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Women in Information Technology (Major Women in Science #10)

by Shaina Indovino

Women have made major contributions to science throughout history, including in the field of information technology. Learn about the lives of some of the most amazing women in information technology, from Augusta Ada King to Radia Perlman, as well as their exciting and important work. Discover what it takes to work in information technology. Find out about the opportunities women in the field have today. Read Women in Information Technology to see if following in the footsteps of the many brilliant women who have made their mark in IT is something you want to do.

Women in Kolkata's IT Sector

by Zakir Husain Mousumi Dutta

Based on a survey of women workers in Kolkata's IT sector, this book argues that growth of the IT sector has created a demand for skilled professionals. This has provided scope for highly educated urban women to create a space of self-expression and enjoy enhanced status and prestige within their families. These women workers carefully plan their career and daily activities, keeping in mind the need to balance diverse and conflicting needs of work and home. This kind of decision-making occurs outside the utilitarian framework and is better framed in terms of Herbert Simon's 'satisficing' approach, which takes into account the bounded rationality of agents. Written in lucid, non-technical language, the book will be an invaluable addition to existing works on gender and labour studies and will be of interest to social scientists undertaking research on gender, labour and the IT sector.

WordPress For Dummies

by Lisa Sabin-Wilson

The bestselling WordPress guide, fully updated to cover the 2013 enhancementsWordPress has millions of users, and this popular guide has sold more than 105,000 copies in its previous editions. With the newest releases of WordPress, author and WordPress expert Lisa Sabin-Wilson has completely updated the book to help you use and understand all the latest features. You'll learn about both the hosted version and the more flexible, which requires third-party hosting. Whether you're switching to WordPress from another blogging platform or just beginning to blog, you'll find lots of advice in this friendly guide.WordPress is a state-of-the-art blogging platform that emphasizes aesthetics, web standards, and usabilityThis guide explains how to set up and maintain a blog with either of the two WordPress versions Covers all the changes and improvements in the latest release of WordPressWordPress For Dummies, 6th Edition is the guide you'll want by your side to help you create and maintain a knockout blog with WordPress.

The Work of Art in a Digital Age: Art, Technology and Globalisation

by Melissa Langdon

This book explores digital artists' articulations of globalization. Digital artworks from around the world are examined in terms of how they both express and simulate globalization's impacts through immersive, participatory and interactive technologies. The author highlights some of the problems with macro and categorical approaches to the study of globalization and presents new ways of seeing the phenomenon as a series of processes and flows that are individually experienced and expressed. Instead of providing a macro analysis of large-scale political and economic processes, the book offers imaginative new ways of knowing and understanding globalization as a series of micro affects. Digital art is explored in terms of how it re-centers articulations of globalization around individual experiences and offers new ways of accessing a complex topic often expressed in general and intangible terms. The Work of Art in a Digital Age: Art, Technology and Globalization is analytic and accessible, with material that is of interest to a range of researchers from different disciplines. Students studying digital art, film, globalization, cultural studies or digital media trends will also find the content fascinating.

Work Smarter, Rule Your Email

by Alexandra Samuel

If you're looking for a way to more effectively manage your inbox, your email program's built-in filtering tools can do a lot of the heavy lifting-and this short book by social media expert Alexandra Samuel shows you how to set them up. Samuel walks you through tools and tips for: Using your email program's filing and rules capabilities to allow you to focus on the messages that matter most right away while automatically storing others you want to read and respond to later Creating a daily process for checking your email that works for you-and eliminates the temptation to respond to every message as it comes in Working through a backlog of messages that have already accumulated.By reducing the amount of time you spend on email, you'll be able to focus your time and attention on the work that matters most to you.The book also includes a 30-minute quick guide to setting up your first email filter, getting you on your way to a cleaner, more manageable inbox.Interested in learning more about how social media can help you get ahead of your daily work-and get ahead in your career? Look for more in this series of short, digital books from Harvard Business Review Press and social media expert Alexandra Samuel. Other installments provide the best tips and tricks for using tools like Evernote, Twitter, HootSuite, and Gmail to get organized and improve your performance on the job.

Working On My Novel

by Cory Arcangel

What does it feel like to try and create something new? How is it possible to find a space for the demands of writing a novel in a world of instant communication?Working on My Novel is about the act of creation and the gap between the different ways we express ourselves today. Exploring the extremes of making art, from satisfaction and even euphoria to those days or nights when nothing will come, it's the story of what it means to be a creative person, and why we keep on trying.

A World Gone Social: How Companies Must Adapt to Survive

by Ted Coiné Mark Babbitt

The Social Revolution's impact on the business world cannot be over-estimated. Like the meteor that likely precipitated the end of the dinosaurs, Social is the catalyst in an extinction event--and business as we know it has changed forever. A World Gone Social offers an eye-opening look at fundamental and powerful changes the social collaboration era has set in motion: Customers now have the power--just watch what happens as more realize it! With increased transparency, businesses must be more ethical--no more pretending Command-and-control leadership is now so inefficient, it is a liability Nimble and small is the new competitive advantage--few corporations are capable of the agility required by evolving marketplaces Recruiting is now a two-way proposition, with job seekers able to peer behind the corporate curtain Relationship and community-building is how customers and brand ambassadors are won--and retained Engagement--with partners, employees, and customers--is not a luxury; it is a requirement. Each chapter provides compelling stories and concrete examples of companies demonstrating enlightened business practices and doing Social right--and some that are not--and the lessons to be learned from their experiences. Finally, readers will discover how to objectively assess the fit ness of their own company's culture and social presence. . . so they may successfully transition from a 20th- to a 21st-century "social" organization.

The World Made Meme: Public Conversations and Participatory Media

by Ryan M. Milner

Internet memes -- digital snippets that can make a joke, make a point, or make a connection -- are now a lingua franca of online life. They are collectively created, circulated, and transformed by countless users across vast networks. Most of us have seen the cat playing the piano, Kanye interrupting, Kanye interrupting the cat playing the piano. In The World Made Meme, Ryan Milner argues that memes, and the memetic process, are shaping public conversation. It's hard to imagine a major pop cultural or political moment that doesn't generate a constellation of memetic texts. Memetic media, Milner writes, offer participation by reappropriation, balancing the familiar and the foreign as new iterations intertwine with established ideas. New commentary is crafted by the mediated circulation and transformation of old ideas. Through memetic media, small strands weave together big conversations. Milner considers the formal and social dimensions of memetic media, and outlines five basic logics that structure them: multimodality, reappropriation, resonance, collectivism, and spread. He examines how memetic media both empower and exclude during public conversations, exploring the potential for public voice despite everyday antagonisms. Milner argues that memetic media enable the participation of many voices even in the midst of persistent inequality. This new kind of participatory conversation, he contends, complicates the traditional culture industries. When age-old gatekeepers intertwine with new ways of sharing information, the relationship between collective participation and individual expression becomes ambivalent. For better or worse -- and Milner offers examples of both -- memetic media have changed the nature of public conversations.

The World of Emotions

by Osho International Foundation Osho

The World of Emotions: A unique set of tools for everybody who is interested in improving human relations, and a great help in understanding where we are all coming from and what makes us tick. Full of simple, practical suggestions for creating a milieu of friendliness around yourself that is honest, sincere, and accepting of all our human frailties. One of the greatest challenges we face in life is learning how to handle and transform emotions. In this small book, Osho takes the reader step by step toward a deeper understanding of the inner world of emotions - where they come from, what types of situations can trigger them, and why they so often take us by surprise. We are taught that anger is bad, and we resolve not to be angry - but still it happens! Why is that? The first step in understanding is to identify and become aware of the conflicts between our intellectual understandings and the emotional realities that so often dominate our lives, between what we think and what we what we feel. Once the roots of this conflict are clearly seen and understood, the split can be healed. And the powerful life

Writing for Computer Science

by Justin Zobel

All researchers need to write or speak about their work, and to have research that is worth presenting. Based on the author's decades of experience as a researcher and advisor, this third edition provides detailed guidance on writing and presentations and a comprehensive introduction to research methods, the how-to of being a successful scientist. Topics include: · Development of ideas into research questions; · How to find, read, evaluate and referee other research; · Design and evaluation of experiments and appropriate use of statistics; · Ethics, the principles of science and examples of science gone wrong. Much of the book is a step-by-step guide to effective communication, with advice on: · Writing style and editing; · Figures, graphs and tables; · Mathematics and algorithms; · Literature reviews and referees' reports; · Structuring of arguments and results into papers and theses; · Writing of other professional documents; · Presentation of talks and posters. Written in an accessible style and including handy checklists and exercises, Writing for Computer Science is not only an introduction to the doing and describing of research, but is a valuable reference for working scientists in the computing and mathematical sciences.

WS-BPEL 2.0 Beginner's Guide

by Matjaz B. Juric Denis Weerasiri

If you are a software architect, a designer, a software developer, an SOA and BPM architect, a project manager, or a business process analyst who is responsible for the design and development of business processes, composite applications, and BPM/SOA solutions, then this book is for you. You should have a clear grasp of general SOA concepts including business processes and web services, but no prior knowledge of the BPEL language is required.

Wska?niki w j?zyku C. Przewodnik

by Richard M. Reese

Je?li chcesz b?yskawicznie opanowa? programowanie w j?zyku C, si?gnij po t? ksi??k?! Gdy ju? poznasz podstawy, nauczysz si? tak?e korzysta? ze wska?ników. To prawdziwa zmora wszystkich programistów, bowiem b??dne wykorzystanie wska?nika mo?e w okamgnieniu zrujnowa? Twój program. Zobacz, jak tego unikn?? i zaprzyja?ni? si? ze wska?nikami.Inne ksi??ki opisuj? wska?niki w jednym lub dwu rozdzia?ach, natomiast my po?wi?cili?my im ca?? ksi??k?. Dzi?ki temu dog??bnie poznasz ten mechanizm, zrozumiesz go i przekonasz si?, ?e przy odrobinie uwagi nie jest on wcale taki straszny! W trakcie lektury wykorzystasz wska?niki na funkcj?, przygotujesz tablic? wska?ników oraz zobaczysz, jak wspó?dzia?aj? one z ?a?cuchami znaków. Twoj? uwag? z pewno?ci? zwróc? fragmenty omawiaj?ce zabezpieczenia oraz niew?a?ciwe wykorzystanie wska?ników. Ksi??ka ta jest jedyn? pozycj? na rynku w ca?o?ci po?wi?con? wska?nikom w j?zyku C. To lektura obowi?zkowa ka?dego programisty!Poznaj:koncepcj? wska?nikówzastosowanie tablic wska?nikówfunkcje dynamicznego alokowania pami?cizagro?enia wynikaj?ce ze stosowania wska?nikówOdkryj tajniki wska?ników w j?zyku C i wykorzystaj ich potencja?!

Wydajne aplikacje internetowe. Przewodnik

by Ilya Grigorik

"Buduj wydajne aplikacje internetowe!Aplikacje internetowe systematycznie wypieraj? swoje klasyczne odpowiedniki. Edytory tekstu, programy graficzne czy systemy CRM w wersji online nikogo ju? nie zaskakuj?. Coraz bardziej skomplikowane narz?dzia dost?pne za po?rednictwem przegl?darki internetowej wymagaj? od deweloperów znakomitej znajomo?ci protoko?ów HTTP, XHR, WebSocket i nie tylko. Dzi?ki tej wiedzy s? oni w stanie tworzy? wydajne aplikacje, które spe?ni? oczekiwania u?ytkowników.Ta ksi??ka to najlepsze ?ród?o informacji po?wi?cone protoko?om internetowym. Przygotowana przez in?yniera Google’a, odpowiedzialnego za wydajno??, zawiera szereg cennych informacji, które pozwol? Ci ulepszy? Twoje w?asne aplikacje. W trakcie lektury dowiesz si?, jak osi?gn?? optymaln? wydajno?? protoko?ów TCP, UDP i TLS oraz jak wykorzysta? mo?liwo?ci sieci mobilnych 3G/4G. W kolejnych rozdzia?ach zaznajomisz si? z histori? protoko?u HTTP, poznasz jego mankamenty oraz sposoby rozwi?zywania problemów. Zorientujesz si? te? w nowo?ciach, jakie ma wprowadzi? HTTP w wersji 2.0. W ko?cu odkryjesz, co mog? Ci zaoferowa? WebSocket oraz WebRTC, a dodatkowo poznasz skuteczne techniki strumieniowania danych w sieci Internet. Ksi??ka ta jest obowi?zkow? lektur? dla ka?dego programisty tworz?cego aplikacje internetowe!Dzi?ki tej ksi??ce: poznasz najlepsze techniki optymalizacji ruchu w sieci wykorzystasz potencja? sieci bezprzewodowych oraz mobilnych zaznajomisz si? z histori? protoko?u HTTP i jego mankamentami zobaczysz, jak nawi?za? po??czenie peer-to-peer za pomoc? WebRTC zbudujesz wydajn? aplikacj? internetow?Poznaj niuanse pozwalaj?ce na zbudowanie szybkiej aplikacji internetowej!"

Xamarin Cross-platform Application Development

by Jonathan Peppers

"Xamarin Cross-platform Application Development" is an end-to-end walk-through tutorial on developing applications for both iOS and Android. It offers clear and detailed explanations of each stage in the process, making it easier for you to master the creation of stable, production-ready, cross-platform apps. This book is for C# developers who are interested in mobile application development. If you have experience with desktop or web applications, this book will serve as a great tool to give you a head start with cross-platform development.

Xamarin Essentials

by Mark Reynolds

If you are an experienced iOS and Android developer and have a desire to learn about the Xamarin platform, then you will find this tutorial to be the most efficient, interesting, and relevant path. You will find this guide to be especially useful if you wish to become proficient in creating apps using the Xamarin platform, as Xamarin Essentials teaches you the fundamentals of iOS and Android development.

Xamarin Mobile Application Development for Android

by Mark Reynolds

A step-by-step tutorial that follows the development of a simple Android app from end to end, through troubleshooting, and then distribution. The language used assumes a knowledge of basic C#. If you are a C# developer with a desire to develop Android apps and want to enhance your existing skill set, then this book is for you. It is assumed that you have a good working knowledge of C#, .NET, and object-oriented software development. Familiarity with rich client technologies such as WPF or Silverlight is also helpful, but not required.

Xcode 5 Developer Reference

by Richard Wentk

Design, code, and build amazing apps with Xcode 5Thanks to Apple's awesome Xcode development environment, you can create the next big app for Macs, iPhones, iPads, or iPod touches. Xcode 5 contains gigabytes of great stuff to help you develop for both OS X and iOS devices - things like sample code, utilities, companion applications, documentation, and more. And with Xcode 5 Developer Reference, you now have the ultimate step-by-step guide to it all. Immerse yourself in the heady and lucrative world of Apple app development, see how to tame the latest features and functions, and find loads of smart tips and guidance with this practical book. Shows developers how to use Xcode 5 to create apps for OS X and the whole family of iOS devices, including the latest iPhones, iPads, and iPod touchesCovers the Xcode rapid development environment in detail, including utilities, companion applications, and moreIncludes a companion website with sample code and other helpful filesWritten by an experienced developer and Apple-focused journalist with solid experience in teaching Apple developmentIf you want to create killer Apple apps with Xcode 5, start with Xcode 5 Developer Reference!

Yelp for Business: The Quick-Start Guide to Managing Your Reviews

by Gradiva Couzin Jennifer Grappone

While most businesses know the importance of online reviews on sites such as, they have no clue how to grab the reins and help shape the conversation around their service or product. This guide will help users begin crafting and managing a winning presence on the Yelp reviews platform. It opens with a chapter outlining the opportunity for businesses of all types so that everyone understands how reviews affect the bottom line. The book then explores Yelp's demographics and then shows how to best use Yelp's features, including how to claim your business listing and craft a compelling presence. The compelling e-book also includes information about how to communicate with reviewers, how to receive and respond to alerts when new reviews—good or bad—are posted, and when paid membership and promotional options should be considered. It’s a great introduction to the crucial Yelp reviews platform and will also include promotion and a coupon for the upcoming Five Stars: Putting Online Reviews to Work for Your Business book (January 2014).

Yii Project Blueprints

by Charles R. Portwood II

This book is for intermediate-to-advanced level Yii developers who want to master the Yii framework and develop real-world applications. You should have experience of working with Yii, PHP 5, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Yosemite: A Take Control Crash Course

by Scholle Mcfarland

Learn OS X 10.10 Yosemite's new features quickly!Read this ebook to get more out of your Mac as you go about your everyday activities. Written by former Macworld editor Scholle McFarland, this book introduces Yosemite's new interface and discusses new features like iCloud Drive, Handoff, iPhone voice/SMS relay, and Notification Center's Today view. You'll learn about key changes in core Apple apps with chapters about Safari, Mail, Messages, and Calendar. You'll also find answers to questions brought on by recent additions to OS X, such as how to control notifications, tips for using Finder tags, and working with tabbed Finder windows. The book closes with two under-the-hood topics, setting up a new user account (for a child, guest, or troubleshooting) and troubleshooting (with techniques including Safe Boot and OS X Recovery).The book kicks off with an overview of the major changes in Yosemite, so you can come to grips with what's new before you dip into any of the longer topics:The look: Find out what's important about Yosemite's new look, plus discover how to toggle Translucency and Dark Mode. You'll also learn tips for working with the new close, minimize, and full-screen buttons on the windows.Spotlight: Spotlight can now do more than ever before, so make sure you aren't missing out, and make sure you've customized Spotlight to match your needs.iCloud Drive: Find out what it's for, where it works, how to turn it on, and more.Handoff: Discover how to use Handoff to move from one device to another (say, from your iPad to your laptop) and pick up where you left off in. Use your Mac as a speakerphone: Learn how to make and answer telephone calls from your iPhone on your Mac (even if your iPhone is in a bag on the other side of your house).AirDrop: Get the latest on Apple's odd AirDrop feature, which now lets you transfer files between an iOS devices and a Mac, instead of just between iOS devices or just between Macs.Notifications: Get more practical (or fun) use from Notification Center by making use of the new Today view, which you can customize with third-party widgets. Also find directions for getting rid of annoying or distracting notifications.Scholle also tells you about key changes in core Apple apps:Safari: You'll notice that Safari is new right away because the toolbar and URL/address field are so different, but it's really worth reading this chapter because quite a lot has changed and you can surf more efficiently if you know about the new capabilities.Mail: If you use Apple Mail, you should know about Mail's two major new features: Mail Drop and Markup.Chat and SMS: Messages in Yosemite is far more useful now, due to its beefed up group chats and capability to send and receive SMS messages relayed through your iPhone.Calendar: Learn about Calendar's new intelligent autocomplete, calendar overlays, and updated Today view.Finally, the book offers help with aspects of using Yosemite that haven't changed much since 10.9 Mavericks, but which many people either haven't yet started using or need help with:Finder tabs: De-clutter your Desktop by using Finder tabs to bring multiple windows into one.Finder tags: Flexibly organize and find your files with tags rather than relying solely on old-fashioned standard folders.Accounts: Avoid problems by setting up user accounts for kids and guests, and for troubleshooting unexpected problems.Problem solving: Make sure you have a copy of this book on an iOS device or secondary Mac so you can pull it out if you need to troubleshoot a serious problem, like an app that won't launch, a login item that's gone bad, or a Mac that won't boot.

You Don't Know JS: Scope & Closures

by Kyle Simpson

No matter how much experience you have with JavaScript, odds are you don't fully understand the language. This concise yet in-depth guide takes you inside scope and closures, two core concepts you need to know to become a more efficient and effective JavaScript programmer. You'll learn how and why they work, and how an understanding of closures can be a powerful part of your development skillset.Like other books in the "You Don't Know JS" series, Scope and Closures dives into trickier parts of the language that many JavaScript programmers simply avoid. Armed with this knowledge, you can achieve true JavaScript mastery.Learn about scope, a set of rules to help JavaScript engines locate variables in your codeGo deeper into nested scope, a series of containers for variables and functionsExplore function- and block-based scope, "hoisting", and the patterns and benefits of scope-based hidingDiscover how to use closures for synchronous and asynchronous tasks, including the creation of JavaScript libraries

You Don't Know JS: this & Object Prototypes

by Kyle Simpson

No matter how much experience you have with JavaScript, odds are you don't fully understand the language. This concise, in-depth guide takes you inside JavaScript's this structure and object prototypes. You'll learn how they work and why they're integral to behavior delegation--a design pattern in which objects are linked, rather than cloned.Like other books in the "You Don't Know JS" series, this and Object Prototypes dives into trickier parts of the language that many JavaScript programmers simply avoid. Armed with this knowledge, you can become a true JavaScript master.With this book you will:Explore how the this binding points to objects based on how the function is calledLook into the nature of JS objects and why you'd need to point to themLearn how developers use the mixin pattern to fake classes in JSExamine how JS's prototype mechanism forms links between objectsLearn how to move from class/inheritance design to behavior delegationUnderstand how the OLOO (objects-linked-to-other-objects) coding style naturally implements behavior delegation

You Only Have to Be Right Once

by Randall Lane

The ultimate insider look at the newest titans of tech--and what you can learn from their successIn 2007, twenty-one-year old David Karp launched Tumblr, a simple micro-blogging platform, on a whim. By 2012, it had become one of the top ten online destinations, drawing 170 million visitors. By 2013, Yahoo had acquired Tumblr for over $1 billion. Just like that, a kid who hadn't even earned his high school diploma was worth over a quarter billion dollars. And he's not the only one . . .Silicon Valley's newest billionaires represent a unique and unconventional breed of entrepreneur: young, bold, and taking the world by storm with their extreme speed, insatiable hunger, and progressive leadership. These whiz kids (and, to be fair, a few adults) have the hottest companies in the world. They are all turning just one brilliant insight or hook into money at a rate never before seen in human history--creating companies that, even with no revenue, garner insane valuations.With unique insider access to the world's most influential and wealthy entrepreneurs, Forbes has dug in to find what these super-entrepreneurs say about their own success. This book, introduced, edited, and updated by Forbes editor Randall Lane, is the first comprehensive look at who these instant tech billionaires are and how they achieved their quick wins. With sixteen illuminating pieces, including two never-before published features, we get behind-the-scenes examinations of the founders of Spotify, Airbnb, Tumblr, Twitter, and more, including: Elon Musk: The billionaire founder of Paypal, electric carmaker Tesla, and private space company SpaceX. His extreme ambition is matched by his preternatural engineering mind; no wonder he was the model for Robert Downey Jr.'s portrayal of Iron Man. Evan Spiegel: The twenty-three-year old declined a $3 billion cash offer from Mark Zuckerberg, after making the mountain come to Mohammed (Snapchat's HQ is in Los Angeles) --an unheard of request from a young gun to one of the biggest players in Silicon Valley. The story of Snapchat's origin is even wilder than Facebook's, but Spiegel's ability to parlay infamy and popularity into revenue is still up in the air, even as Snapchat's valuation continues to grow. Alex Karp: An eccentric philosopher with almost no tech background turned a Peter Thiel backed venture, Palantir, into a data-mining champion, with clients like the NSA, the FBI, and the CIA. Amid heated privacy concerns, Karp continues to grow Palantir like crazy, to $196 million in funding and an estimated $1 billion in contracts in 2014.You Only Have to Be Right Once is the definitive collection of everything we can learn from these incredible game changers and what their next moves spell for the future of business.

Your Digital Afterlives

by Eric Charles Steinhart

Digitalism is a philosophical strategy that uses new computational ways of thinking to develop naturalistic but meaningful ways of thinking about bodies, souls, universes, gods, and life after death. Your Digital Afterlives examines four recently developed and digitally inspired theories of life after death.

Youth Cultures in the Age of Global Media

by David Buckingham Sara Bragg Mary Jane Kehily

This book explores the impact of globalisation and new technologies on youth cultures around the world, from the Birmingham School to the youthscapes of South Korea. In a timely reappraisal of youth cultures in contemporary times, this collection profiles the best of new research in youth studies written by leading scholars in the field.

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