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Showing 17,951 through 17,975 of 54,430 results

Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality

by Paul Grünbacher Anna Perini

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 23rd International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering - Foundation for Software Quality, REFSQ 2017, held in Essen, Germany, in February/March 2017. The 16 full papers and 10 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 77 submissions. The papers were organized in topical sections named: use case models; ecosystems and innovation; human factors in requirements engineering; goal-orientation in requirements engineering; communication and collaboration; process and tool integration; visualization and representation of requirements; agile requirements engineering; natural language processing, information retrieval and machine learning traceability; quality of natural language requirements; research methodology in requirements engineering.

CDO & MAPI Programming with Visual Basic

by Dave Grundgeiger

Computers and devices are more connected now than ever before. Why? Because the humans who use those computers need to collaborate. We need to share information, and we need to do it quickly, without regard to the physical distance that separates us. Corporate solution developers now more than ever have the opportunity and responsibility to enable people to communicate in ways never before possible. CDO and MAPI Programming with Visual Basic: Developing Mail and Messaging Applications dives deep into Microsoft's Collaboration Data Objects (CDO) and the Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI), then moves into succinct explanations of the types of useful messaging applications that can be written in Visual Basic. Microsoft has given the Visual Basic community Collaboration Data Objects (CDO)--a technology that goes far beyond simple email, fully into the realm of information workflow. CDO enables Visual Basic applications to exchange not only classic email, but in fact any information in a straightforward and easy way. The Internet--sometimes seen as a barrier by developers--is turned into an open pipe, ready to take your application's data around the world. Routing documents and building email list servers is just the beginning. Harness the power of worldwide communication in your everyday business applications. MAPI is the cornerstone of messaging on the Windows platforms, and profoundly influences the way you will write your collaboration applications. Understanding this technology lays the foundation for adding effective collaboration capabilities to your own applications. CDO and MAPI Programming with Visual Basic: Developing Mail and Messaging Applications fills a gap in an exciting and relatively young, yet popular, technology that lacks adequate documentation.

Programming Visual Basic .NET

by Dave Grundgeiger

Targeted at experienced programmers, Programming Visual Basic .NET is the complete guide to application development using Visual Basic .NET. Starting with a sample application and a high-level map, the book jumps right into showing how the parts of .NET fit with Visual Basic .NET. Topics include the common language runtime, Windows Forms, ASP.NET, Web Forms, Web Services, and ADO.NET.

Statistical Robust Beamforming for Broadcast Channels and Applications in Satellite Communication (Foundations in Signal Processing, Communications and Networking #22)

by Andreas Gründinger

This book investigates adaptive physical-layer beamforming and resource allocation that ensure reliable data transmission in the multi-antenna broadcast channel. The book provides an overview of robust optimization techniques and modelling approximations to deal with stochastic performance metrics. One key contribution of the book is a closed-form description of the achievable rates with unlimited transmit power for a rank-one channel error model. Additionally, the book provides a concise duality framework to transform mean square error (MSE) based beamformer designs, e.g., quality of service and balancing optimizations, into equivalent uplink filter designs. For the algorithmic solution, the book analyses the following paradigm: transmission to receivers with large MSE targets (low demands) is switched off if the transmit power is low. The book also studies chance constrained optimizations for limiting the outage probability. In this context, the book provides two novel conservative outage probability approximations, that result in convex beamformer optimizations. To compensate for the remaining inaccuracy, the book introduces a post-processing power allocation. Finally, the book applies the introduced beamformer designs for SatCom, where interference from neighboring spotbeams and channel fading are the main limitations.

Information and Knowledge Systems

by Michel Grundstein Camille Rosenthal-Sabroux Pierre-Emmanuel Arduin

The purpose of this book is to question the relationships involved in decision making and the systems designed to support it: decision support systems (DSS). The focus is on how these systems are engineered; to stop and think about the questions to be asked throughout the engineering process and, in particular, about the impact designers' choices have on these systems. This therefore involves identifying the elements of the problem of decision support systems engineering: the main objects and dimensions to be considered and the relationships they involve, issues at the levels of the decision-maker, of the organization (and even of society), the general approach to which to subscribe and so on.

Relating Software Requirements and Architectures

by John Grundy Jon G. Hall Patricia Lago Ivan Mistrík Paris Avgeriou

Why have a book about the relation between requirements and software architecture? Understanding the relation between requirements and architecture is important because the requirements, be they explicit or implicit, represent the function, whereas the architecture determines the form. While changes to a set of requirements may impact on the realization of the architecture, choices made for an architectural solution may impact on requirements, e.g., in terms of revising functional or non-functional requirements that cannot actually be met. Although research in both requirements engineering and software architecture is quite active, it is in their combination that understanding is most needed and actively sought. Presenting the current state of the art is the purpose of this book. The editors have divided the contributions into four parts: Part 1 "Theoretical Underpinnings and Reviews" addresses the issue of requirements change management in architectural design through traceability and reasoning. Part 2 "Tools and Techniques" presents approaches, tools, and techniques for bridging the gap between software requirements and architecture. Part 3 "Industrial Case Studies" then reports industrial experiences, while part 4 on "Emerging Issues" details advanced topics such as synthesizing architecture from requirements or the role of middleware in architecting for non-functional requirements. The final chapter is a conclusions chapter identifying key contributions and outstanding areas for future research and improvement of practice. The book is targeted at academic and industrial researchers in requirements engineering or software architecture. Graduate students specializing in these areas as well as advanced professionals in software development will also benefit from the results and experiences presented in this volume.

Collaborative Software Engineering

by John Grundy Jim Whitehead André Van Hoek Ivan Mistrík

Collaboration among individuals - from users to developers - is central to modern software engineering. It takes many forms: joint activity to solve common problems, negotiation to resolve conflicts, creation of shared definitions, and both social and technical perspectives impacting all software development activity. The difficulties of collaboration are also well documented. The grand challenge is not only to ensure that developers in a team deliver effectively as individuals, but that the whole team delivers more than just the sum of its parts. The editors of this book have assembled an impressive selection of authors, who have contributed to an authoritative body of work tackling a wide range of issues in the field of collaborative software engineering. The resulting volume is divided into four parts, preceded by a general editorial chapter providing a more detailed review of the domain of collaborative software engineering. Part 1 is on "Characterizing Collaborative Software Engineering", Part 2 examines various "Tools and Techniques", Part 3 addresses organizational issues, and finally Part 4 contains four examples of "Emerging Issues in Collaborative Software Engineering". As a result, this book delivers a comprehensive state-of-the-art overview and empirical results for researchers in academia and industry in areas like software process management, empirical software engineering, and global software development. Practitioners working in this area will also appreciate the detailed descriptions and reports which can often be used as guidelines to improve their daily work.

Das IT-Gesetz: Leitfaden für ein Regelwerk zur IT-Sicherheit im Unternehmen

by Ralf-T. Grünendahl Andreas F. Steinbacher Peter H. L. Will

Das Buch richtet sich an F#65533;hrungskr#65533;fte und Sicherheitsbeauftragte, die vor der Aufgabe stehen, Regelungen zur IT-Sicherheit f#65533;r ihr Unternehmen zu definieren. Dieses Buch liefert dazu eine konkrete Anleitung. Es basiert auf internationalen Standards wie BSI Grundschutz-Handbuch, Cobit und ITIL.

ICT Education

by Stefan Gruner

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 45th Annual Conference of the Southern African Computer Lecturers' Association on ICT Education, SACLA 2016, held in Cullinan, South Africa, in July 2016. The three revised full papers and 13 work-in-progress papers presented together with two invited keynote papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 30 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on assessment methods, instruction methods, new curricula, social skills, and various experiences.

Methodisches Content Marketing: Erfolgreich durch systematisches Vorgehen, integriertes Arbeiten und klare ROI-Orientierung

by Gerrit Grunert

Dieses Buch vermittelt, wie Sie Content-Marketing-Strategien Schritt für Schritt in Ihrem Unternehmen implementierenIn seinem Buch „Content Marketing mit System“ vermittelt Autor Gerrit Grunert Unternehmern und Marketern die wichtigsten Strategien und Methoden des Content Marketings. Er widmet sich hierfür allen Dimensionen der Marketing-Disziplin – von der Planung über die Konzeption bis zur Content Distribution. Die übersichtliche Darstellung und konkrete Praxisbeispiele tragen dazu bei, dass der Inhalt leicht verständlich ist.Wichtige Tools und Messgrößen für Ihren UnternehmenserfolgGerrit Grunert gelingt es mit seinem Buch aber nicht nur, die wichtigsten Methoden und Strategien im Content Marketing praxisorientiert zu vermitteln, indem er die verschiedenen Einzeldisziplinen und deren Ziele vorstellt. Mit seinem Werk gibt er Ihnen zusätzlich eine Toolbox voller nützlicher Werkzeuge an die Hand, die Ihnen dabei helfen, Content Marketing in Ihrem Unternehmen effizient umzusetzen. (131)

Einführung in die Computeranimation: Methoden, Algorithmen, Grundlagen

by Stefan M. Grünvogel

​Das Buch ist das erste umfassende deutschsprachige Lehrbuch zur Computeranimation, das sich speziell an Studierende der Informatik und der Ingenieurwissenschaften richtet, die ihr Verständnis der mathematischen Grundlagen und Algorithmen dieses spannenden Gebiets vertiefen wollen. Das Lehrbuch ist in vier Hauptteile gegliedert und deckt damit alle wichtigen Bereiche der Computeranimation ab: Animationssysteme, Objektanimation, Charakteranimation und Prozedurale Animation. Jeder Teil ist in weitere Kapitel unterteilt und bietet eine detaillierte Darstellung der Algorithmen und Methoden der Computeranimation mit ausführlichen Erklärungen.Im ersten Teil werden die wichtigsten Konzepte von Animationssystemen wie Szenengraphen, Zeit und Game Loop erläutert. Im zweiten Teil geht es um die Animation und Steuerung von Objekten entlang von Kurven, die die Grundlage vieler Animationstechniken bilden. Im dritten Teil wird das Gebiet der Charakteranimation ausführlich behandelt. Kinematik und inverse Kinematik werden diskutiert, Skinning-Methoden vorgestellt und Motion-Capture und die Verarbeitung von Bewegungsdaten ausführlich beschrieben. Der letzte Teil des Buches beschäftigt sich mit der prozeduralen Animation und stellt verschiedene Algorithmen für physikalisch basierte Animation und Partikelsysteme vor. Im gesamten Buch finden sich zahlreiche Beispiele und Illustrationen, die das Verständnis der behandelten Konzepte und Verfahren vertiefen. Am Ende jedes Kapitels finden sich Verweise auf historische und weiterführende Literatur, die zu weiterer Forschung anregen. Ein wichtiger Teil des Buches sind die zahlreichen Übungen und Projekte, die helfen, das Gelernte zu vertiefen und selbst zu erproben.

Usability von Produkten und Anleitungen im digitalen Zeitalter: Handbuch für Entwickler, IT-Spezialisten und technische Redakteure

by Gertrud Grünwied

Technische Produkte können nur erfolgreich sein, wenn die Gebrauchstauglichkeit, die Usability, frühzeitig im Entwicklungsprozess geplant und in allen Produktphasen verankert wird. Dies betrifft smarte Geräte, Softwareprodukte, Webanwendungen und Apps genauso wie komplexe und umfangreich dokumentierte Maschinen, Fahrzeuge und Systeme. In ihrem Buch vermittelt Gertrud Grünwied eine ganzheitliche Sicht auf intuitiv bedienbare Produkte und deren Anleitungen. Sie bietet das relevante Know-how zu User-Centered Design und eine Übersicht zur Auswahl von Usability-Methoden. Usability-Maßnahmen beschreibt sie schrittweise von der Planung, der Durchführung und Auswertung bis zur Optimierung von Produkt und Anleitung. Der Praxisteil präsentiert Fallstudien für Anleitungen mit und ohne Produkt sowie für eine Dienste-App im Internet, außerdem eine Betrachtung zu Kosten, Nutzen und Implementierungszeitpunkt von Usability-Methoden. Die dargestellten Usability-Maßnahmen erstrecken sich nicht nur auf das technische Produkt selbst, sondern auch auf die Nutzungssituation und die smarte Benutzerinformation, zum Beispiel das Nachschlagen in der Bedienungsanleitung zur Fehlerbehebung, Dokumentations-Apps zum Kennenlernen von Systemfunktionen oder das Üben und Lernen anhand einer Produktsimulation per Video-Tutorial oder Animation. Damit richtet sich das Buch an alle Mitarbeiter produzierender Unternehmen und ihrer Dienstleister, die an Usability-Aspekten beteiligt sind - Produktmanager, Entwickler, IT-Spezialisten, Designer, Technische Redakteure und Mitarbeiter in Schulung und Service, aber auch an Studierende der Informatik und Ingenieurwissenschaften einschließlich Technischer Redaktion und Kommunikation. Inhalt: Anforderungen an Usability von Produkten und Anleitungen "4.0" - Prozesse und Planung - Nutzer- und Nutzungsforschung - Gestaltung - Evaluation - Anwenden der Methoden und ihre Wirtschaftlichkeit - Fallstudien - Software-Tools und Normen

The Developmental Organization of Robot Behavior (Intelligent Robotics and Autonomous Agents series)

by Roderic A. Grupen

A comprehensive introduction to the mathematical foundations of movement and actuation that apply equally to animals and machines.This textbook offers a computational framework for the sensorimotor stage of development as applied to robotics. Much work in developmental robotics is based on ad hoc examples, without a full computational basis. This book's comprehensive and complete treatment fills the gap, drawing on the principal mechanisms of development in the first year of life to introduce what is essentially an operating system for developing robots. The goal is to apply principles of development to robot systems that not only achieve new levels of performance but also provide evidence for scientific theories of human development.

Datenrendite: Mit künstlicher Intelligenz, Machine Learning und Data Science den Unternehmenswert steigern

by Tillmann Grupp

Gegenwärtig gibt es einen starken Hype um die Themen künstliche Intelligenz, Machine Learning und Data Science. Doch wie lassen sich datengetriebene Methoden und Technologien nutzen und in Unternehmen gewinnbringend einsetzen? Dieses Buch zeigt praxisnah und anschaulich, wie mit der richtigen Datenbasis und Datenmodellen der Wert von Daten für Unternehmen erschlossen werden kann. Dabei geht es nicht um technische Details zu Algorithmen und Technologien, sondern um Instrumente und sofort anwendbare Lösungen zur erfolgreichen Projektumsetzung.Jedes Kapitel stellt die jeweilige Zielsetzung vor, vermittelt anschließend alle Inhalte und fasst am Ende – neben einer Checkliste der wichtigsten Maßnahmen – die Aussagen für verschiedene Organisationsformen zusammen. Anhand zahlreicher Beispiele wird gezeigt, wie Struktur und Vorgehen den Anforderungen der komplexen Werkzeuge gerecht werden können.

Data Science from Scratch: First Principles with Python

by Joel Grus

Data science libraries, frameworks, modules, and toolkits are great for doing data science, but they're also a good way to dive into the discipline without actually understanding data science. In this book, you'll learn how many of the most fundamental data science tools and algorithms work by implementing them from scratch.If you have an aptitude for mathematics and some programming skills, author Joel Grus will help you get comfortable with the math and statistics at the core of data science, and with hacking skills you need to get started as a data scientist. Today's messy glut of data holds answers to questions no one's even thought to ask. This book provides you with the know-how to dig those answers out.Get a crash course in PythonLearn the basics of linear algebra, statistics, and probability--and understand how and when they're used in data scienceCollect, explore, clean, munge, and manipulate dataDive into the fundamentals of machine learningImplement models such as k-nearest Neighbors, Naive Bayes, linear and logistic regression, decision trees, neural networks, and clusteringExplore recommender systems, natural language processing, network analysis, MapReduce, and databases

Data Science from Scratch: First Principles with Python

by Joel Grus

Data science libraries, frameworks, modules, and toolkits are great for doing data science, but they’re also a good way to dive into the discipline without actually understanding data science. With this updated second edition, you’ll learn how many of the most fundamental data science tools and algorithms work by implementing them from scratch.If you have an aptitude for mathematics and some programming skills, author Joel Grus will help you get comfortable with the math and statistics at the core of data science, and with hacking skills you need to get started as a data scientist. Today’s messy glut of data holds answers to questions no one’s even thought to ask. This book provides you with the know-how to dig those answers out.

Secure IT Systems: 23rd Nordic Conference, NordSec 2018, Oslo, Norway, November 28-30, 2018, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11252)

by Nils Gruschka

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings on the 23rd Nordic Conference on Secure IT Systems, NordSec 2018, held in Oslo, Norway, in November 2018.The 29 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 81 submissions. They are organized in topical sections named: privacy; cryptography; network and cloud security; cyber security and malware; and security for software and software development.

Privacy Technologies and Policy: 9th Annual Privacy Forum, APF 2021, Oslo, Norway, June 17–18, 2021, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12703)

by Nils Gruschka Luís Filipe Coelho Antunes Kai Rannenberg Prokopios Drogkaris

This book constitutes the refereed conference proceedings of the 9th Annual Privacy Forum, APF 2021. Due to COVID-19 pandemic the conference was held virtually. The 9 revised full papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 43 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on Implementing Personal Data Processing Principles; Privacy Enhancing Technologies; Promoting Compliance with the GDPR.

Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment: 20th International Conference, DIMVA 2023, Hamburg, Germany, July 12–14, 2023, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13959)

by Daniel Gruss Federico Maggi Mathias Fischer Michele Carminati

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment, DIMVA 2023, held in Hamburg, Germany, in July 2023. The 12 full papers and 1 short paper presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 43 submissions. The papers are organized in thematical sections named: Side Channels Attacks; Security and Machine Learning; Cyber Physical System Security; Security Issues when Dealing with Users; Analysis of Vulnerable Code; Flow Integrity and Security.

Computational Diffusion MRI: International MICCAI Workshop, Granada, Spain, September 2018 (Mathematics and Visualization)

by Francesco Grussu Lipeng Ning Chantal M. Tax Elisenda Bonet-Carne Farshid Sepehrband

This volume gathers papers presented at the Workshop on Computational Diffusion MRI (CDMRI’18), which was held under the auspices of the International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention in Granada, Spain on September 20, 2018. It presents the latest developments in the highly active and rapidly growing field of diffusion MRI. The reader will find papers on a broad range of topics, from the mathematical foundations of the diffusion process and signal generation, to new computational methods and estimation techniques for the in-vivo recovery of microstructural and connectivity features, as well as harmonisation and frontline applications in research and clinical practice. The respective papers constitute invited works from high-profile researchers with a specific focus on three topics that are now gaining momentum within the diffusion MRI community: i) machine learning for diffusion MRI; ii) diffusion MRI outside the brain (e.g. in the placenta); and iii) diffusion MRI for multimodal imaging. The book shares new perspectives on the latest research challenges for those currently working in the field, but also offers a valuable starting point for anyone interested in learning computational techniques in diffusion MRI. It includes rigorous mathematical derivations, a wealth of full-colour visualisations, and clinically relevant results. As such, it will be of interest to researchers and practitioners in the fields of computer science, MRI physics and applied mathematics alike.

Offline!: Der Kollaps der globalen digitalen Zivilisation

by Thomas Grüter

In der Geschichte der Menschheit entstanden und vergingen mehr als 50 Hochkulturen und Zivilisationen. Auffällig dabei: Die meisten zerfielen in nur wenigen Jahrzehnten – unmittelbar nach dem Gipfelpunkt ihrer Macht und ihres Reichtums. Kann uns das auch passieren?Heute, zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts, dominiert nur eine einzige Lebensweise: die globale digitale Zivilisation. Ohne Smartphones, Computer, GPS und Suchmaschinen geht nichts mehr. Nirgendwo. Und noch immer ist der Fortschritt rasant. Hat unsere Zivilisation vielleicht schon bald ihren Höhepunkt erreicht? Das Buch trägt beunruhigende Indizien dafür zusammen – und trifft damit den Nerv der Zeit. In Europa glaubt schon heute eine Mehrheit der Menschen, dass es ihren Kindern schlechter gehen wird als ihnen.Thomas Grüter vertritt die These, dass nicht Pandemien, Supervulkane oder Sonnenstürme die größten Risiken der Menschheit sind. Vielmehr droht das komplexe Grundgerüst unsere Zivilisation seine Stabilität zu verlieren. Selbst ohne die Belastung durch Klimawandel und Bodendegradation könnte es von innen her zerfallen. In zehn Kapiteln untersucht das Buch die Risiken der modernen Informationsgesellschaft, z.B:· Wie anfällig sind die Infrastrukturen und speziell die digitale Infrastruktur?· Wie stabil ist das gespeicherte Wissen? Können medizinische und naturwissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse überhaupt wieder verloren gehen?· Muss eine Wirtschaft, die auf ständiges Wachstum und globalen Handel angewiesen ist, irgendwann kollabieren? · Wann gehen uns die Rohstoffe aus, und ist das überhaupt absehbar? · Wie sicher sind Zukunftsvorsagen?· Welche Gefahr geht von Cyberkriegen aus? · Wie könnte die Gesellschaft nach dem Ende des Internets und der Smartphones aussehen?· Was lernen wir aus dem Zerfall früherer Zivilisationen?· Mit welchen Maßnahmen können wir einen plötzlichen Zerfall der digitalen Lebensweise abfedern oder vermeiden? Spannend geschrieben und umfassend recherchiert, gibt das Buch schlüssige Antworten auf die entscheidende Frage: Wie vermeiden wir die Fehler, an denen bisher alle Zivilisationen gescheitert sind? Das Buch legt die Sollbruchstellen der globalen digitalen Zivilisation offen und weist Wege aus der Krise. Wenn die Menschheit alle anstehenden Probleme meistert, dann steht ihr irgendwann der Weg zu den Sternen offen.

Observability and Controllability of General Linear Systems

by Lyubomir Gruyitch

Observability and Controllability of General Linear Systems treats five different families of the linear systems, three of which are new. The book begins with the definition of time together with a brief description of its crucial properties. It presents further new results on matrices, on polynomial matrices, on matrix polynomials, on rational matrices, and on the new compact, simple and elegant calculus that enabled the generalization of the transfer function matrix concept and of the state concept, the proofs of the new necessary and sufficient observability and controllability conditions for all five classes of the studied systems. <P><P>Features <li>Generalizes the state space concept and the complex domain fundamentals of the control systems unknown in previously published books by other authors. <li>Addresses the knowledge and ability necessary to overcome the crucial lacunae of the existing control theory and drawbacks of its applications. <li>Outlines new effective mathematical means for effective complete analysis and synthesis of the control systems. <li>Upgrades, completes and broadens the control theory related to the classical self-contained control concepts: observability and controllability. <li>Provides information necessary to create and teach advanced inherently upgraded control courses.

Trackability and Tracking of General Linear Systems

by Lyubomir Gruyitch

Trackability and Tracking of General Linear Systems deals with five classes of the systems, three of which are new, begins with the definition of time together with a brief description of its crucial properties and with the principles of the physical uniqueness and continuity of physical variables. They are essential for the natural tracking control synthesis. The book presents further new results on the new compact, simple and elegant calculus that enabled the generalization of the transfer function matrix concept and of the state concept, the completion of the trackability and tracking concepts together with the proofs of the trackability and tracking criteria, as well as the natural tracking control synthesis for all five classes of the systems. Features • Crucially broadens the state space concept and the complex domain fundamentals of the dynamical systems to the control systems. • Addresses the knowledge and ability necessary to study and design control systems that will satisfy the fundamental control goal. • Outlines new effective mathematical means for effective complete analysis and synthesis of the control systems. • Upgrades, completes and essentially generalizes the control theory beyond the existing boundaries. • Provides information necessary to create and teach advanced inherently upgraded control courses.

The TypeScript Workshop: A practical guide to confident, effective TypeScript programming

by Ben Grynhaus Jordan Hudgens Rayon Hunte Matt Morgan Wekoslav Stefanovski

Broaden your skill set by learning TypeScript and applying your knowledge to build real-world applicationsKey FeaturesQuickly get started writing TypeScript code with hands-on exercises and activitiesDevelop new skills that can be applied at work or in your own side projectsBuild your understanding, boost your confidence, and advance your programming careerBook DescriptionBy learning TypeScript, you can start writing cleaner, more readable code that's easier to understand and less likely to contain bugs. What's not to like?It's certainly an appealing prospect, but learning a new language can be challenging, and it's not always easy to know where to begin. This book is the perfect place to start. It provides the ideal platform for JavaScript programmers to practice writing eloquent, productive TypeScript code.Unlike many theory-heavy books, The TypeScript Workshop balances clear explanations with opportunities for hands-on practice. You'll quickly be up and running building functional websites, without having to wade through pages and pages of history and dull, dry fluff. Guided exercises clearly demonstrate how key concepts are used in the real world, and each chapter is rounded off with an activity that challenges you to apply your new knowledge in the context of a realistic scenario.Whether you're a hobbyist eager to get cracking on your next project, or a professional developer looking to unlock your next promotion, pick up a copy and make a start! Whatever your motivation, by the end of this book, you'll have the confidence and understanding to make it happen with TypeScript.What you will learnConfigure a professional TypeScript development environmentExplore how to use primitive and complex data typesIncorporate types into popular npm (Node package manager) librariesDesign systems that use asynchronous behaviorImplement object-oriented programming to model real-world scenariosGet to grips with modern UI design by combining React with TypeScriptWho this book is forThe TypeScript Workshop is for software developers who want to broaden their skill set by learning the TypeScript programming language. To get the most from this TypeScript book, you should have basic knowledge of JavaScript or experience using another similar programming language.

Privacy Technologies and Policy: 10th Annual Privacy Forum, APF 2022, Warsaw, Poland, June 23–24, 2022, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #13279)

by Agnieszka Gryszczyńska Przemysław Polański Nils Gruschka Kai Rannenberg Monika Adamczyk

This book constitutes the refereed conference proceedings of the 10th Annual Privacy Forum, APF 2022 in Warsaw, Poland in June 2022. The 8 full papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 38 submissions. The papers are organized in the area of privacy and data protection while focusing on privacy related application areas. A large focus of the 2022 conference was on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

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