebrity culture, and society. Featuring strong and important pieces on poverty, the media, and class, Moranifesto also focuses on how socially engaged we've become as a society.And of course, Caitlin is never afraid to address the big issues, such as Benedict Cumberbatch and duffel coats. Who else but Caitlin Moran--a true modern Renaissance woman--could deal with topics as pressing and diverse as the beauty of musicals, affordable housing, Daft Punk, and why the Internet is like a drunken toddler? Covering everything from Hillary Clinton to UTIs, Caitlin's manifesto is an engaging and mischievous rallying call for our times.


by Caitlin Moran

Possibly the only drawback about the bestsellingHow To Be A Womanwas that its author, Caitlin Moran, was limited to pretty much one subject: being a woman. MORANTHOLOGYis proof that Caitlin can actually be #145;quite chatty#146; about many other things, including cultural, social and political issues which are usually the province of learned professors, or hot-shot wonks #150; and not a woman who once, as an experiment, put a wasp in a jar, and got it stoned. These other subjects include: Caffeine | Ghostbusters | Being Poor | Twitter | Caravans | Obama | Wales | Marijuana Addiction |Paul McCartney | The Welfare State | Sherlock | David Cameron Looking Like Ham | Amy Winehouse | Elizabeth Taylor#146;s Eyes | Michael Jackson#146;s Funeral | #145;The Big Society#146; | Big Hair | Nutter-letters | Failed Nicknames | Wolverhampton | Squirrels#146; Testicles | Sexy Tax | Binge-drinking | Chivalry | Rihanna#146;s Cardigan | Boris Johnson #150; Albino Shag-hound | Party Bags | Hot People| Transsexuals | The Gay Moon Landings | My Own, Untimely Death

More Than a Woman

by Caitlin Moran

The author of the international bestseller How to Be a Woman returns with another “hilarious neo-feminist manifesto” (NPR) in which she reflects on parenting, middle-age, marriage, existential crises—and, of course, feminism.A decade ago, Caitlin Moran burst onto the scene with her instant bestseller, How to Be a Woman, a hilarious and resonant take on feminism, the patriarchy, and all things womanhood. Moran’s seminal book followed her from her terrible 13th birthday through adolescence, the workplace, strip-clubs, love, and beyond—and is considered the inaugural work of the irreverent confessional feminist memoir genre that continues to occupy a major place in the cultural landscape.Since that publication, it’s been a glorious ten years for young women: Barack Obama loves Fleabag, and Dior make “FEMINIST” t-shirts. However, middle-aged women still have some nagging, unanswered questions: Can feminists have Botox? Why isn’t there such a thing as “Mum Bod”? Why do hangovers suddenly hurt so much? Is the camel-toe the new erogenous zone? Why do all your clothes suddenly hate you? Has feminism gone too far? Will your To Do List ever end? And WHO’S LOOKING AFTER THE CHILDREN?As timely as it is hysterically funny, this memoir/manifesto will have readers laughing out loud, blinking back tears, and redefining their views on feminism and the patriarchy. More Than a Woman is a brutally honest, scathingly funny, and absolutely necessary take on the life of the modern woman—and one that only Caitlin Moran can provide.

The Lady Di Look Book: What Diana Was Trying to Tell Us Through Her Clothes

by Eloise Moran

***Fashion writer Eloise Moran has studied thousands of pictures of Princess Diana over the past few years. Looking carefully at Diana's clothes, she discovered that behind each outfit lies a carefully crafted strategy. What Lady Di couldn't express verbally, she seemed to express through her clothes.With The Lady Di Look Book Eloise Moran takes us on a photographic journey celebrating Princess Diana's fashion choices over the years. From the pink gingham pants and pastel-yellow overalls of a sacrificial lamb - to the sexy Versace mini dresses, power suits, and cycling shorts of a free woman; this is an interpretation of Diana's most show stopping eighties and early nineties outfits and of course, her most fearless post-divorce revenge looks. Whether it's '80s cottagecore Diana, androgynous bow-tie Diana, little black dress Diana, or athleisure Diana - there is a look for everyone.Full of wit and humour, The Lady Di Look Book illuminates what a bold, and inspiring fashion icon Diana really was and shows that there's a bit of Diana in all of us.

The Lady Di Look Book: What Diana Was Trying to Tell Us Through Her Clothes

by Eloise Moran

Through a rich and beautiful series of images, British fashion journalist Eloise Moran decodes Princess Diana’s outfits in this smart visual psychobiography of an icon.From the pink gingham pants and pastel-yellow overalls of a sacrificial lamb, to the sexy Versace revenge dresses, power suits, and bicycle shorts of a free woman, British fashion journalist Eloise Moran has studied thousands of pictures of Princess Diana. She soon discovered that behind each outfit lay a carefully crafted strategy: What Lady Di couldn’t express verbally, she expressed through her clothes.Diana’s most show-stopping—and poignant—outfits are all here in The Lady Di Look Book, incisively decoded. Moran sees things no one has before: Why, for example, did Diana have a rotating collection of message sweatshirts? Was she mad for plaid, or did the tartan have a deeper meaning? What about her love of costume jewelry on top of the tiaras and oval sapphire engagement ring? With new interviews from some of the people who dressed Diana, Moran’s book is both a record of what Diana wore and why she wore it—and why we are still obsessed with Lady Di.From 1980s Sloane Ranger cottagecore Diana, to athleisure and Dynasty Di Diana, The Lady Di Look Book is both compulsively delightful and a full biography of the world’s most beloved royal.

Adolfo Suárez: Ambición y destino

by Gregorio Morán

La obra definitiva sobre Adolfo Suárez, el primer presidente de la democracia, con todas sus luces y todas sus sombras. Nombrado por sorpresa presidente de un gobierno autoritario en julio de 1976 y dimitido también por sorpresa como presidente de una democracia en enero de 1981, la trayectoria personal y política de Adolfo Suárez quizá simbolice mejor que ninguna otra lo que fue la España de las postrimerías del franquismo y la transición. Odiado hasta lo patológico por muchos durante su apogeo, y con el tiempo ensalzado por la mayoría, Suárez es sin duda una pieza clave en la construcción de la democracia. En esta extraordinaria biografía, Gregorio Morán, autor de un primer y polémico libro sobre Suárez en 1979, revisita al personaje no solo para contarnos el resto de su trayectoria, hasta la ya famosa foto con el Rey el 18 de julio de 2008, sino también reevaluar, a la luz de la España de hoy, un periodo fundamental de nuestra historia reciente. Reseña:«El perfil más cercano y verídico de un hombre que ya es historia viva de este país.»Cambio 16

Adolfo Suárez

by Gregorio Morán

Adolfo Suárez fue un líder sin partido. Sus fricciones con la UCD y el auge del PSOE marcaron sus años de gobierno, con momentos de mucha tensión, atrapado entre el ruido de sables y la violencia terrorista, que intentó aliviar con su dimisión. Suárez es, sin lugar a dudas, uno de los hombres clave para entender el proceso de transición española hacia la democracia.

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