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TV White Space Spectrum Technologies: Regulations, Standards, and Applications

by Rashid A. Saeed Stephen J. Shellhammer

Although sophisticated wireless radio technologies make it possible for unlicensed wireless devices to take advantage of un-used broadcast TV spectra, those looking to advance the field have lacked a book that covers cognitive radio in TV white spaces (TVWS). Filling this need, TV White Space Spectrum Technologies: Regulations, Standards and Applic


by J. S. Mcdougall

<p>"OK. I&#8217;ve got my Twitter account&#8230;now what can I do with it?" Sound familiar? <i>#tweetsmart</i> provides the answer with 25 creative projects to help your business, cause, or organization grow. But this isn&#8217;t just another social media marketing book&#8212;it&#8217;s the anti-marketing how-to community-engagement book. You&#8217;ll find projects to help you approach your Twitter audience in ways that are strategic, measurable, and fun.</p>

#tweetsmart: 25 Twitter Projects to Help You Build Your Community

by J. S. Mcdougall

"OK. I’ve got my Twitter account…now what can I do with it?" Sound familiar? #tweetsmart provides the answer with 25 creative projects to help your business, cause, or organization grow. But this isn’t just another social media marketing book—it’s the anti-marketing how-to community-engagement book.Twitter is not a marketing channel (and should never be used as such) but it is a community of interested, engaged, and influential people. Meeting and getting to know these people can help you build your own community. In this useful guide, you’ll find projects to help you approach your Twitter audience in ways that are strategic, measurable, and fun.Put a new wrinkle on an old contest: "be the 10th person to tweet"Create a hashtag game around your company or productsInstead of polling, ask your followers to help you make a product decisionMake MadLibs out of your marketing copy or mission statementHold a scavenger hunt, and relay clues via TwitterOrganize a weekly Twitter chat on various subjectsSolicit funny product shots, using Twitter’s photo-sharing utilitySpontaneously tweet from a store location: "Meet me now and win!"

Twitter Bootstrap Web Development How-To

by David Cochran

An easy-to-follow step-by-step presentation which will get you started with Twitter Bootstrap. Practical examples will help you to get set up quickly and easily. This guide is for new, novice, and intermediate developers alike. Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS is required although this book will help beginners find their feet with both more easily. Those experienced with HTML and CSS will quickly learn the beautiful and efficient ways of Bootstrap.

Twitter in One Hour for Lawyers

by Jared Correia

More lawyers than ever before are using Twitter to network with colleagues, attract clients, market their law firms, and even read the news. But to the uninitiated, Twitter's short messages, or tweets, can seem like they are written in a foreign language. Twitter in One Hour for Lawyers will demystify one of the most important social-media platforms of our time and teach you to tweet like an expert. In just one hour, you will learn to: Create a Twitter account and set up your profile Read tweets and understand Twitter jargon Write tweets and send them at the appropriate time Gain an audience follow and be followed Engage with other Twitters users Integrate Twitter into your firm's marketing plan Cross-post your tweets with other social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn Understand the relevant ethics, privacy, and security concerns Get the greatest possible return on your Twitter investment And much more "

Two-Dimensional Change Detection Methods

by Murat Ilsever Cem Ünsalan

Change detection using remotely sensed images has many applications, such as urban monitoring, land-cover change analysis, and disaster management. This work investigates two-dimensional change detection methods. The existing methods in the literature are grouped into four categories: pixel-based, transformation-based, texture analysis-based, and structure-based. In addition to testing existing methods, four new change detection methods are introduced: fuzzy logic-based, shadow detection-based, local feature-based, and bipartite graph matching-based. The latter two methods form the basis for a structural analysis of change detection. Three thresholding algorithms are compared, and their effects on the performance of change detection methods are measured. These tests on existing and novel change detection methods make use of a total of 35 panchromatic and multi-spectral Ikonos image sets. Quantitative test results and their interpretations are provided.

Tworzenie stron WWW: The Missing Manual (Missing Manual Ser.)

by Matthew Macdonald

For anyone who wants to create an engaging web site--for either personal or business purposes--Creating Web Sites: The Missing Manual demystifies the process and provides tools, techniques, and expert guidance for developing a professional and reliable web presence. Like every Missing Manual, you can count on Creating Web Sites: The Missing Manual to be entertaining and insightful and complete with all the vital information, clear-headed advice, and detailed instructions you need to master the task at hand. Author Matthew MacDonald teaches you the fundamentals of creating, maintaining, and updating an effective, attractive, and visitor-friendly web site--from scratch or from an existing site that's a little too simple or flat for your liking. Creating Web Sites: The Missing Manual doesn't only cover how to create a well-designed, appealing, smart web site that is thoroughly up to date and brimming with the latest features. It also covers why it's worth the effort by explaining the rationale for creating a site in the first place and discussing what makes a given web site particularly aesthetic, dynamic, and powerful. It further helps you determine your needs and goals and make well informed design and content decisions. Creating Web Sites: The Missing Manual includes a basic primer on HTML, working with JavaScript, and incorporating services like Paypal's shopping cart, Amazon's associate program, and Google AdSense and AdWords. It delivers advanced tricks for formatting, graphics, audio and video, as well as Flash animation and dynamic content. And you'll learn how to identify and connect with your site's audience through forms, forums, meta tags, and search engines. This isn't just another dry, uninspired book on how to create a web site. Creating Web Sites: The Missing Manual is a witty and intelligent guide for all of you who are ready to make your ideas and vision a web reality.

Typographic Web Design: How To Think Like A Typographer In HTML and CSS

by Laura Franz

Legibility and readability are the foundations for the typographic theories and practice covered in Typographic Web Design. You'll learn how to choose fonts, organize information, create a system of hierarchy, work with tabular information, create a grid, apply a typographic system across multiple pages, and build a font library. Each chapter provides time-tested typography rules to follow (modified for the web), explains why they work, when to break them, and offers the opportunity to test the rules with hands-on exercises in HTML and CSS. If you don't know HTML and CSS, Typographic Web Design provides a walk-through for each lesson, showing you how to plan and write syntax. Laura Franz is an Associate Professor of Design at University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, where she has taught web typography for 12 years. She has presented lectures and workshops on Typographic Web Design, and has written a course on the topic for Lynda. com.


by Sebastian Hack Helmut Seidl Reinhard Wilhelm

Das Buch behandelt die Analysephase von Übersetzern für Programmiersprachen. Die Autoren beschreiben die lexikalische, syntaktische und semantische Analyse sowie Spezifikationsmechanismen für diese Aufgaben aus der Theorie der formalen Sprachen und automatische Erzeugungsverfahren aus der Theorie der Automaten. Vorgestellt wird eine konzeptionelle Übersetzerstruktur, mit der ein Eingabe- in ein Maschinenprogramm transformiert wird. Das Buch enthält neben der notwendigen Theorie auch Hinweise zur Implementierung von Übersetzern.

UDK iOS Game Development Beginner’s Guide

by John Preston Doran Christos Gatzidis

The book takes a step-by-step process in completing tasks with many detailed illustrations while allowing you to add your own creativity to the mix to create a game that is uniquely your own.If you would like to make iOS games with the Unreal Development Kit or are interested in porting your game from PC to iOS, this book is for you

Ultimate Guide to Google AdWords

by Perry Marshall Bryan Todd

Double Your Web Traffic - Overnight!Google gets searched more than 1 billion times every day-creating an unbelievable opportunity to get your business in front of thousands every minute...IF you know what you're doing. Google AdWords experts Perry Marshall and Bryan Todd uncover the fundamentals, techniques, tools, and tricks that Google should teach you, but doesn't. Learn how to build an aggressive , streamlined campaign proven to increase your search engine visibility, consistently capture clicks and increase sales. No other guide is as comprehensive, or current in it's coverage of today's fastest, most powerful advertising medium. Pay only for leads, signups or sales rather than just clicks Connect Google ads to social media Use Google's Conversion Optimizer function to it's fullest Best practices for using Google's Display Network Know the latest information on "relevance" and how to keep Quality Scores high Build a powerful, streamlined campaign from scratch Develop high quality keyword lists Write killer advertising and website copy that gets clicks Get your ads in front of the best audience possible Keep your ads showing up with high quality scores Triple your traffic with Google's Display Network Earn high rankings in Google's organic search results Slash your bid prices Gain more conversions and sales Avoid costly mistakes made by all Google advertisers Determine what's working with Google's conversion tracking

Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn for Business

by Ted Prodromou

LinkedIn, which began in the living room of co-founder Reid Hoffman in 2002, is now the world's largest professional network on the Internet with 150 million users. In 2011 alone there were 4.5 million professionally oriented searches on LinkedIn. This vast resource is not only the number one way reconnect with former colleagues and employers and get job leads, it has become the fastest-growing, most powerful source for businesses to target the right potential customers, partners, and employees.The Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn for Business, by longtime Internet authority Ted Prodromou, offers a wealth of zero or low-cost methods for maximizing this dynamic resource. It's easy to get started on LinkedIn, but fully mastering its intricacies and knowing how to get the most effective connections that lead to greater exposure, increased marketshare, and breakout sales can be tricky and time-consuming. Whereas most people think of LinkedIn as merely a way to get "job leads," those who follow Ted's instruction develop a strategic approach to engaging people and multiplying the links that can open up business in revolutionary, unexpected ways-including globally.

Ultra High-Speed CMOS Circuits

by Sam Gharavi Babak Heydari

The book covers the CMOS-based millimeter wave circuits and devices and presents methods and design techniques to use CMOS technology for circuits operating beyond 100 GHz. Coverage includes a detailed description of both active and passive devices, including modeling techniques and performance optimization. Various mm-wave circuit blocks are discussed, emphasizing their design distinctions from low-frequency design methodologies. This book also covers a device-oriented circuit design technique that is essential for ultra high speed circuits and gives some examples of device/circuit co-design that can be used for mm-wave technology.

UML 2.0. Almanach

by Neil Pitman Dan Pilone

Wyczerpuj?cy przewodnik po j?zyku UML 2.0 Specyfikacja j?zyka UML 2.0 Modelowanie statyczne i dynamiczne Rozszerzanie i zastosowania UML-a Ujednolicony j?zyk modelowania (UML) pocz?tkowo s?u?y? do opisu elementów oprogramowania, jednak z powodu swej elegancji i przejrzysto?ci zyskuje na popularno?ci w zakresie modelowania zagadnie? z innych dziedzin. W zwi?zku z tym coraz wi?cej osób ma szans? zetkn?? si? z diagramami w j?zyku UML. Je?li si?gn??e? po t? ksi??k?, prawdopodobnie czeka to tak?e Ciebie. Chcia?by? wiedzie?, co oznaczaj? ró?ne zako?czenia linii na diagramach klas albo zrozumie? skomplikowany diagram interakcji? Zajrzyj do ?rodka. "UML 2.0. Almanach" to kompletny podr?cznik dla u?ytkowników tego j?zyka. Dzi?ki tej ksi??ce poznasz podstawy modelowania w UML-u. Nauczysz si? tworzy? i rozumie? diagramy statyczne, na przyk?ad klas, pakietów czy struktur z?o?onych, a tak?e diagramy zachowania, takie jak przypadków u?ycia, aktywno?ci czy interakcji. Dowiesz si?, jak wszechstronne zastosowania ma ten j?zyk oraz w jaki sposób mo?na go rozszerza? do wykonywania specyficznych zada?. Znajdziesz tu tak?e krótkie wprowadzenie do j?zyka Object Constraint Language (OCL) oraz architektury sterowanej modelem (MDA). Podstawy modelowania w UML-u Diagramy statyczne i diagramy zachowania Dobór odpowiedniego rodzaju diagramu Znaczenie symboli, notacji i linii Rozszerzanie UML-a za pomoc? etykiet, stereotypów i profili Architektura sterowana modelem J?zyk Object Constraint Language (OCL) Praktyczne wskazówki z zakresu modelowania Poznaj tajniki modelowania w j?zyku UML 2.0

UML 2.0. Wprowadzenie

by Russ Miles Kim Hamilton

Najtrudniejszym etapem ka?dego procesu tworzenia systemu informatycznego jest wykonanie odpowiedniego projektu. Umiej?tno?? pogodzenia wymaga? u?ytkowników i osób finansuj?cych system z mo?liwo?ciami oferowanymi przez technologi? jest kluczowym elementem sukcesu. Im bardziej z?o?ony system, tym bardziej zawi?y staje si? projekt. Konieczno?? ustandaryzowana technik projektowania systemów zaowocowa?a powstaniem narz?dzi, dzi?ki którym nawet najbardziej skomplikowany projekt mo?na przedstawi? w prosty i czytelny sposób. Takim narz?dziem jest notacja UML -- zestaw ikon tworz?cych diagramy opisuj?ce system i jego elementy. Ksi??ka "UML 2.0. Wprowadzenie" w praktyczny sposób przedstawia techniki modelowania systemów informatycznych za pomoc? j?zyka UML 2.0. Czytaj?c j?, nauczysz si? graficznie przedstawia? otoczenie systemu, wymagania stawiane przez u?ytkowników i metody ich implementacji w systemie. Utworzysz diagramy klas, interakcji, komponentów, wdro?enia i inne, które opisuj? projekt w jednoznaczny oraz prosty sposób. Dowiesz si? tak?e, jak zaplanowa? proces wdro?enia produktu za pomoc? UML. Elementy j?zyka UML Modelowanie wymaga? za pomoc? przypadków u?ycia Diagramy czynno?ci i sekwencji Modelowanie klas i powi?za? pomi?dzy nimi Diagramy komponentów Podzia? modelu na pakiety Modelowanie wdro?enia systemu Poznaj nowoczesne metody projektowania systemów informatycznych.

Understanding Digital Marketing

by Damian Ryan Calvin Jones

Digital marketing now represents 25% of the marketing spend in the UK and this is predicted to move to 50% or higher within the next three years. Understanding Digital Marketing looks at the world of digital marketing: how it got started, how it got to where it is today, and where the thought leaders in the industry believe it is headed in the future. This authoritative title demonstrates how to harness the power of digital media and use it to achieve the utmost success in business, now and in the future.Understanding Digital Marketing deals with every key topic in detail, including:search marketing,social media, Google, mobile marketing, affiliate marketing, e-mail marketing, customer engagement and digital marketing strategies. Essential reading for both practitioners and students alike, and including real-world examples of digital marketing successes and expert opinions, Understanding Digital Marketing provides you with tools to utilize the power of the internet to take your company wherever you want it to go.

Understanding Information and Computation: From Einstein to Web Science

by Philip Tetlow

The World Wide Web is truly astounding. It has changed the way we interact, learn and innovate. It is the largest sociotechnical system humankind has created and is advancing at a pace that leaves most in awe. It is an unavoidable fact that the future of the world is now inextricably linked to the future of the Web. Almost every day it appears to change, to get better and increase its hold on us. For all this we are starting to see underlying stability emerge. The way that Web sites rank in terms of popularity, for example, appears to follow laws with which we are familiar. What is fascinating is that these laws were first discovered, not in fields like computer science or information technology, but in what we regard as more fundamental disciplines like biology, physics and mathematics. Consequently the Web, although synthetic at its surface, seems to be quite 'natural' deeper down, and one of the driving aims of the new field of Web Science is to discover how far down such ’naturalness’ goes. If the Web is natural to its core, that raises some fundamental questions. It forces us, for example, to ask if the central properties of the Web might be more elemental than the truths we cling to from our understandings of the physical world. In essence, it demands that we question the very nature of information. Understanding Information and Computation is about such questions and one possible route to potentially mind-blowing answers.

Understanding Information Retrieval Systems: Management, Types, and Standards

by Marcia J. Bates

In order to be effective for their users, information retrieval (IR) systems should be adapted to the specific needs of particular environments. The huge and growing array of types of information retrieval systems in use today is on display in Understanding Information Retrieval Systems: Management, Types, and Standards, which addresses over 20 typ

Understanding PaaS

by Michael P. Mcgrath

<p>Cloud computing is the most rapidly growing segment of information technology today. The largest enterprises and the newest start-ups are all working interesting and unique cloud strategies. At the heart of this growth is the newest and most misunderstood segment of cloud computing: Platform as a Service.<br/><br/>\nThis book describes how to best utilize PaaS as a way to solve old and new technology problems. Innovation has become a normal part of business and PaaS takes that innovation to the next level by significantly lowering cost, overhead, and maintenance requirements. Information Technology is fun and exciting again, "Understanding PaaS" will show you how to get started.</p>

Understanding PaaS: Unleash the Power of Cloud Computing (Oreilly And Associate Ser.)

by Michael P. Mcgrath

The least understood feature of cloud computing, Platform as a Service (PaaS), is also the most powerful and cost effective. This concise overview shows you why organizations that properly wield PaaS can quickly gain a strong competitive advantage. You’ll learn how PaaS enables developers to pursue low cost R&D projects, lets system administrators focus on systems rather than servers, and helps architects evaluate new technology quickly and directly.Many reliable PaaS providers are available today, including services from Amazon, Red Hat, and Google. This book offers valuable advice for technically and not-so-technically minded people who want to understand how PaaS can change the way organizations do computing.Get rudimentary examples of how to initiate projects with a typical PaaS providerConsider language selection, feature set, and general capabilities when evaluating a PaaS solutionAutomate tasks like continuous integration, unit tests, and buildsLearn how to design applications by understanding how PaaS works under the hoodDiscover the critical difference between scaling up and scaling outAnticipate subtle but important differences between traditional computing and PaaS computingChange the way you think about security in the cloud

Understanding Weightless

by William Webb

Essential for getting to grips with the Weightless standard for M2M communications, this definitive guide describes and explains the new standard in an accessible manner. It helps you to understand the Weightless standard by revealing its background and rationale. Designed to make clear the context and the fundamental design decisions for Weightless and to provide a readable overview of the standard, it details principal features and issues of the technology, the business case for deployment, network performance and some important applications. This informative book guides you through the key decisions and requirements involved in designing and deploying a Weightless network. Includes a chapter on applications, explaining the relevance of the standard and its potential. Written by one of the lead designers of Weightless, this is an ideal guide for everyone involved with the standard, from those designing equipment to those making use of the technology.

Undoing Ethics

by Natasha Whiteman

Over the past decade, researchers from different academic disciplines have paid increasing attention to the productivity of online environments. The ethical underpinnings of research in such settings, however, remain contested and often controversial. As traditional debates have been reignited by the need to respond to the particular characteristics of technologically-mediated environments, researchers have entered anew key debates regarding the moral, legal and regulative aspects of research ethics. A growing trend in this work has been towards the promotion of localized and contextualized research ethics - the suggestion that the decisions we make should be informed by the nature of the environments we study and the habits/expectations of participants within them. Despite such moves, the relationship between the empirical, theoretical and methodological aspects of Internet research ethics remains underexplored. Drawing from ongoing sociological research into the practices of media cultures online, this book provides a timely and distinctive response to this need. This book explores the relationship between the production of ethical stances in two different contexts: the ethical manoeuvring of participants within online media-fan communities and the ethical decision-making of the author as Internet researcher, manoeuvring, as it were, in the academic community. In doing so, the book outlines a reflexive framework for exploring research ethics at different levels of analysis; the empirical settings of research; the theoretical perspectives which inform the researcher's objectification of the research settings; and the methodological issues and practical decisions that constitute the activity as research. The analysis of these different levels develops a way of thinking about ethical practice in terms of stabilizing and destabilizing moves within and between research and researched communities. The analysis emphasizes the continuities and discontinuities between both research practice and online media-fan activity, and social activity in on and offline environments.

Unity 3.x Scripting

by Devon Kraczla Volodymyr Gerasimov

The book is written in an easy to understand step-by-step style. It covers real-world examples for every topic, so that you gain most out of the book and are able to apply these techniques straight into your game. If you are a programmer interested in developing games using Unity and want to customize your game by writing scripts, then this is a book for you. To make the best use of this book, you will have to know your way around Unity. The book is ideal for someone, who has experience in building games using Unity and knows a bit of programming; especially JavaScript. However, if you are a programmer in any other language, you should be able to grasp the book fairly easily.

Unity iOS Game Development Beginners Guide

by Gregory Pierce

This step-by-step book guides you through the process of using Unity to create monetized iOS games. It will get you through all the major learning points in a smooth, logical order. Youwill also learn how to avoid some common pitfalls. This book is for developers and designers who want to learn the process of building commercial game applications using Unity. It is intended for novices through to intermediate developers of all types regardless of their skill level with Unity. This book is packed with clear instructions and careful explanations for creating a powerful social networking site using Drupal 7. With each chapter, you add new features and content until your social network is ready to be released to the Internet where it can grow. By the end of this book, you will have a powerful social network which you can either choose to model on the case-study, or create to your own unique design. This book is aimed at anyone looking to create their own social networking website, including: Businesses - building a social network around a product or service can improve your company profile and increase customer loyalty, while an internal social network gives you employees a place to keep resources, discuss ideas, raise concerns, and keep up to date on company policies. Hobbyists - create a community around your hobbies and interests; create a local or distributed user group. Organizations and charities - raise your profile, promote your events, services, and fundraisers, and get help from the community in organizing them. Families - for large families based across the country or across the globe, keep up to date with everyone, and let everyone know what you are up to. You don't need any experience of Drupal or PHP to use this book. If you are a Drupal user you will find this book a great way to rapidly tailor an existing installation into a socially orientated website.

Universal Algebra: Fundamentals and Selected Topics

by Clifford Bergman

Starting with the most basic notions, Universal Algebra: Fundamentals and Selected Topics introduces all the key elements needed to read and understand current research in this field. Based on the author's two-semester course, the text prepares students for research work by providing a solid grounding in the fundamental constructions and concepts o

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