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Basiswissen Unternehmensbewertung: Schneller Einstieg in die Wertermittlung

by Bernd Heesen Michelle Heesen

Um Ihr Basiswissen im Bereich Unternehmensbewertung umfassend zu vergrößern, behandelt dieses Buch u. a. folgende Teilbereiche: Richtiger Umgang mit KennzahlenAnalysen historischer Ist-PeriodenWertermittlung eines UnternehmensGewinn- und Verlustrechnung (GuV)BilanzaufbauVor- und Nachteile der DCF-Methode Auf diese Weise lernen Sie mit diesem Werk nicht nur neue Fachtermini kennen. Dank eines ausführlichen Beispiels einer Unternehmensbewertung sind Sie mit Heesens Basiswissen-Buch zudem in der Lage, einfache buchhalterische Berechnungen selbstständig zu erledigen. Dabei unterstützen Sie zusätzlich begleitende Excel-Tools, die online zur Verfügung stehen. Dieser Praxisbezug erleichtert es Ihnen, auch die theoretischen Hintergründe der Unternehmensbewertung besser zu verstehen.

Battle for the Big Top: P.T. Barnum, James Bailey, John Ringling, and the Death-Defying Saga of the American Circus

by Les Standiford

The untold story of three Golden Age titans and the confrontations, cutthroat business strategies, and eccentric personalities that built the Ringling Bros., Barnum & Bailey Circus Millions have sat under the &“big top,&” watching as trapeze artists glide and clowns entertain, but few know the captivating stories behind the men whose creativity, ingenuity, and determination created one of our country&’s most beloved pastimes.In Battle for the Big Top, New York Times–bestselling author Les Standiford brings to life a remarkable era when three circus kings—James Bailey, P.T. Barnum, and John Ringling—all vied for control of the vastly profitable and influential American Circus. Ultimately, the rivalry of these three men resulted in the creation of an institution that would surpass all intentions and, for 147 years, hold a nation spellbound. Filled with details of their ever-evolving showmanship, business acumen, and personal magnetism, this Ragtime-like narrative will delight and enchant circus-lovers and anyone fascinated by the American experience.

Battle-ready: Crafting Strategy to Beat Competition

by Sai Prakash Iyer

Are you battle-ready? Can you stay battle-ready? In today’s dynamic business world, the external environment critically impacts your ability to win the competitive battle. From spotting and sizing up rivals to deciphering their game plans, to predicting competitor behaviour and understanding the dynamic interplay between the Davids and Goliaths in the arena, Battle-ready: Crafting Strategy to Beat Competition covers it all. The book presents concepts and tools to get battle-ready for the present and for the future. It is a must- read for corporate warriors, from managers to CEOs, to improve their chances of winning the competitive battle.

Battling Healthcare Burnout: Learning to Love the Job You Have, While Creating the Job You Love

by Thom Mayer, MD

When physicians and nurses suffer from burnout, patients suffer as well. This book pinpoints the how and why and shows what healthcare providers and their organizations can do.Burnout is among the most critical topics in healthcare as it deprives us of our most important resource—the talents and passion of those who perform the difficult work of caring for patients and their families. The purpose of this book is to provide not only a taxonomy of burnout within the landscape of healthcare but also to provide pathways for healthcare professionals to guide themselves and their organizations toward changing the culture and systems of their organization. The work of battling burnout begins from within. Thom Mayer views every healthcare team member as both a leader and performance athlete, engaged in a cycle of performance, training, and recovery. In these roles, they must both lead and protect themselves and their teams.Battling Healthcare Burnout looks at individuals' role in promoting change within themselves and their organization and addresses solutions to change the culture and systems of work. Both are presented with a pragmatic focusand a liberal use of examples and case studies, including those from several nationally recognized healthcare systems.

Bauchgefühl im Management: Die Rolle der Intuition in Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Sport

by Alexandra Hildebrandt Werner Neumüller

In der Wirtschaftswelt hat das Bauchgefühl schon lange einen festen Platz. Gute Entscheidungen, die oft auf einer unbewussten Intelligenz basieren, werden auch im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung häufig aus dem Bauch heraus getroffen. Doch wer heute Führungsverantwortung anstrebt, wird durch die Vielfalt an Entwicklungsangeboten und Denkschulen verunsichert. Führungsfähigkeit wird zu einer komplexen Wissenschaft mit einander widersprechenden Theorien stilisiert. Es ist Zeit, dem inneren Kompass den Stellenwert wiederzugeben, den ihm viele Managementansätze seit Jahren streitig machen. Er ist mit Begriffen wie Bauchgefühl, innere Stimme, gesunder Menschenverstand oder Intuition verbunden und kann uns dabei helfen, Gelegenheiten auch dann zu erkennen, wenn es schwierig wird, Unvorhergesehenes zuzulassen, die eigene Sichtweise zu fokussieren, das Wesentliche zu erkennen und den richtigen Kurs abzustecken. Es wird aber auch darauf verwiesen, dass das Thema häufig unreflektiert benutzt wird – gerade in Zeiten von Angst und Unsicherheit.Der Inhalt - Das Bauchgefühl im Spiegel der Gesellschaft: Grundlagen und aktuelle Entwicklungen- Die Bedeutung des Bauchgefühls in der Wirtschaft- Bauchentscheidungen in Unternehmen und als Navigationsinstrument bei Karriereentscheidungen- Bauchgefühl im Sport

Bausteine der digitalen Transformation: Wie APIs Unternehmen den Weg in die Programmable Economy ebnen

by Roland Frank Sebastian Strugholtz Fabian Meise

Das Buch zeigt, wie APIs (Application Programming Interface) dazu beitragen, die digitale Transformation von Unternehmen zu ermöglichen und bestehende Geschäftsmodelle zu verbessern bzw. neue Geschäftsmodelle zu schaffen.Die Autoren erklären, warum Programmierschnittstellen (APIs) eine zentrale Bedeutung für die Unternehmensentwicklung zukommt, welche Anwendungsszenarien in Unternehmen möglich sind und wie eine API-Strategie entwickelt und umgesetzt wird. Ausgewählte Best Practices von Unternehmen zeigen den Weg hin zur API-Revolution und geben Impulse für die praktische Anwendung.Das Buch dient als Übersetzungshilfe zwischen der technischen und der wirtschaftlichen Sichtweise in Unternehmen: Zum einen richtet es sich an Unternehmenslenker und Manager, die sich den technischen Seiten der Digitalisierung nähern möchten, um die digitalen Transformationsansätze im eigenen Unternehmen zu implementieren. Zum anderen hilft es Mitarbeitern von technischen Abteilungen als Argumentationsgrundlage, um das Management von der Bedeutung digitaler Wandlungsprozesse zu überzeugen.

Bausteine eines Managements Künstlicher Intelligenz: Eine Standortbestimmung (essentials)

by Walter Brenner Benjamin van Giffen Jana Koehler Tobias Fahse André Sagodi

Algorithmen Künstlicher Intelligenz werden stetig weiterentwickelt und kommen in immer mehr Anwendungen in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft zum Einsatz. Es werden professionelle Prozesse und Strukturen benötigt, um Anwendungen zu entwickeln, zu betreiben und in den betrieblichen Kontext zu integrieren. Dieses essential beschreibt die grundsätzlichen Prozesse eines Managements Künstlicher Intelligenz und zeigt Beispiele für konkreten unternehmerischen Nutzen.

Be Data Literate: The Data Literacy Skills Everyone Needs To Succeed

by Jordan Morrow

In the fast moving world of the fourth industrial revolution not everyone needs to be a data scientist but everyone should be data literate, with the ability to read, analyze and communicate with data.It is not enough for a business to have the best data if those using it don't understand the right questions to ask or how to use the information generated to make decisions. Be Data Literate is the essential guide to developing the curiosity, creativity and critical thinking necessary to make anyone data literate, without retraining as a data scientist or statistician. With learnings to show development and real-world examples from industries implementing data literacy skills, this book explains how to confidently read and speak the 'language of data' in the modern business environment and everyday life. Be Data Literate is a practical guide to understanding the four levels of analytics, how to analyze data and the key steps to making smarter, data-informed decisions. Written by a founding pioneer and worldwide leading expert on data literacy, this book empowers professionals with the skills they need to succeed in the digital world.

Be Exceptional: Master the Five Traits That Set Extraordinary People Apart

by Joe Navarro Toni Sciarra Poynter

"Anyone pursuing success must read this book." —Chris Voss, author of Never Split the DifferenceA master class in leadership from the world’s top body language expertFrom internationally bestselling author and retired FBI agent Joe Navarro, a groundbreaking look at the five powerful principles that set exceptional individuals apartJoe Navarro spent a quarter century with the FBI, pursuing spies and other dangerous criminals across the globe. In his line of work, successful leadership was quite literally a matter of life or death. Now he brings his hard-earned lessons to you. Be Exceptional distills a lifetime of experience into five principles that outstanding individuals live by:Self-Mastery: To lead others, you must first demonstrate that you can lead yourself.Observation: Apply the same techniques used by the FBI to quickly and accurately assess any situation.Communication: Harness the power of verbal and nonverbal interaction to persuade, motivate, and inspire.Action: Build shared purpose and lead by example.Psychological Comfort: Discover the secret ingredient of exceptional individuals. Be Exceptional is the culmination of Joe Navarro’s decades spent analyzing human behavior, conducting more than 10,000 interviews in the field, and making high-stakes behavioral assessments. Drawing upon case studies from history, compelling firsthand accounts from Navarro’s FBI career, and cutting-edge science on nonverbal communication and persuasion, this is a new type of leadership book, one that will have the power to transform for years to come.

Be Where Your Feet Are: Seven Principles to Keep You Present, Grounded, and Thriving

by Scott O'Neil

Scott O'Neil, one of America's most successful sports executives, shares seven principles to keep you present, grounded, and thriving.When we’re moving at 115 MPH, we rarely see the wall coming. But it comes for all of us and when it does, we grasp for lessons, for meaning, for purpose. Each moment (good or bad) and each win or loss, provides us an opportunity to learn, and if we choose to take it, that opportunity can change our lives-and the world- for the better. The human spirit craves connection. Authenticity. Belonging. Touch. Gratitude. Purpose. We need to make our interactions count. Whether it’s the death of a friend, loss of a job, a bad break-up or the isolation of COVID-19, those who manage to be where their feet are will grow, stretch and emerge stronger, smarter and more prepared as we find peace and gratitude in the pause. In Be Where Your Feet Are, Scott O’Neil, CEO of the Philadelphia 76ers and New Jersey Devils, offers his own story of grief and healing, and shares his most valuable lessons in what keeps him present, grounded and thriving as a father, husband, coach, mentor, and leader. Scott avails his network to share poignant life lessons from an array of people including professional athletes and sports executives, a world-famous Movie Director, Saudi royalty; and his teenage daughters, among many others. Be Where Your Feet Are provides a humbling and vulnerable peek behind the curtain as well as a framework, anecdotes, and exercises to guide the reader towards self-discovery. A gifted storyteller with an uncanny ability and willingness to bare raw emotion, Scott weaves in and out of stories that have left deep imprints on him and are written to lift and inspire.

Beating Burnout at Work: Why Teams Hold the Secret to Well-Being and Resilience

by Paula Davis

A first-of-its-kind, science-backed toolkit takes a holistic approach to burnout prevention by helping individuals, teams, and leaders build resilience and thrive at work.Burnout has become one of the most talked about workplace topics, and its impact is far-reaching. The 24/7 pace of work, constant demands, and scant resources can easily put busy professionals on a path to burnout, a cycle that has only accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic. Burnout affects the health and well-being of the entire organization, yet most attempts to help focus on quick-fix strategies aimed at individuals. Something is missing. In Beating Burnout at Work: Why Teams Hold the Secret to Well-Being and Resilience, Paula Davis, founder of the Stress & Resilience Institute, provides a new framework to help organizations prevent employee burnout. Davis’s research-driven, fast-reading, and actionable book is the first of its kind to explore a new solution to the burnout problem at work: a comprehensive approach focused on building the resilience of teams of all sizes. Davis argues that teams, and their leaders, are uniquely positioned to create the type of cultures that are needed to prevent burnout. In Beating Burnout at Work, Davis shares stories from her work coaching, teaching, and training leaders and teams of all sizes, and she explores:How she navigated her own burnout as a lawyer, and how that led her to study burnout and launch a business with the aim of helping organizations and their employees become more resilient; How teams and leaders can utilize simple, science-backed strategies to create cultures that promote resilience and well-being and reduce burnout; How the Mayo Clinic, one of the most renowned medical centers in the world, has developed a powerful model to reduce burnout in its organization; How organizations dealing with high-stress challenges, including the US Army, work to increase resilience in a systemic way; andHow the German company trivago is piloting a new approach to work amid COVID-19 in order to increase team connection and resilience.Solving the burnout puzzle requires a systemic approach. In Beating Burnout at Work, Davis offers an actionable method to help leaders create cultures of well-being and resilience in their organizations.

Beautiful Light: An Insider’s Guide to LED Lighting in Homes and Gardens

by Randall Whitehead Clifton Stanley Lemon

Beautiful Light by internationally acclaimed lighting designer Randall Whitehead and lighting industry expert and educator Clifton Stanley Lemon is a combination of idea book, design resource, and product guide. It explores the transition in residential lighting from incandescent light sources to LEDs, and how to apply LED lighting with great success. It begins with the fundamental characteristics of light, including color temperature, color rendering, and spectral power distribution, and how LEDs differ from older light sources. Combining innovative graphics with the enduring design principles of good lighting, the book explains how to design with light layers, light people, and balance daylight and electric light. Every room of the house, as well as exterior and garden spaces, is addressed in 33 case studies of residential lighting with LEDs, with a wide variety of lighting projects in different styles. Showcasing over 200 color photographs of dramatic interiors beautifully lit with LEDs, and clear, concise descriptions of design strategies and product specifications, Beautiful Light helps both professionals and non-professionals successfully navigate the new era of LEDs in residential lighting.

The Beauty Brief: An Insider's Guide To Skincare

by Katie Service

Stylish and practical, this beauty expert’s guide to making informed skincare choices is a must-have for all beauty enthusiasts looking for safe, effective, and sustainably sourced products. Valued at over $550 billion, the global cosmetics market is experiencing an unprecedented boom worldwide, driven by the powerful influence of Instagram and YouTube’s new stars and renewed scrutiny when it comes to healthy and eco-friendly ingredients. With so many new products and procedures on the market, this timely guide by beauty expert Katie Service is designed to help readers choose the best products for their daily skincare. Opening with an accessible introduction that breaks down the big issues facing the beauty industry—from recyclables and vegan or cruelty-free products to “dupes” and toxic ingredients—Service goes on to reveal firsthand insider knowledge that every beauty enthusiast should know. Thematic chapters explore topics ranging from key ingredients, on-the-go products, morning and evening regimes, emergency skincare tips, and dermatological treatments, featuring case studies of global best-sellers Weleda Skin Food to Glossier Solution. Featuring specially commissioned illustrations, The Beauty Brief is a must-have reference for beauty enthusiasts, revealing which ingredients, products, and procedures to adopt or avoid for each skin type, age bracket, gender, and budget.

The Beauty Paradigm: Gender Discourse in Indian Advertising

by Jaishri Jethwaney

Fair skin sells the cream Trendy women sell the scooter Dashing men sell the car Seductive gestures can sell almost anything If media only mirrors reality, is advertising then guilty of misogyny, voyeurism and objectification of women? In an attempt to look at Indian ads across various brand categories with a gender lens based on societal and sociological perspectives, The Beauty Paradigm: Gender Discourse in Indian Advertising deconstructs the quintessential Indian woman that the advertising industry depicts across the spectrum. Drawing insights from a seminal research study and Erving Goffman’s classic book ‘Gender Advertisements’, this book traces the journey of a few decades to map trends and patterns in Indian advertising and presents the perspectives of the creative teams and top managements across Indian and global agencies.

Become Your Own Boss in 12 Months, Revised and Expanded: A Month-by-Month Guide to a Business That Works Today!

by Melinda Emerson

Get expert advice on marketing, selling online, accounting, and more—all tailored to the current economic climate—in this new, updated edition of the go-to resource for hopeful entrepreneurs.America&’s #1 small business expert is back with a brand-new, updated, and expanded edition of her essential handbook, Become Your Own Boss in 12 Months. Using her years of entrepreneurial experience, Melinda Emerson guides you through the process of opening your own business with step-by-step instructions for leading effectively, developing a winning marketing plan, setting a budget, and maintaining your business once it&’s up and running. She also offers new strategies for social media techniques, customer engagement, selling online, and more. This new edition of Become Your Own Boss in 12 Months can help you build your business and invest your time (and money) where you need it most in order to succeed in today&’s market. With Emerson&’s expert business advice, you can finally follow your dreams and be on your way to becoming your own boss!

Becoming a Climate Scientist (Masters at Work)

by Kyle Dickman

A hands-on, revealing guide to a career as a climate scientist written by acclaimed Outside magazine writer Kyle Dickman and based on the experiences of a preeminent researcher studying permafrost in the Arctic—essential reading for anyone considering a path to this timely profession.Go behind the scenes and be mentored by the best in the business to find out what it&’s really like, and what it really takes, to become a climate scientist. Accurate climate science is more important than ever before. As awareness grows of our changing climate, demand is increasing for people to study it—from universities who want to have the latest, cutting-edge research, militaries who are worried about national defense, and governments who need accurate data to enact policy reform. Climate scientists use both field research and complex algorithms on super computers to predict the climate of our ever-changing world. Acclaimed Outside magazine editor Kyle Dickman shadows climate scientist Cathy Wilson and her team, who work in the farthest reaches of Alaska&’s northern tundra and in the national research labs in Los Alamos, NM, to reveal how this dream job becomes a reality. Shadow top climate scientists to see how they measure snowfall, assess the thawing of the permafrost, and determine the water content of soil down to 1 mm accuracy. Learn how the growth of one shrub can affect a whole ecosystem and how models can predict the future of our fast-changing planet. Here is how the job is performed at the highest level.

Becoming a Crime Scene Investigator (Masters at Work)

by Jacqueline Detwiler-George

A revealing guide to a career as a crime scene investigator written by acclaimed journalist Jacqueline Detwiler-George and based on the real-life experiences of the CSI team at the Baltimore police department—required reading for anyone considering a path to this profession.Becoming a Crime Scene Investigator takes you behind the scenes to find out what it&’s really like, and what it really takes, to become a crime scene investigator. Acclaimed journalist Jacqueline Detwiler-George shadows the crime scene investigators of the Baltimore Police Department to show how this job becomes a reality. Forensic science is an essential component of any criminal investigation. CSI evidence can tip the scales of justice during trials, helping to free the innocent and convict the guilty. Discover what it&’s like to process a crime scene by collecting evidence, documenting via photos, dusting for fingerprints, and analyzing blood spatter. Confront the gruesome realities of the job, tour their in-house crime labs, and watch as they process results. Gain wisdom and insight from the director of the forensic laboratory and the chief of the forensic division—and learn how this essential job is performed at the highest level.

Becoming a Data Head: How to Think, Speak, and Understand Data Science, Statistics, and Machine Learning

by Alex J. Gutman Jordan Goldmeier

"Turn yourself into a Data Head. You'll become a more valuable employee and make your organization more successful." Thomas H. Davenport, Research Fellow, Author of Competing on Analytics, Big Data @ Work, and The AI Advantage You’ve heard the hype around data—now get the facts. In Becoming a Data Head: How to Think, Speak, and Understand Data Science, Statistics, and Machine Learning, award-winning data scientists Alex Gutman and Jordan Goldmeier pull back the curtain on data science and give you the language and tools necessary to talk and think critically about it. You’ll learn how to: Think statistically and understand the role variation plays in your life and decision making Speak intelligently and ask the right questions about the statistics and results you encounter in the workplace Understand what’s really going on with machine learning, text analytics, deep learning, and artificial intelligence Avoid common pitfalls when working with and interpreting data Becoming a Data Head is a complete guide for data science in the workplace: covering everything from the personalities you’ll work with to the math behind the algorithms. The authors have spent years in data trenches and sought to create a fun, approachable, and eminently readable book. Anyone can become a Data Head—an active participant in data science, statistics, and machine learning. Whether you’re a business professional, engineer, executive, or aspiring data scientist, this book is for you.

Becoming a Film Producer (Masters at Work)

by Boris Kachka

A revealing guide to a career as a film producer written by acclaimed author Boris Kachka and based on the real-life experiences of award-winning producers—required reading for anyone considering a path to this profession.At the center of every successful film is a producer. Producers bring films to life by orchestrating the major players—screenwriters, directors, talent, distributors, financiers—to create movie magic. Bestselling author and journalist Boris Kachka shadows award-winning producers Fred Berger and Michael London and emerging producer Siena Oberman as movies are pitched, financed, developed, shot, and released. Fly between Los Angeles and New York, with a stop in Utah at the Sundance Film Festival, for a candid look at this high-stakes profession. Learn how the industry has changed over the decades—from the heyday of studios to the reign of streaming platforms. Gain insight and wisdom from these masters&’ years of experience producing films, from the indie darlings Sideways and Milk to Academy Award–winning blockbusters like La La Land. Here is how the job is performed at the highest level.

Becoming a Firefighter (Masters at Work)

by Jeff Wilser

A revealing guide to a career as a firefighter written by acclaimed author Jeff Wilser and based on the real-life experiences of the heroes of the St. Louis fire department—required reading for anyone considering a path to this profession.Becoming a Firefighter takes you behind the scenes to find out what it&’s really like, and what it really takes, to become a firefighter. Author Jeff Wilser imbeds with one of the oldest departments in the country, the St. Louis Fire Department, to show how this high-stakes profession becomes a reality. Discover what it&’s like to fight a three-alarm blaze; attend fire academy; prepare for routine calls; and rigorously train for worst-case scenarios. Gain professional wisdom from the beloved fire chief as well as a decorated 25-year veteran field commander. Firefighting is a calling, and those who choose this path are devoted to their work—here is how this life-saving job is actually performed by the best in the field.

Becoming a Holistic Entrepreneur: 7 Steps to Your Sustainable Success

by Grace Danielle Meek

Get the confidence and tools you need to start the holistic healing business of your dreams with this inspirational business guide.With decades of holistic business experience, author and wellness guide Grace Danielle Meek now shares the secrets to success. By following her simple yet effective Elevator Up! process, aspiring entrepreneurs will be able to get their holistic healing businesses off the ground in as little as eight weeks.Meek teaches you how to set up your business simply and safely using the skills, experience, creativity, and resources you already have. In Becoming a Holistic Entrepreneur, you’ll learn how to:• Design a customized and scalable Holistic Healing business plan and launch strategy• Create satisfying healing results and sustainable value for your clients• Develop effective financial, business, and marketing skills for growing your business and much more!

Becoming a Leader: Nine Elements of Leadership Mastery (Leadership: Research and Practice)

by Al Bolea Leanne Atwater

By blending the real-world insights of business executive Al Bolea with tested research findings provided by leadership scholar Leanne Atwater, Becoming a Leader: Nine Elements of Leadership Mastery effectively bridges theory and practice to outline powerful leadership behaviors and teach readers how to become a leader. Based on Bolea’s original "J-Curve" model of leadership, this approachable guide identifies and describes nine essential elements for leadership mastery, including skills such as setting direction, creating key processes, and nurturing behaviors. Each chapter pairs concrete narratives with succinct research synopses to show how to expand the potential of people and organizations. This unique, experiential text engages readers with self-reflection and self-assessment exercises to encourage their development as future leaders. Becoming a Leader: Nine Elements of Leadership Mastery is a must-have resource for practicing managers, consultants, and practitioners, as well as being applicable to graduate and undergraduate courses on leadership.

Becoming a Leader in Product Development: An Evidence-Based Guide to the Essentials

by Ebenezer C. Ikonne

It is becoming increasingly challenging for product development leaders to effectively lead as workplace demands continue to increase. The rate of change in technology, society, and business places immense pressure on leaders to ensure their groups move in the direction of their goals. What might have worked in the past no longer works.Organizational surveys show that firms struggle with leadership. Product development leaders routinely complain of burnout and stress while their teams members complain of workplace dissatisfaction, resulting in organizational underperformance.The lack of evidence-based leadership literature for product development leaders means that many leaders are left to figure things out with little guidance. They do not have a reliable resource that they can refer to when they face leadership challenges and, as a result, struggle during times of crisis and change. This book addresses this challenge by providing a theory-informed set of techniques for product development leaders. Becoming a Leader in Product Development provides an evidence-base set of practices for product development leaders. In doing so, it explores what leadership is and the leader's role in the leadership process, the impact of national culture and organizational culture on the leadership process, and the need for product development leaders to practice adaptive and servant leadership, followership, and self-care. The underlying theories for each topic are reviewed and then brought to life through stories and examples. What You Will LearnSee the difference between authority, persuasion, and influence and how leaders can use these constructs to benefit their organizationsGain the skills for practicing servant and adaptive leadership in your organizationExamine the blind spots of each leadership theoryDiscover the importance of adapting leader behavior to the national culture and organizational culture where you find yourself Who This Book Is For Product development leaders (starting with product development managers) who want to go beyond leadership anecdotes to evidence-based leadership practice. A secondary audience is individuals aspiring to product development leadership positions.

Becoming a Social Worker (Masters at Work)

by Alex Abramovich Tasha Blaine

A revealing guide to a career as a social worker based on the real-life experiences of three distinguished social workers—required reading for anyone considering a path to this profession.Becoming a Social Worker takes you behind the scenes to find out what it&’s really like, and what it really takes, to become a social worker. Acclaimed authors Alex Abramovich and Tasha Blaine shadow three distinguished social work professionals to reveal how this compassionate field changes lives. Discover what it&’s like to tirelessly advocate for victims of domestic violence and sex trafficking, investigate accidental drug overdose deaths in New York City, and assist clients in a full-time private practice. Gain insight from these social worker&’s paths as they offer wisdom and insight from their years of service. Social workers have a common mission to serve people in need—here is how this life-changing job is actually practiced at the highest levels.

Becoming a Sports Agent (Masters at Work)

by Gary Rivlin

A revealing guide to a career as a sports agent written by Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist Gary Rivlin and based on the real-life experiences of several top agents—required reading for anyone considering this profession.Becoming a Sports Agent takes you behind the scenes to find out what it&’s really like, and what it really takes, to become a sports agent. Bestselling and Pulitzer Prize–winning reporter Gary Rivlin shadows some of the best agents in sports to show how this dream job becomes reality. Behind every high-profile athlete—in football, baseball, basketball, and more—is an agent. Learn the ins and outs of scouting, contract negotiation, licensing, brand building, and more. Takeaway invaluable lessons as you follow the paths of top-tier agents, from legendary pioneers like Leigh Steinberg, who represents star quarterback Patrick Mahomes, to Don Yee, who represents Tom Brady, to Matt Sosnick, whose client list includes baseball rookie sensation Pete Alonso. Rivlin uncovers the realities of this cut-throat business, from discovering unknown talent to securing multi-million-dollar deals.

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