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Cómo manejar la economía de su hogar

by Wilson Mariño

Una guía para mejorar sus finanzas. Tener control del dinero no siempre es fácil, y cuando no llevamos el cálculo de cuánto ganamos, cuánto gastamos y cuánto estamos ahorrando, nuestras cuentas se pueden volver un caos, con deudas descomunales, falta de liquidez y la imposibilidad de pedir un crédito. La angustia es aún mayor si se proyecta un cambio en el trabajo o una crisis económica. Este libro enseña de una forma fácil y práctica a planear, gestionar y controlar un presupuesto familiar. Muestra cómo hacer un análisis de las deudas para disminuirlas gradualmentey da consejos para crear un plan de ahorro y técnicas para cumplirlo. Ahora piense, ¿cuáles son sus metas financieras a corto, mediano y largo plazo? ¿Cómo se sentiría si el fruto de su trabajo se dirige poco a poco al cumplimiento de estas metas? En sus manos tiene la guía completa para optimizar su dinero y cumplir sus sueños.

Cómo obtener una propiedad con certificados de gravámenes fiscales - Inversión de bajo riesgo

by Dy Wakefield Verónica Fabiano y Cecilia Langone

El presente informe de investigación trata acerca de cómo adquirir una propiedad con certificados de gravámenes fiscales y de mi experiencia personal a través de un par de subastas. En primer lugar, voy a explicarles lo que significa un certificado de gravamen fiscal. En segundo lugar, les mostraré cómo comenzar el proceso con una breve descripción. En tercer lugar, les explicaré qué son las sociedades de responsabilidad limitada y sus beneficios, como, por ejemplo, la protección de los acreedores en cuanto a su responsabilidad. En cuarto lugar, explicaré las diferencias entre un certificado de dominio de venta fiscal y un certificado de dominio de venta fiscal de rescate. En quinto lugar, les contaré las experiencias que he tenido con las subastas de gravámenes fiscales. En sexto lugar, les explicaré por qué deberían invertir en gravámenes fiscales. En séptimo lugar, les mostraré un cuadro para que puedan ver las tasas de interés por estado y también los estados que tienen gravámenes fiscales, certificados de dominio de venta fiscal y certificados de dominio de venta fiscal de rescate. Y por último, esta propuesta concluirá con la demostración de los beneficios de poseer una propiedad a través de certificados de gravámenes fiscales o de sólo obtener un interés.

Como Publicar Seu Livro

by Justin Sachs joao batista esteves alves

Como Publicar Seu Livro Justin Sachs Como Publicar Seu Livro lhe dá as ferramentas, estratégias e sistemas que você precisa dominar e implementar para entrar com êxito na indústria editorial. Como Publicar Seu Livro lhe dá as ferramentas, estratégias e sistemas que você precisa dominar e implementar para entrar com êxito na indústria editorial. Autor e editor de sucesso, Justin Sachs, compartilha seus segredos de iniciado que publicou mais de 250 produtos e se aconselhou com a autoridade em desenvolvimento pessoal mundialmente renomada, Anthony Robbins, e o coautor da série Canja de Galinha para a Alma, Mark Victor Hansen. Este livro é obrigatório para quem quiser lancer um livro. Gênero: Negócios & Investimentos Gênero Secundário: Antologies & Coleções de Literatura

Cómo Ser Escritor Emprendedor Sin Gastar Un Céntimo

by Prasenjeet Kumar Marah Villaverde

¿Estás cometiendo los mismos caros errores que otros escritores noveles suelen cometer? Este libro te ayudará a hacer realidad tu sueño de ser escritor emprendedor SIN GASTAR UN CÉNTIMO. Del autor de las series bestseller Nº1 Cooking In A Jiffy y Quiet Phoenix llega este manual para que tú también puedas conseguirlo por tu cuenta, lleno de trucos y consejos prácticos que te ayudarán a dar el paso: de soñar con escribir al nirvana de la publicación. Prasenjeet Kumar condensa en este libro toda la experiencia y conocimientos que ha ido acumulando después de publicar 12 libros en las principales plataformas digitales, y advierte a los noveles del peligro de los cursos para escritores, clubs, planes y estrategias de todo tipo que han conseguido perfeccionar el arte de desplumar a autores desesperados. A lo largo de las más de 140 páginas de este libro descubrirás cómo aprovecharte de la vasta cantidad de información disponible de forma gratuita en sitios como el del propio autor,, con la que podrás aprender todo lo que necesitas para sacar tu libro al mercado, tanto en papel como en formatos electrónicos. También encontrarás multitud de consejos para organizarte, escribir, editar, corregir, diseñar, formatear, poner precio, publicar tu libro y venderlo. Y todo SIN GASTAR UN CÉNTIMO. ¡Prometido!

Cómo Tomar el Control de Tu Imagen Personal en LinkedIn

by Richard G Lowe Jr Ángel Martínez Terré

Cómo Incrementar tus Ingresos Potenciales Pormocionándote Correctamente en LinkedIn Aprende lo que tienes que hacer para crear una buena imagen personal en tu perfil de LinkedIn. Un buen perfil te va a a proporcionar más contactos y potencialmente a unos ingresos mayores. Si dejas tu perfil de LinkedIn tal como está ahora, sin importar lo expcepcional que seas, ¿vas a estar atrapado en el mismo trabajo aburrido y poco satisfactorio o vas a tener problemas a diario para conseguir contactos de trabajo? ¿Eres feliz trabajando en un trabajo poco gratificante y mal pagado día tras día o intentar desesperadamente y muy a menudo sin éxito encontrar a gente que esté interesada en tus productos o servicios? ¿O preferirías que las ofertas de trabajo y los contactos vnieran ellos A TI, OFRECIÉNDOTE trabajo, OFRECIÉNDOTE comprar tus productos, todo por aprender cómo escribir un perfil de LinkedIn que atraiga a la gente direcamente hacia tu bandeja de entrada? Richard Lowe Jr, Expertio en Marcas Senior, explica qué es tu marca personal y cómo te ayuda a definirte como un experto en tu área. Esto te llevara a más contactos, más ofertas y potencialmente a unos ingresos más altos. ¡No dejes pasar otro día sin tomar medidas contra el problema. Hazte con una copia. Haz click en el botón COMPRAR AHORA en el principio de esta página!

Cómo trabajar desde casa y ganar dinero

by Sam Kerns Gabriela Pineda Coutiño

Cómo trabajar desde casa y ganar dinero de Sam Kerns Este libro ofrece 10 formas probadas y realistas de trabajar desde casa y tener un buen ingreso. ¿Estás cansado de luchar con un sueldo que no se estira lo suficiente? o ¿eres uno de los muchos que se quedaron sin trabajo por culpa de la mala economía? Tal vez sea el momento para convertirte en tu propio jefe, planear tu horario y elegir el camino que tu vida va a tomar. Lo que sea que te trajo a esta página, es obvio que estás buscando respuestas; la buena noticia es que llegaste al lugar adecuado. He pasado 20 años trabajando para mí mismo y nunca soñaría con vivir contra reloj o trabajar en la oficina de alguien más todos los días para cobrar un sueldo bajo, eso es porque ha descubierto el secreto: Cuando trabajas por tu cuenta eres más feliz, más productivo y tienes un potencial ilimitado de ingresos. Después de todo, ¿Por qué querrías trabajar tanto por los sueños de alguien más? Trabajar para mí mismo me ha permitido tener un estilo de vida que mucha gente sólo sueña, tengo la flexibilidad de crear la vida que quiero, descansar cuando quiero y decidir cuánto dinero quiero al escoger la cantidad de horas que trabajo. Pero no te engañes, el trabajar un negocio desde casa no es fácil, para construir un negocio exitoso que genere dinero se necesita trabajo duro y dedicación. Estoy complacido de ofrecerte 10 formas probadas y realistas de trabajar desde casa y tener un buen ingreso por medio de mi libro; además, no sólo te ofrezco una explicación breve de cada método como lo hacen otros, sino que en cada capítulo te doy la información y los hechos que necesitas para determinar si ese negocio es el adecuado para ti. Pero no terminó ahí, también te doy links y recursos importantes por si decides tomar las ideas que enlisto en el libro, así que tendrás todo lo que necesitas para empezar.

Como Trabalhar em Casa e Ganhar Dinheiro: 10 Negócios Caseiros Comprovados para Começar Hoje

by Sam Kerns Pollyana Tiussi

A vida é muito curta para trabalhar para outra pessoa! Você está cansado de lutar para sobreviver com um salário que é insuficiente? Ou você é uma das milhões de pessoas que estão desempregadas em uma economia que está indo mal? Talvez você deseje ser seu próprio chefe, para assim poder definir seu próprio horário e decidir o caminho que sua vida seguirá. Seja o que for que tenha te trazido a esta página, você está, obviamente, em busca de respostas. A boa notícia é que você veio ao lugar certo. Eu passei os últimos 20 anos trabalhando por conta própria, e nunca sonharia com uma rotina de bater o ponto ou caminhar para o escritório de outra pessoa todos os dias para receber um péssimo salário. Isso tudo porque descobri o segredo: quando você trabalha para si mesmo é mais feliz, mais produtivo e tem o potencial de ganhos ilimitados. Afinal, por que você iria querer trabalhar tão duro para financiar os sonhos de outra pessoa? Trabalhar por conta própria me permitiu viver um estilo de vida que muitas pessoas só podem sonhar. Tenho a flexibilidade de levar a vida que eu quero, tirar dias de folga quando preciso e decidir quanto dinheiro eu faço, escolhendo meu tempo de trabalho. Mas não se deixe enganar. Trabalhar em um negócio caseiro não é fácil. É preciso muito trabalho e dedicação para construir um negócio bem-sucedido que fará você ganhar dinheiro. Em meu livro, tenho o prazer de oferecer-lhe 10 maneiras comprovadas e realistas para trabalhar em casa e receber um ótimo rendimento. E eu não vou apenas oferecer-lhe uma breve explicação de cada método, como alguns outros livros fazem. Em cada capítulo, fornecerei as informações e fatos que você precisa para determinar se o negócio é o ideal para você. Mas eu não paro por aí. Eu também disponibilizarei links e recursos importantes, pois se você decidir que quer levar a cabo uma d

Como Traduzir Seus Livros Sem Gastar Um Centavo

by Lygia Decker Prasenjeet Kumar

Embol$e o poder da tradução SEM GASTAR UM CENTAVO Do autor #1 de best-sellers das series "Cozinhando Num Instante" e "A Fênix Quieta", este manual "faça-você-mesmo" traz dicas e recomendações práticas que podem fazer seu sonho de escritor alcançar o Nirvana. Destilando sua experiência prática de colocar 16 de seus livros em todas as plataformas de e-books, o autor Prasenjeet Kumar detalha como você também pode fazer as traduções de seus livros (tanto na versão impressa como no formato e-book) alcançarem o mercado mundial sem que você tenha um ataque de nervos. Este livro cobre aspectos essenciais da tradução. Dá dicas de como escolher um tradutor, como encontrar um editor/revisor para seus livros traduzidos, como adaptar capas já disponíveis, fazer a formação, dar preço, publicar e divulgar mundialmente seus livros traduzidos através de mais de 300 distribuidores. E tudo isso, é claro, SEM GASTAR UM CENTAVO! Você se lembra do Paulo Coelho de "O Alquimista"? O livro poderia ter entrado para o Recorde Mundial do Guinness se não tivesse atingido a vendagem de mais de 65 milhões de cópias em 67 idiomas? A história comprova o poder da palavra escrita, mas traduções de obras poderosas podem ser igualmente importantes. Por isso você precisa ler "Como Traduzir Seus Livros SEM GASTAR UM CENTAVO".

Companies Don't Succeed, People Do: 50 Ways to Motivate Your Team

by Bob Nelson

Learn how to create a clear path to success with an efficient and collaborative team. Everyone has something to offer, you simply need to identify what each of your team members uniquely provides. Uncover your best qualities and imagine the goals that you can achieve with a group of equally talented individuals. No task is too big and no company is too small for a celebrated and strong team. This book is filled with team-building tips, real-life stories, and helpful quotes to begin your shared success. Share your vision and engage with your team members to create an environment that promotes and promises success!

Companies that Mimic Life: Leaders of the Emerging Corporate Renaissance

by Joseph H. Bragdon

Industrial capitalism is broken. The signs, which transcend national ideologies, are everywhere: climate change; ecological overshoot; financial exhaustion; fraying social safety nets; corporate fraud; government deceit; civic unrest; terrorism; and war. But there is hope. This book tells how transformation is taking root in the corporate world – the last place many of us would look for solutions. The book tells the stories of seven exceptional companies. Their shared secret is a new mental model of the firm that is the virtual opposite of industrial capitalism. Each company, if not already a household name, is a significant player within their industry and, crucially, has outperformed their competitors. Lessons can be learned. It works like this. Instead of modeling themselves on the assumed efficiency of machines – a thought process that emerged during the industrial age – these firms model themselves on living systems. Firms with open, ethical, inclusive traditions – where employees have a voice and a stake in what happens – have a distinct advantage over traditionally managed companies where most decisions are made at the top. Understanding that everything of value ultimately arises from life, they place a higher value on living assets (people and Nature) than they do on non-living capital assets. The energy they invest in stewarding those assets – a practice described in the book as living asset stewardship (LAS) – is transformative.

A Company's Right to Damages for Non-Pecuniary Loss

by Vanessa Wilcox

Applying appropriate legal rules to companies with as much consistency and as little consternation as possible remains a challenge for legal systems. One area causing concern is the availability of damages for non-pecuniary loss to companies, a disquiet that is rooted in the very nature of such damages and of companies themselves. In this book, Vanessa Wilcox presents a detailed examination of the extent to which damages for non-pecuniary loss can be properly awarded to companies. The book focusses on the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights and English law, with a chapter also dedicated to comparative treatment. While the law must be adaptable, Wilcox concludes that considerations of coherency, certainty and ultimately justice dictate that the resulting rules should conform to certain core legal principles. This book lays the foundation for further comparative research into this topic and will be of interest to both the tort law and broader legal community.

Comparative Governance

by Peters B. Guy Jon Pierre

Why do some policies succeed so well while others, in the same sector or country, fail dramatically? The aim of this book is to answer this question and provide systematic research on the nature, sources and consequences of policy failure. The expert

Comparative Welfare Capitalism in East Asia: Productivist Models of Social Policy

by Mason Kim

Comparative Welfare Capitalism in East Asia: Productivist Models of Social Policy by Mason M. S. Kim

Comparative Workplace Employment Relations: An Analysis of Practice in Britain and France

by Alex Bryson John Forth Thomas Amossé Héloïse Petit

This comprehensive study provides a perceptive portrait of workplace employment relations in Britain and France using comparable data from two large-scale surveys: the British Workplace Employment Relations Survey (WERS) and the French Enquête Relations Professionnelles et Négociations d'Entreprise (REPONSE). These extensive linked employer-employee surveys provide nationally-representative data on private sector employment relations in all but the smallest workplaces, and offer a unique opportunity to compare and contrast workplace employment relations under two very different employment regimes. An insightful read for all academics and students of employment, the findings also have implications for practitioners and policy-makers keen to identify and promote "best practice".

Comparisons in Economic Thought: Economic interdependency reconsidered (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics)

by Stavros A. Drakopoulos

The idea of comparing rewards with others has a long and persistent presence in the social sciences, and can be found in many psychological, social and managerial theories. In economics, this idea can be traced back through the works of a substantial number of eminent thinkers, from Genovesi and Hume, to Smith, Ricardo, Marx, and Mill, through to Veblen, Pigou, and Keynes. In the last two decades the notion of social comparisons has started to appear more frequently in economic literature, especially in the subfield of happiness research. There are also signs that the notion has resurfaced in some strands of literature such as positional concerns, social identity models and social capital theory. Comparisons in Economic Thought offers a uniquely comprehensive account of how social comparisons have featured in the history of economic thought. This book provides an assessment as to why social comparisons have been dismissed by mainstream economists and considers their current and future usefulness. This volume is suitable for those who are interested and study history of economic thought, economic methodology and History of Consumer Theory, as well as Rational Choice Theory.

Compass Group: The Ascension Health Decision

by Ryan W. Buell

In 2012, Compass Group (Compass) was on the verge of closing a $2 billion deal with Ascension Health (Ascension), one of the largest healthcare systems in the United States. Under the deal, Compass would provide foodservice management and cleaning services for 86 of Ascension's hospitals. Compass employs a "sectorized" approach to deliver service through a portfolio of focused brands, each of which targets focused groups of customers with specific needs. After months of negotiating, the deal had come down to a single request: Could Compass provide these two services through a single operation? Compass must weigh the benefits of operational focus against the prospect of a very lucrative contract. The case details the strengths and limitations of a sectorized strategy. It also provides a window into the complicated and time-intensive supplier selection process inherent in many business-to-business service relationships.

The Compassionate Conspiracy: A Field Guide to Changing the World

by Philip Johnson

As the world around us gasps for breath in an environment of unprecedented complexity and need, we find ourselves overwhelmed and asking is there anything we can do to make a difference? The Compassionate Conspiracy answers with a resounding Yes and serves as a practical guide to help readers discover their passion and develop their personal plan to make a world of difference.

Compatibility of Transactional Resolutions of Antitrust Proceedings with Due Process and Fundamental Rights & Online Exhaustion of IP Rights (LIDC Contributions on Antitrust Law, Intellectual Property and Unfair Competition)

by Bruce Kilpatrick Pierre Kobel Pranvera Këllezi

This bookprovides an unparalleled comparative analysis of two "hot topics" inthe field of antitrust and unfair competition laws with regard to a number ofkey countries. The first partof the book examines the consistency and compatibility of transactionalresolutions of antitrust proceedings (such as settlement procedures, leniencyprogrammes and commitments) with due process and the fundamental rights of theparties. This is a particularly important topic, given the widespread adoptionof these procedures by anti-trust authorities worldwide. The individual chaptersconsider how the leniency, settlement and commitments procedures have developedacross a range of jurisdictions, and discuss the extent to which checks andbalances have been applied in those national procedures in order to safeguardthe fundamental rights of the parties involved. A detailed international reportidentifies general trends and highlights the differences between and most interestingfeatures of national regulations. The second partof the book gathers contributions from various jurisdictions on the unfaircompetition-related question of the online exhaustion of IP rights. As commerceis increasingly moving online, the respective chapters consider the extent towhich exhaustion and similar concepts have adapted to these rapid changes. Thecomprehensive and insightful international report brings together thesereflections by comparing various national positions. The book alsoincludes the resolutions passed by the General Assembly of the LIDC following adebate on each of these topics, which include proposed solutions andrecommendations. The internationalLeague of Competition Law (LIDC) is a long-standing international associationthat focuses on the interface between competition law and intellectual propertylaw, including unfair competition issues.

A Compendium of Italian Economists at Oxbridge: Contributions to the Evolution of Economic Thinking

by Mauro Baranzini Amalia Mirante

Thisstudy examines five decades of Italian economists who studied or researched atthe Universities of Oxford and Cambridge between the years 1950 and 2000. Providing a detailed list of Italian economists associated with Hicks, Harrod,Bacharach, Flemming, Mirrlees, Sen and other distinguished dons, the authorsexamine eleven research lines, including the Sraffa and the neo-Ricardianschool, the post-Keynesian school and the Stone's and Goodwin's schools. Baranzini and Mirante trace the influence of the schools in terms of 1) theirfundamental role in the evolution of economic thought; 2) their promotion offour key controversies (on the measurement of technical progress, on capitaltheory, on income distribution and on the inter-generational transmission ofwealth); 3) the counter-flow of Oxbridge scholars to academia in Italy, and 4)the invigoration of a third generation of Italian economists researching orteaching at Oxbridge today. A must-read for all those interested in the way Italian and British research has shaped the study and teaching of economics.

Competence-Based Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism

by Elisa Innerhofer Harald Pechlaner

Dr Pechlaner and Dr Innerhofer, the editors of Competence-Based Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism, argue that the industry operates within highly challenging and competitive environments. Changing environmental and market conditions continually force hotel businesses and service providers to offer their customers new and modified products and services, in order to remain competitive; those which respect value perceptions of markets and sustainable stakeholder reactions. This then raises the question of how innovations within this industry must be developed in order to achieve competitive differentiation. The book demonstrates that the development and analysis of successful innovation strategies should integrate the resource-based view and its advancements, the competence-based view, as well as the dynamic capabilities approach and the relational view. Resource-based strategic management approaches view the firm as a bundle of resources and competences. They point to the importance of firm-specific resources and competences in explaining variations in competitive positions and performance differentiation between companies. The challenge of hospitality and tourism is to develop resources and competences that drive innovations. This book will serve to advance the status quo of tourism research literature by combining innovation theories with network theories and tourism and destination development, by illustrating the development of cooperative competences and innovations in tourism and by showing, in a tailored way, how the challenge of the development of resources and competences that drive innovations in tourism can be managed.

Competing Against Luck: The Story of Innovation and Customer Choice

by Taddy Hall David S. Duncan Karen Dillon Clayton M. Christensen

The foremost authority on innovation and growth presents a path-breaking book every company needs to transform innovation from a game of chance to one in which they develop products and services customers not only want to buy, but are willing to pay premium prices for.How do companies know how to grow? How can they create products that they are sure customers want to buy? Can innovation be more than a game of hit and miss? Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen has the answer. A generation ago, Christensen revolutionized business with his groundbreaking theory of disruptive innovation. Now, he goes further, offering powerful new insights. After years of research, Christensen has come to one critical conclusion: our long held maxim--that understanding the customer is the crux of innovation--is wrong. Customers don't buy products or services; they "hire" them to do a job. Understanding customers does not drive innovation success, he argues. Understanding customer jobs does. The "Jobs to Be Done" approach can be seen in some of the world's most respected companies and fast-growing startups, including Amazon, Intuit, Uber, Airbnb, and Chobani yogurt, to name just a few. But this book is not about celebrating these successes--it's about predicting new ones. Christensen contends that by understanding what causes customers to "hire" a product or service, any business can improve its innovation track record, creating products that customers not only want to hire, but that they'll pay premium prices to bring into their lives. Jobs theory offers new hope for growth to companies frustrated by their hit and miss efforts.This book carefully lays down Christensen's provocative framework, providing a comprehensive explanation of the theory and why it is predictive, how to use it in the real world--and, most importantly, how not to squander the insights it provides.

Competing on Supply Chain Quality: A Network Economics Perspective (Springer Series in Supply Chain Management #2)

by Anna Nagurney Dong Li

This book lays the foundations for quality modeling and analysis in the context of supply chains through a synthesis of the economics, operations management, as well as operations research/management science literature on quality. The reality of today's supply chain networks, given their global reach from sourcing locations to points of demand, is further challenged by such issues as the growth in outsourcing as well as the information asymmetry associated with what producers know about the quality of their products and what consumers know. Although much of the related literature has focused on the micro aspects of supply chain networks, considering two or three decision-makers, it is essential to capture the scale of supply chain networks in a holistic manner that occurs in practice in order to be able to evaluate and analyze the competition and the impacts on supply chain quality in a quantifiable manner. This volume provides an overview of the fundamental methodologies utilized in this book, including optimization theory, game theory, variational inequality theory, and projected dynamical systems theory. It then focuses on major issues in today's supply chains with respect to quality, beginning with information asymmetry, followed by product differentiation and branding, the outsourcing of production, from components to final products, to quality in freight service provision. The book is filled with numerous real-life examples in order to emphasize the generality and pragmatism of the models and tools. The novelty of the framework lies in a network economics perspective through which the authors identify the underlying network structure of the various supply chains, coupled with the behavior of the decision-makers, ranging from suppliers and manufacturers to freight service providers. What is meant by quality is rigorously defined and quantified. The authors explore the underlying dynamics associated with the competitive processes along with the equilibrium solutions. As appropriate, the supply chain decision-makers compete in terms of quantity and quality, or in price and quality. The relevance of the various models that are developed to specific industrial sectors, including pharmaceuticals and high technology products, is clearly made. Qualitative analyses are provided, along with effective, and, easy to implement, computational procedures. Finally, the impacts of policy interventions, in the form of minimum quality standards, and their ramifications, in terms of product prices, quality levels, as well as profits are explored. The book is filled with many network figures, graphs, and tables with data.

Competir contra la suerte: La historia de la innovación y la elección del cliente

by Clayton M. Christensen

¿Las empresas saben cómo crecer? ¿Cómo pueden crear productos que están seguros de que los clientes quieren comprar? ¿Puede la innovación ser más que un juego de éxito? El profesor Clayton Christensen de la Escuela de Negocios de Harvard tiene la respuesta. Hace una generación, Christensen revolucionó los negocios con su innovadora teoría de la innovación disruptiva. Ahora, él va más allá, ofreciendo nuevas y poderosas ideas. Después de años de investigación, Christensen ha llegado a una conclusión crítica: Los clientes no compran productos o servicios; ellos los "contratan" para hacer un trabajo. Comprender qué hace que los clientes "contraten" un producto o servicio, hará que cualquier empresa puede mejorar su historial de innovación, creando productos que los clientes no solo quieran contratar, sino que pagarán precios más altos para llevarlos a sus vidas; por ejemplo: Amazon, Intuit, Uber, Airbnb y Chobani, por nombrar solo algunos. Pero este libro no se trata de celebrar estos éxitos, se trata de predecir nuevos.Este libro establece cuidadosamente el marco provocativo de Christensen, que proporciona una explicación completa de la teoría y por qué es predictivo, cómo usarlo en el mundo real y, lo más importante, cómo no desperdiciar la información que proporciona.

Competition and Investment in Air Transport: Legal and Economic Issues

by Ruwantissa Abeyratne

This book addresses emerging legal and economic issues in competition and investment in air transport, against the backdrop of the role governments and airlines should play in avoiding protectionism and encouraging innovation and creativity. It evaluates current trends in air transport and the direction the industry is taking in the twenty first century. There are discussions on key aspects of air transport, such as safety assurance and environmental protection, as they are impacted by competition. The rapid evolution of aerospace transport and its effect on competition in air transport is also examined. A recurring theme of the book is the influence of creative destruction and disruptive innovation on air transport. This is addressed through an in-depth study of the contentious areas of law relating to the abuse of dominant positions and state aid, as reflected in the ongoing claim by the three largest US carriers against Gulf carriers such as Emirates Airlines, Etihad and Qatar Airways. The US carriers claim that Emirates and Etihad - which operate air services into the United States by virtue of an open-skies agreement between the US and The United Arab Emirates - are using generous subsidies given to them by their g overnments to illegally capture the "legitimate" market belonging to the US carriers. These issues are clarified in the book using analyses of competition law and investment law as they apply to air transport, free-trade-agreement analogies and an open-skies case study.

Competition and Stability in Banking: The Role of Regulation and Competition Policy

by Xavier Vives

Does too much competition in banking hurt society? What policies can best protect and stabilize banking without stifling it? Institutional responses to such questions have evolved over time, from interventionist regulatory control after the Great Depression to the liberalization policies that started in the United States in the 1970s. The global financial crisis of 2007-2009, which originated from an oversupply of credit, once again raised questions about excessive banking competition and what should be done about it. Competition and Stability in Banking addresses the critical relationships between competition, regulation, and stability, and the implications of coordinating banking regulations with competition policies.Xavier Vives argues that while competition is not responsible for fragility in banking, there are trade-offs between competition and stability. Well-designed regulations would alleviate these trade-offs but not eliminate them, and the specificity of competition in banking should be accounted for. Vives argues that regulation and competition policy should be coordinated, with tighter prudential requirements in more competitive situations, but he also shows that supervisory and competition authorities should stand separate from each other, each pursuing its own objective. Vives reviews the theory and empirics of banking competition, drawing on up-to-date analysis that incorporates the characteristics of modern market-based banking, and he looks at regulation, competition policies, and crisis interventions in Europe and the United States, as well as in emerging economies. Focusing on why banking competition policies are necessary, Competition and Stability in Banking examines regulation's impact on the industry's efficiency and effectiveness.

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