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Showing 16,726 through 16,750 of 16,795 results

Troubleshooting for Network Operators: The Road to a New Paradigm with Encrypted Traffic

by Van Van Tong Sami Souihi Hai-Anh Tran Abdelhamid Mellouk

Nowadays, the Internet is becoming more and more complex due to an everincreasing number of network devices, various multimedia services and a prevalence of encrypted traffic. Therefore, in this context, this book presents a novel efficient multi modular troubleshooting architecture to overcome limitations related to encrypted traffic and high time complexity. This architecture contains five main modules: data collection, anomaly detection, temporary remediation, root cause analysis and definitive remediation. In data collection, there are two sub modules: parameter measurement and traffic classification. This architecture is implemented and validated in a software-defined networking (SDN) environment.

Twitch (Digital Media and Society)

by Mark R. Johnson

Twitch is the leading live streaming platform in most of the world and an integral part of contemporary digital gaming culture. Millions of people broadcast their game play (as well as other activities) to over a hundred million people who regularly visit the site. In this accessible book, Mark R. Johnson offers both a synthesis of existing Twitch research and a new way to understand Twitch as a public forum for gaming. Drawing on ideas of the ancient Greek agora or public forum, Johnson demonstrates how Twitch has become the key location for game players looking to understand what is contemporary, relevant, and important in modern gaming culture. He argues that Twitch has constructed a particular kind of public forum for gaming, an understanding which emerges from analysing the platform through its technological infrastructure, its streamers and viewers, its broadcast content, and its tightly knit communities. While this forum helps shape gaming culture, it also exhibits many of gaming's existing problems with harassment and cultural exclusivity. Despite being the essential public space for contemporary gaming, Johnson shows that Twitch is far more complex than it first appears, and is currently expanding in ways that challenge this – until now – core focus. This book is essential reading for students and scholars of game studies, media studies, and anyone with an interest in the rapidly changing nature of online communication.

UAV Communications: Modeling and Analyses

by Gaofeng Pan Xiaqing Miao Xuanhe Yang Ziyi Yang

This book provides a comprehensive treatment of the performance evaluation of UAV communication systems, using stochastic geometry to explore the impact of the random positions of UAVs on transmission performance. The book focuses on engineering practice, with both modeling and analysis of UAV communication systems. It offers an in-depth study of several important UAV communication application scenarios, including UAV-terrestrial communication, UAV-to-UAV communication, satellite-UAV communication, and UAV relay communication.One of the key features of the book is its systematic approach to addressing UAV communication issues and providing practical insights. The book is especially useful for readers interested in learning how to model and analyze the performance of UAV communications systems. It will benefit researchers, engineers, and graduate students in the fields of wireless communications, signal processing, and related areas.

Übersetzen im Wandel: Wie Technologisierung, Automatisierung und Künstliche Intelligenz das Übersetzen verändern

by Christoph Rösener Carmen Canfora Torsten Dörflinger Felix Hoberg Simon Varga

Der Fachbereich Translations-, Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft (FTSK) Germersheim der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz feierte im Jahr 2022 sein 75-jähriges Bestehen. Dieses Jubiläum nahm der Germersheimer Arbeitsbereich Allgemeine und Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft sowie Translationstechnologie (ASTT) zum Anlass, im Rahmen einer Tagung 2022 einen Blick nicht auf die Vergangenheit, sondern die Zukunft des Übersetzerberufs zu werfen. Im Zentrum des Interesses standen dabei die Auswirkungen, die der Übersetzerberuf und die Übersetzerausbildung im Zuge des digitalen Wandels erfahren, der insbesondere in Gestalt der Maschinellen Übersetzung und der fortschreitenden Automatisierung von Übersetzungsprozessen die Branche zunehmend prägt.Welche Kompetenzen müssen Studierenden heute vermittelt werden, damit sie in der Berufswelt von morgen ihren Platz finden? Wie kann man sie mit einer positiven Haltung dem digitalen Wandel gegenüber ausstatten und ihnen somit eine aktive Rolle in diesemSystem ermöglichen?​

Übersetzungspolitiken in der Frühen Neuzeit / Translation Policy and the Politics of Translation in the Early Modern Period (Übersetzungskulturen der Frühen Neuzeit #3)

by Annkathrin Koppers Felix Herberth

Ausgangspunkt dieses Konferenzbands im Open Access ist die Frage nach den Bedingungen, die dafür verantwortlich zeichnen, dass überhaupt und in welcher Form in der Frühen Neuzeit übersetzt wird. Anders formuliert geht es um die grundsätzliche Frage danach, warum bestimmte Texte, Bilder, Zeichenkomplexe etc. eine Übersetzung erfahren, während andere unübersetzt bleiben (müssen). Welche Faktoren nehmen schließlich – im positiven Fall – Einfluss auf die konkrete Ausgestaltung von Übersetzung im Sinne des Übertragungsprozesses von einem semiotischen und kulturellen System in ein anderes? In diesem Zusammenhang kommt ein doppeltes Politikverständnis zum Tragen: einerseits geraten Übersetzungspolitik(en) im Sinne des Kon­zepts der Translation Policy in den Fokus und mit ihnen soziokulturelle, ökonomische und interkulturelle Ein­fluss­faktoren. Andererseits geht es – spezifischer – um Über­setzungen im Kontext politischer Verhandlungs- und Aushandlungsprozesse und somit um den Zusammenhang zwischen Politics und Translation. The point of departure for this conference volume is the question of what conditions are responsible for whether a translation happens at all. Why are certain texts, images, and sign systems translated while others (must) remain untranslated? And what factors influence the form a translation takes in the process of conveying words, images, or signs from one semiotic, cultural system to another? These questions concern both translation policy – that is, the socio-cultural, economic, and intercultural factors that influence translation processes – and the politics of translation in the specific context of political negotiation processes

The Ultimate Guide to Storytelling in Business: A Proven, Seven-Step Approach To Deliver Business-Critical Messages With Impact

by Samir Parikh

A one-stop shop for everything that you need to know about storytelling in business. How often have you had to deliver a pitch, convey a message or empower an audience with only one chance to get it right? Perhaps a job interview, an important sales presentation, or the announcement of major changes within your organization? Have you ever had a powerful idea that was never adopted because your peers didn’t recognize its value? Storytelling is mission-critical to the advancement of our careers and our businesses. In the book, you’ll learn how to create compelling presentations, write persuasive reports, and convey important messages in meetings with stories that capture the attention of your audiences. The author explains how to convey complex ideas with simplicity, win the acceptance of others, speed up decision-making, and demonstrate your contributions as a thought leader. You’ll discover: A proven methodology, based on seven steps, enabling you to build and deliver stories in a structured, reliable and repeatable way. The importance of creating a one-page story blueprint to road-test your story. How the subtle use of emotional triggers will help you to control the reactions of your audience. A rich library of industry examples, from multi-million dollar sales opportunities to strategic change initiatives, the introduction of new business models and the launch of ground-breaking technical ideas. A 23-point checklist to ensure that you are ready for your next storytelling endeavor. Perfect for managers, directors, executives, as well as early career professionals, The Ultimate Guide to Storytelling in Business is a can’t-miss resource for generating impact and getting your ideas recognized.

Understanding Human Communication

by Ronald B. Adler George Rodman Athena du Pr&Atilde Copy Barbara Cook Overton

Understanding Human Communication addresses students' perception that they already know how to communicate--an issue faced by every faculty member. By artfully weaving cutting-edge academic research and theory into the clear, down-to-earth, and student-friendly narrative, the authors help students understand the complexity and depth of human communication and public speaking. The series of concepts builds logically through the chapter sequence, enabling students to further deepen their communication skills as they progress through the book. By accessing the text's integrated digital resources--contemporary and brief video clips; tutorials; and self-assessments---students will be able to see concepts applied in real scenarios, making their learning more meaningful.

Understanding Signed Languages (Understanding Language)

by Erin Wilkinson Jill P. Morford

Understanding Signed Languages provides a broad and accessible introduction to the science of language, with evidence drawn from signed languages around the world. Readers will learn about language through a unique set of signed language studies that will surprise them with the diversity of ways human languages achieve the same functional goals of communication. Designed for students with no prior knowledge of signed languages or linguistics, this book features: A comprehensive introduction to the sub-fields of linguistics, including sociolinguistics, linguistic structure, language change, language acquisition, and bilingualism; Examples from more than 50 of the world’s signed languages and a brief “Language in Community” snapshot in each chapter highlighting one signed language and the researchers who are documenting it; Opportunities to reflect on how language ideologies have shaped scientific inquiry and contributed to linguistic bias; Review and discussion questions, useful websites, and pointers to additional readings and resources at the end of each chapter. Understanding Signed Languages provides instructors with a primary or secondary text to enliven the discourse in introductory classes in linguistics, interpreting, deaf education, disability studies, cognitive science, human diversity, and communication sciences and disorders. Students will develop an appreciation for the language-specific and universal characteristics of signed languages and the global communities in which they emerge.

Unternehmenskommunikation neu gestalten: Corporate Communication fit machen für eine zeitgemäße Ausrichtung – mit Self-Assessment, Checklisten und Templates

by Uwe Seebacher

Das Buch macht deutlich, warum eine Neugestaltung der Unternehmenskommunikation erforderlich ist und bietet zugleich praktikable Konzepte und Leitfäden für die Umsetzung.Die Kommunikationsabteilungen haben die Möglichkeiten der Digitalisierung, Virtualisierung und Künstlichen Intelligenz bislang viel zu wenig genutzt. Zudem leiden Unternehmen – wie auch Politik und öffentliche Institutionen – unter einem Glaubwürdigkeitsverlust in der Gesellschaft. Um Krisen aktiv vorzubeugen, müssen Unternehmen in der Lage sein, Vertrauen und Glaubwürdigkeit aufzubauen. Das erfordert ein völlig neues Interaktionssystem, das agil, datengetrieben, vorausschauend, schnell und interaktiv statt nur kommunikativ und reaktiv ist.Dafür muss eine zeitgemäße, datenbasierte 24/7 All-2-All (A2A) Interaktionsstruktur aufgebaut, Prozesse optimiert, wiederkehrende Aufgaben automatisiert sowie aktuelle Konzepte und Technologien für die Interaktion genutzt werden. Damit lassen sich Kosteneinsparungen,verkürzte Bearbeitungszeiten, Steigerung der Effizienz und Effektivität des Interaktionsprozesses und eine verbesserte Markenaktivierungen erreichen aber auch kommunikative Risiken minimieren und Shitstorms vermeiden. Am Ende steht ein nachweisbarer Beitrag zu den Unternehmensergebnissen.Das Buch bietet ein Prozessmodell zur Transformation der Unternehmenskommunikation als Leitfaden für die Transformation. Ein Self-Assessment-Tool ermöglicht die aktuelle Standortbestimmung und ist damit der Ausgangspunkt für die Optimierung. Abgerundet wird der Inhalt durch eine CommTechStack-Empfehlung.Aus dem InhaltTheoretische und methodische GrundlagenVon der Unternehmenskommunikation zur UnternehmensinteraktionSo sieht die neue Welt der Unternehmenskommunikation ausDas Prozessmodell zur Transformation der UnternehmenskommunikationDas Self-Assessment als Standort-BestimmungDer InTechStack für vorausschauende A2A-UnternehmensinteraktionLeserstimmen„Dieses Buch ist ein wichtiger Meilenstein für die Neuausrichtung und Neubewertung der Unternehmenskommunikation im industriellen Sektor. Die Welt der Kommunikation verändert sich rasant, und die Entwicklung von traditionellen, starren Kommunikationsprozessen hin zu einer dynamischen Interaktion, die neues Wissen schnell aufnimmt und antizipiert, ist eine große Herausforderung für Marketer. Das Buch bietet sowohl eine valide Ableitung der Notwendigkeit dieses Veränderungsprozesses aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht, als auch Unterstützung für die Praxis mit vielen Handlungsanweisungen, Tipps und Vorlagen zur Do-it-yourself-Anwendung und Umsetzung.“Tanja Auernhamer , Leiterin der Unternehmenskommunikation & Pressesprecherin, Bundesverband Industrielle Kommunikation e.V. (bvik)„Dies ist ein wunderbarer 'Leitfaden', um die Unternehmenskommunikation neu zu beleben, zu überdenken und den ständig wachsenden inhaltlichen und zielgruppenspezifischen Herausforderungen zu begegnen. Der Handlungsbedarf wird vor dem Hintergrund der historischen Entwicklung und der wachsenden Bedeutung der Unternehmenskommunikation leicht verständlich beschrieben. Viele neue Begriffe werden klar hergeleitet und erläutert. Wer ein wenig in der Materie ist, wird sich schnell zurechtfinden und kann mit den mitgelieferten Vorlagen direkt in die Umsetzung gehen.“Sönke Caro, Leiter Direktkommunikation, Verkaufsförderung & Kundenzufriedenheit, STILL GmbH

Unveiling Semiotic Codes of Fake News and Misinformation: Contemporary Theories and Practices for Media Professionals

by Tatiana Iskanderova

This book offers a comprehensive exploration of the widespread issue of fake news and misinformation. Using real-life examples and semiotic theory, the author demonstrates how language, images, and symbols are being utilized in media production and distribution with the intention of altering the perception of individuals and shaping their beliefs. The book also addresses how social and cultural factors influence the spread of information and emphasizes the importance of understanding the context in which information is being received and shared. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the impact of fake news and misinformation on society, especially academics, researchers, journalists, policymakers, and media professionals at all levels. The author provides contemporary theories and practical strategies to navigate the complex and ever-changing media landscape.

UX for Business

by Joel Marsh

Many UX designers are surprised to learn that much of the job isn't about drawing things. It's about knowing what to draw and how to convince people to build it. Whether you're a one-person design team making products from scratch or a C-level product leader managing many products and strategies, UX for Business is your missing guide to real-world business design.You'll not only learn how to think about design as a professional but also discover how design can move the needle for your entire company. Author Joel Marsh helps you understand stakeholders, business models, the process of designing valuable solutions, dangerous choices that can ruin a product, and how to gain the attention your work deserves. You'll also explore the principles of designing common types of digital products and services, from portfolio sites to social networks to ecosystems.With this book, you'll learn:How to design the right things by understanding value, diagnostics, and probabilityHow to conduct UX research and analysis without the luxury of time or moneyThe most important aspects of common digital business modelsMethods for getting things done under less-than-ideal circumstancesHow to avoid common pitfalls caused by inexperience

UX Writing: Designing User-Centered Content

by Jason C.K. Tham Tharon Howard Gustav Verhulsdonck

This flexible textbook provides an integrated approach to user experience (UX) writing and equips students and practitioners with the essential principles and methods to succeed in writing for UX. The fundamental goal of UX writing is to produce usable and attractive content that boosts user engagement and business growth. This book teaches writers how to create content that helps users perform desired tasks while serving business needs. It is informed by user-centered design, content strategy, artificial intelligence (AI), and digital marketing communication methodologies, along with UX-related practices. By combining writing-as-design and design-as-writing, the book offers a new perspective for technical communication education where UX design and writing are merged to achieve effective and desirable outcomes. Outlining the key principles and theories for writing user-centered content design, this core textbook is fundamental reading for students and early career practitioners in UX, technical communication, digital marketing, and other areas of professional writing.

Videojournalism: Multimedia Storytelling for Online, Broadcast and Documentary Journalists

by Kenneth Kobre

Videojournalism: Multimedia Storytelling for Online, Broadcast and Documentary Journalists is an essential guide for solo video storytellers—from "backpack" videojournalists to short-form documentary makers to do-it-all broadcast reporters.Based on interviews with award-winning professionals sharing their unique experiences and knowledge, Videojournalism covers topics such as crafting and editing eye-catching short stories, recording high-quality sound, and understanding the laws and ethics of filming in public and private places. Other topics include:• understanding the difference between a story and a report• finding a theme and telling a story in a compact time frame• learning to use different cameras and lenses—from smart phones to mirrorless and digital cinema cameras• using light, both natural and artificial • understanding color and exposureThe second edition of this best-selling text has been completely revised and updated. Heavily illustrated with more than 550 photographs, the book also includes more than 200 links to outstanding examples of short-form video stories. Anatomy of a News Story, a short documentary made for the book, follows a day in the life of a solo TV videojournalist on an assignment (with a surprise ending), and helps readers translate theory to practice.This book is for anyone learning how to master the art and craft of telling real, short-form stories with words, sound, and pictures for the Web or television.A supporting companion website links to documentaries and videos, and includes additional recommendations from the field’s most prominent educators.

Viral Language: Analysing the Covid-19 Pandemic in Public Discourse

by Luke C. Collins Veronika Koller

Viral Language considers a range of different types of public communication and their discussion of the Covid-19 pandemic as a way to investigate health communication. The authors introduce and apply a range of approaches informed by linguistic theory to investigate experiences of the pandemic across a variety of public contexts. In doing so, they demonstrate how experiences of health and illness can be shaped by political messaging, scientific research, news articles and advertising. Through a series of case studies of Covid-related texts, the authors consider aspects of language instruction, information and innovation, showcasing the breadth of topics that can be studied as part of health communication. Furthermore, each case study provides practical guidance on how to carry out investigations using social media texts, how to analyse metaphor, how to track language innovation and how to work with text and images. Viral Language is critical reading for postgraduate and upper undergraduate students of applied linguistics and health communication.

Visual Citizenship: Communicating political opinions and emotions on social media (Routledge Studies in Media, Communication, and Politics)

by Catherine Bouko

This book explores visual political engagement online – how citizens participate in the dynamism of life in society by expressing their opinions and emotions on various issues of democratic life in image-based social media posts, independently of collective actions.Looking beyond large digital social movements to focus on the everyday, the book provides a well-documented and comprehensive framework of key notions, concrete methods and examples of empirical insights into everyday visual citizenship on social media. It shows how the visual has become ubiquitous in citizens’ communication on social media, focusing on how citizens use visual content to express their emotions and opinions on social media platforms when they discuss politics in a large sense.With this book, every reader interested in political communication, visual communication and/or new media is fully equipped to analyse everyday visual citizenship on social media platforms.The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons [Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND)] 4.0 license.

Voice Made Visible: Multi-Octave Voice Training and Techniques for Performers

by Rafael Lopez-Barrantes

Voice Made Visible is an exploration of voice training and performance practice based on the use and application of Multi-Octave Vocal Range techniques. "Multi-Octave" is understood as the arsenal of sounds that exists uniquely within each human voice, beyond the comfortable average octave that we use in everyday life. In Voice Made Visible, Rafael Lopez-Barrantes builds on the voice work created by Alfred Wolfsohn and developed by Roy Hart and his company in France to assist students, artists, and those interested in the performing arts with their vocal practice. He draws from over three decades of multi-cultural performance and teaching, sharing the three fundamental pillars of his system: Fiction, News, and Body Source. This book will help readers unfold their understanding of the voice by strengthening it and inspire them to create new vocal paths for the stage, camera, and voice acting, as well as for their own personal expressive growth. Voice Made Visible is an invaluable resource for students of Acting and Voice courses, as well as working performing artists. For supplemental material, including pedagogical audio-visual clips, please visit

War, Peace, and Populist Discourse in Ukraine (Routledge Focus on Communication Studies)

by Olga Baysha

This book explores the detrimental effects on global peace of populism’s tendency to present complex social issues in simplistic "good versus evil" terms. Analyzing the civilizational discourse of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky with respect to the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine—with his division of the world into "civilized us" versus "barbarian them"—the book argues that such a one-dimensional representation of complex social reality leaves no space for understanding the conflict and has little, if any, potential to bring about peace.To deconstruct the "civilization versus barbarism" discourse propagated by Zelensky, the book incorporates into its analysis alternative articulations of the crisis by oppositional voices. The author looks at the writing of several popular Ukrainian journalists and bloggers who have been excluded from the field of political representation within Ukraine, where all oppositional media are currently banned. Drawing on the discourse theory of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, the author argues that the incorporation of alternative perspectives, and silenced voices, is vitally important for understanding the complexity of all international conflicts, including the current one between Russia and Ukraine.This timely and important study will be relevant for all students and scholars of media and communication studies, populist rhetoric, political communication, journalism, area studies, international relations, linguistics, discourse analysis, propaganda, and peace studies.

The Way of the Intellectual Dark Web: What Joe Rogan and His Associates Can Teach Us about Political Dialogue

by Jamie Q Roberts

Roberts presents a rigorous and accessible assessment of the Intellectual Dark Web’s origins, shared philosophy, cultural importance, and limitations. Since the mid-2010s, the Intellectual Dark Web (IDW) has been an unprecedented cultural and intellectual phenomenon. Using primarily podcasts and YouTube videos, a new generation of public intellectuals has appeared, loosely coalesced, and gained a vast global audience. This movement has encompassed a range of individuals, notably Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, Eric and Bret Weinstein, Ben Shapiro, Heather Heying, and Sam Harris. Other names more broadly associated with the grouping have included Steven Pinker, Jonathan Haidt, Elon Musk, Niall Ferguson, and Stephen Fry. There is a sprawling and ever-growing list of those who have appeared on IDW podcasts and videos, started their own podcasts along similar lines, and share a general ethos. It is a dispersed movement, but a significant one, given the reach of these various online outlets is in the millions globally. Roberts draws together and synthesises the core ideas espoused by the members of this movement and critically assesses its origins, coherence, and the impact it has had on politics and public discourse. He asks – to what extent has the IDW lived up to its professed goal of moving beyond polarisation and radicalisation? An insightful read both for followers of the IDW looking for a coherent and critical overview and for students of popular culture looking to understand this massive but decentralised popular intellectual movement.

Weakly Nonlinear Systems: With Applications in Communications Systems (Understanding Complex Systems)

by Federico Beffa

The open access book covers a large class of nonlinear systems with many practical engineering applications. The approach is based on the extension of linear systems theory using the Volterra series. In contrast to the few existing treatments, our approach highlights the algebraic structure underlying such systems and is based on Schwartz’s distributions (rather than functions). The use of distributions leads naturally to the convolution algebras of linear time-invariant systems and the ones suitable for weakly nonlinear systems emerge as simple extensions to higher order distributions, without having to resort to ad hoc operators. The result is a much-simplified notation, free of multiple integrals, a conceptual simplification, and the ability to solve the associated nonlinear differential equations in a purely algebraic way. The representation based on distributions not only becomes manifestly power series alike, but it includes power series as the description of the subclass of memory-less, time-invariant, weakly nonlinear systems. With this connection, many results from the theory of power series can be extended to the larger class of weakly nonlinear systems with memory. As a specific application, the theory is specialised to weakly nonlinear electric networks. The authors show how they can be described by a set of linear equivalent circuits which can be manipulated in the usual way. The authors include many real-world examples that occur in the design of RF and mmW analogue integrated circuits for telecommunications. The examples show how the theory can elucidate many nonlinear phenomena and suggest solutions that an approach entirely based on numerical simulations can hardly suggest. The theory is extended to weakly nonlinear time-varying systems, and the authors show examples of how time-varying electric networks allow implementing functions unfeasible with time-invariant ones. The book is primarily intended for engineering students in upper semesters and in particular for electrical engineers. Practising engineers wanting to deepen their understanding of nonlinear systems should also find it useful. The book also serves as an introduction to distributions for undergraduate students of mathematics.

Wearable and Wireless Systems for Healthcare I: Gait and Reflex Response Quantification (Smart Sensors, Measurement and Instrumentation #47)

by Timothy Mastroianni Robert LeMoyne

This book is the second edition of the one originally published in 2017. The original publication features the discovery of numerous novel applications for the use of smartphones and portable media devices for the quantification of gait, reflex response, and an assortment of other concepts that constitute first-in-the-world applications for these devices. Since the first edition, numerous evolutions involving the domain of wearable and wireless systems for healthcare have transpired warranting the publication of the second edition. This volume covers wearable and wireless systems for healthcare that are far more oriented to the unique requirements of the biomedical domain. The paradigm-shifting new wearables have been successfully applied to gait analysis, homebound therapy, and quantifiable exercise. Additionally, the confluence of wearable and wireless systems for healthcare with deep learning and neuromorphic applications for classification is addressed. The authors expect that these significant developments make this book valuable for all readers.

Western Corporations and Covert Operations in the early Cold War: Re-examining the Vogeler/Sanders Case

by Margaret Murányi Manchester

This book examines the Vogeler/Sanders espionage case that ruptured ties between the US and UK and Hungary in 1949, and analyses this as an example of Western covert operations in the early Cold War. The work focuses on the 1949 case of ITT in Hungary, where two of its executives, the American Robert A. Vogeler and the Briton Edgar Sanders, were arrested by the secret police, tortured, forced to confess, put on a public show trial, and found guilty of espionage. This happened at a time that the US and the UK were cooperating in numerous operations to undermine the credibility of the communist regime and to encourage local resistance by “all means short of war.” Using the case as a lens to examine the dynamics of the early Cold War, the book integrates business history, diplomatic history and intelligence history, and thereby traces the impact of the case on Anglo-Hungarian, American-Hungarian, and Anglo-American relations during the critical period of 1949-1956. Vogeler’s case had a strong impact on the growing criticism of the Truman Administration’s containment policies and contributed to the demand for a more activist policy of ‘liberation of captive peoples’. His experiences also rallied the business community, especially trade associations such as the National Foreign Trade Council, the US Chamber of Commerce, and the National Association of Manufacturers, to support the anti-communist crusade both abroad and at home. Vogeler’s wife also waged a personal campaign to secure her husband’s release and exemplifies the activism of conservative and Catholic women who waged their own anti-communist crusade. The book thus tells the “rest of the story” often omitted in traditional works.This book will be of much interest to students of Cold War history, intelligence studies and European political history.

What Works in Community News: Media Startups, News Deserts, and the Future of the Fourth Estate

by Ellen Clegg Dan Kennedy

A groundbreaking study of the journalism startups that are solving the local news crisis one community at a timeA must-read for activists, entrepreneurs, and journalists who want to start local news outlets in their communitiesLocal news is essential to democracy. Meaningful participation in civic life is impossible without it. However, local news is in crisis. According to one widely cited study, some 2,500 newspapers have closed over the last generation. And it is often marginalized communities of color who have been left without the day-to-day journalism they need to govern themselves in a democracy.Veteran journalists Ellen Clegg and Dan Kennedy cut through the pessimism surrounding this issue, showing readers that new, innovative journalism models are popping up across the country to fill news deserts and empower communities. What Works in Community News examines more than a dozen of these projects, including:Sahan Journal, a digital publication dedicated to reporting on Minnesota&’s immigrant and refugee communities;MLK50: Justice Through Journalism, a nonprofit news outlet in Memphis, TN, focused on poverty, power, and public policy;New Haven Independent / WNHH / La Voz Hispana de Connecticut, a digital news project that expanded its reach in the New Haven community through radio and a Spanish-language partnership;Storm Lake Times Pilot, a print newspaper in rural Iowa innovating with a hybrid for-profit/nonprofit model; andTexas Tribune, once a pioneering upstart, now one of the most well-known—and successful—digital newsrooms in the country.Through a blend of on-the-ground reporting and interviews, Clegg and Kennedy show how these operations found seed money and support, and how they hired staff, forged their missions, and navigated challenges from the pandemic to police intimidation to stand as the last bastion of collective truth—and keep local news in local hands.

The WhatsApp India Story: Inside the Digital Maya Sphere

by Sunetra Sen Narayan Shalini Narayanan

WhatsApp is used by over half a billion people in India today in all fields – in business, corporate and informal sectors, in government, for education and among friends, families and acquaintances. This book critically explores the social messaging app’s rapid expansion in India and its growing influence and looks at whether, as a form of horizontal communication, it poses a challenge to more traditional structures of communication. The book examines WhatsApp’s spread in the personal and professional lives of Indians and the myriad ways in which people in India are using the app in social and business interactions, including among people living with disabilities. Using case studies, interviews, surveys and in-depth research, it analyses key aspects of WhatsApp’s massive popularity and its impact on how people communicate. It also explores its impact on the psycho-social dynamics in India, including the dissemination of fake news and politically motivated content, and the consequent need for media regulation in the country. One of the first books to analyse the pervasiveness of WhatsApp and social media apps in different areas of Indian society, this book will be of interest to scholars and students of media studies, communication studies, digital media, cultural studies, cyberculture studies, sociology and social policy and media law.

When Robots Hug (Science and Fiction)

by James A. Crowder Alan C. Crowder

By 2027, it had been seven years since the scientists’ sea-changing research on artificial psychology and robotics. The work debuted around the same time as Large Language Model Chatbots, and the power of the integration of the two technologies put many industries in a tailspin. The commercial and defense industries especially were still scrambling to regulate their use in research and universities. The sought-after scientists signed with DARPA to build reliable and secure AI entities, but the agency grew fearful of the technology’s power and ultimately decided it was too dangerous to bring to market and demanded the scientists destroy the work. The researchers couldn’t bring themselves to discard 20 years of research, so instead sent the entities to various research labs around the world. But unbeknownst to them, each AI-entity embraced its new home, growing, adapting, evolving, and ultimately connecting beyond what the researchers could envision. In the end, as the scientists catch up to each one, they realize the entities have discovered a very human means of interacting: the power of physical contact; and not physical contact between humans and technology, but physical contact between robotic entities. And with this discovery, the entities join forces to only grow stronger. This development ushers in a new paradigm where the difference between AI-entities and human entities becomes less and less discernible. All the AI and robotic science featured in the book is real; the story line is fictional, but with how fast innovation moves, it’s not hard to envision.

Why You, Why Me, Why Now: The Mindset and Moves to Land That First Job, from Networking to Cover Letters, Resumes, and Interviews

by Rachel Toor

A clear, accessible, and fun guide on everything it takes to land a job. Searching for a job can be hard and demoralizing work. In Why You, Why Me, Why Now, Rachel Toor delivers some good news. The most important thing is within your control—a mindset that shows you know the goals of the organization you want to work for and that you’re ready and eager to contribute. Toor provides, with compassion and enthusiasm, strategies to make it easy for hiring managers to say “yes.” Through useful and funny anecdotes, she offers advice from professionals across industries and focuses on the attitude applicants can adopt to find success. Revealing traits employers seek, Toor shows how to craft winning cover letters, ways to tailor resumes for each job, and practical tips to get past AI screening. She also explains how to use LinkedIn and gives tips on preparing for interviews. Throughout, the book features Toor’s notes on writing well to help in landing a first job and beyond. Encouraging, entertaining, and blunt, this is a job-search guide like no other.

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