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Showing 91,601 through 91,625 of 100,000 results

Berufsethik und Grundwerte in Japan: Erfolgsgeheimnisse jahrhundertealter Unternehmen

by Tamayo Iwamura

Dieses Buch untersucht an Fallbeispielen jahrhundertealter Familienbetriebe in Japan, welche Bedingungen und besonderen Grundwerte ihren betrieblichen Fortbestand fördern. Wenig überraschend finden sich diese goldenen Regeln und Maximen auch in der Arbeitskultur und Wertorientierung der führenden japanischen Großunternehmen wieder. Die Autorin beleuchtet die sozioökonomische Entwicklung im Zusammenhang mit der religiösen Tradition und bringt westlichen Lesern die oft als geheimnisvoll empfundene Kultur Japans nah. Über fundierte Kenntnisse der Grundwerte und sozioökonomischen Geschichte Japans hinaus vermittelt sie dem Leser ein echtes Verstehen japanischen Denkens und Handelns, das ihm im Umgang mit japanischen Gesprächspartnern und bei Besuchen im Land einen authentischen eigenen Handlungsspielraum bietet. Aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie befinden sich weltweit viele Betriebe in der Existenzkrise. Gerade zu diesem Zeitpunkt können die Erfahrungen jahrhundertealter Betriebe in Japan, die stets erfolgreich um ihren Fortbestand erfolgreich gekämpft haben, gute Anregungen bieten.

Berufsfeld Wirtschaftsingenieure: Die Vielfalt der Schnittstellenkompetenz

by Sabine Zangl Judith Klamert-Schmid Maximilian Lackner

Wirtschaftsingenieure sind Generalisten, die an der Schnittstelle Technik/Wirtschaft in unterschiedlichsten Funktionen, Projekten und Organisationen tätig sind und über ein breites Spektrum an unterschiedlicher Kompetenzen verfügen müssen. Mittels wissenschaftlicher Methoden und praxisorientieren Wissen gelingt es ihnen Prozesse zu optimieren, Innovationen zu entwickeln und Probleme zu lösen. Dieses Buch stellt typische Themenbereiche des Berufsfeldes, anhand Bachelor- und Masterarbeitsergebnisse vor und gibt somit Personalverantwortlichen und Interessenten des Berufsfeldes eine Möglichkeit in die Vielfalt der Schnittstellenkompetenz von Wirtschaftsingenieuren einzutauchen. Das Werk ist thematisch geclustert.

Berührende Online-Veranstaltungen: So gelingen digitale Events mit emotionaler Wirkung

by Stefan Luppold Wolfgang Himmel Hans-Jürgen Frank

In diesem Buch erfahren Sie, wie digitale Veranstaltungen emotional berühren können. 28 erfahrene Event-Manager und Kommunikations-Experten haben ihr Know-how zusammengetragen, wie Berührung auch auf Distanz gelingen kann. Sie zeigen, was es dazu in den Vorbereitungen, im Verlauf über Ankommen und Einstieg, im dialogischen Prozess bis hin zum Check-out und nach der Veranstaltung braucht.Der Raum für die Begegnung von Menschen muss inszeniert werden– bei virtuellen Begegnungen, noch detaillierter, einfühlsamer und zielgerichteter als bei physischen. In diesem Buch erhalten Sie Inspirationen, wie Sie das Gefühl des Getrennt-seins überwinden und Menschen in einen echten Kontakt bringen können – vom internationalen Management-Meeting bis zur lokalen Bürgerbeteiligung, vom intensiven Online-Training zur virtuellen Zusammenarbeit bis zur Online-Lehre.Anhand vieler Praxisbeispiele erhalten Sie Ideen, wie Online-Meetings auch hinsichtlich Emotionen, tiefgreifendem Dialog und soziodynamischer Prozesse gelingen können. Aus dem InhaltWie kann die virtuelle Realität das Gefühl der tatsächlichen Teilnahme erzeugen?Wie lassen sich persönliche Begegnungen intelligent matchen?Wie und mit welchen Methoden gelingt Interaktivität?Wie werden Veranstaltungen inhaltlich relevant und menschlich authentisch?Welche vielfältigen und einfach zu bedienenden Werkzeuge oder Methoden haben sich bewährt?Wie kann eine wirksame Dramaturgie echte Gefühle bei den Teilnehmern schaffen?Wie bereiten wir uns persönlich vor, wenn wir ein Online-Veranstaltungen durchführen wollen?

Bessemer Venture Partners: Century Fund

by Alys Ferragamo Jo Tango

In July of 2021, Bessemer Venture Partners (BVP) contemplated the future of its growth investing practice, known as "Century." While still relatively new as a focused initiative, BVP's growth investing already had significant momentum. The fund's investment pace had been faster than expected, and the initial investments looked strong. But many of their VC competitors had already been operating growth funds, a new wave of growth-stage-focused investors were increasing their investment activity, and the team wondered what BVP should do. They considered three "out of the box" ideas: extending the firm's multi-stage focus to include leveraged buyouts, expanding aggressively into East Asia and Africa, and applying the BVP process to public companies through a hedge fund. Which option, if any, should the team pursue?

Best Buy's Corie Barry: Confronting the COVID-19 Pandemic

by William W. George Amram Migdal

This case examines the leadership of Corie Barry, the new CEO of Best Buy, with a focus on actions the company took in 2020 to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic. The case includes a history of Best Buy's strategy and leadership, including the transitions between the company's founder and the subsequent four CEOs. In particular, the career trajectory of CEO Corie Barry is described in detail. Regarding Best Buy's response to COVID-19, the case details the company's scenario planning and operational adjustments, including the temporary closure of all stores followed by the rapid establishment of curbside-pickup customer-order-fulfillment operations at roughly 1,000 store locations in the U.S. The case also attends to leadership's decisions to furlough more than 51,000 frontline employees, suspend in-home services, and subsequently resume in-store services under modified operating procedures.

Besteuerung der Unternehmen: Eine Einführung in Steuerrecht und Steuerwirkung

by Ulrich Schreiber Holger Kahle Martin Ruf

Die Betriebswirtschaftliche Steuerlehre befasst sich mit dem Steuerrecht der Unternehmen und den davon ausgelösten Steuerwirkungen. Dieses Lehrbuch vermittelt die steuerrechtlichen Grundlagen und analysiert die Auswirkungen der Besteuerung auf unternehmerische Entscheidungen.

Besteuerung von privaten Wäldern: Steuerliche Rechte und Pflichten für nichtkommerzielle Waldbesitzer

by Thomas Siegel Felix Siegel

Erster und bisher einziger steuerlicher Ratgeber für die aktuell etwa 2 Millionen Eigentümer von Privatwäldern in Deutschland: Privater Waldbesitz erfreut sich immer größerer Beliebtheit; das Thema Wald ist derzeit stark im Fokus. Doch der Besitz auch kleinerer Wälder ist mit steuerlichen Obliegenheiten verbunden, die deren Eigentümer kennen sollten. Das Buch beschreibt klar und anschaulich die mit einem Wald verbundenen steuerlichen Pflichten und Rechte und gibt anhand zahlreicher Beispiele praktische Handlungsempfehlungen.

Bet on Yourself: Recognize, Own, and Implement Breakthrough Opportunities

by Ann Hiatt

Take charge of your career and create a life full of learning, adventure, joy, and success utilizing these never-before-shared leadership principles Ann Hiatt learned working alongside the world&’s top tech CEOs—Google&’s Eric Schmidt, Amazon&’s Jeff Bezos, and Yahoo!s Marissa Mayer.Whether you&’re stuck in your current job, starting your first job and wondering how you can use it as a steppingstone towards your dream career, or mid-career and wanting to finally be recognized for promotion or a leadership role, this book is for you.For the first time, Ann Hiatt shares both the daily habits and long-game strategies she learned working side-by-side for decades with the giants of technology at Amazon and Google.Through clear guidance and incredible stories, Bet on Yourself will teach you:How to define your abilities and speak up so that you can be recognized for the work that you do and the unique capabilities you bring to the table.How to create opportunities for yourself when options appear limited and build a purposeful career regardless of your seniority or industry.What it takes to build the confidence you need to build your dream career.How to exchange your frustration over not getting the recognition you deserve for an empowered, actionable plan for taking control of your professional identity and get promoted.These tried-and-true methods to take ordinary opportunities and create something extraordinary, and the leadership principles that guide the work of these celebrity CEOs, are directly applicable to your goals.With a few consistent, daily habits you can build a future that exceeds your wildest expectations. No matter the opportunities available to you in your particular community or career stage, there is a path for you.

Betrayed by Work: Women's Stories of Trauma, Healing and Hope after Being Fired

by Julia Erickson Suzanne Vosburg

Recover from Job Loss with Support of Other Women"This is the first book that I know of that truly helps you learn from women from many professional sectors how to recover from big setbacks in our work lives. It’s a must read.” —Dr. Elena Pezzini, organizational psychologist#1 New Release in Job HuntingSuccessful women show how they reclaimed and rebuilt their personal power and careers after being fired from a job and being rendered powerless by their employers.Practical job loss recovery tools for women. When women get fired, it is often devastating, traumatic, and isolating. We experience a sudden powerlessness that can destroy our confidence and feelings of self-worth. We grieve. We feel broken. It affects our self-esteem, our financial well-being, our professional identity, and our ability to look for other work?in short, it affects our entire way of life. How, then, does a woman navigate the emotional impact of this event? With other women.You are not alone. In Betrayed by Work, authors Julia Erickson, MBA, and Suzanne Vosburg, PhD, bear witness to the stories of women just like you?and just like them. This book shows how women lost their jobs, describes what happened to them immediately and in the aftermath, validates women’s feelings about being fired, and offers a source of hope and companionship to those of us coping with either our own job loss or the sudden job loss of someone we know or love.Discover:True stories from women who are honest about how they were fired and their feelingsKey points to help process each story and apply its lesson to your own experiencePractical takeaways and suggestions to help you cope with job lossIf you were encouraged by personal growth books about women in business like Invaluable by Maya Grossman, In the Company of Women by Grace Bonney, Presence by Amy Cuddy, or Power Moves by Lauren McGoodwin, then you’ll be inspired and empowered by Betrayed by Work.

Betriebliche Anwendungssysteme: Modelle, Integration und Betrieb

by Rainer Weber

Das Buch behandelt betriebliche Anwendungssysteme, ihre Modellierung und Technologie. Es wird unterschieden zwischen operativen Systemen, wie ERP-Systemen, und analytischen Systemen, welche ein breites Spektrum aufweisen, von „klassischen“ Data-Warehouse-Systemen bis zu Systemen mit Funktionalität maschinellen Lernens und Big-Data-Verarbeitung. Die Bereitstellung der Systeme kann traditionell on-premises erfolgen oder „in der Cloud“, die Bandbreite reicht von monolithischen Systemen bis zu lose gekoppelten Microservices. Intern weisen die Systeme eine Client-Server-Struktur auf, heute teilweise unterstützt durch In-Memory-Technologie. Systeme werden über ihre Schnittstellen mittels verschiedener Integrationstechniken zu einer Systemlandschaft zusammengeschlossen. Beim Betrieb von Systemen konzentriert sich das Buch auf ihre Anpassung, vom Customizing bis zur Erweiterung durch Softwareentwicklung, und die Systemadministration.Die Darstellung der Konzepte wird durch Beispiele verschiedener Anwendungssysteme ergänzt: SAP-Software, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, Vtiger CRM und Pentaho. Viele Aufgaben mit Lösungen machen das Buch zum idealen Begleiter für Studierende der Wirtschaftsinformatik und verwandter Studiengänge und unterstützen beim Selbststudium.

Betriebswirtschaftliche KI-Anwendungen: Digitale Geschäftsmodelle auf Basis Künstlicher Intelligenz

by Christian Aichele Jörg Herrmann

Digitalisierung und Künstliche Intelligenz ermöglichen Unternehmen disruptive Erweiterungen ihrer Geschäftsmodelle. Wer rechtzeitig digitale KI-Geschäftsmodelle einführt, wird seinen Erfolg nachhaltig sichern können. Aber wie und wo können solche Modelle Anwendung finden? Diese Publikation gibt Antworten, wo KI-Geschäftsmodelle greifen können, und wie diese von der ersten Idee bis zur produktiven Anwendung realisiert werden können.

Better Customer Service: Simple Rules You Can Apply Today

by Edward C. Brewer Terence L. Holmes

This readable and concise research-based book discusses seven simple rules that will help businesses and individuals improve their customer satisfaction and workplace environments – and make the world a little better and more pleasant. An author team with extensive cross-sector experience provides a foundation that will help improve customer service no matter the type of organization or situation, allowing customization according to industry standards and expectations. Although the basic steps are simple – going all the way back to preschool and kindergarten – they can have a significant positive impact on customer service and on basic human interaction. If an employee follows these simple steps, not only will relationships with customers improve, but so will relationships with co-workers, increasing overall organizational satisfaction. Readers who adopt the principles in this book may find that their personal relationships improve as well. The primary audience of this work includes any business that desires to improve customer service. However, anyone who works with people will appreciate the conversational tone and specific illustrative examples in this clear and immediately actionable book.

Better Work: The Impact of Automation, Flexibilization and Intensification of Work (Research for Policy)

by Godfried Engbersen Robert Went Monique Kremer

This Open Access book provides a thorough analysis of the quality of work in the Netherlands, and suggests policy proposals to promote and facilitate good work for more people. New technology, flexibilization and the intensification of work will have significant consequences for all those who will still have jobs in the future, and – much less studied so far – for the quality of their work. Good work is essential for general well-being: for the individual’s quality of life, for the economy and for society. Good work for everyone should therefore be seen as an important aspiration for companies, institutions, social partners and governments. An essential read for an international audience of academics in the field of the sociology of work, labor economics and social policy, as well as for policymakers and researchers of trade unions, and representatives of other social movements.

Bettering Humanomics: A New, and Old, Approach to Economic Science

by Deirdre Nansen McCloskey

Deirdre Nansen McCloskey's latest meticulous work examines how economics can become a more "human" science. Economic historian Deirdre Nansen McCloskey has distinguished herself through her writing on the Great Enrichment and the betterment of the poor—not just materially but spiritually. In Bettering Humanomics she continues her intellectually playful yet rigorous analysis with a focus on humans rather than the institutions. Going against the grain of contemporary neo-institutional and behavioral economics which privilege observation over understanding, she asserts her vision of “humanomics,” which draws on the work of Bart Wilson, Vernon Smith, and most prominently, Adam Smith. She argues for an economics that uses a comprehensive understanding of human action beyond behaviorism. McCloskey clearly articulates her points of contention with believers in “imperfections,” from Samuelson to Stiglitz, claiming that they have neglected scientific analysis in their haste to diagnose the ills of the system. In an engaging and erudite manner, she reaffirms the global successes of market-tested betterment and calls for empirical investigation that advances from material incentives to an awareness of the human within historical and ethical frameworks. Bettering Humanomics offers a critique of contemporary economics and a proposal for an economics as a better human science.

Betting on You: How to Put Yourself First and (Finally) Take Control of Your Career

by Laurie Ruettimann

"Indispensable reading for anyone seeking to improve their professional selves."—Daniel H. Pink, #1 New York Times bestselling author of WhenAn essential guide for how to snap out of autopilot and become your own best advocate, with candid anecdotes and easy-to-adopt steps, from veteran HR specialist and popular podcast host Laurie Ruettimann Chances are you've spent the past few months cooped up inside, buried under a relentless news cycle and work that never seems to switch off. Millions of us worldwide are overworked, exhausted, and trying our hardest—yet not getting the recognition we deserve. It’s time for a fix.Top career coach and HR consultant Laurie Ruettimann knows firsthand that work can get a hell of a lot better. A decade ago, Ruettimann was uninspired, blaming others and herself for the unhappiness she felt. Until she had an epiphany: if she wanted a fulfilling existence, she couldn’t sit around and wait for change. She had to be her own leader. She had to truly take ahold of life—the good, the bad, and the downright ugly—in order to transform her future. Today, as businesses prioritize their bottom line over employee satisfaction and workers become increasingly isolated, the need to safeguard your well-being is crucial. And though this sounds intimidating, it’s easier to do than you think. Through tactical advice on how to approach work in a smart and healthy manner, which includes knowing when to sign off for the day, doubling down on our capacity to learn, fixing those finances, and beating impostor syndrome once and for all, Ruettimann lays out the framework necessary to champion your interests and create a life you actually enjoy.Packed with advice and stories of others who regained control of their lives, Betting on You is a game-changing must-read for how to radically improve your day-to-day, working more effectively and enthusiastically starting now.

Between Empire and Globalization: An Economic History of Modern Spain (Palgrave Studies in Economic History)

by Albert Carreras Xavier Tafunell

This book provides a rigorously chronological journey through the economic history of modern Spain, always with an eye opened to what happens in the international economy and a focus on economic policy making and institutional change. It shows the central theme of the Spanish economy from the late 18th century to the early 21st century is the painful transformation from being a major imperial power to a small nation and later a member of the European Community and a player in a globalized economy. It looks in detail at two major issues - economic growth and convergence or divergence to the Western European pattern- and the permanent tension between the two when assessing historical experience since the industrial revolution. This book proposes new visions of the economic past of Spain and provides comparisons over time and space, which will be of interest to academics and students of economic history, European economic history and more specifically Spanish economic history.

Between Realism and Revolt: Governing Cities in the Crisis of Neoliberal Globalism

by Jonathan Davies

Leading governance theorist Jonathan S. Davies develops a rich comparative analysis of austerity governance and resistance in eight cities, to establish a conjunctural perspective on the rolling crises of neoliberal globalism. Drawing on a major international study of eight cities, Davies employs Gramscian regime analysis to consider the consolidation, weakening and transformation of urban governance regimes through the age of austerity. He explores how urban governance shapes variations in austere neoliberalism, tackling themes including collaboration, dominance, resistance and counter-hegemony. The book is a significant addition to thinking about how the era of austerity politics influences urban governance today, and the potential for alternative urban futures.

Bewältigung des Privacy Paradoxons: Der Privacy Calculus im Kontext personalisierter Online-Kommunikation und die Rolle situativer Einflüsse (BestMasters)

by Lars Wendel

Das vorliegende Buch beschäftigt sich mit dem Datenschutzverhalten von Konsumenten im Internet, bei dem das Privacy Paradoxon adressiert wird. Für die Untersuchung des Phänomens wurde eine strukturierte Literaturrecherche und Online-Umfrage mit einem 3x2 faktoriellen Design im Kontext personalisierter Online-Kommunikation durchgeführt und empirisch anhand geeigneter Analyseverfahren ausgewertet. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit verdichten die Hinweise auf die Existenz eines nicht beobachtbaren intrapsychologischen Bewertungsprozesses, der durch die Einflussnahme situativer Stimuli und existierender Dispositionen im Individuum stattfindet.

Bewerberkommunikation für Hochschulabsolventen der Generation Y: Erfolgreiches Recruiting im War for Talents: Status quo, Erwartungen und Perspektiven

by Christoph Kochhan Cosima Kitze Gudrun Bolduan

Dieses Buch erläutert, wie Unternehmen hochqualifizierte Nachwuchskräfte aus der Generation Y im Recruitingprozess effektiv ansprechen können. Relevant bei der Stellensuche von derzeitigen Hochschulabsolventen sind beispielsweise Online-Jobbörsen, Karriere- oder Soziale Netzwerke, die mit aufmerksamkeitsfördernden Elementen wie Bildern oder Videos angereichert sein sollten. Aber auch Technologien wie Augmented oder Virtual Reality können im Bewerbungskontext zum Einsatz kommen und das Interesse potenzieller Bewerber generieren. Zudem muss die Bewerberkommunikation die Wertvorstellungen der Absolventen und ihre beruflichen Erwartungen berücksichtigen, so zum Beispiel Sinnhaftigkeit der Arbeit, Work-Life-Balance-Angebote oder Weiterbildung.Grundlage des Buches sind Ergebnisse aktueller Studien sowie qualitative, leitfadengestützte Interviews mit Hochschulabsolventen der Generation Y, Unternehmensvertretern sowie Karriere-Experten an Hochschulen, die die Schnittstelle zwischen Absolventen und Unternehmen bilden.

Bewerbungsratgeber und Karrierestrategie für Einstieg, Aufstieg und Stellenwechsel: Familie Kleinschmidt bricht auf!

by Petra Oerke

In diesem Ratgeber geht die Karriereberaterin Petra Oerke auf die am häufigsten gestellten Fragen zur Karriere- und Bewerbungsberatung ein. Sie zeigt, wie Sie eine stimmige Strategie für den nächsten Karriereschritt entwickeln und wie Sie aussagekräftige Bewerbungsunterlagen erstellen, wie Zeugnisse zu verstehen sind und wie Sie mit Ihrem persönlichen Auftreten in Vorstellungsgespräch, Assessmentcenter und Probezeit überzeugen. Der Ratgeber bietet damit alle Informationen, die Sie für einen erfolgreichen Einstieg, Aufstieg oder Stellenwechsel benötigen.Veranschaulicht werden die Themen anhand der Familie Kleinschmidt. Die acht fiktiven Charaktere befinden sich in typischen Bewerbungs- und Karrieresituationen und bewältigen diese mit einer jeweils passenden Strategie. So sind die Hinweise und Tipps nicht nur praxiserprobt, sondern der Ratgeber bietet auch ein Lesevergnügen, wenn Sie die Geschichten der Familienmitglieder verfolgen. Zu jedem Familienmitglied gibt es exemplarische Bewerbungsunterlagen. Außerdem steht Ihnen umfangreiches Zusatzmaterial (Fragebögen, Checklisten und Arbeitsblätter) im Download zur Verfügung, das Sie zur Umsetzung Ihrer beruflichen Veränderung nutzen können.

Bewertungssysteme im E-Commerce: Mit authentischen Kundenbewertungen Reputation und Umsatz steigern

by Frank Deges

Kundenbewertungen sind ein integrativer Bestandteil des Entscheidungsprozesses beim Onlinekauf. Konsumenten kaufen Produkte und Dienstleistungen bevorzugt bei Anbietern, zu deren Leistungsspektrum sie sich vorab ein Meinungsbild über Kundenbewertungen bilden konnten. Bewertungssysteme zahlen daher sowohl auf die Bindung von Stammkunden wie auch auf die Akquisition von Neukunden ein. Positive Kundenbewertungen sind ein signifikanter Treiber für Conversions im E-Commerce. Dieses Fachbuch vermittelt einen kompakten Überblick über die Funktionsprinzipien und Wirkmechanismen von Bewertungssystemen. Mit Praxisbeispielen und empirischen Erkenntnissen wird veranschaulicht, wie Kundenbewertungen den Absatz von Produkten und Dienstleistungen befördern. Unternehmen wird aufgezeigt, wie sie mit der Analyse von konstruktivem Kundenfeedback ihr Leistungsangebot optimieren und Umsatzsteigerungen erzielen.

Beyond Audit: Auditing Remotely and Delivering Value (Wiley Corporate F&A)

by Robert L. Mainardi

Your game plan for strategic success in today’s remote audit department Beyond Audit is your guide to taking advantage of this unique moment to review and enhance your audit methodology to improve execution, operations, and audit product. Change has been thrust upon the audit industry, and every company must adapt to business interruptions and remote work environments. Now is the perfect time for audit departments to step back and turn a critical eye on their own operations. We have an opportunity to identify new ways of increasing product offerings and building more effective and efficient operations, ultimately creating better results for our partners and clients. This book will take you from a foundational understanding of the business environment through to a reflective review of your own operational effectiveness and efficiency. You’ll gain access to the Audit Risk Barometer (ARB), an innovative self-assessment tool that scores audit department strengths and opportunities for improvement. This book also includes a detailed methodology for working with your business partner to ensure clear identification of business objectives. You’ll also learn how to identify “true process risks” to ensure that testing remains focused and adds value. Finally, you'll learn critical skills and team development ideas for every level. Gain a fundamental understanding of today's business environment and how traditional and remote auditing fits into the new business puzzle Use the exclusive Audit Risk Barometer to conduct a valuable self-assessment and uncover your team’s strengths and weaknesses Learn how to effectively and efficiently work with your business partner to identify objectives and value-add opportunities Access online resources, including video summaries and interactive tools to revamp your audit department Beyond Audit incorporates links to online video summaries, templates mentioned throughout the book, interviews with experienced professionals, and an audit tracking software tool. This book is an enormously valuable resource for audit teams of any size and shape.

Beyond Brexit: Towards a British Constitution

by Vernon Bogdanor

Brexit means exit, but what exactly will we be leaving behind? Entry into the European Community in 1973 was a momentous event - one which had seismic effects on the politics and constitution of Britain. Brexit, while equally as momentous, has almost wholly been confined to discussions of economic consequence. But what will happen to the constitution? Beyond Brexit looks for the first time at the constitutional impact of Brexit and the consequences of Britain's EU membership, raising the question of just how the United Kingdom is to be preserved. Vernon Bogdanor explores the ever-changing relationship between Britain and the European Union from the original concept of European unity to 21st century Euroscepticism, the fundamental problems confronting Britain on its exit from the European Union, and argues that Brexit is the start of new beginnings - heralding a peaceful constitutional moment. The new preface includes what questions need to be asked now that Britain has started the process of leaving the European Union.

Beyond Bubba: The Life & Times of an Entrepreneur

by Sam Wyly Laurie Matthews Lisa Wyly

&“From computers to energy to even my love: restaurants . . . Sam&’s journey reminds us that the American Dream is alive and well.&” —Kimbal Musk, founder and owner of The Kitchen Restaurant Group Known throughout his childhood as &“Bubba,&” Sam Wyly&’s story is one of evolution, connection, and unrelenting optimism. Born in rural Louisiana, Sam&’s humble beginnings may have made him seem an unlikely candidate to become one of the preeminent entrepreneurs of the last century, but his accomplishments speak for themselves. Told with candor and humor, primarily through the lens of his business endeavors, Sam&’s story tracks a lifetime of growth and betterment, as he consistently utilizes what may seem like limitations to his advantage.&“I cannot think of a proper way to salute Sam Wyly. He has accomplished a great deal, and his success has always been accomplished with honor and integrity.&” —George H. W. Bush&“Sam is certainly an amazing visionary, a successful entrepreneur and definitely lives the American dream.&” —Michael Rouleau, former CEO and president of Michaels Stores&“Sam Wyly has been an extraordinary visionary for the long term.&” —John Mackey, founder of Whole Foods&“Spanning four decades and remarkably diverse industries, the career of Sam Wyly—a true original—shows what good ideas, strong will and access to capital can accomplish.&” —Michael Milken, chairman of The Milken Institute

Beyond D&I: Leading Diversity with Purpose and Inclusiveness

by Kay Formanek

D&I is no longer a passing fad. It’s not about legal compliance or HR box-ticking, in fact diversity and inclusion is a critical factor for success. #MeToo, #BlackLivesMatter and the ballooning disparate consequences of Covid-19 on minorities brings renewed emphasis on D&I agendas, and the economic reality that diverse talent is good for business and good for sustainability. In Beyond D&I, Kay Formanek brings her more than twenty years’ experience working with the world’s leading organizations to take diversity and inclusion into the strategic roadmap of the organization. Whether you’re a leader, HR practitioner, sponsor of a D&I initiative or an employee who wants to see your organization benefit from more inclusivity, the book equips you with the tools you need to develop the strategic case for diversity, craft a compelling narrative and chart a tailored roadmap to lock in diversity gains and close key performance gaps. As well as two core anchor models—the Virtuous Circle and Integrated Diversity Model— the book features case studies, profiles of inclusive leaders, engaging and intuitive visuals and a wealth of evidence-based initiatives that you can start implementing today. With five essential elements and six core capabilities, the result is a definitive, holistic and practical guide that will help you convert your D&I initiatives into sustainable diversity performance.

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