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Changing the Food Game: Market Transformation Strategies for Sustainable Agriculture

by Lucas Simons

By 2050, the world’s population is estimated to grow to 10 billion. To feed everyone, we will have to double our food production, to produce more food in the next 40 years than in the whole of the last 6,000. Changing the Food Game shows how our unsustainable food production system cannot support this growth. In this prescient book, Lucas Simons argues that the biggest challenge for our generation can only be solved by effective market transformation to achieve sustainable agriculture and food production. Lucas Simons explains clearly how we have created a production and trading system that is inherently unsustainable. But he also demonstrates that we have reason to be hopeful – from a sustainability race in the cocoa industry to examples of market transformation taking place in palm oil, timber, and sugarcane production. He also poses the question: where next? Provocative and eye-opening, Changing the Food Game uncovers the real story of how our food makes it on to our plates and presents a game-changing solution to revolutionize the industry.

One World Health: An Overview of Global Health

by Lord Nigel Crisp

This brand new textbook presents a new approach to the teaching and understanding of global health. It describes the shared opportunities but also the problems that we all face, wherever we live, and the particular needs of the poorest people in every society. Covering subjects from epidemics and climate change, the need to staff and resource health services appropriately, the rich potential of science and technology, and the impacts of social and political change in the world around us, all is presented at a level appropriate for the student looking to gain an understanding of this broad and developing area.

Understanding Integrated Reporting: The Concise Guide to Integrated Thinking and the Future of Corporate Reporting

by Carol Adams

Integrated Reporting is the big new development in corporate reporting that everyone is talking about. Why? Quite simply, Integrated Reporting marks a paradigm shift in the way companies and other organizations think about business models and the creation of value. Integrated Reporting promotes long term thinking about value-creation and stewardship across a broad base of interdependent capitals – financial, manufactured, human, intellectual, natural, and social and relationship.With updated references and case studies to take account of the latest developments in Integrated Reporting, this book provides a practical and expert distillation of for IR professionals.Internationally renowned sustainability reporting expert and accountant Dr Carol Adams explains in simple terms what is and how to do it; how it links with other reporting frameworks and what it means in terms of thinking and processes. You'll also get a clear business case for IR and insights and best practice examples from leading integrated reporters. Integrated Reporting is not just for companies.This book demonstrates how integrated thinking and IR can benefit many other organizations whose success and influence depends on relationships and partnerships.

Agribusiness and the Neoliberal Food System in Brazil: Frontiers and Fissures of Agro-neoliberalism (Earthscan Food and Agriculture)

by Antonio Augusto Ioris

Due to new production areas and persistent productivity gains, Brazil has consolidated its position as a global leader and even as a ‘model’ of commercial, integrated crop production. The country is now seen as an agricultural powerhouse that has a lot to offer in terms of reducing the prospect of a looming, increasingly global, food crisis. Agribusiness and the Neoliberal Food System in Brazil focuses on the intensification of Brazilian agribusiness as a privileged entry point into the politicised geography of globalised agri-food. Drawing on rich empirical analysis based around three fieldwork campaigns in the state of Mato Grosso, the book examines the connections between farming, markets and the apparatus of the state. The importance of agribusiness expansion within the wider politico-economic context of Brazilian neoliberalism is demonstrated, thus drawing broader conclusions about the main trends of agribusiness in the world today and providing recommendations for future research. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of agribusiness, neoliberalism and global food production, as well as those interested in Brazil and Latin America more generally.

The Diffusion of Western Economic Ideas in East Asia (Routledge Studies in the Growth Economies of Asia)

by Malcolm Warner

This book examines the diffusion of economic ideas in East Asia, assessing the impact of external ideas on internal theory and practice. It considers economists from Adam Smith onwards, including Marx, Keynes, Hayek and contemporary economists, and covers the subject both historically and also includes present day and likely future developments. The book covers all the major countries of East Asia, and pays particular attention to specific economists who have had a strong impact in specific countries, and to important developments in economic theory in East Asia, exploring how far these have been driven by Western economic ideas. This book will be welcomed by students and scholars of East Asia and South-east Asia, as well as those interested in economics, economic history and management.

Total Quality in Managing Human Resources

by Joe Petrick

Human resource management is a particularly challenging role, both domestically and globally. This challenge can be viewed either as an opportunity or as a threat. As an opportunity, the principles and practices of total quality presented in this book can help human resource professionals or anyone who manages people, transform institutionalized mediocrity into organizational excellence.The focus of this book is on managing the difference TQ makes in human resources. Whereas the traditional nature and scope of responsibility for most human resource professionals has been that of staff support geared to administrative compliance, the total quality approach offered here reveals the keys to developing and sustaining commitment to world-class performance. These keys include strategic input and continual improvement of the human resource system to enhance internal and external customer satisfaction both now and in the future. The full meaning of these new TQ role demands is explored in light of the driving forces reshaping the HR environment into the 21st Century.In addition, this book offers practitioner assessment instruments, practical TQ tools, and specific implementation steps to take in order to make the TQ difference in managing human resources domestically and globally.

Value in Due Diligence: Contemporary Strategies for Merger and Acquisition Success

by Ronald Gleich

The recent financial crisis has thrown many of the mergers and acquisitions of recent years into sharp focus. Too many have failed to generate real value for shareholders and many others have only proved lukewarm successes. Although it is impossible to assess accurately the extent to which these failures may be the result of poor planning and execution, they have raised considerable questions about the process, breadth and effectiveness of traditional due diligence activities. Value in Due Diligence explores new applications for due diligence including areas such as corporate culture, social responsibility, and innovation. It also examines the due diligence process itself to draw out those elements that provide effective risk and opportunity management as opposed to simple compliance.

Corporate Stewardship: Achieving Sustainable Effectiveness

by Susan Albers Mohrman Edward E. Lawler III James O'Toole

Stewardship entails a profound understanding and acceptance of the challenges that result from the organization’s interdependence with the societal and ecological contexts in which it operates—and of what it takes to embrace the challenges to be a force for building a viable future. This book dares to ask ‘why’ business leaders should embrace stewardship in the current market where profit reigns supreme. A shift in approach represents fundamental change for the corporate world, and even the most advanced corporations consider themselves to be in the starting block of this transition. The book sets out the practical ways in which corporate stewardship can be achieved through embedding new approaches across the different functions of a business. This book, written by the leading thinkers in sustainability research, provides practical guidance on how companies can resolve the paradoxical challenges they face. How can they be at the same time profitable and responsible, effective and ethical, sustainable and adaptable? It explores what businesses are doing, what they can and should do to effectively respond to external challenges, and focuses on how leaders can create cultures, strategies, and designs far beyond “business as usual”.Stewards must not only make proper current use of that which they hold in trust, they also must leave it in better condition for use by future generations. Corporate Stewardship challenges managers, executives, and directors of global corporations to think and act as stewards of both their organizations and the physical and social environments in which they operate.

Management Systems for Sustainability: How to Connect Strategy and Action

by Phil Cumming

To deliver on your sustainability ambitions, you need an effective management system. Delivery and results, after all, are what sets leading sustainable businesses apart. Supplementing your existing management arrangements with a management systems approach can play a crucial part in helping to implement more sustainable ways of working. It will help your colleagues understand what sustainability means and how it applies to their role. It will strengthen the link between strategy and action and provide the framework for the various elements of your sustainability strategy to happen. In this short guide, Phil Cumming introduces you to management systems thinking and concepts and sets out clear and practical steps to help you be more formalized and systematic about how and when you do things. This book will help you deliver on your sustainability ambitions – without needing to follow a single management system standard!

Environmental Ethics: An Introduction and Learning Guide

by Kees Vromans Rainer Paslack Gamze Yücel Isildar Rob De Vrind Jürgen Walter Simon

As the destructive consequences of environmental problems such as global warming, water scarcity and resource and biodiversity destruction have been felt ever more heavily, people are becoming more aware of the importance of and their responsibilities towards environmental protection. The causes of our problems are anthropogenic. The number of people working in what might be termed "environmental industries" or with environmental responsibilities in their day-to-day work has mushroomed. In many cases, however, individuals charged with protecting the environment have a set of empirical priorities: what *is* done, rather than moral priorities which consider what *should* be done. The need to harmonize environmental knowledge with ethical behaviour and thus achieve behavioural change and the internalization of environmentally ethical values has never been more urgent. This book, developed as part of an EU programme to diffuse the application of environmental ethics to decision-making on pollution control, is a response to the need for a restatement of environmental ethics and for a code of behaviour and set of values that can be internalised and adopted to guide the actions by individuals at the sharp end of protecting the environment: decision-makers and environmental experts/executives/staff working in municipalities and public/government organisations throughout the EU and Turkey. It is nothing short of an ethical training manual that will guide environmental experts/decision-makers in making sound judgements and decisions and will act as a bridge between environmental knowledge and environmental behaviour. The book will be essential reading for decision-makers and experts working in local authorities and governmental organisations with responsibility for environmental protection: for both graduate and postgraduate students in environment-related disciplines and for vocational education teachers with a focus on the environment.

Patterns In Safety Thinking: A Literature Guide to Air Transportation Safety

by Geoffrey R. McIntyre

Safety is more than the absence of accidents. Safety has the goal of transforming the levels of risk that are inherent in all human activity, while its interdisciplinary nature extends its influence far into most corporate management and government regulatory actions. Yet few engineers have attended a safety course, conference or even a lecture in the area, suggesting that those responsible for the safe construction and operation of complex high-risk socio-technical systems are inadequately prepared. This book is designed to meet the expressed needs of aviation safety management trainees for a practical and concise education supplement to the safety literature. Written in a highly readable and accessible style, its features include: ¢ detailed analysis of the forward-looking System Safety approach, with its focus on accident prevention; ¢ classification of transportation safety literature into distinct schools of thought (Tort Law, Reliability Engineering, System Safety Engineering); ¢ real world, practical, illustrations of the theory; ¢ the history, theory and practice of safety management ; ¢ inter-disciplinary thinking about safety . The flying public is faced with a bewildering array of aviation safety data from a diverse and ever increasing number of sources. This book is an essential guide to the available information, and a major contribution to the international public debate on aviation safety.

Real Estate and Urban Development in South America: Understanding Local Regulations and Investment Methods in a Highly Urbanised Continent (Routledge International Real Estate Markets Series)

by Camilla Ween Claudia Murray Eliane Monetti

Real Estate and Urban Development in South America uncovers how investors are navigating South American real estate markets in commercial, residential and infrastructure development. A preferred location for real estate development during the colonial era, in recent decades South America has been seen as high-risk for global real estate investors. This book explores the strengths and weaknesses of real estate markets in the region, concluding that with careful implementation of the correct development strategies, the region can once again take its place at the centre stage of global real estate investment. Comparing the economics and market maturity of South American countries in turn, the authors draw out the particular contexts in which investors and developers operate in mature and emerging markets. Bridging the gap between theory and practice, analysis of local development policies, legislation, valuation methods and taxation is supplemented with case studies from key players in the region’s major cities. The first full overview of real estate markets in South America, this book will be an essential guide for investors, policy makers, academics and students with an interest in this this rapidly evolving region.

Venturing in International Firms: Contexts and Cases in a High-Tech World

by Christopher Williams

This book gives students a new perspective on entrepreneurial venturing in an international context. By analyzing the dynamics in international companies, they will be armed with the skills they need to build successful strategies for entering new international markets. Williams presents a framework built around four contexts for international venturing: headquarters-driven through internal capabilities; subsidiary-driven through peripheral capabilities; headquarters-driven through external capabilities; and subsidiary-driven though external capabilities. Through this, students gain insight into the conditions that enable venturing in different types of MNEs, the mechanisms by which MNEs pursue international opportunities, and the leadership and managerial challenges of developing entrepreneurial capabilities across borders. Following a definition and analysis of each context, the book synthesizes the outcomes in an integrative way, providing implications for strategic leaders in international firms as well as for researchers and students. These contexts are used to frame the literature and engage with eight topical cases, which are also published in full in the Appendix of the book. With case studies from around the world that focus both on smaller and larger enterprises, Venturing in International Firms will give students of international entrepreneurship, corporate entrepreneurship and international business an edge when venturing internationally in the real world.

Economic Foundations of Strategic Management

by Mehmet Barca

This book explores the extent to which economic theory is able to provide the theoretical foundations of strategic management. To this end it draws on the philosophy of science; microeconomic theory; and different approaches to strategic management. The work shows that many of the propositions of strategic management are deducible from the economic theories considered. It argues that these propositions should be made open to empirical testing and that a unified theory of strategic management should be developed. Thus the book addresses a current major concern of theorists - that strategy remains ’atheoretical’ and that this reduces the predictive power of the subject and hampers further theory development. The essential contribution made is that economic theory should be systematically explored in order to establish the foundations of business strategy.

Organizations: A Systems Approach

by Stefan Kühl

From businesses, public administrations, universities and schools, to hospitals, prisons, political parties, or the military, peoples’ lives are inextricably bound up with organizations from cradle to grave. Yet we receive little training in how - as members, customers, voters, or patients - to deal with them. In Organizations Stefan Kühl asks and answers many questions. What are these entities that wield such strong influence in our society? What makes them tick? What are our options for intervening, either from within or without? This book explains how organizations function by examining their three central features: their purposes or goals, their hierarchies, and their memberships. The author presents the three aspects of organizations - the display, formal, and informal aspects, explaining them in metaphorical terms as façades, machines, and games. Acknowledging that the seminal systems theory developed by sociologist Niklas Luhmann is not easily accessible, Professor Kühl presents Luhmann’s organizational concept in a succinct and user-friendly form that will be readily grasped by a practitioner audience and provides new insights in this ambitious theory.

Corporate Governance in Government Corporations (Law, Ethics and Governance)

by Michael J. Whincop

Many governments across the world have responded to the need for greater efficiency in the delivery of government services by the reorganization of these bureaucracies along the lines of for-profit business corporations. In doing so, governments have relied on the capacity for governance practices to overcome the weaker incentives created by the attenuated 'property rights' that are created in public enterprise.

The Quest for Sustainable Business: An Epic Journey in Search of Corporate Responsibility

by Wayne Visser

In January 2010, author, academic and social entrepreneur Dr Wayne Visser set off on a nine-month, 20-country "quest" to talk to entrepreneurs, business leaders and innovators and learn about how companies in all parts of the world can and are helping to tackle the world's most pressing social and environmental problems. His aim was to explore the many varieties of global approaches to sustainable business practices first-hand and to share some of the most innovative global examples.The result is this treasure trove of a book, full of stories, ideas, links to more than 100 video interviews, best practices and tools for making sustainable business work in a myriad of different contexts, cultures and settings. Besides sharing insights from his 2010 "CSR Quest World Tour", the author captures his professional experiences and the evolution of sustainable business over the past 20 years.The path begins in Africa and winds its way through Asia, North America, Europe, Australasia and Latin America. The author shares what he has learned in encounters with mega-corporations and small farmers, and conversations with CEOs and social entrepreneurs. There are facts and figures about world trends, and interviews with thought leaders and activists. This is a tale that consciously weaves the personal and the professional, mixing anecdotes and case studies. It looks outwards and reflects inwards, and is both autobiography and the life story of a global movement.

The Field Guide to Understanding 'Human Error': Second Edtion

by Sidney Dekker

When faced with a ’human error’ problem, you may be tempted to ask 'Why didn’t these people watch out better?' Or, 'How can I get my people more engaged in safety?' You might think you can solve your safety problems by telling your people to be more careful, by reprimanding the miscreants, by issuing a new rule or procedure and demanding compliance. These are all expressions of 'The Bad Apple Theory' where you believe your system is basically safe if it were not for those few unreliable people in it. Building on its successful predecessors, the third edition of The Field Guide to Understanding ’Human Error’ will help you understand a new way of dealing with a perceived 'human error' problem in your organization. It will help you trace how your organization juggles inherent trade-offs between safety and other pressures and expectations, suggesting that you are not the custodian of an already safe system. It will encourage you to start looking more closely at the performance that others may still call 'human error', allowing you to discover how your people create safety through practice, at all levels of your organization, mostly successfully, under the pressure of resource constraints and multiple conflicting goals. The Field Guide to Understanding 'Human Error' will help you understand how to move beyond 'human error'; how to understand accidents; how to do better investigations; how to understand and improve your safety work. You will be invited to think creatively and differently about the safety issues you and your organization face. In each, you will find possibilities for a new language, for different concepts, and for new leverage points to influence your own thinking and practice, as well as that of your colleagues and organization. If you are faced with a ’human error’ problem, abandon the fallacy of a quick fix. Read this book.

A Mobile Century?: Changes in Everyday Mobility in Britain in the Twentieth Century (Transport and Mobility)

by Colin G. Pooley Jean Turnbull Mags Adams

For most people in the developed world, the ability to travel freely on a daily basis is almost taken for granted. Although there is a large volume of literature on contemporary mobility and associated transport problems, there are no comprehensive studies of the ways in which these trends have changed over time. This book provides a detailed empirical analysis of mobility change in Britain over the twentieth century. Beginning with an explanatory theoretical overview, setting the UK case studies within an international context, the book then analyses changes in the journey to school, the journey to work, and travelling for pleasure. It also looks at the ways in which changes in mobility have interacted with changes in the family life cycle and assesses the impact of new transport technologies on everyday mobility. It concludes by examining the implications of past mobility change for contemporary transport policy.

Greener Marketing: A Global Perspective on Greening Marketing Practice

by Martin Charter Michael Jay Polonsky

Building on the strengths of the material published in the hugely successful first edition of Greener Marketing, this important new title examines on a global scale the progress of environmental marketing in the 1990s and considers how social issues are increasingly becoming critical factors in how corporations meet the ever-growing demands and expectations of customers. Despite the fact that such issues are increasingly important in marketing activities around the world, it is difficult for practitioners to keep up to date with complex and rapidly changing information and ideas. The purpose of this book is to provide practitioners and academics with best-practice examples and actionable recommendations on how to implement and appraise green marketing activities. It will provide information and ideas for those involved in marketing on how to incorporate environmental and social considerations, as well as providing new perspectives on marketing for environmental managers. To achieve a comprehensive viewpoint, the book is split into three sections. The first sets out the strategic issues and rationale for green marketing, the second addresses tactical issues in more detail, and the third provides detailed international case studies. Topics addressed by the global set of contributors include the growing area of products versus services, environmental product development, green marketing alliances, environmental communications, green consumers, eco-tourism and environmental marketing in developing countries. reener Marketing is not only a sequel to the successful first volume, but redefines global progress towards the successful marketing of greener products and services.

The Handbook of Carbon Accounting

by Arnaud Brohé

Carbon Accounting is a vital tool in enabling organisations to measure and report on their greenhouse gas emissions. As the need to respond to the causes and impacts of climate change becomes increasingly urgent, emissions calculations and inventories are a vital first step towards mastering climatic risk. The Handbook of Carbon Accounting offers an accessible and comprehensive presentation of the discipline. The book examines the different methods or instruments implemented by countries and companies – such as carbon taxation, carbon markets and voluntary offsetting – while revealing how these stem not simply from the aim of reducing emissions for the lowest cost, but more as a compromise between divergent interests and individual world views. It also explores the historical context of the emergence of carbon accounting, assessing its evolution since the Rio Conference in 1992 and the signing of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, to the latest Conference of Parties in 2015 in Paris.The book concludes with a very practical guide to calculate, reduce, offset and disclose your carbon footprint.Like other management tools, carbon accounting may not be an exact science, but its contribution has never been more important. The Handbook of Carbon Accounting is a vital educational resource that will help readers – including those with no prior knowledge of the field – to understand carbon flows and stocks and to take action. It forms part of a movement that heralds the start of a new economic era in which the search for prosperity can live in harmony with the environment.

Current Topics in Management: Volume 12 (Current Topics In Management Ser.)

by M. Afzalur Rahim

Current Topics in Management presents basic research on the theory and practice of management and administration. Volume 12 contains eleven contributions divided into four sections. The editor explains the volume in Chapter 1, while the other chapters were the survivors of competitive reviews of 124 submissions to the thirteenth annual International Conference on Advances in Management held at Lisbon, Portugal.Part 1, "Managing Evolution and Transformation" contains three chapters that deal with organizational transformation through reengineering for improving business processes, an organizing framework for the emergence of new organizational forms, and concepts and forms of "do-it-yourself" in organizations which involve creative use of resources to deal with a problem. Part 2, "Managing Inappropriateness" deals with some unusual situations: managing global imbalances that require cooperation and commitment from all countries and one of the most important contemporary phenomena--misrepresentation or radical distortion of reality. Part 3, "Issues in Strategic Management" focuses on the relationships of board of directors' attributes, conflict, and shared mental models to board effectiveness, controlling CEO compensation through an independent board of directors, and ecologically responsive behavior of corporate actors.The final part, "Entrepreneurship and Behavior in Organizations" concentrates with an opportunity-based approach to the theory and research in entrepreneurial discovery research; a study of the moderating effects of goal commitment, task feedback, and reward for competence on the relationship between work overload and creativity; and guidelines to managers for the diagnosis of the spiritual health and intervention to enhance spirituality at work.This volume will be of interest to corporate libraries, advanced students in management and administration, economists, and labor studies specialists. It is the official publication of the Center for Advanced Studies in Management

They Are Not Machines: Korean Women Workers and their Fight for Democratic Trade Unionism in the 1970s

by Chun Soonok

The multi-faceted tensions created in developing countries between a burgeoning popular desire for democracy and the harsh imperatives of modernisation and industrialisation are nowhere more evident than in the so-called 'Asian tiger' nations. Of all those nascent economies, South Korea in the 1960s and 1970s stands pre-eminent for the magnitude and speed of its development and the extraordinarily oppressive and inhumane conditions that its labour force, mainly women and young girls, were compelled to endure. The author of this book was one of those young girls who suffered in the warren of sweat-shop garment factories in the slums of central Seoul. With little or no support from male co-workers, and despite their political naivety and the traditionally subordinate status of Korean females, the women textile and garment workers confronted the ruling authority at all levels. The author's mother was one of their leaders, and her eldest brother sacrificed his life for their cause. Despite appalling state-directed violence, betrayal by erstwhile colleagues, the chicanery and mendacity of employers' cooperatives and countless other setbacks, these uneducated and overworked women finally succeeded in forming the first fully democratic trade union in the history of Korea. Based on compelling personal accounts this is the first published account of the women's struggle, and it throws much light on the process of modernisation and industrialisation in Korea and beyond.

Leading and Motivating Global Teams: Integrating Offshore Centers and the Head Office (Best Practices in Portfolio, Program, and Project Management)

by Vimal Kumar Khanna

This book provides techniques for offshore center managers and head office managers to motivate and manage globally distributed teams, which are spread across the offshore center and the head office, and thereby achieve higher productivity. Readers learn how to integrate the offshore center with the head office to make the offshore team an extension of the head office. While integrating teams with the head office, offshore center managers can still retain independence and authority to meet team aspirations. The book provides insight into devising new organizational structures to balance the authority and responsibilities of offshore center and head office managers. Head office managers responsible for managing globally distributed projects learn how to achieve a higher success rate on their projects and be better rewarded for their efforts in offshoring. Head office managers also learn techniques to make more significant contributions in their expatriate assignments to the offshore center. This book guides both the offshore center managers and the head office managers to fully realize the potential of the offshore center, which can result in higher revenues and profitability.

Managing Project Uncertainty (Advances in Project Management)

by David Cleden

Dealing effectively with uncertainty requires today's project manager to be familiar with a broad spectrum of strategies, encompassing both 'hard' and 'soft' methods. This theme of unified thinking (i.e. the need to selectively draw upon a wide range of strategies in any given situation) will differentiate the book from its contemporaries. By picking up where traditional risk management techniques begin to fail, it brings together leading-edge thinking from a variety of disciplines and shows how these techniques can be used to conquer uncertainty in projects. The ability to make good decisions when faced with uncertainty is the real challenge. It is a universal truth that a decision is only as good as the information it is based on. But good information is often hard to come by, and all projects are vulnerable to the unknown and the unknowable. Thus, uncertainty becomes the sworn enemy of the project manager. Wherever we try to analyse, quantify, plan and act, uncertainty lies in wait to surprise us with its ambiguity and unpredictability. It lurks in every stage of the project lifecycle: in the planning (how long will this really take?), the initiation (this isn't the situation I expected!), the execution (who could have foreseen that happening?), and even the completion of a project (where are the expected benefits?). But managing uncertainty is a lot more than just applying risk management techniques. It requires a deep appreciation of how uncertainty arises and, by recognising its different guises, the appropriate strategies can be formulated. If we can learn how to reduce uncertainty, we can make better management decisions and increase the chances of the project succeeding. This book addresses five key questions: ¢ Why is there uncertainty in projects? ¢ How do you spot the symptoms of uncertainty, preferably at an early stage? ¢ What can be done to avoid uncertainty? ¢ What strategies can be used to deal with project uncertainty? ¢ How can both the individual and the organisation learn to cope more effectively in the future? The reader is assumed to be a either a project management professional, or a senior manager looking for ways to improve project management strategy within their organisation. As such, a foundation in project management basics is assumed, although not essential. The book then builds on this by exposing new ideas and concepts, and shows how these can be harnessed to tackle uncertainty in its many guises.

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