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Sèrum d'una nit d'estiu

by Enfermera Saturada

La Satu, la Enfermera Saturada, la Florence Nightingale de les xarxes socials, torna a la càrrega amb un llibre més il·lustrat i acolorit que mai. Haurà aconseguit la plaça fixa? Haurà trobat l'amor? O, millor encara..., tindrà ja el seu propi armariet? Cansada dels torns de nit que no s'acaben mai? La teva supervisora no col·labora en el pot de cafè i, a sobre, esmorza dues vegades? No suportes aquella companya que s'amaga al lavabo quan sona el timbre del pacient aïllat? La teva tutora et demana que prenguis la pressió amb l'aparell de l'any de la picor? No pateixis més! La Florence Nightingale de les xarxes socials ha tornat a posar-se el pijama! Aquest llibre no farà que deixis de fer torns de nit, però si més no farà que els facis amb un gran somriure. Benvinguda al nou món de la infermeria amb humor!Benvinguda al món de la Enfermera Saturada! ------- Piràmide de Maslow dels pacients ingressatsTinc visió?Em molesta la via.Conec una infermera que treballa en aquest hospital (és baixeta, morena...).Em sembla que hi ha aire al sèrum.Fa quatres dies que no cago (i me'n recordo a les 4.00 de la matinada.). Piràmide de Maslow dels acompanyants/visitesLa meva mare fa quatre dies que no caga.Com funciona la tele?En aquesta planta, hi ha el Pep, de la Lucita? El van ingressar ahir.Es que no penseu portar-li res per menjar?A quina hora passa el metge? ------- Opinions:«Un llibre molt bo.»Paco. 74. S'arrenca la via i diu que se li ha caigut. «Jo vinc a l'hospital a veure si m'hi trobo la Enfermera Saturada.»Rosa. 37. Ve a Urgències perquè té vòmits i pregunta si pot menjar alguna cosa. «Aquesta infermera és una crac. Miri, miri quin sèrum m'ha posat, ni una bombolla d'aire!»María Luisa. 56. Viu amb la por que una bombolla li prengui la vida. «M'he rigut tant amb aquest llibre que se m'han escapat unes gotetes.»Carmen. 94. Més anys que saturació d'oxigen.

Setting the Stage: What We Do, How We Do It, and Why

by David Hays

David Hays, elected to the Theater Hall of Fame in 2014, created an exciting and successful career designing scenery and lighting for plays and musicals on Broadway, in London, and in Japan. Told with passion and wit, this book takes readers behind the scenes of the theater world to show how a stage designer collaborates with directors and producers to create great works of theater and dance. A designer who collaborated with the great directors of his time—Arthur Penn, Garson Kanin, Tyrone Guthrie, Elia Kazan, Jose Quintero, and Joe Layton—shares anecdotes that integrate technical insight with life lessons. He designed sets for the Metropolitan Opera, for Lincoln Center, for Martha Graham, and thirty ballets for George Balanchine. This colorful account of theater life is for scholars, practioners, and theatregoers interested in how it all works.Publication of this book is funded by the Beatrice Fox Auerbach Foundation Fund at the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving.

Settle for More

by Megyn Kelly

Whether it’s asking tough questions during a presidential debate or pressing for answers to today’s most important issues, Megyn Kelly has demonstrated the intelligence, strength, common sense, and courage that have made her one of today’s best-known journalists, respected by women and men, young and old, Republicans and Democrats. In Settle for More, the NBC News anchor reflects on the enduring values and experiences that have shaped her—from growing up in a family that rejected the "trophies for everyone" mentality, to her father’s sudden, tragic death while she was in high school. She goes behind-the-scenes of her career, sharing the stories and struggles that landed her in the anchor chair and taught her to ask the tough questions. Speaking candidly about her decision to "settle for more"—a motto she credits as having dramatically transformed her life at home and at work—Megyn discusses how she abandoned a thriving legal career to follow her journalism dreams. Admired for her hard work, humor, and authenticity, Megyn sheds light on the news business, her time at Fox News, the challenges of being a professional woman and working mother, and her most talked about television moments. She also speaks openly about Donald Trump’s feud with her, revealing never-before-heard details about the first Republican debate, its difficult aftermath, and how she persevered through it all.Deeply personal and surprising, Settle for More offers unparalleled insight into this charismatic and intriguing journalist, and inspires us all to embrace the principles—determination, honesty, and fortitude in the face of fear—that have won her fans across the political divide.

The Seven, A Family Holocaust Story

by Ellen G. Friedman

Most Polish Jews who survived the Second World War did not go to concentration camps, but were banished by Stalin to the remote prison settlements and Gulags of the Soviet Union. Less than ten percent of Polish Jews came out of the war alive—the largest population of Jews who endured—for whom Soviet exile was the main chance for survival. Ellen G. Friedman’s The Seven, A Family Holocaust Story is an account of this displacement. Friedman always knew that she was born to Polish-Jewish parents on the run from Hitler, but her family did not describe themselves as Holocaust survivors since that label seemed only to apply only to those who came out of the concentration camps with numbers tattooed on their arms. The title of the book comes from the closeness that set seven individuals apart from the hundreds of thousands of other refugees in the Gulags of the USSR. The Seven—a name given to them by their fellow refugees—were Polish Jews from Warsaw, most of them related. The Seven, A Family Holocaust Story brings together the very different perspectives of the survivors and others who came to be linked to them, providing a glimpse into the repercussions of the Holocaust in one extended family who survived because they were loyal to one another, lucky, and endlessly enterprising. Interwoven into the survivors’ accounts of their experiences before, during, and after the war are their own and the author’s reflections on the themes of exile, memory, love, and resentment. Based on primary interviews and told in a blending of past and present experiences, Friedman gives a new voice to Holocaust memory—one that is sure to resonate with today’s exiles and refugees. Those with an interest in World War II memoir and genocide studies will welcome this unique perspective.

Seven Fallen Feathers: Racism, Death, and Hard Truths in a Northern City

by Tanya Talaga

The groundbreaking and multiple award-winning national bestseller work about systemic racism, education, the failure of the policing and justice systems, and Indigenous rights by Tanya Talaga.Over the span of eleven years, seven Indigenous high school students died in Thunder Bay, Ontario. They were hundreds of kilometres away from their families, forced to leave home because there was no adequate high school on their reserves. Five were found dead in the rivers surrounding Lake Superior, below a sacred Indigenous site. Using a sweeping narrative focusing on the lives of the students, award-winning author Tanya Talaga delves into the history of this northern city that has come to manifest Canada’s long struggle with human rights violations against Indigenous communities.

Sex and Rage: A Novel

by Eve Babitz

NATIONAL BESTSELLERAn NPR Best Book of 2017A Bellatrist Book Club Pick for July 2017The Paris Review Staff Pick1 of 12 Great New Books to Bring to the Beach This Summer (The Huffington Post)1 of 9 Books to Read This Summer (W and Elle)1 of 10 Titles to Pick Up Now (O Magazine)1 of 6 Smarter—But Not Quite Guilt–Free—Beach Reads (VICE)"This novel is studded with sharp observations . . . Babitz’s talent for the brilliant line, honed to a point, never interferes with her feel for languid pleasures." —The New York Times Book ReviewThe popular rediscovery of Eve Babitz continues with this very special reissue of her novel, originally published in 1979, about a dreamy young girl moving between the planets of Los Angeles and New York City. We first meet Jacaranda in Los Angeles. She’s a beach bum, a part–time painter of surfboards, sun–kissed and beautiful. Jacaranda has an on–again, off–again relationship with a married man and glitters among the city’s pretty creatures, blithely drinking White Ladies with any number of tycoons, unattached and unworried in the pleasurable mania of California. Yet she lacks a purpose—so at twenty–eight, jobless, she moves to New York to start a new life and career, eager to make it big in the world of New York City. Sex and Rage delights in its sensuous, dreamlike narrative and its spontaneous embrace of fate, and work, and of certain meetings and chances. Jacaranda moves beyond the tango of sex and rage into the open challenge of a defined and more fulfilling expressive life. Sex and Rage further solidifies Eve Babitz's place as a singularly important voice in Los Angeles literature—haunting, alluring, and alive.

Shackleton (The Ladybird Expert Series #6)

by Ben Saunders

Part of the new Ladybird Expert series, Shackleton is a clear, simple and enlightening introduction to perhaps the most extraordinary survival stories of all time.Polar explorer Ben Saunders draws on his own experience of the Antarctic to bring to life the history, dangers and challenges of Shackleton's Endurance expedition. Inside, you'll discover how Shackleton, by successfully bringing all his men home in the face of near insurmountable odds, earned his reputation as one of the greatest leaders in history.Written by the leading lights and most outstanding communicators in their fields, the Ladybird Expert books provide clear, accessible and authoritative introductions to subjects drawn from science, history and culture.Other books currently available in the Ladybird Expert series include:· Climate Change· Quantum Mechanics· Evolution· Battle of BritainFor an adult readership, the Ladybird Expert series is produced in the same iconic small hardback format pioneered by the original Ladybirds. Each beautifully illustrated book features the first new illustrations produced in the original Ladybird style for nearly forty years.

The Shadow in the Garden: A Biographer's Tale

by James Atlas

The biographer—so often in the shadows, kibitzing, casting doubt, proving facts—comes to the stage in this funny, poignant, endearing tale of how writers’ lives get documented. James Atlas, the celebrated chronicler of Saul Bellow and Delmore Schwartz, takes us back to his own childhood in suburban Chicago, where he fell in love with literature and, early on, found in himself the impulse to study writers’ lives. We meet Richard Ellmann, the great biographer of James Joyce and Atlas’s professor during a transformative year at Oxford. We get to know Atlas’s first subject, the “self-doomed” poet Delmore Schwartz. And we are introduced to a bygone cast of intellectuals such as Edmund Wilson and Dwight Macdonald (the “tall pines,” as Mary McCarthy once called them, cut down now, according to Atlas, by the “merciless pruning of mortality”) and, of course, the elusive Bellow, “a metaphysician of the ordinary.” Atlas revisits the lives and works of the classical biographers, the Renaissance writers of what were then called “lives,” Samuel Johnson and the obsessive Boswell, and the Victorian masters Mrs. Gaskell and Thomas Carlyle. And in what amounts to a pocket history of his own literary generation, Atlas celebrates the biographers who hoped to glimpse an image of them—“as fleeting as a familiar face swallowed up in a crowd.”(With black-and-white illustrations throughout)

The Shadow in the Garden: A Biographer's Tale

by James Atlas

The biographer - so often in the shadows, kibbitzing, casting doubt, proving facts - here comes to the stage.James Atlas takes us back to his childhood in suburban Chicago, where he fell in love with literature and, early on, found in himself the impulse to study writers' lives. We meet Richard Ellmann, the great biographer of James Joyce and Atlas's professor during a transformative year at Oxford. We get to know the author's first subject, the "self-doomed" poet Delmore Schwartz; a bygone cast of intellectuals such as Edmund Wilson and Dwight Macdonald (the "tall trees," as Mary McCarthy described them, cut down now, Atlas writes, by the "merciless pruning of mortality"); and, of course, the elusive Bellow, "a metaphysician of the ordinary." Atlas revisits the lives and work of the classical biographers: the Renaissance writers of what were then called "lives," Samuel Johnson and the "meshugenah" Boswell, among them. In what amounts to a pocket history of his own literary generation, Atlas celebrates the luminaries of contemporary literature and the labor of those who hope to catch a glimpse of one of them - "as fleeting as a familiar face swallowed up in a crowd."

Shaken: Fighting to Stand Strong No Matter What Comes Your Way

by Tim Tebow

Your identity is defined--not by changing circumstances-- but an unchanging God!Whether you’re celebrating an incredible victory or facing life’s biggest disappointment, your response will reveal who you really are.In this powerful book designed specifically for young Christians, Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow provides an intimate look into how he’s been able to face professional triumphs and defeats and still emerge with his faith and identity intact. In Shaken: The Young Reader’s Edition, Tebow shares his insight for shaping an identity based not on your highs and lows, but on God. He examines the courageous lives of Biblical figures and the many inspirational people he’s met to show you how to: Overcome your fears and accept God’s perfect, unconditional loveTransform your insecurities into opportunities for growthEmbrace your unique, God-given talents to make a difference in your world With honesty that speaks directly to the heart, Tebow will inspire you to build a God-centered identity and begin today to live out your divine purpose!

The Shanghai Incident (Master Diplexito and Mr. Scant #2)

by Bryan Methods

The pursuit of an international crime syndicate sends British vigilante butler Mr. Scant and his protégé Oliver Diplexito on a globe-hopping trip. After defeating a sinister secret society in Oliver's home country of England, the unlikely pair has arrived in Paris, searching for Mr. Scant's missing niece. What they discover are hints of a conspiracy that leads them all the way to Shanghai, China. Each clue they find only leads to more questions. That is, until Mr. Scant, Oliver, and their allies realize they're the only hope of stopping a plot against China's child emperor.

Shanghai Pierce: A Fair Likeness

by Chris Emmett

“I am Shanghai Pierce, Webster in Cattle, by God, Sir.” And, in truth, he was. Part rascal, part gentleman, part poseur, part just himself—of all the colorful Texas figures following the Civil War none was as loud, garish, and funny as Shanghai Pierce, who left Rhode Island penniless and became one of the Big Pasture Men of southern Texas.At six foot, four, Shanghai Pierce was big, rich, and selfish, but he could also be kind. His cunning was seldom matched, and business, whether it involved a quarter-million-dollar loan or a twenty-five cent pair of socks, was his lifeblood.In recreating the life of Abel Head (“Shanghai”) Pierce, Chris Emmett unfolds the entire dramatic spectacle of the time and place in which Pierce lived. An arresting figure, Pierce was a symbol of his era. His statue, which he himself erected in Hawley, Texas, is still a perfect memorial to, and a reminder of, westward-moving America. Shanghai Pierce was a man who pulled up his roots and fled to the West, where he found there was ample room and opportunity.First published in 1953, Shanghai Pierce: A Fair Likeness won the 1953 Summerfield G. Roberts award of the Texas Institute of Letters for the best book on the Republic of Texas.

Shaped by the Past

by Lola Ayton Rowe

SHAPED BY THE PAST aims to encourage the reader to work through problems and difficulties in life, and to be inspired to find courage and laughter even in the midst of misery. It challenges one’s thought patterns, suggests how one can look at things differently, and how through difficulties one can find personal growth opportunities even when so many things around don’t make any sense. The author strongly believes that one has the power within to change one’s circumstances for achieving one’s personal goals. SHAPED BY THE PAST uses a candid approach to show the reader that problems are common to all but determination will see one to one’s own destination. Unrealistic expectations will not always bring comfort in life but learning lessons from the past will make one pause and say, “Yes, I have the power to make it!”

The Shard: The Vision of Irvine Sellar

by Howard Watson

'We were told we would never get planning consent and we did. We were told we would never be able to fund it and we did. Then we were told we would never be able to build it and we did.' Irvine SellarIn 2000, Irvine Sellar, a former market trader famous for helping to create the look of the Swinging Sixties on Carnaby Street, stood on a rooftop in Southwark, London, and decided to build the tallest building in western Europe. He had virtually no experience, and he wanted to build at the wrong height, in the wrong place, on the wrong side of the river and at the wrong time.Twelve years later, the Shard, a 'vertical city' designed by one of the world's leading architects, Renzo Piano, changed the skyline of London. It immediately became one of the most instantly recognizable and admired contemporary buildings in the world.This is the story of one man's vision for London and his determination to redefine an ancient but maligned part of the city despite seemingly insurmountable challenges including mass opposition, a huge planning inquiry, the financial crash, and major construction issues that required radical improvisation at every turn. At every twist in the tale, Sellar refused to give up.The Shard is a tale of extreme ambition, innovation and a relentless desire to recast the skyscraper as a force for good.

The Shard: The Vision of Irvine Sellar

by Howard Watson

'We were told we would never get planning consent and we did. We were told we would never be able to fund it and we did. Then we were told we would never be able to build it and we did.' Irvine SellarIn 2000, Irvine Sellar, a former market trader famous for helping to create the look of the Swinging Sixties on Carnaby Street, stood on a rooftop in Southwark, London, and decided to build the tallest building in western Europe. He had virtually no experience, and he wanted to build at the wrong height, in the wrong place, on the wrong side of the river and at the wrong time.Twelve years later, the Shard, a 'vertical city' designed by one of the world's leading architects, Renzo Piano, changed the skyline of London. It immediately became one of the most instantly recognizable and admired contemporary buildings in the world.This is the story of one man's vision for London and his determination to redefine an ancient but maligned part of the city despite seemingly insurmountable challenges including mass opposition, a huge planning inquiry, the financial crash, and major construction issues that required radical improvisation at every turn. At every twist in the tale, Sellar refused to give up.The Shard is a tale of extreme ambition, innovation and a relentless desire to recast the skyscraper as a force for good.

Sharing Christmas

by Deborah Raffin

Christmas conjures up memories for so many, and this holiday compendium is full of festive treats— not only anecdotes but poems, lyrics, and even beloved recipes— from dozens and dozens of celebrities. Found in this collection are offerings from Oscar-winning actors and actresses— Julie Andrews, George Burns, Keith Carradine, Charlton Heston, Jack Lemmon, Karl Malden, Sir John Mills, Sidney Poitier, Anthony Quinn, Paul Scofield, and Elizabeth Taylor— as well as acclaimed musicians, including Kim Carnes, Johnny Cash, Placido Domingo, Al Jarreau, Kenny Loggins, Johnny Mathis, Dolly Parton, Kenny Rogers, and Ringo Starr. Also represented here are acclaimed authors Art Buchwald, Mary Higgins Clark, Sidney Sheldon, and Amy Tan; champion athletes Arthur Ashe, Pam Shriver, Steve Sax, and Ruben Sierra; television greats Steve Allen, Ruby Dee and Ossie Davis, Charles Osgood, Fred Rogers, and Jonathan Winters; and revered public figures such as civil rights activist Coretta Scott King, astronaut Wally Schirra, and President Gerald Ford. This bounty of goodwill is sure to inspire the holiday spirit in all who partake in these Christmas treasures.

Shark Drunk: The Art of Catching a Large Shark from a Tiny Rubber Dinghy in a Big Ocean

by Morten Stroksnes

A salty story of friendship, adventure, and the explosive life that teems beneath the ocean, for readers of Bill Bryson and such classics as The Snow Leopard. In the great depths surrounding the Lofoten islands in Norway lives the infamous Greenland shark. At twenty-six feet in length and weighing more than a ton, it is truly a beast to behold. But the shark is not just known for its size alone: its meat contains a toxin that, when consumed, has been known to make people drunk and hallucinatory. <P><P>Shark Drunk is the true story of two friends, the author and the eccentric artist Hugo Aasjord, as they embark on a wild pursuit of the famed creature--from a tiny rubber boat. Together, the two men tackle existential questions, survive the world's most powerful maelstrom, and, yes, get drunk, as they attempt to understand the ocean from every possible angle, drawing on poetry, science, history, ecology, mythology, and their own, sometimes intoxicated, observations. <P><P>Winner of the Norwegian Brage Prize 2015 <P><P>Winner of the Norwegian Critics’ Prize for Literature 2015 <P><P>Winner of the Norwegian Reine Ord Prize at Lofoten International Literature Festival 2016

Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton's Doomed Campaign

by Jonathan Allen Amie Parnes

<P>It was never supposed to be this close. And of course she was supposed to win. How Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election to Donald Trump is the tragic story of a sure thing gone off the rails. For every Comey revelation or hindsight acknowledgment about the electorate, no explanation of defeat can begin with anything other than the core problem of Hillary's campaign--the candidate herself. <P>Through deep access to insiders from the top to the bottom of the campaign, political writers Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes have reconstructed the key decisions and unseized opportunities, the well-intentioned misfires and the hidden thorns that turned a winnable contest into a devastating loss. Drawing on the authors' deep knowledge of Hillary from their previous book, the acclaimed biography HRC, Shattered will offer an object lesson in how Hillary herself made victory an uphill battle, how her difficulty articulating a vision irreparably hobbled her impact with voters, and how the campaign failed to internalize the lessons of populist fury from the hard-fought primary against Bernie Sanders. <P>Moving blow-by-blow from the campaign's difficult birth through the bewildering terror of election night, Shattered tells an unforgettable story with urgent lessons both political and personal, filled with revelations that will change the way readers understand just what happened to America on November 8, 2016. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

The Shattered Lens: A War Photographer's True Story of Captivity and Survival in Syria

by Jonathan Alpeyrie Stash Luczkiw

Discover a gripping and harrowing tale of war and torture from the man who lived it in this powerful memoir by the celebrated war journalist who not only documented over a dozen conflict zones worldwide but was also captured and held hostage by Syrian rebels in 2013.Capturing history was Jonathan Alpeyrie’s job but he never expected to become a news story himself. For a decade, the French‑American photojournalist had weaved in and out of over a dozen conflict zones. He photographed civilians being chased out of their homes, military trucks roving over bullet‑torn battlefields, and too many bodies to count. But on April 29, 2013, during his third assignment to Syria, Alpeyrie was betrayed by his fixer and handed over to a band of Syrian rebels. For eighty‑one days he was bound, blindfolded, and beaten. Not too far away, President Bashar al‑Assad’s forces and those in opposition continued their bitter and bloody civil war. Over the course of his captivity, Alpeyrie kept his spirits up and strived to see, without his camera lenses, the humanity in his captors. He took part in their activities, taught them how to swim, prayed with them, and tried learning their language and culture. He also discovered a dormant faith within himself, one that strengthened him throughout the ordeal. The Shattered Lens is the firsthand account of a photojournalist who has always answered the next adrenaline‑pumping assignment. Yet, during his headline‑making kidnapping, he was left to consider the value and risks of his career, ponder the violent conflicts he had seen, and put the historical events over which we have no control into perspective.

She Persisted: 13 American Women Who Changed the World

by Chelsea Clinton

Chelsea Clinton introduces tiny feminists, mini activists and little kids who are ready to take on the world to thirteen inspirational women who never took no for an answer, and who always, inevitably and without fail, persisted. Throughout American history, there have always been women who have spoken out for what's right, even when they have to fight to be heard. <P><P>In early 2017, Senator Elizabeth Warren's refusal to be silenced in the Senate inspired a spontaneous celebration of women who persevered in the face of adversity. In this book, Chelsea Clinton celebrates thirteen American women who helped shape our country through their tenacity, sometimes through speaking out, sometimes by staying seated, sometimes by captivating an audience. They all certainly persisted. <P> She Persisted is for everyone who has ever wanted to speak up but has been told to quiet down, for everyone who has ever tried to reach for the stars but was told to sit down, and for everyone who has ever been made to feel unworthy or unimportant or small. <P>With vivid, compelling art by Alexandra Boiger, this book shows readers that no matter what obstacles may be in their paths, they shouldn't give up on their dreams. Persistence is power. This book features: Harriet Tubman, Helen Keller, Clara Lemlich, Nellie Bly, Virginia Apgar, Maria Tallchief, Claudette Colvin, Ruby Bridges, Margaret Chase Smith, Sally Ride, Florence Griffith Joyner, Oprah Winfrey, Sonia Sotomayor--and one special cameo.

She Read to Us in the Late Afternoons: A Life in Novels

by Kathleen Hill

This memoir takes readers around the world, from New York to Nigeria, exploring a life illuminated by novels. As a child in music class, Kathleen Hill comes upon Willa Cather’s Lucy Gayheart, and the novel prepares her for a drowning death that soon occurs in her own life. Later, recently married and working as a teacher in a newly independent Nigeria, Hill assigns Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart to her students, which leads to learning from them about the violent legacy of colonialism, and visiting an old slave port whose disturbing relics make her aware of her benighted American innocence. Also in Nigeria, she is given Henry James’s A Portrait of a Lady and deeply ponders her new marriage through the lens of Isabel Archer, remembering her adolescent fear that reading might be a way of avoiding experience. But is it possible that the act of reading itself may be a form of ardent, transforming experience? In this memoir, Hill reflects on her literary lifetime, reminiscing about her year in northern France, where she resolutely put Flaubert’s Madame Bovary aside to discover, in Bernanos’s Diary of a Country Priest, a detailed guide to the town where she was living, a more acute perspective on the poverty and suffering hidden within its walls. She also shares a tender account of her friendship with writer Diana Trilling, whose failing sight inspired a plan to read aloud Proust’s Remembrance of Things Past, an undertaking that required six years to complete. From an author whose novel Still Waters in Niger was named a New York Times Notable Book and a best book of the year by the Los Angeles Times, She Read to Us in the Late Afternoons is both a wide-ranging autobiographical journey and a deeply felt appreciation of literature and its power to reflect our immediate reality and open windows onto vast new worlds.

Shelter: Off the Grid in the Mostly Magnetic North

by Sarah Stonich

In her search for land to call her own—among tall pines and on a lake—newly single mom Sarah Stonich seeks a sense of permanence, a legacy for her son, and a connection to her heritage. Along this way, Stonich recalls family lore, meets remarkable characters, considers another go at love, and, finally, builds a cabin. But when her precious patch of land is threatened, she discovers that family is no less treasured with or without a piece of earth.

Sherezade y otros relatos: Una colección de clásicos de la literatura universal

by Javier Vicente Sánchez

Revive los grandes Clásicos. Si no los conoces aún que no te los cuenten, descúbrelos aquí y lánzate a por ellos. <P><P>¿Quién no soñó alguna vez con formar parte de la tripulación del Pequod y ganar aquel doblón del capitán Ahab o viajar por tierras de Castilla y ser testigo directo de las aventuras y desventuras de nuestro afamado y gentil caballero Don Quijote? <P><P> Con humor, romanticismo e incluso denuncia social, el autor nos anima con estos relatos, en los que se asocian hechos, experiencias y anécdotas reales con algunos de los grandes clásicos de la literatura universal, a acercarnos a estas obras inmortales por las que nunca pasa el tiempo.

Shift the Narrative: A Blind Man's Vision for Rewriting the Stories that Limit Us

by Russell Redenbaugh

Shift is a blind man&’s vision of how he changed his life narrative from the impossible to the economically probable and in the process, moved from welfare to wealth. Blind from the age of 16, Russell Redenbaugh's achievement as a successful investor and economist, a Commissioner on the US Civil Rights Commission serving under three US Presidents and a black belt, three time gold medal jiu-jitsu world champion fighting sighted opponents, prove that if he can, anyone can. Most people think that their circumstances produce their narratives, but Russell shows it is their narratives that produce their circumstances. If you change your story, you change your future. Through a set of actions and behaviors, Russell demonstrates how anyone can "Shift Your Narrative" to produce more of what they care about in their personal life, career and money matters, starting today.

Shimmering Details, Volume I: A Memoir

by Péter Nádas

The magnum opus of one of Europe's greatest living writers.“Instead of a chronicle, a person tends to manufacture legends when he relates the story of his life for others,” Péter Nádas writes in his fiction masterpiece, Parallel Stories. Now, in his illuminating memoir, Shimmering Details, the renowned author investigates what it means to reconstruct a life without recourse to the techniques and embellishments of traditional storytelling.Taking his firmly imbedded memories—the “shimmering details” that give this work its title—as his starting point, Nádas dissects them using a method inspired by Freudian dream interpretation. Sounds, scenes, smells, feelings—all are probed for details that might allow him to reconstruct what happened, and when and where. In order to avoid conscious or unconscious distortions, he deconstructs the stories of others, too—moving in concentric circles toward cause and effect, until their meaning and significance come to light.In Shimmering Details, Volume I, Nádas probes the history of his family from the late 19th century to his birth in 1942 and beyond. In a work that encompasses World War II and the Hungarian Revolution, Nádas traces the hidden connections between the seemingly random events of a life and assembles them into a memoir like no other.

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