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Word 2007 PL. Nieoficjalny podr?cznik

by Chris Grover

Poznaj najg??biej ukryte tajniki Worda 2007 Jak korzysta? z nowego paska narz?dziowego? Jak tworzy?, formatowa? i drukowa? dokumenty tekstowe? Jak spersonalizowa? Worda za pomocš makropolece?? Czujesz si? zdezorientowany, gdy patrzysz na interfejs najnowszej wersji Worda? Chcesz si? przekona?, czy Word 2007 jest faktycznie nowy, czy tylko od?wie?ony? Zastanawiasz si?, jak bardzo ta wersja mo?e usprawni? Twojš prac?? Word 2007 zosta? niemal ca?kowicie przekonstruowany w stosunku do swoich poprzedników. Nowy interfejs u?ytkownika, inna filozofia korzystania z narz?dzi, wi?cej zabezpiecze? i funkcji automatyzujšcych prac? -- to wszystko sprawia, ?e przesiadka z poprzedniej wersji mo?e okaza? si? do?? trudna. W takich przypadkach suchy opis zawarty w dokumentacji nie zawsze jest najlepszym ?ród?em informacji. "Word 2007 PL. Nieoficjalny podr?cznik" to omówienie mo?liwo?ci najnowszej wersji najpopularniejszego edytora tekstu, znacznie wykraczajšce poza instrukcj? obs?ugi. Znajdziesz w nim informacje o zaletach i wadach Worda, zasadach korzystania z nowych narz?dzi oraz opisy dzia?ania niemal wszystkich jego funkcji. Dowiesz si?, jak tworzy? dokumenty, formatowa? tekst oraz dodawa? do niego ilustracje, przypisy i odno?niki. Nauczysz si? korzysta? z konspektu, tworzy? spisy tre?ci i skorowidze, drukowa? dokumenty i publikowa? je w internecie. Poznasz tak?e sposoby przyspieszania i automatyzowania najcz??ciej wykonywanych zada? za pomocš makropolece? oraz j?zyka VBA. Tworzenie nowego dokumentu Praca z plikami Wprowadzanie i formatowanie tekstu Korzystanie z autokorekty i sprawdzania pisowni Drukowanie dokumentów Tworzenie d?ugich dokumentów Konspekty, spisy tre?ci i skorowidze Wstawianie do dokumentów grafiki i elementów multimedialnych Korespondencja seryjna Praca grupowa Konfiguracja interfejsu u?ytkownika Tworzenie makropolece? i skryptów VBA Poznaj Worda 2007 z ka?dej strony.

Flash CS3/CS3 PL Professional. Nieoficjalny podr?cznik

by Chris Grover E.A. Vander Veer

Programu Flash nie trzeba chyba ju? nikomu przedstawia?. Znana od wielu lat aplikacja do tworzenia wektorowych animacji ewoluowa?a do postaci prawdziwego multimedialnego kombajnu wykorzystywanego do budowania witryn i aplikacji internetowych oraz prezentacji. Mo?liwo?ci Flasha pozwalajš nie tylko na tworzenie elementów graficznych i animacji, ale tak?e na obróbk? cyfrowego d?wi?ku i wideo, a wbudowany obiektowy j?zyk programowania ActionScript daje twórcy niemal nieograniczonš kontrol? nad wszystkimi elementami prezentacji. Efekty pracy projektantów korzystajšcych z Flasha wzbudzajš podziw i wyznaczajš nowe standardy na rynku interaktywnych witryn WWW.Ksiš?ka "Flash CS3/CS3 PL Professional" to podr?cznik, który wprowadzi Ci? w arkana tej niesamowitej aplikacji. Czytajšc go poznasz mo?liwo?ci Flasha - nie tylko te ju? opisywane, ale tak?e te, których omówienia ci??ko znale?? w jakichkolwiek ?ród?ach. Dowiesz si?, jak tworzy? elementy graficzne, modyfikowa? ich atrybuty i animowa? je ró?nymi sposobami. Nauczysz si? korzysta? z j?zyka ActionScript i komponentów, testowa? prezentacje oraz wykrywa? i usuwa? b??dy. Przeczytasz tak?e o publikowaniu gotowych filmów na stronach WWW oraz eksportowaniu ich do plików w innych formatach.Interfejs u?ytkownika, menu i paletyPraca z plikamiTworzenie prostych obiektów graficznychModyfikowanie atrybutów obiektówKlatki i warstwyKorzystanie z symboli i szablonówElementy interaktywneStosowanie komponentówTestowanie prezentacjiOptymalizacja i publikowanie filmówPoznaj Flasha i zrealizuj swoje pomys?y na fantastycznš animowanš witryn? WWW.

Office 2007 PL. Nieoficjalny podr?cznik

by Chris Grover Matthew MacDonald E. Moore

Poznaj najg??biej ukryte tajemnice najnowszego MS Office Wykorzystaj nieznane mo?liwo?ci Worda, Excela, Accessa i PowerPointa Ujarzmij nowe interfejsy u?ytkownika aplikacji Odkryj najg??biej ukryte narz?dzia Najnowsza wersja pakietu Microsoft Office, oznaczona numerem 2007, to prze?om. Office 2007 nie jest kopiš poprzedniej edycji, do której dodano kilka nowych polece?. To ca?kowicie nowe narz?dzie, posiadajšce przeprojektowany interfejs u?ytkownika, operujšce na plikach w nowym formacie, oferujšce nowatorskie mo?liwo?ci, innš filozofi? pracy i zdecydowanie wy?szy komfort eksploatacji. Jednak przesiadka na nowš wersj? pakietu przy tak znaczšcych zmianach mo?e okaza? si? do?? skomplikowanym procesem, przy którym warto wspomóc si? dobrym podr?cznikiem. Dokumentacja do?šczana do pakietu opisuje tylko jego podstawowe mo?liwo?ci. Aby sta? si? ekspertem, potrzebujesz czego? wi?cej. Ksiš?ka "Office 2007. Nieoficjalny podr?cznik" na pewno b?dzie doskona?ym asystentem, dzi?ki któremu bez problemu opanujesz mo?liwo?ci najnowszego MS Office. Wiadomo?ci w niej zawartych nie znajdziesz w oficjalnej dokumentacji. Czytajšc jš, poznasz aplikacje wchodzšce w sk?ad pakietu, czyli Word, Excel, Access i PowerPoint, i odkryjesz wszystkie ich mo?liwo?ci -- nawet te najg??biej schowane. Nauczysz si? korzysta? z nowego interfejsu u?ytkownika i dostosowywa? go do swoich potrzeb, zredagujesz dokumenty tekstowe, przygotujesz zestawienia i raporty oraz zapierajšcš dech w piersiach prezentacj?. Nowe elementy MS Office 2007 Tworzenie dokumentów w Wordzie Formatowanie czcionek i akapitów Drukowanie dokumentów Korzystanie z autokorekty i autouzupe?niania w Excelu Automatyzacja dzia?ania arkuszy Tworzenie formu?, tabel i wykresów Przygotowywanie prezentacji w PowerPoincie Wy?wietlanie prezentacji Projektowanie baz danych w Accessie Konstruowanie kwerend Tworzenie raportów i formularzy Nie musisz kupowa? kilku ksiš?ek, aby pozna? najnowszš wersj? MS Office. "Nieoficjalny podr?cznik" w zupe?no?ci Ci wystarczy.

Office 2007: The Missing Manual

by Chris Grover Matthew Macdonald E. A. Vander Veer

Quickly learn the most useful features of Microsoft Office 2007 with our easy to read four-in-one guide. This fast-paced book gives you the basics of Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access so you can start using the new versions of these major Office applications right away. Unlike every previous version, Office 2007 offers a completely redesigned user interface for each program. Microsoft has replaced the familiar menus with a new tabbed toolbar (or "ribbon"), and added other features such as "live preview" that lets you see exactly what each option will look like in the document before you choose it. This is good news for longtime users who never knew about some amazing Office features because they were hidden among cluttered and outdated menus. Adapting to the new format is going to be a shock -- especially if you're a longtime user. That's where Office 2007: The Missing Manual comes in. Rather than present a lot of arcane detail, this quick and friendly primer teaches you how to work with the most-used Office features, with four separate sections covering the four programs. The book offers a walkthrough of Microsoft's redesigned Office user interface before taking you through the basics of creating text documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and databases with: Clear explanations Step-by-step instructions Lots of illustrations Plenty of friendly advice It's a great way to master all 4 programs without having to stock up on a shelf-load of different books. This book has everything you need to get you up to speed fast. Office 2007: The Missing Manual is truly the book that should have been in the box.

Dreamweaver CC: The Missing Manual

by Chris Grover David Sawyer Mcfarland

Dreamweaver CC comes packed with features and a new, online-only home, but it still doesn't include a printed guide to working in the cloud or tapping the program's amazing features. That's where this Missing Manual comes in. With its jargon-free explanations and hands-on tutorials, you'll learn how to create every kind of website, from single-purpose static sites to interactive, multimedia-driven web dynamos. The important stuff you need to know: Soar in the cloud. Get features like dynamic software updates and foolproof file collaboration. Get clicking with HTML5. Insert new audio/video tags and more, using convenient one-click menu options. Improve your form. Quickly add HTML5 form elements like email addresses, web URLs, dates, and search fields. Design in style. Build beautiful pages with ease, using Dreamweaver's revamped CSS creation and editing tools. Enrich your characters. Get scores of new type choices with free Adobe-hosted Edge Web Fonts. Design once, and for all. Use improved fluid-grid layout features to create a responsive design that works across many devices. Build pages that pop. Use the wildly popular jQuery library and its user-interface toolkit, jQuery UI.

Dreamweaver CC: Covers 2014 release (Missing Manual Ser.)

by Chris Grover David Sawyer Mcfarland

Dreamweaver CC is a powerful tool for designing all kinds of websites, from those with simple, static pages to interactive, media-driven sites for desktop, laptop, and mobile devices. But the program still doesn’t include a printed guide to its amazing capabilities. That’s where this Missing Manual comes in. With hands-on tutorials and coverage of every feature, you’ll learn to build, deploy, and manage sites whether you’re an experienced designer or just getting started.The important stuff you need to know:Dive into page design. Quickly learn the basics of working with text, images, links, and tables.Edit pages in Live view. Dynamically add elements to live pages and immediately see the results.Design once, and for all. Build fluid-grid sites that adapt themselves to desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.Troubleshoot your HTML. Use the new Element Quick View to reveal the hierarchy of page elements.Style with ease. Tap Dreamweaver’s enhanced CSS Designer to copy and paste styles.Enhance Dreamweaver. Get new program features with add-ons that integrate directly with Dreamweaver.Bring your pages to life. Use jQuery UI to add interactive page elements like tabbed content panels.Create universal pages. Avoid browser incompatibility with workarounds.

Flash CS3: The Missing Manual

by Christopher Grover E. A. Vander Veer

Flash CS3, the latest version of the premier tool for creating web animations and interactive web sites, can be intimidating to learn. This entertaining reference tutorial provides a reader-friendly animation primer and a guided tour of all the program's tools and capabilities. Beginners will learn to use the software in no time, and experienced users will quickly take their skills to the next level. The book gives Flash users of all levels hands-on instructions to help them master: * Special effects * Morphing * Adding audio and video * Introducing interactivity * And much more With Flash CS3: The Missing Manual you'll be able to turn an idea into a Flash animation, tutorial, or movie. This book will help you create online tutorials, training materials and full-blown presentations. It also teaches design principles throughout and helps you avoid elements that can distract or annoy an audience. This is the first new release of Flash since Adobe bought Macromedia, which means that it's the first version that will integrate easily with other Adobe products. It's a whole new ballgame when it comes to Flash, and Flash CS3: The Missing Manual offers you complete and objective coverage. It's the perfect companion to this powerful software.

ES6 for Humans

by Deepak Grover Hanu Prateek Kunduru

Learn ES6 best practices for code optimization and organization and walk through practical, common examples of how to implement complete components of your applications. While this book covers the basic concepts of modern JavaScript, it primarily focuses on the new syntax, data-types, functionalities, and everything else that's new in ES6, the latest standard of JavaScript. You'll examine how to use ES6 in functional programming and explore the new more modular and object-oriented approach to JavaScript. This book will help you sharpen and upgrade your JavaScript language skills so you to easily explore modern ES6 based frameworks or libraries such as ReactJS, ReactNative, Angular4 and Vue. js. ES6 for Humans is a complete guide to writing ES6 and will enable you to start taking advantage of this exciting new version of JavaScript. What You'll Learn Use all the new features added to JavaScript Compare ES5 and ES6 in varied situations Refresh your core JavaScript fundamentals Understand the modular and object-oriented approach to JavaScript Who this Book Is For Any Javascript developer who wants to fully understand and dive into the new features of ES6/ES2015. Developers with some background in programming, preferably in JavaScript. A basic understanding of coding concepts and exposure to object-oriented programming is expected.

Ye Olde Cat Memes: The Original Book of Cat Humor

by Eulalie Osgood Grover

A humorous gift book featuring the original pre-internet cat memes

Hadoop Application Architectures

by Mark Grover Jonathan Seidman Gwen Shapira Ted Malaska

Get expert guidance on architecting end-to-end data management solutions with Apache Hadoop. While many sources explain how to use various components in the Hadoop ecosystem, this practical book takes you through architectural considerations necessary to tie those components together into a complete tailored application, based on your particular use case.To reinforce those lessons, the book's second section provides detailed examples of architectures used in some of the most commonly found Hadoop applications. Whether you're designing a new Hadoop application, or planning to integrate Hadoop into your existing data infrastructure, Hadoop Application Architectures will skillfully guide you through the process.This book covers:Factors to consider when using Hadoop to store and model dataBest practices for moving data in and out of the systemData processing frameworks, including MapReduce, Spark, and HiveCommon Hadoop processing patterns, such as removing duplicate records and using windowing analyticsGiraph, GraphX, and other tools for large graph processing on HadoopUsing workflow orchestration and scheduling tools such as Apache OozieNear-real-time stream processing with Apache Storm, Apache Spark Streaming, and Apache FlumeArchitecture examples for clickstream analysis, fraud detection, and data warehousing

Designing Hyper-V Solutions

by Saurabh Grover

This book is aimed at IT admins, consultants, and architects alike who wish to deploy, manage, and maintain Hyper-V solutions in organizations of various sizes. You are expected to have a working knowledge of managing Windows Server and a fair understanding of networking and storage concepts.

AOP in .NET: Practical Aspect-Oriented Programming

by Matthew Groves

SummaryAOP in .NET introduces aspect-oriented programming to .NET developers and provides practical guidance on how to get the most benefit from this technique in your everyday coding. The book's many examples concentrate on modularizing non-functional requirements that often sprawl throughout object-oriented projects. Even if you've never tried AOP before, you'll appreciate the straightforward introduction using familiar C#-based examples. AOP tools for .NET have now reached the level of practical maturity Java developers have relied on for many years, and you'll explore the leading options, PostSharp, and Castle DynamicProxy.About the TechnologyCore concerns that cut across all parts of your application, such as logging or authorization, are difficult to maintain independently. In aspect-oriented programming (AOP) you isolate these cross-cutting concerns into their own classes, disentangling them from business logic. Mature AOP tools like PostSharp and Castle DynamicProxy now offer .NET developers the level of support Java coders have relied on for years.About this BookAOP in .NET introduces aspect-oriented programming and provides guidance on how to get the most practical benefit from this technique. The book's many examples concentrate on modularizing non-functional requirements that often sprawl throughout object-oriented projects. You'll appreciate its straightforward introduction using familiar C#-based examples.This book requires no prior experience with AOP. Readers should know C# or another OO language.What's InsideClear and simple introduction to AOPMaximum benefit with minimal theoryPostSharp and Castle DynamicProxyPurchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.About the AuthorMatthew D. Groves is a developer with over ten years of professional experience working with C#, ASP.NET, JavaScript, and PHP.Table of ContentsPART 1 GETTING STARTED WITH AOPIntroducing AOPAcme Car RentalPART 2 THE FUNDAMENTALSOF AOPCall this instead: intercepting methodsBefore and after: boundary aspectsGet this instead: intercepting locationsUnit testing aspectsPART 3 ADVANCED AOP CONCEPTSAOP implementation typesUsing AOP as an architectural toolAspect composition: example and execution

Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration: Third International Conference, Mike 2015, Hyderabad, India, December 9-11, 2015, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #9468)

by Adrian Groza Rajendra Prasath

This book constitutes the refereed conference proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration, MIKE 2018, held in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, in December 2018. The 33 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 93 submissions. The papers were grouped into various subtopics including evolutionary computation, knowledge exploration in IoT, artificial intelligence, machine learning, image processing, pattern recognition, speech processing, information retrieval, natural language processing, social network analysis, security, and fuzzy rough sets.

Blending Technologies in Second Language Classrooms

by Paul Gruba Don Hinkelman

This book introduces an approach for making principled decisions about the use of technologies specifically in Applied Linguistics. The research is grounded in the growing area of 'blended learning' that seeks to combine face-to-face instruction with online-based interactions. With both novice and experienced instructors in mind, Gruba and Hinkelman explain how to make decisions regarding computers in settings that are primarily taught face to face. Written in an accessible manner, and drawing on research and examples from a variety of contexts to illustrate and justify blended learning concepts, this new paperback will be a useful resource for language teachers, TESOL teachers and teacher educators.

Liberty's Crusade

by Jeff Grubb

Far in the future, 60,000 light-years from Earth, a loose confederacy of Terran exiles is locked in battle with the enigmatic Protoss and the ruthless Zerg Swarm. Each species struggles to ensure its own survival among the stars in a war that will herald the beginning of mankind's greatest chapter -- or foretell its violent, bloody end. Danny Liberty was a good reporter...too good. When his investigations struck too close to the heart of the corrupt Terran Confederacy, he faced a simple choice: continue his current series of exposés, or take a hazardous new assignment covering the Marines on the front lines of the Koprulu Sector. It didn't take him long to decide.... Behind the attacks of the Zerg and the Protoss lies the story of a lifetime, but every piece of information blurs the mystery further. Thrown into the middle of a war where the outcome will determine mankind's very survival, the only thing that Danny Liberty knows for sure is that the only person he can trust to keep him alive is himself. Liberty's Crusade The first in an epic new series of space warfare novels set in the world of the bestselling computer game!

The StarCraft Archive

by Jeff Grubb Gabriel Mesta Tracy Hickman Micky Neilson

In the distant future, a loose confederacy of terran exiles is locked in battle sixty thousand light-years from Earth, caught in the crossfire between two powerful alien races: the enigmatic protoss and the ruthless zerg swarm. Conflicts rage across the Koprulu sector as each of the three species fights for its existence among the stars. LIBERTY'S CRUSADE:Behind the attacks of the zerg and the protoss lies the story of a lifetime, and investigative reporter Mike Liberty is determined to uncover it. But every new piece of information only deepens the mystery. Thrown into the middle of a war that may determine the fate of humanity in the Koprulu sector, Liberty reports on the escalating conflict and wonders whom he can afford to trust. SHADOW OF THE XEL'NAGA:Bhekar Ro is a bleak, backwater world on the fringe of the Terran Dominion, and every day is a struggle to survive for the planet's human colonists. Yet when a violent storm unearths an unfathomable alien structure, Bhekar Ro becomes the greatest prize in the Koprulu sector. Zerg, protoss, and terran forces turn the planet into a bloody battlefield in their haste to claim the lost secrets of the most powerful species the universe has ever known. SPEED OF DARKNESS:All Ardo Melnikov ever dreamed of was living in peace on the verdant colony of Bountiful. That dream was shattered when the zerg attacked the colony and annihilated his loved ones. Now a marine charged with defending the worlds of the Terran Confederacy, he must come to terms with the painful memories of his past. . . and the unsettling truths that may dominate his future. UPRISING:She is the Queen of Blades. Her name has become legend throughout the galaxy, and that legend is death for all who dare oppose the swarm. Nevertheless, Sarah Kerrigan was once human, and an extraordinary human at that. Forced to become one of the Terran Confederacy's merciless psionic assassins, she carried out her orders without question until a twist of fate propelled her toward a destiny no one could have foreseen. This is the tale of Kerrigan's shadowy origins -- and the war that was fought for her very soul.

How Cybersecurity Really Works: A Hands-On Guide for Total Beginners

by Sam Grubb

Cybersecurity for Beginners is an engaging introduction to the field of cybersecurity. You'll learn how attackers operate, as well as how to defend yourself and organizations against online attacks.You don&’t need a technical background to understand core cybersecurity concepts and their practical applications – all you need is this book. It covers all the important stuff and leaves out the jargon, giving you a broad view of how specific attacks work and common methods used by online adversaries, as well as the controls and strategies you can use to defend against them. Each chapter tackles a new topic from the ground up, such as malware or social engineering, with easy-to-grasp explanations of the technology at play and relatable, real-world examples. Hands-on exercises then turn the conceptual knowledge you&’ve gained into cyber-savvy skills that will make you safer at work and at home. You&’ll explore various types of authentication (and how they can be broken), ways to prevent infections from different types of malware, like worms and viruses, and methods for protecting your cloud accounts from adversaries who target web apps. You&’ll also learn how to: • Use command-line tools to see information about your computer and network • Analyze email headers to detect phishing attempts • Open potentially malicious documents in a sandbox to safely see what they do • Set up your operating system accounts, firewalls, and router to protect your network • Perform a SQL injection attack by targeting an intentionally vulnerable website • Encrypt and hash your files In addition, you&’ll get an inside look at the roles and responsibilities of security professionals, see how an attack works from a cybercriminal&’s viewpoint, and get first-hand experience implementing sophisticated cybersecurity measures on your own devices.

Megaphone Bureaucracy: Speaking Truth to Power in the Age of the New Normal

by Dennis C. Grube

A revealing look at how today’s bureaucrats are finding their public voice in the era of 24-hour mediaOnce relegated to the anonymous back rooms of democratic debate, our bureaucratic leaders are increasingly having to govern under the scrutiny of a 24-hour news cycle, hyperpartisan political oversight, and a restless populace that is increasingly distrustful of the people who govern them. Megaphone Bureaucracy reveals how today’s civil servants are finding a voice of their own as they join elected politicians on the public stage and jockey for advantage in the persuasion game of modern governance.In this timely and incisive book, Dennis Grube draws on in-depth interviews and compelling case studies from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand to describe how senior bureaucrats are finding themselves drawn into political debates they could once avoid. Faced with a political climate where polarization and media spin are at an all-time high, these modern mandarins negotiate blame games and manage contradictory expectations in the glare of an unforgiving spotlight. Grube argues that in this fiercely divided public square a new style of bureaucratic leadership is emerging, one that marries the robust independence of Washington agency heads with the prudent political neutrality of Westminster civil servants. These “Washminster” leaders do not avoid the public gaze, nor do they overtly court political controversy. Rather, they use their increasingly public pulpits to exert their own brand of persuasive power.Megaphone Bureaucracy shows how today’s senior bureaucrats are making their voices heard by embracing a new style of communication that brings with it great danger but also great opportunity.

Rust Web Development: With warp, tokio, and reqwest

by Bastian Gruber

Create bulletproof, high-performance web apps and servers with Rust.In Rust Web Development you will learn: Handling the borrow checker in an asynchronous environment Learning the ingredients of an asynchronous Rust stack Creating web APIs and using JSON in Rust Graceful error handling Testing, tracing, logging, and debugging Deploying Rust applications Efficient database access Rust Web Development is a pragmatic, hands-on guide to creating server-based web applications with Rust. If you&’ve designed web servers using Java, NodeJS, or PHP, you&’ll instantly fall in love with the performance and development experience Rust delivers. Hit the ground running! Author Bastian Gruber&’s sage advice makes it easy to start tackling complex problems with Rust. You&’ll learn how to work efficiently using pure Rust, along with important Rust libraries such as tokio for async runtimes, warp for web servers and APIs, and reqwest to run external HTTP requests. About the technology If you&’re sick of cookie-cutter web development tools that are slow, resource hungry, and unstable, Rust is the solution. Rust services deliver rock-solid safety guarantees, an amazing developer experience, and even a compiler that automatically prevents common mistakes! About the book Rust Web Development, teaches you to build server-side web apps using Rust, along with important Rust libraries like tokio for async runtimes, warp for web servers and APIs, and reqwest to run external HTTP requests. The book is packed full of examples, code samples, and pro tips for setting up your projects and organizing your code. As you go, you&’ll build a complete Q&A web service and iterate on your code chapter-by-chapter, just like a real development project. What's inside Handle the borrow checker in an asynchronous environment Build web APIs and handle JSON Compose a tech stack for asynchronous Rust development Handle errors gracefully Test, trace, log, and debug Deploy Rust applications to multiple environments About the reader This book is for web developers familiar with Java, Node, or Go, and the absolute basics of Rust. About the author Bastian Gruber is a Protocol Engineer at Centrifuge. He was part of the official Rust Async Working Group, and founded the Rust and Tell Berlin MeetUp group. Table of Contents PART 1 INTRODUCTION TO RUST 1 Why Rust? 2 Laying the foundation PART 2 GETTING STARTED 3 Create your first route handler 4 Implement a RESTful API 5 Clean up your codebase 6 Logging, tracing, and debugging 7 Add a database to your application 8 Integrate third-party APIs PART 3 BRING IT INTO PRODUCTION 9 Add authentication and authorization 10 Deploy your application 11 Testing your Rust application

Coding with Coda

by Eric J. Gruber

Like to build websites in the wild with your MacBook? This concise hands-on guide introduces you to the ideal editor: Coda 2. Rather than clutter your screen with shell access, a separate CSS editor, and a version control app, you'll discover how Coda's "one-window web development" bundles everything into one neat application. Take Coda on a trial run, then learn step-by-step how to configure each feature to fit your working style. You'll find out firsthand how Coda will save you time and effort on your next project. Get to know Coda's workflow by building a sample site Delve into features such as the tab bar, path bar, sidebar, and Sites view Set up your own development environment-and dig deeper into the editor's options Get tips for taking full advantage of the text and MySQL editors Create a Git or Subversion repository for source control management Learn the finer points of sharing project documents across a network Discover the built-in reference books, and learn how to extend Coda

Learning Rails 5: Rails from the Outside In

by Gruber Locklear

If you're a web developer or designer ready to learn Ruby on Rails, this unique book is the ideal way to start.Rather than throw you into the middle of the framework's Model-View-Controller architecture, Learning Rails 5 works from the outside in. You'll begin with the foundations of the Web you already know, and learn how to create something visible with Rails' view layer. Then you'll tackle the more difficult inner layers: the database models and controller code.All you need to get started is HTML experience. Each chapter includes exercises and review questions to test your understanding as you go.

HPC@Green IT

by Ralf Gruber Vincent Keller Erich Strohmaier

The authors present methods to reduce computer energy consumption by means of a better usage of a specific set of resources and maximizing the efficiency of the running applications. The processor frequency is adjusted to the needs of the running job, leading to a power drop by a factor of 2 and doubling battery life time of laptops. It is shown how computer resources can be optimally adapted to application needs, reducing job run time. Examples on how to optimize algorithms on single node and parallel RISC architectures are discussed. The job-related data are stored and reused to help computer managers to replace machines.

Euro-Par 2019: Euro-Par 2019 International Workshops, Göttingen, Germany, August 26–30, 2019, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11997)

by Thomas Gruber Emmanuel Jeannot Laura Ricci Stephen L. Scott Dieter Schwamborn Dora B. Heras Valeria Cardellini Antonio Salis Claudio Schifanella Ravi Reddy Manumachu Laura Antonelli Ulrich Schwardmann Christian Boehme Oh Sangyoon

This book constitutes revised selected papers from the workshops held at 25th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Euro-Par 2019, which took place in Göttingen, Germany, in August 2019. The 53 full papers and 10 poster papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 77 submissions. Euro-Par is an annual, international conference in Europe, covering all aspects of parallel and distributed processing. These range from theory to practice, from small to the largest parallel and distributed systems and infrastructures, from fundamental computational problems to full-edged applications, from architecture, compiler, language and interface design and implementation to tools, support infrastructures, and application performance aspects. Chapter "In Situ Visualization of Performance-Related Data in Parallel CFD Applications" is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

UAVs for Spatial Modelling and Urban Informatics

by Tony H. Grubesic Jake R. Nelson Ran Wei

This book aims to provide a wide range of real-world applications in using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for geographic observation, spatial modeling, and urban informatics. Specifically, UAVs are incredibly effective platforms for connecting people, places, and technology. This book explores the utility of UAVs for monitoring, measuring, and improving urban infrastructure systems, urban sustainability, and the urban environment. The dynamism of cities provides opportunities for economic, social, and environmental change, but benchmarking and measuring cities continues to be challenging. This challenge is due, at least in part, to a lack of monitoring systems that can collect and analyze data at a granular enough scale to capture the nuance of local phenomena. UAVs offer a promising mechanism to fill this niche, serving as a measurement platform that can rapidly and inexpensively collect data and monitor change in cities. However, their use is fraught with social, operational, regulatory, and technical challenges for successful deployments. This book provides a resource for urbanists (e.g., planners, geographers, sociologists, epidemiologists, engineers), educators, and students who work with geographic information and seek to enhance these data using data and information from unmanned aerial vehicles. At the same time, we provide operational and methodological frameworks for carrying out these advanced analyses in a manner that considers the challenges of incorporating UAVs in research within the urban environment. We provide six unique applications of UAVs for urban analysis, detailing relevant policy and empirical questions, UAV mission parameters, data collection, spatial modeling, and the associated empirical results. Further, we discuss how best to integrate these results into actionable geospatial intelligence and policy development to improve city infrastructure systems, sustainability, the environment, and neighborhood quality.

Deployment with Docker

by Srdjan Grubor

A practical guide to rapidly and efficiently mastering Docker containers, along with tips and tricks learned in the field. About This Book • Use Docker containers, horizontal node scaling, modern orchestration tools (Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, and Mesos) and Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery to manage your infrastructure. • Increase service density by turning often-idle machines into hosts for numerous Docker services. • Learn what it takes to build a true container infrastructure that is scalable, reliable, and resilient in the face of increased complexities from using container infrastructures. • Find out how to identify, debug, and mitigate most real-world, undocumented issues when deploying your own Docker infrastructure. • Learn tips and tricks of the trade from existing Docker infrastructures running in production environments. Who This Book Is For This book is aimed at system administrators, developers, DevOps engineers, and software engineers who want to get concrete, hands-on experience deploying multi-tier web applications and containerized microservices using Docker. This book is also for anyone who has worked on deploying services in some fashion and wants to take their small-scale setups to the next level (or simply to learn more about the process). What You Will Learn • Set up a working development environment and create a simple web service to demonstrate the basics • Learn how to make your service more usable by adding a database and an app server to process logic • Add resilience to your services by learning how to horizontally scale with a few containers on a single node • Master layering isolation and messaging to simplify and harden the connectivity between containers • Learn about numerous issues encountered at scale and their workarounds, from the kernel up to code versioning • Automate the most important parts of your infrastructure with continuous integration In Detail Deploying Docker into production is considered to be one of the major pain points in developing large-scale infrastructures, and the documentation available online leaves a lot to be desired. With this book, you will learn everything you wanted to know to effectively scale your deployments globally and build a resilient, scalable, and containerized cloud platform for your own use. The book starts by introducing you to the containerization ecosystem with some concrete and easy-to-digest examples; after that, you will delve into examples of launching multiple instances of the same container. From there, you will cover orchestration, multi-node setups, volumes, and almost every relevant component of this new approach to deploying services. Using intertwined approaches, the book will cover battle-tested tooling, or issues likely to be encountered in real-world scenarios, in detail. You will also learn about the other supporting components required for a true PaaS deployment and discover common options to tie the whole infrastructure together. At the end of the book, you learn to build a small, but functional, PaaS (to appreciate the power of the containerized service approach) and continue to explore real-world approaches to implementing even larger global-scale services. Style and approach This in-depth learning guide shows you how to deploy your applications in production using Docker (from the basic steps to advanced concepts) and how to overcome challenges in Docker-based infrastructures. The book also covers practical use-cases in real-world examples, and provides tips and tricks on the various topics.

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