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Android in The Attic

by Nicholas Allan

Aunt Edna has created a no-nonsense nanny android to make sure Billy and Alfie don't have any fun. But then Alfie discovers how to override Auntie Anne-Droid's programming and nothing can stop them eating all the Cheeki Choko Cherry Cakes they like ... until the real aunt Edna is kidnapped!

Android Native Development Kit Cookbook

by Feipeng Liu

This book is written in a Cookbook style, beginning with recipes which focus on helping developers make their software/application available in Android.Android developers who want to learn Android NDK programming, or develop multimedia and games in Android NDK will benefit from this book

Android NDK Game Development Cookbook

by Sergey Kosarevsky Viktor Latypov

A systematic guide consisting of over 70 recipes which focus on helping you build portable mobile games and aims to enhance your game development skills with clear instructions.If you are a C++ developer who wants to jump into the world of Android game development and who wants to use the power of existing C++ libraries in your existing Android Java applications, then this book is for you. You need to have basic knowledge of C or C++ including pointer manipulation, multithreading, and object-oriented programming concepts as well as some experience developing applications without using an IDE.

Android on x86: An Introduction to Optimizing for Intel Architecture

by Darren Cummings Iggy Krajci

Android on x86: an Introduction to Optimizing for Intel® Architecture serves two main purposes. First, it makes the case for adapting your applications onto Intel's x86 architecture, including discussions of the business potential, the changing landscape of the Android marketplace, and the unique challenges and opportunities that arise from x86 devices. The fundamental idea is that extending your applications to support x86 or creating new ones is not difficult, but it is imperative to know all of the technicalities. This book is dedicated to providing you with an awareness of these nuances and an understanding of how to tackle them. Second, and most importantly, this book provides a one-stop detailed resource for best practices and procedures associated with the installation issues, hardware optimization issues, software requirements, programming tasks, and performance optimizations that emerge when developers consider the x86 Android devices. Optimization discussions dive into native code, hardware acceleration, and advanced profiling of multimedia applications. The authors have collected this information so that you can use the book as a guide for the specific requirements of each application project. This book is not dedicated solely to code; instead it is filled with the information you need in order to take advantage of x86 architecture. It will guide you through installing the Android SDK for Intel Architecture, help you understand the differences and similarities between processor architectures available in Android devices, teach you to create and port applications, debug existing x86 applications, offer solutions for NDK and C++ optimizations, and introduce the Intel Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager. This book provides the most useful information to help you get the job done quickly while utilizing best practices. What you'll learn The development-relevant differences between Android on ARM and Android on Intel x86 How to set up the SDK for an emulated Intel Android device How to build the Android OS for the Intel Mobile Processor How to create new x86 based Android applications, set up testing and performance tuning, and port existing Android applications to work with the x86 processor How to debug problems they encounter when working on the x86 Android test platform Intricacies of the Intel Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager. The reader will also gain significant insight into the OpenGL Android support. Who this book is for Android developers Hardware designers who need to understand how Android will work on their processors CIOs and CEOs of technology-based companies IT staff who may encounter or need to understand the issues New startup founders and entrepreneurs Computer science students Table of Contents Chapter 1: History & Evolution of Android OS Chapter 2: Mobile Device Applications - Uses and Trends Chapter 3: Why x86 on Android? Chapter 4: Android Development - Business Overview andConsiderations Chapter 5: Android Devices with Intel Processors Chapter 6: Installing the Android SDK for IntelApplication Development Chapter 7: The Intel Mobile Processor Chapter 8: Creating and Porting NDK-based AndroidApplications Chapter 9: Debugging Android Chapter 10: Performance Optimization for AndroidApplications on x86 Chapter 11: x86 NDK and C++ Optimizations Chapter 12: Intel Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager Appendix: References

Android. Receptury

by Ian F. Darwin

Sprawdzone rozwi?zania dla programistów platformy Android!Android jest obecnie najpopularniejsz? platform? dla telefonów komórkowych i tabletów. Liczba aktywacji to setki tysi?cy w ci?gu jednego dnia. Sk?d wzi??a si? ta popularno??? Nie bez znaczenia s? tu banalnie prosta integracja z serwisami spo?eczno?ciowymi oraz ogromny wybór aplikacji i sprz?tu, w którym mo?na przebiera? bez ko?ca. Android jest równie? faworytem deweloperów oprogramowania. Dzi?ki temu, ?e platforma jest oparta o j?zyk Java, mog? oni b?yskawicznie wykorzysta? posiadan? wiedz? oraz znane narz?dzia. Ta mieszanka jest skazana na sukces!Ksi??ka, któr? trzymasz w r?kach, pomo?e Ci odnie?? sukces. Nale?y ona do ulubionej serii programistów - "Receptury". Znajdziesz tu najlepsze przepisy na rozwi?zanie typowych problemów. W trakcie lektury nauczysz si? b?yskawicznie konfigurowa? ?rodowisko pracy, tworzy? kopie zapasowe danych aplikacji oraz testowa? Twoje dzie?o. Ponadto sprawdzisz, jak komunikowa? si? mi?dzy procesami, tworzy? zaawansowan? grafik? oraz wy?wietla? materia?y multimedialne. Przekonasz si? równie?, jak ?atwo uzyska? informacje z odbiornika GPS, sterowa? diod? LED w urz?dzeniu oraz przygotowa? aplikacj? do dystrybucji i sprzeda?y. Ksi??ka ta powinna trafi? w r?ce wszystkich pasjonatów systemu Android!Si?gnij po t? ksi??k? i:sprawd?, jak uzyska? informacje z odbiornika GPSb?yskawicznie przygotuj swoje ?rodowisko pracytwórz zaawansowane elementy graficzneprzygotuj aplikacj? do publikacjiWypróbuj najlepsze przepisy dla Androida!

Android Security: Attacks and Defenses

by Anmol Misra Abhishek Dubey

Android Security: Attacks and Defenses is for anyone interested in learning about the strengths and weaknesses of the Android platform from a security perspective. Starting with an introduction to Android OS architecture and application programming, it will help readers get up to speed on the basics of the Android platform and its security issues.E

Android Security Cookbook

by Keith Makan Scott Alexander-Bown

Android Security Cookbook' breaks down and enumerates the processes used to exploit and remediate Android app security vulnerabilities in the form of detailed recipes and walkthroughs."Android Security Cookbook" is aimed at anyone who is curious about Android app security and wants to be able to take the necessary practical measures to protect themselves; this means that Android application developers, security researchers and analysts, penetration testers, and generally any CIO, CTO, or IT managers facing the impeding onslaught of mobile devices in the business environment will benefit from reading this book.

Android Studio Application Development

by Belen Cruz Zapata

A practical guide, which will show you how to create Android applications using the new Google official IDE, Android Studio.If you are a developer who wants to learn the key features of Android Studio, and learn how to create their first app, this book is ideal for you! Developers interested in this book should be familiar with the object- oriented programming paradigm, and the Java programming language. It is also recommended that you understand the main characteristics of the Android mobile system.

Android Tablets for Dummies

by Dan Gookin

This book shows how things are done on the Android tablet and helps you get the most from the device.

Android. Tworzenie aplikacji w oparciu o HTML, CSS i JavaScript

by Jonathan Stark Brian Jepson

Twórz natywne aplikacje za pomoc? standardowych technologii internetowychJe?li znasz HTML, CSS i JavaScript, jeste? gotowy na tworzenie aplikacji dla Androida. Ten praktyczny podr?cznik pomo?e Ci wej?? w ?wiat aplikacji przeznaczonych dla platformy Android, tworzonych w oparciu o otwarte standardy internetowe - przede wszystkim HTML5 - oraz dodatkowe narz?dzia, takie jak cho?by PhoneGap.Dowiesz si?, jak budowa? aplikacje internetowe i jak wykorzysta? bezp?atny framework Adobe PhoneGap do przekonwertowania ich na natywne aplikacje dla Androida. Na w?asnej skórze przekonasz si?, ?e tak tworzone aplikacje s? przysz?o?ci? mobilnego ?wiata. Dzi?ki tej ksi??ce b?dziesz tworzy? elastyczne rozwi?zania dla szerokiego grona odbiorców.Z t? ksi??k?:nauczysz si? wykorzystywa? HTML5, CSS i JavaScript do tworzenia aplikacji mobilnychstworzysz dynamiczny, pe?ny animacji interfejs u?ytkownikarozwi??esz najcz?stsze problemy dzi?ki PhoneGapopublikujesz aplikacj? w sklepie Google Play!Stwórz aplikacj?, opublikuj j? w Google Play i odnie? sukces!


by Shyam Seshadri Brad Green

Develop smaller, lighter web apps that are simple to create and easy to test, extend, and maintain as they grow. This hands-on guide introduces you to AngularJS, the open source JavaScript framework that uses Model-view-controller (MVC) architecture, data binding, client-side templates, and dependency injection to create a much-needed structure for building web apps. Guided by two engineers who worked on AngularJS at Google, you'll walk through the framework's key features, and then build a working AngularJS app--from layout to testing, compiling, and debugging. You'll learn how AngularJS helps reduce the complexity of your web app. Dive deep into Angular's building blocks and learn how they work together Gain maximum flexibility by separating logic, data, and presentation responsibilities with MVC Assemble your full app in the browser, using client-side templates Use AngularJS directives to extend HTML with declarative syntax Communicate with the server and implement simple caching with the $http service Use dependency injection to improve refactoring, testability, and multiple environment design Get code samples for common problems you face in most web apps

AngularJS Directives

by Alex Vanston

This book uses a practical, step-by-step approach, starting with how to build directives from the ground up before moving on to creating web applications comprised of multiple modules all working together to provide the best user experience possible. This book is intended for intermediate JavaScript developers who are looking to enhance their understanding of single-page web application development with a focus on AngularJS and the JavaScript MVC frameworks. It is expected that readers will understand basic JavaScript patterns and idioms and can recognize JSON formatted data.

Animation, Embodiment, and Digital Media

by Kenny K. N. Chow

Animation, Embodiment and Digital Media articulates the human experience of technology-mediated animated phenomena in terms of sensory perception, bodily action and imaginative interpretation, suggesting a new theoretical framework with analyses of exemplary user interfaces, video games and interactive artworks.

Annual Dynamics of Daylight Variability and Contrast: A Simulation-Based Approach to Quantifying Visual Effects in Architecture (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)

by Marilyne Andersen Siobhan Rockcastle

Daylight is a dynamic source of illumination in architectural space, creating diverse and ephemeral configurations of light and shadow within the built environment. Perceptual qualities of daylight, such as contrast and temporal variability, are essential to our understanding of both material and visual effects in architecture. Although spatial contrast and light variability are fundamental to the visual experience of architecture, architects still rely primarily on intuition to evaluate their designs because there are few metrics that address these factors. Through an analysis of contemporary architecture, this work develops a new typological language that categorizes architectural space in terms of contrast and temporal variation. This research proposes a new family of metrics that quantify the magnitude of contrast-based visual effects and time-based variation within daylit space through the use of time-segmented daylight renderings to provide a more holistic analysis of daylight performance.

Ansible Configuration Management

by Daniel Hall

Ansible Configuration Management" is a step-by-step tutorial that teaches the use of Ansible for configuring Linux machines.This book is intended for anyone looking to understand the basics of Ansible. It is expected that you will have some experience of how to set up and configure Linux machines. In parts of the book we cover configuration files of BIND, MySQL, and other Linux daemons, therefore a working knowledge of these would be helpful but are certainly not required.

Antenna Arrays and Automotive Applications

by Nikolai Alexandrov Victor Rabinovich

This book throws a lifeline to designers wading through mounds of antenna array patents looking for the most suitable systems for their projects. Drastically reducing the research time required to locate solutions to the latest challenges in automotive communications, it sorts and systematizes material on cutting-edge antenna arrays that feature multi-element communication systems with enormous potential for the automotive industry. These new systems promise to make driving safer and more efficient, opening up myriad applications, including vehicle-to-vehicle traffic that prevents collisions, automatic toll collection, vehicle location and fine-tuning for cruise control systems. This book's exhaustive coverage begins with currently deployed systems, frequency ranges and key parameters. It proceeds to examine system geometry, analog and digital beam steering technology (including "smart" beams formed in noisy environments), maximizing signal-to-noise ratios, miniaturization, and base station technology that facilitates in-car connectivity while on the move. An essential guide for technicians working in a fast-developing field, this new volume will be warmly welcomed as a powerful aid in their endeavors.

The Anti-Education Era: Creating Smarter Students through Digital Learning

by James Paul Gee

One of the first champions of the positive effects of gaming reveals the dark side of today's digital and social media Today's schools are eager to use the latest technology in the classroom, but rather than improving learning, the new e-media can just as easily narrow students' horizons. Education innovator James Paul Gee first documented the educational benefits of gaming a decade ago in his classic What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy. Now, with digital and social media at the center of modern life, he issues an important warning that groundbreaking new technologies, far from revolutionizing schooling, can stymie the next generation's ability to resolve deep global challenges. The solution-and perhaps our children's future-lies in what Gee calls synchronized intelligence, a way of organizing people and their digital tools to solve problems, produce knowledge, and allow people to count and contribute. Gee explores important strategies and tools for today's parents, educators, and policy makers, including virtual worlds, artificial tutors, and ways to create collective intelligence where everyday people can solve hard problems. By harnessing the power of human creativity with interactional and technological sophistication we can finally overcome the limitations of today's failing educational system and solve problems in our high-risk global world. The Anti-Education Era is a powerful and important call to reshape digital learning, engage children in a meaningful educational experience, and bridge inequality.

Anwendungsentwicklung mit Datenbanken (

by Günter Matthiessen Michael Unterstein

Das Buch ergänzt und erweitert "Relationale Datenbanken und SQL in Theorie und Praxis (ISBN 978-3-642-28985-9)". Schwerpunkt der Darstellung sind Aspekte der Anwendungsprogrammierung mit Datenbanken. Dabei werden prozedurale Konzepte in SQL wie Stored Procedures und Trigger, Anbindung von Datenbanken in Java, Transaktionen und anderes mehr behandelt. Auch der Entwurf mit UML ist Thema. Eine Beispieldatenbank und die Quellcodes stehen zum Download zur Verfügung.

AOP in .NET: Practical Aspect-Oriented Programming

by Matthew Groves

SummaryAOP in .NET introduces aspect-oriented programming to .NET developers and provides practical guidance on how to get the most benefit from this technique in your everyday coding. The book's many examples concentrate on modularizing non-functional requirements that often sprawl throughout object-oriented projects. Even if you've never tried AOP before, you'll appreciate the straightforward introduction using familiar C#-based examples. AOP tools for .NET have now reached the level of practical maturity Java developers have relied on for many years, and you'll explore the leading options, PostSharp, and Castle DynamicProxy.About the TechnologyCore concerns that cut across all parts of your application, such as logging or authorization, are difficult to maintain independently. In aspect-oriented programming (AOP) you isolate these cross-cutting concerns into their own classes, disentangling them from business logic. Mature AOP tools like PostSharp and Castle DynamicProxy now offer .NET developers the level of support Java coders have relied on for years.About this BookAOP in .NET introduces aspect-oriented programming and provides guidance on how to get the most practical benefit from this technique. The book's many examples concentrate on modularizing non-functional requirements that often sprawl throughout object-oriented projects. You'll appreciate its straightforward introduction using familiar C#-based examples.This book requires no prior experience with AOP. Readers should know C# or another OO language.What's InsideClear and simple introduction to AOPMaximum benefit with minimal theoryPostSharp and Castle DynamicProxyPurchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.About the AuthorMatthew D. Groves is a developer with over ten years of professional experience working with C#, ASP.NET, JavaScript, and PHP.Table of ContentsPART 1 GETTING STARTED WITH AOPIntroducing AOPAcme Car RentalPART 2 THE FUNDAMENTALSOF AOPCall this instead: intercepting methodsBefore and after: boundary aspectsGet this instead: intercepting locationsUnit testing aspectsPART 3 ADVANCED AOP CONCEPTSAOP implementation typesUsing AOP as an architectural toolAspect composition: example and execution

Apache Accumulo for Developers

by Guomundur Jon Halldorsson

The book will have a tutorial-based approach that will show the readers how to start from scratch with building an Accumulo cluster and learning how to monitor the system and implement aspects such as security.This book is great for developers new to Accumulo, who are looking to get a good grounding in how to use Accumulo. It's assumed that you have an understanding of how Hadoop works, both HDFS and the Map/Reduce. No prior knowledge of ZooKeeper is assumed.

Apache Camel Developer's Cookbook

by Jakub Korab Scott Cranton

This book is written in a Cookbook style with short recipes showing developers how to effectively implement EIP without breaking everything in the process. It is concise and to the point, and it helps developers get their data flowing between different components without the need to read through page upon page of theory, while also enabling the reader to learn how to create exciting new projects.Camel Enterprise Integration Cookbook is intended for developers who have some familiarity with Apache Camel and who want a quick lookup reference to practical, proven tips on how to perform common tasks. Every recipe also includes a summary and reference pointers for more details that make it easy for you to get a deeper understanding of the Apache Camel capabilities that you will use day to day.

Apache CloudStack Cloud Computing

by Ravi Shankar Navin Sabharwal

This book is packed with practical, hands-on illustrations for building and managing your CloudStack environment.If you are a cloud architect, cloud administrator, virtualization administrator, cloud storage administrator, cloud computing professional, or technical evangelist who is looking to learn and leverage CloudStack, then this book is for you. You will learn how to set up a cloud service for your enterprise or for your customer.

Apache Flume: Distributed Log Collection for Hadoop

by Steve Hoffman

A starter guide that covers Apache Flume in detail.Apache Flume: Distributed Log Collection for Hadoop is intended for people who are responsible for moving datasets into Hadoop in a timely and reliable manner like software engineers, database administrators, and data warehouse administrators

Apache Kafka

by Nishant Garg

The book will follow a step-by-step tutorial approach which will show the readers how to use Apache Kafka for messaging from scratch.Apache Kafka is for readers with software development experience, but no prior exposure to Apache Kafka or similar technologies is assumed. This book is also for enterprise application developers and big data enthusiasts who have worked with other publisher-subscriber based systems and now want to explore Apache Kafka as a futuristic scalable solution.

Apache Mahout Cookbook

by Piero Giacomelli

Apache Mahout Cookbook uses over 35 recipes packed with illustrations and real-world examples to help beginners as well as advanced programmers get acquainted with the features of Mahout."Apache Mahout Cookbook" is great for developers who want to have a fresh and fast introduction to Mahout coding. No previous knowledge of Mahout is required, and even skilled developers or system administrators will benefit from the various recipes presented

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