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Beyond Mars and Venus: Relationship Skills for Today's Complex World

by John Gray

The author of the most well-known and trusted relationship book of all time returns with an updated guide for today’s generation.Two decades ago, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus revolutionized the way we thought about love and partnership. John Gray’s work has helped countless readers improve and even save their relationships. But as society evolves, relationships do, too. It’s time to move beyond Mars and Venus, toward a new relationship model for modern couples.Today, men and women are no longer trapped by rigid societal roles. Now more than ever, we have the freedom to be our authentic selves. Women can access their masculine side, and men can embrace their feminine side. This new freedom is a good thing, but it also brings new challenges.Men and women still need the right tools and skills to help build stronger relation- ships. While previous generations sought "role mate” relationships, based on the more rigid gender roles of the time, today’s couples need a new kind of relationship: a "soul mate” relationship. These more emotionally satisfying relationships require a deeper understanding of our partners’ individual needs. In Beyond Mars and Venus, Gray teaches you how to strengthen your bond and grow in love together, so you and your loved one can meet each other’s needs in the best way possible, bringing you lasting happiness and a fulfilling partnership.

Blog: O guia definitivo para você substituir seu emprego por um blog

by Efron Hirsch Nícolas Poloni

Você está tentando criar um blog lucrativo? Este livro sucesso de vendas nos Estados Unidos vai mostrar exatamente o que você precisa fazer para começar um blog lucrativo agora mesmo se baseando no que os maiores blogueiros estão fazendo. Se você seguir as instruções, terá um blog com um visual maravilhoso e bastante lucrativo bem rápido. Aqui está uma prévia do que você vai aprender a fazer: Como criar um blog Como escolher um nicho Como fazer o design do seu blog Como começar a criar posts Como criar um blog com conteúdo valioso Como gerar tráfego Como monetizar seu blog E muito, muito mais!

Blog: La Guida Definitiva Per Scrivere Un Blog Che Sostituisca Il Proprio Lavoro

by Efron Hirsch Stefania Pezzato

Usate Questi Segreti per Blog per Creare un Blog Importante e Redditizio State cercando di creare un blog per fare soldi? Questo libro vi mostrerà cosa dovete fare per iniziare a tenere un blog remunerativo oggi stesso, basandosi su quello che fanno i migliori blogger. Se seguirete le istruzioni fornite avrete un bel blog che porta profitti in poco tempo! Ecco un anticipo di cosa imparerete... Come Creare un Blog Come Scegliere una Nicchia Come Progettare il Vostro Blog Come Iniziare a Creare i Post Come Creare Contenuti di Valore Come Generare Traffico Come Monetizzare il Vostro Blog E Molto, Molto Altro!

BLOGANDO: O Guia Mais Engenhoso Para Começar um Blog Remunerador

by Isaac Kronenberg Talis Ramalho Barboza

Assim, este livro tem o objetivo de revelar à você exatamente o que os grandes blogueiros de sucesso fazem. Claro, eu sei que você já ouviu essa história antes, apenas pegue o nicho certo, escreva bons artigos, espalhe links de afiliados em todos os lugares, e com certeza você terá lucros. Bem, eu tenho novidades para você! NÃO é assim que os grandes blogueiros de sucesso estão fazendo! Embora, há alguma verdade nisso, você deve por links de afiliados no seu blog, mas apenas espalhar eles por aí esperando que alguem clique é uma estratégia totalmente errada. Portanto, este livro te revela exatamente o que os grandes blogueiros de sucesso realmente fazem (que é exatamente o que eu faço). Não tenha dúvidas sobre isso, a maioria das pessoas que entra no mundo dos blogs não tem noção alguma sobre monetização, e falham em transformar o blog numa renda. E já que essa é a realidade das coisas, sua competição é muito baixa se você fizer as coisas certas, utilizando o método que eu descrevo neste livro. De fato, você nunca vai precisar ler outro livro sobre blogs depois que este aqui passar nas suas mãos, porque você vai saber exatamente o que você precisa fazer para gerar uma renda utilizando o seu blog. Confie em mim nisso, este livro é o melhor livro sobre blogs que você vai ler na sua vida, e ele vai te mostrar um caminho bem certeiro para que você seja pago através do seu blog. O único jeito de falhar é se você não implementar os métodos que eu ensino, então certifique-se de ler este livro com calma, e implemente o método que eu descrevo para você, porque eu tenho certeza que isso vai elevar o seu blog para o próximo nível.

Blogging La guía definitiva de cómo reemplazar tu trabajo con un blog

by Efron Hirsch Michelle Vergara

¿Estás intentando empezar un blog rentable? Este libro te mostrará exactamente lo que necesitas hacer para empezar un blog rentable, basado en lo que están haciendo los mejores blogueros. Si sigues las instrucciones, tendrás un blog increíble y rentable en muy poco tiempo. Aquí hay una vista previa de lo que aprenderás... Cómo construir un blog Cómo elegir un nicho Cómo diseñar tu blog Cómo empezar a crear entradas Cómo crear contenido valioso para tu blog Cómo generar tráfico Cómo monetizar tu blog Y mucho, mucho más

Bloomberg: A Billionaire's Ambition

by Chris McNickle

Examine the Bipartisan Legacy of a Remarkable Billionaire PoliticianBloomberg: A Billionaire’s Ambition tells the story of how one of America’s most successful entrepreneurs was elected mayor of New York City and what he did with the power he won. Bloomberg’s stunning victory against all odds just weeks after the 9/11 terrorist attack left him facing challenges unlike any mayor in history. For the next twelve years, he kept the city safe, managed budgets through fiscal crises, promoted private sector growth, generated jobs, built infrastructure, protected the environment, supported society’s cultural sensibilities, and achieved dramatic improvements in public health. Bloomberg was an activist executive who used government assets boldly and wisely for the greatest good, for the greatest number of people. His time as mayor was not without controversy. Bloomberg supported stop and frisk police tactics that a judge ruled unconstitutional, and jailhouse violence rose to levels so severe the federal government intervened. The administration’s homeless policies were ineffective. And he forced a change in the city charter to allow him to serve a third term. Overall, record low crime and the lasting impact of innovative policies will cause his tenure to be remembered as a remarkable success. Having returned to his global media empire, and to his private philanthropy, Bloomberg continues to challenge the National Rifle Association on gun control, promote national education reform, and support policies to combat climate change. Frequently touted as an independent candidate for president, Bloomberg leaves behind a legacy of effective government.

The Board and the CEO: Seven Practices to Protect Your Organization's Most Important Relationship

by Peter Greer David Weekley Tiger Dawson

Good relationships lie at the heart of every successful organization. Yet no relationship is more important—or more challenging—to navigate than the one between the board and the CEO. In this practical and concise book, Peter Greer and David Weekley draw from their years of experience to equip board members and organizational leaders to enter into an impactful, life-giving partnership. With this pivotal relationship in place, individuals and the organizations they serve can truly flourish.

Bodies in Flux: Scientific Methods for Negotiating Medical Uncertainty

by Christa Teston

Doctors, scientists, and patients have long grappled with the dubious nature of “certainty” in medical practice. To help navigate the chaos caused by ongoing bodily change we rely on scientific reductions and deductions. We take what we know now and make best guesses about what will be. But bodies in flux always outpace the human gaze. Particularly in cancer care, processes deep within our bodies are at work long before we even know where to look. In the face of constant biological and technological change, how do medical professionals ultimately make decisions about care? Bodies in Flux explores the inventive ways humans and nonhumans work together to manufacture medical evidence. Each chapter draws on rhetorical theory to investigate a specific scientific method for negotiating medical uncertainty in cancer care, including evidential visualization, assessment, synthesis, and computation. Case studies unveil how doctors rely on visuals when deliberating about a patient’s treatment options, how members of the FDA use inferential statistics to predict a drug’s effectiveness, how researchers synthesize hundreds of clinical trials into a single evidence-based recommendation, and how genetic testing companies compute and commoditize human health. Teston concludes by advocating for an ethic of care that pushes back against the fetishization of certainty—an ethic of care that honors human fragility and bodily flux.

Bodies in Flux: Scientific Methods for Negotiating Medical Uncertainty

by Christa Teston

Doctors, scientists, and patients have long grappled with the dubious nature of “certainty” in medical practice. To help navigate the chaos caused by ongoing bodily change we rely on scientific reductions and deductions. We take what we know now and make best guesses about what will be. But bodies in flux always outpace the human gaze. Particularly in cancer care, processes deep within our bodies are at work long before we even know where to look. In the face of constant biological and technological change, how do medical professionals ultimately make decisions about care? Bodies in Flux explores the inventive ways humans and nonhumans work together to manufacture medical evidence. Each chapter draws on rhetorical theory to investigate a specific scientific method for negotiating medical uncertainty in cancer care, including evidential visualization, assessment, synthesis, and computation. Case studies unveil how doctors rely on visuals when deliberating about a patient’s treatment options, how members of the FDA use inferential statistics to predict a drug’s effectiveness, how researchers synthesize hundreds of clinical trials into a single evidence-based recommendation, and how genetic testing companies compute and commoditize human health. Teston concludes by advocating for an ethic of care that pushes back against the fetishization of certainty—an ethic of care that honors human fragility and bodily flux.

The Book on Public Speaking

by Topher Morrison

&“One of the most powerful professional speakers in America . . . reveals how he&’s earned millions onstage, on camera and in business&” (Steve Siebold, CSP, past chairman of The National Speakers Association&’s Million Dollar Speakers Group). If you look at the trends of over thirty years ago in fashion, technology, architecture, and any other industry, what was cutting edge back then has become cliché and grossly out of date now. But in the speaking industry, most people get up and still walk, talk, and sound like the 1980s motivational speakers of yesteryear. The Book on Public Speaking takes a head-on approach and challenges the status quo for business leaders that speak in front of their staff, board of directors, and the public. After reading this book you will be privy to the most current methods for speaking to an audience for maximum impact in today&’s more sophisticated and skeptical culture. If you are the type of business leader who has achieved a level of success in life and feel compelled to share your story with the world, don&’t lessen that impact by imitating outdated speaking techniques. Instead, break the mold of the speaker cliché and tap into a speaking style that is authentic, packs a punch, and leaves the audience wanting more. &“I learned some amazing presentation techniques from Topher. I&’m using them right now. They&’re awesome. You can&’t tell because you&’re reading this.&” —John Heffron, winner of The Last Comic Standing &“Morrison is crazy good at training you how to communicate on-camera so that your business gets more attention.&” —James Lavers, professional speaker, founder, &“Selling from the Screen&”

A Brain for Speech: A View from Evolutionary Neuroanatomy

by Francisco Aboitiz

This book discusses evolution of the human brain, the origin of speech and language. It covers past and present perspectives on the contentious issue of the acquisition of the language capacity. Divided into two parts, this insightful work covers several characteristics of the human brain including the language-specific network, the size of the human brain, its lateralization of functions and interhemispheric integration, in particular the phonological loop. Aboitiz argues that it is the phonological loop that allowed us to increase our vocal memory capacity and to generate a shared semantic space that gave rise to modern language. The second part examines the neuroanatomy of the monkey brain, vocal learning birds like parrots, emergent evidence of vocal learning capacities in mammals, mirror neurons, and the ecological and social context in which speech evolved in our early ancestors. This book's interdisciplinary topic will appeal to scholars of psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, biology and history.

Breaking Through Gridlock: The Power of Conversation in a Polarized World

by Peter Senge Gabriel Grant Jason Jay

Think about the last time you tried to talk with someone who didn't already agree with you about issues that matter most. How well did it go? These conversations are vital, but too often get stuck. They become contentious or we avoid them because we fear they might. What if, in these difficult conversations, we could stay true to ourselves while enriching relationships and creating powerful pathways forward? What if our divergent values provided healthy fuel for dialogue and innovation instead of gridlock and polarization? Jason Jay and Gabriel Grant invite us into a spirit of serious play, laughing at ourselves while moving from self-reflection to action. Using enlightening exercises and rich examples, Breaking through Gridlock helps us become aware of the role we unwittingly play in getting conversations stuck. It empowers us to share what really matters – with anyone, anywhere – so that together we can create positive change in our families, organizations, communities, and society.

The Bridge to Growth: How Servant Leaders Achieve Better Results and Why It Matters Now More Than Ever

by Jude Rake

A recent study revealed that only 21 percent of workers feel engaged and truly committed to their company’s success and goals. They don’t know how their work connects to their company’s goals or understand how they can help achieve them. Leaders have failed to fully engage workers in the development and execution of their company’s mission and goals, and ultimately its journey toward success. Too often, employees are over-managed and under-led. Jude Rake, a business leader with more than 35 years of experience leading high-performance teams, shows how servant leaders—those who serve employees by giving them what they need to fully engage and commit to achieving the company’s goals—use nine proven principles to succeed:Grow leaders and difference makers, not just followers.Build and orchestrate high-performance teams more powerful than the sum of their parts. Focus the organization on strategic priorities, simplify operations, and accelerate progress.Champion the people who purchase and use your products and services.Cultivate a performance-based culture of innovation.Communicate relentlessly.See the world through the eyes of others. Be the model you want emulated. Coach people to achieve more than they thought possible.The Bridge to Growth details how to use these principles to elevate workforce engagement, collaboration, innovation, and accountability to build a bridge from strategy to exceptional execution and results.

A Brief Guide to Business Classics: From The Art of War to The Wisdom of Failure

by James M. Russell

The world of business books is a curious place where one can find everyone from great businesspeople like Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs and Elon Musk, to the most spectacular business failures such as Enron and the sub-prime business market. There are geniuses, hard workers, academics and entrepreneurs as well a few charlatans and hucksters. There's even room for Donald Trump. The 70 titles covered were chosen with various parameters in mind: to cover a range of areas of business, from sales and marketing to negotiation, entrepreneurship to investing, leadership to innovation, and from traditional and corporate models of business to start-up manuals and alternative angles on the subject. Obvious bestselling titles such as How to Make Friends and Influence People or 7 Habits of Highly Effective People have been included, but there are also those books of more questionable value often included on recommended lists of business classics, included here by way of warning. The chosen books also cover a wide span of time and acknowledge that some of the most powerful or entertaining insights into business can be found in texts that aren't perceived as being 'business books', for instance The Art of War, Microserfs, Thinking Fast and Slow and The Wealth of Nations. The selection includes a good range of the most recent successes in business publishing with which readers may be less familiar. The titles are arranged chronologically, allowing the reader to dip in, but also casting an intriguing light on how trends in business titles have changed over the years. Among these titles, you will find expert advice, based on solid research (for instance The Effective Executive or Getting to Yes), and inspirational guides to setting up businesses and running them on sound foundations (such as True North, Crucial Conversations, or We) alongside dubious management manuals that take a single flawed idea and stretch it out to the point of absurdity. The hope is that the reader will be inspired to read the best of these titles, ignore the worst of them, and will come away with at least a basic idea of what each has to teach us about business.

A Brief Guide to Business Classics: From The Art of War to The Wisdom of Failure

by James M. Russell

The world of business books is a curious place where one can find everyone from great businesspeople like Warren Buffett, Steve Jobs and Elon Musk, to the most spectacular business failures such as Enron and the sub-prime business market. There are geniuses, hard workers, academics and entrepreneurs as well a few charlatans and hucksters. There's even room for Donald Trump. The 70 titles covered were chosen with various parameters in mind: to cover a range of areas of business, from sales and marketing to negotiation, entrepreneurship to investing, leadership to innovation, and from traditional and corporate models of business to start-up manuals and alternative angles on the subject. Obvious bestselling titles such as How to Make Friends and Influence People or 7 Habits of Highly Effective People have been included, but there are also those books of more questionable value often included on recommended lists of business classics, included here by way of warning. The chosen books also cover a wide span of time and acknowledge that some of the most powerful or entertaining insights into business can be found in texts that aren't perceived as being 'business books', for instance The Art of War, Microserfs, Thinking Fast and Slow and The Wealth of Nations. The selection includes a good range of the most recent successes in business publishing with which readers may be less familiar. The titles are arranged chronologically, allowing the reader to dip in, but also casting an intriguing light on how trends in business titles have changed over the years. Among these titles, you will find expert advice, based on solid research (for instance The Effective Executive or Getting to Yes), and inspirational guides to setting up businesses and running them on sound foundations (such as True North, Crucial Conversations, or We) alongside dubious management manuals that take a single flawed idea and stretch it out to the point of absurdity. The hope is that the reader will be inspired to read the best of these titles, ignore the worst of them, and will come away with at least a basic idea of what each has to teach us about business.

Broadcast News and Writing Stylebook

by Robert A. Papper

Papper’s Broadcast News and Writing Stylebook is the go-to handbook in broadcast news, and with the updates in the 6th edition, it is sure to continue this legacy. Through clear and concise chapters, this text provides the fundamental rules of broadcast news writing. It covers various fields across the board, including crime and government, weather, education, health, and sports. Within each field, readers learn the nuances of reporting, grammar, style, and usage. Written by a professional who has overseen major industry research for the past 23 years, this edition presents the data on news writing in a relevant and digestible manner. With the business of broadcast news changing rapidly, this text reflects the current news environment and explores where it will head in the future. With an expanded social media chapter and additional insight into the news rooms of today, Broadcast News and Writing Stylebook incorporates all the skills and knowledge reporters and journalist need to prepare for their careers.

Broadcast News Writing, Reporting, and Producing

by Frank Barnas

Broadcast News Writing, Reporting, and Producing, 7th Edition is the leading book covering all aspects of writing and reporting the news. It identifies the key concepts and terms readers need to know in the news gathering and dissemination process, and provides practical, real-world advice for operating in the modern day newsroom. New to the seventh Edition are profiles of working journalists who give readers a glimpse into the working life of modern reporters, producers, and directors. This new edition also covers important aspects of the use of social media, drone journalism, and digital technology. A new chapter on portfolio development will assist readers in developing the skills to advance in their careers. The text has also been updated to reflect new industry standards in modes of information gathering and delivery, writing style, and technology. Additional features include: Key words at the start of every chapter, identifying important terms and definitions; End of chapter summaries, which allows readers to review the chapter’s main points; "Text Your Knowledge", which helps readers quiz themselves on important concepts; Chapter-by-chapter exercises, which readers can apply to a chapter’s themes; A companion website featuring video tutorials of necessary skills for journalists, including how to arrange lighting structures, how to hold a microphone, and how to properly conduct an interview.

Broadway General Manager: Demystifying the Most Important and Least Understood Role in Show Business

by Peter Bogyo

“An absolutely indispensable theater lover’s guide to how Broadway works.” —Peter Marks, chief theater critic, Washington Post“Highly recommended for those considering theater as a career and for those who love theater and want to know more about what goes on before the curtain goes up and after.” —Library JournalBroadway General Manager is a fascinating, insightful, and entertaining glimpse into the normally closed world of theatrical general management. Penned by veteran Broadway insider Peter Bogyo, readers will gain an appreciation and understanding of what the business half of show business is all about. For the first time ever, gain backstage access to the fast-paced and glamorous world of Broadway. Broadway General Manager is an invaluable resource that examines actual production and operating budgets for a Broadway show and shares contracts for award-winning actors, directors, and designers, all of which are analyzed extensively. Also included are in-depth discussions on such topics as:How to get started as a general manager Negotiating contracts How the producing entity functions Programming the box office The issues related to hiring employees Binding insurance Financial overview Maintaining the run of a show What to do when sales start to slump Closing a show And much more Laced with humorous insights and personal anecdotes, Broadway General Manager will delight both the average theater lover as well as individuals with a serious interest in commercial arts management.

Build Your Dream Network: Forging Powerful Relationships in a Hyper-Connected World

by Kelly Hoey

Cut through the networking noise and start building the powerful, real relationships needed to succeed in our digital world If you think of networking as schmoozing at boring cocktail parties or scrolling through LinkedIn for new contacts to add, think again. In the social media age, you need a modern roadmap for creating and cultivating meaningful connections to stand out from the crowd and achieve any of your goals, no matter how big or small. In Build Your Dream Network, acclaimed business columnist and networking expert J. Kelly Hoey offers a fresh new approach to mastering this timeworn skill in a world where everyone is posting, liking, and friending fast and furiously, but many are failing to leverage their connections successfully. Hoey presents innovative strategies for forming strong relationships—the genuine, mutually beneficial, long-lasting kind—using all of the social tools at your disposal. She also reveals creative and surprisingly simple ways to harness the power of your network to accomplish any ambition, from landing your dream job or a coveted account or client to successfully crowdfunding a new business venture. Build Your Dream Network will help you: • Determine the most effective ways to connect with others so you don’t clutter your calendar with dead-end coffee dates and informational interviews • Synchronize IRL networking efforts with your digital outreach • Turn “closed door” conversations into strong personal relationships and business opportunities • Eliminate FOMO by keeping your networking efforts focused Packed with infographics, flowcharts, and encouraging advice, Build Your Dream Network shows how small adjustments in your daily routine, generosity, and goal-focused efforts are all it takes to set you apart and ignite the powerful connections that will lead to major opportunities for success.

Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen

by Donald Miller

New York Times bestselling author Donald Miller uses the seven universal elements of powerful stories to teach readers how to dramatically improve how they connect with customers and grow their businesses.Donald Miller’s StoryBrand process is a proven solution to the struggle business leaders face when talking about their businesses. This revolutionary method for connecting with customers provides readers with the ultimate competitive advantage, revealing the secret for helping their customers understand the compelling benefits of using their products, ideas, or services. Building a StoryBrand does this by teaching readers the seven universal story points all humans respond to; the real reason customers make purchases; how to simplify a brand message so people understand it; and how to create the most effective messaging for websites, brochures, and social media. Whether you are the marketing director of a multibillion dollar company, the owner of a small business, a politician running for office, or the lead singer of a rock band, Building a StoryBrand will forever transform the way you talk about who you are, what you do, and the unique value you bring to your customers.

Building Business Websites with Squarespace 7 - Second Edition

by Miko Coffey

Discover the best way to build, design and launch professional websites with Squarespace quickly, without needing to learn any code About This Book • Discover time-saving tricks and best practices, and avoid common pitfalls while creating a website • Create visually stunning Responsive Design templates for your website with Squarespace 7 • Understand how to monitor, measure, and manage your website after launching it Who This Book Is For This book is ideal for anyone who wants to learn how to use the latest version of Squarespace to create a website from scratch and take it through to go-live. You don't need any prior experience with Squarespace, HTML, or CSS, or building websites in general as everything is done using Squarespace's simple, browser-based interface. What You Will Learn • Develop an essential Website Toolkit that will act as reference and materials for your entire project, ensuring you stay on-target to meet your objectives • Set up your Squarespace account, learn how the interface works, and select the correct template for your website's purpose and goals • Create your website framework, fill it with content, and arrange your pages using Squarespace's easy drag-and-drop tools • Customize your site's look and feel to match your brand, and create a stunning visual impact for your website on all types of devices, including mobiles and tablets • Configure the core functions your business needs, whether connecting to social media, promoting events, showcasing your work, or selling goods and services online • Learn time-saving tricks and how to avoid common pitfalls from an experienced professional with years of Squarespace experience • Gain valuable insights about search engine optimization, communicating effectively online, and other e-marketing advice • How to monitor, measure, and manage your website post-launch In Detail Squarespace is a web-based tool that allows non-technical people to create and manage professional-looking websites quickly, without needing to write any code. It empowers business owners to take total control of their own websites, without needing to pay someone to design or maintain it. This book covers much more than just how to use Squarespace. It covers all aspects of creating a successful business website, from developing your brand identity, to writing and structuring content to match your target audience's needs, and dozens of other other valuable tips that will help your website shine. Most importantly, you'll learn the correct steps to follow in order to ensure your project is smooth and stress-free. The book starts by helping you plan your website project and gather all the raw materials you'll need. Next, you'll set up your account and become familiar with the terminology and tools that you'll be using. Once you've learned the basics of how the Squarespace interface, templates, and different page types operate, you will create the framework of your website, ready for you to insert content and functionality. Then, once all the core elements are in place, you'll apply the aesthetic fine-tuning needed to bring your website in line with your brand. After the aesthetics have been honed and all functions tested, you will launch your website and drive traffic to it, monitor it, and improve it. Style and approach This easy-to-follow guide will teach you to build websites the easiest way in the latest version of Squarespace.

The Burgess Shale: The Canadian Writing Landscape of the 1960s (The CLC Kreisel Lecture Series)

by Margaret Atwood

“Atwood provides a window into her own early writing days . . . a treasure for readers interested in Canadian literature because this is where it all began.” —Prairie Fire Review of Books“The outburst of cultural energy that took place in the 1960s was in part a product of the two decades that came before. It’s always difficult for young people to see their own time in perspective: when you’re in your teens, a decade earlier feels like ancient history and the present moment seems normal: what exists now is surely what has always existed.”In this short work, Margaret Atwood, author of The Handmaid’s Tale and “Canada’s most famous writer” (The New Yorker), compares the Canadian literary landscape of the 1960s to the Burgess Shale, a geological formation that contains the fossils of many strange prehistoric life forms. The Burgess Shale is not entirely about writing itself, however: Atwood also provides some insight into the meager writing infrastructure of that time, taking a lighthearted look at the early days of the institutions we take for granted today—from writers’ organizations, prizes, and grant programs to book tours and festivals.“Allows the reader a brief glimpse into the mind of a great writer and her perspective and experience living through what would now seem to many the Stone Age of the Canadian writing scene . . . invaluable and very readable.” —Canadian Literature

Business and Professional Communication: KEYS for Workplace Excellence

by Dr Kelly M. Quintanilla Dr Shawn T. Wahl

Professional success requires excellent communication skills. Organized around the transition from student to professional life, Business and Professional Communication, Third Edition gives readers the tools they need to move from interview candidate to team member to leader. Kelly M. Quintanilla and Shawn T. Wahl help students understand the role communication plays when successfully handling situations like job interviewing, providing feedback to supervisors, and working in teams. The fully updated Third Edition includes expanded coverage of making competent choices in new communication channels, increased emphasis on skill building for business writing and presentations, and the effective use of visual aids.

Business and Professional Communication: KEYS for Workplace Excellence

by Dr Kelly M. Quintanilla Dr Shawn T. Wahl

Professional success requires excellent communication skills. Organized around the transition from student to professional life, Business and Professional Communication, Third Edition gives readers the tools they need to move from interview candidate to team member to leader. Kelly M. Quintanilla and Shawn T. Wahl help students understand the role communication plays when successfully handling situations like job interviewing, providing feedback to supervisors, and working in teams. The fully updated Third Edition includes expanded coverage of making competent choices in new communication channels, increased emphasis on skill building for business writing and presentations, and the effective use of visual aids.

Business Communication: In Person, In Print, Online

by Amy Newman

Discover a realistic approach to communication in today's organizations with BUSINESS COMMUNICATION: IN PERSON, IN PRINT, ONLINE, 10E. You learn today's most important business communication concepts in detail and within the context of how communication happens in organizations today. Company examples and situations demonstrate how principles work in the real business world. In addition to refining core written and oral communication skills, you learn to navigate complex relationships and use current, sophisticated technologies. You master the skills to create PowerPoint decks, manage your online reputation with LinkedIn and other tools, engage customers using social media, lead web meetings and conference calls, and more. With self-reflection questions throughout the book, you develop a deeper understanding of yourself and how to communicate most effectively to reach your personal and professional goals.

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