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Claudio Paolillo. Periodista: Columnas, clases y discursos

by Claudio Paolillo

Este libro es el legado profesional de uno de los periodistas más importantes del último medio siglo en Uruguay. Los textos escogidos, varios de ellos inéditos, son el resultado de una selección de más de cuarenta años de periodismo donde todos los jueves Paolillo se convirtió en un analista de la actualidad referente en el país. Claudio Paolillo ha sido uno de los periodistas más influyentes en Uruguay desde el retorno de la democracia. Sus columnas en Búsqueda atraparon lectores, inquietaron gobernantes y marcaron agenda. Sus discursos en defensa de la libertad en los foros más encumbrados del continente demostraron su valentía y liderazgo. Sus clases de periodismo, en la redacción y en las aulas, siempre apasionadas y profundas, calaron hondo en generaciones de periodistas. Este libro, que incluye material inédito, reúne muchos de sus trabajos más emblemáticos para lograr ilustrar el pensamiento de un profesional admirado en toda América. Claudio Paolillo. Periodista es un libro de una vigencia impactante, que explica el rol del periodismo contemporáneo y resulta una lectura esencial para entender la sociedad, la política y la cultura del Uruguay. Es también un homenaje a su trayectoria, una invitación a pensar con libertad y una fuente de inspiración para el futuro.

En Perspectiva. 25 años y más.

by Carina Novarese Emiliano Cotelo

Todas las mañanas desde hace un cuarto de siglo, Emiliano Cotelo y suequipo acompañan a los uruguayos con su programa En Perspectiva, deradio El Espectador. Este nuevo libro del sello Aguilar celebra los 25años de este reconocido periodístico. Un cuarto de siglo atrás Uruguay nació nuevamente a la democracia. Hacíafalta una mirada fresca y rigurosa sobre todo ese proceso que comenzabaa desatarse. En Perspectiva surgió en ese entorno y, desde entonces, haacompañado cada día de los uruguayos a través de las voces de EmilianoCotelo y su equipo. Hay mucho para contar. Desde los comienzos enEmisora del Palacio hasta su instalación definitiva en radio ElEspectador. Es que por esos micrófonos desfilaron los protagonistas yacontecimientos claves de la historia reciente nacional. A través decartas, llamadas, mensajes de texto y de correo electrónico, en muchoscasos, el personaje principal fue la audiencia. O un presidente de laRepública. O un premio Nobel. O un artista reconocido. Lo que se ve y loque no se ve, lo que se escucha y lo que no se escucha del proceso de ?hacer radio? es un capítulo apasionante de este libro. ¿Cómo se hacepara saludar con tanto entusiasmo a las 7:00 de la mañana? ¿Cuál es ladinámica de trabajo que permite manejar todos los datos de la realidadnacional e internacional con tanta soltura? ¿Cuáles fueron las mejoresentrevistas? ¿Cómo se mantiene la independencia periodística en un medioque depende de los anunciantes para sobrevivir? ¿Cómo se maneja larelación con los representantes del poder político? Las respuestasvienen de la mano de Emiliano Cotelo y Carina Novarese para celebrarestos 25 años y más de En Perspectiva.

Speak Like A Pro: 10 Commandments of Public Speaking

by Comfort Ocran Albert Ocran

Learn more about good habits of public speaking that will inspire, entertain and educate your listeners

The Narrative Gym for Science Graduate Students and Postdocs: Using the ABT Framework for Proposals, Papers, Presentations, and Life in General

by Randy Olson Marlis Douglas Keisha Bahr

It’s ABT Time: Science consists of equal parts research and communication, AND if you do a good job with communication then your research will reach its full impact, BUT communication can’t be mastered in a day, THEREFORE get thee to the Narrative Gym with this book! <p><p> What is the ABT? Only the most important communications tool you’ll ever need. It provides the core of narrative structure, which is what makes the difference between whether you bore or confuse an audience versus interest and engage them. The ABT is about the three forces of narrative (agreement, contradiction, consequence) which are embodied in the three words of the ABT (and, but, therefore). <P><P> In this short, simple, practical book three scientists present what they have learned about the use of the ABT with science graduate students and postdocs. It provides an introduction to the ABT with an explanation of how to apply it to everything from proposals, papers and presentations to your life in general.

Digital Storytelling: A Beginner’s Guide

by Mary Sturgill

This is a beginner’s guide on digital storytelling. You will learn what it takes to produce quality digital stories for use on any digital media platform, including but not limited to your own website, YouTube, social media, etc. These stories range from blogging to podcasting, from visual essays to short promo pieces, and from heartfelt human interest stories to hard news investigations and documentaries. This Primer is the place for you to start your journey.

Strategic IT Accessibility: Enabling the Organization

by Jeff Kline

This strategic guide to understanding, enabling, and implementing information technology accessibility across organizations of any size, type, or geographic location, is an essential resource for technology professionals and executives. IT accessibility, or the lack thereof, can have a profoundly positive or negative effect on an organization in the private or public sector. Only when IT accessibility is considered organization-wide can one gain an appreciation for its potential advantages. Drawing on his decades of experience in IT accessibility leadership at IBM and in state government, Jeff Kline clearly articulates how to build and maintain holistic organization-wide IT accessibility programs that integrates IT accessibility into the fabric of your organization’s business, operations, and culture; make your organization’s IT offerings and internal IT environments accessible and inclusive to all audiences.

Oops, I Became A Manager: Managing the Veterinary Hospital Team by Finding Unicorns

by Amy Newfield

Were you just thrown into a leadership role? Did you “oops” your way into a management position? This book is for you. Oops, I Became a Manager," is a must-read if you want to develop your skills as a veterinary leader and build happy, cohesive teams. <p><p>Oops, I Became a Manager," is a veterinary hospital management book focused on best practices for coaching veterinary teams to be successful. It is a thorough reference packed with humorous real-life stories and practical information that can be applied to every veterinary hospital.

Strategic, Applied Negotiation

by San Bolkan Phd

In Strategic, Applied Negotiation, San Bolkan takes an evidence-based approach to helping readers improve their negotiation skills while providing clear and practical advice. He dedicates chapters to topics including Power in Negotiation, Opening Offers, Making Concessions, and Handling Questionable Tactics to give readers a comprehensive look at bargaining with others.

Indie Author Confidential Vol. 11: Secrets No One Will Tell You About Being an Author (Indie Author Confidential #11)

by M.L. Ronn

The ground-breaking, behind-the-scenes look at a working writer continues with Vol. 11! Prolific writer M.L. Ronn (Michael La Ronn) shares his lessons learned on his journey to become a successful writer. You’ll discover writing, marketing, business, and other miscellaneous tips that you don’t hear every day. Covered in this volume: How Michael is integrating AI into his processes as a writer. Michael's goal of writing 1 million words per year. How and why Michael is getting back into short fiction. The information in this book is what writers discuss over beers at writing conferences. You may find it useful on your journey to becoming a successful writer. It just might make you more money and help you satisfy your readers, too. Are you ready to dive into the world of Indie Author Confidential? V1.0

High Road Leadership: Bringing People Together in a World That Divides

by John C. Maxwell

Leadership can be a blessing or a curse. It can help people rise up to a better life, or it can cause people to fall into despair. Become part of the solution by becoming a high-road leader.The world&’s most influential leadership expert, John C. Maxwell, tackles the problem of our divided world in his latest book High Road Leadership. &“Everything rises and falls on leadership,&” says Maxwell. &“Today it is causing people to fall—into disputes, frustration, anger, and despair. His solution is to expose the problems of taking the low and middle roads when interacting with others and teach people how to instead take the high road. Leaders who practice high road leadership value all people, do the right things for the right reasons, take accountability for their actions, and place people above their own agenda. In his trademark communication style, Maxwell teaches the principles and practices of high-road leadership that can increase anyone&’s influence and help them make their world a better place.

Ruby on Rails Background Jobs with Sidekiq

by David B. Copeland

One of the best ways to improve your Rails app’s performance is to use background jobs with Sidekiq. While Sidekiq is easy to get set up, you need to do more than just move code around to reap the benefits. In this book, you’ll get solutions to what sort of code should go into a Sidekiq job and how to manage those jobs. You’ll create a Sidekiq configuration that will serve as a solid foundation for your app, including how to be notified when jobs inevitably fail. You’ll then tame alerting fatigue by designing idempotent jobs that can be safely retried in the face of the types of transient failures that are common in networked applications, all without alerting you until action is needed. With that foundation, you’ll get a conceptual framework for general monitoring and alerting around your Sidekiq installation and the Redis database it uses, as well as practical tips for organizing the code around your Sidekiq jobs. You’ll also learn valuable testing strategies for code that uses Sidekiq jobs. In no time at all you’ll build a Rails app using Sidekiq that is efficient, manageable, and sustainable. Using Sidekiq for background jobs is a great way to scale and grow your app. This book will give you a solid, practical foundation for creating resilient, well-tested, self-healing code that uses background jobs. You’ll be able to simulate real-world failure modes and learn how to write idempotent code that can be safely run with Sidekiq. Buy this DRM-free Pragmatic Bookshelf ebook today!Using Sidekiq for background jobs is a great way to scale and grow your app. This book will give you a solid, practical foundation for creating resilient, well-tested, self-healing code that uses background jobs. You’ll be able to simulate real-world failure modes and learn how to write idempotent code that can be safely run with Sidekiq.

Las 16 leyes indiscutibles de la comunicación: Aplícalas y saca el máximo provecho de tu mensaje / The 16 Undeniable Laws of Communication

by John C. Maxwell

Se ha dicho que hablar en público es el miedo principal de la mayoría de las personas; el segundo es la muerte. El comediante Jerry Seinfeld dijo: «Esto significa que, si eres una persona promedio y estás en un funeral, preferirías estar en el ataúd que compartiendo unas palabras sobre el difunto». ¿Cómo puedes superar el miedo o la ineficacia como comunicador? ¡Aprende las leyes de la comunicación! El Dr. John C. Maxwell ha sido orador y maestro motivacional por más de cincuenta años. Es una de las ocho personas del planeta que han sido galardonadas con el premio Golden Gavel de Toastmasters e incluidas en el Salón de la Fama de la Asociación Nacional de Oradores. En Las 16 leyes indiscutibles de la comunicación, el autor comparte lo que ha aprendido en toda una vida como comunicador. Aprende cómo:• Hablar con convicción • Preparar tu contenido y prepararte tú mismo para comunicar • Encontrar y utilizar tus fortalezas personales y de comunicación • Enfocarte en tu audiencia y conectar con ella • Contar mejores historias • Leer la sala y crear energía y expectación • Agregar valor a la vida de las personas• Inspirar a las personas a actuar Todos tienen un mensaje que compartir. Ya sea que desees mejorar tu capacidad para inspirar a los empleados, hablar en las reuniones de la asociación de padres y maestros, presentar un informe ante el consejo directivo, enseñar a estudiantes, dar un sermón, dirigirte a un grupo pequeño, hablar desde un escenario o ante un estadio lleno de gente, este libro puede ayudarte. Aprende de uno de los mejores comunicadores del mundo y empieza hoy mismo a sacar el máximo provecho de tu mensaje.

Authentic Relating: A Guide to Rich, Meaningful, Nourishing Relationships

by Ryel Kestano

Authentic relating is a groundbreaking practice that offers people a way to create profoundly enriching, enlivening, and nourishing relationships in all social domains of life — from the bedroom to the boardroom, with intimate partners, friends, colleagues, perfect strangers, and everyone in between. Authentic Relating covers every aspect of the practice, introducing readers to skills and tools that have been tested and proven by thousands of people around the world to develop and ultimately master relational intelligence.

Just Call Me Rae: The Story of Rae O. Weimer, Founder of the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications

by Ann Weimer Moxley

Distributed on behalf of the University of Florida College of Journalism and CommunicationsRae O. Weimer founded the University of Florida’s first school of journalism, and within one year of his arrival in Gainesville, the school received accreditation. No longer would Florida’s students have to leave the state to pursue dreams of becoming journalists. Just Call Me Rae chronicles the life of the man who pioneered journalism education in Florida and built one of the most innovative journalism and communications programs in the country. Rae grew up in a small Midwestern town where he learned to be resourceful and hardworking, traits that would make him—along with his reputation—the prime candidate to lead UF’s small journalism department. Due to economic hardship, he dropped out of college in his final year, but he knew he was destined to be a newspaperman. He learned everything he could about the profession, taking any job that came his way. Between 1925 and 1940, Rae worked for eleven newspapers in six states, including the Akron Beacon Journal and Cleveland Press in Ohio and the Buffalo Times in New York. The culmination of his newspaper career was his role at the revolutionary and historic PM newspaper in New York City. At PM, Rae rubbed elbows with some of the greatest journalists and writers of his generation, including Dorothy Parker, Ernest Hemingway, Ted Geisel (Dr. Seuss), Max Lerner, I. F. “Izzy” Stone, Dashiell Hammett, and Pulitzer Prize-winner Edna Ferber. Rae’s reputation ran ahead of him to Florida, where the state’s newspapers were agitating for upgrading journalism education at UF. Rae might not have had the degrees that other candidates had, but he had the credentials—he was a seasoned newspaperman, a trained newspaper technician, and his years at PM had honed his teaching instinct. UF President J. Hillis Miller agreed to hire Rae, and so would begin the legend of the degreeless dean. Rae re-envisioned journalism at the University of Florida. With his leadership, what had been a three-person department that rarely exceeded twenty students grew into the School of Journalism. He expanded the school to include advertising and radio and television journalism in the curriculum, and by the 1960s UF's School of Journalism was the fastest growing journalism program in the country. In 1968, shortly after Rae retired, the School became the College of Journalism and Communications, and today it is still ranked among the nation’s top journalism programs, with students hired at news organizations across the country, including highly competitive newsrooms in New York, Washington, D.C., Chicago, and Los Angeles. With the communication skills they developed at the college, many pursue careers in public service, politics, law and public relations. This book is an eye-opening chronicle of Rae Weimer’s lasting legacy to journalism in the state of Florida.Distributed by University Press of Florida on behalf of the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications

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