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Showing 9,326 through 9,350 of 64,731 results

A Path to the World: Becoming You

by Lori Marie Carlson-Hijuelos Joseph Bruchac Jacinto Jesús Cardona William Sloane Coffin Pat Conroy Mario Cuomo Timothy Egan Alan Ehrenhalt Shadi Feddin Ralph Fletcher Valerie Gribben Alexandre Hollan Molly Ivins Geeta Kothari Jeremy Lee Yuyi Li Emily Lisker Kamaal Majeed Madge McKeithen Nawal Nasrallah Scott Pitoniak Anna Quindlen Michael J Sandel Raquel Sentíes David E. Skaggs Gary Soto Alexandra Stoddard KellyNoel Waldorf George Washington Ying Ying Yu

A chorus of essays from a variety of voices, backgrounds, and experiences, exploring what it means to be human and true to yourself.What does it mean to be yourself? To be born here or somewhere else? To be from one family instead of another? What does it mean to be human? Collected by Lori Carlson-Hijuelos, A Path to the World showcases essays by a vast variety of luminaries—from Gary Soto to Nawal Nasrallah to Ying Ying Yu, from chefs to artists to teens to philosophers to politicians (keep your eyes peeled for a surprise appearance by George Washington)—all of which speak to the common thread of humanity, the desire to be your truest self, and to belong.Contributors include: Lori Marie Carlson-Hijuelos, Joseph Bruchac, Jacinto Jesús Cardona, William Sloane Coffin, Pat Conroy, Mario Cuomo, Timothy Egan, Alan Ehrenhalt, Shadi Feddin, Ralph Fletcher, Valerie Gribben, Alexandre Hollan, Molly Ivins, Geeta Kothari, Jeremy Lee, Yuyi Li, Emily Lisker, Kamaal Majeed, Madge McKeithen, Nawal Nasrallah, Scott Pitoniak, Anna Quindlen, Michael J. Sandel, Raquel Sentíes, David E. Skaggs, Gary Soto, Alexandra Stoddard, KellyNoel Waldorf, George Washington, and Ying Ying Yu.


by Stephen L. Carman Bob Owen

Steve Carman was a firm believer--but not in God. He believed instead in the reality of scientific facts. As a member of the engineering team that had worked on the ill-fated Apollo I space project, Steve Carman knew all too well the years of dreams and work--and the lives of three men--going up in flames. Yet his faith in empirical facts remained solid, as did his assertion that God existed only in the minds of the uneducated. But Steve and his wife, Joan, felt that their lives lacked something. Together they attended a church and read parts of the Bible. All they found was a list of seemingly unanswerable questions--"Pastor Stumpers," they called them. They found it difficult to accept religion when none of it seemed to make any logical sense! If God was real, they thought, he was just going to have to prove himself....

The Hearts of a Girl: The Journey Through Congenital Heart Disease & Heart Transplant

by Jessica Carmel

A riveting medical memoir about a family&’s journey through multiple surgeries, and a determined battle for survival. Jessica Carmel was born with a severe congenital heart condition. When she was just four days old, her parents learned she would need heart surgery. They had no idea that her future held multiple surgeries and even more unexpected challenges. Sixteen years later, as Jessica sat in her cardiologist&’s office for a routine checkup, he told her and her mom that there was nothing more he could do for her. Jessica needed a heart transplant. Three weeks later, Jessica underwent heart transplant surgery. Her recovery was long, but good—but about ten years later, she learned that she was in desperate need of a new kidney. Her only hope of survival was her sister, Amy—who heroically offered up one of her own kidneys. Now their mother would be seeing both of her daughters off to the operating room . . . This remarkable story of one young woman&’s journey through the medical maze—including financial struggles and battles with insurance companies—and a family&’s determination to survive and thrive together, is both an informative, fascinating look at health care and an uplifting, inspiring read.

Un paseo por la vida de Simone de Beauvoir

by Carmen G. de la Cueva

«Por los pasillos de la casa de Simone no caminamos solas ni de puntillas. Vamos todas cogidas de la mano: Simone, vosotrasy yo, como unas amigas que después de mucho tiempo vuelven a encontrarse para hablar y saber por fin que otra vida es posible.»Carmen G. de la Cueva ¿Quién fue Simone de Beauvoir? Esa es una de las preguntas de este libro, pero no es la más importante. Estas páginas no contienen una biografía al uso. Aquí, Beauvoir no es solo una de las personalidades más célebres del siglo XX, sino una mujer cuya experiencia sigue teniendo ecos en la vida de las mujeres de hoy. Esa es, precisamente, la novedad de este libro: los pasos de Beauvoir no se quedan en el pasado, aislados en su mayo del 68 o en su romance con Jean-Paul Sartre, sino que se desplazan hasta la manera de caminar y de ver propias de las mujeres jóvenes del siglo XXI. Desde su infancia a su madurez, cuando se convirtió en todo un icono, la vida de la autora francesa se expande en este libro hasta llegar a nuestros días, comprobando la actualidad de sus enseñanzas. La crítica ha dicho sobre Mamá, quiero ser feminista:«Es el libro de una vida. [...] Un libro con muchas preguntas, al lector, a la autora, al aire, preguntas que otras mujeres no se han hecho.»Susana Pedreira, Onda Cero «Este libro nos impulsa a reflexionar en torno a los roles y mandatos que se nos imponen desde que nacemos y nos invita a tomar las armas para hacer de nuestra vida aquello que nosotras decidamos.»

Leonor. El futuro condicionado de la monarquía

by Carmen Remírez de Ganuza

¿Será Leonor la futura reina de España? No es mucho lo que sabemos de Leonor de Borbón y Ortiz. Trece años de educación privada y blindaje informativo han mantenido apartada de la opinión pública a la heredera del trono de España. La joven recoge el testigo de una Isabel la Católica que eligió ser princesa de Asturias antes que reina y se prepara para formarse según un plan educativo específico; para hacer equilibrios sobre el alambre jurídico de una función no escrita; para lidiar con una izquierda vigilante y una derecha desafecta; para distanciarse de los escándalos recientes; y para reinar en una Europa... de reinas. ¿Lo conseguirá Leonor? «Depende», responden los políticos preguntados por la autora. Depende de su padre, Felipe VI, y de ella misma. Ambos tendrán que construir su propio relato. Leonor. El futuro condicionado de la monarquía analiza a luz de la ley, la política y lahistoria los escenarios a los que ya se enfrenta la princesa desconocida.

Diego: Bigger Than Life

by Carmen T. Bernier-Grand

A biography in free verse of one of the 20th century's greatest artists.

Poet and Politician of Puerto Rico: Don Luis Munoz Marin

by Carmen T. Bernier-Grand

Grade 5-8. A biography on the life of Puerto Rico's first elected governor. While the beginning of the book focuses on his personal life and desire to be a writer, the latter part concentrates on his political career and efforts to bring about social and political reform in his native land. The man's life is conveyed clearly and chronologically, although the author does not include the exact years of many events within the text, which could lead to some confusion.

A los que vienen: Democracia, desigualdad, justicia, educación, ecología, sexualidad, felicidad explicadas a los jóvenes

by Manuela Carmena

El primer testimonio escrito de Manuela Carmena después de ser alcaldesa de Madrid. Sus palabras más personales e inspiradoras dirigidas a las generaciones venideras y a la sociedad en general. Un libro para ti, que eres joven. Para ti, porque puedes cambiar las cosas. Manuela Carmena, exalcaldesa de Madrid y jueza durante más de 30 años, es mujer, de izquierdas, progresista, feminista, ecologista, demócrata, patriota (si la patria lo es en positivo), agnóstica, madre y abuela, entre otras muchas cosas. Pero ante todo es una ciudadana, una persona como cualquier otra que ha demostrado que se puede hacer política de otra manera, que los pequeños gestos y hechos importan, que nuestros intereses, los de la gente, pueden ser llevados a las instituciones, defendidos y puestos en valor. Que, en definitiva, el pueblo puede y tiene que ser escuchado. En este libro Manuela quiere recoger los principales temas y preocupaciones que ya ha puesto de relevancia en su alcaldía y que ahora quiere compartir de otra manera, desde la vida civil, con las nuevas generaciones que vienen con fuerza y que quizás puedan necesitar algunas cariñosas y valiosas palabras de una de las más queridas figuras públicas que nos han gobernado en las últimas décadas. Gracias, Manuela.

Gold Cord

by Amy Carmichael

The story of Amy Carmichael's missionary work in south India and the origins of the Dohnavur Fellowship.

When the Clouds Fell from the Sky: A Daughter's Search for Her Father in the Killing Fields of Cambodia

by Robert Carmichael

'An outstanding book of astonishing power . . . One finishes it with an ache in the heart'Jon Swain, writer and foreign correspondent, author of River of Time'Like Auschwitz, like Stalin's purges, the mass murders of the Khmer Rouge are one of those extraordinary events that make us wonder about the human capacity for evil. Through a profoundly moving tale that weaves together the connected stories of a victim, his surviving family, and members of the regime, Robert Carmichael brings us into the heart of the darkness that took over Cambodia, bringing it alive in the way no mere statistics can. I've not seen a comparable book about these horrors.'Adam Hochschild, award-winning author of King Leopold's Ghost'What does it mean to say two million people lost their lives during the years of Khmer Rouge rule? The true answer can only be told in microcosm, as Robert Carmichael has done in this intimate and heartbreaking story of the disappearance of one man, and the decades of suffering that followed as his family searched for answers.'Seth Mydans, former Southeast Asia correspondent for the New York Times'As moving as it is well researched. Robert Carmichael's sharp prose and depth of knowledge of Cambodia's history transforms a daughter's search for her missing father into a nation's journey to find peace and reconciliation with its brutal history of genocide.'Loung Ung, author of First They Killed My FatherDuring the Khmer Rouge's four-year reign of terror, two million people died in Cambodia. In describing one family's quest to learn their husband's and father's fate and the war crimes trial of Comrade Duch, who ran the notorious S-21 prison in Phnom Penh, When the Clouds Fell from the Sky illuminates the tragedy of a nation.Having been found responsible for the deaths of more than 12,000 people, Duch was the first Khmer Rouge member to be jailed for crimes committed during Pol Pot's catastrophic 1975-9 rule during which millions were executed or died from starvation, illness and overwork. The Khmer Rouge closed Cambodia's borders, barred all communication with the outside world and sought to turn the clock back to Year Zero. They outlawed religion, markets, money, education and even the concept of family.But the revolution soon imploded, driven to destruction by the incompetence and paranoia of the leadership. Like hundreds of others, when he returned in 1977, Ouk Ket was utterly unaware of the terrors being wrought in the revolution's name.Carmichael has woven together the stories of five people whose lives intersected to traumatic effect: Duch; Ket's daughter, Neary, who was just two when her father disappeared; Ouk Ket himself; Ket's French wife, Martine; and Ket's cousin, Sady, who never left Cambodia and still lives there today.Through these personal stories and months spent following Duch's trial, Carmichael extrapolates from the experience of one man to tell the story of a nation. In doing so, he reaffirms the value of the individual, countering the Khmer Rouge's nihilistic maxim that: 'To keep you is no benefit, to destroy you is no loss.'

When the Clouds Fell from the Sky: A Daughter's Search for Her Father in the Killing Fields of Cambodia

by Robert Carmichael

'Like Auschwitz, like Stalin's purges, the mass murders of the Khmer Rouge are one of those extraordinary events that make us wonder about the human capacity for evil. Through a profoundly moving tale that weaves together the connected stories of a victim, his surviving family, and members of the regime, Robert Carmichael brings us into the heart of the darkness that took over Cambodia, bringing it alive in the way no mere statistics can. I've not seen a comparable book about these horrors.'Adam Hochschild, award-winning author of King Leopold's Ghost'To keep you is no benefit, to destroy you is no loss.'During the Khmer Rouge's four-year rule of terror, two million people, or one in every four, Cambodians, died. In describing one family's decades-long quest to learn their husband's and father's fate and the war crimes trial of Comrade Duch (pronounced 'Doyk'), who ran the notorious S-21 prison in Phnom Penh, When the Clouds Fell from the Sky illuminates the tragedy of a nation. In 2012, Duch was sentenced to life imprisonment, having been found responsible for the deaths of more than 12,000 people. He was the first Khmer Rouge member to be jailed for crimes committed during Pol Pot's catastrophic 1975-9 rule during which millions were executed or died from starvation, illness and overwork as Cambodia underwent the most radical social transformation ever attempted. Designed to outdo even Mao's Great Leap Forward, it was an unparalleled disaster.At the same time, the Khmer Rouge closed Cambodia's borders, barred all communication with the outside world and sought to turn the clock back to Year Zero. They outlawed religion, markets, money, education and even the concept of family. The revolution soon imploded, driven to destruction by the incompetence and paranoia of the leadership. Yet instead of recognising their own failings, the leaders sought unseen enemies everywhere. In their pursuit of purity, they destroyed a nation. Like hundreds of other returnees, when he returned in 1977 Ouk Ket was utterly unaware of the terrors being wrought in the revolution's name. Hundreds of thousands of other Cambodians perished in nearly 200 institutions like S-21. To illustrate this era and its consequences, Robert Carmichael has woven together the stories of five people whose lives intersected to traumatic effect: Duch; Ket's daughter, Neary, who was just two when her father disappeared; Ouk Ket himself; Ket's French wife, Martine; and Ket's cousin, Sady, who never left Cambodia and still lives there today. Through these personal stories, the author's own research, numerous interviews and months spent following Duch's trial, Robert extrapolates from the experience of one man to tell the story of a nation. In doing so, he reaffirms the value of the individual, countering the Khmer Rouge's nihilistic maxim that: 'To keep you is no benefit, to destroy you is no loss.'

When the Clouds Fell from the Sky: A Daughter's Search for Her Father in the Killing Fields of Cambodia

by Robert Carmichael

'An outstanding book of astonishing power . . . One finishes it with an ache in the heart'Jon Swain, writer and foreign correspondent, author of River of Time'Like Auschwitz, like Stalin's purges, the mass murders of the Khmer Rouge are one of those extraordinary events that make us wonder about the human capacity for evil. Through a profoundly moving tale that weaves together the connected stories of a victim, his surviving family, and members of the regime, Robert Carmichael brings us into the heart of the darkness that took over Cambodia, bringing it alive in the way no mere statistics can. I've not seen a comparable book about these horrors.'Adam Hochschild, award-winning author of King Leopold's Ghost'What does it mean to say two million people lost their lives during the years of Khmer Rouge rule? The true answer can only be told in microcosm, as Robert Carmichael has done in this intimate and heartbreaking story of the disappearance of one man, and the decades of suffering that followed as his family searched for answers.'Seth Mydans, former Southeast Asia correspondent for the New York Times'As moving as it is well researched. Robert Carmichael's sharp prose and depth of knowledge of Cambodia's history transforms a daughter's search for her missing father into a nation's journey to find peace and reconciliation with its brutal history of genocide.'Loung Ung, author of First They Killed My FatherDuring the Khmer Rouge's four-year reign of terror, two million people died in Cambodia. In describing one family's quest to learn their husband's and father's fate and the war crimes trial of Comrade Duch, who ran the notorious S-21 prison in Phnom Penh, When the Clouds Fell from the Sky illuminates the tragedy of a nation.Having been found responsible for the deaths of more than 12,000 people, Duch was the first Khmer Rouge member to be jailed for crimes committed during Pol Pot's catastrophic 1975-9 rule during which millions were executed or died from starvation, illness and overwork. The Khmer Rouge closed Cambodia's borders, barred all communication with the outside world and sought to turn the clock back to Year Zero. They outlawed religion, markets, money, education and even the concept of family.But the revolution soon imploded, driven to destruction by the incompetence and paranoia of the leadership. Like hundreds of others, when he returned in 1977, Ouk Ket was utterly unaware of the terrors being wrought in the revolution's name.Carmichael has woven together the stories of five people whose lives intersected to traumatic effect: Duch; Ket's daughter, Neary, who was just two when her father disappeared; Ouk Ket himself; Ket's French wife, Martine; and Ket's cousin, Sady, who never left Cambodia and still lives there today.Through these personal stories and months spent following Duch's trial, Carmichael extrapolates from the experience of one man to tell the story of a nation. In doing so, he reaffirms the value of the individual, countering the Khmer Rouge's nihilistic maxim that: 'To keep you is no benefit, to destroy you is no loss.'

Ready for Revolution: The Life and Struggles of Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Ture)

by Stokely Carmichael Ekwueme Michael Thelwell

Ready for Revolution recounts the extraordinary course of Carmichael's life, from his Trinidadian youth to his consciousness-raising years in Harlem to his rise as the patriarch of the Black Power movement.

Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg

by Irin Carmon Shana Knizhnik

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg never asked for fame—she has only tried to make the world a little better and a little freer.<P><P> But nearly a half-century into her career, something funny happened to the octogenarian: she won the internet. Across America, people who weren’t even born when Ginsburg first made her name as a feminist pioneer are tattooing themselves with her face, setting her famously searing dissents to music, and making viral videos in tribute.<P> Notorious RBG, inspired by the Tumblr that amused the Justice herself and brought to you by its founder and an award-winning feminist journalist, is more than just a love letter. It draws on intimate access to Ginsburg's family members, close friends, colleagues, and clerks, as well an interview with the Justice herself. An original hybrid of reported narrative, annotated dissents, rare archival photos and documents, and illustrations, the book tells a never-before-told story of an unusual and transformative woman who transcends generational divides. As the country struggles with the unfinished business of gender equality and civil rights, Ginsburg stands as a testament to how far we can come with a little chutzpah. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Deseo vivir: La historia de una mujer valiente que aprendió a morir

by María Eugenia Carmona Edwin Winkels

«Esta mañana volví a plantearme qué hago aquí: sólo estar y ¿eso qué es?... Cuando vuelva a nacer podré dedicarme a ayudar y a entender a otras personas. Ahora simplemente no puedo más porque estoy demasiado atrapada en mi cuerpo físico y en su influencia sobre mi mente. Doy gracias por la existencia del papel y del lápiz». La vida de María Eugenia Carmona dio un giro vertiginoso cuando le diagnosticaron un tumor en el pecho en el verano de 2000. Deseo vivir recoge sus pensamientos desde ese momento. Un cuaderno personal en el que anotaba todo lo que se le pasaba por la cabeza a medida que el cáncer iba avanzando: sus miedos, sus alegrías, su dolor, la relación con su familia, la búsqueda espiritual... Deseo vivir es un testimonio sobrecogedor acerca de cómo una persona puede aprender la lección más importante a pesar de todo. Un viaje enternecedor hacia el interior de una mujer que ha de afrontar su destino y recuperar el perdón, encontrar el sentido, disfrutar del encuentro y afrontar la despedida. Un relato cargado de verdad que nos desvela la cara más dura de la enfermedad y la más iluminadora.

Cadet Nurse Corps in Arizona, The: A History of Service (Military)

by Richard Carmona Elsie M. Szecsy

Congress established the U.S. Cadet Nurse Corps during World War II to meet the high demand for medical care. The first federal women's education program, it included a nondiscrimination policy decades before the civil rights movement. The trailblazing cadets and innovative healthcare practices at the five participating teaching hospitals in Arizona left a lasting national legacy. Sage Memorial Hospital was the country's only accredited nursing school for Native Americans. Santa Monica's Hospital and nursing school was the first to integrate west of the Mississippi. The daughter of a Navajo medicine man, U.S. Army Nurse Corps second lieutenant Adele Slivers helped bridge a gap between traditional healing practices and modern medicine. Arizona author Elsie Szecsy details momentous local challenges and achievements from this pivotal era in American medicine.

The Autobiography of Jack the Ripper

by James Carnac

"It's either a genuine confession by Jack the Ripper, or it's an extraordinary novel...Only you can decide."--Paul Begg, author of Jack the Ripper: The Definitive History In the Whitechapel neighborhood of London in 1888, five women were horribly mutilated and murdered by the infamous killer, Jack the Ripper. Though there were many suspects, the monster was never caught. This recently discovered memoir from the 1920s introduces a new suspect: James Willoughby Carnac, a little-known figure who claims to have been the Ripper. Carnac describes the events and geography of Whitechapel in 1888 with chilling accuracy, including details of the murders that appear to have been unavailable to the public at the time. He presents a credible motive for becoming Jack, and, for the first time ever, a reason for ending the killing spree. Ultimately, you, the reader, must decide if this is simply one of the earliest imaginings of the case--and a groundbreaking literary addition to the Ripper canon--or if it is the genuine autobiography of Jack the Ripper himself. "A text that will no doubt be debated for years to come."--Alan Hicken, Montacute Museum, Somerset, England "Intricate and creepy."--The Daily Express (UK) "Easily read and worth it for the ending."--Kirkus

Unexpected: Finding Resilience through Functional Medicine, Science, and Faith

by Dr. Jill Carnahan

In Unexpected, Dr. Jill Carnahan shares her story of facing life-altering illness, fighting for her health, and overcoming sickness using both science and faith so that others can learn to live their own transformative stories. There are times in each of our lives when change and uncertainty threaten to disrupt everything we thought was true. It may occur after a diagnosis of a life-threatening illness, the loss of a job, the death of a loved one, or another unexpected circumstance that threatens our health, safety or security. Written as our world is changing at an exponential rate, Dr. Jill Carnahan&’s riveting and compassionate exploration of healing through Functional Medicine introduces a new paradigm for readers where darkness and fear are replaced with hope, resilience, profound healing, unconditional love, and unexpected miracles. Each chapter reveals practical advice that can be readily used for conditions like mold toxicity, cancer, autoimmune conditions, Lyme disease, and more. Dr. Jill&’s raw and honest account of her own challenges facing life-threatening illness, living with autoimmunity and mold toxicity, trying to save a failed marriage, and the harsh realities of working in a medical system that has no tolerance for stepping outside the lines, reveals a new path of empowerment for taking control of our own health and wellbeing. For the skeptic or the faithful, Unexpected is a valuable guide for living an extraordinary life of love and resilience.

The Women of the Real Downton Abbey

by Countess Fiona Carnarvon

This collection, available exclusively as an ebook, brings together two tales of Highclere Castle, the grand estate that serves as the central character for the hit PBS show Downton Abbey, from the current Countess of Carnarvon. A New York Times bestseller, Lady Almina and the Real Downton Abbey contrasts the splendor of Edwardian life in a great house against the backdrop of the First World War and offers an inspiring and revealing picture of Lady Almina, the woman at the center of the history of Highclere Castle. Lady Catherine, the Earl, and the Real Downton Abbey transports readers to the 1920s and 1930s as the nations of Europe inched towards war and tells the story of Catherine Wendell, the beautiful and spirited American woman who married Lady Almina's son, the man who would become the 6th Earl of Carnarvon. Using copious materials--including diaries and scrapbooks--from the castle's archives, the current Countess of Carnarvon brings these stories to life in a beautiful and fabled setting.

Lady Almina y la verdadera Downton Abbey: El legado perdido de Highclere Castle

by Lady Fiona Carnarvon

Lady Fiona Carnarvon, la octava condesa, relata la extraordinaria historia del auténtico Downton Abbey, aún más fascinante que la ficción. Lady Fiona Carnarvon se convirtió en señora de Highclere Castle -escenario de la exitosa serie Downton Abbey- hace ocho años. En este periodo ha llegado a sentir fascinación por la interesante historia de Highclere y por las extraordinarias personas que han residido allí a lo largo de los siglos. Pero una persona en particular captó el interés de Fiona: lady Almina, la quinta condesa de Carnarvon. Almina fue la hija ilegítima del magnate de la banca Alfred de Rothschild. Fue su única hija y objeto de devoción por su parte. A los diecinueve años, con una inmensa dote, se casó con el quinto conde de Carnarvon. Al principio, la vida en Highclere transcurrió en una vertiginosa sucesión de suntuosos banquetes para quinientas personas e incluso algún que otro invitado real. Almina supervisó a ochenta empleados, muchos de los cuales procedían de familias que llevaban generaciones trabajando en Highclere. Pero el estallido de la Primera Guerra Mundial cambió para siempre la vida en Highclere, tanto arriba como abajo. Los avatares de la historia hicieron que Almina y el personal de Highclere se vieran envueltos en uno de los periodos más turbulentos del pasado siglo. Almina tuvo que hacer acopio de todo su arrojo para garantizar la supervivencia de su familia, del personal y del castillo. Esta es la extraordinaria historia de una época desaparecida. Sin embargo, Highclere permanece y en este libro lady Carnarvon narra la andadura de Almina y de su familia, el legado y la historia de una de las casas solariegas victorianas más exquisitas de Inglaterra.

The Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie

by Andrew Carnegie

Andrew Carnegie, the great steel-baron-turned-philanthropist, was an industrialist unlike any other. His famous dictum, that he who dies rich dies disgraced, has inspired a generation of twenty-first-century philanthropists to follow in his footsteps and put their money towards philanthropic causes. He had an unwavering belief in distributing wealth for good, and systematically and deliberately gave away the bulk of his riches throughout his lifetime. Born in 1835, he emigrated with his family to the United States from Scotland at a young age. His first job was in a cotton factory, and he later worked as an errand boy. The industrial age brought great opportunities for Mr. Carnegie. With drive and hard work, he amassed a fortune as a steel tycoon, and by adulthood the errand boy was one of the richest and most generous men in the United States. A strong dedication to giving back guided him throughout his life and career. During his own lifetime, he put his ideas into action by creating a family of organizations that continue to work toward improving the human condition, advancing international peace, strengthening democracy, and creating social progress that benefits men, women and children both in the United States and around the globe. Here, in the reissue of the classic autobiography that has inspired generations, is the rags-to-riches tale of the life and philosophies of one of the most celebrated industrialists and philanthropists in history. From his humble beginnings as a poor Scottish immigrant to his immense success in business, Andrew Carnegie outlines the principles that he lived by and that today serve as the pillars of modern philanthropy.

Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie: Large Print

by Andrew Carnegie

A critically acclaimed autobiography by one of America's greatest philanthropists Scottish immigrant Andrew Carnegie worked his way up from bobbin boy to telegraph operator to railroad man, learning key lessons along the way that would eventually lead to his unparalleled success in the steel business. Documenting a world of tariffs, insider deals, and Wall Street sharks, The Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie opens a window into the great industrialist's decision-making process. His insights on education, business, and the necessity of giving back for the common good set an inspirational example for aspiring executives and provide a fitting testament to the power of the American dream. This ebook has been professionally proofread to ensure accuracy and readability on all devices.

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