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Showing 16,676 through 16,700 of 16,795 results

Strategic Content Marketing: Creating Effective Content in Practice

by Dan Farkas Rebecca Geier

Strategic Content Marketing offers a comprehensive guide to planning, creating, implementing and analyzing an effective content marketing strategy in practice. Each chapter marries established theory with modern practice, illustrating concepts with real-world case studies and examples alongside interviews with prominent content marketers, including a foreword by Joe Pulizzi, founder of The Content Marketing Institute and often referred to as the Father of Content Marketing. Chapter objectives and summaries structure learning, while reflective questions and activities aid comprehension. On reading, students will understand: The definition, purpose, and practical implementation of a content marketing programme The relationship between content marketing and broader marketing, strategic positioning, buyer personas, and research initiatives The most effective and valued forms of content marketing and how they are structured and used, including a special focus on digital and B2B content marketing How to create persuasive content and measure the effectiveness of content marketing The careers, associated competencies, and software technologies in the burgeoning field of content marketing. This comprehensive text is perfect core and recommended reading for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students studying content marketing, inbound marketing, marketing communications, digital and social media marketing, and public relations. In practice, the book is also highly valuable for practicing professionals studying for professional qualifications and looking to develop their skills. Online resources include instructor teaching slides, four-color images and templates, and chapter test bank questions.

Strategic Media Planning and Buying: Integration of Traditional and Digital Media

by Basant Rathore

This book explores media planning, media buying and the advertising landscape in India. It provides a comprehensive look into the essential aspects of media strategies for brands and businesses to effectively reach their intended audiences and consumers.The book cuts through and demystifies complex media jargon and theories to provide an understanding of the key concepts for developing a media mix that will yield results for businesses. It discusses media research and theories and offers marketers suggestions on how to use both traditional and digital media effectively to build brands. The first section of the book introduces the basics of media theory, including data collection methodologies and their application. The second section covers the fundamentals of planning a media strategy and advertising plans and campaigns based on the goals of the company or brand. The third section discusses the practical nuances of planning – like media mix selections, media vehicle selections and media buying across all types of media.This book will be of interest to students and researchers of business and management studies, media and communication studies as well as to marketing and media professionals working in different sectors of business.

Strategic Planning for Public Relations

by Deborah A. Silverman Ronald D. Smith

The seventh edition of Strategic Planning for Public Relations maintains its status as a leading text to guide students in developing successful public relations campaigns.Deborah Silverman and Ronald Smith bring their experience as instructors and public relations professionals to the book, providing clear, step-by-step guidance on how to plan and implement strategic communications campaigns. This new edition includes diverse examples of current cases along with classic cases that stand the test of time. It includes new “Ethics Minutes” scenarios in each step, a new research step, and examples of award-winning public relations campaigns. It also significantly increases information on social media and features a reformatting of the tactics step into four separate parts based on the PESO model (paid media, earned media, shared media, and owned media).As a leader in teaching public relations strategy, this text is ideal for students in upper division undergraduate and graduate courses in public relations strategy and campaigns.Complementing the book are online resources for both students and instructors. For students: step overviews, useful links to professional organizations and resources, checklists for the ten steps in the planning process, and two sample campaigns. For instructors: an instructors’ manual, PowerPoint slides, sample syllabi, a critique evaluation worksheet, and checklists for the ten steps in the planning process. For these online resources, please visit .

Strategic Social Media as Activism: Repression, Resistance, Rebellion, Reform

by Adrienne A. Wallace and Regina Luttrell

Drawing on a range of theoretical and empirical perspectives, this volume examines the roles strategic communications play in creating social media messaging campaigns designed to engage in digital activism. As social activism and engagement continue to rise, individuals have an opportunity to use their agency as creators and consumers to explore issues of identity, diversity, justice, and action through digital activism. This edited volume situates activism and social justice historically and draws parallels to the work of activists in today’s social movements such as modern-day feminism, Black Lives Matter, #MeToo, Missing Murdered Indigenous Women, and We Are All Khaled Said. Each chapter adds an additional filter of nuance, building a complete account of mounting issues through social media movements and at the same time scaffolding the complicated nature of digital collective action. The book will be a useful supplement to courses in public relations, journalism, social media, sociology, political science, diversity, digital activism, and mass communication at both the undergraduate and graduate level.

Strategic Writing: Multimedia Writing for Public Relations, Advertising and More

by Angie Hendershot Lisa Loewen Charles Marsh David W. Guth Bonnie Poovey Short

Featuring examples of strategic writing throughout the book, this practical, multidisciplinary text takes students through the fundamental concepts, genres, and techniques of writing for strategic communicators to connect with their publics. The book contains concise instructions for writing the key multimedia documents in strategic communication, each with an example in the text. Short, practice-oriented chapters each cover a key theme, principle or writing topic. This sixth edition features: new and more diverse examples; additional references on legal and ethical guidance, technical tools and other resources used by practicing professionals; a new Audience Persona chapter; and incorporation of digital trends, such as increased use of images, video and user-generated content as well as evolutions in mobile marketing and other emerging platforms. Strategic Writing, Sixth Edition is an essential textbook for undergraduate courses in public relations, advertising and strategic communication writing, particularly those that take a multidisciplinary approach. Online resources are also included to support instructors and students. Faculty will find sample assignments with rubrics and lecture slides. Students will find practice quizzes for each section; nine-step strategic writing process guidance with helpful links for each step; and examples, templates and online articles demonstrating strategic writing in practice. Please visit

Strategische Bildkommunikation: Über den Zusammenhang von psychologischen Kundenprofilen und Bildpräferenz (Schriftenreihe der Kalaidos Fachhochschule Schweiz)

by Yannik Brandenberger

In einer sich rasant verändernden Marketinglandschaft wird die Bedeutung einer authentischen Verbindung zwischen Unternehmen und Konsumenten immer dringlicher. Statt mit Inhalten zu überfluten, liegt die Herausforderung darin, durch gezielte visuelle Kommunikation eine tiefere Bindung aufzubauen. Diese Herausforderung wird besonders in der fehlenden Anpassung von Bildern an die psychologischen Profile der Zielgruppe deutlich, für die bisher kein empirisch validiertes Modell existiert. In diesem Buch wird ein tiefer Einblick in den Zusammenhang zwischen psychologischen Kundenprofilen und Bildpräferenzen durch die Untersuchung und Weiterentwicklung des EIC-Modells gewonnen. Die empirischen Ergebnisse, gewonnen aus einer Studie mit 95 Teilnehmenden, bestätigen diese Verbindung und eröffnen neue Perspektiven für die strategische Bildkommunikation. Als Resultat dieser Forschung präsentiert sich das ICS-Modell – ein Instrument, das Fotograf*innen und Marketingexpert*innen befähigt, die Bildkommunikation gezielt auf Zielgruppen auszurichten. Dieses Buch bietet nicht nur einen Einblick in die theoretischen Grundlagen, es regt auch dazu an, wie diese Erkenntnisse in der Praxis für eine wirkungsvolle visuelle Kommunikation genutzt werden können.

Strategische Wahrheiten: Desinformation und Postfakten in der strategischen Kommunikation

by Olaf Hoffjann Lucas Seeber Ina von der Wense

Strategische Kommunikation zielt mit ihren kontingenten Wirklichkeitsbeschreibungen seit jeher auf gesellschaftliche Wahrheitsmodelle. Wie häufig gesellschaftliche Wahrheitsmodelle auf strategische Kommunikationsbemühungen zurückgehen, auf Unwahrhaftigkeit beruhen und damit zumindest zeitweise zu strategischen Wahrheiten werden, zeigen eindrucksvoll zwischenzeitlich geglaubte Wahrheiten, die sich als Lüge entpuppt haben: von Walter Ulbrichts „Niemand hat die Absicht, eine Mauer zu errichten“ über Hitlers Tagebücher bis hin zu den Massenvernichtungswaffen im Irak. Die erfolgreichen Kampagnen der Brexiteers und von Donald Trump 2016 haben diesem Thema zu neuer und bislang ungeahnter Aufmerksamkeit verholfen. Während die Themen Desinformation und postfaktische Gesellschaft die Journalismus-, politische Kommunikations- und Medienethikforschung aktuell zu dominieren scheinen, ist das Schweigen der deutschsprachigen und internationalen PR- und Organisationskommunikationsforschung auffällig. Dies ist umso bemerkenswerter, weil die PR-Wissenschaft in der Vergangenheit immer wieder versucht hat, ihren Gegenstand zu schärfen, indem sie sich am Begriff der Propaganda abgearbeitet hat. Daraus müsste eigentlich eine Affinität für das Thema Desinformation resultieren. Aber genau das Gegenteil ist offensichtlich der Fall: Hat sich die PR-Wissenschaft gerade deshalb nicht mit Desinformation beschäftigt, weil sie sich so dezidiert von Propaganda und darin eingeschlossenen desinformierenden und manipulativen Techniken abgrenzen will? Was sind die Gründe hierfür? Glauben wir, bereits alles zum Thema gesagt zu haben? Liegt dies daran, dass sich die PR- und Organisationskommunikationsforschung seit jeher vor allem für Unternehmen und weniger für politische und Non-Profit-Organisationen interessiert? Oder fühlen wir uns hier schlicht und ergreifend nicht zuständig? Es scheint offenkundig höchste Zeit zu sein, sich wieder eingehend mit Fragen der Desinformation aus der Perspektive der strategischen Kommunikationsforschung zu befassen. Die Beiträge des Tagungsbandes fokussieren hierzu auf neue theoretische Perspektiven, normative Bewertungen und empirische Befunde.

The Structure of Ideas: Mapping a New Theory of Free Expression in the AI Era

by Jared Schroeder

In his historic 1919 dissent, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes named, and thus catalyzed the creation of, the marketplace of ideas. This conceptual space has, ever since, been used to give shape to American constitutional notions of the freedom of expression. It has also eluded clear definition, as jurists and scholars have contested its meaning for more than a century. In The Structure of Ideas, Jared Schroeder takes on the task of mapping the various iterations of the marketplace, from its early foundations in Enlightenment beliefs in universal truths and rational actors, to its increasingly expansive parameters for protecting expression in the arenas of commercial, corporate, and online speech. Schroeder contends that in today's information landscape, marked by the rapid emergence of artificial intelligence, the marketplace is failing to provide a space where truths succeed and falsity fails. AI and networked technologies have thoroughly overpowered all traditional pictures of the marketplace up to now. Schroeder proposes various theoretical interventions that would revise the marketplace for the current moment, and concludes by describing a new space built around algorithms, AI, and virtual communication.

Studying Verbal Irony and Sarcasm: Methodological Perspectives from Communication Studies and Beyond

by Natalia Banasik-Jemielniak Piotr Kałowski Maria Zajączkowska

This volume provides a comprehensive yet accessible introduction to the phenomenon of verbal irony and sarcasm and the methodological aspects of its study. The chapters employ quantitative and qualitative measures of the use of verbal irony and sarcasm in both adults and children, with methods ranging from questionnaires and comment elicitation through experimental studies to a qualitative analysis of naturalistic data. By examining the phenomena in a range of contexts, the volume also show that cultural norms of communication may affect both the use and understanding of irony in specific ways and should therefore be taken into account in research.

Substrate Integrated Suspended Line Antenna and Arrays (Modern Antenna)

by Kaixue Ma Ningning Yan Yu Luo

This book delves deeply into the substrate integrated suspended line antenna technologies and evaluates its potential to replace conventional three-dimensional (3D) metal-based antennas. Over the years, studies on substrate integrated suspended line antennas have captivated engineers and scientists from the antennas and related engineering fields, all aiming to achieve low-cost and low-loss characteristics. The book establishes a fundamental framework for this topic, while emphasizing the importance of substrate integrated suspended line antennas in the wireless communication and radar systems. It is designed for undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in antenna technology, researchers investigating substrate integrated technology, and antenna engineers working on low-cost and low-loss antennas and arrays.

Supercommunicators: How to Unlock the Secret Language of Connection

by Charles Duhigg

From the Globe and Mail and New York Times bestselling author of The Power of Habit, an investigation of what makes conversations work, and how we can all learn to be supercommunicators at work and in our lives.We all know people who seem capable of connecting with almost anyone. They are the ones we turn to for advice, the ones who ask deep questions but who also seem to hear what we are trying to say. What do they know about conversation that makes them so special? And what can they tell us about how communication really works?Supercommunicators, Charles Duhigg argues, understand—some by intuition, some by hard-won experience—that there is a science to how human beings connect through words. They understand that whenever we speak, we're actually participating in three distinct conversations: What is this really about? How do we feel? And who are we? They know the importance of recognizing—and then matching—each kind of conversation, and how to hear the complex emotions, subtle negotiations and hidden beliefs that color and inform everything we say. Our pasts, our values, our affiliations—our identities—shape every discussion we have, from who will pick up the kids to how we want to be treated at work.With his trademark insight and clarity, Duhigg shows readers how to recognize these three conversations—and teaches us the skills we need to navigate them more successfully. Communication, he argues, is a superpower. By bringing readers into jury deliberations and fraught CIA recruitments, into Netflix's company-wide conversations about equity and the writers' room of The Big Bang Theory, we learn why some people are able to make themselves heard—and to hear others—so clearly. We learn how to recognize and leverage the hidden layers that lurk beneath every conversation. In the end, we learn a simple but powerful lesson: We can connect with anyone, as long as we understand how conversations work.

Supercommunicators: How to Unlock the Secret Language of Connection

by Charles Duhigg

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • From the author of The Power of Habit, a fascinating exploration of what makes conversations work—and how we can all learn to be supercommunicators at work and in life&“A winning combination of stories, studies, and guidance that might well transform the worst communicators you know into some of the best.&”—Adam Grant, author of Think Again and Hidden PotentialCome inside a jury room as one juror leads a starkly divided room to consensus. Join a young CIA officer as he recruits a reluctant foreign agent. And sit with an accomplished surgeon as he tries, and fails, to convince yet another cancer patient to opt for the less risky course of treatment. In Supercommunicators, Charles Duhigg blends deep research and his trademark storytelling skills to show how we can all learn to identify and leverage the hidden layers that lurk beneath every conversation.Communication is a superpower and the best communicators understand that whenever we speak, we&’re actually participating in one of three conversations: practical (What&’s this really about?), emotional (How do we feel?), and social (Who are we?). If you don&’t know what kind of conversation you&’re having, you&’re unlikely to connect. Supercommunicators know the importance of recognizing—and then matching—each kind of conversation, and how to hear the complex emotions, subtle negotiations, and deeply held beliefs that color so much of what we say and how we listen. Our experiences, our values, our emotional lives—and how we see ourselves, and others—shape every discussion, from who will pick up the kids to how we want to be treated at work. In this book, you will learn why some people are able to make themselves heard, and to hear others, so clearly.With his storytelling that takes us from the writers&’ room of The Big Bang Theory to the couches of leading marriage counselors, Duhigg shows readers how to recognize these three conversations—and teaches us the tips and skills we need to navigate them more successfully.In the end, he delivers a simple but powerful lesson: With the right tools, we can connect with anyone.

Sync Problems Collection: Synchronization and Time Distribution in Telecommunications

by Nickolay Biriukov Nataliya Triska

This textbook clarifies synchronization issues in telecommunications in an easy-to-follow way, focusing less on theory and more on practical aspects. The book is intended for a wide range of readers interested in the basic synchronization concepts in their wide application for development, maintenance, and conformity assessment of telecommunications equipment and networks. The authors show how, though synchronization in telecommunications has experienced rapid development, the foundational theory and the basic definitions, mathematical tools, and well-developed “classical” technologies have remained. The authors have studied the ITU-T, ETSI, IEEE standards, and extracted practical topics of synchronization. The collection of numerous training problems, practical examples, and case studies help the readers not only to find the answers to their current questions but also to get a common view of synchronization’s role in the modern telecommunications. The book is geared towards students of telecommunications but can also be useful for telecom engineers and for training/workshops for telecom engineers concerning synchronization topics.

Tactical Inclusion: Difference and Vulnerability in U.S. Military Advertising (Feminist Media Studies)

by Jeremiah Favara

The revolution in military recruitment advertising to people of color and women played an essential role in making the US military one of the most diverse institutions in the United States. Starting at the dawn of the all-volunteer era, Jeremiah Favara illuminates the challenges at the heart of military inclusion by analyzing recruitment ads published in three commercial magazines: Sports Illustrated, Cosmopolitan, and Ebony. Favara draws on Black feminism, critical race theory, and queer of color critique to reveal how the military and advertisers affected change by deploying a set of strategies and practices called tactical inclusion. As Favara shows, tactical inclusion used representations of servicemembers in the new military to connect with people susceptible to recruiting efforts and rendered these new audiences vulnerable to, valuable to, and subject to state violence. Compelling and eye-opening, Tactical Inclusion combines original analysis with personal experience to chart advertising’s role in building the all-volunteer military.

TCP, UDP und QUIC Internals: Protokolle und Programmierung

by Peter Mandl

Das Lehrbuch vermittelt praxisbezogen wichtige Grundkonzepte der Datenkommunikation mit einem Fokus auf den wichtigsten Transportprotokollen des Internets und auf der Entwicklung verteilter Anwendungen. Besonders ausführlich betrachtet der Autor die Transportprotokolle TCP und UDP, aber auch das neue, ursprünglich von Google für die Webkommunikation mit HTTP/3 entwickelte und inzwischen standardisierte Protokoll QUIC wird in der 2. Auflage ausführlich und verständlich erläutert. Dabei werden auch die zugrundeliegenden Kommunikationskonzepte anschaulich beschrieben. Um die Vorteile von QUIC im Vergleich zu TCP zu verstehen, werden auch die Grundlagen des Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protokolls, das in QUIC nun bereits integriert ist, in der vorliegenden 2. Auflage eingeführt. Die Nutzung von Transportmechanismen in der Programmierung eigener Kommunikationsanwendungen über die Socket API wird ebenfalls mit vielen Beispielen vor allem in Java, aber auch grundlegend in C erläutert. Neben den wesentlichen Protokollmechanismen und Zusammenhängen der betrachteten Protokolle weist der Autor auf die Möglichkeiten der Protokolloptimierung hin. Dadurch wird das Buch zu einem praktischen Ratgeber, der jederzeit zur Konfiguration der komplexen Protokollimplementierungen in Universalbetriebssystemen wie Linux, Windows oder macOS herangezogen werden kann.Die komplexen Sachverhalte werden verständlich erklärt und helfen dabei, die konkreten Protokollimplementierungen besser zu nutzen. Der Schwerpunkt des Buches liegt auf den praktisch relevanten Themen, aber auch grundlegende Aspekte werden erläutert. Viele Bilder veranschaulichen die Protokollmechanismen. Eine Sammlung von Kontrollfragen inklusive Musterlösungen erleichtert die Nachbearbeitung des Stoffes. Komplettiert wird das Buch durch umfangreiches Online-Zusatzmaterial. Lehrende können darüber hinaus auf Anfrage Präsentationsfolien zu den behandelten Themen beziehen.Das Buch richtet sich an Studierende der Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik sowie anderer Fachrichtungen mit Schwerpunkt Informationsverarbeitung und an Praktiker*innen wie Softwareentwickler*innen und Netzwerkadministrator*innen.Der Inhalt• Einführung in die Grundbegriffe der Datenkommunikation• Grundkonzepte der Transportschicht• Transportprotokolle TCP, UDP und QUIC• Einführung in das Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protokoll• Programmierung von Socket-Anwendungen

Technology and American Democracy

by Anthony Trotta

The growth and proliferation of technology in American society places new demands on the U.S. government and the health of its democracy, affecting both policymaking and public administration. Technology and American Democracy explores the underpinning democratic theories, including constitutional justifications, that guide decision makers during the application of Information Technology (IT) in governance to promote democratic principles such as transparency and accountability. The book examines the capacity of IT to facilitate deliberative democracy, alter modern bureaucratic structures and functions, and affect areas of public policy including public budgeting and performance measurement. Author Anthony Trotta demonstrates the ways in which technology creates new problems for contemporary government, including a discussion of virtual currency and its possible issues that must be addressed by the public sector. The discussion avoids highly technical language and confusing industry jargon, focusing instead on explaining important concepts in an accessible fashion, applicable to a broad spectrum of readers. Technology and American Democracy is required reading for students enrolled in courses on politics, public administration, and public policy.

Technology, Policy, and Inclusion: An Intersection of Ideas for Public Policy (Innovations, Practice and the Future of Public Policy in India)

by Anjal Prakash, Aarushi Jain, Puran Singh, and Avik Sarkar

Technology, Policy, and Inclusion looks at the intersections between public policy and technology in India. It explores the barriers in instituting effective governance and development and examines how these can be mitigated through technological interventions in developing countries. Increased digitisation of the economy has added to the development challenges in India and issues such as exclusion and social inequality. This volume stresses the need for governments to leverage technology to bring more vulnerable and marginalised groups into the fold of financial and social inclusion. It also focuses on the importance of regulation for a responsible integration of technologies and minimising risks. The book includes examples and case studies from different areas including management of the COVID-19 pandemic through digital means, real estate digital infrastructure, digital census, e-markets for farmers, and government interventions that use technology to deliver financial services in remote areas of the country. It also outlines various solutions for fostering equity and socio-economic development. Part of the Innovations, Practice and the Future of Public Policy in India series, this volume will be of interest to students and researchers of public policy, political science, development studies, and sociology as well as policy professionals and technocrats. This book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at under a Creative Commons (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.

Telecollaboration in Translator Education: Implementing Telecollaborative Learning Modes in Translation Courses (Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies)

by Mariusz Marczak

This volume provides a comprehensive treatment of telecollaboration as a learning mode in translator education, surveying the state-of-the-art, exploring its distinctive challenges and affordances and outlining future directions in both theoretical and practical terms. The book begins with an overview of telecollaboration and its rise in prominence in today’s globalised world, one in which developments in technology have significantly impacted practices in professional translation and translator education. The volume highlights basic design types and assessment modes and their use in achieving competence-based learning outcomes, drawing on examples from seven telecollaboration projects. In incorporating real-life research, Marczak draws readers’ attention to not only the practical workings of different types of projects and their attendant challenges but also the opportunities for educators to diversify and optimize their instructional practices and for budding translators to build competence and better secure their future employability in the language service provision industry. This volume will be a valuable resource for students and researchers in translation studies, particularly those with an interest in translator education and translation technology, as well as stakeholders in the professional translation industry.

Television’s Streaming Wars (Routledge Advances in Television Studies)

by Arienne Ferchaud Jennifer M. Proffitt

This volume addresses contemporary debates and trends regarding the production and distribution, content, and audience engagement with the television streaming industry. The book interrogates the economics and structure of the industry, questions the types and diversity of content perpetuated on streaming services, and addresses how audiences engage with content from US and global perspectives and within various research paradigms. Chapters address television streaming wars, including the debates and trends in terms of its production and competition, diversity and growth of programming, and audience consumption, focusing on multiple platforms, content, and users. This timely and creative volume will interest students and scholars working in television studies, media industry studies, popular culture studies, audience studies, media psychology, critical cultural studies and media economics.

That's My Story!: Drama for Confidence, Communication and Creativity in KS1 and Beyond

by Adam Power-Annand

The ability to communicate is an essential life skill for all children and young people and it underpins their social, emotional and educational development. If a child experiences a positive relationship with an adult listening carefully, they are more likely to constructively share their thoughts, feelings and their imaginative ideas.That’s My Story! places children’s imagined stories at the heart of their own development and provides a joyful, creative approach to support young children’s personal and social development and to encourage their communication. In this book you will find: Tried-and-tested drama games and activities that support communication and well-being, all adaptable to complement your current practice Guidance and advice on how to promote positive adult-child interactions Examples of creative interventions that support children’s communication development A celebration of the joy that comes with carefully listening to children’s own imagined stories Those of us who work with children can sense a tangible connection between how young children feel and how they communicate. This essential and practical resource will be valuable reading for primary teachers, teaching assistants, speech and language therapists, and drama practitioners, as well as outreach and education departments of theatre companies and other arts organisations.

Theatre Responds to Social Trauma: Chasing the Demons (Routledge Series in Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Theatre and Performance)

by Ellen W. Kaplan

This book is a collection of chapters by playwrights, directors, devisers, scholars, and educators whose praxis involves representing, theorizing, and performing social trauma.Chapters explore how psychic catastrophes and ruptures are often embedded in social systems of oppression and forged in zones of conflict within and across national borders. Through multiple lenses and diverse approaches, the authors examine the connections between collective trauma, social identity, and personal struggle. We look at the generational transmission of trauma, socially induced pathologies, and societal re-inscriptions of trauma, from mass incarceration to war-induced psychoses, from gendered violence through racist practices. Collective trauma may shape, protect, and preserve group identity, promoting a sense of cohesion and meaning, even as it shakes individuals through pain. Engaging with communities under significant stress through artistic practice offers a path towards reconstructing the meaning(s) of social trauma, making sense of the past, understanding the present, and re-visioning the future.The chapters combine theoretical and practical work, exploring the conceptual foundations and the artists’ processes as they interrogate the intersections of personal grief and communal mourning, through drama, poetry, and embodied performance.

Theorizing Mediated Information Distortion: The COVID-19 Infodemic and Beyond (Routledge Studies in Media, Communication, and Politics)

by Brian H. Spitzberg

This book explores the phenomenon of distortion of information through media via the lens of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the ways in which relevant information distortion and virality have occurred in regard to the disease and its risks. Positing that the interrelated processes of misinformation, disinformation, fake news and conspiracy theories are related forms of distortion of information through media (DIM) and can only be understood through a multilevel theoretical model that incorporates message-based, individual difference, social network-based, societal and geotechnical factors, Brian H. Spitzberg develops an integrative, well-argued, and well-evidenced framework within which these issues can and should be addressed. This book offers a model for further research across such disciplines as communication, journalism/media studies, political science, sociology, cognitive psychology, social psychology, evolutionary psychology, public health, big data analytics, social network analytics, computational linguistics and geographic information sciences, and will interest researchers and students in those areas.

These Foolish Things: A Memoir

by Dylan Jones

Few people can say they have shaped the cultural landscape of the last four decades while crossing paths with some of the most extraordinary personalities on the planet. But then, of course, Dylan Jones isn't just anyone.These Foolish Things captivatingly charts Dylan's life: from his peripatetic childhood and late adolescence in 1970s London - a city then alive with possibility - to his award-winning tenure at what would become one of the most dynamic magazines of its era, GQ. It details how he came to be in that hot seat: a journey through the Swinging London slipstreams of punk and new romanticism, and through i-D, The Face and Arena, which created the platform on which GQ was based, with Dylan as a common denominator.Littered with a gold-star cast of characters - including a who's who of celebrity from David Bowie and Bryan Ferry to Alastair Campbell and Prince Charles, via Samuel L. Jackson, Piers Morgan and Rihanna - this memoir reflects on how GQ became an established style and how Dylan sought to stir up music, politics and fashion.Witty, perceptive and deliciously entertaining, but by turns bravely vulnerable, These Foolish Things is a memoir like no other: a dazzling retelling of the start of the twenty-first century from one of the world's most fascinating media giants.

These Foolish Things: A Memoir

by Dylan Jones

Few people can say they have shaped the cultural landscape of the last four decades while crossing paths with some of the most extraordinary personalities on the planet. But then, of course, Dylan Jones isn't just anyone.These Foolish Things captivatingly charts Dylan's life: from his peripatetic childhood and late adolescence in 1970s London - a city then alive with possibility - to his award-winning tenure at what would become one of the most dynamic magazines of its era, GQ. It details how he came to be in that hot seat: a journey through the Swinging London slipstreams of punk and new romanticism, and through i-D, The Face and Arena, which created the platform on which GQ was based, with Dylan as a common denominator.Littered with a gold-star cast of characters - including a who's who of celebrity from David Bowie and Bryan Ferry to Alastair Campbell and Prince Charles, via Samuel L. Jackson, Piers Morgan and Rihanna - this memoir reflects on how GQ became an established style and how Dylan sought to stir up music, politics and fashion.Witty, perceptive and deliciously entertaining, but by turns bravely vulnerable, These Foolish Things is a memoir like no other: a dazzling retelling of the start of the twenty-first century from one of the world's most fascinating media giants.

Think Like a Spy: Master the Art of Influence and Build Life-Changing Alliances

by Julian Fisher

'It's rare to find a book that is not only intensely personal but deeply practical. Julian Fisher has somehow pulled it off, in this fascinating and engaging guide to the art of influence. Think Like a Spy is a fantastic read, full of eye-opening espionage tradecraft as well as insightful tips on how to achieve your business goals. Highly recommended' - Henry Hemming, author of Four Shots in the NightDiscover the secret skills of influence and persuasion taught to intelligence officers and how to adapt them to win over personal and professional allies to your cause. Every day, intelligence officers achieve the unimaginable. They persuade people to share classified secrets with them. To become traitors, in fact. And their targets do it willingly, despite the risk of imprisonment, torture and, even, execution. Spies achieve this thanks to their structured use of nine secret skills of espionage. In Think Like a Spy, you'll learn these techniques and how to adapt them for effective and ethical use in your own life.A good spy is a people-person. She knows how to identify a potential agent, how to attract their attention and what to do to build an enduring relationship with them. From this base, she will coax out personal information to work out what makes her target tick. She will use that knowledge and her understanding of human psychology to her advantage while winning lasting commitment from her new ally.All these skills can be mastered and turned to use in civilian life. The author realised that he used all of them in his own progress from the poorest postcode in Britain to Oxford University, into a blue-blooded stockbroking firm, and on to a thrilling and varied career in the security and intelligence worlds. Julian uses a wide variety of stories from this journey to illustrate how spy skills can be adapted to situations and challenges that we all face.Everyone is capable of thinking like a spy and of using that thinking to transform their lives. This is your opportunity to learn how.

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